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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Apr 1916, p. 12

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RPItIfL'S D3ATlI The North Chicago boy scouts - bliked ta Ardeni Shore Sturday for Ad* ReS)IUo ur s edy. Roi'. Po.ell1of the Metliôd-il A~~on Adot eso olt ciurch vent vith te.Rv t1:90.in to pay for Death' N:wli- came out fromntChicago n of Lulu ,iiiott. îiiir dotter, snloyig ithe cool breexes ________of Lake Michigoi. T.foral of Mise Frances Schue- l WAS FORMER LOCAL GIRL. nemanntook place Sunday mornlng at hlaitpaut ton ait ho St. Josephi clurch. A large cravd vaa present to extend We JÙW y PemaureDisharfie sympatiiy ta ith. lireaved !amiiy sd of 8krùet-Had Hun- senta pmy a lait tributs ta the. memt- o ry of the departod. dredsof Frien.d0 *'r'. Barn talMr. and Mns. Charles Olin- ger an eight-pouiid baby boy Mandai Tii. lty of Aurora lias refuged to1 mortill, Aril 10-.01 *tthe $0,0100 damae suit brauglt City Politie la bealaning to warm e$y J. É. Mintt for the death af is i pith tiie élections only ans e e'c en, daughtet. Lulu. The Mintta for- Iavmy. Al quiet la the lirat. yard, ai able flurly realded In Waukegan and Misle ure la only on. candidate, but thoeevw Miaot wu a tioelar local Yaung la a hoatihreecornered figbt on la Pari WV Ii. Si. atteaded the. local lilgu the second. Kari Nelsoni, aldermn' e «»Mand vas au active vomier l a t presnt. la running an the. Repui- niak U clinroliactivitios at thie Frit hin ticket. Ewald Kalwita la cati- b X)iMuCt chl. The. hundreda Ot didate ou the, Progressive Republica.aoi ditpoe a0 i"iMintt wili eawvluticket and Antan Jakrzewskl an the le l ornst ti.ollowlng article fro.m Citiacua' tickiet. ln tii. third ward A i~AueomBeacan-Newa: thero la a hot figlit betweoui Androv PIea Aréscotion vas adopted by the LAuifl of Progressive-Republicau 4dt1sth ait$ oidi ai a meeting or the . ai-Diid Kleth, the regulan Republicau, gro desmeOn ai a comuitteeo f tho whlal ticet. ldthtThe htuaffay alternoon iDtu t.eoffice cf 'tii.act tthetown blai go». was aley. rejecting the. offor of dry bas flot diacoiiraged the nati tii *nt,476 Lehanon ati.et, t.aide PeOpie. Tiieyrc SUD sttroqS cres w1htecitY for the. ietiiof for he TentlistNSet PaMia. Tàe Con- kuafibte. MinLuin Miiitt, toç d4Wnor Iti.aattheO W qsi,. sba * iii inoti wua truck tu *Me t neceaaary thateountiung lie do . Ir.tvlia stray skyrociit doue. Ia Wils vas accidently discharged ram The. tcacbeena training cas meets tbc tiev York trsst bridge durlng aliii lira. Harry McKifluiy titisove- ~ dUipaY of irevanba lu connectioa tng. dc 101111thétic uonecanI cellirathbn bers The primary election here Tuesday disq M g m i"& of g ul iy 4, 113. Pau". off very quietlr. There vee on Ak Ftaish oigliL no contensa so but a amaîl vate vas M la thcsaine, reiclution the aider- polled. ILK tu tced City Attornesy Kelimy it l ono aiestiiont after Our aU- m *fgt t. a finish the. 810.000 sut suW ldi.*4Ddky tha s arl~th"NOrt e afe gainit ithe city iy te glri'a hicam o ol i.a cdeau City, mde ~etsand to ,mpioy wiiatever le-.iitho trohgarbago e iac $IeP h belleves la nécesary. .Ta*paaed Mondai alghL There wiii, ne la nv Peudiug lu the circuit idoulit, b leer beer botti.. next ai Genou Attracys R»MOD4 ia oi-l f Arora, repreat the M. and Mntr. L. M. Italmer viii of lii. girL loue Fiday evening for an extended À ajoritî af the aldermen at the eautern trip.Mr. Rfumer vili ex- àmOrSaturday ver. o1 tic ope- «M.hiei music pupile during bis ai- the iiid sai a Corpiorationilalu"u.. ilube for thi datii Of the Miaott The. âne vather af the pat ew paay of Chicago. voa la lbUcloa couls. A garnm li ediaparauf iepaeee0 toNorth and Centralsoftei ~ ~been arranaged for Thiuaday tatsettemeit, thealdrenI i rg he. li A s atithe ceemaion wasied. The oyanof theiNo rtng gard et %radar Cthe uscs Of Dcl.1-y. eateiday.adeetdJonShr : ic umul;ation ad eld undken at.nearfuture.base obl tai t besfo pIL s atima camtee f tme-pcontea. aslc tecnetn t$wâAnetiietyl a itmlail espo orhe wckof alcotat lu Jg ae u- Att, oieysho deh at the intaugTer ehenent lm ps tw onsthese bin I~ u gv emisinhO he wchare shoawl t lc n 'oatipes of mit t atii, olse- Ti. ectt e Ladiesa nt 4~sadt ho f i.frvns th.rsday tonon vlt litsn. M.uC ta othect i sanding viii a ..tt 'larpotodtttee-anta 000f odaat ltheir agt o! vacnt uend n Ii n basthiesat iin et. WigaveapUicisatter tuththehpolos 04ie lreonba er, o hl ein(abaioe.ouTii, voibteaieaSLatiestrAdeetV <Santo p of f lathfar ulton l tbea enrosd o e ti s. sa-a. 1148ticiNov ank strend ige. .14e bt avrepborte ave or Io ne E of o? ie CldsaitednorOfvatii. ucservite Comphaide or the Isadb tegm in i opth . Peatopiocmlial Wor pot lut. a piletai fthevpoin 1110 &tuoar beaatforff. ltheon dYbauv'w eToieo teeu 100 e rth e orpileai re vo ride. aid hveben eove onm sf iiyroo bl in-wn e. m.ofo utsh ok nchret la v the dispio . Tetlpoecmf P ,eov, at aileof on ii.iladuo . 1 oih taaionon tOt r it t t f iore b.d bin ici or id i a ioc off. ent ahl font0fthe rackwets a-aiabeuabn L Iaaibuio ire o tic pian iro1eu qg.Mad 9 91 sale e [ Aui berlai >Iluioeiami es eio ni Anl1 06 Nondr"-et odeiii ketu lMr$. seorgbiehulerdrutAUSe 'Ih C idBie tI O a-ilv cu etY. (On or Mabo tDere u elu flet tire i ea u ciSu.ivia ourt1, she mya bir lfaradi ca eso, lie U ft he re. oihitoietod, r ub os FrackBoir Pied" &De dutdonmcv- fac* am kic.,1er lini lui 1cr ma fr th "rDi HDzvUe bMraic h 9.1i3,ar iaed un o c O. . sde.chm* a» Of loehè ngte..5hl, s Is h .vot n *IM Sdtndaî h 8awoui 1919,eraW sorsber. bubmc asétit led 1r.vor~ Coe atsl .clmnni tract Ongeabond but leieta-e* ou Pchl avuuolorbern ia-g', OOluifr mIit n iê. sr fs o muablut i and ae i -ac illnlbaiau rimésb eume ber maiden nane Of W~Attorney R. J. Dad. 4ssiatant Stite, im'Attny B, M. Runyawd, Atto ioyg a-i pa irta Docker, Ait 5Daubienu. . ~m. Welu aa*L.P. l&Ia-:co:nty CierW 51V., é X 11-s40s,. h and adCauty Trmfifl - k *1 >80 Ï0ai ameid roclotion for icuatorlia Hard an MÎ ai tic Hamillton BimInar nit. Tiie keinoti 0ft, tecthod tir"-t * 1campla-n vas truci ly ia 1v flus-nitmua-miu. gUâ Hardng. i la 'protective tarie nt 4 lamb"of mm wevre Impla iharmony.'1 It la an esta-bliahod tact that P*tfl Mci)eroutt ai Waukaa-au baislicu a. Old lia.an altcrnate delogite.Les, Mç 'Sm e," c aid jon.bu Oa-a~ oua-bla in 0 theopinion that ho; 8béan eected but the Chicago Paoli *=Whs,'a e nu~a daim that it ls impossilhoale. the piler aU. 'Ç' a, lausanane of theveCos e ah b'it4Se. '.1v ale . vtbbiasiyoutii, County 'hreasurer Lee MNAcflofi&ôugb, h. icaves You MmrctahYOurcandidate for aternate delegate ht aroua.i i a mer, va thte natio119l no nuaigconveut!on, a v1q ~ aeau-l1asne bsaternoan Ibat b bai lasiOld iii~stâc e 10 u .received fno deftints retia-f rO ilie iiU~êdoebr T 1Chicagaoend o tii, Tentb congres- upn fo;h l gi m e t t . ienai distriOt, but la of the belici that ad ciaritiaadnaod vil.i'le waa elected. Peter xMflrmott, a~uaair ~ ~ , ~ altennahe delegale on the Demacratie )hn O'Keefè la Re-teeted as Seoeetàry-Traurer and GeneralManager. )LD ANNUAL MetTiNO. fel Known Màn ls Compli- rnented on-Work Done at Highland Park AHome. On Tuedar. Aprl 11, tiie 25th an- il meeting of the, board of nanag-ý .of Uic Home fon Aged and Dis- ed Raiiroad Employes of Anicnica as held nt the home ah; Highland nr ho neceive reporta f rom Uie di!- ont affions and comnuttees and &ka a a-encralI nspection of -the uka, buildings and grounds and ect offIcenu foanthi.coning roar. Ati of tiiose preseai vere wll ai.ed wltb the progroas theo mti- tIon ls a lcing and gartified a-t the. ,t &Moutof good liatIil la doîng. eo reportoaIthe trustees of the home au recd and shows a gond, substan- ai balnce lu the tr.asury ta tie edit of the Institution. lh. officers elected ver.: Ilrcaldnt-W1illam G. Lee, presi- Ml ef tii. Brotherbood of Raiiroad rannen. Clevehaud,>Ohlo. 1 Vire Pres-dent-M ns. W. A. Mur- )0. Cicago. grand presideut La- l' Aaxililary la the Brotieriood o! ocomotive Engineers. fecond vice President-lins. Mani .Moor, Stratfond. Ontario, Caniada, i prealdont Ladiea' Society ta the r, bn. »a-I. .41ta-lv, &asIerbec- Mcair, sid ,i*Oàsurer af the Imreliuoa Brath8éicOdt Peom-a. Ill., and A. E. kImng.gicralscr.tany anud treasiller of thie Tranien'a Brotieniood, Cleve- land. Oblo. Warren B. Stone, grand ciief sua-t- nair o! tie Rratbonbood of LèCOihlO- tive Englneernaind vbo fh chairmuld of tii, peromt nuvemtnt for an elgit- iiour day for iatiroad men, deciined ho serve auhresient anotier tetai, Xivingas ai hs roason tiat thi.Position ougit ta roate. William SB. Carter, president of!thie lrotheniiaod cf'Loco- motive Fireien and Engineaien, va.s We ane informed that the members expreased tbemailves as bugblY phaaed vili theYin -wl hich the lu- gtiution la beIng nmanaged and the tre .nn..a A ethetotues. i Diverewls dmnlieiaplUtI. Aunieturala t4.primmni aUUhry li h Wbesvt or ! RDa-,wbcre It Id nota-bie tas-Ilisdilvoriti. DairYtua- and caille and .iiaip naisina- ae car- rled on La SMotothreTe Ce& ian chaise lndaahry la situa-tleue ltmd Job. A I1»« 1""lanima -olqod ho rettura ta hl* vife if ihs eau m o- prethi ieI4le Ohana* aoa-.lVl facti ly ui'a tcb.oidmmut of lie oiio- site.-Minea-aohlsJouiai- L04 laid POUR& PerwaaUi-Win the YOU04 lay vie oued sa u mella- tb frSo theb tester the qulIr a-bht pemie ookebs tic ani e t»tic.b.rU.for Ia usai Col.. t £wÛwIiwiBwY#K. wwm lu fAlle For- - 0 :atpqqitialpc*m est s4 * district vere cload tant vesi. ilcdâ efit-. 10 a e"itahi 04Ou.le .iUw sa-i ek CiamcaW.Fod City of Z!w làe.E. X. tht5'i.t. usjibp tb. Wdo" ofPtilir UPÇ' telRobert J. D»uia of .&rmouir & ian8efIIt.1F4 rt Caâse Dà . i-t n.Ir btqhe letiuma-i plots in Coouny or tbe proporty lm'n ivier- tCthé i ln all. tiânc a ara iutoÏt .Il*t u t aity rga-4., 24. fleit ~e, ad titre. dacie ffreIptý iv someiy Ian Sc=pt 1mnvdvt ortmda-yoilS81i otem a- bouae cp=t~g 30 roopia, eete OM É CASES AIÈ'@UIITÈ OLtIth«,ithiie, Ile V&OIr éma a wb . w hf considération le gIven la the g averai eqWâoeià »« 6 o Hav Ben o th b ~jL ~cur~~nat 1*ta- lu; transier. 4r. Foido ovans anatier Tim C Bood W Ui1tuatoabo t-ct b!broltérL Mon u" roed Oqu 8"tic-pr»ed uitl:k u p hueo. nehicli on- Timë-fiâ 00 hangete ibdukàlo >a-nd aotur the Durn FrftftT~. t"rt W-itt pla-ce au bi roolIeo. Tiie otit ________ iteeIhIY '~.MUO sdemi vas tiie purchacc, by Miss Egiaut- P. L Prions toda li aopea-!a-U.. 4 S har 5up tie Steovantrn Po ;)e p.Meyer es- Couauty Judge .LPesn tdycontrait tID - U.oe <q. viti lic taistefa? atract o!f80 a4son ùTels- arrana-ed the tri-l-12siifor Coanty dlryvwu , * ,tbu*niiovels. a-api roti. Il là uderstood tue sale court tarting nxh Tuoada-ymornina- Blorma or tc Un.IdM.w c = osacoeur, won ut tie na-te Of MO an&Mc. fiL at 10 'Iocb. Tiie docbet vas cahhni luOvever, dd":= o 8 ! ID a-d the pimOi$'vii eittcipnoved a- fev dira a.o--cvmrai of thec aaes uner FiVbob ' plitlon viii a- bmudsome sreidouicebythue vere dropucton disposai! ofiluniema uathe .21*8 *n boby av- plrchasdl. olie mer . n-non. Of tb o., vicueragt btc, ' àtiâ ~i t. roma-lneil Juda-c Persoas as made up lions t'>) b. or Soof !the cases bave lbean pend- Mhantu.9»00 . 0'.4h th infosoemanan effrt ic he o w e o ro!lhébc be made ho dispos. of thnet ahis « tIiaiu licb a-t.1huhndiea- tern ai court The tiret case an 1h. tn "yM .nd.7on~ t e le"- aut T *ca-il for Tuesdaymi n a tht of The. Coçd-"i lott»0ec 1ev oi eu ,1*i* 0 mazing ian. ut . o Oçrsequit. the cartce oin vs. IL R. Chirstian. reeti Chauier 10 iOaduhY "À 81811104ina mticru, datina- back lot motst l. f sen. This sait bai beea peuding for lua goqu«."?hâe ofsier. 0f ulor <O at slycars thie lu-t tev ea-na. Usi-"I'vc i toma Qi oatience_______ Foliowlng la a tint oi the cases wvilee OMII' h e @0»tc .Iâ#lor.pl. pimcod outhie triai cmii for agît TÙos- 1e ~,~LmuMu*w mml sisiver. dey-. - N*'cMUR. t a i lddt triver City of ZMon va. B. R. Cinletianson. t%, a .V&Mu:ey Il es T. R. Baker vs. Pirit MeibadistMmlre Chtarcb of! Ubertyvlhie. it ww adi N ied Paccr. ndi -alotriSgc'r jeas UL.Stua-rt va. Girpaun Prod' -1i a4sfisld yger luiqti ba ,ii i «tic Voli..Fr achi Company. equlppei li feloti vitth a pulme,-d té * (II<50Y» John IL Conradl & A. F. Beauliion ber, Mlre. Nuob. '"Weih, I eutpoue. bu oM551 Wpior coup¶i 4h"Sid va. C. A. Conley. ba" <o; tber isidia Ob 1utuci he&-l <oPl d bUi tg tee , Peter Ha-ascià va. Harold Amea. tr~gt. doi'Iy oLa-a." a upafi te stanard iVarulehiWhbi ava. A. Hl-.- ;e k. ï '- * .- Ià- Go.(ieTTrEASTEI S§tTn(iW Pq4-15 ALE.XIICoi l thls Great 39Sal t OWY' "The Stor hESl.Wotx Yotiî ' find inany, inan y smnart models at this otspetidi a MNost of these arc sport coats in nifty new styles in white-and-biack checks. Thon corne conte In serges, golfine, erduoya and nov nov- ety weaves l1 oast of nov t l-,j L pecally picd at-7 9 $ 1 .50 certainly is a 12inodcst PrI ce o sucb flne (.oats-1)eautifuliy tailored in înost asked for styles, Coats at$18.75 You 'Il look long and far- before Voit flnd another as- sortînlent of eoats at titis picjt. to eompare Nvth these. Poplins, gabardines, serges, coverts, etc. CtWId's 25c Drewers Childreti's muslin draw- ers; cmbroidery tîimmed; well made, special 9 Thursday at .. ... Wonien's new hand, baga in -silk or leather -nm dozens o! new stylos 7CI 51k Gloves, Speclal Women's double tip silk giove ini t"n,:White and blak; apecial. . . Serges, gabardios, pop-, liguàin Bizea 8 o 14 jeltje4 Sand pleated:.m1 --T -p1ieeda. ny.W7 poplieus, Crepes, ra#ë:tgt t6.9 A inost unusual and wortlt whillo dresa speciýil to be sure. Pxeêtty :O1rcd crepes, taffetas and poplînim in dozens of clever new styles. A!,woo1 surges, Pxettyioetcan cheçký, ln a nîînIker o ~tdsye I3pautiful iawna, bat istes,. :oile" i a u4ber of pluin or f~e~styles anid BôoensWttysl iàills'in plein colors and striped IIlere are fancy dress and tai- lorÏd blouses ruade of combina- tioxý j4esi chiff ons, nets, satins, tiffe4a, novelty striped and cm- Fmt uecomfininatiou drmé aaa aiL altifui collection of the nover àtes witb embroidery, É 9 lamsaand riblionSgalare, prioed uPw&td ... 'Toi ni Coun quel ASSi Suco nar 1 .L -1 1- LI Ch1Id'e~s 1 Di~s~e. $18.75, is whât they sdi . anagoirgt good-looking styles in j crentiotxt in fine sifK taf- . sizes to 14; very axis- te8n.ret etc.,_________-______ cial ......... arei repi eat vchieeo flore are scores a*Of iew iod- dI* ecia in Iare anxd sIsIl bats hâveevn littie bit-and f tilt, colra; 18.d al o~4r sU8,ee*eeh laidtn fmndin $1 colora; pecbal .....diresses, but wc have them i in Im~ FOwrS19c to 4 o iaad N lave a 'viyJrg se- Llirge agmnt fl0<ruihai. je tion of fine paibirns a acolora to loto, paiosiNe . let c ta 49c,. large, e1f fu llaprays of falLe4e, 190. ccosé f ront i-Up ta dr> wit the 2-Org nuf for ma sot 3-Ma Pol lut the pli 4-Or tub me Ine ter be Con especJ athenc of tiR comm coiu fore i Ing li is d salar) nnant tie f airs lislsni butta- a nies, the g suid fa-n a thuei To quesi exist, Dl a tmng a-este natal arei vas Ort tensi hier tradlu hem No dînai lie i pros stref easu con v men tie pro'v Md Ina- thé. the, a-pp, rien to 1 wbc Tha hl mi spri two 81t sist bol tesl liât hae ah aM Sp, res ual set mal fien viel ex aft at& ai au ad il

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