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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 16

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tAXE fi..[~&IIII Il~ lui..,. -- - -_________ - . - - - M<ffiE'40-fOTIER ÇGIRL" WlIO WIL-L AT1ZE rOew UTTODEÀ11IBY FIGHT TO SAVE ORPET liROWN CIIOICE?~ < - ~qPRING I!tAttoieys Believe Mar- lon lambert Exnected Hlm le Suicidé,. Report. MISS YOUKERIS CALLED.! 'touq Teacher to Leave Sick B ed to Fiobt for Her Lover's . Lite at Trial. ' Thbat Celestia Yotikerrlias tromniseri the Orpet fsmily ta do everythinai .b« power ta s9- ', ".u Orpet fron0 tht peottentinry, If îlot the gaiiows. iý tice report rcceived in Waukegan in- , y.i -Olnce Marion Lýarbert, dIscardel sweetlisart et Wm. H. Orpet. wag tcend dead In the woodiots, Celestia »0g b.en slck in bed. She has re ta"d te sec anyone exqiqit the lmi- megdata members of ber fqxnIiy. A'-- ouring te reports, abe wllI ho su)- 9nadas a witness by thc detense, Sscwliil e asked te reveai ta tb. 1ulile th love lbItera whlch she rtMed tramn Orpet before he was tlevu m ic Ji! 0o1 ccharge of mur- ]4ucb bas b4in wrtten about, - 9b4*els Attorney Dcdy otterina le1 ý»Yte Orvet if h1ejV_.... 'ad gu- $0boy la innocent of the charge of' iirer.and ihere ie no reason IntIii' Wrdte beldesme ihat hê wilthIroi- Melf on the merçy- of. hie court. bie tic e ur of bts arrest Wm. Or- Y-~t bs cjed "iarninocenit Ho' ~ proisedhie rienls tat bliewilI ~i*v~ls nnoceceandthey beilevov Otate's Attorney Dady wll meet witbL trong oppositio f he agrei te ieelecy fer Orpet In case the lai- ter ~sad guiity ta the siaylng ot >1arloa Lambert. Therci la ne one wto'bellesez lie wili take t4is atep. - b« lir Frank Lamnbert, etfi.ak-' 1 *.st, mother et the dead girl. chou 1lqhT1iOd ot the statement accredit- 4< to'ffly. saad: rI eitOiit b. true. 1 wont beieve Jt If Orpet le gulty he sheuld bc puiibedte he ui! extent ot the iaw. t e a innocent they ahouid let hlm 0There la nîo half-way measure." Lambiert. like Ceestia Youker. boen 111 sincc the death ot ber Sh. was able te ieavo bir ibd for a fer houri eacb day this h0c ut ah Zla silliunder the Caro SU family physîcilan. lire. Lan- f~ifl Dot lie caiid as a ritnese.à Sla being clàsely watebed In M .tWaukegan. It la said that an :Mitpassefi Ire etgbts in the jail 4rlnl; the.youth In erder tlobe W~~s for an insantty deteese, '~lonOe eprouented. An Inklieg ' ~r1Ing defense rblcb attor- lbr Orpet are sald te be prepar- ,< deut today Ie spîte ofe f- Uiegcd ha have baeamade to Isecret eciared t<baL evîdence of a pat' reul4 lie the ;chief by whiei thc iacyese olie tbe freedom ef Orpet Fer Ib" report .JMes H. Wii- auslate wihbAtorney Han- i for Orpet. made thls la cenneetion rilli the> re- toI rîlI b. offerod o show that 0 i.4mnbert cent ho ber deth It oru keorledge. thînkîng that ,rould jo likewbae." UTV BEVUR FOUNU;E Atbough Ottier Cities Have Sufeed Waukegan Has Been fortunate Up to Now. Witb the dlecovery today ot twe Cassesof seariet feyer lb dîfferent pUts et the cty, tCity Phyuîcian J. C.* Moey lmmediteiy teok precautiena te prevent, if possible, a furthe olpeceadof the disease. Hoe cusofi bbti loiea ta le ptaced undc'r strict quaraitMle and cull i51i that thîs be Satntalned. On.eoftihe cases le reffrted trou te . G. Stewart hore,. 417 Madison street, and the cther case la et the Lnihert home en Cicton Street,. It 80 happons that DIr. Foley la looking ater both1 cases. *It la sald that the cty phsi n *pPrehends no sprccd ot the dlaseade a msc ne cause for alarm at bbc tPlWekt lime. At the aime time ho »miEs t la iniperatîve that every pos- Offe precaution sboud be-takou. *fthough there bas been many uses of scarlet tever at th. naval »b#t»mos and libertyville ie strugiing wl vtb saniid epîdentie et the moms eaIt the preselit ime Wauke- bas licou siugularly lortunate. 10 atibuted te the precautlens- tbt«t lJ.ve bugatae. Ir. Fpley Sa «tb*icatlios laI If these preca-t- t(s e .oetietued <at there nil t - Ptg8l tia t b.ea wao Wan'"cais front ~~ ~'S oit a yt di.%ar ,for the aine t C*àesUaYoeker. il Zelestia y.,uker, the Çlcagpeil te whohn Wcil Orpet, the Unl- 4e9 Wimsc.sn stedent, was engaged at th~e time eoftthe death et ihâ sw eeetheart, Marian Lsmbert, stand bg ber fiance duringab1tskl ,murder of the Lambert girli Miss Yo..ier bas beau illin i «évew he trsgedy. and~ duriegtbahft time bas parmitted ne one te aeu he. 1111111kM chief of Waulccgae. ln bis iete' $0 SYRÀC SE'W RÀN ira. Kaiser of OSyracuge Tom Tyr-1 SATIS IEI)KAIS R tt gave a, complote descripion çIl tema held prisoner. aid clatige SATIS IED ÀISV bersucnh intormalion as ho coold col- Dlott from Mra. Wm. Kaiser.' ISNI B R DUSB ND iiuber lbItera ho Tom Tyrrelil, te- Syracuse roman trequentiy atateti Writes Ohiet Tyrreil Who Sent Tyrel Mer Complete Descriptioni The seer cnd bis .Wtfe bcve 10<1 of William Kaiser. Wauicogan, ced 1his doubttul If theyl wil osver returo. On Tuesday Kaiser îuieeded gpllhy te c charge eofîsitept- LEAVE FOR NEW JERSEY. ing tn obtltemoey hrougb the con- ________ idence game and ho cas ieed $100 lits cite paid the i*é and the 9",r Kaiser and Wife Leave Wau- vas liberched f rom Jali. -'He cas pa- -i ' roled o Win. F. Weiss, probations ef-i keon-Nt EpecedThat ficer n twocouits. end bas heen -or- He Will Make Repftst , dred treporttta, Attrney Wels& t Syacue, N Y. Marh 1, 116. ho dees report il ciii ho via the cira- SyrauseN. Y. Maeh 1, 19l.egs or niait route. Thos. Tyrreli, The Kaisers exîiech ho sentd the Police tChier. sommer with lira. Kaisers parents 1Ia soitcistiî-d thai iKaiser <. ,i not n thiznbeth, N. 3. 1 my hsban. "I love my huttband. Ili btis prov- MAR V. sland.j en hte c akind ead lovlog man ced MAR V.uxsi~t, . t wili stand b>' hlm through thlek ced 1:1 Alkv itrvet, h1," said lira Kaiser a fec hours Syracusc, N. Y. icfore leasing Waukegan. At 4 ocock Tuesday afternoo:î Thos. Tyrreil 4rcel ved t ,iii. messagu WANTED-Oneemnu marrled, as asa- in a specici delivery ler from Aice aatant farm manager; mueIt*be a wiredthie local autheritiens in Fecru-1 Ing abead wrlhh arm werie h e oKwo)nwDf .-Is o rk n cp b>' hlm-o ary hatthe an iel prione atself. A good home RD a gooil place f or the right man. Algo ranted two Waukegen wcs ber lîusbanid. gci sngle tarin coricers. Apiily retsIodr crne inans-t- teoit 'jachuueoîua r. Pari ,e. sent le the Syracust womatî severallIll. tP. o. Wkly-it Corne to Waukegari and se- cure employmnt 1n' our Modern Daylight Factory. Learn to) run a power sewing mnachine and earn big wages. Light work and steady employment. Apply or communîcate with fore4ady. WAUKEOAN, ILL. I -I I CUrýaIflVoiles Regular 50c klnd at 21c Yard This is a special -pimhase lot whielî has arriVed -in time to ka.ke an adýtiOflaI big value for Hlomî-Seweri' Week. 40 inched - . .I .... We eiQv& the ereamf of thé new einiroideries have been assem-D bled 'here. Sturely îsothing muoreWI beautiful is shown anywhere at nýar our prices.9 8 AT Soc *VD.-beautlful Peerless Voile» i Flounelngs of 18-ineb cidth. Mac>' unique patherns. AT f6: YD-an caîîaually attractive UP ci edgigs wlh colored patterns. Seer The batiste spri AT 25c EACH-embraldered drees yokes for cure Infants, dresses. Seiection of patterns. ual AT 1 YD.--Orgaodbe ced voile Fionnelnge repr ln a beautîfut range of nec patterna; 46- .coI Inch. At 75C YD.-Patteriia te match the prlie, foregolng le 27-bpeh cldth. SPECIAL AT 12'/2e VO.-a lot of short icogthgof etcrset coverings and ItounCingg 12 te 18 loches rIde. Wortlh te 39e yard. SPECIAI. AT z1c YD.-flounclngs4 and cor- Ret coverlngs 12 to 18 loches wld .Sijeer Swlss materls. Worthî 10 59c. SPEC#AL AT 10e VO.-big lot ot headlngs. hr. edges. gallons, etc.. ln open and llnd pat- hrot. Worth to, 25e yard. Laces M Laces. Laces. Sp AT 50 yo.-Oele lofe fine Torchon Lace Edglngs Ihat "Ao)fr 7e and l8eregularly. AT 1e VD.-Impýortcd Venise Lac"s le rbch A remi patterns. A bg selectln-chlte or ecru. o rt 20e and 26e grades,.fPrt eT ôe vO.-regulcr 10c lace edges and Ib- immlen'( sertionsi in pretî>' faeey patterns. Aise for the Normaedy Vals Included Free H-ore.Sewer's Weelk f0 Sponged and Shrunk Perféct Work Prompt Service TUhis ,ainit Iloîue-SeNN ou whvlaty SALE I and Exhibition, of the Latest Spring Fabrics For Our Semi-Annual Event il iexet o ths sriaî ~v1l e s :ttrativeitihspleîîdil,ti evziials and low eîcs thiat it vi j xii 141:1 lut exceed auly former M îîeSwe (-eW<k veliave eveIr lield. rfis 8ov'UsiI i s 0u11V 'ate with kecîî iiterest by ail hoîue-sexvers iii tli' auît.The rare 1eaiity semired ini every wex'e 1) di foreigus anîd duiest' ls e ei glvratityvilg to lis wlien xx.e see thie iiffieulty ol, stores Nx.11i> did uît liyso far' lu4di IV , heFove th e seartiy 3-set iii, liave ini gettiiig desirable gooIs Spring Silks White Màteria1I . Notion~s Draper9V Goods Wool Fabrics Embe~ideries Ribbons Domestice Wash Goods NewZ~.aces Curtain Good.s Trimminge Tis eliarming dîsplay iii aloîîe wortli seeiiig. Tht' extreîîievi ioliIl stril>e andt plaid silks aud ww a faiio'; re<lî>reI in i display. A large aiî'I varîwd tlît< of tue hucllst eii>viceries from i <It(iiig foreigu anud Arlit'aîî îîîkelîS. NeW <urt;till îîatei'ials ini artistie desîgiis. 1916(1 xx goo'i[I<tiil d uistylisl ' 2i "~~andI wI'assuret xnti that - O'ur Sprigelections-are,-;ec ÈLA S-Edi giy Beautifui and ma ny Pruce!s are, IExtraordinar.iIy Low throug hfort unate &nte-Wai, Contracts Wye boîîghit.iii iîîost iîtîiet at prîie's tlîat pî'eailed ùd7"th e 0111- peîii't ( ir îîî î'eilî4, of' course, xxi îade a full txxelve"îiiîîîiths agi), but that is w'here wî' piovel ise. To retain nîerchanduise iii this wiaunervi' i îiîst .he a poIwe'r ini tteîîîaikets xitii spot cash tg) iîa<k loxv offeî's. Thiis is thie %Wauîktga'i storec thÏt. railî(14)it. 4Remarkable Sellin g h Matchless Values Idi of Ernbroioerles SeiI-Reua J5 Dress Fabrlcs HomepeSewer.q W«k i repe dé Chine 98c yard' Hom;e-Sewer'a Week xVifli .1§4 ge~,~ar. 'vld liifi a l ..ut;4. . lL % wldf-iv s Ithey are t<iday this bîig value is trty notalie. Irtty lhue of faiîéy 1Reat4Iarl125 ' )RESS GOODS POPLINS EPINOLE OTTOMAN te avered Weol fabrica tC ,ng. A vaeh qucohît>' sE cd for oiuc e bau Ian acl we "rth. lfvery ne Ccon ret;ented. Get a samplo- mpare il if you cati ah ou -ce-98c yard. octal 'egiular t.d Voiles, 19( arkxtbjû saving on #y 40-ineh dress vo se selcetionu ît hi lot will not Iast 1< )ress Trimmii Quairter f azing reduction i x'crs' Wcck only. 1 yo4u'l need and bitý hiers'. Materials biîifiîu t'îîof el ties ini gorgeolis eîuuîiiîgs andîî strikiug desigis xvill prevatîil. SpecWa-Bulku, $1.75 yd.- haîîd(- soine . ncw stripe anid pla&id silks of $2 qualfty. apecia-Bilks $1.19 yd. -reg- u4er $150 plaid silks of :16-iuîî'h width. Beautiful assortmnît. At $1.25. yd.-silk-aîd-wuoel po>p- lins in xnany coli)rs. 40 iiehes 9 & At $2 yd.-nov'elty dress siîitiîigs of tihe highest all-w'ool qiîalit. 50 luiches wide. At 171/c yd.-piaiîî white aiito ý, Siitiig. Regiliar '25g. qîîality.'Pli inve<xxide. ir At 35c yd -i itti>îî hitllgs4f ir the 59 v girad e.W hîit e a nîd ,îiI egl- or's. 36 inicIes %vide. Save on Just What You'll Need ln- lNOTIONS JAP. CeaI. Cotton (black; white) 6 fer 2le Se 500-yd. BastIng Thr.ad (white), et ...-. 3c c yard 15 rnai Covsred Festher Bosie, b d a big lot Chid'a H'ickory Garters; 16c klnd, 1212c îiles. Au Mer. Okînt .Snald (bîl>. or colora) 5 yde., 7c ffl early Fancy Stickerel Edginge (ail colorai 10e nîg. Mothena' lronlng Wax Pude (Se airsys), Se N ick eled Safety PIns- -le card ea e .. ..- 3 D S ai Elasic W:bGarter Lengths-.pet7c lcngth 10e De Long'. Dremakers' PIns-li8c piper lmp. Fethertîteh BUrid <(*it.) 10e boit iforce for' Regular Se Thimbles (&il il , mi) ea....-!/2 Better pan o1ce&£15eo0. M. O. $BistTape (&etIre.) Se Bete pa.o-Ie Collr Supports, lekl knd, 3c iy liberaily. Reg. 10e Stift Siting (2.lneh) et 7c yard I Br~ansin Everyday Needfuls for Home-Sewers' Week 2.klh 1g. Ii5o Crash log $2 & 2.101 0 5 $1,26 Oi 1.25 Soit lO Bleaohed Towis 6~Ii IToweliiie ib Spreads S*J~ preads 79C j Loogoloth UIi Sheelng,yd2OIJ Bgc gode hatareI FnelInn cashI FA. oareeed ted p 1 a i n, hemrned A 10-yard boit ef A remaricabie value esýceed hlng arlh e-inte lne tn ch frdse ull gse preadM for 3-quarter Englmh Long Cloth in ,Globe Special" daYe Lag ie it.Bu odr ew Ideigns. Oniy bcd. A remarkabie oot etI finish and sheeting ot 214 yds. ay loiz ot eav qaity. ,n wlile tbey isat, $1.59 chance to save tfree trom dresing. In wdh iefn I v oth hayqul -greatly. Umlted. îsb. 29e. lied. 15c Gzah&m (Srin Lbe),ai12+c lj oc leahed ? usiD, 7C- Yard 25c nd 35c qrades at 1 7%C yd A big lot of scrims in plain and bordene --ýve s. 36 inéthes wide. A notable saving foi' shrewd iloie-$ewers this week. W~GÀJ'~ ~1QWIO8T~TO~E à: IN E I-M 1 -1 1 0 -P.C-Uý 17 141-A

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