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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Feb 1916, p. 12

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,LK T; COU<XTNTYMWBIPE1NDENT. -FRIDAY. PEFÉRIARY. 191,~q6. UYTO QUIT; lIAS PROVED A FAILURE SBi Sheidan Declared This Morning That He Will Quit During This Week. HAS BEEN LO§ING MONEY. Blam Failure of Sufficient Stores to Adopt System as Reason for Quttng. Runons thal Shéidas's Merchanta' Del"ar la to discontinue oprations tbis weék were ronfirmed this mors- Ilig by Philip Sheridan. sole ownér Ôf the delivery aystém. Falure os thé part cf local merchants te avail tenelvea of thé opportuslty oféi-éd by bis coscers vas given by Mr. theridan as bis reeson for going out df business. lit vas a little legs than fBye psonthsa ao that M. Sheridan estered the meichanta' delivény businesa. Hie 4quIPinent consisted cf an auto truck and4 six large delivery wagons. Lack df business csused Mr. gherldan te ii-late,.twc cf thé wagnsu a fév veVts ago. ; *1 cau't redse expesses asy more Mad Btiligiva the service that 1inl- sil upqn giisg" Mr. Sheridan laid %bis Morning. *"I shal oeilI my wag- ons5 ad herses and perbapa léaaé my arlca station. Aler that I shal qoUAOa my attention 10 thé automo- Wte. business. 1 have retained thé UtriL7 for thé Case car. e «Wien 1 eoesidered thé proposition et OPe)atlipg a nerehasta' delivery yst» n i Waukégan the mrchanta IIer ail seéned te be very enthusi- fstlt.1 I dd st expet to stakeana #tasauccéma cf the plan and no 1 VU m atlaffléd hén 1gol four or fivé «f tb. mrehants eatirtadded Ibre or more ahortly atérward and pickéd Wb a few Ume, one at a time. But mangs of thein vere amal-smor t> big mrehauls vhom 1 bail de- isadl upon tu corné in, dld not dol 1& 1 have soullt te pravailiupon em, ýbut vithout -avail. go i havé deeled te givé up the business raîh- pt bmIha loe e-anua. 1 would bave reuained in thé business had OAM reé tour more of thé largér mer- obsats comarne.- Ihé rtirement of Mir. Sheridan troc the deltvéry business la regret- teflt only by the nerchants vho Pmruased hin, but so by the houge. ViYOm Who palronsed stores vheé, thé 'Shéidan dellvery vas uséd. Thé »eechants déclare that it ogle thén genre te male their own deliveries lsaJIt It dId 10 have thé von dose by Mr. Sheridan. Housévivea are 1551 loaaing to appréciate the prompt 4elVOKie made possible by thé de- llvér Y sten. A réglar achedule etf lveries vas malntained Bo that ispusevves oulil baak ou gcods weagiag t>tm at a crain imé. F« rYeam thé propoition of a mer- Sas'déllivery ha, bees agita:ed NEW A>CJW SHOP'Op DIOCESE 0F CHICAGOI lght Ré.Mgr eeeWin"ia % 0 unduea, C D W Thé Right liev. lg.William t Mundeléin. D. 1D. ho hsbun. a. inted In ucceed the latle ob i janmsquipley lu aUiaII. bsaebnop of the dsocese et-. ca bons in New York PflOGRAM FON -THE ARCH- BéSHOPS DAY. Wedneaday. 10 a. m.-lnsialiation services aI Holy Marné cathedral, Çhicago. Noon-Luncheon in cathedral hall to new &rchbiehop, given hy catholic clergy of Chicago. Thuraday. 8 p. m-ýeception and banquet 10 archbishop et University Club hy thé board cf governors of the Catholie Church Extension So. ciety. E. F. Carry will b. toast- master and Richmond Dean and William J. Calhoun spekers Sunday. Afternoogm-Publlc velcome by laymen lu srchbishop eI thé Au- ditorium theatur. Waukegas. Feb. 9. Solens services vere 10 Mark thé formai Installation of Archblabop George William Mundléin vhen he vas 10 take formaI charge of the Catholîr arebdlacese of Chicago to- day. Chiéf cf thèse services vas tq b thé ronferring thé pallium, whch vas In take place lun Holy Na*es cathédral. Chicago. Crowds are the osé fenturé cf Chl- cago vhleh have tmpi'ésséd ls nov Cathclic arcbbishep. Crovils greetail thé MosI Révrend George W. Mua- dléin whén the spécial train IcasIet uith bis admirers met thé train o u-hlch hé vas ruts; teo Chicago at Laporté Tueaday noos. more crovdsi u-éicomed hlm upcn bis arrivaI at thé La Salle atréet station in thé ait- ersoas. StilI bigger crovds linéd thé uay 10 gréét him as hé passed AlO, g Noe-th Biatestsréet Ibis mnl«Mo SLOIERCLIIMS M.S PATENT ffAR: Wauk.gan Locals ia spending a few days hers ,isitIng In Connection With Plans for relatives and friens and look'ng aft- Launohing lCompany, His un Propefty he on ee Contention Is Revealed. The copy of a wlll made ouX in Eng- ________]and ln 1908 by, Samuel Lanyca, for- mely of Waukégan, hba bées rceived PLAN A NEW COMPANY NOW 'aIthéb court bouse and wlil be record- éd duly. -Mlr., Lanyos diéd in Sgland Hope Is HeM Out That Slomer and in accordanré mth a légalcuetom Hump Hair Pin Company it la ncessary that a. copy of bswl May Be i.oaied nere. l Wnukégas ,Féb. 9.. E. A. Laugbin, fermer Wauiegan1 manufacturer, was in thé rity aseti weék looking for fertory farilitiés for thézpiasufacturé of iomén bump bair pins, an Invention hy ose of Wauké- gaE's citizens. Joseph Somér, viré président of thé Cyclone Fésce Com- PanDY. An ice ba.r, whtch éxtésds eut lnto thé laits ovén ose and osa-hall mléxj, bas fcrmeii erousd thé sewar and ln- take pipés, and as a direct reauIt of this act of saturé. Cbémist Allen has bes compelîéd ta use twice the amount of!.hypochloride of limé ln tnesting Waukégas'a drisking watar. Arthur K. Stéarns a nov in Santa Barbara, Cal., in connertios with the will contsta nwbich hé. as a né-' In 1903 Mr. Slomér ésgaged in de- pnew, îla Îterested. . ý4neàlqrt ln hein madeto prevént thé vidow cf spgng and buidisg as automnatir bis uncle comn: loi a million dol- machine for thé production of hump lar estaté on thé dlaim that théeumar- bair pins and vas succésaful in turn- nlmg, vas Iliegal. Mr. Stearns and Jus ut macineforthis purpose. bis brothérs are making théfilght, and fme eut altr h machineith f theY vin, lbéy will earh get a for- Pom tié aler th mebis, wth-Luné. He. xpects to bé there about eut bis knowîé ldgé or consent. was a month. Théré are seves ethén law- patente,] by asether and tursed over yéars on thé case for thé Stéarnas end. ta a lar pin masufacturis; rompany T. E. Gray la expectéd ta réluro of Chicago. home Saturdsy. from Palatka. Fia.. ln the building of Iis firat machine vhéré he has héén qor the lant two and pin Mr. lomer reallsed thal or Ibre Wbks. Hi, vile u-ll ré. theré vére somé faults In It that mais a whllé Icer béloré raturning. wouid make IL of ne commercial value, Roberti Once le confIned te hie homne andI bis opinion sééma te havé bes hy sicksess. lné vent te Antiocb a correct, for aîthougb made in ram- fév- day, ega but bécamfe 111 and had, meriai quanlities by bis machiné as t. rturn home. fan back as 1903. Ibère are sa "*hump)" A petitios was filed in county court haïr pins yét on thé mar-ket sor cas thisafatérnoos asking that Francis they -'é punchaséd i a ey store. I Zahnlé, a 2-year-old boy f rom High- Han à New Pin. flandl Park, hé sent tb thé home for Since tbat time %Ir. Slomér bas effiléptirs at Lincoln, Ill. Thé cbild heen engaged ln gettisg up a new pin lias béés a patient aI thé Lake Cous- ths.t wouid averrome ait the objer- ty Général Hospital for thé lest two lions to théelOnt style. This sew pin masths. hé ccnceived some imé ago andva Announcémést was made today that aucesaulis étinghrod aim 3 Circuit Clerk L. 0. Brorkwey. Ibrough this patent. Thé pin vax not as-'T.J. StabI, bas éntered imb an agree- nouncéd thés bécause af thé difficulty men;.tto o eilig fine large home at ln les manufacture. This hé bas- re. Hickory and First strééls ta E. F. cently solved througb perfecting an Moras of ivé Points vho bas Just1 autesiatic machiné fer the manufac- sold is farm aud Intésds to move ture of the new stylé pin, and hé bas into Waukegan. be. advised recentîy that thé brced Charles Oorham. wbo ban bée 1Il dlaims os Ibis machiné bave béén ai« at hie home for smre littîé time, foi- lowed It a undrstod theJIM awlng an opération in a Chicago hos- lowd. t I unénsoci th Itat e-pltai, vas able to hé dovntown teday chine la nov successfulîy opérating. fer théefAret limé aines bis illness. Hé Thé machinés are éery simple and ls regainlu; bis tréngth lawly. easy ta bulid and space la wanîéd for Mié liethorne bas Latokn ovér thé thefirt uit f 00 achnes ILinbusiness-of thé Powell Roiing Con. théfint uit ! 00 achnes it15Pany. Hé hgs bes awardéd thé con. esUMated that It will také about tu-o tracts which Mn. Powell béld vith thé moatha to gai thésé complétely in- Wilder Tanntsg Comipany. John R. $top*Powell yl sot reniai. ln Waukeégan mt44k4.asd continue thé roing busines- hé .jPyruinent men Intureted. founded a fév yéars ago. Hé lepln Tboslelresed n té poiét "ning to return to Tonavanda, N. Y., addition tLàlMr. Laughlin, and Mr. witWn thé sert fév weéks. .Siomer are undérstood ta hé Mr. D. George Emmons, a Waujîagan rém. IX Grflthm of the' United States Tiré. dent, tcday. lhrough Attorneys Héy- 0 dacker 4nd Heydekar, Bled thé prae- Copnc Chicago; Mn. ,H. H. Me' cipé of a $5.000 damage action against Oorlslck. a prominént attorney of thé North Shore Gas Company. ,ILlai Chicago. and relative of thé McCor- sot knovn on what grounds Mr-. En- Micks of reapér famé; A. H. Hasnah mnoslsaskisg damages, but ItLs la ,1 ;lgd that he wants to hé réimbunsed capitalat of Chicago and cu-ner of for thé destruction o! bis houte la the Brevoort hotel; C. G. Burnham. vhich thé Assélmo famiîy ived ots vice pres1dent of the C., B. & Q. rail- the nlght of thé fatal explosion In rosd. and othérs. As aIl of theae gen- whirh Ive womnen lost Ibir lîves, tlemen are business mes of high Mrs. Laura Kéehn of Wukégan Lou staningIL oul see tht tis n-'day filed suit for divorcé Maahe é staldi; t wul sen tatIhi bhuaband, max Kééhn. Thé bill vas duairs' shoulil greatiy héséfit our «,...... n-. .. q%. 'er* aM It vastih. bellef that one is trip f rom the archeplacopal rel-tvaitisbpd htfiyyU e ibu1p ""a - adoptéd lit wOUldprove denca ftrontlng on Uncoîn park f tu .1 lclebre e sy Ie té, -Oes- ~thée athedral at North Stats ami Su- rn.,nér7oaebes. bOn nud tat - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eh _________ ébrsre ébsbeau la Cuba for a nth orb But 1Ne& Seen Ils Popl. an, but la nov expeted ba« lu thé lAi( fORI3St FLIRT "I: have naéer enhig.cou course of a veék or tén dais. d meted the archbishop simply. "but __________ 15 TAR1N BY POLICE p îrad bgintefl is PARENTS SAVE ________Thé stately cérémonial at thé Catit- Waukéas, Fb. -edral held tvo stalvart figures as ase O O S UT Waukgan Feb 9. cysolunus of ail eyes. Archblsllop O O S UT Cari rovals;, garbed lni thé latest Mundelein and Mgr. Bossaso, apo.- fasioni. vas arrasteil at 1: 20 toler dlegaté fron Rome ta the The CotIhs Used for Military Wednesdai morinsm; hes tvo Young tUnitedl Stain. formed the céster oft ladies iforméd a police efficer that attractios for the, lhousands whc Tmaining Are to Be Worn j hé bai atéempteil ta "make loe" to galhered around thé cathedral 10 vit- Every Day at Elgin. the, ndtht e bd akn neo sese thé cérémniaes accompanyia thenand hat é bal laes oé 1Jthe Installation 0f Cblcago'm név arch- W Y NT I AKGN them hy the Mar. bisbop. H NO IN W UE N? Wbéu bookéil at thé station thé Théelrelate wam 10 hae ecorted *o.0 b4t.parents may hé able '10 eut Young mas toid thé déah ergeant thé cathedral by ané 700 prisis, an dovn the coet of clothes for their tha heva émioed s ullr t vélI a by a compasy of fully tu-tee boys who are attendis; higb mhool tha he' vs eploed s bltlr b btet number of distingulahed laymMn.le the. posulility openéd up by thé' Cayton Marke, a milionaire residést nmWtany course vhleb la to b. Insti- of Laie Foesét.f Directors of théeP'rsl National hak uai etsmserl lisY Hi lept vitb bis nev bnown over- e! Barrîngos «havé purchaséil *the ut othaestri Elgin Nw. h paI oaya eoat as a pillow os thé steel c<(>o northhaf o! théeIct ovned hi Mre othe gin es Te panar tei- the mais Béeor o! thé policé station. Hsorth Sdlocatéil os thé forth- «1ùv thé E drlgs cdet 0 la té go çaimsto hve eJoye thevent corner of Cook andl Main strae, uAs- thé* uniformes, if purchameil hi fnendslslp e thé Young ladies for for a considération cf $5,000. The cnre-wl u bu afwa many mosîba, asd dénies thé ;tain- présent building occupied by E. D. cthe ot, iii .oet aouit if ba8t, h ment of thé girls that hé teok hold Hawîéy. druggist. vîlI be moveil osto plan, if ucSful, will hé tb. lavis; of oné of tbém aller théî badl refuseil thé aouth haîf of thé lot fronting ve8t. of 555D7 dollars. tu converse with hin. Hie case was A modern bank building vîlI hé érect- A good unlform cas hé purchaseil eI fr trial et 9 c'elockib1h15mare- éd during thé comis; aummér vhich for l86 aed évea this pries nlgbt b6 M&s bue vhés he éslared a plea of vili add te thé appéarascé o!ftIbo reducél asévbwat At a spécial sot glity 10 a disondéniy conducî business district. Whes this buiil- meeting thé coure vilI bé discuseil. ebffl, bis cash vas continued until Ing la compieléil lirrington publice_________ lter la thé day an ustil thé poice square yul bhavé a nie brick build-Helis tA fflid subpoésa thé witneases. mg 'on, eieh corner. Ibrecf thon *- Nov that It no longes'la uod f«M .Thé Yousg mas dlaims tht hé bas érectéil vithin thé lant two îears. In tuvîiip thée hildren, itlher taese hem théesitius of circunstances, and addition 10 thé neu- buildinga a beau- ail" us.psnies t that le admimwe baI lic condctal hîmacif as a ses- tiful séw alroad station bas aten twed 10 thé faniIy-Tùp«ia CapitoL 1 vfl hile vsitig ln Waukegas thé placé of thé Cid frame dépot and bBbIad Wédaeéday la heautiful paLry hap 'been laid out. .lI . -elmp q0 ; u . U-m. ue-e l isrit 10sucb as entent ta o o~ 1Y~~Iautiw m 4r1:11aieg rocespIe wlio lét-t thélhrée yéargs aga -,.tem -ime, *dowi -*. whu- té y.egJ vulde-not recognble It A se s st Pdv --i , . ---»Au " -'-s «Tu-...-«I couplé weré marriedini. Waukegau Feb. 1l. 1912, ami llvéd toffether until sept. 4, 1915, ahea théevile saya tise busband déserted ber. sée charges drunkénnéss ansi 5ishe vas bath- somé aihen undér thé Influence of liquor. Shé asks for thé custody of ber two chUldrén., Raymond and Bd- yard. %ged 3 'years and 1 yéar respect- Ivély. Mr. and Mers. John W. Townménd of West etreét léft yeserday for St. Petersburg, Florida, vheré they plan 10 spénd the balance of thé vinter, Mrm. Tovumnfi dbau ot enJoyed th~ béat of health for thé pamt two months. and she goes seutb hopis; 10 recovér. Mn. Townscud. for majsy îears, vas master mechasir ai the, vire milla. By a dééd récorded loday, Charles M. Parker bas sold to Elizabeth Lee Rendait, lot 10, block 39, ai Highland, Park, for a consaideratlon of 820,000. Incorporation papers for thé Royal Thé plaîntiff la thé Uskiné vs. Sag., ér Lock Company casé withdr ev a juron shortly after dinner vhes court vas résuméd 4eday vith thé remuit that thé casé WI be oostiuued In thé next térm. PracticaUy all.of the évi-, dence bail béés lntroduéed, It le ald. Son* think that thé poor shoving made by Ugerine os the stand vas thé, reamon for withdrawing a juron ... Tuesday nigbt at thé Couuiti hoos pitai oecurred thé déath of William Zuehlke of Chicago, agel 25 Yéars. Hé baid béés émployed at a Fox Laits hotel UP In thé tfino hé vas tlien sick vitb qulck cosmumPtiOn, where- upon hé vas taken In thé hospital. James Kiri, husband of Esther P., ne Cary, father of Esther P., au. Of Mrs. Lillia usI4#«mp, hroer Cbbrl, leo*UIWitii. :a&- !)M qiedlai. »hJ9agO iF âvlcée. il day morning, 10uil:nMLat;fueai cd">, el, 221 Lima.aasé, vear a- rasée. IuIsrné*t At ionCity. "The Store that Sella Wooltex" A NNO UNCE- By Far the Mlost Sensational Sale,;' of Coats Waulkegan Has Ever Seen A Larde Estern Manufacturer's Entire Surplus Stocki Way Below Cost to Male -is no w offered at prices that would be, impos- sible under any other conditions or at any other time of tIie year. These coats are. in the latest styles and will be correct for next winter. This maker offered thein to us at such low priÉes that we in turn can seli them to you at less than cost to make. While the asso rtrnent is of good size and varied we must say itwill1b»Ëecessarv to aec quick if you want one. Ail materialg, eol6-Mwand' styles are represente&,. Sale starts to -morrow, see our windows. $10 CoMts Secial . 3.98 2 7.50 Coat IiY 13.75 160 o~>aI~ .9 j375Ço-10y165 20 rem Jýl'llI, IL - 1 tutehope that -1zeIgh% set nmre IDaI ER RTSR CRAC blnd of worle. 1 amnbroke and upP M -OU EXPERTSAFI3CRACK teil. I havent a cent ln m ,ER PAYS CITy- ISIT pclet and wa: obligod . 10walk all P AU ShooWS FOR À FEI& DÀY -'Why, au, 1 was walking lnth FOR FE~ D treet ln Waukegas I saw a woMAn carrying a Imnd-bag. Yeu dén't ksow- Cail at omeof Cpt. ookwhat a temptatlibnsMtra for me sot The Lake Sotnty automobtie show and Tells of Plan ta Earn an to anatrh thé bag and béat IL down to bie held ln the armory at Wauke- Honet Liing.the, street. IL would have beés the gan on 1iebruary 24-25 and 26, under Honet Lvin. eaîet thinl n the world." the auspicea of the Waukegan Com- lesat m lie, but It wouldnt havemeaiAocto, llbteorI HE SAYS IT IS VERY HARD. been rght." Captain Cook said. mrilAscain iiletemn "P overty knowa s n law,' was the attractivb automobile show hald tMe Fact That He Served Timfe in grîm anwer, géar outoi de of Cbligo Prisn Aains Hi Was Harris teld Captais Cook hé had Between 25 and 30 mn4keseof auto- Prisn AginstH 1 Was beés promised a Job on thé new tan_ mobiles wjIi e shows. The latent Stftngly Tempte Here. sm-y but said hé wouid net bo able iln automnobile fltures, accéssorles - te ket It for a féw days. He thought 1and furnishinge will lie shown. For two or thréé days as expert If lie hoit moséy éotgh te go te Thé decorationa wlll urpasa any- safe-cracker walked the etreets ce Racine hée migbt get a few days' thing atteinpted et automobile chlou-s Waukegan and was not molesteid hy wori(-there. outeide of thé large cities. Thé art. thé police for the simple ressort thit .CaPtain Cook did fnot reliith the lotie éféct or the decorations will the di so ksw f he péseceidea of having the feiiow atay ln éshesce the exhibitsanmd wil libe the. didt poabl e pat ce . auheuan. bpt gave hlm hie supper worth attendisg the 110w teonse.. bor. I laproabl tht suteun-and lad"hi, Ioding et a local hotel. Thére wiil hé omie to éntertein tMe easisesa might have been 'fuit bére The next 4ay ho etitl hi& fare t Rit- visitora- and rufreshments willli e bad IL become hsows geserally that cîse. fThe following, day Harris was sérved At the show. Thé lighting ls a man of this calihér was ai large. bc n adh a nhet e h rnr o haso ilb oé .The mas who gave bis name as wri ap ais (liek ts u gguatéd sdegcéethegl y r uti hu wl. i o Harris calléd i t1he home of Captain th at i okWnsggse n xedigYbatfl J. W. Cooi of the Voluntéers of Amer- that bit ight get workln I Chicago Mont of the béat éxhibits at the Ica a féw dayjs &go. le announced and securéd a ticketfo that city. (hég uooieso aebe thtatle he ad juat servédil 8menthe Thé man Ipît. aecurod by Lake cousty dealers for is the otnte pentitntiary ai Joliet and 'Yeoterday Captais (Cooklc iarséd thé Lýale cousty show. This diapiay bad becs îlared os paroerbécatuse frn thé Volunteprs ltiC(hicago thett ooal f tenbet makés of cars ln of good behavior. He had ben on-iarrisa rrivéul Ibère ail right. thé United States wiil afford an cp. victed on a charge of having dysa- porlunity for evéryosu Isteréatédi n mited and robbed a nafe and admit- automobiles to compare the mérita o( -~ i Ink Eradiealci. ted that the rcharge wam ,rue. A very gond way tu résieée lut' the dIfférent makea, thé ailvantages 'i rying teenta n as onsat liv- usina froni cloth ta to waah thas a wltiiof éach wilh the othérs, their équtip- lng now." he said. "but IL la a pretty itolilS nec. Rub the rire os thé atala 1ment, and accesaorlés. Il wlll as. up-bilà ganée. Everyosé aucunas te ho as «you wouid aoep. and wash wtth semble for the rasidénts cf Lako down on a man aiter hée once basn dear watcr. Iftl iat appliration county ail of the béat makes of cars béés rosvicted of a felosy. dccis ot- complete the cure reput the un der ose r-ouf et a point convrenient I got a good Job at Montgomery prOcéma. IL usually voi, like magie, toalal. It will bé procf positive that Wards iln Chicago. Ose day I met oveja Isaisa are îîerfectly dry. tié very béant in the automobile lise Captais J. J. Halpin cf the Chirago c. as be bought front Lake coosty deel- policé force. Hé asked me whére 1 And the Upkeep la Lets. ers and agents. was workisg and I told hlm. Hé The boy who owsa a dog la happler 1,Thé Waukégan Commerrial Asso- aaked my émployers If they 1<5ev 1 Ihan mont meni whco vu automobile&. cieios la déserving cf the crédit for was an ex-ronvirt. i waa discharged -LaLporte liérald. promotlsg this attractive automobile lmmédiatéiy. 1 came te Waukégas n.. show. lKlà. m

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