LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT.FRL DAY, MARCH 24, 1916. nav is CRUSftEDlobentel cfthe «V rdld nflo cs ovçr ~T IflJI struck th.ecbiltd liuln111151 .under PA T R' IJ~ ES TTO DATHI UNDER ae whee possed ddrectly over lis BUSRINES 3LDf IHEELS OfAÀ T Jhn Woitoryayewfies o AUTO JTN FU E ALiison JRIn act game et basket bal h .. bad turned to enter the flium- W. Il. V2. defeated Deerlleid H . S. berg store whef 1 5sali tlt auto bit second tente by the close score of "D)eath" was the tiline upon whcn1 PROMINENT MAN WHOSE i 'Little Joey,' Son of Julius Sar- bw*as ihrown un deri- Ate z>. close tihe gaine was neyer the Rev. Joseph Pi. liutchnson, pas-.ET sM UNE.De fR- recti>. over hilcs et. 1 asmlsted an- t i fro th LaevlaDAHI ORE. nosky, De fInjuries R- c ndeubt. aseToreiquiet ashc TuesdathEdietailer man tu lifI, the chlld inte the baskets f rom every part of the fleur. tor et hoe a<e illneai fM r.hodiet d________Y Lewis car and Mr. Lewis raced te as was Beflz aise, who aise divided Stratton EunclaY atternoon SithUe -the hospital. Lewis wase t spe-foule, wtheverv ether thruw. The Stratton remildence. . PRNSA I ED.ti. and 1 would say thal lie dld ev- next gante wîîî iroliabl>. be with W. A gneri rquet mcleor mil pa -erythlng in I.epeiner tea aoid atrîg- H. S. second team fldsy nigmit. The Per te reprint his addrescauses use sahechld."that thefo1tante bey wss t 10wla.R Ce 91 e t almeet verlntim as ?ollown: Th I-- L. la aid hat he I neoup fCor s vnîngtf; e nmele.a 0." or.tlieMDH(,ommonfactoInI Te CarWas Driven by L W. p n a ft te hlrno theautng tag wllien hhert ceinidren j r . 1.C cnucs.fIez . On o ic os emo tcs nLewis Who Gave Facts of Gene... street wben hie met 1nur. . amen.n c.: Clayssen, g.: Steel. g.; behle cunist le da r e e nerAccident tS thePolice. I As soo. ae Dr. F. C Knlght Themeeson. g. wean e auth i e fe t th r cn - i- < ir1reached <th e bcs ptailie exam ned the l D . H . S. 2 econd T tea m -S l h : -edt a wthe g. e ttenm sthenkdcfchlld and Cit etold the nurses le cuit Gerrihty, f.; Miller, c.; Scbiltz. g.; o1 0emthic,; se the peower that Riitin. h lts parents wtu se hosplial. "We Burrldge. g. rushles lis; as the great los, defeat IWaukegan, March "'. cannot &&certain the boys cDame. Hej or calamity. as a force whîch drives TeJryl n't y1. oo els us <bat hia Dame lit Olaf, ]et, sjtraai«- and myserou "Besea nr0o aaeertaln how "JOey" Sarnow. lie cannot te], us where be ives or jA 0Agmn si Iac wdg m te Imteo!ouj o mthmyteies met hM death found thai dO5lh where we can find bIs fathpr o at- "f argument cent .d b. dePeuded oM log us from Our frtends and lites wu@ conuact by the boy b.lng &cc,_ er" replied Miss Heil. superintend- taletta evsrtin. ai nl bn tient gelatlonshipe. There la nothn dentally &truck by un, automobile ent at the hospital. '&ldard b. CO a baaball Sane in de tSatos me ha e a Isn cadnaure driven by L. W. L.cwls. The jury' The police silur advtsed o! the se- racussions wif de umplre." ore a etanItincutive aoIdmli Ibis a aIm exonerated hMr. Lewis of ai, chdent andi ver. Inetruc tcd alocatl ________ reg of . Bulis o!nes tth Doaleblame ln connection wih the death. the clild-o'.parenta. 1 e. i arn oenesecpairnsorce. h anrtuc-Joh C. E. Staley, preoîdent of the Peo-1 seon atter the arrivai of asoli e d I h ado b on" tbl» a yiosâesioi, aresorce an pi4ruivple's bank, wtnssaod the accident. 1man ai the bridge a man by thenDame1 Ilt. fILle net putting off, but a CulJohn tratton andi he oxplaineti thet hMr. Lewis diti Of Mali Chrowsk>' appeared on the & < agent as th.eaiter of thé on. It la 'ut a moment lnnBlfe. ani eefr ease h usin b Incidlent ln the coreer of a eouî SBupevisor of Lake Villa who&c ait ln hi@ power t0 stop his car and: soene and bo Identifled th. eapuaIl y nwrdtedobl.Mk Death le h estone ci ldeath tout wek ondedthe h.lte of one svoid triklng the chlld. hMr.Lewis whlch the boy fuore as ont' belongil efottoasr< but an l1 rodction te nobler roppor- 0fthe mont respecteti mon of Lakte was net speoding hle machin; nt the ie.adnbe <o hl ut;sred»sprie r, ieo h cienacrigt m mtlyg'oold so. C r. ws ut ate ofouda cy~'o r ntrkoduo servce t sa xeinebîrsLieVlatomtetm h onSae' et n.the bospital. but atter view ing the Ing or wbether lb.>. wouid fi t tuour .c'vice It la n experence l Irie'sLake Vila fromthe tie the twn Stily'antetolony.nursestlde Maothersnrses aniishmenestaorinment r that C htaseasoof<hh upgrewth and development. an loci- *118 created. i ho. at il vWs net one of hie children matter being neither bere nor<brsl. dent un the Ill a emmortsîity.1 - ---- ____ - - A îilld ln IhehJud of lite and who.ho bad met InJUrY.. but let me teli yen someutint: If YO.. Ouir highest and liteM hinge et lite Iconcelvable that a sublime bccrali lit aroticer six nicînths would bave en- W r eiswant rcb- Tbere etbiboc o i ulwol reametdlydeath. [)o we seul madleInHis imagec, catipans o0nt tIrecithe glaie echoole. was crus ldW Mr.newioccas iooraarreet At'can et ih nefast boaScIi rpa" a ourfrieds wh lien 0' ur metal ,vieilli wthout lL10.c clatb under tle whecls ot an auto- the adivicentfDr. Knigbt. Mr. Lewist te b. reco5fised a h edo reate thavsen orlds Do ora u nowledge and eve' Moi[lie on <enesee street Tuesday vient 1ta the police staion efccr blbonne, 11l bu>. a groies cf wbateer 'bic.I, frlendsiilîcs and feliewcwips ter-1 This lu lites groate't message ancd eePnlng. had conveyed the child te bhc hosilai youve g01 and pay thme catalogue coiinalc wlien we cati ne more siee u hotte thait 0cr frlends arc goiccg 0oui The dt:%cetcfthe automoWile coutid snd n.lated Col the chuief et police the proe." fric cidc w itb mariai eye' f'ot atviri.Into, the great eternîl>. ta be wîîn rcaf le- belli te biame for ilice cbIld's accone ie eacoldent Our love for our unseen frýiesede Jaas ln the. Fathers hous(t dcialWi e dd everythtng le lis pow- grolieitwIth the years. Our felloW-, pra>.iithtought May be * ev ,l (Ir In'avold the fatal blow whichbhuvi- ------------ mielc lme oser and rîcher than @ver inereagag soacié and 1)a>. te ailtiroa- 'd, lb boy under the rear wheel of hefoe. Or felowaili ecom s sir-j bled antd berea'c'clheurta. the big !ce-&one uooie )tuai. ia longer hlndered by the.palierAt dawn et Lave, a( lown of 1[1Me, 1 "J)v San sky g.'d 5 >.u'Sm and i e t b o dy. Telove that e-At dawn o e ce that tallccwgstr evontlici. was uruck and ln- îcic-ciiuc ou]andsou Tht't Ae da, aia e ln frs- ltre ,c 1),ib'an au!rcmobile driven by L. i~cs lelwee coul nd sel canai At awn a aIlW. lon ors- w li. locral garaguç ownel, ath<le ici decstroyed b>' deatb. The-tsun le riin-let us go., <r-h ec-dloe the Genesee street bridge lt-cath la the gîardian et aur trous- leath ls the dawn et Life. Lave ansd scc1 lcnaf olc edyee ire; lere they livwoit] fade, fade. Peace ta ail who bave landt l Tly behie5 ld was ueeci le-h éale.I let cel ue that If triendeblitispeak the word "Father. cui lfAlister beepital ln tbe Lewis werI, te Iant forever on thie earth.,of - r :r-I Dr. Kight won summoneW the' hearta even et triende would et R NO R06 Mr. car,, ut t9 'lock the angel cfW A K C N P O L W E ( MN W senti oui? This maral muet put onlcbeh losed the infants eYbs. The lnilliortlLty before lite can stand il n~cîccîls parents were at is bedslde owc train and tise glery oetlistr ie Jftw secthe'end came. «K G N 5 R P N iceanclng. The lit(- tse leare on eart nFrhusteclcànwppl l, «clc ht¶th tea ways contincue on thie EU en and othere bad hee engaged ti Caerli aisaEW tlocale lice ctsIlds parente art-twlastriing ngrain%,ý NE Hlfff S HOOLa"ococîve>. hein ta the' liospital bc- UN A R NK 1)h a reatarc- wost neking-nain.fotre &lie angel of dealb appeared. l)c.c htie-Destroyer, . ier Vhoote hiC tructionle vru D- -ctcgleatb ilice Friend. li rph,- State Supt. of Instuio Blair îcla>bcc"g in the Imtreetý. accord- T'he Ërst REAL TEST of liwcs pl rmsl i ci dbo- iccg te reporte. The Sarrog~ky child wýiir, ey an d ali tses iîc tar';n o to Give Dedicatory TaIk was r-et krown to lies pîsymates. the way in which the publie sud e;ifcoeir 51. hIc re te r:at Antiochman>. of wbom uusled te tkier homes streeeth ne dik cmi'ufcres ngycltIg Iec.atter liitnessing <lhe accident. Dr. i orcietenwdik feastcrs are lying le terrer train the - Knight. wîo vwas cslled ta attend tmeAlaLscmeBtr y col siceeton. la the otbe.r leath T AKE PLACE ON FRIDAY. vt'tm. le ai whispened elUversation connlooa a-quet churcîs belfry. wTOTMisHeim, superintead wet 0fu <b.datth a n ageti saint its wltlc toided t h eld *a h armaI ~~ 5 ÎlOTiii Peni New%ý-Èh 'lW hich Cosi $27,« parents bc suentoned te ie bedoide. flfl o te ure Bibe bit h is aide1 n nleas peice D fr. Knigmit realzed that the chiîîd vas Wright store. Thousands of oec the wearied fascu.eTht' wlndew 000 Is Said to Be Modern dylig. -' av - le Illicfl. cîln te the suil. on the' in Every Detail.'WIco lutbe ciid?" mon and women t6L'UU van siii of lihe window pierchceusa bird gbv- That waa the tirait question wbthb go of the ser7ice extended ie Ma frt cl i.ouglît<1sang. Dethhe Arneetlbv encmpee zcigpcted i<elf t<eMr.Lewis. te Dr.thom ini a compliznnt.ary Frieccul had bruh est te the' weary. Arneet aebe opee Koîiigliste police officiai. and te the aicc hIcl gisd dawnlng of a ies' lite for the dedicaîlon on Fricala i fter- ecwepaper men way by the new Waukegan tit, cc .ed saintcen. nMarch 24, nt 1:?0 oclocu." A tem, seiad)fprcr thecielebItlol lasachopîcîcire <lietwasmad ttproureCompany. cccon Ibe cew Antîacis Ireighe tchoocow.ilice rame tram <the dying child. The' cit on ol deah? I thînkI ila t~ as erected atUs cost of $27,000. enlv word ttered by the boy as be Anid, 'WITHOUT EX- et c ry s ecere and ielev'ing heart. 1 Francis G. Blair, state uep.ntend- Iay" le blasikets ip the arma of ont' CEPTION, ovory one -*ho (Se- raso sd prbae ht'gre:-ent et publie instruction. wilih gîve ot tht' nurses et the boapital wasatid t, terd ecm- rt§)nf reaon nd erhas te e ededlcatory address. T. A. Simp- "Olaf." 'eesnt- seetriions of ca m a S es -;son fer a wreng vicw o! death ,san, couRty asserintencient of echeols, Policemen 1 <o <n t he se tin fsurprieao ha lm t-s. ccacsy have a wrong eonecpp-,aise wilh gIse an addrees. <flt.heacident and tbey questioned Ii",! (fi ;oc. il le gond ta believe la1,Foliewing le a liet of the sehool the. ,mall boys wh liadt gathered wondorful drink it is. With ti IIIIc wîcc sort et a Gocl do wct 'oard i Antioci: tbcre. but ln vain. tor nie one knew one accord they prouiounced %Vlc-. ia~ ien Jacob enhcrec in-, 'resident-i ton. A. N. Tiffany.. 1W chciilcIcs mime or the home addreslc. tspro t mn cc 'ic cwith i.abau. i, 'or trretary-t. R. Subtilc. A rc-port was ennui, circulated thai oith r,.,roilis ater.Isac Tat Membere -failie Thaiic. P2ccen"cif -.s "Iltlpedcc." a newpboy. "Lit- much-advertised i k .1 l cc be hen acîgicl l0worehliîc lîcman, uernarci Trcegc-r,. J E.t'-It'-'s'athcr appparpd on the fcl' .1r n' Titis<ailt e 'oel sa Same pean E ack. t' qipwîbtii.a tt'w minctstsand lbe which bave been foisted on c;, lu t Cod. Soa *chc e.ff.c-,The new iigli ccîhool lic aicilc]lz gidîI-cîlific levief childa cctoktng the pblefor yas.I's'a Mccc'(!le." or "ch, Ti-rîor.' tl afwhich Antiocli Iccatle iiccl y fenl "i t ic wr c I1 h' ulc yas u cor-ITOnay.1Iict'e'r' in Cod. N'cly prendt. Itle a oele-udory afalr ldebey kcsown tram on" end et towvn . SOT DRINK IN ITS o designed by ~Ahlcy acnd Ashiîy. t,, th, 'mier ;, Ltlied.' le.Ioey ONCAS kno. what"rictiaCodchitects In (Chicagit. Itia claimec i C herccwsklv. wlc peddher. papl'rf ronti " IA l.rae tihemot odm îg cornlng outil niglîL uGenerally the It's a drink f or which Il-ildc' wc-ctthrc 1.-.imt ;al, chool bcuildngs le any smaîl ceci]icaiers lie offers ter sale are from a there's golng to be a big de- cicitc> 'iegina Whal snexecmunity le the' stole.Il la co a r tak Ii bn dals'nid. Hiafatcer Inand at once. Iacd Wlrtidy conception Ihis ranged that Il euli e used for r a so. bken 10a<the hospîmallte Mn. Lewis s, ml ce ,j "- .n enSecr but when hr' viewed Lthe iirdEoy sd onan !; c~i, otau ic %waedered that clIccer chtntr pic int ld. liewas ceea ta lguaso for breathi.E c vr ccIvecîi .ciec.wee'er>. trongi>. te the peuple le rural Nurnesc and edbers turned ilcir lieudit. W'auJ<e o handies this ;!It atcnl .Ucy -ihte ' rr',nlmnittee;. Tfcý ecan diii net snak-but litian- drink advnfot only GEl' Tai.A h',h alrotlea obsv or;ccnfcc "tl o m.Je ,s -id a-cc cc I lThcelirograin a-'t i ii iii-giveî n cci%:r moOic'dt a mladIPt'red apat O ' ÔN YSWO T , g u ic calte> or the sbadicw 1ilnvtittioic 1ev. Father Lynch is. 'e -aid ioreigtfomth srv Ilal iitenir cnau-li;' itlio.1Songaofthe Vlki!t:ce EtoiFaiccig Tien thie iuttfor the lparectoflu rd lgitfo th se- IIr,.lefi ,tIodle i _nic n at-Vil hrlS.fl hl began neret ttn ers, but you help along one ';i -e how is cew et Coi lettes, tir. iH. Fnc. Slatre-Wilsoî, di- hors iteath ie clild dled the pars- o akg n osnwestin r c a" ils eoccrcplloc cîf deatti tht's ofeor ileeci'd were feund. TIlt'>'are o akgn n Ccic etc. rc-re- is nodeath; Scherzo, Il fiai Micor--Ciopin - Mr. c-l Ms.tlu aest> î i- uti oda thatc. Ticen cre no tee IL Em. Siatre-Wilson. 'clb codurt. Tbcpv werp riîshed te An, W uea o e r11c or Mclat cTeatiiiti cn A Few Factsa and Figures-D. B. tý hovciicl and wt'ru with thelr sonAn, W uea o n ,il.i' 'cgra cl he llc n, eves. wero amazed at the Alfa- tic 1.cdîtascedtu ncannt0~Solo-('ioIllbe, . F. IPaoli Tos- Thce Scie huitreporters St the sce'le 8 i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i, Soo.--Coliy. ' lc c-.eyt Iwltlcicc rec, minctes' Syrup. It slappoaled to I . 'ict lice Fatlierhoctil e o .l isNenette Malchatîd.fiP.Wtesaerwns a up- i;c citc' c eah.Jsu sadig Whai the Schooi Owes the Taxr.ay- imen 'esatr ins a es . their tastes that inany at Maie, o dat. ess tadigr-W.S. Adames.l c"cl ha'Sun meo ncd licevail bore tlhci lit tIc iccoronis grtdIl)of dis l'y -lit In bternent cf Mr. ldwis. riante- once said it would supplant je ii-freIli ee dst li'- Slia-"A Gyîsy Wztdeli I"U cy' ("IV, he wae Col cee"ding. <lai he butter on their bread; others ici ',eltlc ot tht' lest eeem>. On H131 olo--" Lorelei"- Mis Mary lit t"-'l,Yrcc-d Ilc fro tof the cnmaclilne adi ol t h lc ric cJc. 'e : 1tics wrds are steeng and fa arny-?cis V da cutho. l L wi' rts adtr ier t a nrl hisadi - ud aeth lc ci , cc r.said " out h'tn. . --d:Lwsdi s 'c- erhee -of naple syrup. Tho ploas- i. ri"sT( u word 9as aîwas ccp-Address-T. A. Simpsaii,. h,, tcftrings of OIre cltId an. couic -c a wo i e ii r a seas et Hi Solo-Mies Etle Smith. îc-csiblv biet dure. Mr Lewis canied ing and àatlsfying flavor re- ,i li 1) ofclar$ Tht' Scheol ase a Nelting Pt-F. G. fclc !itte-d ehid tte bcs ital: le.nsbco oa wze ,Ie htunknaWl , 1beyod"' dcckBlai.blil ise setrcli for bts tiarenti- vae oloa onn for pnd îratige t anci .was te Hlm "MY teBlair. ta te e t'aI~~ lc" os. eacen le nt a (a) Kaiser Kilhelrai Marc-b. --in ler words lie dc Il ait cudtef ttm that theutil cet lrclti; t e oc atuz>..uncertain (b) "Wee Ich zimeine ke el' ie tc xpeeled et au>. human belng..W uea opayl un t et i l otahl fa by Sereade-Geo. Huber. W. J. .Lewis.,îroPrletor ot the goW.kgnco pn i uu saoeibiiillg; t te nel the reecci e0 Illiois-Choral Societies. raze on Madison treot. wbe va. ing out a produot will cigiîb výrougbt I petical tanc'y. Btnedicton-Rev. E. Kc. Ileitc-r. ceiving the car uhich esc over aud poeancsiyl hi a lonerre. a place et mansionse. ssh'-re Saclal heur cesnefreinmecîts our y1eds re ongegatn7 a i v ocil hor ad rfrehmets. inlured <me child. <nId Ibis seoy our ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tlcccsaecortltC eiv-______ -eth<le accitdent <o Sun meR at <b" homes. foreve'r. Jn clse ontlsnnaie Jesas gives us Oct' correct cnd OnI>. oh, Reallyl JaeMAîtrhsia natr A large number of orders Christiacn et Ced. wben iHe caile Bloc No doilt tise ancient Romans. whO bis arrivai <er. vith <the dylng ciild. "Father." were neverilelesa a sound artioti0 'I wae comlng nontmi on Genese'- were takon for the syrup, Jeaus was gvicg Instruction te Hie race of tise second rank, taîkett orth<me etreet anti vas atth. forth endi of womn placing the ordors <me bridge wben h aw <me litti. tel-trug tore osn ti s disciples andtat us aise. whee Ht' coat (la slaves> of Chein aqueducts. toluslip acrons th.etalreet. He ran h ug terpes tai s s.Idt-:-'Consider the tilevers et tht'asnd svouhît. bave been Iluzleticold froc <me veet tc the eaet aide ofth<me of the cm plany. to bo doliv- "The Store that Sella Wooltex" WE RE.FUND'CAKFA -L SEE :OUR WONDERFUL COLLEC-' TION 0F COATS, SUITS ODKS8SFLS Suits of Style 1& Beauty Special. Fitslioîîable taîilerd suits ini svcîge, gabar-dine, popiis, (-t(-., vith tlîc eietûd or- loose coats; buttoîî or lndivtduallty le clearly written on each of our handsome suits regardicas of P-rfre -for Ibis, with quality are the goals for w ep trive bardest. T/he Suits ai $io Tlic. suits we show at thlas mall price j are remarksble for their clever styles, gco<l workmanshtp and excellence of fab- rcc. Only the nîost popular modes are p. încluded te thisedot. Suils of 31119 ai $25 U.ght and "springy' thl st degrcee rc ilicýc plain and etrlped taffetas. ritb. lugtrotiný gros de Londres, bandsome talles and poplins. repre.sentlng Dame leashton'e newebt dictatea. Sirts!- of White Cordu r Worth $5, at $5 is the pie the iiîaiufaetirrei had in~ mind Nwiiem lie madie these skir-ts. They are made of an excellent quality corduroy nad golfine wlth new bette and pockets. SUR k irts $5 New taffeta skîrts with the wing-like effect at the hps; new beit effects ln stripes. plaids ,#nd plain colore. EXTRA SPECIÂL- Woméns MuslilaGowns - 47c This is omne of ou'r most notable values. Tlhe *r are miade from nice, sof t muslin and- are nicely finislicd -vith lace and ribbon. HLIN'S'- -le the place <o get y9w' corset, If ty le, fit. corn- fort and prîce have mn>. Influence with you. Misses' 7.50 $8SoortCo,ýats$51 Depic ting Ne wes t S tyles for Youth fui Figures As popular as sport coats have been in previous sea- susthis spring will sec them worn in decidedlv in- e Lecasinig numbers. Al colors are represented in plain Or eoîî1trasted trimrming. With plain or belted backs. The Sport Cous, Spectl at $10 The niost fetehiiîg styles imaginable are liere iii a %vonderful varivty at this attractivc priee. Womenm's Fine New Waists Verj) Special -at-eýl Vlain white or dottt'd voiles, rire ciethas jnd styhtsb strlped c.,llk nitl waiistï, 'ciib new coi- lare and long mleevea are bere le a gleit variet>.; al sizea. Wemea's 5SUR Sweaters Special -t3.95 Strikingly bIeautiftlare these ik iewealers le yellew, brase, corraI pink. old rose and copen- hagen with whicte trimmnig. Then there are plain and sirijie effects. too. e Children's Drisses Sîzes Io i4 In teNe Styles and Colors Yohl ot fnd nall i-Sck assortmeuts as this, no unatter how far you go. Several of the styler are illustrated, but there are maný more in the best patterns. Sizes iup to 14. Women's $1 Luxor Dresses aC Women's $1 luxor dresses ln plain bluead rid AL stripe effects witb WV or square rmzit blted baekt And pockete 51. Paoee .Ivt. $1 Petticoati -43& A value extraordiL nary àxid ope every wo- mran can use. Thc y are, embroidery trinuned; in' aàfl s ïes., 1.50 ?muita Petuicoats 89C Tis is a sav ing worth cpiiiing for. Tiiese pettîî oats have a deep filneie of cmn- t)loidery and ribbon %vith dust ruffle.