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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Mar 1916, p. 15

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os - - !~K YTTTTJTVT~ WP~tf1~'fP DTf A M AJt 4 Ia>1, RETURNS FROM CUBA; WAS ON THE U. S. S. 'FLORIDA' Herbert CamPbeil Completes! Enlistment in U. S. Navy- Has Had Enough. WAS IN VERACRUZ AFFAIR. 1% lfIer tour v.r'service i ti lIte old iîrlî ravy, iHerbert Canhi1i )eIllin 1r-1 i rnced to his home In 'Wau- kegaii. ajl HeMirh admits that he hisl had etrrorOgrl o)f'sea lite" and ho lr1 talkPn'a 1osîrion at tire power houre11,. ()f ilhe Public Service Company. Camrîh)eil eflâted tour years ago. golf wag a'iigned to the battleshili I'lorlia of which Captain Moiet. irow commandant of the Great ILakP.lr 1naval training station, was mai-.t, Thre hlorda wav the first hattleshifl: to vend marines afhore at Vera Cruz, oit ampro was flot a moîn- lie rf ilticeshort party. He wag ai niemier of tile lectriî-ai departmerît on ihe hatllsil. Following thre cap-1 tiare of Vers Cruz lry thre American I baftleshlîrs. the llrtlda vieanred to Cuba, wheroit ias hoon tationed for' tire pat or mrnoiths. On tire 28thi of Feiîrrary Campbrel ieft the Cýubal and wën t 10 the east celast tation where lie waa hcld until iris tile railj oui. ls frienri, Morris Mc-Mairot.I who eiiisted wth ilnr, tg 00W ,i§ signeui( t Iiattl8iOvltr soulli (aro I lina, andl I s vxirnrteillfiiat hë WA! .,eturîr tfi is home In Waukegar atroit April Ili Cawplî'elI's parents art resideniti o! Iis dity. KeP7 a à,waudm Keep a Ilttie 0ùoabnoÈ> on your Il- brary aheif If you are lu tlb. habit el lendlng your books ta 7our friendv Ha-le iL alpnabetlcally rrairged and every Umne you fend ý bàok put down the name of tue trlon4 .t» whorq you gave Il, togNv.her witht 111.1.t or tire book. It Is only a mater of a min. ute to do this and iavos lts of ime and worry over trytng te locale mis, Ing books. Weath in the. Stock Hîlîs. Thre Black hilereglon la the ricir. est 100 square miles of territory In tiref worid so far as known to minIngeon.1'- (Advertisement.) _omnéYDresswafiaKn9q Prepared Especially Iýor This NewsPape, brr PÙictonl Rvi ASpringtime Thre straight front and shapeiy sr- derirtouso of thns frock augmnent its smart siinpicity. Carrie] ot ln chif- fon taffeta, it l. trimmr-d witir buttons of seif-marerial. girrecru. This district produces work- 1This ioveiy frock for tire sprtuig Ing quantifies of nearly overy min erai wadrobrs is fasioned from chiffon i'roduct fromn goid to cement. t=..t. tir e seanons ment popular isi'k. It la made witir a sieevee.s un4erb<rdy _____________ -and Lireblouse front. back aurd iong Ama à Bcd One sieeves a-ie eut i one: Dsep criffs fin- The nan wbo I~k ii ft tS se- litirtire aboyés. Tir e tzajglt front tg r.i c:r .rsn- or- utl ir e pnce wIlh IFont sore. M)e, mnaterlal, 74 yard ltnln.g for uipderbo>dy _________________ dozen truttons. Ti order Viat tire frock rnay ire prop- eriy fitted Lire undeWoody mnt b. made frut. Peat tirs iower edgs of front au and iac andicated, then close un- Thede -an ad iouider semarn. Hem tire DIS PIEÀRNG PîctOrtsi R@View Cotume No.6G1 TRUCK BODY.S LgrJ'onkr aCARSI IN Couverts yeur FORD ROADSTUR 1mb, a Llght Dlivery Car fl asa Ursa 10 seconds til.. - Ne botta or à.,rews te fast«n or utat.. SHOWINO LOAENO CAPRACITY Ma" t. lit ta platiegu. ofmy msodel of FORD ROAPSTER - When opened givea youim o"aiug pece 32 X $0 lUCHES The entits attaclunent la made of extra hoavy galvaulzed steml sWdwlIf carry a losa equsal to car cepacity. Fmoc of Tai feu. front next and kcep tIhe 1,corn mmnd irY tie large '0 perforations Adiint thes belting te position. layinu ti, fui ness in pleste. Thon close rtre under-arnim ar«i ce%,e soammaua notcired and after cl'rinU thre track scam 1hem the front iClose lire cuit seams as4 notciîed. leaving ouiside uvrrm frc e liow emal o0-perforation. Sew cfirtu ,sIc-ve. sirgie rargc - r pertorctlinv mca. rrand lring rie bocrk ueam o offITt, single smail V' ,r- forritlon In vIoc-v. Arranige bo-ero brir,vn.,tlt,Uir noIr andr rua-ir '1400 tügether n-rler-arn, veom., î*v,,,.:-î standing rollar tiui-n c-çdg'. rrv _.,, 1r. Turîr maJor front edgcs î,f front an front gore cf ,lrt (in one pi-i on &lot rarfor.,ti' -: is a rigli t front gri arn left. vot0c-rolruu. 0ev i. Oil,.- jIoi 1In muh frim fldf*-.,Ig,.îýjvnrg o- frec mbov ingi'- large -o*--perfora- tien for a pac r r L tire ru-mrrrnlng rolded cuige of front gare taUneofo rimalil ü- P çlorationrs un sida ggare. neteires t-veir sti h about % incihfrom foliied edge ta any dfnired deptir and pires«. cloesesatut under pleat. Close Cnter-bar-k svoýrm tather upper edge o! iskirt Irtiocn îW **T- rr"perfora- tions. Pleutiol-am edges 0f front arîd baek, . rn 'gT- tu corresimord- ing vma't -,,, r r-firatiens aurd tack. UDderfai e front. trom front edge Lui i fnul: I Jkdi.or!snnaili-o'perforations; rol on rnilH ai' rurfratins tefornzi rever. Lhai- irbclla- section and sew ta friot -tron as notehej. Clîs' under-arm an-d sioulder seaZ».: ;Ad zew colar ta ne-k edie an irtched. Adjust te rposition. sttciring gatirers In skIrt arong uPirer roW o! g4içîr 1W bleuse Irrlngin-, a ngie-large -0O* per- foration ta corrýposrdin9 perforaion In underbody amt i nnaorne**o- per- foration in sicir.t4êrivearnsO. A ltirougir thQJ Arei flot ir.ceMrily In- expensive, buttois. are nmong tire ceo- sons@ chie! tr'naigt9ga. C-overed wtý seif-materalthey are asne nmrnas thre smsrtesr of noveities. Sises 34. 36. 38. 40, 42, 44 anrd * Inciteu ~KIn9/E Prepared Especiolly For This Newspaper hv Pictorjal Revùew enter, the Raglan Siceve. front la - reltcd. white the back irangs l08e and fu. Tire rrrgian sleeve anner ,rt ,,nlY ho tormed a 'liins been.- itatherfIl ias' appemred Iras !renuenrry on t'le stage o! fiahirnroirril t r- nat sens.on But It hanpasotnnoîl i )iln- rie agater, belng a or o r:i. ata forcpri-mg wra1r. Thi r dcign fî,î lJuniors and misses l a ijtlot un ileu, alhi rcige trîmme iiîtir crochet buttons.In ome- duum nize tire cout reqnires 3". yards. 64-loch materiat - Thre re aac runsurmrountajýi-a oIt- srvrin or ft-t4 ito orndrestimalter W66, attempts tu cut tiusmodal. Tire serge las lrit caro;uly feider]. alLter wirrh le --- cuit in laid-Ifito position, as. vboipr on' tire cutting gutde. NeIt courhes thré poeket. piaeed very near tire foi(th irai tire uuderfacing, coliar arnd beit. 'The rwo latter are laid dirçctLy on-Ie lengtirý;ise ford. On tire upper row dlh. tire front, leeve and berok, 'ail Olt a' iengtirwise thread o! tire serge, Tire ceai. lp an extrerneiy praetical am Weil as stylisir model. Tire 4 nma7 -- becialsed te tire neck anrd finflied i ti a higlirciin-collai, or rtrrel 4gbcIk to forim revers. wlth roling collei-.,Tire beit ls siiptreilthi-ougt te under-arM seam and lape at tire cçnter-tront tire brick hansroose and full. Tire wlng pocket strikes a note tirat ta snunded lu many sart outer sarment* for spring and sormiler. If destred tLie cuits and collay in. seorn, te ire tire avorite cotiL ri-m mins, for tire eorded offects sucir as faîle., gros dg L.ondres, etc are'.no oniy.bea.utitul iti. poBIOss' we quali4lea tir;t tire.- Worpp Wiro economnize camnot arford ta dieregad.' iliks of ail koda-taffeta. faule k sergé -ith popitoand aatln-wtll ire sean ti pockets.T " a pring coats. te7 lti (Advertiument~3. Trickery Ilepives Voters of -Rîght ti Express The Circuit Court of Lake County yesterda& afeon by writ of mandamna ordered' the Town lrk oftlie Township of Vernon, where Haif Day, Prairie View and Lone Grove are located, te plaoe the question où the bal- lot, 1"Shall this Territory continue to b. dry errltory2"- The Town Clerk of Vernon Township 4s8Er. Maude A. Knoll# who is one of the leacling advocates of the. Anti- Saloon League in hier townshiip. 8h. immedlatoly prayed an apeal te the Appellate Court and thns the pe 1o the Tow of Vernon wlll be deple o h riIe vote on this question because 0h Appellite Court vii fot" convene until April lith, one week after the election.. The entire proposition was manipulated by the Ati- Saloon League of Illinois, whicJh, wa repmesett'by té attorneys, Mr: Ebbert of Chicago, Benjamin ffWtand Paul MacGuffin of Libertyville. Tins the p0~f' Amer1i4 comîmunty are deprived of tii ý91g ""el;o on a proposition througii the cowardly and uf* 1»4o&- of the Antà-BaloonILague. This 1ea¶ fit.i.rg in Aunerican politis and insiste on'holdin s«v là the various churches of Illinois once a Mbh a44a=u in funds for conductlng just such an uinuulodanpouicy- as was adopted by themn yesterday in the Circuit Court of Léake, Qounty. The. natural question for you te ask li "Wbat bas. tua proposition to do with the question of -Mti.Ç ' utairi. tory iti Waukegan?" The answer fa t": Wt.y o gamztion shows by it.s methods thîiat I a> nfaira and untrustworthy in one town of -the a"$~th sanie organizatioix cannot stand for theibè other town in the oounty. If the. so-Oa-.lWeU sa of Lake County had deaired to deprive otli of- tI to vote on this proposition the saine t&Wu' 'J~iVer been attempted in tlie Town of Avon and lu the 'Voua et Waukegan iWhere apparent errors wersev.o-nk titions filed with the. Town Clerk. Tins theq"tOW County are given a chance to observe tl'at thse Ai%.SAlô League of Illinois, which advertises itseli- ias. an u rgal nation standing for the best mnterests in pul l 1Oru-ý- fair and cilshonest in its policy with the rAmen= ol. W. ask you, Mr. Voter, "Do you vant, ak4a Township te b. donunated by any orgaiation -ne twu.m. ontly unfair and unethical in ita methods as theAiI~8. loon League lias showin itself to b. in tiu latuat at4t i Lake County? Far above the. issue of Who"' n~ township shail b. vet or drty is the pzWooition, Ig al! thé People mie?" Any,-ooeqJzton in' >ubUe 1f. là ldeed dangeroue when itb-àffw at itilatoo underharxidcluitsi- methods to be fair anld jmt te ail, everyviiere idzàU. the time. The. money being spent by the. Anti-Saboon Lae in the. Town of Waukegan to subsidise varions elementa and thus endeavor by unclea.n methode te make this town dry should arouse the righteous indignation of eveily man and every woman prouid of American citlzengilp. You say that the situation in the~ Town of Vernon lias nothing te do with Waukëgan? Reniember that Americana have always, been willing to make a figlit for a principle however re- mote that principle may be from their immediate inter- esta. The entire armiy of the. United States is being mob- il1usd today because a Mexican bandit dared to invade an Ainerican town, more than a thousand imiles from the State of Illinois. A squadron of the Fifth Oavlry is leav. ing this very county to avenge the wrongs of the vomen and children massacr.d at Columbus, New Mexico. 1cii- sens, both men and women, in Waukegan should ushow tlir attitude. towards an organization which dep1vff,'a American citizen of exercising their deareat proMo Ut'- the. riglit to vote. Are you voting on April 4th w ganization that defeats by its unfair tactics, the voie i' an--Aierican conimunity upon a question of ! Ipbli ol1î or are.you going to vote and show yonr indignation AitiR metiods piïrsued by this organisation which lislovuah Ii corruption by the Iuoney being spent in many channels lu Waukegan Township today?i H. JR 'NiAerm4y£ lout litL (Advertâ=eatv

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