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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Feb 1916, p. 9

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)"U-,NTY DEPENDENT - WAUKEOAN -WEEKLY SUN NOL. XXII.-NO. 22. PR TOLIBERTY-VILLE. IjLL.. FRIDAY.FEBRTTARY 18,1916t POURW PAGUR $1.50O PER YF4 IN M1VANC11. TifIRDWOLIIN TO 1 ORPET; IIÂNNA W DISCLOSE 1111 *YSTEIYMMAISIEDS1 Detense to Show That &pt M Wrote Alibi Letter to Fo Hîs'Own People. Wiliam Or HE WAS CUTTING CLASSES. Meet Fac TimeS Alleged Murderer Tells Sun A.s1chl Reporter He Is Innoent- breasî, .i Prison Life Tding. Tueéday whe te face vlth Uluts of a third womau tru lb. lift., UaI l ce et WliI Orpet t4'udpd te deepen lb, br& ,jnyatery of the death of Marinoe Laie. Tie iflothe beri, the isehoul girl wbo 49e4 at bill t00111 wbeep fpet lu theovoada nt iLake Prent. WIiOitbey P. Te date but two womon bave ap- Or guit. peared ln the' drama'as rivale for his Wbeu bisi affoctione. but Wednesday wben te> Ibe ruon acked If the defense would attempt dent ruahed te provt' that Orpet huid purchased ber. i'be m, medicine lu Madison, Win.. for a arma. about swfflheart, or the third luamorata. vas many i Attorney Hanna aaid: "I wouid rath- tered a wori et. Dot angver that question.'*- ,zow, u apciedly and as yet ln vague silhouette' appeaLri the third womati, who, awyerm for the defensel beliet... may belli save orpet frotît tbe gailow 8 or the îenItentiary. "I -hieli veshh Ilb. able tu show" said oit.' oi.(rp.'â lawyers, "that Orpet bail a sweetheart ln .M.adison ln addition tu ins lanîirt and Mies Youkler. H.p vill admit that lu Au- Kant and nrmnid Thanksgiving lhe bough t ergot f ran hi. friend, (Charles; W. Hassluger, clerk ln the Tledmnau pharutacy, but flot for Nis ambertIk These î,urchages. 1 think we sa l lie utile t show, vere nmade for 1h14] th ird Inamorata lu the University clty. The toit barlag of ni s. deuce on the case iuay b.ievse That NMiss Youker was Orpet's tiiet love euame oui for the tirstl"me. The yoang fellow vas attentive te ber before ho ev ewMien Lambert. Hia. aWTsir vith Mis Lambert filied. lu thd gap betwteu lis earif passion for missg Youier aud lits later engage- o e rt. la îtî ite Mine Youker's fascinations when ber fain- il>' livcd lu Lake Bluff three Years ago. Her fathor,,-a Methodiat mainI-. ter, objeeted t.> bis attentions and] deuted lmn the privilege of callig et the home. It vas tbsu that 01.1 pet turued for solace te Misa La&ie- hert.% Hie speed content vith bis ne w flame until Miss Yauker's father diel. rebruary 6. 1915. No sootter bai Word of bis demise reached Orpel t bau he hastened &gain ta pledga bis devotion te Miss Yeuker. ____ "l MiessLambert knev asiteaW"silence He neot lu a conditiou ta Cause alarnâ ber fait b lu when she kopt ber tryst with Orpet ncn. lu the Woods, the tact chaugea the vwhole complexion of thi as,'sali! 0'OIV an Intimate fred of tha Oritet faut 'tla 18 dM1515 Ily. every set gi ..If eabs mev be vas aIl rigbt, asIng tbh lii the defense ciaima, It la hardly 000- t iMM loai celvable ab@S vould bave druuk pei- 101yItA 7 sou offerod as miecne. ASeba!i1 OI.bur. vh talion such Inediclue before sud fi hl4lav 'oSe bad made bier deathly slck. If alie fi* c6Urttbo bail kuove abs tid met need muail- Mr. iama cdue s doubtîssa would bavea bld so that the Orpet ahe vould lako Il aI home and sevaral depi>l Put the hottîs la ber pocket. By anch eu te is o@% e rugg she vould ýave kept Up ber explainqil teo decepti6h sud missedl beiug made could neot les îîî."the county la Mise Davis Diasppears. Before the te vsit bar si -Miss JosePhîne Davis, Mise Lamý calliled.tates brtsa closest frlend, bas disappeared 'Phone, anda train Lake Foreat. Il was vbispered "Certalnly tbat alle may have beeu splrited away vitbý ber son, hy the offIiaIs of the stles.Wbo. If replied Mr. i la hlnted. may keep ber la bldlnguni- JMra. Orpet tiI ready to put ber ou the stand lu lng ber stay court as the star witnens for the fused 10 dig prosecutiou. newapaper ni Mliss Davis acted as the Intermedl- il, the doput ary ln the secret correspondence bej ask Mr'. Dat: tween Orpet and Miss Lambert.,l objections tu vas -she wbo delivered ta er ebjg:uit vlbber boy O)rpet's teasI bIter, which a d a ,edof the vellei for the fatal meeting tn Ibe vooda. litîlagenen Orpet hadt malled the letton te Miss E. Orpt, the Davis. ployea i lke Statp's Attorne4 DadY atilI battis bis attorneys the love lettors tbat passed boes.>nIinnocence. Orpet aud Miss Lambert. Ho saiti Yesterdayi they vould uot lbe made publie untili alter lewspa the trial. oral attempts Tha.ry of the Defaupa. versaion-cas Lavyers for Orpot wi]l set Up as Preas represe cee of the mainstays of 11>0 defeuso ment lu subi that Miss Lambert kmev tvaveeles "Boya, I van hefore sho dieti thal shç vas net in Evîdence vbi *a condition that tbreatonod dis- prove that 01 grace. deatb of Mer] This aunouncement tbroatons te cumagtantial 1 cbange the euliro aspect of the legai 10 ho able te batV~e. to Interview1 Ilt bas heen the thearY Of the stâte houp 1 do no thal Orliet murdered the girl by gîv- hoe falr te > l ing ber cyauide of potassium, on li ear- , u e p oa teuse that Il vas mediclue fmenut t10 ie d a relieve her oud*êe& it lethncm- _________________ -Pet bsl4 ~AVLVICIMM DOTWHOMETRER N WOD îL UTOMOBILE CLUB IMPORTANT MAT- 1MUSTI fhI3 ECIRTI. Mutin &amb e v uhol' girl foimd &Madm wood 'r M IIITL~iFoeut m WUUIi rpt ~ metig her' MY BE FORMED AT TERS AT MEETING FICATE IF SIIPPIN6i ILL'N UIO r-#' 0 oFS t"u <bah et w bcuti a iut<,tu LAIE COUNTY SHOIW ThC Doteetngof the Lake OUT 0F Ne DISTRICT gel ha whom ho 18 oeporwtd eOfl5ge& . I __Gond Ronds Association viii ___________________________________________ho beld at Waukegau on teatr IIIiIU'WTalk Now Heard That Promot- inoon of February 25, durIng the au.' Secretary of Agriculture issues I i II Iers and Interested Men )Wayi T ho Prograni wilt include a num.Odni-ein lve-of Eteot Off icers. ber Of very iuieresting speakers auJ ed Animais in iCounty + 4. the adoption of a detinitp prograni afty rivo for Laie CountY (300d Rads As- TEAItS AS ________ re~so lution vsaotda h MS T E THIRTY MEN TO EXHIBIT. 0ocMUSoT HAVECASPER'S 0. K. RES RED I Lightingand Decortions Ef-Pion: Lake meeting that aur Gomd e uigSpr Lightng an Decoation Et-Ronde Association ,tart a.campaillUai uio himns a~ Mm es REA5Tfect Promises to Be Sur- for a saiarled rond commissioner fornont Be Made Oot'af eé flWw¶fseoçb tovuship vho shouti ep DR A II prise to the Public: 1pared ta do rond patrol van îthrouigb. County Without Permit. i ant the sesson when suck van Ocaa iw The' Lake couniy automobile show, ho doue. Chica.go, Febwueary il1- ipet and His Mother vi1i be one of the' mont suCCesb ul a10 te làdo Ibis the lava will Ta the ftevsiiapers: 'outalde 'of the Chicago show. hr'-tao changati andi Lake couuty The order of the5j oag- [e te Face for Fret 'j viii h over li) maies forseoald; ttke the lead in a vork tgegfrtrY fgi Sine, hritmg. qoho estides al of" 1h.'latent se- important.'This vil! corne up for culture,.effective Pebruary 14. 18l6, Sic hrsm.cessonies, .furnlshings and equlp-it)iOrouth discussion et the Wauie- roqiures itIno ca-le.alreep. agiter Id ligà a iemotersnents. 18111 meeting ou the Ilth. mýat;osw am baip" d eîîugs ta île moîber, . ~~The' Lake county dealers aud Wllh tha automobile show on dur-.upnns raIn hhb bpd didWilia Opetonagents am, ail working tagoiher t0 lIn Me 241h. 251h asd 201h. -an t s. tOiiroted, or drilrun on lem or '*th.- lenho as rouht acegvie 4é' estposibl dipla an oWau'(egau'8 fumnus Dollar envia. Uoyed Irm t&t tint dld~~~ ~ WIla relo rslVe thune atpasinhe dspayud 0f Ithe agaIe eof Illins la' ing flO#tlto on hIotbvasfrugtfaege heseattndig tegat-la- 'for 'the 251h. là addition 1tu Itli ~ ~ bo~.i ~ bs aet onaer f or l . r1'bile show every opportuilty tu Uiyr-Oood Rondes meeting ont thal' dite. nrbo bmâw t êt Ius bI aret n mtierougly' luvesîlgate any car desined. thora Abouîd be a large atteudance e'tienOf~. te adso mtin teThe deoearstions viii be samptaoos.ltbU (I><>4!Roads nxetiuS. 04 x IoII Moyett. >.é ran ud rso Wiet iit b.- Tht' lIghting effert viiet h et rbe.t, DIsf&tabt lCoubs 111e, grant> jury 'viii $11 .thaitihe Public Service Coinpanye n tJ1OYY lt fWbUe tl âi h'p mass on Orvsta Inuodençif instali. The decorallous are de- o t. ttu imeiat- laugb- morvs sot«l.i sgueil by Mr. Harry Kublman of the . Y HO S @sis b«ute h»acoulaiail'b'> tI- m thes' saScrllea. Gnhvo le one' of the tbent protes- " f lete0 Paectt. lasu"i b>'an elu- 1, thear aon erciesttsonal decoratore and designers In I II 4 ~ VII îy flt tr~lo'u~ ats fathrwarse m b rt thus section of the l1ite tte. DJL8,E RCE lOeut.lt ura, înia id noter th'sne bon th ber I wiib.'orrhestra munie after-1 Iy mntber Oy's nei sr'udtIlrDoon and evenlng during the ihree !tDactirA. W. Casper il Idbted a ar.Tiebo roeth ay the,.h II EART 0F WYETKU Laie aaté b aoM! ucteI aI La r. hebyboeteIThe disptsys vilitbe In place t'1t oiibédôg'fT e th pnn f the show at the Wou-. ,r b ni f1eso. kegan' armorY. 10 oclock. Thut'sda>' Was, Vi" jt M ig r'bIduP bs 'hoaquauibî S onng, Fehrrtary 24. and witI re if 1lt etaèIleet610;his Iposi tofi cd mIn In place untit the show closes He Pire'Al tée ts in dis l 618Poe, bs II é d ai :110:311 P. M., EPaturda#. the 26tb. HeOn ol N fe = ot l oi.îeifr fi The management has arranged fan mals shdy Noippget> on lmteqite oai(.t refreshments in be serveti ai theaumashieqfriSÇst s&- * tomnobili. show go Ihat lunches c5s' teIr. Al caille, sbecp. Other rai- be ohtalned there. The botlts atnd QUESTION CONFRO NTS JURY Reuls, and ibe îo lteudeil for qio4,%- rpetaîtrants oai Waukegan have atgu Ing. eeding. daîryl;. or -bnediug been reotteett I o arrange for extra FieDCOSWoAtne 1PurPOaes mont ho Inspecteti on tbs rrowds during tthe day'. O t he auto-Fio oci WoAtne fas and certified bofore tbey, are AitOsas.shw.tsh ppei mollie shoth. Uiw.ssspSy Say That Su- iee bain rom u wiii atnd. Eury To s osibe. Those vha desire these ~rîiop& pI brain rom ,tLi Illîa'tnd. e ryr cide Te sPsil. Doétor Casper sbauld moite. as provislpn, ')as bee.n made ta hantile c~nt it"ls fer as POÇ8hUngn ,the lb rads 1,1h comfort ta th.»e eai Con à mn tire two hulaI,.teb bis ilg ADVwmNCII, 4aslie hbu pl~~t - toidn. ul .s.a, apermit the lut- hrh tlory to côver. tent -Investigation of those destrlug ta h.eu-rtnpl lnsnect aoy of the dispisys. This le the questioth peneiInecq ' i cilthatPreseted nspecelunCharge. abut e' hae fe'i. onaiderai>le taàJ<141tathebl.ecoroner& jury whieh 1- abt rgaiiii a Lake cousity au. dey considaret the avidutee Ini tIs IVV'IPJII toûtoblie club .durtnth 1e automobile deho elWet..Telsus , sho. Tbis 4uestlttt, may b. tabougtOfPu *te.ýhlaeM Up ai that time vltb a viev of ongan- Olsitai Tuesday nlght ai th. Pet.. . lzIng au Jautomobile club lu Lake 1 tIus *underta king esablishment, but II every automobile owuer. Thiel s qeÇntbnhted tntil tbis monninq inj club, are very populan h tahlir sec-i OiSethèt an autOpey couid b. per. SN * lions andi Lake coat>' aboutid bavelfOrqigd. This 100k place this morm. SE T o m one. ing Pt tbe Opnrad & Wetz.i mndep.4 The Libertyvlie-Ai'ea brancb of t0k inqetabihet the eiectrlc lino viii couneet wllh b hsib.nt. -pesa.Te Ms nieM a*g traîna at these pointa durnupthe aue- hscin er rsntTe Ms nne.raFldSuitfor * tomoblie show v~ere Drs. J. C. 'oie>', W. S. Belai Dioc ro Ruàdh K. 0. B. Young, L. B. .7oflsy ' court 4 gy Coroner Taylor. Thep LET RBC L Y traceil the course of 1he. Ave bal'Ruîu"* L~Sit B. W 4UI To 0f heniunmistakabîy pasu dH LANDS A STORY IN tblo':gh the heart. The question tieu rn .H w la m h tld bis mth., ta 'kog À BIVI9~l ~ ,,A fi AIG ALÀI',m thse heurt. If no, il voulti ho easy t ui10 '" m t é 01 LACI~IJ~I r nidetermine that ho vas a suicide- D.l Hause.4 her boy, for bh.' leas in *s LEM R'L% * C PftT YT>I5f %*otberwise thore Might lbecàpossiblity- ee 4 omr4 e cnyMn o f martior. Suspicion Ibal A8atlkmal. their meîn t q >->- TO 'Diu JE omr .aeCut aNwmgh.pthv rdl.W'obp Ctrlg eaun to d, tetti bis În tai er big is sn t i e i f he »bu" agi Ifrtb i lu . . t i s -~ Ilac lb.>' panteti ioiîov- i U D 3IU A1bAK fA Prominent 'iJun it raiseil Tuesas'nlh -wçi' 'i aiaC ~ejar a Ia~ ur ' ~~Ciroies, Makes GOod. Ib vctV. V0ir6. from&tie m air 5. 'clook vben AI10r- -...tf u IYTo test bow test the bulets ouid ath 5 e lteatiatoi' t euf t. , - euInforme the lbFORU I)U'$MJ4bave been.tifraid Coroner Taylor test. te 14- >lesrg, ' a c o op4e . 1 .* REACHES COVETED POINT. ed tlimagunwblle anotho, Man timod Mola rl H».ie naud Ibal f vo abats couiti sntenced ite l. ie 510 l o oue nda er3<hrt-,4i> b feda.it B ýldo up cired 9isde a perlotiof tva sec.- change or uf 1itvba decil>' MM- t a tiodse a aber 50 If b ..t, a o w d h t O teae>'.29- Be HeI0on Aug pearance of W erk in Com ing onde. Thus, w ie itlaIsmont nusual, pou'IHis vrite lid th . jery Iat ho Sboy cde oeasse l 1 ioe teI gta fl ae 31. and Sp.1-DeoiJ<I' jeoand 1h.other doctors are lu- bcdit treatened ta kBI bersMd liaI t>' aberil a. couti ho tek- ud asonIo te1on d1a gIsue Qi Sauruay E venng cliledtia heleve that Wyetkes vas hoha bd stiuci ber M*lh a muohiats butEa er .bulfin pièemer .î. e anist heat elitsWi.oostIsBegvcidenct. bl t loe othbulet trouhaistamee îok litr «Mls.en Mr. Ilanna thal lbe boy >YoIugmon.» IPresidenl ('harles H. Avril and PsaBi hiveet ert.> irtat blelprrug isme'on a"- Mors«ed fset ev the court bouse an Bear Nanian: . Director E. W. Butterileul wero Iu Bo- ' Lester ~B, Voerit of Suicide. agtains alaoodiiapmr for dauage la ,V ala IsTuesdaywvirntiho>' attend- oyfre- TtPal yekscm tob 1.uicf1000Ilaieean ai11 on an>'conditions. 10ohbas bld me tisaI yOUl,5 beau l pcalmeigo tecrutait' *"Cly efm>o e ar-> tngh el a the aut f 1 0,000.beu t a eaucI:i amo eu>t helbaîer vas permiiled prett>' sik-jizt gel woerd yus- lairs vhieh vas tormedte sat montb at on TemWau- ed n astevetchloc e >' gefort ri but a llmnt va m ie i Attôvuts>' Diy oy»4p tarda>' mrie;,,henc h e i aa. Woodstack, when the dates vers set On-e WouPan lie jrt -az th-e verctsen hby turo bfereIt« ie. h as Mn. Orpel etlb ova Ia ei iisu, froeld Ie ssrvera ilndy 015 utlbter doutyne, oftae couni', ta coadtiana, h ose eemnioiAi 5 euvîsît stDwa btyuwnsus fierdrepresentedth ie Lake couat>' *Intienov ol neststo.TeMrn eemrWMI S ave hi. obpermisions Os iIeUtifgl lMsr.AelltrdUîe' -Xn!eDeauni eliun189b aktlgblani Pari soi Illveta i i.s Ibav ulotlon.dur . u niaonl ordo'arcluee hei II tingofe the star The cieri aI the store, where lb. hushanti Rad vif. unttl Voit, 14, I914. va hall vledd r- t'>'ta gt îowu te0M. yesi At the meeting Tuepday tIl va Menon anthe Litituomlse bIb, suicideti. vas lbe The>' bay.elght ohilrn., In Waakezan. Sire.- ' bbi'lY the 9t 0orFshruar ' foandt talthe dates setaileWa.Crnce a main vilaeas. He olid the alun>', Cbanging desetios. rani A. Bus. s-oebe dntt (Titg thle dit ona mAlis itsa Wsokneing uirs ccnfieicy t vlient -.Houston, Tex- Word- for word. as prinlet InluThe Sun sr bas brougbî suit for divoao non an i.wa otnul n. Usbert ied> sud vilcuniy'olit ville andi Beloit. As Brs can e .s a and s'i'. l odhwtetlo i we hl ,Hu.T«v - --a dî ântion aotçreti the store antiuai ltu Mare t W'oUbegan. on . Iteb i18. t>' shet vash aalied a uplb veillef l. menE. h Pudtes ba b. fratie 1h.Li i't" hlch ail jour- ho ahovu revolvers. Ho bold 5ev. 1911, andi livs togaîbar seUl Spt. 0> the -mte ho bad n>' mamIebedotas. t viliho dae adviiiJ.' monentptu)a ingto e oi nalsts aspire vbon ho bad vaîketi ta the reer of 10. 1911. Tb.y bave tvao bi. IY hot thoreMni dr 'Ut#ia;daeaudeaIico'.ndnietion1sdu-as u hoba lte stone ta get a botte of pop for Franflage, ageti 4. anti Artbr. voman vosascçrualaod. tinta, reme*Wbe. jThe nev dates for the sevonl aiesbraken hilu ta bevier ie customen, the Lithuanien Ioih E11-Both obldren are nov lu, the Lais a'h1 t tu!a> f10thebechambenas or the veapon Buif orpaifl. - ral>' unieriotdi tal; P. -nI vrythiug la net an. ,au vere set as falova: Beiait, Auf. lis. thEenia PoaL aq4 bi t ammoti fiva isai ballaes'a- ie boy's father, bas slp 29,;0 l ept. iean Bovdtoc, Sept. bi beot hfoo itesPsont55 rerton dteeclivos tla aii ' y lthe lime 1 me yen, itt'Wlhlho 29,;0,L1,bert 1;ile anti Beiv ept As. Mn. C.>Joj a0isOlbrut ose da>' Iba 's l provîng bs 0 s tien; lava Il 10 me. Vi an au 5-8; Palatine,. Sept. 12-16; Elibr. asNsI b S'eEnliaioAU fet. l~I~au boppeeisine1 sev 'ou e n-. Sept. 19-22. This causes a break In nolilied ufth1e accoptance y fore. Ttt ais reportaiystrayt& aflernoan Mn. Hanu-1 cowsglegiz, auioiigh 70e May' st thre circuit vhlch- couti not ho avoided ponl of a 6,000-word stor>' vibtchoh a second Part>' lid figureai lu the per men had matie eov-j unions Laite count>' vaulti ho wilng has produced I&eparene iewhiote eatb ut-the talion, but tis report D C S B T n n a 10 egage hm lu on-' " n ~ ta sl2sdls eoeAg 2 or aler woriing on thg Chranicle. "îîIsl; rala a aa.b'Ibs h thîsti s meeting of the 00 bvOai m. uetst han Sept. 22, that Ile'ta begin di' snd au oit star>, on SPindîe Top, the btA4îcted an Investigation. S «fI- 9 tntatives, andi bis sagae- io'sytiing vl bo ail igbt. If the circuit, vblch the IJbertyville cf- mont sensalional ail, pool ever dis- Tike tallor apparentl>' dieti a vie- aance vas sas f9lovs: y« tat ging around tuoe un ficers woald ual consent ta do. -coveneti. Spindie Top ts petering ont, tiqg othis owubn.an.sd dealhi »Meo ut toh odflW o a aeartp ruw.The>' are dragging aithtelst draps. lt XAvQ Igan premeditaed, .andi pv bic hobe gollteitoh. > >' W.i Mr..A. S. Chantiler, 67 Years aid. Snciing ai the bottoni af tho cap anti arrSed. A teck offendse causi lb.e Tespgi Intset huitia boud I lu 1 li. h vo Hiveti a mile veet anti a mils vilIreverythlng about gone." Upon taller' 10 go ta the store andi bons-ov h 5 ut5 ci boettns season nion Lambert -la of àa-ciro- IOLt'tlika 1tevrll an>' mma -rtb'ôf Qurnee. passei aa a' e er Ibis Mn. Colby forme i hs ,aloi'>'the gun tb %Iithimaseif. Ho viti ho opoeedlu Ihlinois toayI>.%brUor>'17. nature. Wo vaul Il1ke, ou knmov vy, 1rse., but W4 home le'bmuary 16 aI 9 a'chock. which ruas 6,000 varda anti or.la eld b>'one ut the sacieties of bultvt e t'fovl arn pessinover ho pmstuei' bat aev men 701DIeath vas due to, a genorat break' tensiveiY Illusînalei. W'bieh he in c meinhr. moesaie cuse 1h fes adna uslos- theprsonr, b t Mhis t Itidyo.devin lu ealtl. She haittisbon aling The frst Instaliment of Mn. Colb>'g 'iieedbitmu the Bnoteidlcksiecepialu so iseitve thuglil .*ioId j Aiso, don't toUali ou oms eWt f nR everet years. but l vas not un. sîn,>' viii appear 1 the Issue of I'eWIibb-he.pin f uk « ti pbiseover ta youvhjIn Ithe ath, fotr Fm net suppSeSi 4W' eteolst fev mouths Ibat beir con- ruary 19, pleceti on.sale an the 1tâiUnele Ien. lt.he l. aIS oi cs IMutij os1on ta, .Ie4mbo,- dition bectiee reali>' cilîcal. , lèr e. acplatifbi tar'b'Iis,0PO. Qon i-soue' ia' Ihnl uIr r vil*s * ~ ~ ~ i you pbbu 'vhti Ctnerv-boalLaoon>big magazine la porbapa the, 1i 0,*1 uW it ge » ba. "i bsos u 110401Yanti iolnevbet impatotial>for - ~~litpd bers aIlb'.laM ue recognition, ltIliabu -cou*-t ' -'o u~1f c .i ~ i'dass'o i ur* v t , tet. riber et1.,2C. and t in1doulféil -'If se>' àisir - Sse( flesealod a ê, eagf U ta til~a t l 5 4 samr ,etamis liige 1lit1111w,. a 5 b a~Bt ano cllldi05jeu. recogiionlo a JOunMW*eg' ______ *mmals beo 4 W.' cietth hmewih "IInMr. Colb>' viti ho MI oveosIpg ufl a e, ston.nuINMmulit OO« ia te- I I~~~he occsf0005ho I la a ini. - -ire i rnesultet> la soit s~ gsae . any 'de- w or . de- ,w or "sd ti or A tise 1 27, crsm- Oi lb. s. te> ilb 64 ater tiouth. en lie inunug t> lb. a "si- ount>'. r768. g beau of aleu sinant. liit la thered, of tha se tarm on ls 16.681i5 Ia sttili cw.'k. T.,1916. squant's [1-18 2ri ike.-gs. 9 Coe- 1911. lia euce IU "ua liaI mi moi. a above- lth day heur or of "al te CornaI egan, la a of IS t vendu. Mdi là- aIe, aihe tad SatoI ào SoUli vont>', la et Rang. Principal Ws: Com- '-sIx'roda Tvo anud ru 0f Ut- 1aakegan- ani Sevan L; Ihence -evon anti Auvent>'- 5 place of tIPbruor>' qDDY, tii. Miner.

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