LAKE (COUNTY [NIDEPENDENT, -FRIDAY MARCU 24, 1916. ' ~ ~ ~ (ETS WORD, 0F SUDDEN ATHOf BROTf'IN EAST, THE DRY-WET SITUATION. Just now Waukegan againla iln acampaign for and against havimg th. township declared prohibition terri- tory. There la talk ail about town over the. advisablty of mskuiig the township dry, and, if it in no made,, it means hAlt the city of Waukdgan also becomes prohibition ter- ritory TRe question has been up before, and each tinie the ~Peole have voted to reniain "wet."9 It is the, people'a question, and again the people, by a majority one way or othe other will again decide this ail- importan t issue.0t There are heard on the streeta as one listens to diacus- uions, arguments for and against lhe change. There al- ways will b. heard such arguments on any question of subgreat moment as this. 1e 66dr"1 foika are paking a campaigu, they are go- untc hoe and tflldn1 their cause; the. Iowta" are1 vive of probibition hbaue sweeping the]AnIla &M athe iiMajorty feeling in Waukegan right nov in that tbb'dwÏiabp titayoar in to b. made, "dry" tetritory. From wbat one heas ln a casual way, the aianearauinl- d",aIstthe i.chaninlareally comng Ibis yesr, tuaI a rmjority of the. people viii no express hionselves. This eonclusion in based upon what one hearff from thiose-Who ate orklug for the~ change and those ýwho Iu the pust have béen regarded as "v1etl" but who nov are heard to assume a pa&anlosdidifférent attitudq, ¶leclaring they don't mWUladthelb.ova DOES go "dry.'1- Witb apparent distintereat ou the part of tiiose vho in prsvloila years have worked for the. "vetll aide aud vith activity on the aide of those vho favor lhe change; with mny drinking men, tuAtin~, tiiose vho talce a drink bie- cause it la available, it seienz to un that thie handwriting la on the vall.1 As tated bofore, it in a people'a thlng, and if thie ma- l:rty vishes the township dry, il la tueir ai ai ]People va their individuai opinions, and those opinions, bunch- ed together, vii dooMde this-a1lýimportant isue vhich ban bobbed up OvOTltvo yoars for nmre lime. The bngto remember la Waukoa n a taiftue lova D~OIdry,"that il MUST?1$19 dry." The.prac- tics le la imUy places tu foperating "-iaof boot-lgglUgand thi M* pply4 g umy vlth -o i te aid M sVM7ry unoe infofzlhnt aI 1W ëRVMei sod eb. dlidMo theiibellef huit hhey oamake mon- enai fIqurh dy t.rlo. nthoels e a n nu e' de"1% beprohibitintertur. Il tew~lSeadaagu le mab. sthe tovnoâi>' dry b.- cauae.the effect bta the, city of Waukegan more tha it dos tsrrilory outaide of the. city. It prhrnarily therefore, la a CITY afeir more Ibmn a tovnship malter, aithough thennt uader the state la ina townshp rathr than a City. W. have been anked wbat ve thlnk of the prospecta ofthie lovE goslng "dry" or remalalag "vetll thuayear. Our belief, baaed on vliat ve hear and vhat ve asee, is that il looka uov as if the sale otllquor la to be prohlbited by the vote of lhe pooplWalt the comiilg élection. Your opinion rnay differ-you have a right to il, you may khiow more. about it than ve. But that's what The Bila thinka about 1. flRm3Ien ailed et is place after Il UTo'clock MondaY night. n Huiait HAND ~~if "the girls were in." n se l H AVb 'Ctout of here. Have you eve'- YEAKR AtQO; A IT been h re before?< What do othk <is place 1l9" ,aid thé.proprietor -o uinTpiAPlrh piîc'the two men. IVIIiJI&ED U ESu1a They Ilnally acre .Jected rnth 01Place, and when thy r,-ached the front walle, tb..y amused themnselves Ast < t a rWý11 1ýrë<d et 1w tbrwlng bricks throueh lthe front -. .î i..tot )r e r -tý-itl lltittwindows. <Mr. Frackiin akipe!out îhree e fI at- t. "trb - flii..50< one of thé back Soors at the clulb, y.arioAd .sitbitledI.t lit, atmpcluta- an norih on Plieridan coud te 'Madi liton or'iis .. tfiid ai thte..L.ake sen streét. and caliéS a police oîffc. (Oîount-tiý,rrai lio.31il<i51 uètdfty. Aèlt t t ttc.. arsa tgo Mfhlts con hr-a.. ci t liiEn is bantl Tho Inj ure ENTEIRTÂJI COUNT t,,Itîset litntti, pain ltb'- ildl net fhtl U ) puy nttt alitinn ta tl. As a ce- A U SA U suit et 11<- «,itt it th,,a otin tI heam ni -iSSAN T iîteci,îtttindal l iti 1it appitîed ' yedtd ,, rît tuet. a gcowtb liîeza' tu ptut itilutIpptarantcv. Thsaale Wauiegac, <farcît 17, vas cegletti-d tocra iti, iwntil il gaix lis-. KalevskylIset evenicg entcr- 4yniptoms tof ting o<t! O i iicotsi- ~tained as bis gucat 51 thé Washbhîrc lus-e. TIi. c _ te as trieti but ap- hatélCoont A. M. Lochvitzky, the gs-vt ctîtied ithot gr wre . h speaker- vbo appeas-ed betore the ati- growh cntitie togro wo-P. diéncé et the Pesish Bouse lest et.. On Nonday Nluis intered th.. Leke nîeg. Coenty Géneral liospital and a rare- Toda>' et 4 o'cleck et the Kalowsky foul Inspectli.o nvîciced Count>' resldence on McAistes- avenue, le Physician [Brown <bat ampuîtation . is honor of!1tise caunt, Ds. anS Mss. Ka- tise onl>' rémed>' The eration îavsky gave a "Russies, tee." nom- irak plac-e this morcing. PîYing vils tisé détils tisa mes-k sucb an évent, 'Tise tee le cookèd le ~ a spécial mannes-ln e speciat kettla U N ¶ST OIanS periasep o tas-lbfis-t lIme ln i2se cil>' a seat 'Rossian teea" vas 'Ar-- asuesmaavuT WTHI'U rliS'hrough Just as if 1< vèré lisèt ts-j1K1JjL~JWI1 lin Russie. Tisé count ia selS to be ancevîso » traces is taseil>' back lnta"tbe bush BIIICKS; FINlD $20 Ruslan familles anS bis presence ln théecty Is Ileretoré au . évent a? more than as-dînas-y ints-est. Dr. Ka- TwoVatteémec. hotis résidents -A owsky les onu of tise 'fewRussians laIe Forcet, ver. asrestéS near whci have livé ln tis clty for yeart mid-nigisl Monde>' atter eat unauccEegs- wha cen be les-meS e real Ruagian. lui altémpt ta haltes- Sow tise front H, liveSutil hé reacheif his major- wali of theCisé clCoclub 0 oaut" ity in Russie andiSnavos-y taaillar iSeridan f0ad. -TU Moi et Cre s- vîististh&pointasa!flItes-est lu Usé reseSb>' Offces- les-tTyrlO, sud présent Russian stuation. visRs1 ar5lged b*f*ou' Ta>'îor on_______ -Tidey. wewe fineS 18M epULe-oa. àmofg, -- te,» am4Pro tnS»mg~ e.wOSr h58 a ïG 01 tb. vOmu émil. t» î*e 1, t- -eoL BISHOP MULDOON - ADDIR3SSES A VAST CONCO1JISE IIRE Audience of FulIy 1,600 Peo- ple iam Armory to the Doors Friday Evening. F tg 0 ti ti t, aa p il fi b FINUD $25 FOR PLYING HIS TRADE ON Tiff SÀBBATII Adam Ross of May Street Gets Big Fine for Usinq His Ra- zor on Sunday. Waukegac. Nlarcii 2o. Adani Rosa, lropretor et e barber siîop on May' stree. nes- MeAllaler avene,è. as fined $215 y Justice ja!- the Pence Roy' Masen visén asraigmed before bise in peite cous-t Monday an a charge et conductlng business in Wenkegauî n Sonda>'. Mr-. Ross pleaded net gullty 10 lise charge, anS visen fond guslt>'hé tuaS an appeal Ia tise cosint> court corporation Couznsal Asthur Buikley vas ual prés- ent in court, anS -vison Police Magie- trate Taylor -loupe, tisai an arrest baS been màdSe on-a violation af the Sonda>' lslng os-inance for bar- bera, hé mysteriously isappeured frra the Polle.. station. Thén -Thas. Tyrreil, visa causéS lise as-sest of Rosa, called In Justice of tisé Poace Roy Meson anSdise flnod Rass $25 aud Tys-rél expîginéd tq tise jésmo tisaI Rassaopened bis harb ,pisop Spaand' tiat hé vq ,ptng bis liedS <*t 10 e'eDla -4<le moaiam viso ho entes-édtise beiiershop. inipseaMi maie? U ($Ni& CHJARLES ROBBINS, ILL IN BED E16HiT MONTIIS, IS DUADi 1w) v ' 'AUKEiAN BOARD VANTS CITY BLOCK FOR Il. S. ADDITION Pully ¶1, oùpeoplF\ attendedl tbe "Irish nlghl pregrarn in Wau'segan FrjSay nlgbl. dravo lthes-e <rincipally to hear 11<. 1ev. P. J1. Muidoen, lish op of Rockfos-d. fi l sale le say 't vas the largest ausdience the acmory bas écer seen. Bvéry seat vas ilîlel -chairs weri- plared aleng the Bide vsils-e-ntbcs- 200 peopîle stand ln thé ales, the s-car of the hall. and the lobbmy maîsy vere unabie b en ter lise hall aiail]. AndS those vho atténsled were vel repaiS tas- Ibelr atteudance, for seldose have local people listened tu oucis a brilliant flow ot os-atsy. Blsbop 'illdoani taIseS for an bous- and s hait--st almost sny limé une migbt haeu -heas-d a 1pindrap. s0 cioseiy diS lie have the attention of- bis heas-éra. Der. M. W. gavin, pastor of tise cisurcb efthlieImmaculate Conception lu Wauscgan, ints-aduced thé blshop. Tise lette- could net bavé belped but hé flatte-eS by the gioving tribute Paid bise. ln vel chosenwvat-su Father Gavin gs-eléS the Immense coucous-se etfupeoplc. Hia greeting In- clisSeS Cathollc anS uaon-Cathollc. He said hé 5gev thé>' vere tbes-é 10 greet tise bishop vha had traveled 120 miles te bé présent vitb the. Bisbop Muldoon palS Fatsés-Gevîn one of the nicest compliments pos- sible. He saiS thet he vould have case 120 tolles te speak if i1alber Gavln had rcqtîested bise 10 do se. Hé thea bold er bis :A years* frient!- sblp with lbhe local prlest. aaylng that the local dilvine!w as a young prlest vhen lie fliraImet bise Nov, hé eaid. Vather Gavin la one of the %en- érables te the diacese. Thé himhep's taiS lu large measu-e, was an éulogy ef Uic Irish people. He pointéd 0ont wber. tlbry bave risen ta thé bigbedt positions possible aiH oves- thé wes-id, despite thé fact Ibat tbey bavé beén trasupled dovo b>' tyr- s-any for many centurie». " Same se>' théelsish are Ignorant. hé malS. "My 'GoS, vould lil b. any vonde- If lhcy vére visén t!s.y baveý beau no Sowntrodden that tisey have been givén no advantagcs aht aIl.- He tisen vent an leu55> boy lise spirit of théemiss hrefuses te, hé tram- pied-boy Il bas aves-corne allob- stacles. He reterréd ta Ireland asi tise piece ofheiseén. He lbaSeS for- yard 10tiste day visseIreland vouiS bat able ta tSke lia pincé vlth théetfree nations aetbte vas-id. He hésougist the Iish people ta stand b>' bieir ps-lests as he maid for centuries; thé priesis bave bound tise Ir-ish people lagelbér and havé cauacd them u t re- tain tiese ublime confidence in thé future. Thé progr= s vich folloved Bizb- op Muldoaes addrem vas on.. of lbe most intes-stng ever gIves in thé clty. Il proveS ta hé an Irish pro- gram.- Niss Lon* Msarie Hayes, e has-plat of note é, Slish4éd tb..anSI- encé by her s-endIion69aIl rish aira, Builatasn Pato-léead lié prayer by Hasacimali. Then the 111 kdis daacéd. Sucb pwrfect tim,,iUemb ime. aud mach grace 55e enves lai een démon- strateS' b>' od as yduw in, leWeukegaa betore, i'hey SancéS <e the. music of an Iriash azpipe, Miss May' Bidths . in hec sicginig of "A Little Dit cf Ileaven- bat an eptiertunil! toashow ber range anS lbhe 4weetness t lie!Wvole. .1oho ..Portte>', oeeoftthé best lés- er stogers, a-bn>.as altit.-ared itefore a lorai audience, sungce aerai oIt!- ticie Iish songm. and bis efforts brougit a smile te sean>' a face <ual first iooked te beaxeti fronit hat lit- tle bi t olanîd iropved by ttc- aiî&s. Préerlke iiào!thé candlnavlan- Amesian lie. for Europe ta vos-k durIng tise rentainder of tise ver la thé prison CoeMMof Sibenta usuder tise direction of th enatonal toem- mle attise Young mon's Christian Associtilon. BobfeLem!IaMi-4stise on af Rev, ishemad, vho for mas>' yeasswvalpestar of lise M. R ,chus-ci of Waukegan. Dus-lu tise many yeasmRev, LAnard serveS as pestas- of tisé-Iocal cisurci, hé van s vas-m @pot lu tisé iear-is of isîs parsimon- es-s, anS il vas vith surs-av thelthé friends of th. family Uliing ln Wau- kegan, learned tisat Mrs. Frances LeougiS had héen separated tram hes- un le th ca sa in M, en ag le 19 ro very t ew minutes Mfr. Conversé vau carrned into tise Sprint home. Dr Knght marrive nt tise resifleuce with- lni a very fev minutes. Death wu& due ta cérébral bemor- rhage. according ta Dr. Knlght. the family physician. NÂMED ST4TE Mon TOR POLICE BY ILL. )oy bythe LU *V.ofl ver. _____ Leanard vas aseuir las-eWslyan Waukegan la tu baveseeéraî mcm. inves-éty. aud vas ééf oetlbers et the tale motor policé dofps- bé college papes- vhen be l!t col- ment, acces-ding 10 Use anauncément gu te do gond for othérs. et Secretar'o! Siale Juis stévéit 1-cacarde volanter vos-k ondes- son. ' e aspeilces o! the International The Identil>'of' thèeestate police 'ommilteo!flb.. y. hl.C. A. viii vil! lot hé isciased aed Iheywll bE acry hlm Joi thé aarring ceunIs-tes Subbed tise "Mashed -policemen ai sto a fildîoe! sare epîîorttittvfor Waukegen,'* Thé>' vfll hé decaraled )esonat éducetiena-Ilservice.- fi l lb hshlnlng shielde ef autharlty graduationt tvith biscl,t.Thejl are empowes-cS le repos-t to Pc a Juné anS enJoying the commencé- lice officiels al] violationcaoethIe gstl lent éxerlcîss bne small une, and nmo es-vhicle luiva. bu sèves-e conditions wblch hé may Tise Waukcgan speéd sleaouts" ýncotsnter ln his work ceqîire cour--aeepce octm rul o Lgeous porpose and sacrifice, r.xetSt -ne tobe f Rev.andMm Lonad an se those vho bave net ProcureS the l9ts n v n!M-.t.'tadadsustate iessadaltoewiny ..ft Wuikegas, carislitfore thé year vllinsae aîîîlielathse iin] [904, and it was witîb ctgreî that the iatgaaecbo-ias engregatien terniitwîi lie minister Thèee plain clutbes lmecneofte hîgl .o u-sir thet1 is tjliut him Io vii wil withoul pey. l'ri Xatikegan. viion swas toudnftititheits by t<b - am..nded state motor vehîi- lt.w wb o h hi came iffer t it 1t sr. I 15E 1<1<,i;fli-ret t cx(if Slt ai- Steveituot NEW CASES OF FE= wxi 1pint 01<1.or It, o lcemen a' VERK HURE ARlE CAUS wi lntokfr:iiIv xki55 rd% RAI r àn1àn À l nt ce se of sý s-. 00 or cîît ýiicld ttPtOti <100551<555 5a5L IMAIS the tonîp., ny T it- ît t vereIliai INlI 311. A A IV D A I n te>' Larganilc.îdt tit ý, tBothu te mieen R .JA1S ULPu1CL are now a îrking tn Itatit'.. Tex. Ms-. anti lrs Nchtttt ltvé on <on Ititte <e.are <loi. "et sufflc1PnRrPA S I1AIA ofth(-i maIncl. ltit treets of tht- .t or0!scuriet teverin Wtsikegaii AR iU<EDAW 5 cIt.«dIvr in iho rîtti cause an>' read! alarsef. nevesthetes fire of the moantaîtris whlcb girder lit itètltb authorities are Seing theiré dîsesé in check "a lIc. SarahIiýiiirtuhard, vite tsf (iodaS uarez. itat se epIdemîr vîIlCet resqui..l'eus-Jatins ltlarit-i ard, wbo tes- oves- tbsee Thels- hue i J within threè blocks, caes et thé disease have been report- decades ltas held bbc position O! rond] o! thé big sabîcaS Si-Pot, thé El Peso, ed during thé est ev day, andi the conintiss<oiiec. «assei ave>' today at & Southvestés-c. wbicb position hontes vises-e Ibe> have bien tonS 12:U) P. in.ut lber home on Sheridan vouid hé one et thé fils-t t10lb fis-eS bavé beec placer] ider rigiti queran- m-ail, about three miles nos-lisof Waa- sajin If Villa serceeds In routiug the ice. ea.Datwsntuexeedn ai- r ICarreoza. anS If biscie Sakn'anhel)eath vas flotfunhepdcteusa dose net senSi hie itroott e arons tise thenvoitséa !Ih ieue Mrs. Blanchard ibai becu lua acrical border. <uii navai stetion i Jeoite a ceincident condition for nomie timé. A icomplie-k and viluld seessutaeephasîsé thé tien (et Sîse9eseslelablamed for iber Tisere are a score et more Wéuke- fus-t that ne pzrecautiocs sioeuld hé Seatis. gsla people living on or near the ovèrle)oked. Cil>' Physician .1. C. Fa- Mis. Blanches-S lived in Wood- Méxicanbas-Ses-. Ms-s. 1allé>, 5ce ey lg endeavas-lng la inS If lpas- stock, iaHeur>' cuuhy. isetare Té- Miss Nan Deli, is nowv ing~in Tue- sibie tébére thé dIseuse oigtsatéd nuoving ta Wamkegan man>' yearm sim,' Arsl. Séverai vears ego Wni. bîi as yy-t lias hein onable la do no. ago. Rer neme héas-re Ités mars-lega Fltzpatrick and bis brother *erré é01 (aptain MoffètI et thé naval sta- vas Mise Sarais Benuett ,Sise van playes ot"one a! thé as-gé ,coppes lien acses-ts <bat bolli limane iédis mes-s-ed tae1Mr. ilanchsard l Is the l! mlung com"rites at DouglBs/A-Iz., case bso-o ut et the station it vas o! 1863. visieli té antb. brsdes-anS ual fa? due to tbe lad t tat récruits baSil ees h er boshbaudlis-s. ltai- ,rom' Colusinisus. i2 jh<ey gavée<a istted movieg Picture Iheaters, tise chas-S leavés the. tollowIeg children: tlesago d~ é4gm. fév<'ssilsst tIre nei Wauké«an aud tise séO- Cla-le o! North Cihiago, Edvard, ago.n fn ie lnsMilvaukee. Tis imgY visa lIes nos-lb et Waukegan, Mm-s -" have lise gfect et causlng tisé <saIsh Robes-t Wynu of Waukegan. Mrs. Thé Teideucé of Fredtésick Iléeran dèpartmeil;t-0ps>' éap<il È ttgntion Chiarles Béck ut Virgînia and Aille% (ae, ~ ex-Mayao! of Lake .FOlw-ésî, e 1thé movies ln WeogU la inée wv iselved et home. attacked b>'ffile ues-da>' utthéevisther os- ual thé>places are,. beng ieen scee<U putting ont the ventillted properl>'. It qua reguit WnFrSloés5l h N lsseaites ,thaecauséSel -09Ofs aI sso lu th isé seetilon of, thse the-1 Alsut *,0.Tiséarfis-îteted lu the 1ster* M tisatIif tigre are any d Sles& ENDIENT remh 1111,0011f 5eO litEs. - g~Meatiser.1109 »&Yme>leeradicated. WséSy. - Reterring to thse blM 1 loueS by thse Wtukeéa - Club, the Ctcg omee-' officiai publicatiou of the Ccgaso» - sociation of Connserce, b~as 9I Bay on Marçâ,101 .., * #Ahotbei-*lom Ilroi among trade organtmtife ltefistbtlg wrs produeed ln Februu7wy olame J. ý;o. ), by the Commemrcs e i lion of Waukegan, and lua Daused Wl"- kegan Today. ls editor lis P. N. liý. gill. who la secretary-nýanager ofthie asmoiation.1 . 'The Waukegaîî ComMercial Assad. ciation bas îîew llnisbcd fl2i fa Trhe review of the year shows il tyackgretnd of accompliment an~d sound 1ats for hopei with promise of -rowfh ani wider service. 0 004 i.lî t th<associjation and ils or- THIS IS APPLE WEEK.- BARREL COSTS $1.5Q. 'lhi.. wesi, 14 te bu applê efteis. atie(-rding tot members of the Totems-~ t tend Shilipera' Assoclatiu. Apples are at present che».? than ever befor. aithouglu il, le true 11<8< tbe retailers contInue tu o hadIup the lîrIce. But the wholegale ýie1 et apples Il; but $1.50 a larfflhalo eaeh barre] eineknsff0l, U~ said nemesuber 0!1= iapqqlaton "An lipide a dal< keei s ot avai.i.le " nid *Y~tM - Wapu8sit merchants are quia7C aerh w ts on bath caaltIng au eatlag thli woet. "e P. BMRSTOW MANUFROTURES o' Marble and Grante. Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every DescrIption' Correspondence 501IiltCd Paà *vef BisODNOW PmS S»N TE E MCAiLIue Waukegan Man Disposes of His 'Property in El Paso, Which Is on Border. If Villa sbould stores saS capturé Ciudad Juas-éz, Neetecu, tise?. la one Mass in Lake cont! visa vagiS not shed béers ovés- having Sisposeid of bis holdings In the city of El Peso, Tex. "àsu that seau la Georce N. Geodnav. districýt manager of thé NortbBSore GRS Company. Uotul tour y..ars age George N. Gaodnov ovued lb.. gas vos-k, tu Et Peso. Tiselinge gas relainer whicb vas érected with GOaSnow me> stands but a fév itundred yards tramn thé United State-Mexîcan border and la oit the main soaS vislçb tede ta b. tInternational bs-Mga. This ras rétamner shulta off thé, view «t a big part of the Ciudad o! Jiserez front promissent positions 10 El Peso. Véspite the fart that Ms-. Goodnow bas disposeS etfbtsi luest i te s gag ceselîsu>, 'iatikegan atilI has an interést In thé concerti, for on Thsun day Albert Goodttow. %on o! thé gai magnat.., conflriictlwtt report that S. S. Nicliots was t.til coipboyet ast esulerisntpnîliiîfth-tttit 25compa-. Mr. Nicholss s a N ii.0 boy, antt h.. mars-led .î ,î tieto :igirl, wbo, for mnati. va rst . -d (in et<wii court. I)uju Ni Str. t i tt,î' wnersip o1' the gas plant toilt ot.r Wauk.u'îi ý3 Mrs. C. B. George Notified- Weil Known Resident cf Wau- That lte board odeucation, Wau- kegan tovin.tsip hlgh sebool, in plan- That Her BrOther Sydney S. kenan Was EmpIoyed by the -ning te siurcîîase au Pntîre city bock Clarke, Di.d In N. J North Western 42 Yrs. bdityng eeril ow m tot scboo s-alty agpntî, NV. B. Smith, W. C. Welaiegala. Marcb 20. Charles Robbins. for 42 years uni- Pas-kei' and John Deuglas, exaamined 1frs. C. B. George vas shockéd ai- Ployed by the Chicago & Nortbwest- thé Ps-bperty ps-éparatns-y te apprais- mont beyend exiresslon SUnday aftt- re and fer a, great many yéars 3f ing it for the school hoard. ernoon, vheu sittlng alene In the Ibat periodl an engineer on the sys-, It was Einnounced tbat the board cate, she recelved tva teleersms at teni. dled at his hqme on Water plans te pur.-ttaqe th. block, which once, and upon opening on,- she sîrcet. Waukean, ai 2 Saturday bas a 31111 toit rontage on Washing- learned efthtie death !g Walwick, N. mornlng. Nlarch 19. Hie demi"e fol- ton treet and n'tarit 5l<îfoet frontagI J.. O! ber brother. Sfney S. C'larke, iows a long stekness and for eigbt on Jackson and Victory tréerî. The azcd 65 yesrs. seonths be batl been In bcd. For, h<ocl<15itobundfýIon<tO hce uth hy the Just what alileS lm vas flot îîtated some weel<s past h.. hat! béen In a ?exn-lli) bgh -<"oo sl,, in the message, but th iseut], pice critical condition and Il tvas teit Ihal I h <i-rla"i tIvlt the 'ctehoubord ot yellow paper bore the news tbat h.. cauld net witbstand tlie aliment F'te rPif t rma-sai training and he bad passeS away very s 'ddenly. tlîst had attacked bise. "t'P ' O ing te t, tr<h oeth<le Mrs. George vas aione at thel imel Mr. Rolbins was one. et the béat oresent 10tt>s'roetîre and <bai. and tbe sheckiug neye t'roitrated keeva railroad men aiong the North- l] tht- adv,înt ot tle purchase..of ihe ber. western line. lie was one ofthlbe real Ip bock undpr ce.ideration, a stnd. A couple of day. ago she received "old-tlmers" and eves-ybody along thc ium wll the eréctped a postal tram ber brother say «g <hal system knew "Charlie' Robbins. lite tir a'<tiring ii preperty the lown- he bad been the victim of <roat bail been esePleyed by the Nertbwe»t- 'bip 1<gh achool wouid gain a Wssb- trouble wvilch lied caused hlm toes-n road for 42 years. Much o et th br -on stre e ent n ba sng choke canslderably. bol added that lie lime had, been spet at the Ibrottle stit r .prespe,t s nJasn vould pull tisrough ail right. The or ten yeare etalght e hllwbihwi ésra l hs foe 0 algt.e iemt1rse- directeS the pilot et thé theater train he ilh pedwo hle riously, 1fr.George uaturaliy was on vhtch Wauké retus-ned Itstrekiowre aS. tSpeited oves-came when uherecélved thée st- t, rm Clicaga eveningi atter attend- ont Kno*lk wantq -the board of éducs- jing message. 8h. et once co 1nn-1n the theater. tions te'uild a manuel trainingbhallS- cated vitlsh jr otbet relatives b ,.ntise Igt vas about ten yéars ega t i r. InIr ta tise nnrtb Of thé présent isigis weat anSd she*ewI Iested for New Rabbins' ayes hegan LO Lhé alightly ahci'ei building. Jersey Ibis Ipdlng. viere she like- affecteS anS lu order ta 81111 continua Thos hioek wbleh the boss-S seeks ]y vil! l~éie ole4 hy a brother wolu thse employ of tise compauy whicl in perchas. ia fîuiW yse ]aX" as thé vas ta at at once froni Kansas be bad serveS so maur years. 1Mr. site upen vbiesth Se uew tagis sboot .Qiîy. 1%se éauter brother livcd Rabbins accepteS tise position 01 building now stands. thés-e alone. lia. reiaUes ail hetug emoke Inspector at the Cictago end farther vest. lits romains will be ut théltise. hie duty being 1u vetel .. < luterred lu thé ýfamiIy lot aI Predo- lb. englues anudsene that tise propenIT Ç itJ*tJ< ni&, N. Y. attention was paid to'eliminating ail L.vIflII5 JR Thé second tllegramn vhicb was de- thé amoke passible. Hie stock ta Ibis livered ta Ms-s. Geore aI thé saine tank until he vas cosepelled 10 relis-reR FÀ LN iI lime, as tise aller baS couleein but trom -active vos-k and tisen lu go to M R F« L f*I a short lime prévioaeta the latter bis b.d nmre eigbt menthe ago. H e message, and mérlly atated that ber- entered the employ of the Nortbycat- brother vas v«7-y sIcis The end muet ens s-oal 42 years ago anS 21 years S1WUUIN AT I)AKI tberefare have bée TOry sde. agu hé maved to Wauegan troin Ms-. Clark baS been empioyed on Janesilile. whers i hobaSl been ete- Waukegsn. Mas-ch 16. the. Erie ralirond for over 40 years tioueS for Somne lime. Hé -since made Pour bourg after ise vas latinS ly- as engîneer and of taté be ball been is home lu Waukegen and fer iany ingin asn Uncansclouscoendition an station agent et Waîlck pending re- years lived vhere bu dieS. on «Valer thé floar cof lshe .nWallace J. Con- tirément on pension,. He vas bighiy street jut off Caunly. . verse Sied aI thé honme o! biesaiter, regarded andS ual many years ago Be leavus lesides his videw, tuer Ms-e. Edvard Sprlng, 629 North Gesi- was the aubjecl. o a special magazine cl4s-eu. as follava: Ms-.Epley ese treet. Dr. Fremant C. itnlght article wbich saiS lie was the haupi- Flais1r, Lacon. Ii.; Mrs. liasrT .Valk- arrived at lise Spring resIdence moono est sean la lhç ser-vice 'of the Es-le ér, Chicago; lMtr. Charles Gilee, Chi- aller Mr. Conversé val faund la b. rals-oaS. lis m' acte of ktndne s cago; Chasles, ar Waokegan. ileluayngcntInadhérmnd la people lu need il Christmas and sîsters elso euMvve hlm.lises-e outil 10 o'ciack. or ntil)Ir. olisér tumes made hlm conipliciiois Converse closeS bisee>'.. lu Seatis. among thé emp lages of tbe Ele lîne . Just a vêtis aga Mr. Converse came HLed be livéS isitil May 7 lMe vould tut~ i ii SC l Waukegan from hie home in Mil- have been 65 years ad. Ms-. Clar-ke vOST I À aukee ta viait hi&s mter, Ms-s. ES- vas barns lu aglanSand camne to ll(f5~f( fff as-SSpriur, vho vas eriaissiy Ill et America vison vý os7ung. Hé took '1a'~1Ia lUE ber home on jenéeeestreet. Appas- ta rtIrodlngvisU s.aougeausudestly 1Mr. Conver-sevas lu thse béat alvays laveS the *«X* ov'e,[N f'J f o iealtis. Befare breakfast Thur, Bésidés 1r.. G"oge h leaves an- D U~I1 .LA~dymsun évu ats aet aller asIes-, Ms-s-M H]Oan of Don- B SU U R do marn 'Vaho anS visonhtise mai kiwis.14. Y., anS 4eoâe tises-s:AI-"-et tise home vent to the bas-ustaI6 bént. Kansas City'; à", tasA u-An Robert F. Leaniard, son.of Re.,anS a'clock she taund Mr-. Converse Iying gèles; Sites. Laon, Ras Mss Herbert G. Leonard. -slSMt- Iu an uncoaclous conidition aunlise I~ i ns-day, Mercis 4, via lthe stésmsblp flos- pqsmscollet for.- he nd*..tirç.à BRONSKI STA& IN A SALOON ROIT North Chicago MU Who Jump. ed Bonds Alter Indmctment Now in CountylJ. 48 JTO eps fltnînsr i d11a SIi ene of the large Cbliaî bbtz tje: erting every aunce -1m d e. glanl body ln a figil it sdd tectives recoidin45i.i wanted la Waukegan on a u4J1huidi / assauit wItb a deadiy veapoz4siU intent te kilL tlpon turtber exiQwe tien the detectîves diseovere.-4 bI lbhe mn swbe iay on the ct ul; enMIS froin live dagýger wounds fi bis hti and bedy was Jloseph Brumsii. a Ic- mers North Chicago rsdpsst. y Bronskl, It develojis,- bas be"i brought te the large hapital inà dy- Ing condition. He bail beesi stabbed severail imes by v muneo wi ,ebe claims, attated hlmab- e Ing in a Chicago sla.?ê~~ii q ication et thse Young,'mS *n'" s 1cam'pleted ,snîîi bis v'U>"eir4t. Mer visiteS at thse hoapilelu 84#A Ita be pes-mittd tW me b ~1~ avi vas travelin8 unq ~-ê 4 4naine. R1h moitiér retalêl 1of Broushi. Thse môt~~ ski wheg $ho vent thlb wwm and itla éi el Lbased wîI 13give ber true umfpg4W sisield and Ps-tet lir eS at Norths hi~g o tiewsa ilUSet",sà hurleS a ak5eii*. a staté of CO" n t thâ pilaI. it 't afsé dieS Of eoumnCUst et .Weî40 Bronss vu bite tsSU4v and e ntS sers chargeS assauil vlth ~4eui'* an vitis intent ta bMD, 114 3leased vbes h. furnifflld 1b""f 1-Ihe Oum cf $500. 1ibat uh*.ie 7,seen ot Bronaki until ha. .wselaln tOah Ible ica oboPItalust Stuud iht F. red Rues, son -oetTise. ,a ,6 asnierliving nos-lisof IUnitédS St.I;n s4m' bkted W bo 011*6s-stW Itin, eéS ibeu o hoKenooba at ls bnP en. 29 obanifeurs an mena.omb to, thseRock ila aid'tt a rTd lied bncie' aU Tex-, vithlzt 72iil