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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Apr 1916, p. 14

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TOMO f1UTHER TIL&NSIIP TO CITY Dirymen of Wadsworth, Rus- sel,, Rosecrtand m Taylor Grove in Mass Meeting. AIL SING AN AGREEM~ENT. ÈARRINUTON WEDi iCon Iuaed fr.m Date on.) also tentativeîy offered ta shtp 'îa tu itk but devote the mitk ta makiag butter exctusIvely. The farinera went mb o iterenco and caitcd headquartera ln Chicago ta get Instructions. nWýým Tg s rs r'* 'w*" 1- »ffl r11- - - '. rd an tis adellvery tit~ undèIolutYnq0, &9xW!Oj qu " ,, 4A -9 OWfrnUIk ta th lIM4111 brrng4fla tte-qi*yl . plant or take it home. 9a, flot a thu baby wbo 'muet bave good, da I I IP1$~l Pound came ta the Bwa latt t -a~ ilr ti "ie, Ir 1 au siil J~jI~A %L day fro mlocal fariners. brligliig togetlilr a comiittee froin Th~y hve bIe getting a carload yaur association and ane tram the i af Islk fiacli nigbt tram Wisconsin. mulk'dealera' association, plea-%e cam- N I r 13 JA Mr. Bowman cane ta tawn at âsoit inanfi me."_____ taoda.y ta look ita the situation. Severa of thie deaterg, amog tliem -the lke campany, Victar Ney and Youn College Student,-Ac- Borden Plant Shut Off. J. t-. Younger campanles, have agreedà At the producera' association ofi"s ta pay the farmera' price of $1.-55 pe-, M ing to Some, Is Said to la CiicagaI it was annaunced Wednea bhundred loutîds, but offiiais i tef day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n ngttanonik aseterdlrr rasnd the farniers general- Be Growing Morose. .h . ... ,-.,.]y,, ittat, as far as they are cn noa, JunctIon, Wis.; Barringtaii, Rich- field, Richmond, Hampshire, W.î conda. and Gilmer, HlI. Thie Borden* CK Si -of tb va Beu éktimmed Mil< for Stock. Many of the fermer$ have begun !o separate their milk troa the cream. ,bipping thie latter ta butter manu- facturera or givlng Iltet neiglibors and feedlng the tallita live stock. MISS ROSS PRINTS FINAL REilpLY TO FI3DERAL CIARÔES Editor of Lake Bluff Chat and Former Postmistress Thanks Her Friends for Faith. The i&st word in the disagreeifent between Misa Isabelle Roas and tthe United States gavernment wss spok- en Tuesday-or rather printed-bY Miss Raosa heracif. A fartnight ago a federal grand jury retbsed ta indict Miss Ross be- cause of a shortage found ln her se- caunts when site was postmistress of Lake Bluff. Il waqs slown elea 1Iv that the shortage was anlY a 'Oie- talse, postaffice accouais having heI)P mixed witb those af tfie lake lilff Chat, a Publication Of wbich M" Rasa; was and atîli la ed,ýtor. Slte published a stateinent Yester- day In the Chat. Through the lorg ordeal site maYa lier greatest sati- faction was la the fact t bat -it noiglibÜJ5 frOm firat to last have stxof by me and said that knawing me tlteY were sure 1 had cdone na wrong." Imittofi MarbiO. coal aubes, soda and copal vami bave beeu combiued bY s Germean iii venter Inta an artifiolal atone r6eem bllng niarble. Worids TallaIt Tos Tho tallest trees are the Austraien eucalyptus, wbicb attain a heigbt 01 480 teet. Common Occurrence. --You cannot put a criminl n léi honor," declares a prominent neuro, patboIogist. Perbapaso»t, but a criai 1al soi0etime. put* Ob"ieover on 1bu hau9or.-.W--ht-gton Pest. PLE ARE JNOJRED First Mishap to Local Autoists Takes PlaceNear Racine on Sunday. HOLDING HIMSEI.F ALOOF..1CAR SKIDDED INTO ITCH. Case Set for Hearing Here on The Driver Escaped lnlury by Next Monday but a Continu- Jumping From Machine- . ance WilI Be Asked. Racine.Gives Out Story. William Orpet, Indicted an a The ioilowing atory tram the R-a,- charge Oifxurdering his sweetheart. -ci-ne Jouraal-Newa gîves the account Manioir ]Lambert, ati lAke Parent an oi the first automobile accident ai the February 10, Io chafing, over bis ln- year. The peopIe referred ta la the carceratian ln the Lake county jli. article live ta the soutfi and west oi He la far front being the samo jaunty, Waukegan: selfaasied, dapper young collge The iraI autambite accident f student wo entercd the institution the seasan occurred Suaday morning a few weeks aga. on the road between t-is cty ad Ke- Orpet appeara ta be gettlng moros. nas. 'r. aad Mrs. John H. Mor. At irat lie seemcd ta welcarns an 09- gensen ad daughter. and Mr. anti portunity la ialk wlth visitors. For »Mrs. H. Gridtcy. ailtframt near Wu- sm@ tue e b as decllaed ta tlk kegan, started for a trp ta Racine. ta anyaae except l'is relatives ad ie Tey found ome f the bighwys ln attorneys. Occasionaaly when vieil- very had shape tdIt was bard wari ara cal at the caunly jail Orpet willi 1 ta get tbraugh the mud. South af speak a few worda ta, theni, but for bhere, on the went rond, the mnachine the moat part he retires ta bis ÇeIli d down an embankment and partiy wlten liesees theai appraachi. 'The averturneti. The four occupants positive Instructions of hu&at.torneyO Were tbrown Ot. Miss ,Nl onan ta talk with no ane mai be the re- austained a cut an the riglit ieg, Mrs. suit oi this apparent morosehi*es On Gredley was bruised and MTr. Mor. bis part.1 genson was slighl-Y Injureti. Mn. The Orpet case tentatlveiy han beau j GriedIey escaped I nJurY by leapiag set for trial ln circuit court ln Wall' tram the auto.-Racine Journal-News. kegan for next NMoaday morniaif. Attorney I,. P. Hanna of Waulie- i dUt4 ha he rilwilDo tatVOTE ON WÀUKI34iAN on that day if attorneys for Orpe co PevutI Ie BY tRtUPt TICKET OF TUESDÂY tihe pregent tintelie and bis colleagiles bave Doia sled for a formai coan-u a n c e o f th e c a se . H e ga ye t-be y a l i- T . v t n t é W u e a o n ply bave asketi that the trial be set Th vteo th Wakgatw- et a tate enougli date ta allow 0>' hil> ticket on Tuesday faltows: pets counel ta prepare a suitable de- ular Gorge llut Wbls , 4.004 Ir fense. lie seenis ta feel that he Spria-"aikWb,414 n court wtll see the matter as le ieocaldteridge, :3.932; Mi. P. iiger, 4,041. and grant a cantinuance f romnteixi Assessor H .iunn. 4,0016 Monday. I(ollecto i-er-Wi. A0.rai, it la reporle t h îat If everytîîing csC a mis ihier-W . A. F. i'ayr , 4. . talls tbat Ortiets attarneys vili tke Trse-.Ftaer4,i. a chanîgc ai venue ta Woodgiork as there wililihe na jury ibere until Mai 1 Ides Comparativly ii 0. ,2x so that would be the earliet PaS-1 Tbot a patent for a serew prapell*d s1lite nioneeit when Orpet cauld li steim vesat bad Neen -.%ouedi au fat lîrouglit ta trial. This proliably wiltIbock as 1803 recoeniy was dincaveisd teii tecidî-d detliitFlY neat Monday. t u the Irrencb patent umfce. Kaon Feminine Rye. Optitil Thought Not merely do thbe vomon seeni te oespot eaIi a. reilisti ousekeeplng, but tbey daim f"mwly >they can one a difference la the ap (reeaeh»owr pea ance aof ithe tr ea ter t h r-be w la n cieouý t t ie ec k o , am ath is t nv ers niture la ail put ak.-SoutbBani voaon tbe nshe ae,reveut lnte&" Newi-Ties."uniatoilcatadY h - North Shore DistiUling Co:, 2O5--QQ7,ý2Q9 3.. heridan Road Ira= WL MUST DISPOSE 0F QVUXL ýNTIRE STOClý 0F WIN~, O SCODIAL~,Etc Ope.Evsry Evemicg ~îURK My lst M Whlesaui ~ices 6,zlsgalionsef Whl key tf4ls at $2.50, $3.O0, 5We,Pjcev$2.per gallon. 18,406,gaqlloes of Br!aji dy,, tçtalls it$4O $3,Saie Price $2erA -~2gallons of ail klnds tof wl _s agk'M',ýerg lion.s t-1Oses çqf Bottled ln BdpJJkM e prices. 33Oicases of Cqrj~lsAjric t,,C90r ;Atpie and Peach,,.,-,. OeukSa m tpnpBroIs ~ tl ces, C a e .2.P alo .QO 'D~lons of Alcohol at wholesale prices. A .FUI.L INEQFOT ER AT AWEUUÇLEý&W ý ,1 11 ý- 1 PE!N EVEKX IE; :-- 10 P. 2069 207, 209 South h.ri4an R. n1 Phone16 onMhe Sheridan ReRd «p&m",ý L5pIiIaI ..SL C~U. But Twenty Cans Shipped to ' wcc i Cu iiy55î îpants everywhere, officera ai the sa- 8 Chicago Thursday-Pope Is ONLV ONE DELIVERY. saoclatio aaid, were virtuatty witbouta Iarringion. Aprît 6, 12 'clock.-AIi any SUPPly. f Getiifg the51 rice. la quiet bere and oîîiy one tana bas Six bundred tarnîs s ram Huntley delvered milk ta the Bowman plant Union, Marengo, and Itutice descend- Wadsort. tpnil6.-~peiat) taay.iî as m. Kett wh. w e t on Elgin at dayllgbt and turneti Lake County farmers bave agreed lu the pcesstopped blm, toldti hem bd vr'ta fml htvl bolti out for the balter prie. At a if they wautd tara is team araounti beatiet for the big Borden paint.Oae mass meeting held et Wadawartb. hbcd go back, but didn't waat ta tirest fa5nmer tnaisted on drivingignt, and as attendeti by no leas than loiis cotract iaiseif witli the Bow- for a tmeIt- looked like a flalit. Hia fariner on Wednesday nlgbt, the mana. The piekets tatd hlm If he borne% vers seized and turned about, cov ovuers" of talle county agre-d didnt wani ta show hiaiseli man bowever, and the driver, evidently to throv their mnil'< itut the dttch ily enougb ta do it bîmacîf. ta go abead feeling the situation waa tonarmach for the ?tiadolde rathen than ta aecede la ta the Bavaien pant, and he did sa. bim, whippéd up lits team and icit. the demanda of the "wealthy." The citizena', creamery la getting Qiv@ Up Without Dsorder. 1They are demaadiag $1.10 a hun lttaof mitk which la -elng sepanat- The btodkatie waa establisheti Jugt dreti, and the mlk companies af Cbl- cd and the cream sbipped ta t-be big autaitie the city limita. There vas lit- cago are offering but $1.20. butter company la Chicago, wbich is li diarder, for most of the farmera Usually 120 cana af mttk are taking al ibey senti. aurnenciered willangy andi drove Ilir sbIPPed ita Chicago every mrnîag Sheniff Griffa., with these deputy miii badi home. froni thus section a! the couaîy. but sheriffa. la ona the Jet) ta remaîn il- on Tbursday but 20 cana werc aippeti dcttitelY: West Gray, Fred Larsen, Stipt. B. B. Enao! the Borden plant out, anti they were aipped by the Lee Bradbury, Dave Adams. 'vîreti the sberlff for betp, anti laie fermer on the Pape ar the Miii Creek -Wc have had no trouble at ail, la Ilte atornoon tl was retiorteti fuin. At the meeting of tarmers belti The larmera mereîy try ta persuade about Elgin tbat (Gov. Dunne bail beenE *Iédnesday night tbîs farmer pro- the othera net taetieiver milk but asketi te, Cal ont ate troapa ta clanr eIWicd a permit igned by the mik as-îliey've useti no violence wbatever. the rMade for farmners Who wanled ta 1oçition vhicli afflrmed the repoart I expeci na trouble but wiil stay bers doitver tudr milk. tbst ho "vas gettlng the price" sanon over nlgbt t ailcat. The Injunction With the biodkadiag ai Elgin the ojectt-on vas raised ta is shipping Issued by Judge Donnelty, i untier- praducers claimed tlîat every import- of miii on Tburaday. He la the anlv stand, appiies oiity ta Mcilenry ca-ant citY and tawa tn nortbera Illinois1 fermner la ibis iacaity wbo la *gel- ty plants, for the writ hasa't beeo is now closeti. They djeclare thatt ti $130 a bundrea for is milk. turneti oter ta me up ta this time.", Dixon, Sterling. and t-llvitierc yull bet vr as no disorder at tbe meet- sbut off by Thursday nigbt.1 ing eesa it.Bsns aMe r. Lageschulte and Wmn. For the maa-t part the fermera izîgcU l Wensa y iglît. musine r, esrsfound Moral seasion enough ta effect1 tanost1iein a ery adorti chy arges Peter Equip the Od Discard- their bîodk«des, but anc or two ln. laid no the tst ove maloharges d Cearer Plant. stances af violence were rePorted. lr aid in ate forofthse fwrei tlio '>Egg *lodkade Runner. ar jutdemnandin ar. h arurier Barrnagton. Apil 5-Theflrait milk As John Exstra i Uo Lttle Woods Clar enda. prsdd schi-Plant operated by the fanmera of L.ake tinove tiava the mn astreet o! St.i m a oneWthmereidedasd Charscaunty starteti turniag Its machloery Charles la thc morning a crowd of1 ina avn te metig, ad haresthis morning la wbat la knowa as "the 500 farmera pettet i hlmwltb nattiet Olcott vas eiscted as secretary. An- oid creamnery." near this village. eggs. Many of thc'ssiies fiew past cibor meeting wilk lbe beid witbin a fi vas purchaaed several c.ays aga EXstrom andi spattered store fronts few daya' time, anti la the meautime bv H. J. Lageschulte and Wm. Peters long the treet. -unlees the farinera get $130 a hua- for use af the mik produ'ars af thîs Exstrom whipped up is hanses andi dred popnda for their mlk-tliey wii! section and they bave since been ran the gantiet o! the long uine ai oeod tho miii ta their baga, ant i gve warkiag an the macbinery ta get it assailanta, ail armied with the sanie Il a'Way ta their frientia. Tbey bave iata shape for haadling the milk pro- amaitiiition. Te liaiti alpped by the agreeti net taoesiI their milis for icas duceti la the llarrngton locaity. picketing farmers at daylight, deliv. than $1130 a buntireti pounda. The aid plant bas been fitteti with 'ered bIs mil'i at onue ot the Plants, anti eprtors anti the wbeels were vas on bis vay home. Nals Md. y fian. .turetitma morîing when tarmers At the Bordea plant ia Woedstocte Nall Mad by and. brougbt tiîir oitk. ta the plant and one ioad af mik. guarded by threo lt »«U s ardhY credible that It- vras I tîad the crean takea alit. Tberu vas deiiuty abenika. wîs taken la under U6ii;gÎt tO thIcOsetaith- igteenth 'about 50.000 pountia handîcdti tut-caver af darkness belons the plant . ta ttat inot nalli ere matie by moraing and It la cxpecied tbere viii was clo eNot- a Poundi oft mlk wa, Iaad. Other countries veno very slow be much more tomarrow anti on tramrcevtia tnsunnise. :* ffliow the. load of Englant inI get-- ItheÉ.Rortn Urges Peace. 1 # ont nails lu large quantîties. ln Rosdu Picketed. - Heýalth lCOommissioner John Diii , nQe for neariy a century Itghlt This marning for thbe liraitime t-be, Robentson af Chicago sent a leiter ta) aisfor carpent-er von vwers made fanmeris bave pieketeti the maads lead- the producers' association la tho .tsm vrebutuntl 150 -be ~ Ing t-ot-be Bovmiaa plant. Siace Sat- aîoraiag urglxng tat thIrdrifitercen ; 4.hihad i-ba amor turday Bawman bas beeri gettlng abouit vit-bthe milIkdealers lie auîmît-teti by bad wih a hmme i 15,000 pountis lier day. Tbis more-, ta arbitration. ,our ien »M bi Jus on motor, t mohers of f *semral# muSt",L"L ë014 about'. ares Chicq 1,k vasIo *,à the tr VU. The ý M*tur WA u W.st i a bline. km :ilsh Namood m dtaid e, tetsath .11 g1bSedo ba kS. oe O"BEVUY rvç"qlmg

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