I A I Z- i- m -yijTV i nu' ' ni',a"i mnnDÀ)LAPR M 14.1916. __0OuRPc AROF,- 0 port oub Dakota SEED CORN 1 S-' IIEZE- Shows high test for Germination IWe Can Supply Your Every Seed Want LOOK OVER THE FIELDS Dis Is tilt Cime Coo cLIIERI2 YLLELU EUR CgO# Dovu hy tI he dDapot. Somn tIser.20 years. Phone 47 E. A. Biehop, Mgr. SPRING TOOLS Hfoosier and Buckeye sSedS, Drifs,Pertilizr Sowers Deere aàw1 Janeeville Dis amrwe Làever Harrows SukGang, Walking Plows Ba.iu Wagons and Trucks Niew Ides and Deere. Xmaure Spreaders, Clod Crushers and Boliers Cue rlebPce tof§av lareUIUPIeUets Schank Hardware Co- L1BEA TVIIULE - ILLIOIS Self Filng, Self.- Cleaning, Non-Leakable, are thm g ood thing you canu ay about v 1umtain Pêu f4ON.LEI(ALE Another big poin late d t Umae are no pringa binue or other ctnpU "ec de'vioes. Its ssmpI& $2M. $$3, %0 $&00 and up. F. B. LOVELL CO., Liberlyville Bay the lbstcIu OdIWé Tt y« Cu. Don't aak for cheapue. Keep tihnking of qnality. That'a our adviio. If yau know only a litile about brands, yau eau atli be saf e, for thie Ktore always stands for pour safety. We hsave nothing that you need hetitate about buying or eatiitg. ."Purity a sutrcty" ije our Cannai (Joode motta. A.nd ut-, tr forget that buying bere je the beat vny for you ta be ture. q ai J i I *1 SE = r CGo-rlett & Frecericks LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. PHONE 30. UMBER, FEED and COAL SAIT LINME- BRICK TII1E ..SEWER PP W. 'F. FRANZEN, JR.a 4iï" ?*4 5W Lfibertyvili, ni" To dent. thani tieri Àddi T. W'as Mil ro. j! b i X X X x X x X X . X X Thet Mystie W orkers are enueavorlng ______________opalargeclamp for the big meeting vbicb viii h.. beld turne time ln By. Bt vhicb meeting a number of the spleine officers are vxp.îeted to be ibe tqile loet. Seven appllicationewrecle Ube tqv lle P.I, tht eeingonTupodav night. Saturday mornior luez Schanek, the eeven year old daughter of Mir. aud Lir@. L. BScbanck, vas taken to the Jane a p p eI L I L Ç J S cAlister bospital, Waakegan, for an £th epmoy rte tIndi e o .1.tipp wll oinsure publication iu the f ndepen- i copy must be in theoffice nalater rTuesday of each week. Adver- ws. especially art asked ta take -it-ular notice fatiiseffect. ditional LoclI Nws on Fagç 4 'A. Simpeais. Co. Supt. o! Scboole, a amçieltor bers lest Friday. cem Beruice Boyleof Chicago. le @pend- te week at the C. S. Hoag hante. A. Treptow vas excuaed Iast tMon- f romr doing duty on tht petit jury. Mr. T. R. Wjllbv and tirs. J R. Corris Rueseli spent F;iday bers with frieude. îirlty, the lîttie daug"ter o! tir. and 8. beuben Thomas, lW on the tekh lIi. fesphine. tht lîttît daughter o!ftir. dire. Jas. C. Reuse, i@ ont the @tek C. S. Hoag has bec-n coninti ta hie borne for tht pait week on account of Mmines. H. W. Hauns9chlld of Déeerfield, vWsted Tntsday et tht home of hic -daughter. Mis. John Bernardt -,IV. Mmt. Auna Chard of Austin.,t-tlated froin Thursday till Sunday at the home of Mmt. Ale Nieholas. On Monday, Byron Colby purcha"e tht ntv' resîdence ovned by 0. A. Neveoin on Broadvay. 11ev. Ynstler of Toledo, Ili., oceupltd the pulpît of the i'rtsbyterianchurch lest ionday mohning end evtîiig. Itelle Warren attsuisi the alnminu bouquet given by tut Phi Kappa Psiai the Rotai Morris, Chicago, Fridaiuigisi. Thtecheool eleclian viii ho heM et tht echool houes on saturday evaning of thilt vek. Tht poils VliI ho opeon tram 7 to 9. The monthly business meeting of tht Barneet Vorkere Ciscs il ho htid et thethmbouaf lira.Fendlek Frlday eSter- aconf, April 14. Tht Uibartylville Commercial Clb yUl hou fit'. int reg ular m ettiu ln lis club'» ntv htadqualere on Idonday night of neit vee. The ulfieers and teschere of St. l..av- roc ebchrch ichool bhti Unr mouihi> busines meeting a« the houe of Mrà. lam yMoudsMondar. Mi arrVenaiA. Sucholsa outertaineE tht Pre hyfterli S. B. C ouxcllMatbha houe Moner svtuiu. Afitlertebeul usiesmeting a faue l" Wh»vas e&yi T ht@ Uhi ti Club vil i-vs a dsance ai the Tovn Rail ou Entier Mondai. April 24. TIckets 75e, supper txtra. Cou. and brng aur fristiie. A Mig Urne for Ths detaile of the meetiung ofthe bigh vaje comulesiaere af lhtouunty vhlcl vas bold lu tht village hall horsBautr dayv aflernoon, vill ho found luaioths: eonfue. UmiesNeitie K. 81011 rstunrud tram hae vieiltluLincolnit. 1, Suudatveeiig and rueumtd ber mushe as toucher lu lb prîmery roain alter an absence of Sevai B. D. Hubburd aid tamil e tuirtalu Mr. Rubbari'a uothtv, Wr..Masior Huibiaci nad hie dater, lMre. (ltc Ooumt " thmoed, ou Tueda,&W Vsa ssiuy. B adil u al0aiPu lalla. bus acc eptai = us Inotêler fori tht km esCo. for alew wssb. tMr.e vase mployi havebylthe oucoupan up Io about tires 7esuiego. Tht Huribui houes on Orebard ealia r1cenl yvacaisi by Mia. MeLugai as laisul bbsh sar e le y r. Donghail vho L e epioyod ou the ELH. R. il country place sovilh of tovu. Ths mmeuhaitofi le Nori Amant Union and munr i"tusdebai a vuir plmeant tus aler lis bousness usei ilgil. :4 1L Dan cing uw u i elgu lu aid Sausreroeshusale vueeervai. Are ion plaaiing 10 attandrnitho Pie ia Mairylsai" 1 ha givan bi the Junlei PrImry ad Bel»m Depaluetq tbe K.9Suais5l SOOIou sthte vniq of Mai 4thnaid 1SIh tuthe M. IL churd Vhs each1«et iSt. l.vltuce'achr out avsaimg viiiho tt 55ve. B.Ew ffLaksForeet. The oorvb staila ut 7.45. Nai guidaimorlit there viii ho tht nusul ?alm Sunai procession- H. Raviti aid famlî hav..iovsd iu tht Vu. llefllgehauesoi Naltiaveniz vamtudsby he lR oy Jante amill. TI Jante fgeImoved lotothe Jobn» aose u MliCourt, vbieb M r. .Juin purc- t wip eek. UmiseKais Carroll, vbo hmbasben voi tag lu htr fathera dry gooda alors h for sous Mus, bas amcpted a pooilu as etsn gra hsr I. h M arshall Fi islau t r , h c g. Sh a b oglan h datennTusiai uornlng. iph Muihaland of Vanovoc. Wl le epenihag a fsv laye har t vîire Miveeand fritnd . Wr. Nnlholiaud mo' hie fasnily froinbore ta0Vleconain bu a jour ega, and he reporta mhet thtî a =w doiîg he le bers buylng boises., " Met. W. E. Deker aid aletr, Met. J. Wolf, reur&J f romn Minerai pou Wloi. - Saturdal evenlng ater spendîng jo kv ays fInthat elt.v vltb their si-) *Met. Alhert Kînne,. Tht, report Il Klnney i.lm nprovlng lD healtb. lest anudarfroT. A bis.o rtha utav lant Cassdu a iarda . - a tb ee MNi. Ra o ldn bo iwlad to hear that h-ie israpidly, re.roverng froin the ouprratiohi whiCh h..E iinderwvent two weeke agi. in ai hoepft'il ti San Diego. Cal fils fîrother. S8IL Tripp and wife of Arp&. returned fron. cafjfirîila lest W.--k whtre tbey &180 epent the winter. The Libertyvillt BakerrYfias purchafflad a new 'Vim" delfv-r .y truck for Ume inj is ever growing eouli.rY delivery bnci- ne@@. Tht uides utthe truck are niely lttprai and hear the trade makh of the brand of bread rnade "B & H," the stencfllng hené thetexat t rPt' o!the now traie mark unit beiug ust'd on the bread wrappere. ont of the biggeet arid beot entertain- mnente that bas rallie ii Litirtvville in years Io sch..dnled tor ',Ail21), wbeu tht Apollo Concert Çotu pauY a iii appear Bt the Auditorium. Thitls thte]et of a popuar aeeon'ofenrîrtiunnta gitn under thtaupicesof! ur local chautan- qua Acioclatlon. Ih promni-estho tht heet number of tht seaoon and everyone vilii vnt tuhear it. fuy and remerivs Tour seata early.- 0 Tht dance given at tht Auditorium on1 Thuraday evening liv tht Odd Felloas and Rebekaba wee a decided aumo il. Ther v Bl Ba t atendaisce 01 b ath pie z w wU 1orestra furnlshed tht music for tht lquadrille@ and modern daasee bich mnade up the proazram and tItrions 1reporte a ver! pleaant tfme. Pet-ri Nînsagearu of Wauconda, father of Mre. H. J,. flertetlîoLhertyville, vas askild to Mlgand made a idecided hît, heing encored aseverai tintes. Thte.djourned meeting 0f the village board vas btd Monday night, vsry littit bumneli of unporbanie coming up. The dtrk'a aMd trtaanrer'e reporte vers roadBand aprovtd and the bille vers sliovtd. U1pc. petition b! Vire Marahal Lumbtrry for tht unet of tht lire %tM11One .Ight a moslh for preeie. tht bo&Mu authori.sd tht htring o! thtelare tlesu trou N. IL. Ladd's lvery for onte *ht s >montAs. After tht board -ntbore &p L ie led t t dgues Mdiclerba for tnazi -a =,.lontheboard adjourned to Thurode negt. April 20th: et whicl meeting the vote *wii be caasesssd. e To MaeliaI Ltmberry beloage the F sd11 for Improving tt a ppsarnc* 0o Cook avenue troui the corner of Mil- wautte asvwm sli vt, vbtre bo hbu Lem out lb. p uibvaion the norths idaof lb .e tr et la f se shape. T ht m areh buas boworkad bard ln put S te gioune aouai thtevilage b l à axc llst cosilion . hi tb te nsoothian of r the la vus am Pt6" hioespsee for k lo ver hele. vn anq . for cate hina cri uaic ts los r i i c e m u t mt admit tisSaslàfandeestigarde-nar-M n UImberry leaW oa a Me lng vsualise a la iajlng ont hic vo it. r 'rheamarebobbal ub htldaumati lng etut Maso' barber shop Mondai @ vshig sud elected ofkom for a yau' b Mfisiove; iear, Lnca W. Mailer *Captais'. iOod; ee'y and rTree., Chaa. Menue. lt bei o f lay vlast yedadnoidiseumasiand a dencé conculttse apaftd by the chinnain Ir fuo vew : E. W. Stalord, Joe t.Meloî, d Raiy Dorlieand Chas. Miaou, acn e co mttu e a use and arrangeforà Sdance tu tue place at IbeTowi Bali May 12,veaIber pavuisttng. file il ,d «iPO taltlOncfthet 'ufnagam eut t0 bave a vorkout net SOUdai ai the Fa ,*gro nnie. Ai lpaoe ane nrged te bd bd ouit Wath for advertiseant of tIq M r. and àMru. Vu. Morgan, vho hal tu nom thtir houeme t vWutof town U in Wu. Geliunge, the isal bd gcouplet« ,y um Monda of libis waek, a»a1t0 hava nov a i lvay of linilng lmstlmie ct lovu lu vhleh ttey «yil loct t 1 trou N. IL L.i1 sied a igbv-moa fini M, Km" yKeru und abou$ May Orsti li M arelosiouut«t ia Ibis outôl, toueili ouionn e unt eîhei geltirai " bi mathai of tavel or fliifuel th tovu ilavhlch ihay vould be t ualslt ri asole. Wr. Morsa»babu eem eMPIOY l*,,"t W. Luy.ak&Co.. machinaeh.o hara for jeare and tI. onldred an tzPO fa bis fine. Thsir fileb bohrt VIII1 aie intsrestada i. thai ivallugaida r, double viii %17 tu kaap Itu io ch vIt 01 lieu lbehiatbay elletondiegthe -routi f. Id r. Id or or .5 'y sbe &le tet ted a or se yod ht tri. ucurs a yul cof amachnent on a large auto van mid 0baloug to the Illinoi s xpreaesC00,0of Chicago, clai nl ab ai not hotu pald for mesvime recndei lae fratea tht van tromula ditch usa Soudant. Accotiieg 10tht @iory tbld by Mr. wait l' an beca stoick lu a es ddestetch of tint roan esBo nd u sad bton B"uisi aid dy nes va tugagi by thetdirlo f thetruyck 10 asistinlu etililzit oou f the mite, aid liai miser thtedrivair vasable ta Solit the placehm ho oui gb«-Maylg Recl for bis services.àMi. Recht et once msurt! thetmboMt sêl mi vhtî the yen rmeachd Uboil"ias tMarobal L.ln baresrvtd tht pagr on tht driver. Tht u a lu cha le ait t ituek sai bu hai check for 8Winlubis pomesion but t hatl ha vas un sb l, vhe rupo u tht maiebal bai the truck taken to a garage. Wednssiaî mcci Iree mon came up lfrom Chicago aud settlJed by paffng ail har". Oct yonr gardais sed of P. W. seileker, Plione 286-R. 30tf Chalet Red River Soed Potatoteai F. W. Schllcker's, Las S t., % mile veat of tovi. Phone 286l-R. t To n c ai huy a p t - a t t r eP ie s Suit made ta your utasult andguaran- teei perfect fop 015. E. W. Pairkhnret wel. says be le hlnsucb better hsatb than Corne and lobokver imystock rof 800d vbsu hie le! t bers, but that bis vifs'. Cari, ail of higis germination and bealth has nat fmproved fin thetotat. Nortbeitn gravi. Prim" isaSeible. Mr@ F. W. Scisllekeî. Phone 286-R. 3Otf Kenrý; 0 lbaibsU«earlug fôt ber sdater. Ve shall receiva somolmln hAprif, M et. Permis Vlco z, outtil ber ni nt 10 10 Ibo. nUllof Va ii5dt Purs Mdapla isth.tlàspendiug &kW dagisievth beram r Sg*by J i. L. Fuiolis- L-0i "atr. Harrlsi C. Gridiai sMd othos1poourdegai&voWvii sa titfor îouL relaâtives hofore raturulag la ber home. -EILW. Parkhurot. 'Ml i FIRE IN TUbS. RUSS SUOE STORE TIJESDAY M101 LAK Warang l beeby iro to,&B o asendNotiona et 1ew prions.. Parisiana Caasta 81.00 ta 83»00. not to interfère wih or hamper tbe v0,k A W1.1.11 U er fl of the Vo nutter F uis D spartm e t by I s V . L N K I , - u a e r v u bàadllag visiebso or sur applIaef belaugugto tht departnsent, while iaig w duty. A uî prson vlll htalioved tc sit la ourry i g o nt urittr ut re, etc., but __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lnîder no coudfition le Il permissacble t<a atampita atu t hefireuie unisse THE FAMOUS talliedupon 1r do o Fin IMarthal. , SNcI Fisaid Vuter Committeo. u eC d d Nret.Walter P. Goseviller 0f Long Wdre Mary Thomson aid tva iaugb- Ha*w Tea Co la tan of OGrayelake, @Spnt tIse latter part o! m isetveb vitbtIdr. ansd Mr@. Hnry By ual these Collars y ur hormês Lavenc. . wMj not get collar galleL. ... Tu sado ai ng ht the cro viu dtsirirg t__ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ attend lb. show ut the Liberty Theatre tna gls otha ikin fon o te Ce M.KAISIER Libertyjville omeu kuloia long lime belais îhtî couil C t lut a lie c ro v isi b o nsm . T ht re aso r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ti» bMg crovie vas tht shovinit of >baby pLctursa tubaihors hy ihete strangea..Not aill thepicturas conl ho siovi as am"sSof thsm versttuken "The Proof oif the Pudding iii ins the Eating." The Inde-- Tu»aody &aid codnoiît be finabdIin tiluafor thteshow. Tht balanceof the pendent's Classified Ad@ have been proven by hundredke of B i t, r e v i h h v ex u e îs a tisf e d c u sto m er '. A sk a n y tiïw r o f th eue litt e ale ern e. a g I WU h sm sfâ b. <i « -fh g a e M d -» (M F O RA TR W E A R A beautiful linso! 11ik (3loes, bath long and chortt plain white with black stitching, black with white ethinaIl baok, grey, brown, navy, 50o and $1.00 811k Rose, white, black, grey..................... $.50 6 *~ white, ba k anadcolortm---------------.... 1.00 6 l 6. 66 .4 16 55 - - - - - - 1.50 Corsets .. ............. ......1.00 Front Lace Corsets ........81.50 .6 . ... ... ... ... ... 1.50 6: :4 66- - . .- - - - -.... 2.50 66 2o ..066 . . .. . .. .. . 3.50 66 ................ ......... 0AM The verg best of value Muslin Underwear Cornet Covers ...................... 25C Drawers ...... ........ ........... 25e 66 ..... 39e 46 .............. ... I..... - > .38C ...... .......... 66 ...... ........... ...... .. . 5 0 e ......... ......... ..r)S Gowns 38c, 50c, 75,c. $1.00, $1.50 Children and Nium white dremes, $2.()0, $3.00 and $3.50 66 Girge Çhambray and Poplin Dremes, 50c, $1.00, $1.50 ys Wash te, 50c, $1.00 Rompers and Play Suits.,25 and Vc W* W. CARROLL & SONS CO@ North Store Phom 29 South Store Phone 3 1 @chatstors couduvtedJfiy Ihonta,.Ruse on iilwauke.. avenue about 1:30 Tues- day nsorningw. hY a I- twhîch bai stl'.ted lu-a r.oal hi.. iu t ho.rear of tht sN."re building aid just at the foot 0! the t&Na1@e leadfug ta tht second floor. Shortly atter u oui.atlaittMr. Ruse was' aroused from bihiept-.. t.eliux that torne- thlng wao wrong lUitosother, wbo ruakoo ber hanse with ber son and who ba&, hten hi, askeif hi-r saista get saint water fur ber. fr. Ruose weut down stairs, andilu dalng ta lie bai ta pas@ thtetvont blu but dîd nat notice anyt bing wraug, and wa-tilt fai-kup ptafre. li a niluotet ho discovr-red rtheraouts illln1g up witb emoke, and berominig alarrusd hie llrr'd several sliote tram a windîîw ta awaken thi UPighbhar. Meinherm of tht 13ernard fanîîly amecr the garage jupt acrous the etreet vient tu Inquire tht cast of thetteionttnir and were told of tire tire lu building. Qulckfy ruîsulng barik to the igarage they sent in tht alarin. Chas. flruard wao the tiret per- son ta tend assistanteP, ho usina a lire ex- tInguisher w ltfî gu.id fefmcs The tire de- partmout reaeheil the se-ut iu qiuick tinte tberoby prof.ably uavlngnot OulY the building, but sereral otiier frame build-49 inge as veil. as a 8trong wlnd was hl.iwing front the asoutbweet. Ths fire lu thp t eie sta)rs hat burîdeti a large portion of tht vaîl and It vas jugt beginning tri ieap up alongoide the build- tnu and In a 1ew momenta mure thetlire- meni vouli bave bai a rosatfight on thel. bande. Mr. Rnse's famils aras tatouen luy ntighboet aid socmé of thet iret persona îarriving ut the storé eiedptu toarry ont the stocit of thoeskud remove the boise- hold goode vblh"hi hbatu throvn out 1!aht vlnudo vs.Thtanage t tht i ;Z 4 j' *iimmuc. apaits from tht Ruses buifiîpsc et fie tathse kraniofo the blackamltfs &hop owned by iSteve Kastial but thet ise vaicoou ex. Singulsbed. For the Payment of Buis There is no meihod equal to the Check- ing SysteM~. Checking Accouais for large or small amounts are welcomed ai ihis bank and we Iurnish ail supplies free of charge. Open an Account To-Day Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits $ 100,000-00 Total Rosources, - - 750,000.00 EATERMILLINERY Now Ietf.e limne la Order Your Mat for Easîer Wve are now c1obeung a large aseortment of the very latet aItylsa i. L" «s. Sprntg and Surnamar Hat* for the a.aao f 1916 --C A lL 1N AND S ETHE4M- N O T I E IW e o rr y a m ia- - - - a i.. O , -W9a sr" -s U t . -c uyV. - sr 1 a 1 1 Le . C. H H' C ] No« no Fra i ýi [eýý D"-ad TI 0 Fe' spe( i We al8o SR( LIBEIse l' 1 1 ---- --