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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Mar 1916, p. 9

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jAKE UNTY I ND1)E P END-,eE NT e 1T.~ 'IrvT' r n TO CALL SPECW. JII3ING 03 OfARI .0F SUPERYVISS :rhis Course Is to Be Taken Within a Few Days to Re- plonish the Jury Box. HAS BUT 4 NAMES NOW. Meeting Probably Will Be Cal-. ed by James Klng Who Is Slated for Chairman. TisatIt ilviii bu ecessary to cali a speciai meeting of lise Laike couuuy board of supervisors ta repienlir lire Jury box la tise opinion ot court- ut giciais, Wisen the pruserit board ireid lts lest mneetiug l adjournud sine die. Neat- Toesday le tavu elecîlun day and ti at-irI ime thure may 'ru changes lu tise personnel ufthlie board. Itila practicaiiy coucede-dth iat- James King ut bat-e Forest viil be onoppoacti as eliairman of 'thse nev boatrd; everYonue vis knovs Mr. King. remlilesa tisaI le <scutiiied luolire isonor. ' it la Rali tisai'Ar. Kingvili i r cuimîs a Poltieln among mven mem- bers ofthlie board calilg for a spe-1 ciai meeting. Tis petition viii bu torneti aven lu C-uuuty <'iXk bey lieutie sud lie Imnedlmuely viii nui tlty ailtishe mombens outhtie board to attend e specil meeting for lise pur- Pose ut organlzing. At- tbis meeting Il lma aid tisaI arrangements vii lieb ruade lu repieulsir lie jury box vitis Dameus. Ties upervisi tram scis tovni sut- mlset-ienaies o u aumient- volerastoi moike1r1p 10 pur cent ufthtie votera la hi§l tuvu. A cummittue thon set-s o-1 <ut-ler anti suiecte a certain numben of naines lualie piscuti in tise box. Wirun veires for tise county and cir- cuit courts are lu bu calutdIl le nec- essary lu dnav tise naines frai tire jury box. Wheu Circuit Clfrk L. O. Brockway dl'O ?4 la-mgq trM ntire jury box t10 0"0-' t%>q si ! o P t-lat cornes. In A»eSL-. i.li.w-yaa oiudttisIbut fr namsse falue<i la tthsbox,. n B1rockwVmy "arpis.mla tise second UmInu. lu is sipeieuce as dienkt ta tiis lia taken place. Thtiretaltie vam vison a large baicli of Ziols City vole cases venu hiqg tried. He thut-s tsaItishe tact t-iaI su many 'etremen w.rre .allii ebforu s jury vas select-ellu tise Morrison murder case accouais fthie tact tisaItire Mest of naines lu t-ie box èjas exiasut- ed. LONfi LAKE IS TIIIRI) IN SHOOT Witir a lut-ai ut 0.1,t-lu vauston Gun Club van tl iret inssueolsot ut liselterunran buagne of Con Clubs, lielti Mouday eItirhe Chicago u Club taipe, ai One Hundruti and Tveuîy-tird sîreet suad Micigan avenue. Tire bLncoln Park Gun Club was second vit-h 196, Long ]L'ie clb tird vitir 193 andthie Chircago Gun Club tourtis, one point behutd. Tise scoreuouthlie Long bat-e club tuiiovs: Tom <Grahami <20), 41; R. MCr uict- (17)è 41; R. Kus 19), 39; E. Grahram (20). .38; R. Rieneiran (16>, 34. Total, 193. STATE DROPS THE CHAROJ VIS. JOHN 1BRONSKI OF 0141CAGq. r-Mon Ciarged whlh Asauit- wtt-h lu. t-ont t-o Commit Murder la Dismisseti. Waut-egsu, Marcis 30. Stat-us Atorney Datiy consel nome surprise ibis attennoon vison lie 4>1- peareti butane Jutige Etivartis anti noihe prossedth ie indictieul againet John Bronaki. t-ie Chicago man cliarged vitis iaving matie a muerer ans asault ou Juin fiant-a of Nont-h Chicago. Tise stateus att-orney tilti fot sunauie ierisurat or t'dtopping tise charge. It wai oves' a Ysear aga t-bel Brouabi matie tire aileguti assauit on Blanka. Tisere vas nmre dispute aver a lot- Ue ou Ivu places Iu Nantir Chicago. Brouski la allegedta - have pieket up a large piece ot cin- dur vhicirlio la aliegedtialuhave hurleI ai t-he heati of Blauka. Tise lattes' vas rernovedti10tise Jane McÂlister liospital virerelire vas lu a criticai condition for suverai veeuts. iovesiug irelveen lite anti deat-l. Brouaki vas tat-en luto cnstotiy anti llaceti under bonds. Wireu ire vas SIndicteti ho vas lrouglit- mb court t-o bravelire bonda naiseti. Whielise -mattqi wam homo' discummei Brouet-I volt-éd out anti cousit nul oe locateti. It vas ooly about-t-vo veut-s aga liraI ho vaspicited urp birtise Chictago police anti va lockeut up in tire couru- t-y NU. Tire stat-e's atorney vas try- Ing a case In circuit court- t-hlmaft-s noon anti coulti not ho lrtes'vieved vit-h regard to tire kon*ie. WAUKEOAN WEEKLY' SUN~ _ t f p T A "A T x AISTPO 'VV M.-O 8 ART TWU j1IIÙIBERTV IL, ILLU. IitD i.,XniUl.Âi.51, 1.10. IIF THE EARTHIIS R( 4 q'_li Thi aw twul ap fte C LEVER A1'TEMPT TO ..,thwea loe olvi2rnat 1,00J miles mn heur, accordlng ta Wilbur ,wo~t S MP TI Glenn Volivà. &i'ur'i' C T (f4.B.-Note t-ho re«ative proportion RAUILI iiof VtZon City t-o Chicago. New Yont-, et-c.) Tie cartoon. by Croft, le admitt-cdiy Tells a Hardluck Story About a very clever portrayai Of VOîiva's Seing Put Off the Train Here deduct-ton on tire 1faluacy"l of thre by a Conduoto. usoitibing round. SHE ASkS GFTO-P"A«y. RESIDENT-Of CO. 1 Says She Is on Her Way From Florida to Hammond, Ind., FOR SEVENTY l YRS. -Had No Food in Hours. PASSAA1IR Waukegau. Mardi .391. PA S SÀW H R What le believed ta have beena choyer attem Pt te vork a confidence gsme by menus ut a "sYmpatisy ract-. Mrs. Sarah Sensor, 72 Years et" vas tried unsuccessfuliy onelýnW Yog ma erIn a Old Died at MoAlister Hos- O.euesee Street establisliment s niglin pîtal About Midnîght. or t-vo ago. Wliether or nul t-be gaew a oescesu uu irjHDB NILFRoman Wiso souglit-ta, Put over tishW EK estirbimimeuts hure le nut- koovu At1 hue&" Do victime have camplaiued t Had eeen Very Active Up to tire police. Tise vanian vir aappearudte î bte This Winter When She Had about- 40 yeans nid, rallier pamely and Attack of La Grippe. fairiy Weili tiesseti, untered tire local _____ store lu question anti singleti ont a Yonng veman clerk. She leauud for- Waukegan, Mardis 30. 1 wyard la a confiestial mannes'ansuri uns. Sarahr Sensor, aged 72, antia a vhImpered In atire ctent's oas'. nsideit ut Lat-e couuty fon tire ist 1 "*May i speakt- you -a moment-?" 70 yeans. Pa8ssd avay about miduiglit1 sise aketi. aIt-lie Jane McAlsten haspitai. toi-t "WW - certaily-go aisead," lise ioving a serions ilîness of but- lit-île1 Young voman repli. aven a veet-. Ouats ia attnisutud -o1 ..Oh. 1inmaso privately.' cauntereti pierrisy sud aid age. Up laet-hie tise vaman. vint-un Mrs, Sunsor vas lu excellent1 lu a vuice tisaI vas isarehy audible irealir sund vas unusualiy active for sire procuedetet untolti a taie ofls pensun ut ber agu. Nat su very1 voe Sire sait aise vas on lier way long ago sire cuntracledth ie la grippe frai Floida tu Haîmond, loti., but sud airirougir chu recoveredth ie liard t-laI sirehlien purse In soie man- iglit left hler tI a veat-enut candi- fier andtihie conducton ou t-be train tion. DeathIn t attnlbutedte lupeurlsy prit- lier off at Waut-egau. sud old age. Mrs. Sensor vas ru- Sire said aire iratinul e;ten elucu îoved tuetise Jane McAlister irospit-al rnarniug anti vonuered ti rut'tise Tuesday.j Yosug voman vould aset-Somutlen Humornin Vermont- Sire. Seneor came tnientis anti raine $2 su tisa aise t-oLat-e cuuuty vils lier parents coulti continue lier trip te Mammonti. wvisise vas but tva yuars ut age. Tire st-ory titi net ring lruE t-u lie Sire resideti 51 Wanconda ueaniy al Waukegau Young voman suddaire her lite, but came te Waut-egan 12 L aad t-laI stit inet- iave lier purse years ago, hiavîng resîieti lere evur v ils iser. Site suggest-ed, irovever, sînce. Rer houme vas a1 1010 Bui- t-bat- disevoult takt-elie mat-lus up vidure St-seet. Mrs. Sunsorae sasut vît-h t-re maie employes ufthtie st-are passeti avay about- etght mont-li agu. Lanti seviral they caruti t- do Tise deat-liout er lielPmal.e vas a about il. irar4 blov sud Ibis nay 'have bati t "Oh, îy na-I vould not hlen t-e somthîng teu -tit vtibler tieats. Lucir a t-liig," saidth ie vohiss hast-- Sise leaves Isetoilowiug chidrun: b Iy. Walter sud Humer of Waut-egatu; L It- vas t-len suggestedti iaIt-lie po- John ut Chilcago sud James ut Elgin. les hors irat a reacue dopant-mept- Finersi Fridsy at- 2 p. ni. attie isome anti tbt tirey pnobably vouiti see tirat ut Homes' Seneor, 311 Sout-h Jackson sire gets te Hamiont Inlucase th atreet. Tise rumaine viii bu piaceti dectile lier .case Is a vurtry nune. In tise vault hure anti laIes' yl lie Again tise ornan voulti out lise e I- nterred InluWancanda emetery. itire plan sud ieftît-ie store. Tis sort o! a "'gag" trequetliy la attempteti h men wo coneliens RESTORE SALOONISTS jbut- se tar as kuovu t-irs Io tise Srst- TIEIR RIGHTS. 3 rne tisaI a varan iras ts'Ied t-e watt- Tise Iire aloon liceuses tevoketi > Ibis 11sympaîiry racket-" irre. by tise Mort-r Chicago council ai- t-le requat- of tise police chiot vers ru- 1 HILIRU N.AESCL Instateti by tire council on Tueatiay 111111vr11vesWHOleRE h cs L d Iniglit vien t-be , saloon proprie-onra > sllam o e hsr drss,dsiuesiu eivtht penpded guily lte-eeping thirirplaces bosx aifMetu 1,0 'sMvnl lorstft.isln.Open On Suuday Tliey piti a fiue for n re là t ah~*.Trflup I $0.Audruv sicin, Reckt-enwald îeg Dinereil e «s S r 1 w issis.and NeisQèn anti one Otirer saloonkoep- - t.bg Mothtli f ysOmTi 11R9 PODEIit et receivudtthein licensus brElpectal NEY<s FAIL.iSoi6 b" aul acugof tire couuCîl ait- a special Meet-- = klU.M0t'15 - i ,2.'i. ng T uesday niot. EIflI.T PAGES. ~YnuEuîcTnuEvL -~~ ~ r v i Tr T. WTn TIAV17U1ÀA DTI 91 l lIR 1 the I 25. Cvey D Bell m idedti on t of thc 5ic. lars 26C KP i quaimty ithistull ce toc. akas lic nid scalp, ossy anti iful sense e. Daint- rtd price Z to r SIC lie prem- naois. snrcb 16. Sullar. iApril 7 utys on- ey @V*7i'y $1.50 PER YEAR IIN ADVAINIUri. Wo .3% a 1% m unlw&% IM 1RS. BUS5E EiTS AIRMEN IN mE.Xico, UfqlWLIoiIqU E )UND PLTCLiB DENCE AS TO LOCA- PO IEL OB-R 3 .TION 0f RESIDENCE Village Officiais of West Deer- Once 'First Lady of Chicago,' field Say Anton Wirth Resi- She Begins Task of Hunting dence Is in the Street. Delinquent Taxpayers. EVEN ARCHITECIS DIFFER. BEST FARM IN COLNTY. Deveops hatWoma Wa inCounty Surveyor and Two Lo- DeveopsThatWomn Wa incal Engineers Say Wirth Is cured Political PIum. TE-strnony ot a conflicting and con. 1 Runr ir as ilflinat whpii Mrs Fired Ueut. Robert H. Wills <lefL) and tradietory nature tg being presented A. iBusse, one rsi lady of ('lilCago" Uf.Ein S.theeL ~Anton WIrlh crage ticircuit was given a irolitical job by the Lieutenants WilIis and Gorrel court. Wirlli, %ho lives in West *Tirompson admnrioii, that shte comper a ptain heaieDro quadr l)eerlirld was indlcted on a charge rciinquisli"d ail right, tifle and ln-u-novwr pGi enain D. oug' s .otflnaintaing a niusance. The offense terest In thie tarm whlch Io now iteln m" o.Deut- 1fâtiret wIth whlch lhe in clarged le that ief wor'oed by lier brother-in-law, George v= Ïtltb expedition abmoe#o men having his home part way In what th'if B. Iusse. The tarin la withln a few wu a» mt for several daysi ald great village auithoritios of Deerfleld say f Enlles of Fox Lak-e, and Il le regarded anxiety',wae feit for their safoty. j, ,as-one ofthtle best iu northern I1111 They were found Inter. . road. - n els: 1Tlie village aullioritles are bace4 The- revereed woman lomyg by the word ot an archltect troni Chl, toChicago taxPaYerg as a relPremen- ' w MIcg h as h os eIIts diacuss ttseir failure to psy finaneili 1114R N crad n h ohr ad kr4 a obigations to the city w a once th~e e.bpoenaed au bis vlnesees County- l// irst lady" oft hat city. Y; I gier Charles Russel], Civil En- la 'afield worke-r ln the city depart J lihsd lyHgne vles t o collection ut warrants lInAO@T M. J. Douthitt, the latter two of Wau- V)uetaInaimet tragtc, h . -d adadI l adte ofCricgos orermayor. St tr-JsRt,19 Yas d isbsonln n o nteere le okyusterday. She did not ru- vigze Crn atslfe. heduresbut vent fromi aigBrirzdCr stsild Ih'.,rtw hoeoirisinof_______e eors tee aeoi ___ ___ __ ___ __ at b 0 Pwlow * rod____Pant u D" hedeth f ie hsbad.Vet-SHIELDS HIS COMPANION. lim.'ent on the part of the village of. ous holdings lu reai ustate and farta liiae agai net Wlrth. Wliether or ot- ands vere bulievod to represent- a thîs le iru vli be developed visen enlie fortune, but erscaen Says He Crawled Through the ail the evidence has buen board. a fI lood, and the etiofhe x'Wnows in Dark of the Night Soins question the sincurity of the KELLY ANDnayor vas found lu bave been lnt-Wîn village authurlllen for havin&started upon tihe sands. When the rvsin Was Out of a Job. a crîmînal action 1 kut inl- - for the clerkship were mde, Il was sîead uf a civil action otfeec tmet ME R U RI= announced fln te ldow vas In Josephs Buta, age 19 years, wss held as la cnstomsry lunsilch cases. M R -oglit lu gain sul ilet-o the valn- E uIA15 DIT DI A A A8-ufrlnsablFox ate, but-i b Police Magistrale Taylor Wednu 1- DICT > IN CAI~IUIZ is uit- uvient hat ue filer idaY,wiien at-he Younug mar i llead2d IU I L J Waukegan's Star Border for Georgen Busse.' now farma the 320 'charge. M L A , E 1 Months Is Named in True Iee htb a aeasetîlement "I stole becansu i vas outt ut work. Bis Voted in Winnipeg. wt i brothers wigow. I vorked alune. and thore le no res- miI D WIPD ________________ Bon why thse police saboutid ry ta lm'. NUL d P II RID> l;Iqt. I~IftIuu1&Tplicate one of nMy boy conîpaulôns lIn I.NTItheforliepi nea , theng omngas an.a INStRES-M OS 1j"1181E. wo m IN4, J a fothojob a e onngi manhu ayoeau mae Threaten to .Waylay.. <arnm lDsx feel une lnch In his stocklig teet Who ed Kelly is the M ii ' eWho D N O Rand eeigbs close iu 190 Isounds. 'tm Was eld n Lke CInt Rut-a admits thsaI li jumped the Jail for Months. SCE C L C U Efnce ai the Corni Prudnucts Reffing Miik viii bie shed lu tise var Hei i La e ou ty CI N CE LE TUC mp ny buldlrgg, crawied Ilirosigis twe e tire ermer a a theo - Wînnijw, Man.,Mardi 2. Tructisr vlia iacksaw lhe cul valuable price. It viii bu shed a.,,. over.tS bills were returned by the grandl Jury Libertyville Is Visited This' tiîtees utof-opper and biragaetfromt the counro adset northern Illinois amdo ln As4lzes court laie tuday againu.t Week by Car From Univer- big tumps anircitrni electrical nia- southeru Wisconsin unie«a the deel, Sir edmod Roiii,?ormr prmierchinery Itfic builtding. He vas ar- ers surrender bufore quît Seturdar Sftir pt-rnovioin . G ore R rdeier sity of Illinois. rested ai Liberî.vrille Tuesday viren morning. utd Jaes pro , lo e n, ore holwellr____th ie police chiets bere iocated tfim tri The hoard of dIructors ofthtie Miik and amesil iowde, wh ver Women of Lîbertyvîlie aud vicinity t he planutout(lire 'inericau Fonce Coin,- Producers' Association repeat-sd tiseir nembers ufthtie Roblin cabinet,* and are mmc initerested lu the pronence pauy. Ilirual lu ceate a milk lamine lu Chi- Thomas Kelly, contractor, nov buing of a isousuhoid science car sn n usls erved one sentence aithtie cago vhen they vent lut-o session held list Chicago. charging conspiracy under lthe auspices ufthtie Uinversity Glenwood schoul for boys. Tuesday. lu detreud i ronnection villi the utfIlinois. The car arrived atI Lits- 1'lidn't you uealize t-bal you vold The dealers repealed tiror doter' erection ut the Manituba parilament ertyville on Tuesday and viii romain !be catight?" ast-ed une uftIhe police mination tn "stand peat" -muk or no buildings. lthe rest outhlie veek. liundreds ut oiicers. mlliv. Thure are enougli dairy ferm. T ruc bills vere ond against Sir vomun have asvaliled theniselves otl 'I was ouI ut wort-. i needud the ers viro have ngt Jolned tise Sit. Rodmori. Coidwel11, snd Howden on tlie priviiege utlilsluning te tise ex' change. su i took s chance." rupiied they said. yeslerday. la avoid a gnn- cha rges ut conepiracy lu defraud, ut collent- lectures visicli are beiug glv- thse yourg bandit, Ifl îlI be Oelober mne mit- famine tuit veut-.Thse BOy- the corruption uf vitriessus, andi uf en. before t-le Young mon viii bu glven min Dairy Comnpany and thle ordtu atlemptiug te corrupt wituemsse. A Tisese lectures are on subjecte duarla triai for the grand Jury duoes not Company bath refuseti yest.s'dar <o true bill vas also tound against Sir te, thle huart ot uvery vomari. The meutunutil tisaI lime. He vas locked capîtulate. Rodmon on a c harge of destruction vomari vho delivere Ilium le an ex- 'Iu a celi aetlise county jail vith Young *'We are nal vorrieti." said Rober- of public documents, andi on anot-ier port on liouseholA sciences andi ex- lOrpet and twv> or Ilirue otiser young A Bowman. The dealers adoitto coutl;ot uthe attenupteti dees't ion tf pounuts lier tireoriles lu a mauner tiraI " n ho areiseid on larceny sud te eed -in nfres» public documente. ate rniy Int-erealing. 1 tounsdence gaite charges . te esdeed/ n amr Atrue bill vas tound agaluat Kef- These lectures deai vit-h t-le prap-1 Ruta vas born and rmised on Nlan- affihiatei vit-h tise Producoe' Assoni. ýlwho le changed wiih Iheft, s'ucelv- er vay ta furnîilh a home, tire lroiser ?jet atreel. ."If tisere are any attempîs ta de. ing sud obtalnnug osoney under taise vay lu coot-, ll bunelils ut a proper -ivn u-tatudealers," ruplied tise prutenses, sud perjury. diet, buw te makte omsdresmatenials CJM tr mrs v teviid pilut-e Tise plan adpleti by theliniversiîy ROOPERSnithe (Kelly is t-be man who vas held i nd T-epln dped ersbiteUnivteri O P R S1Nlg.s.Il i ili never gelta oChfi. tise cuunt-y jail at MWaukegau for su ut Illinuis ot sendtng ouIt-hie car ,f A U W~n.cg many meonthei and who someu veuts Instruction le a nuw une sud Bomne- UTN agu vas ofliened jakien t-oWireat-on, vbat in tise nature of a test ta uen MU TC ;,WILL * o o o O * DuPagu coun ly, w fi ere lie still islehb- vietiser or not tisureles a demand for i lng hoiti punding decision ufthtle su- sncb a teature. itlai said t-bat If 6H - NL V LLA pree out a dt wether lieovii liehovmen lu tiuiterenit parts ut tisest-ste FqI NU TL A Marriage Iàcen88 extadiedte anaa.Kelly lias buen maniteet sufficlent Interest- liat-tise making a liard iglit tlu revent 9go119 plan viii bu rut-sinuti and viii bu un- bacs t-o Canada.) largul Iri lime t-o lime. Mure cars Broken Jaws Mended, Two . * * * * * - __________- ilI tbe sent- out sud more viii lio Members of Fifthf Cavalry Howard Loet-vaut, 28. Chicago. aMd NONE BUT RE= privilegudtito hear lise lectures. Sury Pool Cues. CaroineKafkta, 24, saine. Tvo embus o!C luupntt- F ad Au.a Neson3. Highlandoti. PU LC N N OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL Tommeso fhadAn esn 4 thod PUBLICÀNS ONESTATE TRANSFERS. C.avalny. trom Fort Sheritiran. nov on Leslie G. Biavir, 37, Minfleaiseilie, Furnlehed by t-ie Nteican border, drev up an arm- and Mant-ha, Muschinski, 30, Mion Cil. ~bCo.RIfal~leieyesterday viserein thuyares FretiericitP. Icindes'. 39,. he» TOWN B ALOTS LAKE CO. TITLE AND TRUST 0.nultan iglit eacisothus' until Villa la and nForeuce Dillîngor. 39, Ume. Abstemet& of TItI.. Titis Gumrauvleed, captîîred. ts TroesMalbrt*BUL.Skow. .21, Racine. arni, The Democrats and Socialists MmoiTepeUd, hno4 Engel Anderson sud W,. J. McNab got O n t-t Ae1, 2,m iarne &C Failed to File Any Names8 ads2,îî..A ues son lut-o a figit- sorne vesits ago over a FrAta HAiera 26, aine. am Thert Is No Contest On. vite tu A. F. Biant- ant i vie, soot-h ing t-isir cues vils dext-urit-y. eacls John A. Powell, 27, Clevelandi, 0., 75 fel lot 1 aud soutut 75 telt vest lroke tise at-ler's liv. stucs t-len andi Meta Vogelar. 22. Chicago. Waut-egan, Match 30. 30 fel lut- 2, block 3, Wrenn's Addi- t-bey have been on cota aide by aide George P. Samuiel, 52, Chicago, &là ome wt ise bctoiontnt frtuedaytion ta Highland Park. W. D. $10. in lise ariy haspitai unable t-o speat-. Mary L. Dion. 38, same. offies t te eectin nxt ues a . C. Thompeon sud vite ta A. i.. but eacli vviug rnt-aIly t-o reuov tClarence Ni. Kennedy, 21. Chicmgo. anrd every Republican candidate cao Gouriey, lot, 15,.block 81, Highland liosliliies lnrmediat-ely ho la able. and Miidred M. Hover, M M, ait tîfflt at home-lie vont- even have Park- W. D. $10. 1 Tire pair vas loftI lehind wvien C RlhVcl,2,Ctun n t-o ast anylioty to bu sure and vote."* F. *N. Converse sud vite ta Oliver troop>vas rusaiedtu t- o ts irder, but- R alisis Vec 9,e Um2 . Crcga Tire reamot- Hoo'i, lots 23, 24 sud 25, Subidivimian toiosrow they viii ho sent toilethet MamieJebr,1.mn. No ot-her party lias fileti a ticket- of Biocis 10, Grayelaku. W. D. $800. 10 take t-huis'piace in tire ranirs, Robert F. Okershusen, .12, Milwau- andi the ballots, nov Seing print-et, F. S. Munro sud vite t-o E. L. Mil- isaving s'ecov.ered. t-keu, anti Frances Wimcherscirran. 30, have no candidates on t-bei exruept-lug lard, undividud hait lot-s 1, 2 anti 3,1Tise guthoritiei wveo. foreed t-oame. tire RépublIcane. Tbnus, there'sno0 Tripp'e Subdivision lu section 27, tirreaten cootb-ral befaoîgtise t-vo Edward T. Thoîpeon, 21. ChlcaglO, fit on andth-le virole Republican Vernon Township. W, D. $10, vonld agreetun-agalust tise corn- anti Amanda Wiseinky, 24, %mre. ticket viii go lu unopposed. A. F. Beaubten sud vife t- Johii mou fou. , -1Edigar F. itieman, 22, Stevenfs Tis le tise iret lime,-lunyeasflitiraI Dih, lot- 1 aud part- lot- 3. blockt 3, Ti'opers aigu armistice, %wtl i fgir Poiut, Ais., sud Anna 9. Fiat-use, 1M oit-ler t-ho Democrate or Socialiste shre Âre A. . W.. $104o> 'oMi Vils, saine. haive n», led naMeas'orSt- bfI ue A ~f 10etilo 62081

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