14. içnfi! -LAIM COMM 1 lPIl A Reia rka bic Pre-Easter Se/llin gr,, of NewSfrg_ Suits at Fractîonal PriceslJust.to Malte a More -Notable ]Event of this Season' s- :..MLN'S WEEK::- 55Mîghty Suit B gain' for Men and Young Mien cf Ail ncluding Sun-Fast Blue 5erges Saturday Men's Wee1h Begins, J)ollt Fait to1De f Jc'c One (>1'the 7 Du(,-Is April 1.5, 17, 18, e9, 20, 21 and 22 WXhilc the cost to manufacture is steadfly on the increcase thlis live store is up-and-doing the sceer- ingjvridicuous-cutting the life out .of new suifs. Bu-, wait!. It wîil b-- just for this bisy Men's W ek.- We are determined to "do thé business" Mcn's Week. We purposely bought heavily of our mrnanufacturers' special conzessions in order to get the most of Waukegan's spring business in Men's Wear. We are af ter it, hammrr and tongs. Iiead a reflu//y t'a c/i <y t/ise- *Five Big Suit Groups -each group representing the best frorn America'sfive best makers Suits thaf were made f0 sell for $15 and $17 1>s sitvu i l e t uit tvallivs %\e haive ever ofrdatIl$ is îîîouwy. The range of new plaids, stripes and pliin col- <rings in tight or d(ark is rmil- I v iUfWiiii<n. Alt si-tes for in'iî Oru y 41n g nw n ..Tu st. on i arv yoillur elinire witlilia oiu'hl et ele.h(efoi. $12.501. Suits - that were made f0 sell for $20 $j5 We;d A\n o114 sp <-'ml îzed wîîiue'.li ii., blit iever have 'shîîwi tilie ;-;i'le<tioj of high-grade "isthis group contains fo- M~~~~,I 4'l-oek.AI lors, al sirs, i w'.eaves-il rCiI.. I îlc l-iniovor and1 lue cou- Iltv 111-41lait v .4oiitdsune anhî-iîi stii-ýlil îu at luis iinfe . .$15~l' Special at $2.79-Seleî.t Itrni 411uu* Easter ass4rtnielts of feit liats that, seliforî $3 regularty. Special at $1.85-I{egutaru' $2 andl $2.50 feit hats ofthe lfat-st styles. Bale of Odd Hats at 5Oc A î'e- miarkable selection. AIl sizes. Speciai at $169-Our spring lino of' $2 shiirts mi gorgeons variety. Special at 95c-Tie iprttiest sliirtsws'î ever stuowui at $j.'25 at~ 4 li lîs lc I h5Week. Bath. Robes at$.9-?gua $5,- and, I onl 0(1 411sale at oiily Suits- that were made f0 aell for $22.50 Men's $ Weel< \lstieil \vilI see tue logir of Sp<ý1(iiig a i<w dollars above the' average %vlier tliey see tins lhandsonie lot oif spring sîiits at $1S. rf1(, v orkinarîslip will in " v. Sel res of KI.ppenheiiiiei 1104 4(1l that are ina(le to seli for $25)rogularly. Ail sizes. Suits seli for $25 Men's, ISuits- f0 i ~W2O r1*4f 20s atîe îîfu -": est wcv'es anîd pattelIlus. Miade (.(,4')tio<Illly 'ell anud Iine< of finest mohair. A remnarkable r-ange front whif-h jo eh<,osc. , 'liis o44 1(l'nlit vaffords Voit the eiancec to poeket a five spot. No trouble to show thein. %fi Special ril)1)C( weiglht. Special hriggai spi'iflg SAL.E 0F 'hle 25e icUmrU UW U É mU il sell for $30 Men's 25 WeeI( Sprî'îug Iiiîdets of Siuits li- viludinig the inlest thce raft pro- duries. Suits that w-ill com- pre w-tiah antlîing a mer- ehint tailor van unake voli for $10> more than this iMen's M"i-ek puie. Ex'erv poplular fatnie is sliown -jnsit w'hat .voui Il waiit isii ilded. 1~ 'I il ~Iii il i. i i. Il ~ ~ I 1rI'Li~I at 85e-Wilson Bros. Special at 23C -A handsome se-i Union Suits of light kctioil of neckwear in newi Regularly $1. styles. at 39e-Regular 50c bal- Suipenders at 21c - Fireman, ishirts and drawers of and Police style. 35e value. weight. Al i SZC. 5c Blue Work Shirts at 39C- MENS SOX AT 19C ekinds in broken lots. (1ollar attachcd styles. liii Hi. Sensat ional Sellini of- Boys' Easter SUITS at $1.98 I I < ltitlli, rok ýli ll He . m x t 'l", Il ;.T1ý ~~~ilw f(C; oflri V- 1,1,. si 4, 1 0 17 2-Pant Suits(vcryspecial) $398 A .purial Vi ear iection bougli It 1 ua (_a 4! a I i ve jri,. New rmi xtures; ined knck- ,Et.6 P) 1I. AUl Wool Norfolki Suifs at $5.98 51111< (if iiî,Ilighegt grade at a veIIY un- usu" llIos pei ce Mclj, iWcck. 2 Pif jîant3. juvenile %nits (blg values) $ 1.98 Tommny Tucker imodule; checks and mix- turesI. Sale of Top Coats (2 te 9) $2.98 1rncludIng serge, checksl and a big une of nçw mixtures. Novel belted effects. Sizom 2 to 94 yearli. &4à-JL'S,- IL men xviii delight in knowing that this season's AMen's Wcck will occur before rnost men do their [j j suit buying. 'This store lias so thoroughly es- tablished this eventful clothing occasion as a radical hiîhII<V ,-1<aivi ug affaut' that tînt to muentionIltlue îîaille and date is suffeent to Iîriîî- unest 111411 wvt huîut iurtlwi' <jîistiol>ingiî. We have 1>iovide<l in aal exteil- ICw a'. t41 ofer the î' rest oof ilUt l lii9e,55 )Yi îen \vho N\1411 boy spriuîg sîîits. A wIlid('IfuiI range orl'patieiii5 id l lin ceîlors (inehîîdiiig serges) ttîr411ghlltIll he ive big groulls. Extr'I a lîsnî' i u v lîtpros ilulfor. ttîi.; I ItY specil ISale. Bc1eur. à