~~ir-~- EL~fL$L~~Q~ -~>' ~ - --~----- - ~- -~ ~- - - _____ 'ILL uuffTIEsi EXISTENCE IN CDII JAIL AT WAUKEIIANI -TATF cerN<fTWTM1wNDPwNDÉM,tqM *Ia. AP= 14, 1916. lPbgÀ Reveis sad ,Os*joax. cndfng seaforesald. Itatd(e. C nbcbelftg d»lysOrb. doth dep~s and say, thst (luI tO~lW419aMaternent by hlm aîîlb- Ét'rlbed ta a correct stateret of tuep atmofint 01 publie fuuîds on hand at f4e *commesspement of the fiscal vpar abàve stafed. the tmount or pîîlîlic flindi racelved. and the soiirces fromn wbieh recelved. and the arnouni ex Pended. and PurPnise for whIch Px pudd, Aq set forith ln sald stat,- mnent. (,FO. ROCKFNBA(CI I s1îlîncrih,'d andi Sw'on f0 ( .f<o- nieý. (his l2ttî day of Aprit. A. 1I1 WVAYNE T. STIPY. to e f 'AL 1 Notary PublivcJ FtJNI)0 RtEicvri iun ND l,-, --as R P lu iA55 Those who bave aReu William Or- pet, the college stuuient cliarged wilh thù murder of Marlon LambEOrt. mince bc lias BIent evral weeks ln the Lake county jail, say he le fer fron 1eeling an nonchalant and cartme.au lie ies to aPpear whenever he makes a publie appearance. il la even smaid that Orpet appears ta be morose and aeldom cau ba Induced fe leave is ceil when vîsîtors are near. tail lIfe sppealed to hin' ai l rrai as a n velty, but Its evary-day xonotony 18 h) gtanng Ito *Wefon lina. it 10 sa (at thie frequent delsys that ha e taken place do not appeal te hi and If lie bail bis »aYlie would ha thu trial start at once so that ha- c d e rougli wtb It. The possibllity that ha nalgbt lie found guilty neyer lias occurred to hlm. To hinm If la merely a case or pre8enting his aide of the case and then receir- lng an acquittai. The case tentatlvely lias been set for bearlng next Monday monung bce- fore Judge Chiarles H. Dounelly lu ircuit court at Waukegan, but nether the states attorney nor.'the counel foîr the defence tbiuk It wll start t (bat tinte. The Wat that $ata'% At- toruey Raipb J. t>ady bas flot Bob- poeuaed bt& wltneases la appearo that date would Inicete, together wltb Intimstions be bas nmade, itp ha ta convlnced there willl ba s con- f inuance. NEW STEILCLUB TRAIN PLÀC3 ON RUN TO Wk1IoeÀN Attorney Leslie P. lianna. of colin- Wil Ivml' RCIOS R El :.Ni sel for Orpet, maya Iltla riot probable Arîîu i (bat thea case will sart next Motîday Aiui , ulalnl i as ha lutîmates f liata continuance hand nf flic c<imnenccmcoft wlll be asked. le maya bat it would f flic fiscal yefir, corn not ha possible for tha defense tu menclng the .'ldfh day of prepare the cage sufficiently by next, Marci). A . «5915. ..1 Monday or for several weelus. The 1 tccctî-cd from O(le. ftockcni attorneys for the defense, It 11% un., bach ........... .... e 3:: 7. lx deratood. wlll lîresent writ(en brlefsSeef. 23 Rpccis-'d frî,ni to Judge Donnélly next Monday. show- , . Couinty Treastîrer (]clin- lug wby a continuant-e ahould fie , '«",nitalc.... ..........,17 grsuted. Sa<-î 9- Receiveil froni U~on a fallure of tlie court to coni- <ounty Tre.aurer quaran »ent to sut-bla delay itIs aeaserted tine extwenses............., 1 . (bat the defense will take a change %tarch 32-Recrîved frorin of venue to Wood8tock, Jiuge )onnel Town ColIn-for fown ttaXes 31fi ý lis horne cty. Tbere la no jur~y Marets 22-Rcei',ed front comlug ta the Woodstock circuit 1913 (log fax.............. j JI.:il court untîl M.ay 28 and (bis ai leat would give the defense a delay aI-I Total rýecalufs---------....... f thougli they would lîke to bave- Ih- î SXPENPITtIRES. case go over until fali. (Commlsslonersi of Hlghways States Attorney l)ady saya lie la services----------------ý $ il 1<0 not averse to havîna (lie case trled lu JAsiessor 14ervicoti....... ... 1 fig.0 Woodstock and adinIts there la a i Tewn Clerk services.... (A. 06 posslbllity (bat (bis action may b. 8uperlsor stervices ... . «- 0 taken. lie asysa ewould nat oPpose Canadn (histIe com)n<iuîneiixir auy effort tu take a change of venue services ..... ...... (bers. -tuilgs, Clerks of pîcclioti Orpet's attorneys are flot partIcular. andl Modprator ... ]F 1 laitzs tm ta'(se à change of, ven(ue Audit lug coniruîlî. .e ou trom WpUkegaau but (bey would take Witter essesmrents.......... 'l6 il If lit voes he ouly way tbey coula rltug . élelsy lbe sMartini; of thecase. There lQantne e nc ..... 261. la not the lightcst chance (ba the uattne xpîs l.8 case viii stort Slonday.b To7""al .....690.30 91__________.____f rta rcipa. . $1039.42 -Total cxî,cndlturc .. ...69(1.3o Il la the train on whlch Marin Hugît- itt,/tbairMlau of ftha board of dfirr<tori<. Amount on bond . ...... 349.12 aud President Gardner of (he Nogoit. f00 TAX FIJND. we.stern road, ride between thrîr APrît 1. 1915--Amnoittt on hormes lu Lake Forst and Chicago. h'.........5 1045 lit la palronlzced ally by scores nI Wau- lcevd........133 kegan Dptl. The trip heween Wau- to(id..... kegan andl Chicago conxurniejîjat an Total retclpîs...........I 323.751 hour. lntnidlg lovaantI LAke Iluff. Refunded . ..................I ce Lake Forait and Highland Park. 1 Tramsterred tn Town Fîinu Il i1.' It Is Known am he'iUoare1 Train' BSecau4ëss 8Many Saiof Ilins. Wealty Me UseTown of West Deerfteld. The Chîago <sNorthweterufri ce of Towng s a e meut l.y Th-- hicao Nothweternrail Thefoi]own lSupaervsor road bas junt put Int commission a <Ico Flockenbacli. Supervisor aof(the nt-w eigh( steel coach 'club train mun- Town of West Deerfieldln luthe Coun- nîng helweçu Wa1fkIkMO and lChltago. ty aud State aforetuja. nf (heaaMount Whllet (le train fis k vu es (i ctbe cf bnipublic funda receivedan sd expend- the . mlllioualiv hàt.' due (o (ha façt closed. eudlug on thie (wenty.alghth tbat ulote iiilflUJilorido,.11 Stev- dey of Mardi. A. D. 1914, abowlug (the ery day (ban tapon b515 hie othar trains & aMount « public, funda on banud atl on th haodil ut togather. th(e comdiencetuent of gald flas.alver. The club train leaves Wsubtegmn the amount»of public tunds eeva for <hicago kvery Morulng at 7:45~ and frosu viat sources receLveal. the oclock sud rturna Waukagan ev 'autouat ot public funda expeuded anal ery nigbt. lekvlng Chicago at : 10. for wlhat çnirpose expended. dnring E..Announien1MM Msrc 2$,191 Balnceon hand..... .......... . $211.4r, ROMT) ANI) RfIDGl)0 Fl'tND. TOWN OF WEST DEERFIELT) G" o lockenbach, Treasurr Agbril 6 , 1916 Amount on band ................... $ 3195. i5 Seiît. 23-Recelved from Co. Trcas.. Delinquent taxes 2218.97 Mai. 22-ttecelved trom Town Col lector, Gravef tai...........4591.1-j Mar. 2 - Receliveal Iront Town Collector, Road and BrIfge tax........ ....... 2236.01 tlecelved Irorn N'llscellaneouB 174.68 Total recaipts t.......... 112416.55 Total expeîdtu r" ,, 8351.97 April, 4, 1916-Amotint on hanl . .. .. ... .. . . 4064,58 Great Sacrifi Ce of Pianos at At Yager's New BusldUimg next -week. Watch our advertlsement for KNOK OUT PRICES Vç*aàu-mbLé». .eIAftoosms àoeaftb30 Thiere are only 25 of those beautiful ?Pianos and Player Pianos to be sÈotd by Charles H. Ljech, the Trustee's Attorney and if you wîkh to save $150 to $200 on the regu-1lar pfice of 11iXtbs, Yt do not Wafit Ix miss this sale aà Y, - hew -Bü-i-dilîýg, Vuke- à âne IllinÔis. Vàt-bthe DIàly SUn for the Xhnouncfenàih~ t tt openitig day. The J3iy$,%hWill soon make the an- nùuncement dlf ie dëte that the Trustee's Sâle of Pianôý t,1ft i; n Yager's new l3uild- 1 Waù kegani, Illinois. Instrumen-ïts, will bsold at les thàti haif price. **aseaGuae à là i 4 t i i L i p '. à à- AfÉriu.y For Truel LLI&Lbààààâàd.È6 L--Ai 1 mi