WAUKEGAN WEEKY SUN voT]aE x xCu LIBR VILE, LAKE COUNT , TLL., FRIDAY, A P1RIL 21, 1916. ONE TO EIGHT $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. AVON WETS FILE Il0WARF ANCELS ERNEST LEB14ANN BORN FAR AWMY WEISS IS CHAIR. WAS AN EXPENSIVE BLEIMEHL IS GIV- PETITI0N TO CON= STAGE CONTR ACTS; COMMITS SUICIDE; FROM4 HIS MOTHER MAN Of REPUBLI= TRIP FOR TUER EN $1,800 DAMES TEST DRY VICTORY Niwuke \i. pril 1 J- FATHER IFREED - re- ske e.l ason CANC0. COM M EE Ataeigmnli ue u IN $25,000 ACTIOf nt'd ýrd as ca elec aill1.i, lngage- kegani, ln his coiirt, Chirag, "were wic eeoe nW ie aeW Chre rý- i1-balance of u esnFher of Victim Testifies on you born? After Deadlock for Three Bal- wi h e reedryn wet figt etown.uyAtrBtln ih Charges Ar entMad That any c ilnet aerofM girofe. ie tand That Son Admitted ltatlo" "inSn rnc "'°" lots With Goss, He Finally went dry by one vote. Naturally that Long Arrives at Verdict Ear- PeollotsEntitled to, Casofcthartr sMlauke i,»» Shooting Himself. Where" asked te a iu, Gets Needed Vote. made the lwets felp Leeedl hsMrig Baltsa leton ato,,"ari"Esm"$ wr ou arnsbon- BUT the interesting part of it was I or h ucdeo i rd RETURN SUICIDE VERDICT. Ch_ a"rple h THOS. BARRON HELD POWER th'-: MANY BALLOTS ARE TAKEN SPECIFIC COUNTS MADE. rma Kilgallen Howard, and they, gaveHave they ever been c1 iloun- Two bartenders linthei tovu had _.. tr sked"teoiciat gantto a rneighbormng %llage tou t - tas her oinon hathewou 1o seph Lehman, Protesting o, ire rvly. uaEghhPeintMnFrom in sm cibrun n te hdEstimates of amages Are Wets Give Out List of People apa e hMlwauke a isbnnceceisHel i hnerly au ean WthMne tifi(plane and raomised t srlb adtoHvaane e Whom They Think Should iEhy rb rgtnd li nyTw or. mhatwargea arecimen s atiogn ElectedNoWeis. Pa'" edad ph°necttaritltee otibcn,$00 NotHae otd.s audience since his wife-s deatt alOyTw-o-Hus day by 28 Chinese orderd depo rted icafavor of the dryssinTea f t j'l fAo lpaeJiad that is the reason he is quitting Fo ae Arl1 y immigration Officiais The China. fe 4mebr fte eulcnwels as would have been the case hadWakanApi18 Th et f vnapere onr the season," said one of the act- That Ernest Lehmanni, 24 years old, mon took appeals beforý judge an central commiittee( had cast three bal- they* casit their ballots. After an all-night battle, the jury lonyc urt"lte riday afternoonor's friends. committed suicide by shcooting him. dis, lots giving W. F. Weiss of Waukegan i h aèo dadBemh s ndj îiled a rarliton in which they seekr ---- 1and 0. ID. Goss of North (Chicago eaýh lnthe St aul alo a dad te i llage 1o contuelt th local option election self while in a despondent condition. 7voeIt looked for a time thattS.Pu aloa n h llg hedld on A pril ,a which tm h was the verdict returnied by the jury the comm -ittee might not elect a chair- of D)eerfield, tired almost to the point î drswnb ajit'm1evth"es, E =ait the coroner's influst lheld at the mnotaltIthe meeting held ln the court of exhausion, returned a verdicten ThLereby putting out1 of business four village liaitFox k, today. Lh os Monday, April 17. aB E KJI SSC ly this morning awarding the plin Ron ake.Grayleian threed FORCEMENT TICKET Imanti. who was caietaker for tle 'SH00TS UP'H0 EL, r:g1s ; iBdEAbalao heSUC= tiff damages ln the amount of $1.800 t>y Johna Medlberg, Joseph J. Amann, George Johnson cOttageat Fox Lake, Goss roeadsd:"engtt Bleimeh1 had sued for $25,000. WokandH BerndsT.Iettelary. Whee- ws found n theOktchenOflor withthe deadlock appearBsasotight, I am ESFRP IR The case was given to the jury To and Goer e t Clevelatnd th a gaping wound in his abdomen This willing to draw lots to see who gets about- 5 o'clock Monday ^afternoon heptiwntinesketrthhat o eardwsts rdyafeno bu -0it."InlotThe first ballot showed the jury tros rbegulrow icet W ) ter apered, aslas Fidy atenon aou 130'No-Account' Relative of Over- Weiss did not aPitrove Of the plan I,n out, a pr navrit hl n '11e folwn0w rpstin: Ohrvlaeelection results will o'clock. Suspicious facts that id-an1nthrblltwstaeeheern u a sat oavebin favor of FIRT-Shllths ow beom b fun i prt woofths ssescated a possible murder caused the seer of Zion Caps Climax to iupon It was seen that one vte GnE1u··Hretunlaiga vec freaidlae e, ataclonterritoa ry?"inuet ttbapstonefsvealdays. ExcitinglCareer When He sice ro osadIt gave Weiss Thýe saying "Three times and out"athier man is saidlito have favorell SEONs-"hal gaelta f 'hrews let o eetei-t t The, 18utomaGoss' 16. \\bis eiss thus was chos giving damages of $6,000. Th# other ity (50cl cents on one hundred vlaeeeto on Tuomday, w>arly six Teyugmnwa on yhs Seeks to Loot Zion Hotel enoec h airman. l O ®vertwas more emphatIcally aPPled amiounts suggested as damages were -.0; ollrsaess edt>vla on unde e adwmnwt h fa rJseorking nearthecaJohns.® Office After Returning From Other offIcers of the committee who escaped from the North Cicgobetweenih ogtejuysrvt >~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~wi afr31erpeitosannhdpll. The total nnbr a or otg nh er h eot o, a 'Spree. Secretary-1 LMorse, Met learld thi morning.Here's what arrive at a decision but it was not was33 anàte ota'nmbrojwoenagun comirig from the direction of 0-.vlle appene utlatr1 orso:ihigta On anass of the vote by tews h a no mtnthehekthe.H ivsiated ndc HLDSUPCLERK, TRIES Tre-asurer-- 0.D.Goss, North Ci l bdt idesafonih ea agreement was reached and thte e cIrk of election,dccrd 1 n bya tz iràzt to hat e nfnd clied neighborsaltoeds assisane Hn O G T C SHD' G N .ca eetinoUP.wis a ih I11 tt ca a igt u na s em ad" ua tht35 fimaievoe nd36ne- yairlab le o s e re t e ton a e . - -- - out question in the hands of one di dcut at 10: 30 o'clock. atÉiv,eâ ie l adbeen casgt on the[ >ortiTose»pesntqustoned younJ eVoliva Had Been Away for a Thomas Barren of the eighth pre- t"r"ECOln D h ith Attorneys for the ddfense imma louestion; and that the Thmn eh, oemt Ihanadh adslyelrd cinct, Waukegan, whose presence li CND-rura ay night (or rat datlhmd-amtinfoounwtra Lvc; al popqosition had been car-t t1 stagh vts1n te that he had not shot himsel'f but lhad eek-Snsin al Hol upl i e committee meeting was ch-il- er this morning) he picked lock of and this will be argued within a sihort 1ra ta-ootLeg,0ome-wtict k !,Te % umiaen been shot by another. Suspicion at adSotn rae x egdb hre oakwosa el nee isatadpoeddtm lhuhn aewsst h -q,4etotil oesIfothte 'llw-a1t t rfirstpointedto thefather ahoheTwas ctmn nZo-o l- t.t _O o ®®'"ear had bd d t d agg eda whagta nd loc erd i he l date v ulla e.rard IThat týhey ohavebeen informed i'a.-1fact that theshotguonfromt which the Be Robber Now Confined insemtkowhateyertl-° HeaedutlngtocrM.Bemhlwnapeeofro nid bevdthat ballots were incor- ouumb ýr o of t,- at by the w 1ahot nadneen fired nzad been placed Lake County Jail. Ing ebOut and when Acting chairman wa. nhaeentitninghfurnce r ty in neerlieid. A year or two Npe retyaderroneously recorded by Th, tota numbrofwm t hto -ack in the next room was one a Wis asked him to show his creden-, whe eaginpckd the ok tecty passed an ordinance placing i ea of lection, and that they b- votes on boëth tickete were ]Iý1.2 r 9 t ')' rngs ndcton fmu- -'Waukegan, April 15. tialsi, he didn't have anything to show,.ake crsjteroman uitya subway oundler the racks of the et. ;ýeve t@tthe proposition of creating9 le"a than the total worpe ot.,, t 1 ler. Ti nrigVHawsa-Asked If the county clerk had sentwalked sfroms the ron n u tyPaulroadl. The subway was placed ,nti-saloon territory reeted lessthan l There weseniyone ballot %ilh b was;JspPh 8ishasama, the father-raignedsbefore Jus ce isaws ad ima otceinorin hm ha ednd the lo' oeadnwi rn fM.Bemh' rp5t a a ori te. not marLed.it lin ounaitaeg 16.. Proved the star witness aet the n- wsbudt h rn uyi wscmitea rmta r-Aouthfogten, o the ofers in onhdther r.est of rong ay ---That severat ballots were count- ment.s baiots A fw, t ýbth»mn:,,,di1quest today. He admitted that hl 500iod n hreof cinct, he admitted he had not re- want hit very baly, becuse the eans ofentreancef ro tesreeMY ed4 for the affirmative side when they wonwubat avre obab l,,wa t tandhl% son had quarreled of late. but "asaultwit edlbepoonh evd odfrom thhclerkrThus, carg nt which hadl ewasaresthedthe fotbcueteei negt wol aàenounedfo henesrarbticetobtcould fnot 4 -countyvaid' it was because of hie son'a drvk- intent to commit murder." with Barren a Weiss advocate, t 1woulde n h emountedto much-foot wall there. It is necessary ito n. ative side t6..suchi ai the. mark wasam ! tri th.. nl ait .He told of hearing the Ual ogtbnsh si h aehmteblneo oefor!hwas arrestaed fnor aing and tr- trtepoet rmoeed That many voter were cast by firýt âsquar lteciofin thele.. ri, 1. [0shof and Onding hie son on the .noor cut af.wt i vt utace rmth opssMxcnmoe.Adifmh ogtyto wthogh end. ralU lo e whouwere fnot qualified to vote to t ho fact rr thebre was n,, regular lHe said JItwas possible that he might The defendan t showed little original 17 for Weiss, lit would have igt a e a yoyW N oncp excA inI eses ht h th aufh sevpra 4--Tha al balot. icluingallædte r th ticeotan htr'ina l haeped pxtheont.ht 4un and pu ci oncern in what was taking place given Gossa 17 and Weiss 16.moeteawdsntpvdeaeeryhdercaedhouhheo- .owe rioecte oandnot couneed o rat tner we qes hantr eit in heetroom. nidbus he coud ,>tin the court room when the vari- When the point was raised sastoal ty for the man who passez it structIon of the .subway. othe resons wee nt prsered ariliidaIto frthe icthe o. r emember. r nigH said hisson hd tnou@ witnesses testified to the facts Barren's right to be seated, the Weiss twsWdeayhtaune- arefully tby the judges and clerks as coe" t1 rintenmeo d knghaiy flt ubstantially as given below. He followers ask(ed what about Theo. IeredAn WdroPn' aloon aan rid ' akea. pilM ,.ufired by law. trMcatel te omem o tt E, dward Pichter wash anoth.-r wt sa&id ho didn't care what they did Meyer or the ninth. Mr. Meyer stat- 1to eteban rtelndersatonacp $ Tepaintiff n thke case of Edwa4d 6-That the election was illegal an Lokts withthe ,,ýranit that Henry 1 thot a oeo h t a-with him. Overseer VoHva had ed that he had credentials fromtheMxcaail.TebatnerTh hmBe iehaint nthe S.caul raEdIFI ,od becausre the gravel tax proponai- 1 oebler -,as elected to, the office. b-; ria et caebosan ter, bein toM )f given hie entire approval of any county Clerk, but hadle ft themt at, to watt while he went lntoe another and the village of Deerield, in whià* ,ion appeared onthsaeblowthrciig5voetebbetumr the saied The was roI i le lo-, he ightý 'ld disposition of the case that might home. Thus tite as hownm toe aoomfrchne-nsedhecle $500daae.aeakdse thie loc:aloption question. the other twelve receiving 45 ailltold dhe ried the m atteilt be considered proper, finally ad- fScially designated as commthe pn> oicanethestagr ho aelate5Thurdayate rnoon ad th4 Thce petitioners aisked that the CasKirl reciving the large-t rumber. he toul soeon the i to Rld mitting to hie friends that for 20 and was entitled toa aseat. However,theisoname asdthFreBnder wof avalle ns tredthe wrk of ndtem town clerk of Avon be instructed to bie receiving 10 votes Following la the liantmuenc . another witness. tonding yeare he had tried to ald his somebody made a motion that no bi age bu as arBudrsted ad ak-winesstethwo ineseofor 40-g Laring the ballots lnto county clerk ireelt of thie vote onthe 1w(i ticketo. being called to the ouse a lh brteanevrnmgdal a qeto b asdonete Bre ntoteNrt hcg ji.fns eehar eoe ol 0 vn thtacmit av sse d independent People's yugLhano h o. r but that it appeared fruitless. orMeyer and that both be seated and eIta therdvopdtBuerthhadcgojour fned f oar dybTefe lnote ae and the varions points at Fissue se,.were two or three other witnesses. "esamnc otecmu-they were. However, as Barren'saIlpass voed Mxia BllondeM aket utevefraltessy.e oen e tail threshed ont thoroughly. The case FrTute n 14The witneses testinied thatt whIle itye'andmenisacemig hy godmuthing nm a o ntels ftoe edsre nSna n i ucssdrn h a oa n ti ,oa& Lnset forheringbeor Judget er. eýla 11 71 2()2 bytn hot h mlf lienited his fa. he la held in jali before ho killed by Clerk Morse as having been certi- caused hito return to town and try t will takreountil the flrnt part oftBut sosi onycuto pi 2a .Cret 18 70 -197 te a e fired the hot. s omebody," naad one prominent fled by County Clerk Hendee and as to get rid of some more of the worth- week to complete the CaM 1e o'clock ln the morning. At that theoha nt r e .reuideant of Zèon. Meyer's was ln the list, it lissseen Tepanifswtesstsi Mme It will lbe decided whether or A C.rMrray ... ..105 64; 171 .Coroner J. L. Taylor of Libertyville We rhrŸlv,"oaccount" ;that, h'adBarren not been permitted lel currene ec h astke o Theta he limehl propterstywst Wt not ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a thEletonsoudbehldileea cledt FxLaeimeiaeybrother of Overseer Wilbur Glenn to vote the result would have been jAtland placed in t el romheof uptoe $13,000, oert00,befr-tW gaaan an d. aw nfocemntiftrytetictisofthesho did.rt fora, etWeidtosionCit thsene hor fo Wesaln.te frstba-atedNrthChiagostrng ous. o S.uPulaailoadputa sbwa i Give ManyNams. For Trudtees Mon Womnen Total impanelled a Jury at once and setlVmo&rning abouteoclc, ualloot o a amtedBrenwsseciaNgrdh wiaostpacon hibou and ontfit utta tevauPeh ln support of their contention that C. F. Smale, Jr i171 372 about looking up the evidence in the having acoueit1o'ton frm hicaotforTtWeiss' htdBrrnwu;se was guept as tepeaed p isotner roenrwt now is nothv » ,0e m9e may epl or llowed to vote id. W. 1. C ollins -. 19. 6 M-8-'til8 case. . ,,Colé lin h n r t begoWedissHowTt Was Done.0. Wita h aeaepiotrpet newset MUor th1feset-M many people hadl no legal right to do R. F. Wrighlt .222 190 412j At 3:30 p. m.Fdaafenothatrbeg on a 'spree, ehostartd n ScetriMre th ommtteIE kept in theCel rooM. 00 insofrtedtMtd 'othe pet tioners give the names of o ek 21', Att orLae aut hotis alled up SatestFInOT.-r -G. mpseyesof the Zi. read the call and read the list of com- about 12x1ig nches which runs along worth more than $5.A00 or 30,000an0" everal of these voters. J rp - ·"Atre aywowstyn aeo oe(eebtebgheIin mitteemen, as follows- that it ls worth just as much now aM 1 somewhom niciruitncurt, adraskd himto goZi-WAUKEGAN. (Continued on page three.) It ever was. ýere a tesname a uld not have, FREEDx FReM FOR. t "la.nde hos an tec©nt-L.rA HuttO%--- --wThe plaint sho tced t h W valon Chratchlc ton raIt thscnR affr and a shoutawhr el roode Pcc -e W"s FA L FROM AY of®gs°ti:rentatre 111,a b ,sAnd ntnaturalized. , o ae,,bERsLKE C U fY un d ta sh t, dthr e o , he o . r. ..t goe h h. foe Precinct6-WMx ad. essThoerwtnesselforte d efn se ta y M Chri Joh ha nNot a nes r te re Iwere certaisange s o f e t outeble rkB nj mn w ee . Precinet 7- M. P. Dilgr c.F L X R Yotrest sed th e a a ferwas m d e to oa ter.eT HatR Dae succeed edt hin tcaringeshaves ea dight ofC Ostepsdrlead rpolterthn oa s i m i g o n - N t .i t z nc a s e h e w is e d t o In v e s t ig a t e , S w e e n e y sua t e r ed d wn t h e g ý P r e c in t - M . P 9 B l O M Y C A S e i mi e h p r a op e r b t t h t ot e o P Bessie Wahburn----ow reside in Fathe Reportedhoot ng. hall and uptairs shouting for help. Precinct 9--Theo. Meyer. rfsd h aei en otse (1bicago. ~~~~~~The elder Lehmann was employed FOURTH-He rushed behind the Precinct 10--Recktenwald. bitt DÂT erlye.Thcael in01t« Mary Sisson-Husband a residlent Wife of Rev. Columbus Good- as a carpenter and general utility desk to ,otit the cash dawe, but Tt Precinct 11--Chas. Crapo. itry OWsc onin Ol tempodr sonGets Decree Fonlowing hahabeenliv1gena lit'le cotitage han just been emptied previously by e,tn 2°Dgh .CrsJpoEpoe ttewueaArt resident of Avon. ensational pisodes. near the asherehif thele. beoseph. cure in the afde ne ws Benton 3---A. T.hurges. 0kodam -teEwr liel$600dmg olive Coleman-Resident of Cook Lehmann and bs w f ad h f t iFlntH-hen he ngh wtcma Nwor--Ths.Stan.tock reFNa y aews euedi orCi 0 county. The Rev. Columbus Polk Goodson, drelfrsm tm ot roftehtlrsedit h c ne Antioh1-ATiff Sany. " ti onn fe aigbe Ied., up to February 26, 1916. teran church of Highland Park aandAbu1*0oIo' rdyat-Vl ind ed a coup of s hver nlisGanth-Ceo. Koeth. .Fo eetidct0ste E liza b e th a n d M a r y C h a r d - - B t h c e n tra l fig u r e a s t D e c e m b e r in a s n . n o o n th e e r- L h m - n n r a o th e a d f j u st t o um a ke i f e el e x cte d .M I ' La k e il- G e o . A . B ss. pl o y of J . H a yl , a w ha o r o w n s th e O a km- n yuu eillo all u tb e i b y l a t bt M vt into samne booth to vote. a sational episode ait Lima, Ohio, has hotel c db a e fergigtruhteabove ex. Avon-R.W.Cuci-wodtckfrthemlewetf Glads Kik--Hsban nota cii- en divoredlibytMrs. Bherha ren antd cie.ut tha hiseonlehad c cIting steps, the brothler of Zion's gen- Warren-Leo PFenion. Prairie View, fell fromtea hay Mo0 nn11aecotm!sneyey Gooso. Se s te aughe o Iesucd.evrlpoeueeal verseer teft the hotel. in haste! Shields 1-Thos. Douglas. and through the trap door on the sec- fhictasie oln. Anuber"et«> Chrls i-Notacze. gRle.t. WYu hpan h outheLehmann cottge nd oadsartddonstet.IohemalSied -FredDanils. dforo-teb nMndyngt esesfor Blemebl took the an Jan Vaey-Livs a Wacona. elit. ouniIJhmanollngneapooo tme hiehPolceWaler adbee SSheldl3-0. .3Gsa.andsufere inuris wichmayri.dststiiedtha th plintfsanW Mary Stronik---Couldn't see ballot Mrs. Goodson basedt her suit on the blood on the floor. Dr. Schaeffer was cledadwithl Special Odficer Chris. Shields 4--Niel Campbell- suit in his death. arthbeen amaed t o the t andjuge efse tohep lersosh chrg ofgrssnegec, akig obum amon forateyse. tokCovingoh rseoard the ho-- Libertyville 1-J. B ore(secre- It is saidtauesrcfn i mntosnd fdlasb h vted blindly. reference to the Lima Incident which btam enfothpysntoeexpecting to find the dead and tary of committee past year)· head, and Dr. A. E. Brown, superin-f o tu ndfon of hi lace ofl oBessie Rtagsdale--Lives in Cook resulted in the pastor being 3umnmar- seel that the wound would prove fa-, ea mie nasds He was told Libertyville 2--Dr. J. L. Taylor, tendent of the Ig}ke County General construtiobynfr'the .otfapilrsod county. o gly aapIlL remove fro hi pulitln the ta.Hbdvodhiite tion thnh which way Voliva. had gone and he Cuba--Miles Lamey. hospital, confirma the report that the asubay iy thwe Stiena t Sara Ott-Votd fo grael a Oie tareytecihuchwithafi apply inÛ g toratives inthe hoe started after im, running across him Ela-Ei ik.Young farcihand ls suffering fromt a T ibefr etoeer when she Intended to vote "no" nwann t lev0hect1wtinfv tevtthat hebe rd eiv to the en route to the depot. Walker shoult- Fremont-Aug. Wortz. fractured skull, and that- he was In- impobeh orpey e thefnt & locl pto uet mereasonrst ecme , 95 was sm-ho ng took place, and who his at bov ethi had. frngal y gotoh s WestDenon dSmHucino.jured internally. ofPrire ielw s nrance einmadenessaya B MaryOtto ~~moned to appear before the board, of sailant was if a murderous attack had thow upbis hafns, wtheruponWCov- Deerleld -E .Gal alDrto theBaker od irta.en.eo te eene et ena ad Getrud LaneNot n trstee. AfDavit conainig thetake plae. Te effrtAws ony inton pacedhim n arest. e wa Deeneld2--A.J.lWlsh-aendthetijuret man ande recm. Wines athytconiderd th val