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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Mar 1916, p. 9

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LAKE MURE P OSTS DONI 1 PROTECT R16IITS Of BMIN4E BUILDERS Major Judson, on Fox Lake1 Trip, Explains Status of the Government's Position. HE ENCOURAGES VILLAGES.F Tells Promoters That They Can Build Stationary Bridge if Hunter Consents. THE NMER! FACT that a man nam.d Gardner , who had procured a right from the Lake ceunty board and the goearnenita erect a toil bridge t Fox Lake betwsen Nipper. alnk and Piatakee, took a big mallet and drove down a hait dozen large eized tance posta, doesnt prove that1 lie actuaily started building a bridge1 aclose that point. THE MEME FACT thaf he did thia, doesn't protect hi* rlghts as given to hlm by the U s. government. That being the case with reference to the federai government, it la proper te, asaume thai the same condition le truc wiih reterence to the grant gl v. en Gardener by the Lake county board of supervisora.1 U.OU-NTY INDPENDEN\Ti WAUKEGAN1 WEEKLY SUN__ OL XFOUR.24 PAGESTW $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCS. WOL. XXi.-NO 24.PART TWOLIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY,MÀflCI 3, 1916. FOUR______PAGES_____ lui al ha br tl ed al fi hi CI The postionî of lhe goverument vas reridered hy Major .ludson o the gov- erîîmtnt department having suri mat-1 ters i a d, in fart, hlinlatbe man ili charge o! Ibis dlslrtrt o! tbst lraneb <of the servive, Majur lJuleun sas at Foxz Lake Wî-dn"dîay tii make a raref(Il lu- spection or flicland sud waters Ibereahouls in order lu pass od the plans leng promoled by Fox 1.sie reshîelts anîd residents o! MlienrY counly vest o! the Lake county uine. . K. On Village Plans. Wben lie hadl fiabed is insper ik tion. he stated that the plans o! vit- i lagers aud others couid proceed wilb- fi ot conldering thec daimis made by ti flardener Ithte lie bd a prior rigbt a S-- to erect s tolil bridgethbere. iven hlmg liy the goverrument and thc couutyc board.b *So far as the guverument goca. lie bas fîrtclted bis rlgbts thronglin iiaving taken nuosiip toward buiid-e ing ii'ý bridge as lie annouuced vas hi-c Intent ion" eaid Major Judson. flut Gardener cdaims that lie bas prot-tued bis righl-s ith tie govern- men-lt and the' iounty hy havlng start- ed acfuaL. work on bis foli bridge- <bu11t îcu seci the six pens ttat liet lias drivel? there lu the souh? t Tua's whîfl lie daimscloches husE (Imlos. le gays lie really bas dones enough Lu prcili'ct himseîf." sugge3t-E ed une o! the villagers.I major Jndson gave a laugb.. 1 "Tho"e are somes Piles, areut. tbey? Tbey're not bg enougb bo blod airong nets. let alone being used for bridge construlction,." conchuded the major lInvestigation o! tie "Piles" sbowed tuat they are nthing more tban fair sîzed fenre Poste and that, wtbout1 doubt. lhey were Iput ln Place merely as a mneans O! trylug to protect rigbts by maklng l appear that vonk actu- alfy bail been started. Consent& ho Bridge. Major Jîîdson thereuPon informel the promoters o! the bridge plan whlun le designed tu rut off ten miles front tic ChicagoLake Geneva trip. that ao tar as lie cuid ses. lucre la nothiug to interfere willi the Plan O! building the bridge- The promnoers niave lioped to avnid tic construtiolin of a swinglug bridge as tiat inakes permanent expeuse lu the WaY uf keep)lng a mnan On the job. Theie un îow acrmas the river la a swingjltg bridge but a*man la )ept tiere but tbree mon the a year and there lu ouiy une firm wich b. bas to swinig for, namely, tbe Huter Boat Compcany o! McH-enry. "Oct tic consent o! the HunIer people to bave you erect a stationary bridge and it vili be 0. K.," said Ma- jor Judsou. The Jnbnsburg bridge a higi enougli to permit the Hunter boats la page under witbolit trouble sud -tiat la a stationary bridge. The plan and hope O! tbe promoters O! thc ncv bridge usafiat lt cari be pt up bigli cnugli tu male uneces- aary a swing sud also be even more convenient for theI-Iuter CompanY fflauei on puge, thr.>, ýDOCTOR WHIO EX- PECTED DEATIi Un MENTARILY IS DEAD Dr. W. C. Bouton of Waukegan Passes Away in Sleep at His' Sheridan Road Home. HAD D)OCTORED HIMSELF. Case One of Unusuai Interest Because of Manner He Was Reconoîled to His Fate. Dr. William C. Bouton. the Wau- kegan physician wbo for two or more, years baa bad a f ull realisation tbat be waa lu a dying condition and hiable te pasa awsy any minute. andi vin aIl this tinie bas looked upon tbe matter piloaopbically and unper- turbed. bad bis wisb gratilfi-Ile paased away while in a leep, dur- Ing the ight Tnesday. February 29 at bia home on Sheridan roand. Wben Mrs. Bouton went to bis bed- room t io st hlm as was ber dally wactice. aie found tbat be bad alept Lay during the night. His end bas <me pcace!uliy. mast as lie wisbed, net s bis famiiy boped for. Dr. Bouton'a end marks the con- ammation o! one of the Most unUSU- a lives of tbe communily ln tbat lie id the constitution and mind wbicii permitted hlm ta realize witb the brigbtest of spirits possible under1 te circumatance, ibat lie was afflir' Pd witb an aliment wbicb vwas tncur- Fble and whlcb muet take hlm awsy fromt this eartb vithin the not dis- taut future. Su, fully rcalizing tuls because of bis kuowledge of medi- lune. Dr, Boulon set about bis buai- cess and !amlly affaire on !rom the time b. became avare of IItat for- nulate bis plans accordingiY. He knev full veill hat the end vas tu he--end b, t.ked !reely of Lt Le, 'riendi bhe knew vhat methods of treatmenit vers neceasary for bis ail- ment sud be doctorcd himself e great deal sudno douit. under the tircumatances. eudeavored te apply bis beat medical knowledge te, bis ovu case. He tins bad occupicd bis nind ailthis tume viii bis own case <Yen tbougb deuied tic privilege of following bis profession lu a business way. it vas ge¶ierally reaized that he round mnch satisfaction lu ban- dling bis own rase ln this manuer. ,A long lime ago. after bis condition iia4tTeacbed a certain stage. Dr. Bon- ton realized that he neyer would prar- tics medicine again. He kmcv be neyer couid val'i again. At the time that tbis lste o! affaira vith refe- ece to bis condition came ont. Tbe Sun referred ta bis unuanal a011111 tu face deatb ln u scb a brave manner sa follovs: -He's big enough. broad enongb aud physician enough te know tbat be's on bais vay ta eternity, but he la mait- ing tbe moat of It. He's said te bave diaguosed bis own case sud bas proved ta bis own satisfaction that tbe conclusions of cther physiclans as ta bis status. la rigbt lu cvery re- spect and that lie can nt only neyer get weil bu t that ho la growlng worse rapldly ail tbe tume." Dr. Bouton bad been secrctary of tbe Laie çouuty Medical Society sud been active lu its work. He began to encounter falling bealtb some ye7a ago wbeu bis system beosme ifected througb bandllng a danger- ons case. Tbe poison iufcçtcd hlm for a lime aud theu bla mproved. Bowever, Il vas apparentthbat lbe b.d not rld buiseif o! the trouble sud It returned later sud effectefi certain <Ce.Uu4 on PAa etvO.J NORTIICIICA4iO r There seema to be but little Inter. est aroused lu tbe question e! remuai- mittlng the filtration Plant te a vote agaîn. If may be s a n'an 1On the uortb end waaid Ist igut: -Weull have te watt until thi e twi ge dry aud tien the, people will be interested in pure water. d Dr. Budde reporta hhat the, tYPheld fever cogditiona arenet as bad as 1thby ver, a few Wveh ago. He atates, however. that the vatar la e stil inl bad condition both the citY va. lI er sud »0hlol ella. Th I ii umphng station ras uo fl- jquid clora. ,this veeklad vers tnable to use It; In the vater for *he past few de"s. Tie prle, et %10h ebe.micile.golag up every dy AI>I~~UV He dld not have a very good and as Hertel was the sole occupant nsight prove critical. Pr. Taylor, of SIERSAITO AV Waukegan. Narch 1. trai1n until Il was brought to a stop suferlng t rom many scalp wounds, Waukegau, Marcb I. C R I U 3 > > J iîn H r e , on f L khcu t ' y the locom otive, but sa s tijat Hler el is flot sufferi g C laim ing that thic m uch a k d t I The acidenthapî~eed sbotly a- r. afrcur ! h-Hui.'e film production, "The Blrtb of a Na- JL T which, lt la fearefi, wiil result in bis er 9 o'clock this mornIng. Mr. Her- would have met Instant death but for tien," tends te cause race penie ON ENOINE'T death, on Wednesday morning. when tel had le! t bis home in Fremont Cen- the tact that the top or the buggy certain 0t the negro residents of a treight train, traveling :,, miles an ter for Libertyville. wbere be was tg was itfted off the sîrings and carried Waukegan bave cailed on Mayor BULLETIN. hour ou the Soo hue. Ibhrougli Area, transset business. The train which for 300 feet on the pilot o! the en- Pearce and other City, comiaasioners struck a horse and rig hi was driv- truck bis closed rlg was traveling 1 gine," sald IDr. Taylor. askiug tbem to use their Influence McAliter hospital, Waukegan, jIng. at east "5 miles r.n bour, according Mr. Hiertel is one or L.ake countys te stay the production o! the IM la March 2-At noon Mr. Hertel The wealthy farmer was carried on to men wbo wtnessed tbe accident. best known and muet prosperous Waukegan. Miayor-Peare aya ha waa reported au stili holding hie the pilot ofthte engine for uc er 300 The lnJured mail was rusbed to thel farmers. He owns two of tbe largeat knows ofn ordituance whick wooid ownbutIn ve» gaveconi- feet. before the big monter of ste"l Jane McAlister hnsultai in the Cou- farms In tbe rentrai section of tbe stay tbe production of the film. 4" own bt n vr~grvecodi dropped its burden on tihe roadbed. rad & Wetzei ttr ambulance-. andcounty, la married and bas two sons. it la gcnerally believed that the~ petl- tion, In charge of a apecial nurse. 'Wben the engins struck the borge at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon it 1 le bas lived 60 yeasaInuthe vicinlty tions of the uegroes twill be pigeonr Mis recovary tililah in doubt. and rig It lfted the top off the buggy was announcefi tbat bis _injurieslo! lirersoiit Center. bld -At the Globe U The Suits an~d Frocits for Which You'11 Pay $25 this Spring Season are Unusual TWENT1Y-FIVE dollatrs, the ei' î'îa1zed preefo N\ Ilîjî'i titis stoîre lias 1 )( voîine fainîîus. Last seti- 4 -.î iii w'visowt(l suîprisillg exaltîpfles of whlat $25 i><liii woiirien's ap lel, anîd wet't*please(1 witli i iiist l ) tail3e(. This svasolî i ii' effortsu Iat I-exeeeICd otw texpeeta-tioî-iîiis f or- Smost wonderful select*on)f the smartest Stuts and Frocks ! lever assembled is now hre -tî suil foi i tiîs ppIullr pie $25. _NIodesand ~uR <1lieIls t ýh i ii ild îioii i theIiugilest giadeapparel. kt Ii \ ls~ Ci fillaIn. Ainit daily the inorit maiîbt i î x iîîîlit nuîdels w iii arriveOh atig- init gilpi I iIt <vt 115ibions nd t reIaCt'the mn titat iii l i odt slî'ix )i lîî t'riof the fashions. IlleSUITS FROCKS -WooI Popiln Ç -Crepe Meteor -Gabard "CSerg les-Taffeta -csi hSerge FABRICS -Crepe de Chine . _IL1! a ion -Cosu ns ions -ea J ffr lue -Roske Navy -Navy Combin-elack - ---------------- é^

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