Highland Park Public Library Local Newspapers Site

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Mar 1916, p. 3

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Say to y-oui dealer: etGive me the bag - With the ZIG ZAG TAGI" Then you'Illget a bag of the best qualit-y Portland Cernent bearin~ tag lkike s. p I b' e- 7-.' and the name Marquette Portlftnd Cernent Mde by Marquette étaent ManuftinCo. Wculao. -ilLimOS A 14+0 il.WcSfus JFOR, WOMBEN ONLVY flou't Wud d yon à» à>m'f&hmbwill b. a poivevoeder» erth msst we*. me Qi.srfor the townubip of Uboe- wb7 woDus .hould vote mu& omnmibI and lI- m g sthe m. ,b.n le one rsao a woman uhould hold au n S ;t1 b84 u" Wini tumiithe dut of thst =flnas bitblfny, as lntenIfgentIy snd as sf11- oieaty sMa mja. * 0 orneouIttthocaucusand VOTE! Vote for me for RtepublioSu nomination to the office o! Tax CoUctorlyou tlnkiu arnworthy. 1linot vote.for on e fMy rivais! Let the But "Mna" WinI1 NI3LLI3 GRIS WOLD NEW HARNEBS flauimde I§&mess* nf Àto Voir Order IIARN!SIS REPAURIG AND OILING1 mîBin -oahras m a PMi n petl shapfer spoligwoeic. f CHAS. H. KAISER LIBIERTYVILLE. -- ILLINOIS ML C. Burridge & Soù*- ?4owrsery Seotk FRUIT TRMJE nsod spraylug sa& uIg.Let un do il for Fou, we aeM Colvory moderato. NOW IS TU IM le or-dert licestre, ohrube, planta sud vines for $Primg p4anllg. Fairholm Garden's" Phode10 R pPPORTUNMTES, e I -1aire alippry s&Bd '3 haIS W boit, unie$i te 44. mtbîy .1<4 tbrouiib the fingers sud are gon, qd oçe a eae. Ta malte the mot of oppO2uutos9 h May 1hob .4m, gràoptjl by advertialig, une The.' Idepeudet.olu- sifieS pates. It is a iiigtv e11151'Jo.ppotniuty that *mcpee tirose wvirandvertise iu The. I"MMOpau. I'rOéIIatuanof ai rsSmaTire [adepend ei lay ,tô iDaflorthe- adeîrlier hest b. opportuulltitatolàa b. la s&s 811 bair.Uati » 1"9 U 40 ifi o er for os ow *i -"Why dOp%ýoM amet If ton relatives I ytà - qMIt ç o badly?" asbed ber frIïMed w8itAe réeat 1 lualattooulhe t s l1w 11.1go much tiat %boc oiddnet ber watlng Outil the could sar iIL t the pIîae.where she a ..Wbqy. t2en, dont you go to your relaUiveor' ?Alâ aI4er trien --oh, they weuld bawl mea ot If 1 aahed thoM--l ro' atte i Inow about ItV* laited the gullible girl. t fie' riand thon iastaed ulucu knowlng :Uit wh&t a". wautpd of th.8 111 Mad »lIe fIel aNtha b-o etory. .'M yeu e@M the dollar change hock'" makoLb.thefriand. n -"-e *sau «ôuL i. kep that sud thon l'd cly baye e p ay hl $10 I cf the $21 b19 v tg mot," eiplainod the Iancoont gfflg W0flanf u "U.pubete, @qrIigU hack Wtahlm aadteII h1w to ive you back rieur _W hane rapt sU about ti hseaun Mý *nJeuta mal ~poUI auti th-le.friaê dsis.: "l imt lend it toepYeu, <*4 ia~~Mgà ittOer o f yoprSeff is' mosag o diaL gving Ikte b*I.W aIon for, $11, hat! aua--.A 2., lâ 4 l*Mtllily ha Insi1ted on gottilug the nOYerto PaY the 4I5*ber oves a littie. t 1~o' iewýte le rd: "I now recalil het Wben I1 was lnubis sumbo. »on"e le lv* ert Iet a hypnotie laluance a ve zUa. 1seemed teW ww* t Léa I .týbe 114me th do. and thoWs wliy 1 dameut once trou bis ýwÎdy jit~Me É1k adMet Si. $11 wbloh ho oIS euS asnecessary - #t ~ri~Lb anzed.'l gum yposes emI 1*1i not tare hlm the. $U, and .gI~ belAtter tInt Oelle' S~-aI. UCms keeP bis fao tu otbie.U a ve usw» ush théetra dmu." - - ad#ie,*t %t i -kj5toe f.telig th.dairvya8t Ual he bal bean nitépt $l 11*tt% *itCth1en"arry c he e iaaiet u She got her S490«'"uIibut it» CIaltVOySt waî rOSI »ori< et berpoictnce, seolater aS92&r 100WFEI A GEFR rOI 9 j $OOWFE1 A1GEOR 5'eb. 29. Th.er"WifflaKaiser. who. IL wçuld epieA rsj ed wth tihe power ta tempt lIed dufe Young womon. t tué;atanse 11Hlth oracles af doula o~fhi.#httbd"On iani d demelio, and aunto trY theni as Satan jthe Boock. of JgbN WU adimr and trouble, now occuplesa arooni, boied ln b, 6"ee aml mà#osrv.adhé vilirewMl Is t e au ast swe, unlesq his wifs auceUo l là Ug $1.Olulabail. nudor idé the fa boulageld hi' order1 cr Stteig Attorney Rad» 13.Dada'. Kaiser vas arreuftad Mc#ay an a charge ct og«g a fiLa ocfldeiacotuame. su ofenao pubable b, .a term n athre state Y Th e a e a ascontinseSauntil Tueoday, Mamch 7h. at 9 oclock 1vPolice 19SCIÉMataWeler A. Taylor, botore viros hé appoared after hi% %il Aj? NAVAL SURTI (Contlunod Prm Pace One.) Il lie wu etinot. Efforts af ro- nascîtatiou proved ta ire uuavalîlng. Chiot Ounera Mate Waiters va. aiea Ir.recoveed by Apprentfce es. man Andrew tjeoo through a great rie% aud peril tW bls lité. Jumped tram tho break water into thre lako and sva t W a beavy surf utîl ho reached Walter*, vhom he brought tW ahoro unaaieod An effort provod nui las la savlng Watter'a lite. Geogon'a &ct la regarded by thee naval authort- tinsa a of 0flanunal hravery and hérolam, sud Il laesaid that ho VIII la &Ul probablilty racelve » nappro- priai. ricoguhtlon b, the uavy do- paftment. "Goe eon a aboy cf 18 yoasa Of aM. sud, eRllte4 D- 2hr 7 faist, at Mlvanie. la. Ir'.lv modicAl dumaithib.naval miatiani exrcle «Mr - 0=1b6 meane 10 cave the Ilvmet cf Le tvo men. 1*0 pulmo- tors, ene for oach pan, vore ce« contlnuoaly for lac houri. but viLi- dut duesmibIreewIla Tbe ozUén U044. owdM4S ni spes e .v hlc e o oqbleeteibefore bdag~gqcu th lm@fakmo.p A i4haer wecu«oedàa auccoafùl eu". =» tbetd z n vath . Oh$&~Ipa~~s Mte Walter$ vue ~Il4 ItS ori cF- Padçlphls. heuo May %~ 1879. ai BotUeIS. lis. He bac hem lnlutLb zmnv, fer lé pearaand le ocunected *11k lb. saralstation for lthe PaiÉ il- loi a s ieresulaluWaukf- gan- and leavis&a vite tie &U$Leaôu Waltere *lkdford M. Blxb,, apprentie se- at Mdnuakogee. Olla., :t r e Ulit-utLand vas boru on àuut'17,l. 19.He ontored the Davy Dfeirbor 81, 1915, ai Minuta- polieMM., fnomr vbich Place h.ovwe trauerred te Great Lakes trailng $tat»o for instti'toni.- SHOW WAS A BIG SUCCESS. (Continuoe rdm Page Que.)- Wet tuweed out a»me dal ne brcu3t n. ýp lce ao801. Fie Wcknhlp SaeSM"» st LISEITYVRIZ Parkeçr I3utton akn BETWEEN YOU A»1 PM. the auly »protection le art lie" pohacy. Caution, car., sud t". lie' of tire preventing and alarmlu devices iuay belp but thp, Oalr absolute Protection agaiuea Ioqg insurance in agood oo'lnuepny.W. represent sncb a cousmay manSM ho PIS&"e te ime eY«uoù$ ella poli"le of Pfotieim DURAND & DIJRAND LMUTYVUÂL EA ',A . U Vo P Ur Pr epb. K I A M N D & m l LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS 'POUNDS ..j ,%et *tit. Atorne y dyrproposeate ne hom fer 1 grand la Ohifago on a emaller and legs chah- jury om Maday or Tuesds, Match ah or 7th, mmi Mk en ndctmnent omis acale. but Lie cars are-théelame agliot Ki.s-4o sa *wMe wae.oi lga orodM" garne lo thre anS &fter ai Ithat la realiy vhat the iit<f ~f. *1u40e, MUara acOtd wlth th. e rles ohe ,prose. lteudlug purchaier vanU W o aem co~eifpqThe B$evoan sd latoat in rimovable T If tstfalIcnoi doddoe tale tis eop IL vil Mean tha Lthe pro-. vinter tops the novait openn Wurlug 1_r MU-inff heurt Dg sat»fr Touda& morninabrepoloi MagintraLe Taylor car bodes with dlvlted front Meis. « Vin se«- alanineL Kaer wu baid la bonds et SU", but later Mr DsAy Pour, six, sad élght cylinder motori agreed té d*-00 hWe- BULreinction lu honda. -are boresud the latest linself-soart- Kaiser va. arrestod at 4:15 'clock Mouler at4eroon. At that bour ers, spot lampa. etc. Depty Sherif MRm«r Ofoma enUèred the parlote of lIe medinin, virere ire Vas The promotera ai Ibis iret auto eofronted b, four poungvoen-mere grla--wbo vetoavaltlng their show lu Waulagau ara ta iro congra. turneta hava thilr fortunes oi. The SeptY inforumeS lri. Kaiser tirat tulated. Itlaf a big show ou a amanl hoe h.ld a warrant for ber haboe Trruat #anA plmimed ta her that Il "acs. but really blgger anS better wouiS ho vehi for ber huebandtot acoompauy hlm vlthout Salay. and moci more artiatlcafly stageS "My GoS. tins la awinî. It le a frmseup! ýjust bo#geMthe ex-pasure Lia I1 batl reseau ta oxpect. The of the laser trust lu Chicago sud th. ntorWey gained hrb Stateq Attar- show la a succese andS Siley and ney Dadp tu trylus tri emulate tire polley of Maclay Hou»L, e 1e9 a sirame! Havllngs local dlstrîhutors for th. Mr, Ddy la hard-irearted. 1 offeffed W put UP a cash .4155of $25, snd ha Jeffery Ccmpany, vîli velcame tb. reineed ta liberate my huphant." valled the "ser's" *12e. aportunity W exiit at tireoeil "My husirand." sald Mr@. Kaiser. 'nle 54 pans aId. Hi bal tien lu tis show. business for aven 40 years. and Ibis inth tire at ime iré irasbeau arrested Tire pubiel la fnvited ta vîsît tire I tell pou Itlfa a siràme. I viii Dot let My huas'hand go to prison. 1-e vIlI Jfi ypat heeo ,0 e not go wltir tire fficors. Just thirlulof lt-up iruebard Il a li. tIo letoc are ey aent.bvirer.gave 2,00 mo hrorrible ta thinkaboarat!" At tirai moment Deputy Sheriff Green toa tire lairvoyanbt he acre . Gsole par e m tloYug rth sud tartedto lead hlm from the- room lu tira police magstrates offIces. sl ups ftkn ilos As ire dît 50otire voman tbrew both her armas about tire "soerle" neck and tirrongh tire plant and no vistr tla tigan ta cry. '.V saleS ta huy for the vîator tos ual "CariS! That'a fine. IL la a real shrow. Ail put au, taltsIL frOin me,." méet a lalesman, lu tact, he viii nov-P laid a Chircago navapaper reporter wha vas preeent when tire arrent aàer kow tev i.Erce oi Lie machine un,.d made. "Wbsn IL cornes t te 'sob artiltat suf' ielleve me tire cîlivoyante legs he aile- sud thelr tllavers have iL an tire entîre warîti." Whet Hudson Man ThInki. o Nevertbaesa Kaiser vent ta jail. He was taken dlreetty ta the county Here lInvient a Hudson agent, E. R. i Jli, sud today ho occuples a cell on tiresanme floor aifLthe Jal i th William Doolittle aofCraystlire, sapa of the i Orpet, aleged murtener ai thre sciool stutent, Marion Lambert. oi Lake Waulkgan show: P Florent. 'Tieg.havla certainly a great suc- I The arrest of Lie seer vas tire tal repreeut ber irushand I vin tire case cees and 071l undouhtadip ire su su- ofWaukegau ou Monday. Hov many tg caiied for trial. nal eveut. Regardles aitire&Maunutw yoni il aegve vrap of orders talen, l islasu IuvsiuableP youg irl hve lvn oern pr- Several tape ago a Sun reporter, asset ta every dealer"s bianess, ase tdon, If nuaL ail aitheir bard earnlngs, lu compaup wlth see'eralCi-cgo i lcsii a eoeoei reîl ta inssee?-Tha l~tie qestonnevapaper reporters, vOnt te Kaf-'ibuyer Tire atteutsuce, tire Indvduel vici State's Attorney Daty sut srl romma an North Ccuatpiti'eet displaypansd tire vauderful decora- athora are trylug 10 salve, sud aileS is opinion atIl tho gulit lions ail go ta furtier prove tirat vu Ta give anc au Idea ai tire Import- or Innocence of William H. Orpel: hv omrilAscaInta auc aith areatcfKaier L igit 'Tlet boy vîlI neyer bang. He ta eau ta tbita ire s at t hLe Chicago Tribune car- innocent. 1 wouîd love te se hlm '"AMEi HOTOR SALES C(,. rIeS a front page storp on Tuesday, sud study bis face."« uaI& b. clair '4-E. B. Dooittle, raysiake, 111. sud the Herali aleo carrletl a story voyant. His visir ias hep p»»de pao- Porty-slx automobiles vere saIt at en the "uystle beau" viricir vas mot ibîs. for at tbis irur ho <on àM only the auto shrow lu Waultegan on Thurs- inystil. gaze ou tire face ai tbl -u4fa.- day, riday and Saturtap of luit veol. S<teAta ttorney Daty vIlI shov legs stuteutibut he cau P4 1 i ilUale oum, superluteudent of the Wirsi tie CaaM oe atra o 1b ovrîgLake cauiitp auto show, reports 1h55 'Kaiber etfWareS np e herat cofversing "'à ihi mime12 cars vore solS an Tirursdap,14 1011iW fteed-p a'«umtoffrbW*1-hion l"riday sud Il oan Sattrday, mal. -the comenpoui ofa a i vilc Irae' When Kalser vas taleS i Po.lug a total of 46. e40mcae __ Iol gè ataloko ai tlae attnsted lirat h 4 ul leton f fnz* nal. lok 0 31frlic. Magflaîrte Taylor b. is. Skie ere valueS It approxiinatelyS$40,0& clppsd Trou tihe.5o1 he îchm l, eýtatemont: "Wiréu 1 aselvi-laWou. "A succees?" assed Mr. Hoem. sud 'M 41 kerudi cf a .%575110 14w' legan I veut ta tire ebWcdetpolice answerlng bis owç quesion b, "WhU. p@eiu-4, ffr ritsa,to b gs«ikeiisprufsM very dealer vho blan su « la M sd ieeived bs-omaew o mare than plesseS vile Lie basiniens the votudnofetwtvaprions vho'Sd luInWaukegau. tNOTE-4*u» ia yr" tane-dcring Lie shor. We havo yet te ioÏt sWlet lubody or sont, but l*faoîel. lu a tatement ta aUna iearter fUnd ane dissattfled persan vira vit- were imagIntIve figures l In te plit, 1ueay morulur. sait? 1:>ý *Woumènt nessed tire 6ehit." Mr. Dm55' maSo hiii taiemeut ter'kg.I low Liii seau Kaiser -.«i la Tt la tire intention af Lie automobile[ hearlng Lie aideucé lu Lie é«M:1 dealer'soai-Lake ountp to couduett ,Tb eflene pocued y T '0 - ion the itréet..I1did 1Mt 5155 hlM tiror eshow nazI peux-tiratin, .If 'Tii evieuceprocreS ho e un permission ta omrkinl &kg If the Commercial Assocation xlhé. lis 1arnMta a ionvlctilou.TIEC 5111'17 I raS een t niPDOW e Ie honasent. The auto owuers Sa ual Lahi81.Lie ouu lay wh vl1tidcaledail irî stî id ~ ntend ta varl «A51lst the Commer- th 'Id b ys ut ladyetanie'ug. slle ro aiSot hve raMýb*a tcal Association, as rfulep90 b enti tli,'editoy" t agoniMng ýRe oli no bae appeoii 1 *&nt to of heL .dealeî re m membi cf tire la a mlghty télver pouug lady. 4AS gay Lia1 i dtDot tal *111 îM ur. W taassociation.-. *M1 mol su' exceptloually good -Wt- ' anting airanlt 51153him per-Tire attentsuce at Lie aile, lpu la mission te wvanl bere.")_ I 1 et Wtino e Iuvr ii 'SiaLe's Attorney DaSy explaluel ta Lie c" ldemIanS hé told, me tLiain ldaytire00attnd ftlIe Magistrat. Taylor ou McpIsy Wanumgaudt uaL llciâeW hireY- fuiiy 1,800.,- ho anih.sd bisaseeitant, 10. M. *;- n-st*, sud- even novwI 1 -lOadp «« and Tirree motorcycles we1-ýî'e-51 i5 yard. vould h. absent trou Wflo-vlug- La refuidtt t 1bomr ltadyté bv gen for tbree *r four Saa Lie *501 ekth#ikmmy sirepaîdt ti1"2e1 Igavc Indlon-Ameokaém. SAi 'ibat vas wbyho ie ais aeIU a ber te usderatand Liati ZteUld b4tnI rh. ludiana have thé S6M tIle t continuance for one wyogI . a bout serWtal ilngi'bhw br U157the Dame reSI Amortcague WMtso Mn. Kaisersasyslitat ga i lllamn- »vog satingadti4,abga I 3SOve re mneowb the 11eMfiui mw5 pley tiebbt lawyors lu Lie Wjiat * se- ferseven iffréit roaigaftrai the old veriS arpiveI o lIge te ,raprosont ber-iaed. %w flhl Mm lSpracuse, N.y. :snt 1 @brne. Tire tact LiaI LIs' (ht * sai ptwo Wgnlegaa mon, anS day hae . rendsisnluWnuleau vio 4ai a hv oi I l"e sneaot' er ouent Soés a"'Idio go té Chicamog dis nol.à"he vl goi uT bail." &oreagmn amIS. I fa uneretoM.tInt*Menlt. Atognel'Peter 3JoqeeIM nto lud«pendoentrester? O~. IiSsdtraeE 8E JUST AS RliIAPPEED' - 2 il lFeitWUA 'A 1*.rn lîramua 'U'lN 11105" .-Cub Comedy Vsat.çrlng <oveAvetp BÂTURDAY, XÂRCH 4 MIE RUL8 'ON THE LITLE L TRACE" 2 . 2Rot! Kasnay tlrama "MZ GIII.ON TM E 31100K . . im.g14ijbson Reulroo Dra - - 2 IedVlagrphComey SUNDÂY, NAWYH 5 WELL DRILLING b" lt wo pwj y«u la woiet.emU& AUSIIERMAN &DOLAN ZIO94 CITY Dola. Ph...173-W Loe&ma nn1se Ê, ted usm *d OU i iser stock. ..IBERTYVILLE. - LLUNoe, ELHANAN W. COLU omm et aguéo, CoontiAn. Poof85 LIBERTYVILLÊ, Ube4yWlle - .linl Bes. Phone 13&. . osfce Phone t MARTIN C. DHCKE 807 Waahlogtau Stret WAUKEOAN, ILLINIOIS OScé ePhono 848 Re«s. Phono 160-R PAUL> MAC GUPFIN. ATTORNEYT AT LAW. l.Ihert.vllle, llut DILO. ]P. BUTrEPIBLD. VETBEIMARY UGO -,Uhsvtyývlf. iU oa UR. N. W. -SHELLENBERO OSTEOP&TEBIC PRYSICIAR Old TInSa . LibertyvMle IRI ,mêmes ouri 10o util 5 Tuaedajeand Fridaya onlpr DF. 1. L .TAYLOIR Office in PIvot N&alaek Dldh . oess--il %03:39l sud 7 t aSP-M. Sésîdaun ' inBroda. oppudi. ?W& iow..tia. &i"c. DL GOLDING DENTIST gours8 tu 12a-tu àP.. Ovr retaiNatIonal goût Office lPhono 19-J. t"s, Phono 1u UbertvvUl. flhmola Dl .IL MSMITH. mania-8 te Io& . a.and I10 u. CHAS. N. STEPM é . . D. FRED GRADUEi-- Dataaes sUpua- A1Lt- il4s of hbs» ,wpIlela blsefor "asIer el ONU tIalIIM A 14 m ffI omci0fRLOYB.LDM0squ I IRE LubitiDrama .mTu à1 OP A CAÊW ' - Dam ,PLAYM IN TOUGl.Ucùk'- Il? ANYTHING ]EÂPPEN8 -.TO TOUR CAR phane us and if Nçithin reacbiug atêtance we'il tend aur ememgency Oar ta your aid imuiediaLeýt, if the dainage le uaL serous wu'Il repair it an tire spot. If that ie uaL poastije -,Wvu'Il tow it ahemu Do matter hov sariaus tIhe injýèry iL will bu repairtýd in thre quiokuat ipassible Lime. RIEElu'IR Cou ILIBfRTYVILLL ULLINLOIS suswrswlfi 5lian 1 00 5517 veeltos combineS. I mail &bout everything to be s"n here as

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