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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 17 Mar 1916, p. 7

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$100 A WEEK FE FOR CLAIRVOYANTS ' PROVIDED DV CJTY Prohibitive Ordinance Passed Monday Night, Following Arrest of Wm. Kaiser. Wauegan Do longer la to bce easy Piaing" for clairvoyante or fortune toileraWho May ulih te stablilshs ilani lers for i week or tva. gobbte 90 &UI the loogseucah that tha gillibie pokM11may ha willlng te giva lb.., mitie ODmve onl te oew fields. Ail $1ielà, te be ltory. for the ctty emst nMoay night passed a ee wc hich la destinsd to keep elsièYepants et of the city. Ths MMt. vatalit ollowtng theazareot Md*1àitmat by tbe grand jury of 'Prq., ilm Kà.Iar on a ebarge et blin sougbt te work a confidence o earai Waukegan rouag * Ordina.. ela strict. TiM ordjnance as driwn, upjýy the EOM stion coffnue!and subraltIed te tls .1tY council Mondai' night ilai 90 tt ordained lir the Council of th Ciy or Waukgan: SERCTION I-'ffbet il shall ha un- laufut for inX person or parsons te eagge iln the occupation ofe lryoy- &Mt or fortune taller or any such oc- eurpation under any other saeao alyle vhataoever tu the city of Wiu- befin withent, heving previoualy eoh- tained fr0. the titi' clark of sait! e<ti a licensa. and payog tharefor tie su. of 1100 for Pach week or ftitosîl part tbereof that saud c- eupition la conducted. SIECTION 2-'An amargency exlis ad tis ordinance shall take affect sud ba ln force tan (10) days aft-'r Uni publication ln accordance witii tie 1ev. Witt Barigere. The ordinmnce vapasséd lipcn 7-co ,S tieno Cmlsutoner Orvis at whose lDatancýe il waio driwn. Mayor Pearce. sd hé, thouebl 1the existence o!tbahe ordinînce vouid heep fortu etalliers and clairvoyants euoth 1e clty as ha scys the mot of thins write tbe clîr clark Inquiring If acy icana. feeienarequlred bafore ioy decidaetgo couse bora. la fic e ha id, that Kaiser irrote a ltter bore tat October. Inquirlng r ubthar or flt a ticene fee would te = icne i. . provldd ha eridanlir .4acdedte coma hare. îbUSE FIRFO AS FAMY SLEEPS;- POLICE TO PROBE Fire at Market Street Rosi- dence Believed to Have Been Work of 'Bl1ack Hand.' Waukegan. March 14. Tira of a moat mysterlous orIgls, ;iti no doubt the work of an Incendi- arr. routed ILan1Itallan famly from kbir bada near mldnight Monday, and caused aIoas of over $50 to the auner of th: bouse. Tha tire, Il la îýllepd, le a "blackc band" plot, ani an inves4tigatons la te i. made by cty and state authorite8. Aecrding te the staeeant of oe Spueman, tha lomîtea of the bouge, Mr. ani Mra. John Marine, and fa,- *, rttired at 9 o'clock. At il 'cloek tiay upra awîkened f rom thpir slnm- bera uhen their lungs fOUed wltb mokae. They racad te safety through vbaolvays and rooma filled with amokoe but at no ime vere they In danger ~'to being burneti. The tire dapartment was ralled anti their Investigation provad the report liat the reaidenca had bean set on lira from the oulaide. lTe odor of kerosene vaquta prevalant. and lit- er it vas mada 'nova that a large ren o! kerosese had been left os the rear vrandi o!f1the Marine home airlier In the evenise. The tire hati eiten tts wsy tbrough the partition, and but for tha 11maI' werk Of macs- bers of the soulli aida ira departmPnt tha bulding woulti hava been gutteti by the tire.* Marine blievas that the tire was stirtad by an enamy, but he cannut funssh the police with oe clair ubich would tend te solva the mys- tory. The loas, as estîmateti by ire- mean, vas approzimatly $50. The Pesilence la qwneti by Jobn Strobach, a earpantar. The police bava sterted their lu- vetigation, ant i t la sald tht a stata Ors marsa il ml ha calladte10Wauka- gin te mile an investigaion. Ar- Fontj ml ha madie, it la said. k ICE PRESIDEIIT 0F vSANTA FE IN CITY. Etimird Chamsbers, vice presid,,xU ef the PSta Fa ralîiroati. vas a Wau- bouaon visiter Sunday aitrnoon. Mr. Chambers came 10 tha city of bis blrth te visît vill bis sitar ant i hl brothars. He vas accompaied bhi àig son, Walter Chambers. Mfr. Cham- bars maintains an offce In Chicago new and livesa i the Blackstone batl. lTa& Independant la theoboeumona .. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FIUDAY,MARCH 17, 1916. WAUKEGAN YOUNGi WOMAN IN ROLE Of REVELER IN KENO. Well Known Mason Contractor Bloodstained Clown Suit Is1 - ~ * ~ Made Defendant in Divorce Featured in Suit for Dam- TIRE JUDOS TO RI3SIDENT 0F WA,#U. Action Fited Today. ages in Police Court. Il ia apparent tbat Airs. Mary A Young voman who gave her PASS ON VALIDJJTM 8Y K4 5U EEof» uegael prncialbnraiermA 0FRtAL M TT R O E 1Tî IL A througb ber attorney, AlieaP. Beau ln Kanoaba. The case graw lto1 OFRE ALLI TTER TO ian, she brouglit suit ln circuit court a maquerade ball. The Kenosha1 ____ ____for a divorce from b r huaban ti. A u- N ew s t ll a of th e p sode as fol o m : Judges Donnelly, Edwards and When Last Heard From Rupert guet Jab5ke, velil nouis maâon Cou- Mre a th 1e grawsome atory of th1e , trater.blondi-stainati clown suit. It vama te- Frost to Make Sweeping Griffith of Zion W sOeo eZ I l lsInainldvlp The ahnks searatd o te Ilth ment. ln 1the munIcipal court on Investigation.. Villa's Lieutenants. i ay of Ja:ch, or immedlely aflter! Wednesday mternoon when Jutige1 Il ýacame knovn M ondiy that 3 When the Unitedi Siates troopa rus the father cf 1the famlY 1haît bs eail- Itandail heard the evidence lu the circit curtjudgs wuld asoest son arresteti on a tisorderly cou- suit of Maude Petine, a decIdediy cici1or uigamnt iaOn down andi capture "Poncho" Villa ns duel charge. Whas tha casp vas cama taYKng oan, ro Waulen the validity Of the racali Polition, andti hay undoubtaty il'vi, the chancescaet noh frm Wuga that befora ataring Ihair as 1er they callad for trial bafore- Police Magla- a nt01 Crsesn The basto propose mehîng a seeaping Taveaîtga- are very strosg tht 4 Lake counti' trate Taylor, Mrs. Jabnke axpl aineti f 11 e civstfnti a as tien of the forgery chargas preferreti min vilI. 1ho takep prisonar anti par. te tbe police chiet tht ILIb. niy ay fuarhe ailn halAt th na al afs.1 by Commsstonar 51mer V. Orvlg andi hep, azecutat.Tede aRpet"ec l . mainenati In Das hall robahed i onthe 29all ofh by Corporation Counsel Arthur ulk- D. OIRWth, aiso knovm ai Rupert paaît h ome" h mait al v t a. lest month andi Mies, Patrie claimed ley. hnehm"w tespre Auguet damages te th1e amnount of $199 for Claire C. Etivards. Jndge of tisa eh,- Devereux. 'Jahnke tron hie famUiy. "Wbl' me permenal Injurias and for damaes ta cuit court, announcedti oar thet Griffth, vblch la lits rasilDama, re- lîvaIlike a lot of àdwii. Ir every- 1 ber proparty. Tbe Young woman vas Judua Arthur H. Prost of Hockford aidet aIlZMon City for a number -)fiadyant unei nhe bai declavati bu islMnan e10"1 o uiiata n t h. uov bodyr keeps i, uui abat thare la no i deciddl ani i thaatu of Ib tn" wltb Crent JndÉe EdUarxdainD r.H wso@o hoewow trouble, but if vo duami*&yose wvon b a a abothelbe ating ofthati ffling On the ca.&4 tant tboI~re quit, close tae l its JOhnAlezan- ln tbe boue thon thora le troubla,»" b a b ut etibutin th mnicipal wua a poselipity 11151 Cbio~t Jutga der Dowue. Whon lthe"Second Z11- bu beaat, c urt fr f offa in'.tWe mnicipali- bFares DonnaIly of WoO4dll*.ueuld iah" dled ai' ( lb hthousist ne T- hnaa an mrcoauort11e i anail iaJutgeen themîl as lae mn aditive part là t tIi IVmUgs.ab b laebe Wtl - Tejhse eemrre ntednews'ill ug adl a tion anti In azeertaininig te lau andi ilhuot a ave bvn. oliad- i * AUgnt, 114, le Milwaukee, f latoubt ai te wmmcliet lb. cotant.j 1the rue, fdMCtconnecte itthe b.sit. oraip sitnie INfaa oiv gl parties fiad prasantadth 1e pi'epon-i naturea vbfeh appar on lb. ipotion. for -beaiud Wm le lt.' Griffith suc- Wln.., anti ther have mad. Waukean devance et tba evitiance anti ha looki Jude dwrds on Studei isa- ceeded,, houevar. la bentiing t41gth- 11101v borne uring tha groatar part o e! 11eau undar dvsement.1 snect at ha uoultivisat. knovn or soma of those uho roeined ti el., on iccoàtolfe.st b.tct 1the i rcas 11 bis opinion on Wetineat*v, ,,W r*bute admndn or on7oftetctta l a h Mondai bo mnnouinceti that ln ail pos- fui ta 11e teachinge ofDObvie. At proect n r a la em$hang out i articular suit ubi h 1e Young vom-. githili' judge che". H. epnely one t111e ha contampîmîti a plan -of poatoo.rlir b e an hmd choses ta cenceal ber ides- vouit coma ta Waukegiu n 01Tbumt'taking bis followers ta Alabama asti tioned 1the court t0e sue an Injunctian blîr. it vus a typical suit of a court1 day ail hieh lime the incision would eslebltaht.ng a colony of iseovn. The anJoinlng August Jabsle ftram ratura jacter igith cap and balleanmd aIl that th. preparet. w Ing 10 her bome. Rte daims that lbar goas ta makre uita reail jasters uni-i Mesn wbo anjer an lntimaea- plan neyer matarialized. Griffitb fi- fubn aIcie ertr orm. Il wvas ilk and satin, butE quelntancasiip wth Jutige Etivar.is salI' berna miyth leadrsmi aalueltna drunk- den ti crime utîi nscout bt. predict that me inenti, making a bis coloni' te smetr anti apant mucbhoemn msawekladrk-ydcrso w; ttuutbn. sveaplng investigation of the forger'of bis lima ln V4ukegan. an condition, andti t a l such timeà Mise Patrie hLd gona tb the dance1 charges, anti that at leasb a veek i hae la ver' querrelsoma andi abusiv- vith a party cf ber friands and ald lime woult ihae onnumad In beirini' When Spencer Banks a local col- - been ose ofth11e mont enthuslaslic uft 1the avidence mhlch wiii lie introdueM ored min, vis arreatati andi piacedtu She alieges tisaI ha railslier vilt the merrymakers. 011e hati gone1 by te mn we ae fht 111te ra- jli, Griffith vent ta sea him. pratenti- names lan1the presenca cf their sevan vwittu a min friand andti 10 hine et hi' 11e~C5 ho re lghtng ear-oid daughter. anti that August valilflouer on th1e aide lin. As th1e Cal of the commission fotof o!gv- Ig tl ad alea tony h aeee okn lw aeotl ernmant. Itlai possible that oe or lu, t a od bh and froightens ber.Salacve lokn con me utn two hîndurilinge calurîs wmli Banks ais nid te hava tnrned over C u n g h utd fteoe idfront of Chrialensen ha la allegal 10 cald na wteSean ha x Griffith ail 1the mener ha coulti acrape w-b have reacbed ouI and cîught hold a o! poeaes mer 1he tssued for a large together, tbinklng tbat Griffith would who la osIer aga, antid beal'§( de- ber hell ha-spinglad costuma. Misa numher ot mas whose Suimai appear hnI 1ers frh. hn mandsatmbt1e court aliow barrmi- Patrie leclarad ln court 111mb sha a on t11e ptitions Itla8reporteabmt 1 o hrcsnacaet ony. 1101 slow ta rasent th1e aasault and vhere a zreat slmilarity in 1the hand. came tlime for11 cs.0 oae Neighbors o!f1the Jahnke famlly vilb ail the strength aba hîti ahei wrlting of severîl naines appeairain trial Griffith was sowhera ta ne slappeti Christensan ln 1the face andi the palillon, that each oeao!f1t1e man foond andi!lie fadact e given out hi' have taen aides vith lire. Jabnke rathar vigerousty Informêd hlm cf as rmlnases ati cued te mih Cle Iua ns. The chsuît wusathat an ln- andt hay cdaim 111mb .hoeas drivan ta ber opinion eftihlm. When thae as andwiura nda alquetions laitte mdomfi afeura giatGi-11eiIe illng a suit for a divorcr e. cmjrudth eo dictha Jmhnke rfarnilyexalton.Gcff-1l1the attChristensen reachad eut ai 117 court ln regard ta ubether Or 1101t ith. 1pnhd h on oa." o ho- A feu months liter it vms fountiJ nownfamille$ o! WaukegmLn andti 11l o "pnhai"1e younrght vh omn. Imgo IRST-Sigsal 1the Petitlen. bal gene ta Mexico and cent i. lot le not 1the fti tlima Ibattheir fîmly'Il gel you afler 1the dance la SECOND-Giva another man 11e troubles have been ravead i' 1the over" pou a aigebsie nonms. vllb Villa. vhom ha contentiad vas rnîing of a suit for i. divorca. Their Mima Patrie madie gond ber tbreat THIItD-Whether 1the signer alledth 1e one ubo va entIllel 1ta 1e c le r mngtersetd antnduhan the dance vas over she met the dite anti alîraîs te bis signature placet ln comment! e! MexiV,. Ortf- elda r îog11 esetimlChriltensan and sImd khlm right ha- or hehe te-dtean adru wrefih veucodute atou o svealloveatiyouths ef Waukean. veas tise aezs ith ail 1the force tbat orfxe ubte .maaantCircuatth ee ri_________n____ -o sogsha couil pot bebinti ber flet. Chris- petitbon. mreucba nulbh sub sîa a at,5sttensnstrmd badla andtih1e Young Until Julge Etivirda heara rom ta CI'ata Ilterest anti sympithy for UI1IIEwqp~jj omen sîlîl bas a diatigureti face ai Circuit Jotige Donnelîr it l 1nDt a'- bis chia!. The nearastli1e cama ta a resuit of ber face comisg inaccon- portaitithat ha vil! mle public bis Waukutgan vas Milwukee.tca F i lt hebo ri plans lin11e malter, or 1the haur ln rit- N I 'ARlfi F R ntact nocehiandî.mTie tblair tanm uhlch lha purports la enter hik e laI Aflter ompleting Ibis tour Gî 'I~L4JJ~JCnsesnsm aeyugiam sien. 111 treburnati ta Villa's ranka anti vaon1e inoihe wan tatie I lownlut m thava when 11e liaI mord was rul- JTWO PITiiUL C SES became saiseti vitb gare. Chiaana taIaC.ý er an aim LE ISGR Fceuveti tram hlm. Il lin111e ballet i hjresn le LE D R UFlocal people thîl Grffith îa sIlîl inais '1 augiomn hiu Villas compani and yl tue fourni ln One Case Mother Is Taken bar ils a double amaent anti vith ..~. ~humillming hi1. before 111e crowd lu 16TO MsAflfIMiE with hlmu whan Villa la captureti r te the Hospital te Submit the hall. killed. to an Operation, ALTAR; OFF TO WAR Tvo piiful Cases havaecerne ta1the IIEARS liER MUTIlER Troope Waltr Robnson e RUNY RD TIINKS ttention et Miss Ida Himmaîraen rUiU l R N DT N S umane officer, and she Is ioeling att- 1* V 5th . S.Cavlry ake Wif KOEILE ERI IN Humane Society. ln both cases 1the A L 5thU.S.Cavlr Tke Wie OE LE EDUIJe N umana Society bas rendareti aid fer fE f Beor Aswrig al. ome lime, but conditions are suhds aO F OO IlS CONTENTIONS nov luit aven more assistance is EAJ N FL O Suburtiai'nlgbt Walter Robinson. ..ON EN IO S eedad. e troopai' lun1the Flftb U. 9. cmvâIivý ___ The First Case. Mrsi Catherine Sokup O Glen stîatidai Port Sheridan. vas Ic-Alee BïaitC is* , The ÉttCase la Ibat o! theMio airtictai - v M FIoaAete assAa hi' edbyLieut.-Cel. Dasicl L. T ata. -. a it lams- kovilcis tamlly -on Clinton streal.,vMraAenerPsesA a ta pack bis camp aqulprnent, anti pre- Have Séoured a Final De- Ana Mlloclaomtcb vas removatita Quite Suddenly. pare for service lu Mexico. the Lake Ccunîy Genarai boilpital a were of the "girl wbo vould ielett an eperablon. Mer vîîsîîuy ia no lbm Aliractal hy the soonti et a faluInc behind.Y Assistant State's Ateorney E. M. 111mb itlai fearel she vilI have a bat- body, Miess lasephine Sokup o! Olan By 11etlime ha uould have bis Runvarti ube la conductlne 1the ftiht le ta recover. The hushmnti vacant- Fiera hbornaI lnbo an adjlinneroea. equipment piced ti l oult be&t0o te gel Adoiph Koahiar. Indlctati here ]y racaverati tram a sevara attacl etofto ber home el 5 o'clocic Thurstiay lite ta coma te Waultegan anti gel a for bigamv. raburneti tram Hart, Mictu., typhcid-pneumcnia anti bas sot e- nieht, anti feunti her mebber, lira. marriiga license. The minrýae Il-and face trial. ttnls 111mb théegr'ounds5 SainaIis iestrengtb sa Ihat 11eoisa aie Catherine Sokup lylng leal on tbe cessa bureau voulti ha dosaI es Sun-.unaubich Kaelelaisbasing bis tight 1a de mucb for the support et bis tam- floor. Mrs. Sop, vho moulti hava dey. fut.,e cil ta arma vms recelvad are, 001 maIl takes 1Ily. Tisere ara Oive cbîltiran. The been 96 yemrs olti bal she lîval until befora Montiar mernisg ha couiti col A baba" corpus hearIcg teni cke, lealhiabetathl t 11e mrriga l n Hart a feu laiye aga ut mhIr'h tîe c mail' have bal ta e tentimucis oniAprîl 4 of ihis year, hati filles for- lea bi beroted a te mrrige l.tude uheheurdth11e case vlaI that ebaribi cf 1the Humane Socityi'ani yard crut of a chair. tan. Treopat Robinson apent a slÇep- Koeblar muest corne bera for trial. r uhît nelgbbors voulti do for tbam. Dn. L. H. Tombaugb, vho hati bean les lite, anti long bfare t1e bugle Attorey o rayn hle a once tookr1 For savon menthe Miss llminlrelh1 tre-ating th1e agel voman for tisa list soundel Mondai' morning 1e was eut an anoeal te the, sunreme court o ett pIo oethlie Milockovltcb chu', feu meeka, vas aumnmoneti hurMialli, o! bal anti- al bis ahane polisheti. Michigan. Tt is1the bllet et Mr' Rus- tiren, boys o! Il anti 13 year% of aga but tpen his arrivaI hae founti ahe lmmelilely aflar breakfast haoiresl vrdv thul Tt wili laiteetaIleast a çionth re spactiveti', at bar home. They ld aI passeti avmy. Hae thînka tit le Highlasnd Park anti an hoor later, betorae ase cascrne te trial ta go home racentli' tea11up tai4e care tiaatb vas almoat instantaneous. ln Companyr uts Mrs. Mary Nialson, Keeller securesi a divorce decr o f bisgs. Miss Himmeiretch isas tAk- For the ltame months Mrs. Se- anti ber l6-year-oid lnber u n Wsconsin. Inalte cf ose ypar lia an foodtat the family every day. kup bal been fil etftirepsi'. This vas boarded i train for Wauiegan. came 10 Waukegras anti marnaiedan- Tihe Second Case. conîcttty heanI trouble. A feu Upan bis arrivai baee oîougbt obt ther maman. Hie irst vite claimati The second rasa la somevisat dit. yacks ago lier condition becama quite justice of 11e Peace Roi' Masos ant i te bait comritlal bigami' anti turnad ferent. la Ibis case. the same as th1,1e chai, but under skiliful matiraI 20 minutas liber 11e mas utet ln the case ovar ba111e utboritles vith ivat, tha mother la an invalît anti trrilmesb aha began ta improve Dur- uniriage ta Miss Muarion Nlelsen, a the rasull 111mb Keehler vas rrembal muet aubmît 10 an operation If sope ing th1e liat veal or more a marketi 16-year-old girl. Befona 1the ceremosy at Hart, uhaeehae vas living milli lis aven la la ba any hettar. Arrange. Improvement vas notlceahie ln ber.' veulti 1e performeti il a necesnrvs"ocnt vife. meula are ta 11e mile abortli'sa Ihat 611e vas able la gel about 111e bouse for the girl's moîber ta giva ber con-' Koehler dlaims 11e mis givan a finail the operation eau take place. This quiae activeli' sudfit vas bellaveti sest, asdtitIis thse mothar titi vlth a ipcreaet divorce lu Wisconsin anti famîli' lives ou Kennmrd atreel, that in spibe cf heranga abe mas os sboyer o!tlisses. Immedltbeli altber i tiehada i ertecb rigbt ta gel star- The faîber l5a atinunkîrd ast uben thesad mIta racaver'. On Thureaij tbe ceremoni' Trooper Robinson anti rIld again mthis a i'av. Mr. Rus- untier the influence cf liquor he 111 sha tait sa emalIbalathe stoppaiout bis fair Young bride returneàti a Fort vard clafitc that upter t1e lava cf traita bis vi!, sisamatulli'. At the efth11e bouse anti vîllea snuuth1e Sheridan, ihrar Troopar Robinson Wiscensin Koabiar reeiveti ony'an prenanîtima ha la unler irroit anti yard. She fait mnch baller visensahe joined iebiscompmsi'. Ha expecîs te Interocutor' tieereo mblcb iroull ualt1the police wyul keap hi. until 1the auteredth 1e bouse. leavo for Mexico 1t flgbt tam the tecoma a permanent or final terme. whiaky ta, out of bis ayntern. There Atter a lime she vent toa1the liv- UsitaO StBles.bafore sundomui. until a yea bal passet. TIn0111ev t s -Oh, 1 arn so happy? Certailli' vrts, ho1e s,, the loge separation are Ibrae chiltiren in bis tamlly. MiesaIng vooem white baer tauebter busiet Walter eau talre up amel for bis couD- trocs the tirat vite moult net tale Htmmaritcb bis beas leeping elne hersait ln tha kitcbes. The bllet la try. 1 arn glati that mi'. man lasla sol- Place uatif a year hit pase. Haof tien il1er borne for saine Ume. tbat Mns. Bokup muet have been d1ev, and 1 arn gladt hal 1Iamm the vite plans tc uppar befove 1the supreme oo anti clotiini bava been given striecen wilb beavt liseuse very sut. of a mÏii'wbo la offerinu igi lite for court ulSn bthe hearing talas place. ta1the inotber ami childtren. lanly. the ceunr va lov," nl. lira. Ma- - .. Although bars n l ohernia, Mr%. Mon t0a aSun reporter. Bits vava apenal Montai'fotoh11e IGHLAND PARK WOMAN 18 Belop vas s al l noun resident ot contrctonat vlnoret oacrîa SA NS jUNRy REPORTS 1TQDAy Waukegin, lisvlng vesitiet hue.fom Springfieldi, Il!., Marali S.-Attorney bridige at Wmucosda, The bits mare MinanfoGray tbbi o!f H ndover 45 yerinOne o! ber' ion* te General Lonai' delsrt i gving an as tOllOws: Otlo Palmer $486-Co - Whr, ro libanso underga x i loca ltruck gardener. Ser busheet opinion otir os11e vmllliy of 11e tnatl Br14Up O., solo;, tha-nOs 15a r~eaut ~ a enta omaotl eae $100.000 appropritiîon af the secondvora $90 iiatmedi.o.ýM tb 0glymv a >5h icounti' do tlhis ShBbcleavea the tollowlag -ebjldrevn- @perlai session of! lois ,ilatr. te bridge v - moluluj ,e.. - .. - isebi"e ' nl rt ubo geetta4 i oiwsai proý1de for future foot ant i mouth r0t~ ~ ~ ~ , 1eiesat; JwIbsi biai claimo.. PltelTveîiurerSul e W~i b t j . ati~p k.L ON s he. vr- .. 1 - -., n. i? - -' Slos1*,, Ut..Feu Pnpit RawaVs - -o- *-- - TIRES 0f 'DUMY LIFE; MILS. JAJINKE Wac&egn ~ASKS FOR- DIVORCE Tmo Fort Sheridan soidiera mbo ara to leive for the frcnt ai son as orders smo raceiveti, brougbl aveet- heurts to Wauîegan Montiay anti ae- curet lidelises to edval hbau. The marriages mare partormsel hi'Jus- ticeý Roi'Maisn. Tha tua couples irere: Walter Robinson aged 23 et Fort Sherian, anti Marlou Nielson, a;et ý6, Highland Park; Georgeil. PPMn tnaUvel, agel ,Io o!t heian,- 40ERajeraî, agti 2, of F8ortSbHligh- moOt, - d aa - lm MIL PLANS FOR S35,OOO PENSIOE0 VIADUCT FOR CITY WIRE- HAVE BEEN DRAWN DAYS IN Go Commissioner Dietmneyer Ad-' Andrew Bjorquist Civi mits Plan for Structure on Day Sentence by-, Sheridan Read. Magistrate Tayl Cemplate Pla"ns0 tant i pecitcationsA nrwBoqst b ton a nav coucretevlai'ut eer 1tle badrawir pesiorun, vl ravineail Sheridan roadth1e ettimat- IransSteel & Wire £,n"ja au] test of vtich viiltue ln th- nelgh- an a 30-day sentenceta horbooti of $5,000l(, hovep heanpe alen ad nîmn 1aa at rl u rteid to e 1echargeby police MagldU city couneii mithin th1e neXî Ivo Taylor on Thoralar murs veeks ai thp e ur' longe .t. 1as ati Ta3-ayelnem mision vas unade Iodai) ' itComis- 1t1e recommasdmtjon o! andlone J Jlielmayr I h.s rl l, assistant police chIe!. and pubi inlrosaîusents uepuri- Ilorqulat la ose of ment. et'nw ciiead Por somp ltinte il bas tuecu ruunu.uoîuul hast s a vn ettisesiua that a 0ev bridge on Sheridan roati occupaahihrnso las a necessity. The oIt bridge has Ty d ll'. nsthte been Ln an unsafa condition tor thearTy r intemsthat eau lant tar years ast vbtle fraqtuent re- hsns vv ionaeckUsaoi th pairs mate It possible te use th1e ay structure for liebler traffic, an exa.mni', that be goes ont, Ination couductd a atammoullus ugo mbich oî t oteai Iax sltoiel the bearni asti supportae t aaie b . tsnbt1e ln an unsafe cofidition andtih1e cous- soute, anti ha liai , cil clamaI thea bridge to tr&fc. Sinco e mnt tatbcounîrja.litr tâtint lim a s h.been neces' forsenhatti e tcnaty aiit . ail trafic te go overth11eneir Gesesee contiaet lia Pp,"rut street viaduct. Isrcin r.anti yeslarday :,,t.~ Acting enter Istutin fot ecarry b tle I d Commîsioner D)abmeyor, Cily Engt- lseged to te te liéi neer M. J. Doutitt bai tees elinaetbiseboace lii fornIOe.%b for tise lent Ivo or 111v.. menthe lu braisaIt fel t a UKfIO bis spae m la hi ravIng plans for ,,i» 'pobabtir, a nair couicrete viatuet. -TItare are h vs » W onty a !ev inls!slnu tanches t ha lmont , Bjoeuiste ma0 mnite and ainscon as Ibai' ara com.- oaite 1iiL uan fi pletal 1the plans anti specftictions hl o at ise ntàd..'ailàb viii ha presental te, the coube3I. Mr*h mra tpl '0it Diemeyr sys hismaybe tComPisi'and 110 Ami Dialaye sas Iis er1e el Wire Company for aeor Moulu' slgbt, but ha Uinka It mil ________ ha a wack leter Usas Usat. The proposeoi viaduct yl ha aime- Wint. Fur Solo. 0M O"à wbat diffamant Ihan the structure DEPENDENT rofth 15.0i aerons the ravine on Gonesse street. weekly. The plana lo sol ral for tUsaex- pensive rib-constmuclien, but raîbor ____________ for a barrai typa ot structure. In other mords, 1the boly vorlcof 1the T bridge milI ha sîmilar 10 i cuXvert, The~ but no 01ml ii hac needel. This type et bridge requîmes a Little more Cen-u' l. crae. ,but itlais heapar Lc construct rresluenLts and la juat as serviceable. Thare mili tc uebt one span, ibis le ba 120 teet, making an arch alrs e the ravine. The vlaluci i la te b 56 !Ve.di.IIs feet vile. ThIrty-sim feet ilîl ba giv- est evev tote 1eroalvai' porticn anti as eigbt-foet aidewilk vili ha placet ak Ioni each aide. C k aCe)mmîioisaner l)letmaer'a plan o! parng !th 11e se vialuct Io le as- -an exemple.et de- sens 1the Ciy simlîrîr tu the Plan corative art s ave v adoptaI mhan 11e Genesea sîmeet via-eule nte itr d vas builî. Fromt1the expression euldistehso' ha bas bearti ahoultishe cil> ha thIinka ct Cake decuatig- a mjority o!f1the preperti' omnava an exemple of dalici- vilI fivor 111e plin. If thama are uny oueuse-s, liulîînemand objectona Iber mili have an oppor- vhoî"somtene'us t hat 1 ut' te voica their objections iet1the would bc a pride tas public bemring vbich mil be cillea Mn, Dietmayem figures bisat Usa prica a.uyhousemife. l in. of lise proposed vlalucb la amel c,-t paraI la 1the amount 0cfbbunlt tIhat mi-. i old haderiveti ast henoya 111e as- sottement ini the individuial case voulti ha aaceellngly amali l.nini 'MRRED IN WAU- CALUMeT KEGAN; IIELPS lHUS. BAKiNG BAND TO COLLEGE POWDr-R I IThiss vend - fassoun Nellie May Lewis Said That Wiison-Gait Wadding After He Got a Degree He Cake was made by Divercd Her.Mva. M mviemn Cole ________ er.Fh.-r and Miss Panoy Thraa wemen ara awmitlng th1e B o vue n , bath veli Coen n to Chicago et Dm. Paul Wright known I)omestic Soi- Panushka fron t rea. Cal. Dr. Pan- ana. Experts. Calu- ustuka, or Dr. Wright as ha acunetimas mat Baking Pouder bas beau lnovn. la coming lntnh1e vas useel beciuso.both compani' cf Detective Foergeant Noo- ban ofthUe satesas tternay'a office thase experts use it anItie Ib Uree mmting woman have aacluaively' is thefr eîcb, ailona lime or msotiter, been vomI and KNow il fi; lira. Wright or Mrs. Pnusbkî. thý pumrenI, the safe@it -The varrant cbrglng vite ibis-111 etmhlam dlonmant via taken out by Mn.. Lea teMs hlsm ý s'rgrt Wright, mite No. 3. But ha- and ecenomical ta use,. for. ber bbere vera Ml-s. Nellie Mue Se do Million. Of Lewis PanushabandmolMns, AIma houautvivcg ho une Young Wright. il every bakady-i>o Nallia Mmi a viels ays ahe a vaswl o f o i marrlel b Panushka white ha vasami!oifyuryI bIU clark emring $11 a veeklin Wau- on Ilie Ibinga bardea kegan on September 5, 1896. After- tobae.i uvîrd ahcma employeti as a atesog- Senel yoor name and raphar andti urnîshel1the umeai'ddrcss for freea vacipe whe ut bar buatuandti ireugh Rushu dhistory of the Medical collage, accrisg 10 Ater-id nai' James Callahan. WVlben ha bai1 Weddiug (Cake. Tbna acquirati mn "'f.I."O'Pinsalsent bulte one juat ikç 1$ bis wite 10 New York anti thes got a yotUu'alf. divorce ln 11.11, se the alor' goas. Miss AIma Young,.'or Junge, 31r,58 Reesived Migh.eeAum, Emerîlti avenue. sain 10 ha a cabaret WoMi' Pare F«4dRipe. singer, vho met 1the lector vbila 11e sitioma, Chicigosu&"Fiai va, getting bis divorce, la naId te hava heen mirriedto i lm sortll if b- Clu t erward. Than ha vent te California, Clm wbeve h tuamlMn,. Mavgl'af, Tht-' ain yu vave mirriati in 1913, aise aaysa nd Bk.n wdui'Co. came te Chicago Lent Januiry. Ou Chiaige th1e last day of bbe montb, lire. Mar- graf-Wrigbtl salI, ha ol hem tu a restaurant and laft ber mI tbe table while lie excusaI himàeitf or a tiw minutes. Ha didn't cornle back, ant If. R I site boardl Ibal heaiutreturno te a AUATN Californie. Dr. WlI-ght ipent $3,000 111AUAiula et hem mosey, site caims. Massktdp mii ( rOW n or' s is nv . iea we mmu Monumenis Cemtery Work et Every Description Correspondence ffliIcted JAIL oen Thii'ty 1eor. id fer Yrr i 5t lely tu the ah liah lu io. m ru

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