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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 12

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iý LkèCounty Independent1 MOaulwean UMM $VISN "P'rof."1 Kaiser pleaded guilty and paid a fine amount- in to $120. H. ia a sadder, but it is doubtful if he is a wsr man. The experience mayr, and it may not, serve as a good lesson. Where a man's livelihood ta xnvolved it is pretty bard to get hlm to mend his wayu. The. editor of the. Great Lakea Recruit, published at1 the Naval Training Station, figures that 2 cents a week per capita wil pay for the adequate navy urged by men favor- igp reparedneas. In'total somewhat leua than what Eng- Jaadlapaylng everyý four days of the « present war. Busi- HIAM-", M~DER 0F AuTO; ESCAPE3S DEATiI IN.,ACCIDENT Mrs. Victor Milis. of Victory Street in Narrow -Escape From Death Saturday. NEED TRAFFIC POLICEMAN. Accident Shows Need ofTraf- f ic Cop Says Witîiess Who Exonerates Auto Driver. ProMiIbh4 ntil It was witbi a a fo feet o ber. 'Thé. UOCIdent proves Ibat e traMe P-OllCOMâib huud be stationed at this Street liiiersection. Reidents of Waukegan. il le eald, are drawing tip a PetitOinwblcb willî carry many of the signture#s of business men wbo are desanding thata traffic polil- Satndaafeaona acn nd 1ALL i unIAs muST ýNOW BE IN WRfINqi, NEW LAW This Is the New Rule That the 1Cathojios Must Abide by, - FINACIE SUFERSSaysPublication. A BEAKDOWN; i D IVORCES ARE ATTACKED. AT À SANJTARIUM Long bgagements Are Held as anAid to Successful Mar. -- ried Lite of People. emi ;nen pay much higiier premiume for insurance a.gÉiflt -- - - - -Carl E Sayler in a Weakened' lire, tornadoes and other forma of destruction no more Vco ii f17Sub Condiition as Resuit of In- 1 put up a coat-to-coast ye» againat the, weekly expendi- rtomry us iha aracous ea e _____ ture of a postage s rm etoslnuyIffotdat a Carl E. Sotyier, financier. lg sufer-1 urday niglît wheu ahe walked In front isig trai a nervous breakdown at the -~ of an automobile at the corner o! I iattie Creek c tMtch.) sanltarium, as Néoyhsargtto e pevd agaiflat toeeh direct resuit of the strain hieba Nobody a rigt be peeve" thoe whoWashington and Genesreei h beenunder sînce lie entered lotoa signed local option petitions in any township in the coUn- automobile was drive,> by one 9f1deai to purcbase the Waukegan lioid- ty. It la a regrettable thlng that mmay personsa re unable wauýegans bet known merchants, 11 ngsuo the Corn Products Refining, to graap the real meeamng of the local option law. Thée b1- and wlituesses ciaima liat hie dld aill CoiipiY. ul otionlaw isn'ta PROHIBITION LA2W'AT.AU sa In bis power to a' old triklng the! TO qute Mr. Sayier. lie ieft bis ual opio a e8 a Wih M ,,n slck bed a few weeks ago to give bat- mn seek toniake it. i amrl a hchGV SWIif.ir. uswsntaroaytie to iliose wlîo were trylng 10 for-o ThatMrs.-Nllls as nt srtouly'hm t the Wall, and bis relatives are ~EIFIED DIST41CT the. right to vote .AS TO ia4ured la due to great lîreseuce of of the opinion that this sel tg re-li WIUTHE saloona shaioperate« oruot . other vords, mmnd exblbited la ièce of treas. Aslaponeibie for bis present condition. la mnerely alay which puts the o iM& MUp Uan Issue. sono as she saw that It wouldlbe i Rlaivsdey h1rpotCho i a IL- - codition le suc> as to cause them .A», no fair-mnded person abeaU ve any scrulea possible for bier to escape from theiworry, and tbey belleve Ihat hie wfl galst EEMTTIG HS EIG BOR toforaly path of the machine, she graaped hold b le able t10 ha baci> ai bis desi> witls- of one ai the fenders, and by hangn; in a few weeica lle bas been aIithe . 5 y e p e at er i w on t l or o er m tss o he maniged 0 escaie be ing estar lui for the past few days . a i . t that-he wae cufering f rom a nervous mtnwh 5~bLOC L ~'X N ETIIQ , des'tdraggred a distance of 5s' ý »sè*kdp-" -_w rst conllrmed. necuuarll men tat A FVOR PR HIBTIO . 0T t~, and as" a Id5>ilt o Several montha ago Mr. Sayler -- YMtMýàbrae. The driver of the machine tered loto a contract b purchase theý uiotsrent"ve" oul coaisenty igua l~aloptonapplied the brakes. and stoppei In a1 Corn Pradisçts Refining Cosnpany ,4 "n-m otheor worda, he coùld thhuaexpress bis -il- taoe af elgbt jeet. NIra. Mills pe t&wi adoipns hepl iïan h of haviug residents of bis town vote on the lquor waa lifted Int the machine and wassnorth.* The eontract lrice was $180,- queston. And be blrnielf could consstently vote "veot" aken la ber home on Victory stret.1 000, and $5.000 was paid down 10 btnd if h.wished. The viiole trouble la tQat mranv "fdrys" taks On Monday lb wae announeed that.'the deal. lt>ht o. wo sgna be etiionaskng fr te qestonsabé bai l tmet wth serlous Injury, Itlalealieged that Sayler negiected a I- qnte alt e bmdv sa dy"m ad that abc would be able tb re- oepylnsda tep -m zneo h alt t hve dn a s rt"a ndn arn e oueo duties wthin a piade ta cancel his contract with the thu t8~îintepret ie r us. ldCorn> Pi'<duca peouple, and Sayler lait * '.b tepeinteaefl insance, i h an iy.an Injonction Isaued enjoinlng tbem 1»Y... Ita l wrong, Oscar, it'h ail wrong. Everybody One wlîness 10 the a-Idcnt made 1 froin severing the ota. SMUJLD BEC FOR the local option Iaw, whetber they fa- 'hiIs statement: '"The driver could1 Accordisîg 10 reporta a big ceOsa- not bie beid hccounitabie, and Nrs, l ion li% promsed on Ibis deai withln v o h1ascitio or ppose it. Mlii. could flot bave seen the car api a very tew days. 4 -"-------------.- - -.--- ______________----.----mil ;a,«Ireen Trad- . ing Stemps Yoîî (ean save mîne~ly 1w saving i4,« Greeil Stamps, for they air: just the sanie as a cash diseoinit. Given with every 10e pureliase. -pats that are as Lovely as the Flowers of Springiime 1>tlîstli rar'e eliai'i is bî'- *cause thev are sei beautifîillv adoned with Jk*weué tlat peoei-'- ly reseijble the genuie blooiis- anîd laids tof s1riuig. iMaîîv, iîîdeed, hiavte roses ani violets anîd othet' dainty floral eî'ea- tiolîs foi'O their chie! eiîîellish- -Ment. Quite nîttî1suial ai'e the vîalues of- fer('d speeial at-$4.95 )anîd $7.50J. "The Best Store ..-On the North Shore" SÛRk Skirts, $8.75 Zk $12.50 Separate skrts, are eoning into sueli pop- ular vogue that thie verv l)est designer have gir- en their inost eieu Cr attenîtionî to their de- The ri'tstlt is expreCss- s, ,. ed ini taffeta silk skirts stîcli as these at $8.75 .0 plaids; voI11îai l in i Sweep; plaîted andî sidit dî'aped. Spors Coats aM$598$ $8.95, aip12 98 Belted and swageî' iodels of heautifitil ne\\, Gol- fine eloth. Uopenhlageîî. n aize, rose, Aineiil-ai ty, black anîd wiite: iiiltary bi'aî<1 triunnîing, poi-k- ets aild billiar'd ball buîttonis. Elegauîtlv îmadelin;îd inoderately priced. Open a Charge Accourit Pei-sous o! respoîisil>le standing, are r(qiested to open a eharge aemuit. Bill îîîoîîth. Blouses of Wonderful Charm Jnst as wonderful in value as they are ini beau- ty. Daintily desigîîed ini iashioiî 's snîartest models. There are: -Organdi. Blouses -Lawn Blouses -Crepe de chine Blouses -Jap 811k Blouses -Strlped Si1k Blouses Many eharming styles- txo ehoose f roi, $2.49. -- Exqulsite Blouses at $3.98 go $6.50 Exquisitie eîeatioiis, daintilv designed o! fine du1-pe dîle elîiiits anid (leoi'gette Cî'ejes lanw'hite wil i'thua', laize andti pnk eouîbinations; aiso ()f' sohîd î-oloî' vith itrîbiîations cil' white. Enuiel- lus) ied w' i tiisa i-I lbuittons. Every betrotbai of Catholica mig be ln wrltlng aitbougb a foginal en- gagement leaflot a neceasary prece- dent to marriage. a Cathoile publica- lon, "Our Young People," announcos ln ttc Marcb number. Ruies of engagement wblch are an- nounced Bey: Engagements. "I. Every. matrimonial engage- ment muet be ln writing. alihougis there la no necesaity nor obligation to enter Int a formai engagement be- fore marriage. Wllnoeue equlred. "Parties wlsb Ing la become, en- gaged must algn the prenuptiai con>- tract, and bave the biebop or their pastor witnesIl. In the absence of 1the bisbop or prient, two wltnasses 1muet aigu tbe engagement. If one or bolb of those to bc engaged eau- flot wZite. Ibis sbouid ha noted. and lbeo> iuesssîiMZ. - , f ieno Lgagenient la theabeh,,-- "~- shop or tie parlsb p Hit e Oàverae "These engagements shouid be en- conraged. If made some menthe be- fore mara'lage. they ulill belp 10 stop hasly aHiances which are the cause of s0 many divorces outalde th1e churcb and o! no many unhappy mar- niages among Catholces. "Protestants and ail wbo have *ev- er been baptized ln the Caibollc faitb are nol subJects of Ibis law, henu'e their pnIvate contracte hind. for the sinmple rvason Ihat the cburcb bas tnet made these the conditions under whicb tbey muet coter Into an en- gagement. NOT ONE CASE 0F11 CONTAÀiON HURE, DECLARES FOLEY City Physician Says He Does I Not .Know of R Sinuie Case in the Entire City. CAUSE FOR SATISFACTION. Many Cities in This VicinitY. Have Epidemics of Scarlet Fever and Typhoid. Despite the tact thal Chieago bas an alarming epldemlc o! typboid fe- ver, due t0 the condition of th" lakeý water. and meverai cilles along the lake shore net very far front Wauke- gan. together with saine lnland placee eouch as Libertyville, are suffertng from epidemlca of scarlet fever, 01tY ?Physician J. C. Poley declaree that net a case of etiier disease bas been reported ta bisoffice and consequent- iy be cannot belp but lhlok that no cases o! the diseage exist here. The tact that there are no cases of typhoid fever is due in a large neasure ta the care heing exerted at the waier works. Chie! Engineer W. J. Allen maktes frequent tests of the lake water and injects into It ail the bypo It will stand. This le neces- ,gary because the turbldlty for some lUme bas been very high and thltnst alwayc a dangerous condition. The tallure ta use enougli bypo la gleen as the cause. of the epidemlc In Chii- cage. Mr. Allen declares tbat the lake waîer bas been la a ver! danger- Oum condition for the laat few weeks ond lie urges people net ta rely whoi* iy upon the hypo. but ta boil ail waler uued for drlnking purposes. Precautlonary measures ln the way o! quarantine and cleanliness are ha- iieved ta have kepb down the number of scarlet fever cases. Theite bave been but a landful of cases Ibis year and lhey have appeared lnfrequentiy. Il le sald that the condition at Ub- ertyvlle appears ta ha clearIng up somewbat and providlng no new case develops it .may ha possible ta relln- <ush comewhat the strict quarantîne Ibsi la haing enforced. The ecarlet fever quarantine ai the naval station bas juct been lifted. There have been many cases tisere. .-. Everylblng heing considel'ed, Waukegan people mnay consider tbem- selves vey fortunate This cltY a:i pears te be one o! the healtbiest la the entire state. Not Setled VOL «Te the. bond of the bouse et hbore ssked the agent as the minier a!fj$ho 'famly answered the doorbeil. Maki"g &o effort t0 answer the queetion, the mster persan mal: "I don't Ïmcv whal Une ef goods you are Introdue. lng or whethor tbey would fit in aur establishment or net. Ibat phase of tb. malter being noither bora nor there; but lob me tell you sometblng: If you me ablisit once for ailt ,stwo la ta ha recognlzed au the besd of tii bouge. 11il buy a groaso! wbataver youve gaI and pay tbe catalogue price." Oarivation of 'Amothyst." wara round lbe neck ta prevenltotox' ication; boucs the name. which mea,,. *'Ilntoiicated." "The Store That Selle Wooltex " Sa turd ay a Great .peclal1 Sale of Spring Suits at $12.50, $15 and $25 AmNV Oin .anIl îîteested in 1Fashiiojîs 'i1 be quick to note the ecîrireetiiess anîd importance of the stylo ýeatiires rcvealed ini SONthiese thre groups. The illustrationi pietuires 0mie ofour inceomiparable Wooltex Lace 9Trift med --- 50c Corset Covers 22C Th'iîs 's a bai gain \tr-a,- diîîary-the kindi ts harît to indhu, lai-iltoi- us as %w cllas youfotht ireasonit is clii h.laiitîl important. lan al (l I. (iil)> ii)i( made i(lit g>VIS( f i îlsf mg Women'a New $1.50 Crepe KIMONOS -at 89c wlî,t is miore l iseini for a Nvoiianilitan a nivîe kiniolmo 'fliec:eoite ini a v ide variety of the îîîost 1pi'ts- mlg colorings andi desigils and ini ail izes. Tiie îîoîî an v lit> bn3s iîow gets a $1.50 kiumonîo for mni 89v. WoolSerge Dresst SPECIAL- -- $7.50 and $8 Sport Coats -$5, Bt'attifuîl-e o rildi- 'O *v s, golfiîies a 11l(1 c.1l iîiî-hiLas i eoial îiliîk, tîviflit btiîe, wIhitî', eti'. The. pini> and blue coeta have pociseta. col- art and bell of white trimming and are de- cidedly unusual and stcikingly beautiful. Ail aime Sport Skirts $2.98 In white corduroy and gol- fine. with new pocis and o)retty hait effects. Worth to $4 50 . I es_(o $1 2.50 at $5 AUl Sizes Represented i This Assorimont There are a nuîîîiîer of the seîîsoîî's iest sellitig styles, inii îavy, taiî, bîek, etc. .Aiiv woliaîl or miss will Iiiid she eauiii t dki1li'att tht se priî<îs iii the eitv. EXTRA .lO to12 A.NM. and 2to 4P. M. Women's $2 Tub Waists$ Sec Our Wlndow Dlsplay rl'hi.itigli a vt'î' fortiiiîftte t-aulte oiiditioîi e s*irdthese hatîdsome stripeîl aîîd piaiii tub) wa~ists té) selt at $ý1 aîîd we kîioN--. s spreuilil val- uics they have iii> equal ili towni. Silk Walsts to $6.75 at $3.98 liandsome allk crepe *de chines, taffetas, Georgettpecrppesietc,, In W hite and the new pastel shades io plain or the pretty mtrrped effects. A Wonderful Dis. play, of the New Sllk M Dresses at-- 4 $1& $15 Dresses for' aîy oce(-as- ion ai'e showîi litire in a inost l)eNildeiuig eolice- tioîî at tiiese two very speciai anîd vei'y poi!ular pricets and evei'y on: is There are crepe de chines, taffetas, crepe meteor and serge and su>k combinatlons. All sizes are weli rel)re- seîited ii tiie newcr colora and sliadles. Spe oui' win- dow diisplay. Spautiful New Spring Suits e25~ and $35-11 IEx;tiiîiI(t3 o f irare skill anid oî igîîîal ty iii dlesignîîîg. Examîples of! rai-valtîc-giNvi îg, of geiler- Ous p.riing-a prineipal, Ilîoweveî', wliieh is a 4. o Tyo asaortments at $25-00 and $35.00; widely varled in selection, and presenting modela that are autbentic and distinctive in type. -At $25.O0-aî'e i.iits of gabardinîe, ser'ge anîd At $35.O-aî e stits of taffeta silk, the fiîîest gabarineîîîand inkported serge. Seinîiîî tting, lfllero, box eoats anîd iîudificd iîîîlîtart tff < ts. Iligli eollar anîd maîîy tri- niîed w~itIî suede anîd silver hi-aid. Thle eoloriî.igs are so varied tlîat you eau iiiîiîlge vouir faney to alnîost anjy extcîît. ~CblI dren's end Miasses $1 Under39c Muslils These. are sa.xaples -and consist of petti- cogts, princess slips, drawers and pajamasi( Rtare 1ndeed- l.anop- portunity of thîs Im- portanice. 'T'he gar- monte are perfect ln workmanshlp and cul, 'f excellent materials nd very =rttl fin. ished with e m- broidery. Ia

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