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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Feb 1916, p. 10

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l>g wo IAXE CQIJNTY LND reLNUENT, FRflE>ÂY,FEBRUjARY 25, 1916. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ were for naught, for Wm. Orpet neyer Hanna and Mr. Wiikerson refused to Jitdge K. ,M. Landis of the ferderaiT iiel d!AY e I proved of the mtcth mat any stage andi ovetteoma the eS ta of th deedly 'YIJUR SON lAS appeared before the publie at Lalie deny or affinai t",report. court thot QrIffin wgli ailowlng Kelly, AflL) )tl UEAI1NS bail forbidèlent bW 'to marry Mrs. Mdo- 3xercory. Dr. T-là e adtebêi Forest yeterday. He was taken to One man, who Io lnterested bl the the Canadian, te Hv. in peace and raan. Leve triumphed, am nsua], and tiaten ant opefui that,4 Lake Frest n a cosed utomoile. rosecttonmade his satemet: luuth e aouole sieappoedeawaythto Wauke-ipedgiwy te1aufe-gmayp ha sMayrhsd. .Il le Hewa lda pr ooralnthecaif "he ecod tis the ets4e et Whoiellnatsadeofbehrs."N an and sacurod a marrIage license. tot he now ianxo9 to live,. Uiv- 0TOT R CHILIF__ __O_ f MLKUKY ii A BINn tdhpdthtoc awsig enteti0 is Ec , dl of police office et the City hall ain Unverity.ItMadison, Wis., will ______al________nc____sIg oe hefolyo bs e 8d;i throughout the day, and the only show that William H. Orpet main- marid te prltlb i .1srliodngt hetetmn o ý chance tha scandai mongers and the taOi l *, , r dot 85 par cent ln A TDIE idhoe e arie. ojctosepodngtol..rotnntt'-n Il____But aP'PàrentiY iha was mistaitan. The >cjçtim's,.wlfo.i lartib 0 curtous had te gaze upon Orpet wae o 94 -- thlougliqut bis 30 Jsiet i.OoM fofiiarnsogure <>hv n-oa h. almn. fConlnue fro psg ona) Moahanrestaurant. Sheriff Grifflo doub t, bwý4ha, h01an Insane man tiatanIat of the mînister who, baving îiua .~~nacd thaltbey wouid fnot becom te lb h atl very dayf1i g'. Cotnefrn oeoe) waiked ai his aide, and State's At- could pasà- exaininations et a state sarved hie churcb faithfuily for niany t'cnliad te the roarriaga. Biggins aide hlm cot for long pet-lods l -tuney Dady and Louis Erakine, bth ufiveasty with a mean average o1? years on a a3mal aaiary, la îett ln' - - bintsamas hie Parent* naggad hm IParents and alter falaUvel lb ! ha Cosy, but1 of Waukegan. were but a tew feet la 981 par cent,"11 want in his oid age. Cartainly te -s ct et the Jant MoAtIter hospital no much about the wedding tht ha constant visilors aet luthé o~1I Tihis dld flt hapl¾'o when the corD- lie year o? lb.e prisoner and bis cap-r Orpet dons not have the appearanca mînister. whoee life work la devoted' ln what le regardeg1 ae à criticai con- couid stand it no longer and dater. Owing ta the nmtuls: or the li néers jury met ai Lak. Forestlnl ltote. of a man whoae lfe la iu Jenpardy. t0 lbe weli-being of his taiiow .marnla dition. The. action of mercury, 1mb. rinad tu laite hie own lite, rallher.it may take aMfte* ds» -nicre t-0 ofMariof Laerquto f aboy t was statad et te inquest fthet H@aaPieard like a man who bas been as daerving or a pension as h Ct ltyo a es ally low ute -is mofhienrfativesprmnet tapr eal ho ftha ro l. t gin la g of Marlon lamberl. îwo emal scratches were fouod '>i mode tae vlctlm of circumstances. Ha officiei.lb.heleacher, the ctlyo cmsdstrrmla mara fbi ottvs.obrftl Frank Lmbert ln a voicQ sboi<en the forahead of the daad girl. It la cea0fo frmn~svon ta tandmys. The. tact tht 819- He maya ho ecrad lb. poison on hy amollon answered the. suhpoetta the beliaf of ail interasled la the Casa o 1Otappear te ha downtr ,ddan railroad empoye.-Lesiia's. I gins. tIllesolilvecause$ phiysicients vebruaty 18, only a tew doys alter, WOR ftK0F GUIsl of tae state on Mondai' and appeared that titise scratches ver. infllctad lt lnd or body', and bis eyas are nolet_______ ta hope tht pamibl> thte trealment is wadding. , He aya ha mwallowed wben ttheeorgirls feyuo thdeald-t hloto lite lt, is hande do net shake as Hmrin liHme.d Iitetred moy remuit ln Smvlg the six ve-main tâblaIs ar bichioride orf -it teý Foest on da andoroners Jury et Laite w b1. ffrmpa>sitO , andmor ani iiiHumer.ThYoung man's lits. merfury. Tité Poison made hlm o? Pà%tl.lIlItW'1 i y ]i of hieModaugte. and onld of ta fln td- wdebshown liet thedmat's f etmio sy andhui nwerdsalnneta of humor Io demon- The marriagelilcense record shows deothi yslck. Tite folowIng day. Dr. peaudaisi1 1 a o40 desin o? bis odau s arnclr1ed wssow htliemns otqesin k aqîîand conscienlione rflt y the tact that many a mon that a licenso vas iss%ed on Fehruary Budde of Norlt Chicago wom calilad ev> oté, Heart Couvent. lrints In the snow ran paraliel vltb mannar. Two reporters sought teOen-' con opera a pile driver vito cap't 14 te James iliggins, agad 25, and ILilcgseokoedt h e2 whc apoeotrui 0il ilnthîe report spread broadasat that ter t he 1mwer e ewlb. hy ge 8,btr flaitido dthle phyrsîianI otue,-oiild b c epk C'tuhI 'aetr 'man wbo igured ln the deatb of te upon is arrivai et Lake Forest yen- Record. Yas, and the nonsense of 111 North Chicago. The bride wasa 5Iadmnit l ixa Most povqrtUl on-.ui~ys lits rand ha l ofbihason whogirl returned 1 lte eaidea of tebodye terday, but bolh ver. pusbed fron tmnl osrted lb e t. atW-o n1a ahp etrkov ioa OSbé ahdtepio lia ndcolea 1. f issot f ater lb. heart had ceaaed litelabOr. te room by Sherit GriflIn. One oftat many a >nocker goas around tot- by lb. nom. of Mrs.Dlla Moraniitic V ICIU pvadInlathe JOne Meiti haniqen Lmasd t. hlea aidnmIatSat'dAtOrlb rprtrsmdelai rmrke'h Hnfirat husband la aid 10 have'rtor hooptal *Ittotit daioy. - eW it a vdn a tt' ttr h eotr aetI g hb i tIle hammer and on ve een kilied six monthealit1er Iheir that'aimé ha babeen glvati lte beat O0Madrlèn ai le5si d The lwo men ver. trowo loto tse ey Dody vas makittg a Atermined tb. ---representalive la there, andt Icrack a amil.-Miiwsauka Snîn marriaga. t lafr jet cinc petmett sane compony. Tbey 414 flt make figit te1 conceal tram tae défense tae Grîffin i.a serseta mebecause I toid- The parents of BIggins had not ap.t#'h dcath t reats ona to lbe, othar. Tbey tasbimt>nY upon whlch ha dépandsA . ____________________ h 1* mt, sbook honda, sludled eacothi-' send Orpelto prison If flt ta bis arai faces o second, titan parted. Bt deth. Joa Davis. confident of tle z~ twa vords vare spok0fl by the metn. dead girl. vas nt subpoanaed. Site These two vords ver. "good day." 414 net aPPear aIttae cty hall Ftrank Lambtert eoid: Ithroughout tae day. Beardsley, the ,lt in true titt Marion kept Coin- . am d tective; did net put ln an ap- pony wllh Will Orpat. Wa 414 net pearance. objeet ta Orpet. Wa 414 net aPPrOve E. E. Friganza. a reporter for the o! Orpt. We thotight that Mrion i Citicago Examiner, te scribe vho mouid devote ber spare moments ln ferce! an entrae toto the. steel box study. We titought site vas teevhicb hld Orpet a prisoner. Inormed visunedai1outhiofea eu. tel a 'Sun rapresentative Monday thatl vlleda urhm fauntr" Orutet lad admilted te bim blet ha e Edar OinLabel ai: purclased a two-ounce bottie l bs o "We did nt knov tat Marlon Madison. andWII vee lves. . dd nl~"Ha toid me," said FrIgeoza, "that knov IltWIU kapt Company vitit Maron. W. preoumed hlm t0 ha et hae vas in Lka Forest the night of collage vietheiamonder toit place."ltae th and 9tb. Ha bold me tat ha Thal Mrs. Lambrliead a premoni- gapi, intte garage at - bis tatbrs by thls s atlmant of Orpe's, made "Titroughoul th.e flernoon of Sun- under oatit:. day, Orpet. Ivo other prisonars althe peorace front ber home, Mis. Lain- I atternoon for matches. i sent outIn e G rea test (Car of A Rl 7"o,jë ber caledteme verth teePhnefor saublion steak at supper fima., antd maet seto: gave my "pork and beans" to bailcalld bme oer h. tiep o e t. Afler midnigltt, or about 2 N i> t.* f~ o -MI. ORPET, YOUR SON WILL o'Cýciock In lb. morning, Orpal re- 801% M r fï reIC W n s ô .,n HAS GOT OUR GIRL' fumnedt!hiisown bunk lu is celi "I ld Mu. Lambanli Ibat mny soin anti breaght ouI two doughnula ftront William, was aI Madison, Wl.., and undrMa 8mattreaa: 'Hare aritopostin.On r." 'icde Ihat te vas miaken, and Ihan mine yua taoo~t iea'mi ~sent mnf poiin n aeyniîat limad. titis raply.: 1 t il#&t'a ltI1 was atraidto tast ~~change from hkgitgeai. ' BUT YOUR SON MAS TAKEN tem. ingo'ithlb . doughnuta.The w oria"s Recorad .c2aher Thr i rl y a condition whar the Suer- OUR5 GIRL AWAY."' -'itving possad lhroughbi banda,y MrOrettetiie tht is50*Émiht onai pisn.A -Pau.enp'r Saper.Six Mokas Fasic" Timere Touring C»s Six le taxed bcyond aate-hmlf C*Pacsty Am n at atviil t0 hie home, on or about "Orvet laughed t ibtis statemant," apto 100 Migaosin flficiai Tests, Und-.r A. A. A. Suprsrviusn. meana vasI fuel ecooey. te 151h of Januat?, vas one neceesi- mi ngno t~ la aad ue 0f anent jttmr y Uta boy Frsnmsa daims lIaI Orpt madie 11)0mil«s in 80 min., 21.4 sec., aerag- Standing st art to, 50 miles an hour ia This as" m <>tim tram a bicycle.tmsoalitemenIbisejhlmil nové ta,,,d.74.67 mileu per hour, with driver 16.2 aec. "tmsis m tat 5 d5'y ut 30,-ù" «Mili cama home about tae middle pouing on Attornneys Manneant and pd ane AltrazHd~ e odawre made witi thet of anuary te con uil vit Dr. POx- W ilkers n te brng about my relas. Te bout p evious stock ca r im a wins made by raý e soc k ri., ig tiesn nis ioto t. et IbSeO- vf bd a6aod aa.Atutop'. mosye. Ha arrlved home on Batun- I could dlean op mucit of tha mys- s car vt more cylindeis, more cylioder capacity heact Bay cdw.y i Novemer un Prsr rmin« ik day, and relurnedte 10collage on Mon- torconneclad viithahedeatb of Ma- and driver oly vizton of ..meican Automobile Asscationt- Y.« of ordeuNntdaIbs gWOoMld nqt'iIh day.1 mid Orvet. rin, If my lawyérs vould oni> lt l75.69 miles in one houi' Witlt driVer and Dr- l s et h orc adie1hthl.Y. hs8.k et l.~ Ftrankt Lambert mode thi tIs aoe- me talle. i vant te talt. i have ai- Drr hs et h O c-idia ta Îre e h è« wO M0 " mantto thie Jury: .voya vantedte10tait. Thal bas bean; passonge7. prhu. 15)pi*e i o aaiY 11 d«- tA ii ihu Y m ww ww 1t1 '*Tie.ISt imie 1 aw my girl live one of my failinga, andi I am br.0 otelaovei mc i 675mie pr o r 3~)în'Sa O p cp houi, diîseda- dîm entthuaaydS aua.We' vi ht ths ledoaven my bd andi visitad tell you. Frigans. titat viten Iis 70.74 miles in one hor, carrying 5s >. ceî. F ie prhu, .j:'itu ia.m~f.b~ ~ h.frha me 'good igIl."' -coaei.abrougitl to trial 1 shall moiesnes ihtpadwnsiedu.car_ ro at imita over knwn bofoma Me 101lte jury taI the girl itatia 'f00' out o! many, including t.ahes ilitpadwnstel ~ o>r~e ero n at 'Iiaad bar daddy goodnight.' reporters vito hava given te or rTahasbot previous time for stock car imilarly T'hc SuperSix evaa not uilt for speeid. ][Ambert maid: «Mr chuta hot av- of te dealt et ManIon'i1ti té'wori cyiodcs Bu ped req4rires pwr aqd it alao eryugte iv fr. hee u n 1am nncet ad y nnoeneviii more cylirder capacity. and with two pas3enc D OVi WS iÈI regnon vhy slite ebaulti md ber lita. te provan aven la the matisaction of only proves endurance. U S N O Site knaw of fna poisons viticit wouid the Parents orfthebe 4.0girl." brng instant dealh. Site d14 havae iaevso.mrbt an o-. The Super~-Six tîtke HudsS the grestest stockt a camera, but site itatibarhr p a a Ut bongyrdy. Site de- graphes developed tia aPiarmacy ln na htbrnm sM.BseiAnc otri per nMtro he motor *tze cotuidereýd. Th-utathe. Suor.i efini Ofca ead poetç pç is keForest. Bo site nevar bottic- 0 .,edpue And a WMOCi ilfi Thmone ueacpison a n mytho er bolto ea aiforeaetre tdettts frad yýar, with records to prove is aupremnacy. for ils cylindem' capacrty, i by far ât the fact so yau never con forg'et it plislanuntier locit anti key, and 1a Sun reportar taItaI vas bar peadeooncl fiin owkon h 4 ie fteps o àtx am tae only pergon who hati a tey nom. If s a light-weight Six, simpl n croia. efiin oo fw.'ie «a usc h etn~clrn td-tite locher lnvhlci thlitapoison vas 8h. Ibid £; àaÎta* a8rpondent of INotadded cylinders or ie. ',, likq.seSxi chW" jeSq pïr "ce a. oreSsn 10 kéi.I.nomil lier lifs Marlon neyer The SM,. LabltvdMtched Orpal ha- H. ~ ' asliet me quesllons perloining Io cause .ha smaked m, anoy cigarettes. moreH.thP. WAÈ5> WASTLr.u "'0,asix 80ooqici-rUVfl iw*e acide or tem ouse. Thera a.ganother yaung girl ln Laite But il shows 80 per cent a.eefcinyta te ay ho toi a Su re___________________e ped.that 5no Iawer prima atà tte.* -Il vsevident Iroughoul the 1n- Forest yëaIerdayvo1 o e iesz ooshrtfr ceoe.A mrn tti c ct 8y ceatea about 83. -'1%1 qtj on Monday tai Attorney Hanna porter taI aie vent for a vaik vilt it8 .hï""-enotoc n aniWiikarson ver, aîîempîito re n onningng lie Cbial-t.,at a Six-the ideai type of motor- horaepoWCi rtCru thelit filTtC showvtlitI Orpel liedt mode saaemenîs mas itoidays. SI. refosed te giveIleafLiJtSep * pertainlng te is Innocence or guil ber name. has outrivaled Eightsanazd Twelves. Is rcLords delvered 41i blcrsepowCr 60 34 tbormapawer o or egwm b - lier othe stataae and lies rpreaantativtts lb lad Ielon axpecledt tate pie- have never been meîtched. was heret ,fr-v v-tt îd. as compared with thi eiUSE k mh, aa yudr unden dureas. liminsry beariog hfore Police Ma- sprSix. 'Tigday liai an alieniat bai heen heZ Immediately analtehecoroner'.&tAnd tutu .Jlt5>yiZ.u n udson.flinvion, hat aselain vibration.causing fnictionSmi. -ý f e éÏéýJivIdea n "%Mtgged" (il migitl b. ai41 Into jury ralurned lils verdict, bul upoti controfled by Hudson patenta. Sa. for the. Wehaa avcd that waste by wiPing Oui piée *wlCb the world hâs'ever meen. Lae Forest 1e examina Wili Orpat, motion ai Sttes Attorney Ralpit J. ehv tae ailegati murderer. If Ibis alep l)ady lhe case vs poslpooad onlil first time, an epochnaking feature ia fouitd vibration._______________________ vos taien by h. défense, se taI Monday. Mlarch 28. et 3 oclocit. .- "insanily" migit be habeir plea ha- 1Iî vas reporled tatIlnsanlly ovas in but on. car. No extra power ta deveiaped, noa xtra fuel in kX LUÛt<J for te br f ustce-th cofortomebdte lSn mpiyriel byh r.onservittg the entergby ... c'a@_ly__r____________ 7,aM crcatcd %wcaltain titis vast reserve powcr. tbwj4b*s ÇMhit oks its * . I ..N~~MAL, LIUflI, BUT 76 il. s. I0iVCoc >1Tfi, Hudson Super-Six, with titis patertted NEV1 UC (f r b.. W. hureln tpbr almed btlite miôitt-,maine in thie Ligitt Six clan. Ita cylin- . . Idrs are 3345-identical with the Hudson rThaï Sn pçr cent ?ofadd' , eicdjepy cornes hr ipbiedOltbl output Slx.40. And ia matan foiiows iong-establiihed, throuh adde O ÛmW, 4%pj, *cvvû u wfIrt practice lina&l respectes ave one. k involves ne speed. îu quiet, flowint l4I Itl iiitadttyt- $Aoê imuwhat.vsr. eceratta aboya evrpt<é4 ëtutW dties .on .î k961 Ti.lealrathng of this4lze mater la 29.4 týcmotM fud0fic'pBbfW- Soclet>' of Autamobile Engineer.m chbiâik dln 4c rèdl rn lb boUst former types titismxewasmamde , ta diiver 42 horsepawer eaImaximum rrtl ~ eserve power oi a liiet cr. $ 1 lus~~~~~IM SuîmSsitdelivera76 horaçowu. g-a, fcil>idiêidqu1~li.l* -,lue$ -80,'p«r-CM 'ars thm ooely. are cllmbed without stortt Sond andS'mUd pfri- Places any Phono- A e graph in your home valued up to $35.00. MOt. Balance on easy monthly payments. j Special for $ DayOnly. WUUA,1.. -"a"' -Arranne fer Démosrnol*. Sc O Ei1b~ii nîî î*~ih& : t&5 i * i 5 M M M M M M M M M M M M Ç E' mît Mit M ut Mli E M .< ML i M Mît .1 M M il *1 (i M Mi ut, M M .1 Mi E g M i g I i t' M t j' g g w' M M

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