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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Mar 1916, p. 1

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LAKE COUNT INDEýPENDENT - 1 -M or>' of la noti1 ue peuion écaool police tout rO- bealth o! N-ew >PpcIate lng de- of Nov und. ai o! a indov. M FOR rîs. bhl ln tukegau. 23 and ninatin at 5:41, ai 8:00, lai front yearm of 18 yesrs, ninatioti4 ination Ivo ap- Cali ea. maist b1e ritendent ON. .supt. i WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 25. BIXTEEN PAGECS. LI1BERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IL. PUJDAY, M&ARCH 10, 1916. ON - TO EIG HT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOL ItECALL DRY PETI* ELA VOTES CIJANiE DIES 0f EXPOSu MILK PRODUCERS JOHN JHERTEL IS 'LAKECO. MAN WIO ORPETHIELD FOR ThONIN WAUCONDA FROM 3MN PLN URI3WIIILE LYINIl DEMAND 4c QUART ,DEAD, VICTIM F LOKDLK LNOF MRE -FOUND, ERuOnS TO V1NE*IIA1 PLAN BESIDE THE ROAD Mokenq, I 1. arc: --Nilk ipro- TRAINACDN1 CL IE UDY MRO A BJT iducers of Wil county are dnanding TRÀ1N AC IE ! O D DSU D Y M IN M ER _____ Chicago dealersan bottiing Petition With More Than SUffi-1 The township of 165lia, Ik hat of Theodore Badendyke Ges In-'Plants pay more for t11lr milii, and Passed Away at Jane MoAlis- Henry Reuter, 73 years oid, a vet GadJr eursIdcm n cintSinaursHa BenMact~ toxicated in, Waukegan- te metinghelr ne ta avoedage ter Hospital This Morning nera bif hme In ar Iedn da ,Il. Charging Hlm With Murder Filed Early in February. way.coimmioner plan toi the one- Dies in Wadsworth. :of $1.26 Per con sud $1.655 ;er huit- Shortly After 1 A. M. He was born ln GermanY. but had -a br sPesd ______man plan. The vote stood: MOR the_____ dred pounde tu, bottUlfg plants for _____Ilver near BarrJngton 60 years. -Laber______ sed change, 157; AGAINOT, 114. ;thi OU De R LSTW DNSDY. i DLIE [ThunThe chieeavoto! ln1Ela, IWOproauc-HU lBane ofAbhem Lincoinalr. R SALOONISTSFIND ERROR. T HbIte oe n iaDtEAD BODY IS FUD l oela_____u-LST W DEDY acet baa icln r e.DLBEAE 0MNTS _county- tovnships have voted te erIe la1. gait 4 cents. a qart for their ter had appeared as th1e martyred Village Board Intends to Ralse change th1e method of Iooklng afler Came to Waukegan Friday ik. o hal of vbat the0 dealers and Buggy in Which He Was Ridingpradtl OA.Ran MeoalT W nessFltoA wr th od f their township. lnsteaJ on Dî~tbottiing plants Bt fr001 1.the consum. a tukbySi ie day programe ln Barrington for man ae--asînerW, Saloon 15010O()-0t80 to itrsSomissonr,000- M niqhadeTheeDolgiWi Stuee ySeoLne eis.He asanerSbsenastHaseyerWi Reduce the Number.. ar e have but one, the argument 1e- lars Deposit in Bank. Secretary Kiie f lilk11 Pro- Freight at Area. Barrlngton post No. 275, Grand Armyý Not Testif y. forte tu a.oncl etiarappisy hiema ducer' AscaIn ted 10,500 o! 1the Repuhlic, vhich vair organizei1 The saloon eleinent of Waucondsfrsl cnetdad ytmtc D&th Imrm exposure vhile intox- dairymen in the Chih dairy dis- John Hertel, vho voiald have been in 1853 with 85 members. Thirteen1 William H. Orpet, cie e stuet bas je droDp a bom IIttthect*nvr tb fuo obtites.theeirfprice., w62 teevrrdctideuraed11etricitendunit*la 0ex4hesurvive. 2 vasr lndiciede ibed otil eetgsundve.urdyJoryof th sas emI ropai abomwmb .11 mrofg r îatait»tis g me* s > bi il -îma >7 month, dled et th1e Jaue McAliter Mr. Rigter ênllaho<Î i'company E, March term of circuilt court ona 111 f he"rs" by their discov- hmuiIi.ia .1, epfsbi a coroner's Jury eath11e Conrad bopital 1.1hemorning shortly alier 1 1131.1 lîlinoit volunsteer infantry. ew'at hosa0f a C rar n te m l ty. .Wetzel undertakîng monte on Sunday W1fIl ock sthe resait of Injuries re. ~mrier charge on Mônday, sud ing ~~~~~~ ~ ~ IÀ M ocem uae!Ie"r"pei YN T vodt vhen 11e vas @truck by a aitfilae'.Attorney Ralph J. i>a<y la logon an tin etth "rY'Pot-in th1e case of Theodore iladendyke. UtjaU tTï 1 o , fegttanB Ae onAV~no oecndn ta vria aged 55 years. a farmer rèsling vith Bu*Ue reffttaiiebAesbe wion -the law.'er 15 not inaccordane ng . L!IilI i a iîîy a dowob Baien $2,0uuuw IJ& NEW nesdsy mornlnL Marc 1, about 10 viii send th1e youai man tu prison fuir wlth ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i fam A.1he"rs. corîly'~ " ocdock. Mr. Hertel wvasdrIvIng 1te y, have vthdravn th1e dry petition Wdyke's demi boy vas round lylng ho.e ijvugjUle on DsnANDIiiJIlAfno oth alos TOIAV130 N BANK adeth rawa o teton4Un erilFemonusnes r. m bis A I T E FOR uThe, eot of athe gadjr ed wbéeb vas 'm9ed vith 1.he tovn clerk sde111 cav11n116111-'ue S lJJR matFemn Cner herpotcf111 radjuyrei alWnc ia uii be * -FORM UN- 'T NOIW road near th1e Shelley school boase L . fi osali Liat a view of soutb-bound A1ECA' 'flh V asoio:e Wacod eai, i 'er adry OI l q us o tes 1 aswrbaia-trains' la hdienountil one gets ai- aI iut~ I s , 1. ran jrybe.,-A0 the restait w <li al ts te proposition Bond Issue to Ra orh aia -os t 1th1e ralroasitrack.. M r.Her- ________ rI "eth berndejur. an met viii not ne piaced on th1e balot 84li hour Batarda>' afternoon. BodIsu of Voted Upon tel apparently vas oblivious 1.0 dan- rtr ue pncuta n the. regular town electian. April 4. WiII Be Capitalized at $25,000 Mr. Badelid>ke le! t bis home at on Monday, IIag'h 2th- ger until 11e as squarely on th1e Waukegan Attorney Enters the ment chargîng William H. or*«' Tuer. are 500 residenti tn Waucon* nt uW.îgPrmtee y : oth Frlday morning. bis In- I Will Carry, RI luSaid. tracks. The nudt moment a south- aefrNmntoO with the char'ge of murder.- Abelng tt o pacoonete1bllo anausUegPaom bound freight trainote e Wukeatraveling betveeaio Follovinlteen Rac fo NomnatonOp.personnelathepero fnl o th do. Me of Lke Zuich. hat hecame ere l show by 0 andY 2,40miles8ACaES.hourndvasmiaponn posinwasuDadyosWelDaty.Wegrandra jury:y the A etUd "ry po pe ion e . Mno aeZnh ht1e aehr asanb .1 Y$, 0FR8ARS l.The horie vas kWled insiantl>'I*n-, .furea ! .Ptf 1.11eg7 "v ou mi Thdry «dproposition ,00 .RAD TI(N fact t h 1evlsitet1.1e Secarity fSa v-j ""and thlé buggy wva maiheiitata A THREE.CORNERED RACE.1 ont»G utsiH .Pt doitlte «td 1 l Rs- e "dJ.J." li- Ju00 LEDY TK ige baut;ou Frlday afternoonan sd Two Sites Selected, Eachl splilters. 3Mr. Hertel vas Ibrova up- Bon digiot h eeho! t hrev. J . I.__-made a d sto 3 i ai oo. Cmrsn l ce- on 1the pilot of th1e engiue, bel nCbeOe.car..er ilUs 11. etois curh.co-Village Also Taking Steps to, eoi f83Mi akbok opiiaEih ce- red 300 or 400 test betore bi mn Welch Annouhced His Candi- Nusewo-Wm J. WHlts.r 9'lin abalcvo a littie over $30 Have 27 Students. gîed body vas dropped ta one side. dacy Some Time Ago-Pri- 1AntIeh-OGeo. Webb. Roipsi. Boîter saute toi drampai n Tse s Hv opeeSw was foand ln hie pocket. h m besotetricewl nie o! 11h etw l.adryccrd-etition.taled at vhat he did whie in Wau*ie- '%'etauho outiope b>' th1e residents he med bc hefrst! 1.11e train crev eoions Are Out. Grnt-John P. Splczak. loged th stitile vEerk.manei leUaga 01. etknovn very cdearl>' butlt' fAntioch township. vhere a $40.000 vlctilm vae tdead. Dr. J. L. Taylor of Lake Vill-Everett Calter. in t tg taamntmae y efjThe haetItli 111e village of L.ake t i ovnship bigla schoal building la unov1Libertyville vas summoned. oRe A. V. Smnith of Waukegan bu for- 1Avoe-Pred C. Wilbur. Ptonva seedents a!f1the comriiunty. Zurich, not tae11e outione by W&ute Lîsîi ermned ere ln th1e course of erectian. 1t1e people found that vhile th1e v dti hisbeen mally announcei hliel! a candidate t Wrren--R. IL Thomas. lter, vws every reason tu belleve eonda and neighbaing commun itIes. nautl Saturday atternoon. Witnesses oWacdavhbve 1.he interegt-glinJaned very severltere vs for th1e litepublîcan nomination for Wuei-xlRanrl'm a bat Wdeaeonia voli ho placei inu1the village vhicb vas one o!f1the tiret tell af seelng hlmvslklng lunthe dil-, o!their future cilixens et stake. have'a spark af lire la his body and unsd.raer satre fLk kfl -» toear anti-saloon territory atter 1the taieu oaccep . the suggestion o!f1.he Wa.,rection o! Wadsvorth wtb another, called an elecios tor Monday. March bis instructions Y.Hr assaosatonya eecounly n'gus Mor,'laou. Jo. Durkin. emto*kegan Commercial Asocation last Imam Whoit man vas th1e authori- 20, ai vhichli me a $26,000 bond ia- rusbed ta 1the JaneMAlstr OaPi- oppto bthe IncumbentILR1.'1Shied-Wm. o. Paap., Eieub eleio.,year that tbey tortu a commercial se for educati"a purposes vîli 110 teIla Wauskegan lun1.he Coura" and Dady, and James 0. Welch, vho for Mfin«.r Doria votelat ev ayu1pe ves"arcubthamnvttoeraoamrbulancore. .1P hveno ben ble10leru sbotauuon Hat oto abuanc. hyscn-ssom lmé asben a aove eu- Li1aW.yvli-E W.Duteiah. have bee nS ing &round and learned . a - yet. Late lu the a ter nocon W illiam 11. la expeced tb a$ le bon i issue a nnoun111Ce i that If Internai njiu r es di dte f or i t he u m n t o .P ' m n - 3 . T s i tay say, tui an error vaunii.ue l Vate have a baeli jMorford of Waukegan happened ta e v lcarmy by a big %ority, sanse ild not deveiop th1,eiderly vctlmo baimntin Foen-4 taing Me &Uaets attachei tao el rsu» e ~havsa sw*re m!ipaatig asa vth1e baio!of.a.ouremuent <of lue l@WiUi daim liat a gond chance to recover. M.Slb niosillerc aaod-f , oea 1i.la daclosei bat tepi nov are 1he bau nol 10und eueperson vho op nMrdy1e.perf ocu lî d usitrst1 l oiia Ii aJb lt *boit e!t pthe M e. lu othe rdms. hine taken for lue launsching o! the lyisg basie u oi eiintga11e On P . a désah o aet erle vsiavt b 111 -114Lae oIntyrnas a px b n lov.I aree.'UL ea8 1*. la baaugllssd lua l«svalsça at Batageng eux as aLke Zurich, ko b .1 a a diint Tvo sites yl ho C , NUered Iflu.he i" bttr . b fal'suid115bigai fl >sa la" jatte. ticsmm ike timelatil â, ptItiu. uatfetutoaibis là eai'ltauwi nt knov lst h wev s dmi.He report. Ilection carrie. Both sites compuise seensei ta ho golteeleot. He las 0oeaew- dils m-e. Iellivré ai ný t $t21,000.dcethat e* phojlee i lkestthe imotter and an Investigation elaht ser",, aud one of then i tsinmach btter <bat is fanliy returned Voud11eDady's ntifoppount efil-.T.OuWIL. tabtthe egality o!, the signer.bT 'e ean d sienlhuuiaate nmasser' s.sboveithat lue vlctlm vas deai. A a par vtvatla e novu- g lue tatheir homse., confident <bat hoe vas Mr. Smih, vhon sakei If If la tru. -011e.. lut. ahavu by the f5111 <at alreaiy $17,.i caîl vas sent 1.0 WauXegan snd the1e1enHamr of k. an . to= p tvon thartly btorenadnkAbcul - at c la à ecandae, adgte h nat A, ueuamnâat en,» s ae peralttsé somneonte eCIa.todo t h Hmr1.1 oum h tr hotybfoemdag scni Sanie o!f<borne vha are advocates 0 a enshcleé u e remains vere remnoved te lue Con- sites under considerattlon are iocatei tien became varse Qulte suddiielY oth wWblsete 10Zke baak soi it l aI lue remainder vili rad sud Wetzel undertsking roams. as folliava: and Word vas sent ta hia family <bat a nmemoa!bis primary peli-an vas dmpperng belovls, tuIM*f o! ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1.1 vl" lm .1esiakep 1 usrlbei vithant any question 1'IS IE-n te MHny-1evssnlg hypoeedita tionsfilled out soi neady fori fliig. zou, Circuit Clark UL. O flookWa "Ps frmn allina 1the matter' w 1the at- vithila the neat week or 80. In Batiendyke's packet vas round îa g raidST EuOrth lmita y, o! ssec n atoil Teybupboe <e tnnylmt1l etrkoua lo eae11 a !jaiea tention of th1e "drym" ai this time.I Local business men are promotlng pint bottie o! whisky. The bottie vas 1eevlla&ge. Site comprises ei gaI slarted <bey received vord that Major Smth, belng head of the tate court houa, and rend 111e ad Tbey say that if th1e matter hai be&u 1.he liaik and the>' are the unes vhohsall! empty. acres and th1e valuation o!f1.1e lad tbe patient ba! dlei. Unloakei fora rndi are putting lan1the money. Local mea Front1.1e tacts that have been la given as $300 an acre, complications hid slu. artiller>' of!Minos, a promation given llnding. allovs'i te go 1te a vote that th1e Pr- aise viii be chosen te direct i lreditEOD IEOnleMcef- f.Hetlve oalu Buffalo, N. hlm vhen 1e vis captain af flatter> The face beiecked i v thle osalles flor cauld bave been pointai out and fair-ltit 1 el oal 1a!- ne .1e ele!o!officieil acs roi(1eRve od .WYbtcm t aocutyvaucCoonakgn H amrli o a n vihbibenmrddvl tl vol bave ijeen impossible 1t0 vote fair, and because of th1e rich tarmiag thtBinyevsovercome froal 1 e vest o!f1the vilage of Wauconds. chili of oue yesr. Wllu the excep- lîves on Jackson street. Waakegao. tear stais for over 20 days, 711e on the mater &gain for tva yeare. community ln that section and 1e- th1e liquir 1e la supposed te h.ve 1 lg1t acres, vaed at $300 an acre or tian a! rive yeans hen 11e livediIn As I inl, 1<la claimei 1the proposition cause of th1e long apparent neai O! drunk and droppei besîde 1.he rosi 82,400. Ohio. 11e bai lapent bi. satireslirelf e he .1eson o! W. B. Smith, former amile meant that Frank jumblt, ta.- cau bp brought ta a voleaai lue regu- a bank ln th1e village 11.. sucoess la vhere th1e expasare and t1e efects At <is time th1e 27 hlgh echool ln Lake count>', living practlcally al assessor o! Waakegan. <ber of th1e girl froundi mai llah aasured fron th11e stant. o h lo scue bsdah tudeuts o! Wauconda tovnship hold the time at llremont Conter. Bealdes Mr. Welcb bas been su avovei oodiots, vas pleased <bat 11is dugl- ter election ni alT ae eesA» W1their classes on th1e second BIr no! his vite h11e iavea titres children: candidate for some tinte, in tact.,1be ter's dmath ivas nalta go unpunisbed. There are bal 500 people In Wac- And luntis connectian and ta prove;3Mr. Badendyke vas one of 1the best [the village bail. 11. la sadli<at FO Henry and Lucy o! Froent Center. bas been la>ing his vires for a >ear!- Hivand Oven Orpet. tather of lime conda. There are four saloons. Many that Laie Zurich ls ieciaidly on th1e knovn tarmers ln 1.1e northvesterfl! boys and girls maie application for soid3frs. Ruse Luby o! Raund LatA., ca htIftenmeofslosmsp. 11. la turther lnteresting tb knavpat fthI uty Bsdacacu emerie.an ha tyouthte Te ociervasuet notehld preseullacuei ouhws otpenntl tha stps re ow ein taen vowre able to accommodais but 27 Sunday at th1e Conrad & Wetzel un Mfr. Dai>'lis kaown t0e1e an avovwed court room vhea 1the fiudilg vWa were re<luced that there vould nto th1.1 village board for th1e launchlng of lie leaves four grova cbldren, two t students. der1aklllg routmn. icandidate for renomination soi has read. Thora ver, others promet do smach opposition. The village an Improvement vhich vili provide soas and îwo daughters. benkpigpbsfncs51aogvo erpIsd<tan ttlt board o! Waucondalitas annoaace'l. f0r the installation o! a sever sys- enkpigubsfnc atlo w eepe ilhtautem ' tem for th1e village, an Improvensent 'IÉI'4Iiatvtyt eer. ast oma7t sn rett h It l is ssii.thal 111-y Inteni 1te preseat mac h needei sni one vbea la, viii GESr IT F RIEC A G N- Unes bas maie bis career conspicu- prison If net tu, the gailavs. sud gaoai aiaîsae' a.B n i nei r odeta hs a on ay Os- fiance lan1the' nar future, 1.he bope 1e- s1andipoln1.of belag a summer reaort. 1 d hiir>Ui.J>It1'II IIL1l1i 'IE o scesve res t a e lc d antf e absa om onionlafdyma r ogtiaI1118 na'etlt ff11e bli W1b evgefciite aatabela ENVILED MEDIUM FORleel that 1.1e situation Io equaliy Marionsa. There vas a illater o! th1e village, I il vii 1e a big angee, for UI>1S 55 SltOf-E tien et saloons. The present Ileonse the vilage in înîucîng people te go - aat vsse ius T It1 VAU Al I1D ~ E~ o .1m b oplpeetve 1erpt ee i3 50 a year Teplnla10 there 1te apendth .1e salnmer on th1e ORElOI Xl m.ULMSaIDY À T. RAlIN AILBERT C FROS Thepln a promIsing frte.tegse rsn nterpr $500 te ies e$100ayarbnso hiioeCth onys INiiÀa BLUEI JVSN IL__i__Mn. S5nt1's entrance Ilo th.e race vas reai, bat this minister 5005111t t an increas the nilcer of s000alonsyer bea otiiu ls. cof11e ontsaida a nescelement te the esituation impreas on tbe minis cof reportera aniistit bf'nurltr o saoon 1. mot eauifu lates ' -Lester A. Schwartz Was Rid- Preposterous to Accuse Hlm ofas lie has been conapicuousls n 1.he and otbers that dut>' necesltated his mw.ALohrcansttes ilXCIIveNIÎE Maye Shutts Tells of Her Ex- inq in Waaon Hit by Train 'Buying' Land Juror in the mman>' saloon vases la Lake count>' presence la court. The minister, b>' tosonte PIO Eperience in Studio of the at Grp%sIake. Land Fraud Case. tbrough having bnougbt man>' damage the vsy. denies t11e report liant ho Clairvoyant Kaiser. ------sl against saloonists ln bebait of aeed wvordm vbich onetigbt hiearln Lester A. Schwartz of Grayslake. Alert C. Frost, original promoter relatives of mon vbo ver, 'illed or a barroom. vben a photographer t00k, SUPER VISORS IN 'AT LAKE FOREST IS -1 r Waukegan. Miarch 2. wa yJ .lbsebsnext and former president o the Chi oo' aierpae.H a .1 aivo1evscaeolg 51f8!5ft&L 515f ftl"I fSyl5fl ifenig Up agaiat th pany viii o befre Feersi uige leuvrE s.'conpoetîs ! vhlh verheiineapoll, St augosi Sant Ste Carpnter oîs>'sai gve alno.oo firspalacees. He app>' thee Davis, 0 Stac's Atorne' Rslb J. ady l SESIOi~N; LI LE IV D D IU I ln, b oprtnso h BYeMnepla S.Pu dSii t.Cretr oa n ieaiio ie atre eapytenwlwt SaesAtre ap .Dd lr N D Ya lock a! ber hair. sud 41 kernels of Marie railrosi for $550 for Injuries boni for bis appearace t.0esaversalooninssln Lakte coanly and bas confient Ihat 11e vilI prove tbat,,Ma-t DOrn~ taa bu>'eau procureî, Il la sîlegei, tramtt'eceived w1111. s itby atrain 11e federal grand jur>"s charge that ibaniied practicaliy ailt111e cases o! noen Lambert wasmude.ailma D N ON IT D Y oung Cp10a uy nthe- HîdLtamksea he 1a as1e conspirci 1.0 bribe th1e jury whlcb bssotsare ee.seii o uic de. Medo sud tho Forest telephone exchange. ia rotEgypt, labeat tlin ai Grayslake, vas awardei damages aquîîtehlla1sortamus 10a00t______________ 1e dd e tsande.ae ntb>' Choe the vords o! Mma. NMae hutte, vbo. o! $108 lu circuit court Monda>' afte ten-0 Asaa oain te rmouses000.i- la h sadtlinb Cal Wauegfl.Macb6. haie P.Fod, isrit mnaerunier con1.act, pnocured th1e eviienco noon. The amount of damages vas ttfia. conspiring 1.e negotiate 1the bribe anti Hasaînger anAý Carl Petersoniq The board of supervisera cOlt- o!f1.he La'ce Itorea1.-Wauegansert- hich tnmlnatediIn the arrest Of agneei upon ont of court and a ver-, ladîcîments were returneî Thurs- thenehy hamper justice clenks vho sali Orpet ergot "*~ veneti in their roomq Monda>' mora- Ice. sas>'s e has a warrant out for the William Kaiser on Monda>' attertioon. -c on11e111juget a aday agalnst 3Mr. lFroat, milioaaire "Absuri," Say* Frost, umpty bottles, lyliI l n>sur W" si log. but f ev absetttt'5being ooted. arrest o!f1.1e littie miscreat, vho 1c so>-naa sfiiv: îlt forb>' 10 udg . .ei as isaprto niformer traction l h riitne en goM.ae i ae ept 11etctlahl threaten te I ýmagnate. vbo lives aI 1245 Astor, rs Chîroa talstv taedtht hetbeaets o ean out th1e departinent 'A porti>' voman o! middle age, 1.vscagt l .t rlrtonI Cîao Oier~BuieF tand te otnen ictendantti vert o! <bese mnied ai ben aubposSia plann wos 1hlld arrgw va va- schredl te laa Io te ahiao lvr .Buk ccused of iefraadlng lue goverment is 1 ttend abou otr001.111 n vhrosetr btra. t i rsesa ossig11 Bldl or ia oung Schwartz former Mayor o! Blue tlo.o,~ y using dunmY entrymen tb obtaluaiinseleydiulauo yea o rat vrk.Th sat cnlie, doublre oeratognyrday auiayofasueaasee was driving a horst' andi vagon along the jurors, and Bert 1.Wng u ptjossesion o! $10000,000 vorth of ilo1.15sae Tb.easIi ution thiB year wll tom$11,0la.vhoP e ofk cesthe11er aite26onorth ka coolAlaskas.o1llanvas chargedh Sted te'st AttoAttyrny ady vilS u»t li utin tia earwll 11 $î.00. e, A oube Wddlg ai n cope knck n 111edor 5. 26 NntbCou-Lakee trettre 111evilageo!hea's-vilacagesasof1. haeaeynp.saci tb dumie vr, a tnu .11 oaffalees rovhecethb>eseondpa sugeslti ha tie bardtae sepsmot i 11e rsut o hi lisIram y atsreet Saturda>' afternoon, sud'1 ake when the accident happenedi Timo Lîrit Up Toas>. 0.-en 10 the syndicale asnouan as they ls that Orpet baught a two.Olllc ta Improve Grand avenue vest o! page. then 1 vas ashersi loto the Parlors@ e lrt(m. rie acr tienriiratrcli ee euîe ftbipoc terdis Waukegan limite out as tar as Spaul-, Satana>' sfterool. t1f1 e !Williiam Kaiser. medim Ilunt.He ctd edie ce 1] he ru il wr euridat-hdpovdter lio. oteoy- asigr f Odb iing's doftkngi eneo Nr ndNr.G. M. Luedite. t n.aiiula.irosi tracksa vien a freight traint tr several veekis'investigation con. Mr. Frost Tîtursia> night denietibti rn asigr tvuih dlgscornera steai f takagd.tdenceo! Mn antiMns.trucit the vagon, htrling 1the ho>' taducteti b>'Assistant Diatritit Atton- ait knowledge a! lue alleged bnîber>'. impossible for Dady ta plrocure e wesI menti>' about a mile, as bas been lwo af-tise mogt popular operators ln "'la this vitene Mr. Kaiser livesl'ny letL okn "dAli Tecag ht1epoe u rdto-ppr n hgtmM th1eorgnlpaa eid ou last th1e Lake Forest excbange vere ma-an- y firstquestion. bdai - lu, street and ilnuriog him qaîte aert- oneIa d hebeb.Htrnsbeau dla Tho e care thjra I epoyei an>' r andPpersosud buscoe, a rail. id iatnd vil leave the compan>'. auinc'ith11eattitude.,1.he carniage and ousi>' 11. la charged that boutes vent' 24 houre, the satblte o! limitations be sali, "In th1e first place thene kegau tnti uSlatthelue aig ull sumited prp-'The ar Min Droty A Knxbroken and titat 1e received Injuries would have eniei 1the poasibîlit>' of vas neyer a moment that 1 vas not James A. Tui> osiîispnp Te'aeMs DntyA ux annera of a vorlrlng girl, adb rsuuin Ftefad tilb>' b tlycrai f cutti admr e.Ilato me»' agalîsII osition ta spray the' trees about lthe1.11e datigiter of Mna. Julius Knox,.lordera front the edtor'a desk 1 ba front vhlcit hcbasnt yet recovereti reutiott.fore tie raudimtr as doaute ln'ean o! cut tai H somriere.,1.am asta a c u t b u e f o r $ 5 9 . R e f e r e d t et a v o na r r e d W illia m R ow l a n d , a n i d r e ' edi n g ri g .u a ll in a a c a s e o f t tis k n d , 1teha s a o t d > . l u l e d v l p e 1 o l s t e i rel s t i n n o c e n t, a n d i t ttud e bulllgs.grounds cormlittee. Miss Ed>the L Luedke. wbo la nav 'YYes, conme rlgbt In,' said the wom railiosdInlaosed for $10,000. Hov Lt 0ne indlctmieot la against Frost voli bave recelyci hanorable nc iIia aeaypr ua tet Contnittee on settling vlth Count>' 1.1e bride o! Stanley J. Kennedy. au, decoratlng hen face vi1.h as pleas- bappensi tisat such a small amount anpd charges that 1e promsei ta psy ognitian. ma' ie by .11 tae a! Iartinu a b P Clerk endee howed hat lnthe pat Follwing cose upn the nnounc- ant Bailloasdantageld vas asked.moftdamgetwaknowed.iMn.otBouro.Mr..B1.11e t juron,, $10,00,000 amen"i the scond paceeasecondperplacebyan>'etsanef pnet- t lmoa Clek Hnde sovti ha-lathepa tFoftheldouclos e pongabteaoane an tat busionesiexp-Mr ron At i-ny rate.,1the plan aeemed 1.0 ap- o!f5adisagrecifent b>' the janv and son vbo vatchei the Jury vouîd hnamPiener. year M. Heudee's office araci 18,ta !tedul edn ae h n ata uies M.Kaser in $15,000 in case ho, Front, vau acquit- bnav sncb a thlng as hiblng 1110.0 Bltat'. Attorne ady ait aisb 946, recelved $7045. anld eJpcsessreport o!f1.1e elopement a! Miss Ma- buis>'just nov. so be seatei. Make peal te 1.11erailroad People and 1.1e>' ted. Menvnf h ans-thley vers ail hebas tvo vltnessei, tva alatefi $4,989, ieavlng balance oft. 2,056 rie Ryso. vho vas also entplayedi le >onv!cctrtae.' headei nsented 1.0 appean la court Mona>' Tescn niteti glstmno 1g hrceTegad îusevohv enbp turned over 1.e 1the county. Report ae- 11e exchaltge, vitb b. b. Clark, tels- "Sudieul>' a st0ckîî>y bulît ma, i alternoon and arrange the settiement. Mr. Baunke. Il. chargos that eI, ane Jury sytent, as prac1.iced, la a mi l- Itanfflh&- ln the -iA,11. .ý.1rint, MnBourbe aireei te recetve covardi mothod a! attack.Thlute b' glanwoWitké cepted. gapb aperaor-IV Kensha.Êluo11eomistandge, vitilong v%111g8llaksY Tue lu e r t.- I. t' 1- f 1- s y Il e A 1! k 'i

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