e p TU DAL~SUN WÀKE AN flLY MAROR 3, 1916. * OFICÂLSAR ELATED OVER THIE 1WIRELESS' SPEED Working of New Invention atý NavalTrarining' Stations - à aks Ail Records. SEND 200 WORDS A MINUTE~ A speci o! 20() wondes a.lnut.', sali lu break he former record b',ý mono, than 150 wrds. bas been c: W.led ln iireles transmissionî tbrough a ocis Invention recenlly tecîci aI lIse reatLlakes Iralulîtý, statleou. arcodn u aCommandantî Moffett. "Thve invention males an expert apentor unuecessar>', sai bu cai- mandant. "At prusent tIse inventer, Dr.Ra>' Hall of Detrit, duasnul wisii (ho details ot tIse muchaulsm ta hecomo publlic. 1 mc>' sey, haiever, lIsat Ite apparndus consiaseo! a seni- Ing mind roc.î'vlng machine. TIsa mecs- sage la written on a apuclal type- wnllcr and inserteà in tIse sendile machinîe. The rerlving machine (tyeu l ou a tape." 0lhicials at the station assurte I that fornteni> 30 Nwçsdsa aminetts was llixenticimilianesfthe iircles G. thlIte l,-ralch for autîci. liey a,- terteie. 1 The sesRbavc lectimcondticli iîl a prbvete btalt i i i licagoanastihave l-,:colimarated the tact Ibat a mes- c-une Cati 1Le wntllc'u duon eforc biand ndI tn ra'ismiittcid at (lic rate o! nter' ,,JOisorîls a minute. beiog cor- tcntiy recondei et, the recebving sIc- 1:00 by Drn. Hals rccodibng rela>'. * Waukegan Loca1k! Dlom tu Mr. and Mrs. Harry StrIpe a nine-pound girl. Mrs. M. Miihizer of 109 South Utra street receeved a teiegram tram Cali- fonia Wednesday telling of the death of her sîster. Misa Ada Gehinge, Tuesday night. Mr. and NIrs. Edward J. Heydeclcor recelved word today of the birth o! a seven-pound daughter to Mr. and Its. PYrùk C. liewitt at their homne ln San Antonio, Texas. Th- MURPHY' Di SAPPEARING TRUCK BODY. 2CARS. yCu FORD ROADSTER 'a u 10 secods rne- N boUt. o. -;rews ta fasten on unfaten. PRIC~ S35.OO il. %~CQALE, JR. Dr. opkns gve nt 0me all- 1Min ]J.UCile Helpenatine chie Informationi au phosphate aciii 1 hanesty. He discusees the suhiect, Iy1~ ùtadîeW'atkitîs, Second; M biS'îvîtTlîiî't hie sai. because ai' ils importance cni lts improved benuits fre ie it knowl- cige ut things. He spoke of the way o! tIse organizatiomi and iais uîcb day lait forgoci a check for $10, tht-n IL muet lbu usci ta producebbthe et cmoite>'it took ta rtu lb: tbey bave vasbed It at a sa tlccccîî(mi Soublth resulte: bue quotv'd t leugtb. front' twonime t work attd q stenimîapher. s(-e trect. farm iapers aoi bulletins, lu upbuidý Souteai' the fanumers (bouglit R. Il. A descriptiocntof the. forger hvu tIse ideas ad vanred. 1 5wiut ofci' ake ctuttIy lit ite nial uheen seul unt Itic ulic- l ctuifso Bru. . boao! Notre Dame, Iîîd., spoliec the becd ini is taik ( mte he uttitEc e l gborng <itie. amduil i, expfctelj vory favonmbly of the Illinois sysetmHe unsci couiteration aoîong thel (bat the fore wili bue jailed i ltiti of permanent fertilil>'. He sali hie fariner, cni thouglît itiseil ta niake tise 24 bouru. taak npitbe llinois systumt because.- two blades of gra gruis wbere nue Laie Ttteutay aflernomu a cmlcre-l cf er munli research,.lie found ILtaoi greis. but, btter. grow $2 wiîere $1 mcii. residiîg ln NorthbCiclago, was lie tIse beet. le expressui bi'm'cîf grew. arrested. or takeni in custody au a as baving gruat faillislntnhe Unîver, This le bmut a emnaîl part ai' many rupct. When contron ted hy the et- ity of Illinois Tram the experiments gooi tiinga sali. loonkeeper lie prasci an alibi. and canducîed lIsera. Prom thIe expeni- j JOHN E. BARRETT. tise saioankeoitun admibted tbal lie enle buebas Iucreased bis crn yîelds isas naltIshe man isoba bd caabed the" from 20 huabeis ta 50, 80. 90 cni 124 chEI J fin~R eck. pier cent pur acre ln differunt yuans 3LLIILK ItNJO U IVWHO'WIbm inte pat -six months mare wbcat tram 4 busbeis ta 29 pur cen t&lun wriless ehenis have beau sllppcd Pur acre:calis tae 2-,Pates ta 250 r.IU U IL. over an Wauitugan business meis --- lain nv othar six mentit perlai Presîdeni Tulaock caiied on Cauuty Aivisors ileaton of Dupage, Brooks o! LaSalle. and Oatbou et CIampagu canlies. They ail spole ver>' favor-1 ahi>' of tise work bclng donc and te1 ca-operatian o! the farmers lu their respective rounties: (bey hning bbc message of the bulletinis and farni paper and hellt the fermer do the joli. Thse fermera were ospeccaliy Inter- esîcdInl a taîk hy J. C. Mies of Liv- ingatan caunt>' ou the *Applitatlois o! tIseIllinis Systom a!f Permanen'l FortuIt>' and Resuits on a 320 Acre Parus." Be llustraedi bsexpunlence Wth chats o is methoda o! crop rotatioe aines 1906. Up ta, that lime he farmed as athers di. Ho sbawed where bu mcdo $1,800 aoffbis 320 acre !armn that he would nul other- wise. He attributes bis succees tai claver sud rock phosphate. lie says! la graw tIse claver you ehould ¶sav-c bIse phosphate. H. H. Penke a!flDeiaib taIked 3f the wark douan utiteir count>': laid Jtwelu.x-anîd (ut Glass Seainh'ss Oold Weddiîîg Rings K<daks aînd Caieras anîd C'amra Supplies Exper't Repairing of Al Kinds WAUKEOAN,,ILL. Est&blU" d1857 The Police Draunet Mas Been Stretched for'Man-North Shore Cities Notified. Waikcgau. March i. The police crgiiel bas iccon etnetciiod for a negro isho un Sctcmr- in the histor; of' the eity. Thep- lice accotint for this fact bY the '.good timtes" Wau'iegan le 00w en- joying. Accordîîîg tu the police. the colore<l man whlo (orged and cashed the $10 ceck, bcd made Waukegan bis hiome but a few weeks. and tbey ex- pect te pick hlm up In Chicago or Milwaukee. SaxonDx A big touring car for five peoýple Note these U'pper- Class at- tractions "dsixes"- "Fv4yOurs3" Six-cylinder moter. Toiay-in the itis utfte motor-wse-tbure le no douht ase luh(busupremar> o! tIse 'Sx"muer a motar af les cylinders. The "Six" bas pravuditis placcucni presige too eMphaticaîl]Y. Llght weelOhI. Attd ligbtue8ls mucus econ- ymy--un ires, lb fuel, ln al arouud Utlwcep. Saxon 'Six"- s lalght yet .tiîttg tandiuggud. Able ungbnneeritsg amndi ualily imateniait, account for Ibis. Beaut>'. AUme watst beauty. For leuîty mm-uns gkiiied designt. Saxo&i "Six" bas a handoisie yacht-lineubai>' witIs a lustraus finish af iasting new- i-est. Comfort. Ail men wcnt rom- Iort. There'o rooM aplent>' ln Saxon ',Six.", Five pa"seegers fini ample spore For It'a a big car. TIse wheel' base Is 112 loches. But look hlois thuso rafliemnuts. ln mute idien parts >'au will fini futhen svortbt. Aier months of use cpd mles utf Inavel it la thse su$-surfaçé quclit>' tIsaI sill i n yossr ie4Pest adiration- Came in anddseau Ibis Saxon "Six." LuxAuto, Sales Co* 336-342 No..(Ignesee St, W.uskeaf (341 WVe give ZJ9C staînps New Spi ing Modlels in Corsets Off ering for Your Inspection Tomorrow Swring Suits Ase ib dn oui-s <ind fluorîare the new f t4u- i(m inm-oiens nid missesv' uitsu for spring. Cliamin to ie tîît t d( grve, and t vpical of the ir int garîîiî t uuakig. Stylesfl t i îll fascia ebevause they * are so st i i -tl' v fclfiniil( and express so muarked iaut grüc of vuîginality and (lis- 'i'Iie seet ion is~w idv i 'in ageand tiî it is - eiv ie ii,\ ateri ilanid cloi ng tt lioose froin. -Suits as Low as $16.50 -Suits as High as $50.MO~ Iitiity at aîîy iuterveniulg piicC yoU care to pay. New Suah Dresses at,$10.0 o 3500 The designers have doue' themselves great eredit in'the 6riginat- iîîg of these dress fashions. They are clever creations of crepe meteor, crepe de chinec and taffeta silk. Ail showv a teîîdency to the wide flar- ing skirt; inaîiy have blouse effects, coat cffects, and sorne are prettily shirred at waist. The colorings are espeeialiy beautiful.% Trmmed ilats Rare Collection at $5 Corne and take a peep ait tese beau- tiful creations which we shall show for the first tirne tomorr9w. They'll alinost convince you thiat spring has arrivcd-they arc so gay and flowery in ornarnentation; so delight- fuliy suggestive.f There is high-clauW dealgning i n every model, foregchhbat isa copy of an original Frenich crea- tion. Iligh-class workrnanship is another conspicuous feature -in their construc- j tion, and materials are of~ superior quai- itv. Hats that are not o0~y remarkable for their 15eauty, but wonderful value; clioice $5.00. Clever Sport ShLirts $3.95 to$ 10.00 Skirts have neyer been as beautiful as they are for the new spring season. These sport skirts are full and gracefulin faahion, and mad4t of novelty checks, plaids an& 'stripeà, in attractive enomblnation eolorings. the roof. Up te. tbatc*t ba»h.lte vnonme ii igets resi ent a rr tt o .th 1 - C O nty > ben conîlig.themseoves 10 the lire lli, !edyto ait do"n wheu thse cry or -lu thse basement. Ilb was diseovered--lire-- rang ouit. Former Mayôr Obrie- ýF a r ers In t. ell of S t e M et1n ý,,, FRE T NRTHCHIA .GO.tsai the dames liadtmade t heir wfy asinen or North Chicago was oofai I~UJ ~ J OLUB~DPIR ATNORIl KICAO. p bth IseraI ce b-air shafts the guestsaet the tlote. He la not,41 _________________________________________________The Auditorium hotel ln North whic'h extend between tIse waILs o! allowed ta retun hoebcue f TOOKR IGH O ANHIrNG EXMBIT HONORS Chcgouo Ieodlnmarks lntIse building. Flames taurait forth contagion ln the fatall>. Sprngfield, 11., Feb. 28. ATflinAM R 'M E'IG IR S0 ht city. was deitroyed by lire framntni>'l every register ln tIse 14ar Editor- A T T P U R M Zrf ;G W Wednesday evenbng atitIlaonga! about building sinltaneougly. ' City'& Iight Pension Funds. As a deirgate ta the State Farmers' MAOONCOUINTjY AUN G MV N IGH R n AISE. $o Thrie losg ta bhelbulldling t- The llremeit faught vlicntly. Sam*Ne 1w York City bas elght pension Institute 1 will i ake a tshort report a l -Photo b>' Waason. self was cant $6.000. OnIy $3.000 ln' little ftime cga there hb MC.[fueda.Tise> cre thse publie uchoOl as1 knowsan of the intîtute work - sunance was carried ao.n the strutur:tin0on thse depcrtmnent, due ,ta c»Wrtrmn fnteple ers wil> he Iterested. 'rhrougb the pnio ud-tetiedeaten , kinduese a! the I arn ~ ccrried on the changes that bâti taken plaee.. lit l iUf~.ts in eattl Deau ead$1000 Incurence was carie feffod, the departimeet af healtb - ~~~~~~~ t~~urniture, the value of whIcime ndse.- at crdto headlninnte und. tD. College of lIse City' of New mated au ct o $2.000. innrthe>'ieped Into thse fire-figbting ,job Yr fônd, thse supree ecourt appaiiateO blnite Cannbng Club: Miss I ue The titl."of the bilding 13ti tîe witb a. w ii, working elbow te elbow division fond, thse street cleanlng de- i-loli'nttine, firsi: Gercidine Wctklns, nome of John Conrad of Wcukegcn. -with the men againat WhOM tIse>'pre. parlaient fond. aed tIse City of New second; hable Scimwertz. (bld Vis-t -- ~~altliaugli Robert Schrellier of Chicago, viausi>'licd feit c sllght eetnlt e miy* "iesn td est~~~~~~~ utMcolautucnindlu.n Lucil lu on ycrs od su theyouug ~ . ~ Ibut forinerly af Waukegan. bcdt an un spite af everything thse lire seemied '.*' won a tp ta Wabington O - -eIntereet lu ILT. lhe hotel won mal- Io be gatinox A cal ives sent taAvu SekfgII won tri taWashngto, D C.,of gcd by Charles Busch, puhliiher a! Waukegcn and the uta lire tnucy Il you ccit Bamy antylini gond af a fened by W. B. McKinley for the ]o.teNrhCiagIieaniw ro h ot iestto'wsds o gttcibeet vaniel>' o! fruit andti The bolel building wes loated at pabcbed ta thse scenu. Four lactis of egabe.The judging aofIis riasse tiecocaner uft ~ate cnd Slxtoentil base were used. The wter pressure NOTICE OF EXAMINATION FOR wasmai b> Mis EncCorb d -~ ~ .~ c -strets. fitwas bhitîltrlu1892 13'>'Jahn itevor lbcd buen betten. About Il TEACI4ERS' CERTIFUCATES. mestr siene teche o!the îlialuWaodlbridge. a Chicaga attarney, who o'clack intIse evenleg aller a con- StteNoma ehol Se aî i wsused Il as bis sommer homne fora tinuaqo flght Ihat bcd lestai nearî> TIse examînctioti wil te seid ln lIse bet collection of fruit cnd vegu -.ýnunther 0f vears. rThe building bal Oive bautretIse firemen bailtheste.atishts Court Houseo, ie Wcukegaii. tables abc oser sais, and wouid be bcdt dilterent occupants duningth Ie 'ctlon of knowing tbat tIsa iast vns- Thurcie>' mnd fnidmy, larCIs 23 cand almostIimpossible tu excel t 'it Thestfe oae A year or two ega t 'lige o!ftine had been extingtilshed. 24, lIseflirot day of tIs exaim natflon scoes an92.1 nd 0.wcs canverted loto c botel and tIse! Tc lIse contuat observer tram the will open et 8:30 ani cloaei:5 aThe tee mcattnin clubsexhibîproprietone were iuqng a gond huai- street, the botel wcs 001 dcmagud te tIse second day It wiliiape at8:00, attactd mrb ttetio ao woild~tcf nes. The Ibuiding was tbree etorie%'afgreat extent, as tIsesaboitorthse and close ct 5: 45; noan purilai rom makean> mohur Is~rt ed itband a famtliar sight litiNorth C(hi-: building la stilI standing. TIse ln- 12 ta i1sarIsday. ter. er(or on.bwever. la completel>' gut- An>' applîcant wIso la 18 yuàasO! capbl o!priuliî scba uceexThe ire_ whl-h iwas discoverci ai e. Thet wIich was not danie a ge or aven. or who wil use 18 yuars, hibi ofrut ci vgethi16:101) . ni., %ediesitty îigbt, siarteci tfire wos ruined hy water. leaurance o! mga hetane tIse nuit examinatioO.4 ft.Ie~e unbe Ic piu~au.ofthoe " f rm ci ourieatd bt ar fmnee. dJuelora are on thIs cene toay. fi a15elîgîble ta enter tbu examination Whbo atteniei nîany tate instittes - 'Peuple liv.inggilu lic uelghblorboi b, sai tîte damage in so great tbat safna ge la cancurnci. ilia Ibeune uat ean sai he btt tere te trâtt itotice ilemite lithe hbilding neyer ilie ra bulit. KocIsepplituaxt saolifile two aSu bei luyens.Themaor eicmc k tasement. Celle weri sent t*L bbe!Among (hase who ware bIse irsI plicatiait bîns bafare lie cari en- lIsee prusî ftuteie aa. stcidtuens"North Ch1raýo tire depantmnenfandti a dIscoven lIse tire were Frank E, ter the eaminaîianthtesu must b"ý were raudo! thir mny intituionst~ -c4" ' 'f~t - it fa!figlsiiig 5kb mes &con t leYoe, TIse Sens NorthIsChicago cor- fileditUe tIshe St>'suîirinteudeflt coiadrntges ond he ssi Is -watt uîider isa>. resp)onient, and meuibens of tIse on or belore bMercIs 10. 1tîoaubspititisgratdoeetasti th e *.u Jumt ishe n tht- irornen tlîotîglt thvIJames Hayes femlly. T. A. SIMPSON, .short ste>' woîld Le5salleasant aud l- Telr wsd-oeedJs lsp Prfbe tu il. u od at cotîr blaze as cebckvd tiy ere i- Tetr c ieoeu uîe u-Wki'-l. C. upt. bock again. -1, h ery I les witb y, i whk et thse wili thse d& tIse duoi ci eu thel anti ewe beY a@ ape 1- du t, a tee an ti c le, el6 it) "The Best Store--On the Nortlt Shore"