LAKE COUNTY INDFPENDE NT, FRIDAY, V, LBRITARY 25, 1916. xr Day is also "RedLetter Day" at Rubin'smS-I49(-. reen Stamps Free 1 %nin vlit have iteeli sav ili il1te).dollars lfor iDollar IY ava e "i]iiI t e î;~t tinties rw efor we aie 1-iad«V ith i 11 i ist iiîot'ï î l i.offeriiigs. Voit-1.llars i t ais s i;l te t' il ltist dtlit>lo ,awe1iisii1g luit the'additit>îat v;tllicIi ý;l oll iitî\ii tIieliee inî eelî jtîîiilia-e is tnliet1( iilv e vattttge efr \Ve Is' ""ive Yviî .&l ta:;slI 'tv;i. t hesaie as a eash dA î't.Àsut, of 10 SL&î L. wp vil ibu îiveii fo.;!sIii'li b1vd as x'iîI ave t0i~Ii. Polir aî:v is aIso ii vidil 1 Co1!*(Xi"' ait tgct !1 e <): Furolî<. Bargains in -Domestics lSc Yards Mushu<$41 0f Firîn, heavy (Iqiîality i(J Pullr n iii Sinuîsliui; yard Nvde; alwNaYs 'l.00 luiîîgs 9c; 15 yards ...... 5 Yards 9-4 Sheeting, $1.00 2¼yar:ds ide ;Oc N' allie; 1 5 yards..................10 j6 Pllow Cases for $1.00 A45x36-linch bieactied pHION casea; Ia good grade musitti;22e vatues; 6 for - -- 0 P Two 69c Sheets for $1.0 mdofctofeC wovetti nusIitt;. 2x90 lnlei .00a -69ec va ucs; 2 for .......... ............ ing, $1.00 10 Yards Shaker Flannel, $1 ora tubiîîg; Il(ntVNY 121 .1e ýw grade 0); 22e 1.00 NvIiite staker flaîîiel;, 27 iîîý- efsord;1 ais 1< for .............10 A Yardsa Indian Head, $1.0 'Tbe gentuiie Imdiat fHead Sitiing;- yard wide; fult eafhed, 17e vail-10 'iln; 9yards ........ ~ Yads6..4 Sheetinç, $1. ..llibie4ched aheetlng le thbe 6-4 ualrie20e; 7%~10 fe r ............ ...1.0 0 24thuneeachOiÇ.4 xtra firm iIuc, 12 yards.l I... ' lý 1#ards Gab=, $1.00 'taadrd 12%c quality gong aolec. tt é . pattorna n 3; 10s, 0i .a ..s ...... 5 Yards Tlicking, $1.00 Fie art til-kilng; 1')2 i qultity; 5 yards fori ..0 10 Yards Long COth, $1-00 Fine, sott quality, for undermustitf; ,16 loches wlde; Io-yards boit 1.00 for ............ .......a 6 Yards Long loth, $1.00 Etra fine Englistu long clot, lb regular 20e grade; Six yard for ....................10 10 Yards Shirting. $1.00 Pine Ros" twttied shirtîng; for ,îlght s hirts aiffl ebhlidren ' 1;U1 00 wear; 18e qualty; 10 yards .UJ 10,Lerwear and Hosîery "fl lhtPairs Girls' Hose for $1.00 Fine rb bsé for girls; heretofore prlced at 15c; rein- fOrCod. 8 pairs for $1.60. 4 Pairs Women's Bi1k Hose, $1.00 Pull fattblosld fibre eik hesc for women; excellent quai- ty;, 4 pairs, *.0 3 Pairs Bilk Lisle Home, $1.00 Phoenix slfkIlsle hose guaranteed quality; fashtoned to thie font; back and colori; 3 lairs $1.00. S2 Pairs Bot Silk Home, $1.00 *rosnen's 1-n;ot slik io'e ln black, whte and colorr-e OaAeded tar lt atipervice; 2 pairs for $100.f 'ý -.: beiinMeus Sik Rose, $1.00 Ç.bMreitd libre u111k boue ln blackc and whte; 5 pairs fe i.0 *r'oa! Vesti and Pants-2 for $ 1.00 -Piee llaçd;* reguiar 76e values; 2 for $1.00. ii I n' - '115 and $1.50 Union Suits, $1.00 M =b~c; alstee:s; aie pice $1.00. 'ýwomea Veats and Pants at $100 '-«ormerly $1,26 l"d $1.50; sale priee $1.00. Suifs, Coats, Dresses and Sirts Great $1 Sale,Values Up to $25 This is the most remarkable bargain of ail. Just "" think of it-Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts that have sold as high as $25.00 in one great assort- ment at $1.00. Surely you have neyer been off ered such an opportunity before. These Garments are WeII Made and or Ail- Wool Matpriais They represent. broken assorimeuîts and in- complote lines. Corne early Friday, so as to get first choice, $1.00. OI.Iar Sale in the Basement 20 Yards Muslin for $1.00) :9;-iiwv iîieaehe ntstii . guiîu 7v. seller; 20 yards1 0 i for..................... 10 I .. 15 Yards Dress Gingham, $1.00 Striped anîd ehteeked dii 's ging- h1#111b; hie regular 10e qil 0 ity; 15 vards for.........10 5 iYards Curtain Net, $1.00 48-inetî nets iii. attraetix t patter ns; sliglilly simiits; 65e grade,; ) 5 yards.......... Men'a Shirts-3 for $1.00 Work and drege tlitit,. witb colar or f l banid; 50e values, 3for .........1600' Two Petticoats, $10 12 Pair Hose, $1.W0 Made of good îîuality mus lin; ernbroidery flt ile; 9e Uuts' tititi girls' lîuse, tilt values; twvo 1.00 sizes; rî'iîffureed, lor ... -............. .. siaelat; 12 pairs . .00 ITTICOATS - Wom- <*# MacSmercerlzed Wttlo&àte; toi 6t,.....10 Iens Vesasand pants; nmi'an d h rlbbed; 60C i a iIreni'-,s au~ ~~ valuet 3 for 1.00> to * .1.'>'>o eJa mi$1.00 3ds<bridery $1 d wem«ieVmbivîlas wtb 118-in ,rY ffouffcng;eschoice 09 ýftii onsd ralo-proof-- ccv "The Best Store---On the North Shore" Suc-..orsto (. ' L oÏ0 o s Splendid iReady-to-Wear Savinis $1.49 Wash Blouses for $1.00 pjt>tNý jcWvstylevs (if voiiles, tîrgatîdies a;id eottiîîî i1 es; easily Nieth 1 0 $1~.19, sale prît 1...... . 00. Attractivc ew Petticoats at $1.00 - . Attraîl i'l si ls of îireielsa- DAY Iceilsaîd ii\i'gjteiatevial; i lai'kanîd dos.... ...10 Two Slipover Gowns for $1.00 lare anid eîîtbt ident., tw o gowns foi ............... ............I1.00 Trimmed Bats at $ I atC iîter styles ii viictv orit' nodets; îvorth lui ;jtL.O(1-aeîît 2 Petticoats, $1.0 Madeitu oif'stî'ipeul Ail riigiaîu; muffle at bîîttuîiî; 2 roi ......... INFANTS' DRESSES -1 Btatiste at]unibiroidery, with lace trlrn- l ming; two for. ..... 1.0 I $1.00 Long Kimonos, $1.00 ~ a î i \t t ait i elv miade iof eottoi i 1.00 Ce, iii ail etluis; 1.00 00 Children's Dresses noskea< JI ltie anîd wilite anîd bîavk 1 .0 0 MA hi hte gùîghaît; 0 1.0 '2 tii e;r6 2foi ......1la . MUGLIN GOWNS-Nai n- WAISTS S;triputi voles, .ook. witlilgh or low ogand1e ohl batistes; neck; Prettil; 1.00 1Inunlerus tisi've'i i rimniet; sp. .>> I wo for ...... 1600~ H ats New Spriîîg 1hpe, all ors, val lies to $2.0Q ; choice Da maslk, Towels, Towel'g, Spreads 2 Yards Table Damaek, $1.00 7-iiei icreerized danîask -the r eg- ;l;1e, gratde; 2 yards ~ O $1.25 Da.mask, Yard $1.00 E~ - I lia'y, purc. fihjiiiqiiality ; Satintfinî- s i cîîti< 'pattrns; hpeu.j 20 Yards Toweling, $1.00. iîleaebed erash toweiiug, with fast î-î'i iîîînr; Se grade; -)0 g yarids ........................10 s Turkish Towelfor $1lO0 1l"1i1t 5ize litetiIe~d bath tî W j es ,;t1N.,, awîs 15v, 8 for ........10 90r; large Bize; 4 for .. ..... 00 3 Huck Towels, $1.00 F,*tuuc linen, lîemstitched fi towel. S50C sellera; '3 for .00 10 Yards Swiss $1.00 yjard <ide; splendid selection of ptiterîis; 12%c grade; Io yards for $ 1.00. SILSOLINE-1hast 12%c quality; pret- ivpatteras and coloriea I6; h Ji) yards ........ .... .0 8Stemped, Cases $1 "JeatlY fitamped for embroldi'rlig; 4[ix36lflCli alie, 8 or $100 DAY CASES-Atactlvely stansped. MIx aces 10 for ......................10 louseholqi Needs -SrclFloor 'AUCE PANS-1, 2 and 3-quart auminum AUEPANS-White granite; 21h pans; set of i ree andi 5-quart sizes; set of i l for ............e.....1 0 2 fo ................ .00PRESERVING KETTLES - &-quart PREttERVING KETTLES - White ,*Warever aiumlnum; $1 45 m Franite; 5 and .8 quart i f 0. value for.... . ...10 siz9s, twoitfor ..... 1.0>' PALAND DPPER-B3tue grante; SAUCE PANS-6-quart alumitiwi PA\-.uuart size Pail wlOth.. sau ce pan8ý $175 value if dtip:r for ......._1.00fo...... SAVORV DOUBLE BOILER-t-4rey 10-IONCH FRVING PAN-and 10.inch e:anitp; cooks by stesm;mf cake griddle; regular $2.00 fl $1.U6 value............. LU1000 value; the tvJo for ....1.00 No. 60 TEA KETTLE 1l% quart tea BATHROOM OUTFIT-Combliiof pot and 2-quert coffee Pot,; 1 glace and tooth brusti boider; ýaIao iii" ilrce for ............ *5a-,,, . tolet -,5per holder and a FOOD CHOpPER-No. t; bas four, soapbolder; ail for ......1.0 t<îîteee; $125 value. $ GLAS OWL AR I FàLDING G fT5-8ome- COASTER SET-Star eut;bot $1,26 value for......1'0 hat sbop vorn;' ff etbsnce l sa WASHING OUTFIT-No. 8 gal iCE o'-it 4o. for ....... . ilf vaiiized wagli botter. glass slGo*60LpoaiAA' 2cecsix 8-eal washi board and 6 dozen of ol; $125 Value. COCKTAIL G .9S8Natl clihs in i~ for..: ..... Mw etched destin; $2.9 I cfor t.... ..s PinsPE'S-of5 per doiten; 6 for.... 1.*00 1 - -..1-- a dt, % 0 w-.- - - AS E- c A tt-rian- iieeeed; large site, the $1-50 aud 1.75 sort CARPET 5WEEPERS--NiielY irice ........1 0 ALARM CLOCKS.-Iron Ciad; kteePgood tirea s;uaily $160; pnlced 10 FIBRE SUIT CASES-24 and 26-ncb aites; rein:1Af forced; speCiai ... .0 TFDDY BEARS-Large and made of soft piush; a $1.50 value ......10 FRAMED PICTURES - Large assortment of attractive Oub' jets; va rnlt i ies choice ............. 1.00 pe oe;9 for . ...U0 H'IGH BALL GLASSEf-Fine, leai' glasses $176 a value; 12 for .... .0 SHER13ET GLASSES-Neatly etecd; six glasses ' for................1.00 Wl NE GLASSES-~Attractively eut; per dozen .. . . 0 0 $3.00; 6 for... -.îlendld l5c values,; 10 for...' > $1.50 Bed rear s$1.00 40 inch SIX~ Poplin at $100 Yard Attractive îuat(eriat ini î>oînlar demnd for dresses; fîlllrauge of eolorling; $1-15 value per1 0 yard ............M Taffeta SiIk at $1.00 36-lnchil ffeta of! splendid wearlng .jualty; black and a good col- o r r a n g e ; p r y a r d . . . . . . 1 . 0 0' r The "Pure Food" Market Combination Offers ai $1.00 A dllrIlct 1< r IouiîttSI)tlitieli Iittîol gi iii. ('IX deplaltlll(t lii oret Bugar and Tea Combmnation- 10 pîoulnls ('Cî'iîuîated 8-iig.î - 10 1 11). <if best bîîtk JapanTîm e.. $ 0 Laundry Combination Canned Goods Comb. 7 lBarte Olvanic Soap. .30f- 3 Cane lilînois ion. 30c 1 Bottie Ammonia .. 20e .3Cang Wisconsin peas 30c IQuart Rottie Bluellig ite 3 ('ans Blue lake To- 1 Pkg. Swift's Wasi- Ing Power .........20e maies ............c 3 Cane Marco leanser tc 3 Cana Monarch Mtk, 30(- 3 Boxes Argo Starch.15c-- Total ............ *1.25 Total ............ $ 1.28 Sale PrIce...... $1 Sale Price . .. $1 Coffee Speciai -> p 11tins tf to m iî i a tos- -.*offee; regîl n'25c gr ade, foi ......$1.00 Shoes for a Dollar Bill 1 Brekeit assortrnents Of $3.50) and $4.00 ialues. mostl i aî-iov wîdthis, iu nearly ail sizes, pair............10 Women's Juliets, $1.00 Soft kid tippers, with rubher heels and cushion soles; $1.50 val- ~ 0 ues, p)ar . . . ..-- . Women's Foît Blippers, High -or iow Cus; fur and rnb- bon trlmmed; 1.2&. and if $I'.50 values, p a ir . . . .. 0 ol= rm sShoes, $1.00 Guii metai leather in button style; 8% ~to il; $126 values, pair ..... ..... .0 Gloves at $1.0 Women 's moeha and cape gloves: formcrly sold. for $1.50; the pair $1.oo. IIAND BAGS-t.eather hand baga in a variety of good hapes; regular $1.60 values ................10 WMN'S RUUI ERS- Mediuui'IOW heéls esoetiy Brmaîl sizes; 75'e i II values; 2 pai rs.. 8.0FF Fine Sw&tches $1 .30 $t'00 Made of genuine human hair ln the club shape., SofI snd naturai wavy; ail shUties, Oqp grey; $1.50-Values', ali . . . . . .. . . Dollar Day is "Red Letter Daiy"--10 4-«~ StamÈps, Free to AI Visitour 3td Fioorand got a set or 10 Istamps Frte Dqilar . 6Yards Tub: j45-iîeh At'îî Sfüit bleaehed;2 dv~ue; 6 yardsf -1 loi. am il lui 'ý im, i n 0" y iy TR1 d Im aou l lin Bru feuf a ho ~1 «rit un ' I of a. a th at di, VI tai la th th ef i i th lb lit ne election or W