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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Apr 1916, p. 13

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Y..t. A IL14, 5.4 's ,n,,..fae ~<5,. tli.Cd 1 siBulkIe«i frsuck ain «- ireMeenlt woid be legal. Mr.]liui*- <p(O said that on the lace o it hoe would say cff-haud <at any atteinglt I)t Yon the Dart of the cît>' to grant an extension of lcensesato the saloon- UII>~IftV III'A keepers mîght and probably wouiri lho YYIIIJiI Ij~JIEStaken as a conspiracy to break up the ,WITÉN NO IRES local option iaw snd lhe tbouht al inembers of the counecil wouid bc guil- Council Votes ta Make Re- t1fr. Orsi. iîaailiy exiiiaîned that b'ý quests for Informaition From did neot mean to saîggest anythfng fliaL would bc illegal, but ho thought tbusr Different CitUes. If everynne waa wiling the pîbs' mlght bie entered Imb b>' agreement. ASST LIRARANSRESGN~Mr Bukey assured members of the very thoroughiy and would report Suocessors Appointe"-rffi- just what couid be donc along thhi- nances for uwo Importanit lio Reporte Presonicd. Improvements Passed. The regular nionthiy reporta of the, gît>' cerk and city trsasrirer were lire- WORKOr OUNIL. sented and upon motion wers îuacedj WORK F COUCIL. on nie. t-en ete f qi.I U scdd Commissloner iiietmeyer was lre te'uetion thé. officais of other vented by Ilnesfromt beig lir-sent dry ctiesate flnd how ths i.>'t i ath(le meeting. withi n their incoarnsd aise how 4h.>' curb the. i1,10981s"le f iquer.- 2-Ordinances eaîîîng for the. opmnniFR TiN IA , X adextension of Oies Fiersav* sysNf fl ,E nues aut fromn Sheridan road, and for an additionsi systerm of water mains ara passasd by' s inimous LOCAL rASTOR, IS- 3-Mayor Pearce announces the &p- pointment undar civil servie regu. T E I NH SP S fains f twoneW ssistants st- - the Waukeasu, ibrary to ekte Places of two assistants whe ne- Has Been Clerk of Presbytery signed suddeniy. o 4-Orvis suggeste tht soma means bes o Chicago Since Leaving tain ta hav the aluin signe re.- Waukegan 25 Years Ago. moved and corporation counsel le Inètructed &0 ses, If four dey ex. Dr. James Prothingham. 82 yeara tension of saloon licensas would old, for neari>' a quarter of a Cen. b. tagal. tury stated cierk of the Presbyt@ry Waukegan. AprilIL~ of Chicago, announeed Monda>' aithte Contrary t0 the ganerai expectatloii. annuel meeting ln Kenwood Evangel- especaiii 0of th. score of citisens who tcai church that he wiTi resign Oct',- sttended the Monday evening session ber 10 on thie 25t4~ annIvermar> of lis of the cit>' counli. the Mayor andservice ln <at position. commlasioners dld flt go tato, dtailea'Il dont want any bouquet-bou- as, to how tbhe<tutofoOpratiflg the guets fbloix the deceaied.' saad Dr. olaie roduced, noi <at the 'rotbisham, aionices" s moaoy l out O"1 lit rothiagham waa <4 jrdecas- comlog. %loyor Peare aOnmOuflie. te- sr of ftey. S. W. Chidester. preuent fore the meeting that si the 11rt meeOt- pastor o fthe Waur(egao Presbytertab ing ln May' bointends teannaD Ufcei clrch. 1Mr.Frotbingham lias fnot bis decialon o accellting nu mor kpt op close relations wilh Waike salary ontil the clty in in s botter &ai people ince lhe ieft here yesrrn inanciai condition. &go, but older reaidents yl reralil Orvis Mkis Sugentiein. hlm and bis work ln the communît. Commisslooer Orvis sabi that no Uise houlie hosbt in readjusting et- Cemmen Occurrence. faireses that the civ oi keeP wlthit "TouCannet put a crimnel on il 1 ta income. He said ne ime sbouid bonor,' deciares a prriminent ueure be- bast inmaking up the annuel budget but before 'tbat lo doue the, Patbologlof. Perbapa lOt, but a crfm officiais muet rno.v exactl>' wbere 4»J, s0letinles pute 005 over on hia tbey stand. H-e said a retrenchmnoihsOO-Wasbiltntof Post. would lie necesaarY. Whether thliq WounId mean the cutting down of Bali ljlpreCle amty aries, ha commisiAopeimO' niuded. ior' PbIiare nw e Cigar ndugIy. the gettins aiong with fe mem, ho 15'Lyi0Wrosl ex5tO said would have teo ho ev»IOPOd. go fren the Philippines te fottY COM' fer as lio praenal>' sas concerned tatas. hoe said ho w"s sIliluS ie iide by the iahes of the paso_________________ To gain more Ilot ou the natter be moved <bat theo u#y ceillkand cor -________________ poration counsai prepai* a serles o! questions deaing Idttiq0ditiona thit exist, and mail tb*M te tbî. oMcia,15 The u ' Ra number of itim wM d~are gel- 1AràiA ARRUP H ting along vwfthost awob5 He -g I gested <at tee questions ho et a v SAPPEA RI NG nature te bring est bos thsite» RI "IT'L7 BODY are financed snd iaie houthr deal ~L with the liquor question.TeMto was carried. Ordinances for the opesiai and ex- tension of Gien Pion avealue(fromt Sheridan road esat ta the rilir*ad tracks, and aise for an addiiionàl lys- tem of mater mains mre passed. Nom that the counci l as passed tlie Gien Fiora avenue extension om1. dinancesthe oeilt course wmut be (or the conlract to lie awarded se that no time mi li e at ln gettlng thei lii provemeot under way. .TJI$ Wi1dç taonery people are anafoUs bat the street ahouid bo opened mith the least possible deiay as Itla ver>' ln- convenlenrt fur tile'r, large force el' men to go te nd froua moik under the exstAg CARSins Addftionai mater suppiy pipes are C R provided for under the otber ordi---N nance. These mailla miii oatend tu Maisodlan d Sand treeta.- coiteel'1 I lng wIth the cît>' mains ad aito mltb Çrwtàveut FORD ROAD*MR thé main that etýn4% north <oe<the i.a. a Lght »eiim.a- Car im sas atiner>'. "ià. I ku Io "sen"dae. meN.boute 1Two Assistant Libras5. 0f eo r . us te fasisu or muten. Miayor pýeares e .O thse civil service rag1itI4*i lias1 appoinfed two neffabslW*p» - rinsnaet the Wiiikegltl pUbUR-UbiM5TY; to take tbe paces 0 o <O Siiitg ubo have juxtt felgMii. audmoulY- Those who have reslgned are Miss Pessies poor, firet assistent. Mliss Margaret Terwliiiger, second &moletanlt- Miss Vivi5n 1?hoMps0of, V!ko m srvlng as third assistant automatrt- aly la advantced under clvii servi ce te te position o!flrat; assistat.Te OWUi ADU CPCà1 two nem appoIntons, are: ~na Wrh . misa% Agatha Roofise. second as- MA0 e itmoif ro ais tantami of "FRD RleADgigtER*W Misaslieleli S. Brenton. bird as' 32 I esYOU- mc # lec si stant. 1 « -.O 1SH8 The MisesRoemer and Brentoni nio ;a~w~la îp.- boli hve aaed the cIVU i service acbeylvik4se .éJ test and have blimo on he avallablie a à' aSond'qm.aIt. a aai liât. Nelther of hem, hovlevéf, havetP it crc" Iy liad any eXPetilc9 'lenflbrary wrk. Mayor Pearce maya he bas nultisoen a1prised what caused the suddefl and tinexpected resignatiOIi Of the Misses Spoor and Tti'WiiitOTHe4maa yy regoed a feu days ago. both reeig- nations being hailded In, ultblu a week. The noW mig5ltfWtshave l>eg aervlng mince the <1100 of the reste- nations. lle CommiaaiQildr Orvis brought up the matter of caling saloon I gna te ho removed uhen ho salOOtismgo otth I'Imi- ami Fancy Tâffefas Silks tha t are as 1lovely as the moot beau- tiful spring (laX'. Silks for eveiig gowlis, altcruiisn lrovks and street dresses, ini ail the pojnlar plain eoiiîrs, as NveII as fane' stripes; yard $ .50 and $1.75._____ £aster Sty1es SmIIe at You From Every Corner of This Store T IIEREis n5 otlilig liîte so glorilis, 11,îî li tile sp iritt.fSjîringtiie. 'I'liere is tue spirit ot Springtirne piev% aîliiig thyeîijonit tIiH elitire store, for the ne\%-t liîgý that Milady is te %vear for spring are here iu viist profusin, anii d v te smîile at von froiî w i (Jay îiew M iliiier v fuýtehiiigly lxeîd with spriuig lowvers anîd foliage beckolis te mn. NeNv Suits, (i Fi,1reeks anîd Blouses, luiîglit ini color and( dasliiîîg ini eut, îîod to you. Boo'ts and Oxfords oif whninig graee confront ' oii, andu respleiîdent Siiks wîave te s-ou a n iiuvitiîîg iîaîîd. 8Suî'ely this is tuie stoe of the Spi-ilgt 'nef spirit. hmtodicngA New . n Quality Shoe Qicen Quâlity styles reepive first pm'fi-eîîe ith tthe fashioîîable w'oineiî itflie land. "ltl" soniethiiig Orig- inail andtl peasiîig iii thieit desig- Soiietîiig udistinctive. Thisj5iiev %v ' Qiieeîî (Qualit *v lie t is îîuidishi- lvdesi ofd t rilliaîît bilaek ,(,al kid Ieathi; m îediuimî naîî'ow trie and m iade witiut sealis on S vamnp; lh a 1 f cathier S Loulis licel; GuîF(odve(ar %vwelt; abselute eeunfort. $500 Women's White Kid Boots-Niime-ineh-I hîittoii boot tif tise caialiere style. Fashioised of soft wuhite kid: mnediuîm short vamp; w'hite kid covered. liet' als i)vorv in lae...---.5.00 Marvelou-s $ .5 Scores Values of Styles If poutiWerù ' t iiîiliis., ie l'-('10<1îiiii lats Nvitil the giirtgliial nnîtuiteil iiiinkls fi-m \i iiî li-lis u " Cripied, voi w'ould tindl tueii thii- e in 15 'vx' i spect excepjt prie-e, audiiat is 1 iweI' lv ut Ieust onle- hait. Thcir, shapes are jîst as smiar't 1and1 ilshiîg; tluii j iîsnaîueîtatio îs eqiiallY as cî'ier -au d thîey are pr'o- dùced in the spring eîloilîgs soim livsl 1l IX diiired. Choose etir' Eastei luit fi' ni titis eoilhet h îîîtiiuîuu'iw -$.35. Street an d »reèsCarts $14.75 and- $22.50 Tiiere is 1)iaeti('ally n o tîiiit te the va'are oif îoby e<ats wv elU show' o for strvet anid (lress wear. ('eats et taffeta silk, pi(1lifls, gab- arineîs, golfixie, sergeS tond !li(veltie.9. Moiý,tlv in l thse three-quartei length; $ý1475- and $22.50l. Sport Coais, $6.0 atid $9.95 The ffl sport coat met the dpmnand of ikorn , k something~ new andl attaef.Ve for r w JJc flaré and Iloo sf1 tng modes. Chinchila., odrýi aid noveities. This is an îîîîstîai dress tiale idsiflhl(,lx as fler st * Ies ie fresix anid iew andti tu prive cunsitlI Craly uxîder r(guiar.. Crçpc de -helîs qull<'e inetesirs ini îluit anid shirred elfeets. Fasluidmi able <'<ors. "The Best to,ýe-Oî thse Noth Shore" on», à4,aiGreen amaq-7. 9 i i . îî iii il<h It' pays sii a .e t Iif'ni. Dress Li neà 65c :ý ' m Iii l n on u1 n g it Ilink. bine. natui l and ii New Suits of Si11k and Cloth $19.050--m$25..-$35 îî'îî spi-îi. Siitsi. Y<ii l 1iiit si' tifeifitii eaiiiv4 îie'l t htlei i lx-a ty. They Embody in Their Design Every Popular Style Feature of Recent Introduction Sîîîîîe ai-e (iýstiîîgîiis.'li-ul h l;iliilghp e0:1ts. va]w t' ifiects, slaslîeil eiltTs, 1îi"î %va;istlîiie. t -iiiiîigs of siiei. o lo ettîl lîîaidl, .11)(1 uthieî toutîees ait' "i, -îî.- l' 1- le e a l iSii iiiiîiet'Oiis 11iles tliat 1liziiî piisseýss a jiit' îfîleahiîîg d(istiiie-tiîîi. ee'ktaffetas aîîul taille siiks tiiose aie tue ma- te'ialis, aui îî iii iities ef renîarkale woî'tii. Aui iiiiiîiitt<ieiiiiiosoi 'tiîi il uiipî'siiîgevîIli(-%+ile 1 9.50 , $.(1<. îîîi$35.00. Niagara SiIK Gloves: Wolliî-îIl vlio lîîyNia-1aia flik (i lovî-is lax'tile sat jsfactioii of kîiiîîv- ilig tliat tut-y ai-e Neal'ing tlilt htst -love obi iltaiiialle. Made F*i-ti it a sulieritr grade- of silk; sîmootli and perfeet iii fit, anîd guarain- teed tii give satisfaeotiV servit-e. 011i- spiilis 5 oinj)Iet(e a1ti(lii- 'Itîdes evtxv fasion l isade, as w cl as IuIa<k and whiite. -2-Clasp at, pair 50c, 75c and $1.40 -LO1bow Length, pair $1.W1 and $1.50 31111Ihose at $1.00 iFor service, fit and rppeamrnce, Phoenix and Oniyx m 1lk hose are unaurtiasseil. ieauttfiiiiy faali- iuoîed and marte of pure tbread sik, 20 sbades <o cioose from; pair, $1.00. The Girls' Easter Apparel A îIltetli tala s great dehighit in Beeuîig her il igiit<i pi (ttulv ,ttit <<1on Laster Suinday. Ygi îî eîîlîl liet .1 bose frot a more eoîîîplete or aititie i 14e o yomng folks' apparel than Yfmi\\ li i tîi<Iat liubii's. Girls' Coats Wfnsolne oew tyls for "port and Z ilris4(>,casions. Poplins, serges, gol- i ns and black and w hi te ch ecks; 2 2. 2 Io 14 years; $4.95. GI1RLS' TRIMMED MATS - Fille cfîfp siraws. pretii trimnned wih flowers and civet ribbons; ail coiors; 69rctii $3.49. <'iHri'fCanet Gligioalirc i.$ to $-198. t Wrs îhue ireses, $.98 if Every Woman Cafl e ?fer y torseted Here - - ~Every v wuian euind a vr-iit iclu-e titat xvîl i îit ilY fit lie-r figure andii îroduece theise rt fashuiî ilîes, luit a liii <tiI tisat Mwill a1-ieox'lier to l>o ýes'feetI.v ii miîtale t wlile- w iartiniîL i. Suci sîlîîidd crseseeiv e is illtuti lii ur had iii g i ilv the hest anîd illost sinilaIv nade îii and,111( iati-Yi g a conlpiete seleetiou of sizes. 'Iiheu, tait, Cur corseti'iee s.- i vI i i f i ltutu iII wîhiehs is qually as sînpot . l i s euîeiigthlui lii iul i. u)1. Hlere Are tkéCor'els We Feature: -La Camille Coraèts -Nemo Corseta, -$2.010 to $6.001 -$2.041 to $5.041 -R. & G. Corsets, -Royal Worcester Corsets $1.0 t, $.00-$1.01 to $3.041. -American Lady Corsets, $1.410 to $5.041 The- eiu-t 15s i-hiseli-eatîltii woiiails apiieaiîtlise that its se-t la iis is utiaIIil iail t- I«riae-4ktsiig' the isew- eitti' gasnsîeit.. (heese yûiirîs lit-re toiiorow. Mm Easter Bats of Distinction e' Stunning Ea3ter Suits for Boys $5»0With Trousers Oell.i'tllYlitis beeoîiliîig net- v iln fer its reinarkable suit val- ils.II st elsîits at $5.(9t) are aîîoth- el*CO i](ji,,examîple of our gencrolis val- I 1. 1ae tw pairns of trousers, wîhlcli n Tiîp eat u, and are mîade ini and<k' ciiwo<ic, s<rvieeale Matiýi1s;8 t b6yeass,$5.00. Blue Serge Suits $5.00 A'i woîl uand 'he ver>' best values we or any other <tit- (" v cer offored; double breamted wtt b sari okirt c i fi1: ki-keIýr ti*ouierH; 8 to 16 YearIS, $6.10 JUVENILE SUITS--Clevêr Uilte sîjils for liii' vîungsi- 2 Io 8S iùars, spiî'ndiîiy rmade of serges and ii,, cIi (c unusuai valiue, si $3.95 and $495. Il N ý-, 1

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