TAXE MSIfTY P T ME~PRh1T- T1~PFRIAY.,FEB'iR.TARY 11. 19~1(L, ,ae Six A.f.. S . . . ,.Sa4aa . -g- N ew Era Marked by the EIectionm jof Theodore Durst as Commissicnr à ~ Waukegan, Feb. S COMMISSIONER T. H. DUESTI That sounds good, doesn't it? il, For yeara many Wauke-C punpeople had hoped to see: MAYOR THEODORE H. DUB8T-but lie would nev- e. r consent to consider the honor and responsibulities of the big job. !< ow ho lias beon elected t to the conmssioflrhihto filthe. vacancy cause b George PowWlls death, and WaukOgan citizens, young MSd old, poor and rich, THIO. 1M. DURST. l Ainnicns '~'~"rsWaulcegan Danker Who H-as Been l âmeicnsandfo*'Pars~' Eiected Commisioner Vice the enl jomn in saylng-to those Late George N. Powell. counclmenn who elected hlm:- "#Weil doue. A botter choico could not have beeauimade." True it la-a botter choicO couldn't have bien made! Mf. Durst through hiii long residence i the city knows Mmet it oerybody; tlirougl i is long baxiking etperience b. naturally lias-boen in tondh with thé cty affaira. He i familiar with property interests and therofore'cornes Into the çoundll carrying with him a knowledge of local conditions whicl'ill prove invaluabie nct only to him and the city, but te the othor members of tho board, who are sûre to profit by bits suggestions and idoas. nTe city long has bien i a critical state iu mauy ways. Tih. lockn of horus of tlie councilmen lias proven soni- bius. Theo ky now seems te have leared. Mr. Durit bas ben a personal fiond of every member of the council, aud %burefore ho should lie able te work wel witli oaci-sud tbo7, lu hum, as a whole should b. able tô work wltihihm % madidly. *Tbat the conmnssionons wanted hlm is self- det fron the tact tiat tiey ivited hm i te work 'Itth thhom Therefore in rocprocation for thoir honor 6ouhlm, in return for the confidence they plaoed in hlm, E'Dursti sure ho givèe itsot efforts to the liportant 5*which noue more than he realizes confronts hlm aud liiassoclatés. -Mr. Dunt's wide ozperlence in business sffairs o! *aukqgan and Lake county, bts general activity lu al ~grs8l, uatters In the commuulty, lits wvilinesa ai- to d a ielpiug baud ho ail industnial movements, Searnuesl it s desire to make Waukegan a greater ht7 its confidente in the future of the. city, Its sealous j*lde iit. e n"future--aUh hese thingutend t0nmke Ijr Duit -- mn o! the hour', iu Waukiegan, the man % mciIoens and 'officiais have bien looklng for. , i thé,years hebas lived heueMr'. DIrt huben thie .ne M"n whom everybnly lias huruod te in tirnes o! hian- êÛuI stres, la times wlien industriai matters arose bofore %"»ebu mou, wheu uew factorlos knockod ah our doors, »hlocal qoncerns wiahed capital, wion'uow corners * to e b criufe unv =,eyod befone beiug givon encour- Sont. Theoclore Durst bas bien the man whose 0. K. bdy firit wanhed. And hip 0. K. lias gon a long *&y ludeciding mathers. Therefore, ilt a ounsoling, it la gratifying in the broad- sens, ft i udbed Most prorising te think that ho uow hen ected te, the city council and is willing te givo ]PART o! bts time to the important duties of, office. buË ving 80 many responibiities as lie ordnaffly r l ot consider accpting an office of this sort. Yit o 9ff o bu don.sibehing for the coMmuunity, for T MTISflU la v orthi-more te the comnunlty as geile tha AULOF TIRETIME (aud thon sorne) of ~isyaoatmany, aspirants who wanted te lie choson. ov.ble, i shahed above, that pmnhapa 1fr. Durit $ah~ nhof!thie hour sud that hiii eloction rnay prove a tu b comnunihy whicli at this time caunot lie meas- ~~~~~ We Sz vin be predicted. "NVDUnh a mn who, as commissioner, will ual ait anci sd nemain aient if lie thinka lie ahould say Xi hiRe nolô theo kind o! a man wlio il ait in ooansd dnaw has salary because lie wauts the-mon- -he'fl havi ideas, aud io'1l know how to gét thern atart- Re imîa'h the kind of a mkin that will harass others who ~y b hnlng e d thir bst-e'l1pitbisIdea agiof U'elr andthongo o witi wha seoa telie or l i.lo asle li b isen tr doson ot ounislu whl oarka abslutely new area of c-operation among the councirmn aud achivhY i industrial expansion and prospeiy rW" onfident we are not overstating matters. Juat wail and Nt Altoufther Mis Fautt. Efddte iad traded a nîce pocket kulfe for forlorn-ioeling dog. minus hig ta&i.Hli father teasingly remindeu têtÎs that be got tise 'sort of tise bar. *mïn. au the dot lad no tail. Ed soh. i a Lusitania. Lusitania le tise auclent UlanDama for a ceun&rY wvisisbordera ver.a&I- mnost ldentlalalitisose o!rniodera Portugal. d àgly answere4. "Weil, daddy, he was in' dovu vcen 1 traded." Uncle Ebtn. Sence 1 doue los' me many chick- t eus," said Uncie Ebesi. -1 bas corne TinWe Changes. le de conclusion dat mebbe aveu a Wbn tii» are Os-t married clis dove of peice neede a certain amount FORderi hy tIers lnît a Branis Bans ci waîcliful protection.", S£dlegation of Promineut Clu 01.t at. Um e t ia every street cor WANTE O-A married man ta work a fev jyean lites- ahi won; On farm aud vomnan ta board 2 or km eW b. Ma., et. Ododus the 33Bmeu. Oood lbouse, fuel. garden sud Wb" 14 qvm ~ u ail th ret,- cow Pasture, Refereudes required. fApply et Edellyn Ferro, R. 2, . qg - ~ ~ 41 Phono iz2-TL ll- UAN WHiO 1»OVE ELPERS OUT IAS IENRÈINSTATED rai Has Been Reinstated as Wet' Harnod. The chief, after to bave been made by certain aider-j holding offce for ten years got Iuta men, suakes oue wonder just how fat disrepute tlsrough flot cleaning up thse mayos- stands for a dlean towvn bouse, and Il la stated that Immedi. and Juat how fer thse chief cen go la attly lie raided two bouses ofIljl. cleanIiiig up. lame ho got ired. it appears thai morne of thse aldermen gave hlm e caling dewn for sting up a mess, and the chief belng bet ween two fIres, Chiot ot Police a a -- gel "mad" sud sent Iu is reaigesa- lien. some resdents were kickingl mend, md.because lie did net dean eut tisses boumes ô* III fame. sud others, whu CROFT VISITS THE CITY. Il a ddare bigli uP l. office,ob»ect-' ed becaum lie stirred up trouble and Sun Correspondent Is Told the thus drew attention to the vlolatioýl Evangells Can Return if af law sud deceucy. ttie ayorConsnts. Somebow, bowever, the malter wam the M yor onsens. 1patched up sud now the chef bas Chio ÔkaJ a oce mre estredbeen reinstated isy the mayor, sud ChI! Otra leonc moe rstoedeverythîng le O. K. 10o office. He hues ssumed conîrol 0et'The amusîng part of tbe Incident le thse police deparîment of West Ham that Chie! OkraJ sald yeslerday thia mond once more, sud, accordlng ta the mayor wonît stand for auY boumes a itatement made to a reporter of s etcfl1-laenl West HomendMiu sd Chicago paper yesterday, everythlnig that he would get rîglit after any vio le ioveiy. Everythng a Is ft lovely, latore, In the face cf Chie! Okrm&'e though, accordiug to reports frosu crumade sud tbe lulerfereuce aile ted Ilva was despatcbiog t wo evaugelise and one deacon to hold meetings ln Trainmen hall, Nammond. overy Sun-ý day, and tisat tbese men would prob- ably distribute more lilerature lu Wemgt ammond as part of thelr cam- paigu propaganda, the chitef said he bad no objection. "Let 'em corne. I dont care." be sald. "Tliey c an preacis ail tbe religion they want ta. its up le thse oayer." Valumble New Motel. C A new mel calied Titau bronzet makem il possible 10 manufacture droil fcrged bronze that will take tise place of bras castings. Tise meal hanm a tensile trengt.h af 76,000 to 85,000 pous, elastic limîl of 40,000 ta, 48,001 poundesud elougallon 22 ta, 30 per cent. MI j Brood Maro iniFoal Bay-Hors., 12 Yrs. Old; Wt. 1350 Bay Horso, i1 Yrs. Old; Wt. 1350 1 Bay Horse, 6 Yrs. Old; Wt. 1400 1 Bay Hors., 5 Yrs. Old; Wt. 1300 TIE VES BREUAK. OFNOITIIWSERN, Waukegan, Pet). :ý.1 After mlidnigist Wedueeday a bag- gage car lu tihe Northwesîern yard% was rllied isy burgiars. Tise car burg- larizwd was used by Conductor Eddie learned, notlsIng of value wiu takin by thse thleves," said Mr. Hicko up« bis returté to the station., 1 Th liePolice belleve tliat the bur#- lare, entered the car hoping to fliel the civlisaL clothes of the train creV. Frequently upon thelir arrivai ai Was- kegan suSsbers of the train «orr>- turn ta their homes la ibis- uniforasa rether tban go t0 the trouble of mak. Iug a change. They believe that the burglars had expected te find clothing of usne to Carr and bis aide, al of whem are thens. Waukegan residents. This le the econd time wlthiu two It wam 9 o'cloclc Thursday -mo rning weekm thal a battage car or caboome when the police recelved word that had been broken mbt lu the Waule- a baggage car lunlise Northwesteru Ban yards. One man lanSlowW un. yards bad been broken luto and OMf- der iudietmeut on the.tiret robbery, cer Clareuce E. Hicks vas eut to aud bis associaIs via releassed by the the yards to make au Investigation, police. 'Thse door lock had been prled open, The police believe that the robbery aud tise locke on tise loclcers had been liet ulgisi was commilted by trempg broken open, A five-pound Jiar of who came out of clubg or Milwan.- butter bas been thrown over the %es. According le réPt, the North. biner, sud tise uniforme of the train weselrn cidais wliI Mtion a dete- crew bad been erclied. Thse pocar- tive lu the local yarifor the e ust ets lu the uniforme had been Iurned few veeks. 1 Brown Mare, 4 Yrs. Oid. Wt. 1100 i Black Mare, 3 Yrs. Old; Wt. 1450 21I1b" CewIco Cattise S0srnes ihr i Yearling Bull Holstein 10 New ierr 4 CalvesI GanTu.>ssi m hisrEtc. 1 McCormickGri Binder 250 Feet HEay Rope, and Fork 3 Sets Fly Nets 1 McCormick, Corn Binder 1 Corn Sheller 1 36 Foot Extension 1 Wood Mower 1 3-Section Iran Harrow 1 Tank Heater 1 Deering Hay Rake 1 3-Section Wood Harrow 1 Caidron Kettie 2 WaIlnfg Plôws i Coru Sheller 1 Butchering Derrick& Tools i Bresking P1ow 1 Kanure Spreader 1 60-Gai. Gasoline Tank 2 Sets Bob Sleighs 2 Gravel Boxes 60 Grain Bags 1, Bain Truck Wagon; new 2 Sets Wagon Springs 6 Bu. geed Corn, 1 fichuttier Wagon 1 Set Scales 150 Bu. Coru in Crib 1 Ray Wagoù and Rack 1 Fanning, Mill 25 Bu. Wheat 3 Riding Oultivators 1 Hog Rack 50 Bu. Barley 2 PuIveriuers 1 Hog Crate M0 Bu. Oats 1 Hoosier Disc Drill; new 2 Wagon Boxes 60 Bu. Seed Oats 1 Milk Wagon i Land Planker 10 Tons lmiod Hay in Barn 1 Road Cart 3 Sets Work Harness 1 Baby Carniage 1 Top Buggy 1 Set Driving Harnes 1i ard Goal Base Burner Stove 1 Surrey; good as new 1 Single Harness i ileating Stove; wood or coal Saws, Chautn, Forks Sbotelt, Rp SualiP Tools and Othor Artiolos Ibo Humerous t. Mention FREE LUNCH AT NOON, TERM$ 0F SALII Ail sums under $10.00 cash, suni&over $10 -credit of one y 19 time w111 b ven on bankçtible notes beariv(g 6 per cet iteer-ý est. N~operty te be r ovduntil sé ted'for. V0GEL, Aucloter IIJ~3W v EL, d R.B. DUXN, C "M ;ri llaving rejited m.y la iIl! seli at-public auction, on Wednesday at 10:00 o'clock a. m., two miles west of Gurnee, on QJrand Avenue road just west of Warren cemetery, the following descrlbed property. 1 . 1 1 Vb- -- --0! - -- 1 ý