pag V ~rive LAKE COIJNTY DFPENDENT,'FliIDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1916.*' ___________- Oeai Dollar Day Dargaine Ébat Command lntarst -1he The Big Big Store'Store Women's Coats at $1.00 S i Clcan-Up Lot Sik&WOOI $11 i irls'&Fi Brown Cooking Sets, at Si vîulr 2 1<)- t'pot- $MEN'S OVERCOLUS bilg loeiî-îîut for Ilits 14 iil! k.ule i .l oîl.Abig ranlge of sixe lt \t ll" îîexai 1.uI Pillow Cases, '10 for $1-extî'a good 112 vaille'. 23 uh. Goît a 5lll' 12,c Muslil 10 ýds.$1 luth (al 'i iii ofaî'î'tl ol ' rd l. 't< t ' lstoille'î. 15c fNansock 8 yds. $1 F'ille jîîuîity iuîuîiuso<<k <of Mighty Dollar Values in Aluminum iteavy aluminuni tpa întllû ) ort u' ' alumlnum rookers 5-qt. size. $2.50 value. with !a- i iu .4ning Id $L1 20 American Family Soop. -P 10 Kitchen Kienzer $1 A wimiiîler'tiî dollar offcî'ing -, 7< ait.No pimie or mail <rders. Noîne )I ft i)jllreni. $3 CARPET SWEF PERS $1.00O ii ' . '<,aratl'carpet sw'epî'r $1.30 Oil M'p and Oil, ail for $1.00 Larg i't1' 1<' ll'- r-ili Oit M<<î<($1.50 vxaue) i l-. otl 1 itlu of, pt<ishi. Req. $2 Cut Glass Water Sets, 7 picces at $1 Utensils ROUND ROASTER Jc aliiiun Utt roa Fter. actually ' _ _t $ ' 1 l'oti.large rsa_ Women's 50c Hose, .3 for $1.0 IP it' tii' st<<kilIgs Of ee'<Itl 1 ' v <<Fl'i "';gai'ter tolps; i'e-ii i'<"< Umbrellas Up to $3 at $1.00 65c DRESS (iOODS., 2 YARD)S $1.0 A 1 ' l i t w4t .(.(l fIît i ls n 1 1 e 4'h4<. i v,<'t<. ideilt' 65c Plaid Fabrics,2 Yards for $1.00 ~l'î4 î<'i'iii'Jt jtii'< jlaiti <hess g<t<ttlS ini lie%",. $1.69 Blankets $1.<JI $1.50 Comforiers $1.00 'vit itt '<<erinîgst of hrighit 1 26.x 36 Matting us50Kid3 for $1 Children's $1.503 Sweaters, $1 1,lPaIt' la 1 iret'i 4 0 got tIl i -ga ri 1 l<'mîi t 1. <'ix' x0uîmîî'st'1'. s1ttua i l u 1 ax e 11I Children's Rompers, 3 for $1 ( iî~:;tî imtlflailîîclett' î'<ilper<'s iîjit r"'l I' U~lj l lxa . 'uA l r.Kid Gloves (to $1.50), Two Pairs, $1 l'i bd l'(. 1, 1 sdd 'san -2 Pairs, $1 Silk ýGtIlms (to 1.25 lî l iti ' fni all Regular $1.503 Kimonos, at $1 ' l . m tîi > i'ttvlli l lS m ail Children's 50c Gowns, 3 for $1 lliîiitlîtt< Iligit gîtilî l eavv1<1 " extra <Ilalitv îîatt'îial. . weil jaie l s'/5 linen Crash, 10 yards for $1-thî<' 15<(alc duri. i S jiieli. Long Cloth, 10 yards, el il1i t ' . 1 121 t yaî'l gratie. Unbleached Sheeting, 21 yards, $1 - fiue \\ilv 1<1<' v"Yai-i'4jgi'uitlt' Hand Bags (regular ($1.503), at $1 Lace Flouncing ýreg- ular $1.50), at $1 Yd. I h'tii i S5Ilia id î '27il v1 uî<'î \ i 1iv. $1.75 Congoleum Rugs, $1 100 Rhinestone Pins, 2 for $1 iU ' i i I lke llAuî'l'tnî I lt'ugý i ai l l ii tu1Y l ' <l 'i ? v itii îuislity *!i <<'1' aroht.,. $2 Velvet Rugs, at $1 $1.25 Gloria Hair Brushes, $1 \I e iltigu. tn a pensiv as.,iirtynnm lu 1 i <ru.<b tmade -dourbelebristle <'ir*ctili 1 i ttsI A NN Ex. it lrni'h iclvaner iltuluiî'd. ~~ Children's $2 Raincaps, now $1 Bottle Toilet Water À"i «llivelliùis< Ist ut livii 'Itioi NeiV i Box Face Powder C'îtîtcîa (altes. Ail suzes. Jar Face Cream Children's $1.543 and $1.25 Shoes, at $1 'lu.' nu <u. cI hua retnark- \'li kuùîtid n gliii ilitahil les i' ii ,-izis Sltt2 A' i ,rrr'n $1.'<i The higlunat Iîitt <t Ar-lu'iite lot.atr<.r 35e Curtain Serims, 5 Yd. $1 P la i and It'tlo red blni'l'i' tinîî '10ni' f:;îthiilî w idîl. 18e Swiss Goods, 8 Yards,, $1 FieSwissuIrteanti i st'îo :,)I 24c Bleached Tubing, 6 YO.s. $1 12 ii I>î'llo<îî'ï.lJ'îliîî ilg offille t it v. 6§c French Chals, 2 Yds., $1 IPrettma xî't<<i cllis ili 1uutat aIl- <uir <al designs. *27-iîîeh. Regular $1.50 Bed Pillows, et $1 Pair 19X26i pil1owvs ei ll te N\ ith aluw feathi-s. 1 <a ait tivking cases. wonien's 35C "Everwear", Hose, 4 Pairs, $1 A'"Dollar Day" Bal, ,f famutes', ".V- erwear" Stockings. Thp unai 37, "i1uerwear- Stockings, 1 Pairs $1. Children's Reg. 19c Stock- iungs, 6 Pairs, $1 1 lea'. fheeed ibibeîl stîo'k îngstIli'a a 1iit.y tanl ifi Oriental Laces (worth to $1.503) at $1 o"er' 01îi.'îîtai îe i sîtit - did a8soi tnvî t ir l1(sigiýis. tWoien's Uandkerchiefs (extra special) $1 DoMen 1>re fmiei îîk h Iioidci's. Il <valut'. Women<s Reg. 35c Fieeced Hose, 4 Pairs, $1 Fleeced âtockIngs jth reinfore'd,( heels an d mes~. flemari<able f 'ýc cittallty. - 50o Kimona Aprons on Sale, Three for $1 lIne gIngham I<lfl iiilOarons. madie well and roowv. The best 501e apror< smade, Women's $1 TJnd.erwear, 2 for $1 F'ille Wi<l \<'stsaiud (<larui'ti's< liiu'inu :îîd lt t lus iîiit- Boys' 50c Underwear, 4 for $1 il uii' lO't'hSlii'-ts ailuti anlts ii Sizî's 26 <<iii . Il i ' îîiîewlile thîcy Boys' $1.503 Shoes, at $1.40 (TCîlm- siitî<s inin mî <'lier styvles. Szs~ lii 131 25e Tissue Gingham, 5 yards, $1 i>lait ds î trl'usn II fast etlîtrs. 011 (ON<l New x'seiectin. Women's $1 Underwear, 2 for $1 suits i si'/À'ý5aul (;înly. liitjet Wqonin's 75e Underwear, 3 for $1 <'4«'u x<kt' ani lace kie. Size Sil~k Petticoats, at $1 - a speî*iauilot it .te il- Xvaîluîî's 111)to -$3. Muslin Petticoats, a t $1- r<guliii $1 ai nt tiiiikil'< I file gradite. New Pictures, at $1- a liaîîdso uit'v assoit- mnit ofl l'uaîîed uic- tilIi'('. Valîts tt 2o 1 Jt' Women's $2.030 Shoes, at $1.00 Vio'i kid ehtii to p luit- tonu siloes ini aIl si'/vs. I lait pi'ic<'d îiîile tliev luist. Regular $1.25 Shirts, at $1 Our' spriîîg Ihue of fa- MUS $1 .25) shirts for mien. Eîjua i lu $1.50) slirtîs olTeîed <'I4se- Belts and Girdies (,to $2), at $1 60c Overalls-2 for $1 <<ni lot of fanc.'u lii1l,1',uri 44441girtileus in a, l]iglltit t the rice or a fa4tly-i t4itint. nîikt i,< ()td ci lor . ndIi<u îlOult".(tr îw n stceial mat ehlessau'nd. 44-mn. Silk Nets-at $1 Yard 5 Pairs Regular 25c Box, $1 I ilît s .nost'. l cl 'iîl opiîilat'i« r riras' ('4,1 or'< iii i isere uttîx <In ail aizsu. Spiccal tii xcept inalI <«liii' Ove t egila r 25c lieu t <a$1i Men'su 50e Underwear, 3f I'l <<-'< îu't aiîi'uixîe'si al (of x Niniîx x t'tl ei'ie lits. Men<s 50e Work Shirts, Thi 11 va' v v wîoî'k shir-ts otf bhitk anîd h it.v guiluitt'ht. .1. si'zes. 20e La~ce Cloth, 8 Yards, $1 L~avee<loth anîd MNI uiitisettes inî pi'etty pauttern'is Big seiecti<ui. 35e Turkish Towels, 6 for $1 P lutn iiii v<tluuels 2'-x45 in- (.1<,w'lues xv lt'. Oîe n'tlî'ries- Il sizes.I>'tx Woemn's Shoes {wort to $3.50), at $1 iSeecmltgly ImpossIble îree for $1 Shoesanatd otforc4i'nit palet, b111e sIî îè1111 mavaelle elotil. îe. A lot th $1.25 Iànen Damask, $1 69e Damask, 2 Yards, $1 1 Fiii<' tuahlity table (lhiimhsk 72 ilu- jî chles \\ideil. Big S(1(41iii<> or ~ rh up baritain. tsiedi,, that wiîl $1.503 Step Ladders, $1 Il <îîsui elvalleî's wxill walît this l', strong <Ii 6f4ont Iadder. d( Up to $4 Whul attra<'t stUti'5 ii-g al sizes. 69e Petticoats, 2 for $1 69e Combinations, 2 for $1 $1.50 Jardiniereç I' inîisliiîi letticoat i i lu Iiîjýie îiusiiî coîuiniatious pî'et- Di )î<ulîe- fii'î d .Ia rîli 1e re cî'lj viîibi'dei'y flounces. 111v îriîîmnî'tl iitluace uliîd etilhî. 1iîuelîes iniiilauneter'. A, e Waists (slightly soilid) at $1 Regular $1 Waists (soiled) at 3 fôr $1 oitatut dollar offering whieh iill Muîîîv and 1t'c ulimp'nue>I' ii'tlmuor wuists (if x iueî A big group iiîîd (l- t<<lhe dispos" 'd îof uit uanlust<nishliîg price. Big tuîhdefulli. Regular $1 .50.ýýtit Cases, 22 inch, at $1.00 es, $1 i5e 111) tii 10 ssortcd. 4ç~4 ~ 'I ooý - '- I - -- -~ V'.- A y ! ~t~.LL~OI. s À00A *Irts up to $4, at $1.00 lre Models $ RICE IiOILERS- A 21-gaige 15c <Iluak lowels at $1 dozen Neuîlv iIliiîî Go. o<«i <1aliî.v.* '0,-Il N.',, ?î 'i) WAY e__ &I ý