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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Feb 1916, p. 4

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finse lone. both lolowed blen~re.. y n e e d n i d iin lqi w m a - John 9. Crosby, aceompanled hylir.Mm. .î~ -Lake County In epe den Àd g ona/s4w UEEC. N. Durnd, sang tîro Ibeutiful tenor i "1 u ê Waukegan Woekly Sun j 1 Cb."i/ solo. bath bolng followed bl au sncore.~ IUO S U ___________________________________ Il' Tb@. fret reeptioo f the. bertjrvllle A veri fue caronot molo Pla!rnd b, WILL FETUlREA OffiCeTeohoeNumer 1. l:*Jervlll. Exchange. rm"to otemmesad iBu n byaopidb 111111woë *il te tem= f 11or .CtynlarIli, seSec.od'rC 1- Mau M tire. Anna Kelier vllted ber danghter tlkfr lampion and frleadu whist, van Arthur Muer et the piano, weàgreêîY M ETSL W 1111'ilPdmtnfrL* *tyBada u: M givua &t th@ Auditorium au Modaajoysid, âaId the ivo muuilclaisefavored UverF4dayAdvetlelg R e eKnowD on Application. 113' aiu ve il f g ad ersuceusnlthe. appruclallve audience vnb an et. ~sm ilN InE.SI60PE VARSTITLY IN ADVANCE Allari B. ltiybura of liloamlmgton, Ilii., f 0fte >M T evomif u««ti.c . OB arie. Kenn*d, fralMe - I. 15 PRY. SRI evlmgetgathe homo ofidlir. and Mes..ment ad arranged for a dmueplogran MOU"IckI ?olglcildemiry, Cic.mjERYIL . . Editor William Whlggm. aud the progrec.wéerniOB Vers' giooti. RO, B'yi &va ery etiever NOdinge. To lieIqYILI ............. ..........................Maer Tit . PebtranLde'Ai Olt pOIi rn Uae velsea ?IBboig quit. hMaglir a"dverAU mEut vw«1, FeL. M late Muré4 .0. 11111111T1 ......Re...............t...TManeagerlalâdW l ec Phononr a a Iatne »0-» ia 4 WIER ...........................hsdetMngr hn i iment vitalire. James Ovin T6ur. lackAlharuoywi ie h tled lU81a tbe M o 3 .amueed daygifterDnao,, dbI lad -* pial04hoot4 4ýutuai-4I ll. i lli ~* 4staelsek4nsmess eae.e ~!#U~be I'etnas l srt f il t he -t bott0m Pffleupui laa MIeunder- lcI< Bve v r!'nceydadvefed.lali beutlSOt le .US WC eulOu"Ng- M * o $ d oi* o! i d so t f e n out - r m rgm oev ente om lin' pia .n ay euiaeiiuted for Ra . I. tu e " wi m Io Pt e n cic iM. ~uioeorloisgt Butn mot) dtdiap wlo"Pm m aal. vlhote plae a b biIo I uaIst a t wedldbarms At Aliber. Wcl o t h Prom PeletvI ~~ . 2 giOyWln. usilge mot eiictIy taour lIkIng but UMarmamoueed W h tou br vouldvlu....1Cewieci"zý lur"wblu tteaoineGrdhyestertased Illertmue vihleb v have board Imr. t "mbe chueS otdaaclM and red thon *iB" & Wb"t.cigare....... .... ............. - Iwqeote tuat tue "uhy le .nonwahed dtth ber finitiri Blind eat ber bonneou-nme oflithne pspoien of, and we dld Who dld let deon etadiuce te ho .eated1 WS'I2cv4o NmiSuuton. lut, we'l wager that tbey're Just the »Mae Tonday afMun. Ga re W~played no, laie tii.. ta beart an. Liu i n aeasca o ie b mc ~ g i pmo, u ashum ai there, as elsewb .,ro-theylll talce the. and reftsé hlmen sid profit lerby and malle ont af lî a for the dancing aël foratabsc by Ch" .........I........ .... 114. ,0. a2pip. S in leanneuncd frus retable oormemountin ai preparednmea inthe tme 19.Mason aid ual the.munie vas Weil Racolaseîmecm C.a obci ... .Im ..... _______________%bat cetainpart4irai knovm raothecouples tan tbeebil rolllt fortit ebw ovrnd Lave toiles aver tii. Audi- luger echool a«d ialllige and mieuBomber iculsa h lo tec Dbatches from Oahfornia tell unS tbaA. kIL Sta-htorlumlrbigflesvudvllleiellililOfgivea the uicredeuce of the. Power hit obqi'p_______ ht# I.M llon dollar uaf. Geel That'. tougb for À94 K. B&turda evoplng, Feb. 26, and cq deservie. To thons wno yer preemut 1»le sA UMIIeO«K. MM ho wouldn't ndnd it aüy more îinulng iac atarday nlgt tbrougll adiadPo.Mth11 bu b Tîe i 1 i ieTt u ente ula u Usuvn wul ifyo lst$30. yets if the former logisa- thé eprinar Beon. Thbe openlmg billviiI two graduates vbo vent forth froua On.e trange prejudice ls thit wblcb IMpuwoQN ilYeulio," consrlwould luclde veli knovu vaudeville favorites. ILlbertyxillle to ertr a ditant colle" te iafirs eutertalu ag&inet tWIne O « adWNthat milé i DS ok cuiYSréywUdand bu held up before a lamge clame as that are held ta bu mont unlucky. .1, ,the benteft of lt in many ways, for nobody fever called T4. Old-TlmeiêParty giveii by tell3belng the mollet trained etudet cacnlng though. oddly enough. a twin le ai- LOOK FOR THE BAG' Xenb a "ikee in is plmy ays.Libertvville local QI the 1111k Praduceref rou a comuion aigu sciaool, ebould wItys eypccted .zo I1w 'lever Sa lpra-1! " endila tpker~ n isP8IDYda.Asoition atthle tOwu hall Tue*daY lea4t everyone ta boomt our .ebaal, nat uouneed le tls I' lrl!ke triat fi the aId o So Lke tuunt - lst is str border Thoas Kllynittht vas atieuded by a large crowd anig at bomne but everyviiere, viienever 'daesa&roman who laad twinifor th.e AOFT BLaecpyhas otissa ordr hmsKly and the affair was a decded ouccees. the apportunity arieee. Nt becaume ai second Cime was puitote dantl lb. Canadan contractor, who has been the coutY's gUefit Tbi» etures of the party were the old but uatwltbetaning the lack of adequate POTAD-EET dance October ist last, perbaps the wealtbiest prisoDer the. tusbiaued dancee wbleb toatol Wi *b failitieo ne bave rpnan iitu be proud oif Specd ef thc stars. cruem~AN , oent h.ever bad. Kelly liked it in Waikegan and > u oaea ein the ria acr.arHg eot hevlct !asa eu obCt 0 levefr iiha urbsuhet n ro The music vas furniebed by Hapte lie h 1bbdvtd adeei etr C fectie age.ulilte aur doubt hated to larchefotrsuewitlu the 'bu8iuemss ofthe meeting anddlnar 'bumn epereîw, te see iow on it is said hie wiJi be belind prison bars ail the time 9,,,ab Mldrpd Wlllnmer, reader, who praeeed with tie'entertainment, Pre4 1i- of aIstar increases wth lits advancint 1G ,pgAIeE p ending final decision by the U. B. supreme court a. to appearedbefore, the local publie lunue dent l'ate L. Maber delivered hl@ 1ev atave us It tolth Yaunig Who r.mflnt TaeMtrRtjitc wbetbler hoe muet return to Canada and face trial or flot, ai tirnumbene aif Che Ciautauqua As. remarnluatiue eprt af cn-aperatian. kLece aieiv- ______________ oratlone@ Lyceum course t tie Audi- ajlg iu part: PIrit Voliva denounces dancing and then hoe denounces orium ou Tuesday eveiug, was one ofi Tue being the tirst receptiau, aiob.th-e WITH THE ZIG ZAG TAG U* &s eas esy hydntamount to much. the mont vouderfui dramatie readers Llbertyville Cammervial Club ta tbe PROGRAM U.todat bcasehoaas hevdn' beard fram a local platfarm. Mies membersandtheir ladies. ht affords mues'on H ý.tW although they've kept the ban on dancing, it didn't Willmer gave reaàdinge irom "The Sian great ploasur- tas 3aur presideut ta BIRTIIDA-Y PARTY Vhen y ou use u etbhim from being a. strong againat Methodism as 1f ai the Cros'« and ber remarkable tlenl" ,ue you ber. Cime vouing. and t, H 9hOFFBU .~yp.Dittedit. So whentbey'r flguing ontaldn <fsas a roader kept tiie audience lu.a.taete rend@I e l elai fthe. Club 1nî THwZlo0hFBLJR Cr eXýttdiLg, he he1e iurngoaikngof fperiect vanderment. sa great wve.ta, extend tu, younaîîenrty weîcame. 66 Inithe A. E. oymnaaium "w1 *9 uitg' i. m aË ia l le to work on. Metho- ber emtanai -vaero1and tUnt t ht yoa il wtll tel tiat t îin Pêê1fll f l~ ûi ort~2lnd C e en tliia or anybody else would have a hard tim coflCUriTlig On Wdeeday mrulugJa.eph Kabaut au evruiug Weili@pout 1119 Uiuwwm UJ I 1WIbl la lut what Voliva might wiab. They oouldn't get hlm te toux aver the management of tbe The members ai tie Club undentaud A Play iiy Carabe wWells for roads, bridges, hoiîses, m al ks,'sîlos, mý6e wlth them when they kept a ban on dancing, so what meleedith Floîver & Veetable Ca., i the abject the Club va. argcautzed far CHARACTERS. ..old hoexpected if they plaaaned removing it? aigageehueu h ieo Ciao nmudsy hat the abject le ta pramot ate ay...............M.Sella Fngwtiy tr()u ghs,loo(k fa r two marks of &_Milwaukee______riauberba are reaCndujirs e ayiie.T................ . ell . Folleotyi NothChoao' cunilsuey asse1apa. orWa- Itnoarevra years andtbrougb tbe uphuildingaofaur village bath cam- Nighl ... ............... Virginia Collins .goodness-thc namec "Marquette" tb eyccesful management ai hie mercially and sacialiy an'd ta endeavor Herald.,................ Arhur (ideubr ~anai otercitesfn hemyast aof re r W uv- the rrgtisom-tol.lrrvlSprnug..... ................. Eva Willi taortghbat godfelig i 'am Saner........ietrdeDic s 1 and the green ZIG ZAG, TAG. olmSac on the closing matter. Theï hl-,CË't done it u,utr liý twewar. UrM. Kohaut 1pânùiaâtblp aud iarm a united body lu Autumn..................... Madlynzook1 b«l vay. They've don. t completely, making the order viii 0-t!"iaPerate hie avD Plant btvY re amr aeiradh etr itr.................~ou'Il find it easy to handie and the finished @Pend tbe greater part bf is ime at the aile Ca Celle cane ai auj condition tbat Rain................... Sem .lcbr »'bepéie "l ras ytladi C & U h"Liiert-vîlle Plant. Sunabîfle... L .......... MiriamlI llgraham andn uch ay hottee _________ mybfor tie lterest ai the residents Fog ..............................Vers Morse iw0rk will have a fine color and texture. b. no IlucUng the issue. And the coundeilmen Bay of th__________aiCe village. Snow ...................Hariel Pulnami M>nau every word Iof the order. It la the mot drastic. White Cieeman leature ai the. Club le New Ycars Day......Elizabeth Williams1 UtoBuaySaOOI ve Iuud Wukga o l bandie businesso matters, v. do Dot Linco'In's Birliday ....J anette Taylor, mindL*.. oons r . imd in a nkes Irl erlu. hesocal artnocs-Vaentine's Da......Elior Williams e SmuDV, eonewneruy wa. w t e verlo tesoilpatuee-Wasiugton's Birtiiday .............. we =t r sIt f =nfrcetotlettr er rx M t o .aie. IN THE LISERTYVILLE eary ta forua a laer acqualDtatice...................... .. M'hfntrorlpritdoeie eepe rmAZFnsDy....-Floreucn .e .G .ol.d nb...... ~ace. l /zrc'zs ime ta ime ta have gatheringe aloug Ward jUSt, Robent Ream, MitchelCl ______________________ C,.ineeathieeut oubr. Meucorial Day .....Evelyn Auatin thelinonofthe________one.______eçepîcnt Day..*.....liamret Ruby! Th oeetbigfurthered by spriosadoh Methodiat-EpîscopalTlseuauirtefrreaeeeildeednce Day...Mrs. Edih Williams Made by Marquette Cenent Manufacturing Co. Tii m*een bengai oi-mansre lees handicapped. but hope et ....o.............. John Butterfield, en cf b aniu rrangmetwlth Alendale farm wbere- ServIces next Suuday viil hoheid aCeaci sbucceeding rutertainuient Ca sior Ail Haliow Evc..... ..Marlon Preston cIICAGO. ILLIN01 ASALILICI by deinquent chidren may ho sent there to be cared for the usuallisse: Sunday achool at 10 lIO@et uvChe let. We1 Thaiiksgiviiig Day....... Kb inlem a one reoig@r ilSaC Chrismas Day.. ..... .. elnKhi b. a logcl aid sensible plan In every sense of the words. a'cloâ ck. prsebng= at hat ne vOl b. aile la do Cils a. ne Scene: The Palace of Time. "11li Proof of the Pudding is i tlîe J atiDg. The beiîde- Bomn people have argued that It la too far from Wauke- 7:30 p. m. Speelal muie. In teemorning Booan iliibave our owu permanent AMm.* Ma Nul Merie. Aceompanist. Ipîdut'CasiidAH aeb e l by hillîdreils of s otte~auhem hy Cie chair and solo by lM. rr,. I arrangements tu this ed lIre Cr.am anS Cake viiihavee serveIl ien. That'5 <the btadvantage tieplan ou,,T-it shauld uCrvtal Raton. "h or , M ,, quartersCese,& aIe ru hoIev .gîar ava, ,just as far away from te county mat as pos- by Hcmer N Batott. lu te Cin bvgbe ccld# he Play. beeBeaclned. niahav ______________________________________of_____________________ «lý>e. Delinquent cildreî, are placed in an institution be- Elle Rin lngraiam. A cordial Invita- nat alrrady joiued Cie Club an Iuvitation cuse their parents or those supposed to look after them t n to a elg t64. tu aenrl their nomes@usoon a. passible, bave failed lui their task. They are either taken avay by vîli ho an Epworth Leagus service oifapplication bianks eau bc had by apply- ibis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cElto hyaeIredre outrl aet naiutereat. Subjeet, "The Ooid oaIing Cc tur seretary. Ciariems male, Jr. t1il cort o- tey re srrederd vountril by parntsood" Leader. J. 8 Hyatt. Enthusiao- He nl ntt ouiy ho alad to furnisi vou urdians as being incogbe. Therefore, te p»perie suing! Everjbody lnvlted. wiCli them but akle rour manry as welii ito GET THEMI AWAY from those who faled in lTbr illî.oda ' eyaimporad ie l no a iCke up jour ime lu making baqlntheir careers. For instance, if the children were the League room Dit 8:30 nrxt Wodnes- au rxlended tait, as tie exlCrtainumrut biaprl~t hre n Wukean her thy wuldbe iretlydaveveunug, Match lot. committe. lbas pnepared a progran or indi ety under the influeno. of those who surrendered îng u eip'lokare h. kria pie-vlci r, nad 1it miii at eordy unge wier them, wbat ould be gained by placing them in an masti- Preabyterian. nter iuto the spitofthce eveniug and tution? Tmat in wby the 20 miles between Waukegan and 10:00,s. m. àuuday @sebool. aeist usoi uîakir#it a gi4ýrlous seems. A v riig Ll lsla c Iake Villa are a big advantage because it removes iffem Mmornlng Service 11 o'elock. i e lii tiierlare cal u1ton th rutertaiu- frIon this influence whicb because they are delinquents, Chisitian Enýdeavor 6:45 p. m. meuC -ammittre ta taie charge lar tie Evenlng mservice 7:80. eveulug. I Cant YOU." h94 proved unavailiîg previously. Accordingly, it is te be St. Lawrence Episcopat. Afltertie Pr@sidet coucluded bis Atti oeteee aeoe he ilo bffld that the arrangement contemplatedl witb Allendale goly Communion 7:80 a. m. reruarks the male quartette campo@ed ai1t hi-mmet uestar oethgremiin faÏm cau be consiummuated for the good of possible delin- Cue col1:5a m Dr. J. I. Taylor, Rl. M. Taylor, 0. C. widows in the. United States-usle oumd qUqtS . Mormln Prayer Il a. ni. Oridiey and Arthun R. Miller, gave twa dwell on that), over three million widows ini the ______________________________________ Uited States l Ilow do yod imagine they are ail Ini the death of Dr. George 8. Wheeler Waukegan loses -------------l00 fl iving? Are even half of them lin comfortable arlother of itu most respected pioneeru, a man whom every-- c.rcumstances? body wbo knew held in highest esteem, a mai who nover To me this is a Most astonishing-a Most upoke uukindly of anybody, a mai who vua aways cheer- disturbinq=fact 1 ùùýhopfuthone8t, sincere and ee ready te do aundU M odsmeorthkig ut. Re as a man of exceponalquae, poses IT4If the husbands of ail those widows lied in- tht taig haace wic i ee toinfrequently in LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS oeo hmcuda es elvn nnhm o acomuuities. Apoero Waukegan, lhe bad seen it *doq, witî sure provision [or rent poids Would Mou devlop from a smail burg into a tbrlvlng cty. Ro noVer r ~ q behleve it possible? And Met it's the cold un- uought te b. conspicuous-he vas just oie of thomo quiet, F D uvrile ah 'Émausmng individuals *ho vas lllig te do hbst outw d yFe . 6 mi 1 ftc în ~ r al times but dldn't lilce to have a brass b and precedle him. --INSIJRE IN SURE INSURANCE1.,L Oumtle, lovable, klnd and true, ho vas a mai of whom any .g cm it ol elb. proud. Thus Waukegan la glad l1 II_ __ to b. able te say that Dr. Wheeler spent most of bisf. _______ r*rt here aid bis influence mulet b. f elt lh iny vays by V A À11 LL tWosewlth whom lie came In contact. Wbat mai orvo{n- FIVE ACT* JOHN IIODGIE, District Managr tulu Waukega of middle age but vho knev Dr. Wh»e

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