N gd Eighit TA%7r1,CO'týrY1'f " T ,K!DENT, FRIWAY, FilRhI> \X IdBRU RX l * ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bIII> IRPIN "MIDDLE WEST NOT LUKEWARM"-ESTA1RO><K cou,,,"OE HN S lIA LVRHAP «iES AILLIONS ION CIINfE IN liIfiHi FOR S. iOLDBEREiYCO.KN Waukegan anufaci cial leton on Fehruary 21, ta vote a -0 ~S JLS tierSeils Foreignl Rights of on the proposition o: chang oîPfrontOU.130 V() tera to the one highway commission- LOMER MADE MACHINE.I er aytem. The election wlillhe heid loat the town hall uit Ingleside. The ballet, Il IIread: l i 4ans Worked Quietly Until, theI4"otesngehhwy omu Woild WiII Be Flooded With sioner sytem. Pins imulaneoslygaint the single hgway coin- W2nkcafl. 'eb ~missiafer uystem." WaukganFeb.9 1According te the Tice law. the upc. The Hump hairpin which was cial lection ta vote on a change in Invnted in Waukegafl and whose th4ihwycm silir ytn pate t rghte pro ise e c usemuet bc held n t Ics than :10 day a sonne interest and even possibleI before the regular town election in I litigation ater P-s miiht be conorder ta get the prloper numbar of ejuded frontihe article which ap-cniae nth onbi t p..red ini tant evening'5 Sun OMltcTogt Whereift planb cf Josephs Blomer Mid friends for launchillila5 flw Thyeugh difficulties echbtila fr» çompany te promote thse articledm te question, will e.1t1. .a dm Liqg , mme>' raker or bigger than I lne f the famous "Hump bock and eye," eNR-1 O (-'ee the accordlng te predictions of those racul wich the invîd tbai prqIloul' c on iseinsdé.Fer of lusewflri sentiment for finished. ayAlii. tuele Eul .1 iO f ie pedacéo reparedneaa in thse Middle West is 1o Il aea neln gl0LU ,e 10-Ve ftearti whc of sendng President Wilaon on a speak- î. round tbia room i tblnk youuwiiLil P. I e venlflg aricengc Wl fuminlhed Thse Sun b>' a man Inter- ctous; in of tha ecton prsingtpon Htbaylshse EVé out gaLicfa *~sd i lauhe lgte mahne bas heard tent thse Atantic and Pa- Wh so p using t é at r m c i e cific cousnet are atrongly behind the l which Mr. Siomer as patented, preparednesa prograin. Williaml n -de tii. aricle blow whih fo nette.rndedarea the people are againt ".,. wa. pr.pared b>' The Sun several Bynopneto peaed'st~*r diys age. but thse Siomber plans the polic. Ws~ __"-N w a d U -o d t qam. lina sudsa way that they "Thewseand etUic iddle____ wei retnntedfirtt. Te beat- need no reminder of their duty In the peie. elrsHenry P. Esta-A tikA0. W*%M~é w~OI&-Ylt ei article telling of thse Hump brook. of Nebraska and New York.eéné rmvti hysadnus n .cogttervne Itipé osai'plana in Ch- Estabrook. prominently méntined ene a t au rnes to éfed aga nnueîIy s and h théc pet tet ve ntaues le(p ~ eage. folo"": as a canddate for président before a=rTsea of any poaail. enemy p<siicy and thse condition of national r O J ~ L Like a romancé in financejrends une , déblclnaetif Balovin , outas Ioàrpe t; CoA ges hand in and a po eeCut ofé str tSol Godherg. formierlv ie e raene ss 9 i accausted for To FlgtHalf-Armed In Muréler. ltP tin bffad of the West CotI Manufaclflr I by Ma s raional résidence in Uice "To fight haf-armed and with a 'Prepaedésa meant, he aya. "a -he a undot1MiddieWsenatates, then b. mis- certainty of laing weuld hé nothin hgnv-sbig au any navy Il kirt kj MgichComparnnyit represen theUicpple of,,tUiMiddle sot fatadrfrw chyeund .. werld-witls fylying, uîving, stoff -h resa d rea yfordellvery la ls plant on Water street, Wauke-j Wert N lIe Middre Western people ansd every taxpayer in Uic United amphibiens auxiliary that car tt gala, erne 18 menthe ago. Ieliz that thé>' are the ver>' heart States would hé rneassirbly respon- iaefciees ~dwt i i After months of painst.aking labor and t.he expenditie of-a l la ana ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a .tet ewat.midaltruh a hole depends upon the welfare Mr. Etahroek'a préparedoca e - ni cnsafor a year'a camrpaigu at amount of money, THE DAILY SUN haï; had publiihed a beau- t me f xtem walhan ai hru c-frmalIrits emlbera. and 1I aim te gram,. announcd early w epémleleant aiWays in cold 1storage. ItI tiful and fully coinprehensivé P a bâtir îin-thtu Gldergts expert »ereet their sentiments bttér bfore the American Bankers' Ange- muant ta man>' naval officera andj g1tiuc.. ihan Mr. Bryan when 1 say te yeu ciatien, at Seattle, and reitéerated men as rilay e necessary Bal toi IEC L R M P 0 A E C U T iÎeîtrvln xn utie bu rt. in thése days cf grewinc aar.- when lhé spoe wiUi Hudson Maxim, raté the. machiner>' furnialebe IEC L R M F L " C U T The Intèretinurancewlurtsemtabut oney.obutheimenhfothe thedenWest of ailasaCreaie ownersr, bas' ative ro nherUunend tbbi natter I; tat a Waukegan mans wiligive early notée te their cu- its slogan, "Protction, Prosperity Iern wlIotioeybui S wngheam sfalac ae w rdsitv ow UpndE produced Ue first w rkng m del on ryn n, as fr away as thé Atlantic a d sud r pince;le andeisw theréic;an hee L a t tn lne ,al ite a d v ll g sc ur h s n p i ci a o w Wb l the pin was pmade and fta and Prific tates. that Uic govern- "the nied Stas" fohvede- le, l miot fo eto ns i cte n ilgs hrce n rnii ~e~ la e,.h,h in 1860 Uiéy foght te nstenStates-cret haeodc- çthngtn is é rrld ha se - Every ra in the county is p i pnct .lainl1 mark.w, pavoi 1*wbc vscl ubseé<uent machinsafor mn .ie sit un aggressielss uf bave suffciast goveransental rve- = yarn' c pytepr-uL ft.uring It have becs patterned. Tiss a' giu h yaodt a'tépa.II"rùads, state i roads and dirt roadz ail ha vo their iaÙUe 1 MmasJ wu josepuprhieid___________________ _______________________________________ mrmarksl8iUt.V eat of tiie Cyclone Pen ) yils' wl bc interesting te them toekisca Rare Eastern Plant. Seif-Ceitrol. 4-Iil it dévelapasaIii.QldéZhnthat hMrbt q':l ' wske ou th One f thé rareut planta of thée r Rer a hould be resérved tité4-î<îlv5-îc tat losed a deal In England whér-iinso lclefrbyndtée as stéchangeable fuse.' whoé al tfame for thé metortut -ho. ', h e o ld te E n g lis i m en f r £ 400 - p cta tio n s hée h ad w h en I s h m ad e b i blo c m tn w h ite tu th é h ad a n d red Whn s u g o i t é n t > é ,c MoI (about $,0,0) h ihsOf'iseadquartertnWuea. tl ei hesnih hers rw n ruh ismachiné te a stop beforeý rolln an ~nuuctrig Ie lsTiP clared that, if the men who promotec Japan, Siam and China. In thé dark, ewattIng thé inzect.--ChAcago Daily -.M Al20000.té ihei pkgn.I sd atésnlgt h oegow 5boih i . irpin anElaanutrnd Euroe. l uPup okade emd Ions r Ila a hadéd rmont, thé flowér has a News. - r .bt piIuEgadadErp h um okadeemd ilos pure wvy-white surfac. But a won- c if y I L r lu r, h le said ta h ae rec i ve G ldberg stands te make even mucis d rfu trasformation occurs wh n th é Yh blanéce of the £400.000 In Ioyalisa~used ten ta one wheré hooks and eyes sunlight. Firut. thé pétais tura te a "l amina frightful condition!' théi pin ta produced. Hé &alta said Iare ueed. faded biné, which at once changea ta droned thé vil loge bore. '*My attacb t to hve eengivn 45percen ofthea delicaté pisi. This hue graduaily cf rhéuimatisni left mie Bo -ore amI- I.stock n thé ig compas>' which has; deepens into a flery rd. , go I héIwéak that i can hardi>'crawl." *WhaA. h FOR 8SAthLdE-Druyyn w1t u rawl fr' beau forméd and 150w is rectinga a AEDygooda store an rote hécumet thé clor of thé .réddést sothe vdû aunt . rin. Whydo pils England for thé manufacture1 South Genetée St. Good opportun- cony that evér blooméd. nreGatN.Gin Whdo' -. etthé air ifl.Itet for persun with lttié mone>'y____If____ you sak'?-Kaflman CityStr oth arii.taltén ai once. Reasorn for elinle liUtea reVilsRubf s Oné Wlis a 'HuO." 111 heaith. Inquire at Merciasts Aseiso rec ntie odNr 110w dee ishair pin make such a A pceofteofulmedAGdN.r. l 1 proostiton possible, cise mks. Wel, Grocery Store, Wauk-égan, or Phone grcwth In Natal, herétoforé regardéd àgSed nurse," tald Florence Night* tb avrI it:196. Wkly-lt as worthléss commercially. bas becs tflngale, thé héroiné of thé Crimes. fiha*a « lup.' tuannta teyield a Juice that cosîtatis ,'mhould sndevtaisd éver>' changé ta 'lie hair pin ite ta conttrncted that gNIS ALE. Jubber ta large, quantities. a patmiVs ace. -and >véTchane oé f 1 as t a I ot o th haANoneSaattltllde andidles.Se. nt S; e ltate cf Illinois, Cotint>' of Lake-ss. Fo yga .titane thtngs until sthé fééls sure that g, lu thee talAouiCofrthofaLrkonce a ForoYons cins leundérotanda thora haîf as vomasa place ilIn firmly and Itwll jIn h oit or fLk o' ou ygattwl o ta él.Aral odnreme éc 1- tant "pull thé hatr" efilher. ty. Fébruar>' Teri. A. D. 1916. is Yur eesesdippld netapy aé idIlthé hiAeat lame a:churasermunithéo la Uss cennéction a report la that théeroatter (q the ptition of J.lln wté ry. Theré wil hé a filmaiehoih th é Stoeron osaté Mosit - Mr. Ooldberg lu thé man who orlon, 0 dyGadino Cuécéi.this on thé glass, whch kéepa théi shuld éeteSemnonte on *aily cenceived thé hump hookan-'é Eddy, a mninor, for icavet10oeili réal I rois Sttfliflg - a - a n d i te r a id th p a te n t e th fi n és ta te . . _ _ _ wllthhelice stié itîion cu ofil Public notice te héreby gîiven thatl TiseprobablY gavé hlm tise tdeaofahsrU of a dcea re ae ~i' E I P E hIphirpn and entered cf record In thé aboveéil It.tile cause in raid Court on th" .lu Mmd. is-ctHem. th day of Februar>'. A. D. 1916,1 I was I 1904 thalt Goldberg. a seisa nSod> h hrén a qltdwith JoeSomter, enggested ahl n'Ina teTitet a i t* lomer might maire hlm aa- ocicacli A.Dn thé6.ateoon cf 1 ehine which would tmm (out thé hair daey at kntheEateoor of héCour Il dHouséainthé Cas D>' of WathegCut 1 Pin whtch hé bmd concetvéd and which HueInteCtyo akeaI hé clatmed hé atremdy had protected'i u b >' p a te n t . M r . S t i n e r t r te d In a n d ' t é t u n > lit n d S a é ! 1 1 seonhald a machiné wiich w.% luinota, oifl for sale ai public vendue T ofLO c; 10e ttelcl etCatpat t e hlghéat and hesttbidder for ioh "àst a u ise orkai W eml Cutlantcatsh. al of the right. itle and in--9111tlt . im f t na. fo nd t w rc ere tl . tere;t of suld m inor, Is and to the I Prom tIliat mc in nlter develop- olwtgdurledra sué lu ment cf hisiéplans. Gotdherg had0 ollwn eUibdra satst- euspromade tIn te Fa-I. sutd Înnow aeintC ut fLakte andrta d.",of! linei4i. t-wl!: develo e ltIa M ignaeue An undivided une eighth part cf the nd EgqIsstissreet. Chiscago, h bs 713niacili tmîrning ouIt te liair foIIowItté Tisa!tart ut thé Southis' pins. Katt quarter (f Section TWentyI in. Net Vet Markçted. ýTownslîlp Fort' eNrti, of Rangéei. Tis Ittusi airpinhu ne hen-Twelve Fat tif tue Tiird Principal nsrltted as yet Tise plan la for thé' Meridian, deucrlhed as follows: Conim çopipan>' to manufacturé énouais In meticiigaiat on lt! Tiirty-eix rode West and Two Hundred and Two and advance te flood nul onu>' bis oun-