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Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Apr 1916, p. 13

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A -wF12. o.nTmTmv ThTTinn'DTMU" PIIDAV APIL .916.1( Pt~ge PWS MA g itet polleua cÏWlnhipeaking witb jspealingwith a Sun reporter One uOfg jand yaung peuple "a toxs~ hi e en e t 4 M DT M ' a u rprtr theIinumber sald. 'Attorneys tell Is'ua XLÀESC0L ta bie given much credit for their et. 1With the flning of a bllnd plg keep- that t would lie a waste of litre and Oi ANS À forts. while th, directSorso theét i .1- DETEcTIVESun SAYS e .Monday, thdaoime bl * W h te telsest, uf U i n go RwcÀM W Sf air, MisselFlorence O'Boyle. teacher waum dau aaw.m.V they have wlped out the lai tlind plg iIls y down aour Il lus and alili 0 the prlmary grades, Miss Rusth - inteety. They can htte a catrda-J ln winaukegan t te Mab, of*li I E.,b tewshsoo te nki'p ribenyDEI.TF LEVO'Boyle and Misa Sophla rsm With the 1heocrats LVolvaites ( baving I tredal T E POLICE CIF aDEL16HTrohFUtLté sae ii mont with ut a content, the township election recently and lnWuea fe a andacord. Xvery Blokee isbe u.aet ccnrtltdo hi Ta - - ng ta reports, ane or two diuiggists cesSfuL.ýn lea.,Ing lis store. it Is sal<l. luccess. th iy e?t Tedyof h wee, peope who have are planning ta tale int<io,iiing I "'Tw Waukegan saloorikvepprs are go- nelrainngviii.leii had their doubt8asnto Voliva"s absolute control of the Says Policemen in Çjtyls Em- <uors out uf their stucks.vhs ng ltthr ae or our nt ien o gunplis of li Fox Lake hithe s-sltdWrdmImotn iea t poyCa Bin toJutie he A week tfram Saturday ili! l I'sa,an threooiusnte hta gu. b af numFxbaer u ho og peuple of ThécheImpesternst Re re h situation in Zion have another gueu ý»ming. -It looks as pIllCneBisatoJusicethea te slo uies luopTheCOblaa.tawestearne.Loireate un ln ebr. lons ut Wa4kegan close, andnee, sa 'Caee I ilni g e vllagme at the seougI fCol tose r1Nea Té ves Grunnein rand if the'unlted opposition whlch existèd agaluat hlm for! B n-Pig Keees iedi ia h aoi il' Oelusee e lnigt oe h ilaea h cho o i ______aIil o'clock that nigbt. .andîj hat Itue i p a lothlng store, and anuther Nv.Tervr unn ot.a noetime in thTe p "z"al arena aise n aahed toa'a daimts that lie wlll up)en a restaurant day evenine. Alîrîl 14, î,rovid tii lie the Mssissippi. La Plats. Rhone, Vol. SO ~ in pollca hs ee opr ietors wIll b.omeal liat lurveon Washington street. lune uf the big silccesses out he ses-t ga and Indus, are more important, as 1 it where hix oppoiienta hi6ve aMtally had the pep ta.- NOT TO CONTEST ELECTIONj u i hircsoesaita or One saloonkeetier lias announced soit The tirimiary roojo was ela)o- well ast thase whlch pracced te the en out of teemett theeit1at t.hey re alnost 'wlling, The police do net propîse ta give hig intentions of openlng a fruit. ratelY decoraied witli pUiple and golîl uorth. as thse Rhine. Vintula, Nilo. tô let h4 walk a wwth the honofs .wit.hout a real scrap Saloonkeepers SyThe h1aonepr oeiiîiî tcud n ul ae toe l ic tissue pliper iirung frein the -walls lrtlsh. Lena and Tennessee. away Sa~~~~~~~~~~hy Wilgae h re a ei iîoIsm building lie lias occuffled for tsel sud the ilghts, andl on thse stage, when________ being pmt up against hlm. Ai deb h ihso for the utgbt policemen tii('lose ail past Iliree years. the curtalu rose was disclosed l OCsa 0 od -+ _________ -Aid1y h Wesc saloons at Il o'clack Sharp ou the an tseuifrnKdroiwlinls aie G. go Deerfield, the onlydlflage to vote to see whether its the Majority. nlght ut the 29th. Wauiegatii 'les nt Sion flirnitîîre, veiset rugs, etc. A FlIjlan cannibale worstslp a god become dry teritory unlîl iiiidnight rOwof ut ilhit ouillghts gave tie Irueo named Mata Walo. who bas elght pepewne h ilg ea e owtrnâti er'the îtb, but Inasmucb asethe :;îîlh is Society. theatrical eltect. stomache, and le5 alwaysl eating. voted by a good inajority to romain dryl WeUl, thàaffis*jB (tlzens uof aukegan to lire liv te-thé keys ln tise lodks af ihelr doors laTePorm hchcnitdo ,r that they're satlulied therp, for It'a admitteil that a Btrent- detoctîves ta keep ouI bliud-pigs strfor thé aIIu o audynlght. to epewn ars o t excellent numbers. drills, songs, reci- CitY'aOaIfuIt eI1bas been sald thal île saloon- whether or not there lsauybody they bâtions and sketches. was sîitendiluly Bueuénos Aires ia the largIetet l1%i ou ihtw4pu y h et nboe f rturning theo Msy i. We eau and willltalA rare «"1 keepers were planning ta iiiack the know Inside. rendereand sudsliwed Ithe result .uftlb. wrld bouth ut thée eluator. saloons to that .However. Deerfield wets aren't huaI uuster," sald Thos. Tyrrell, ý3 validity ofthtis lent elecitiii. but lu' 40 much akîlîttîl trsining. The chlldren ini such a bad way so far au peonal accommodations go, 1 for Shermerville, iniCook countl just a mile or s.p south j of Deerfield, la *et as a. river and dry Deerfield merely makea it a littie more inconvenlent to those who want liquld refresbment.a.. The taik now is to start an agi-' tation to make Bhermerville dry. It looked today'as ifte crisis between the United States and Germany has reached its most acute state and that diplona.tlc relations between the two countries 'Ill surely be severed before long. If that is the case thon notes wifl be of no more avail in future than they have in thca n.....a c.n.e . ~ ----.st andug Pwue4Aosit Wiloan Ande'vote his time to goO-: hEASTER APPÂREL NEWS FOR WOMIEN N Jug after the situation in a determined manner rather than~L writing Jettera. It ia unfortunate indeed if this country is drawn into the European conflict and nxany believe Iti novr lJ be, but we're right now on the verge of it closer t#an at auy previous time, for if we are ta romain a worldl ! power, oeur citisens must ho given that protection which lai goes with a nation whieh is prosuined ta be one of the pow- L il er-s, a vrotection which tliey have had since the big war 1)J .îtarted. St U 'KIDDIN4i ON WIRE E (Contrîbutedl) Estelle Heértel was hum in HIl il, e 1 B IRESOO W LL IHDay. Lake coîîty, Ilinos, Mach 3, HERESOONWILLBE 191Mand'iZ earlit I;e muirnîl e a Li TlIN 0 PSTAngeles, laI.. April 12, 19uI, ai tei Estelle was iie îhird chîld of lii- ius C. sud Mlîtu' Hertel, slîo with Pl i h l amily moved from liaIt Day ~ Supevisr I Beng istaiedthrce years ago, locatiug tirstInlu'los Here Who WilI Check Up on \'eges.Nea;hâr settling lu Bell-j Ail Phone Operators. Lin wltiIlW Rap roey1lm Site l"evs ii mouru b er untîmely COMA ATER SEVI enéd, parents. one brother, three sils- AI COM ANYAFTR SRVIE.lers. a graudmotber here. sud a huaIs I of other relatives and trîcudo InLulake Beieves That Best Way to Se- ChItaso rltvsltsdna cure This Is ta Keep Oper- Thtedeceased cameplu lier deaili as A thie resuit of a tumnorous growlb in ators Busy Ail the Time. th chad. One report was that spinal of~ ý eigtsdevptolîcul. however, the Wauk-7--n. Alîrîl 14,. was an intense zufferer q In s constant effort lu improve thé NùMure, iii'ug turuiie cu I li liii hne serIce. (harlesFord. is-, lier mein.ý,ry th tîuullu....anî us trie manager of thé Chiscago 'rele -ru o f 0 tpraý'.e ;iifi luve bron1 sevie.CaresFud rs-A îuhruîuu Crompany, lias bit upon a pla:u S~isloil smtiul ha 1r Sh gl vwhleî i us leing pull mb oelet Ihrough iii udalh. hI rglu it i u'ru J h4 district. inriuding Waukegan asu:, :îl 'ày 1- lo.on ii l1rltaM I Loke Forest, wlieréhy a buerîlior .Ior i1.an hi-piliz wll kepp an accurate check on al 5ia:i'uu ii ' i i e lreterton swulllboard olirsbors Iluthbbc l; net nVwlte hlrnLo ctitilî. At the présent ime Ibere 13 rrianud wu ' taltu uit thé vanar higi a s u p r v is o r w h o l o o k s a l e r th e s 'tii h e a r i < un uur t - îl o l î u î . h l t worî of thé operators but under te'hé eý,o fiv hci ar li new 1 lait Itwil keéi ari' cviicloser crus auud jtjjope.. tuujtrouie aîd go, cheuck. and l merciiv,,in lu tuewillier li i lotowî tîg are nome oftti ngalniaiesca rulilYli a tutrs !h ' lc thu the sulpervicor will look lteir: Ii inldss el"titu writh'r wil SIi 1 sec that orerators du sayw'e luI. anud 1tta V nul ent e r imb conlroversilutwth luiru'au,uI haiu:lyin 10thï (ot tehlone patrons. hht.lirMsi.' Z- Bbc willl au-cthât operatore du a dtidlieruis. naaY epLep Irte tut spend a part oftbtelr limuesasylus uing luise aud urare uitfIlm h ot -aweet nothinga" to young men wjiuaIlIhuigi well.And tolue x have nu bélIer vwaY 10 spend their tend our heartelt symi. u ndlov. A FORMER N 'IBORIl --h htve that operaturs abîde - strletly )yt libe code ut terma laid Lest Thon iHuman. duwn by thé Comupany. Tom. thé country sIx-ya-lpe no4llu ntéwr ht elpoeta i sa tt tS will scee ihat opérators dc ileutiug himseif one day Ineenmr Ih l isla onth ewiteu srtelren hnbsuulsaeo tadpri- lia5IoiSý are taîking. rder. was aaked by hiemtrIfh The iasoual observer miulit thînit*udul I uh tasî. for thé supervivor, lbut undél' thé aud always bls ie sud cdean lu white arrangemuenî t Il l nul Uc so dîficult îits aud tâhies sud tuekings. Tom Tlhe- superviser will baie a ruum b> însweréd scornuuiy; They'ré nul href. In front ut ber will hé an -lidren; theyre péts."- Harperas a1paratw.i wlircby s au agel lâite onthly. comtmuniucation ait wlll wltis tise ______ iiwlthluoard iu front of any operator Loora Like IL. This willceiaille ber 10 tell wietli wmnsipy ee ta an oluratur t; llstenlng on théeo Bre oe smyoent g It aiso wll show whethér tise opérat- awny for a change of clothe-IoI&S ors are abîdîng by thé rules with ré vIUé d otiiier-Jour'ial. uard lu reptylng to patrons only IiD- thé stéréoiypéd phrases prescrlbed Beta the Soismograph. tîy thé Compuany. Kartisquakes cause alectrius waes, Naturally it wilt nt hé possible far and an Italian Scipittist bas luvcnted the vîpervîsor ta lsten Ou ailhUes apparat«s wbicb bas registered lhémv at onc e but au opratul' névét wili séveral itinuates beforé séismugruiphu lug oui ler partîcular hune snd tiseM frar that she maY lhé on thé liué t qomi" partîcular lime will prevent de- The Lest Straw. relîcton lu observing tise raIes. InI thé horrors of a siège. womcn Escli ut thé swtchltoard operators wbu bave viewed. brave-eyed. men la thdroughly conversant wlth, ail thée ucés eo~ ierfcshv éumpany rules. JilaI sald thatIor an been knawn tu break dos-n aI thé operatur ilu lisîcu uon thé wlré or to sight o! a wrecked canary cage.-WI- engage lu conversation for anytiing Uira . Lcov-ka in "Idole." oside ftram business willlmeart ber dismisal. To use a wrong phrase probally will restiattlu only s curtain War Prayer. lecture thé tirsI or second lime, If o Lord, islli us ta teair thé soldierhi rcéeated 111le sald that dismîssal wlll _» the tue ta bloody ubreda wiîh aur > tollaw.belelunt oe hramig Tise eompsny does nul wlsb lu béela. eu acvrteraii arilrary, but feels that patrons will ie* wth the pale forme o! their gel? better service If operators pa patrioit dea"; belp us tu, lay wsatt attention ta business every minute théit' humble homes wtb a lrrrlcané théy are on duty. of fire;; help un t10 wrlng thé hearta ________________ ou their affendng widows wth un- opimîsia Thught. availinI grief. Blaet their apés, bligisi Troî lemulis e w. te f their liveas, vWér thelr way w biltli eir dont. teara.-Mai'k Twaliâ. Imm Ilandkerchiefs At 25c-pîîre lîîîî îîhai'lkerciîiefs 3 ith îîeal cohîred eînhî.ole-ccr ner. Iide anti uar row heniîs. At 25c-tlhe îuw crepe dec hiîu-ý ili îl i" t N.v<-tuine andît solid color efféets. New Skirts at 4.98 1% a noteworthy selling for fine high grade black taffeta models verv 111 icîthioibe skirît tut' îîtlfgt kiîid ilS and tl xvi' nTg (wNithîîî reaeh <of til hy this np e-i.iIofferiiug. uch. SkirtsWouldCoât S more if bought today tv( t anît dîîplîeatc this of- vrillg, tluat w-c k îîîw. fTie titi-ta is of excellent qulai- v. Select eariv. 'enty of All Styles ln the Finest S11k Gloves Kt 5c-short silk gioves - ith black tir w'hite, or-, conÙ- îast stiteluh avks. At $l-Milaîesî' silk giores of cbo leiîgtlî. Black, white or 'coloi.s. à spiitîdi<l quality. At 58C-iitre ilaîicsesiik -lox-es of elhow h'îigthi i a orge ranîge of beauîtiftîlvol- lrs. Regulai-Ir $1 and $l.5<) î-î,ken fines. NeIw Sllk-lop Union SURlS at $1 Auî innîovatîionîail xvîîliein t-ii accept eageî-ly. Finîe dih Nhit( cottoîî bodrv. Extra sizes at $1.25. A.t 25c-swiss ri»'uests; bîw îî.îk; tileeveless. Extra sizes ý9e. . I A Notable Week-End Offering: Charming Easter Hats This is a l)ti)ulat' pj.jieauîd we've doncît' x-iiîilers ti uuakt' the selection here the rnost iîiu-hnr and attraeti'-e to be seen axîywherc'. AIl sliapeï i the niish eoll<rs andi new trimniing îtt't. -Our $1 Silk Stockings ie bs value e, au possibiy gel for lte prc.Pure tliread silk. Mtîy coloreansd stripés. catrtops; Wil rciutoreed. An EceptionaI Offerlng of i ~IIITQ~This group of .EASTER SUT uits has been s1assemb1ed from $25 £5higher priced limes and repre- t sents the acme of i r4J vaiuc-giving ini Easterî stîits. A wonîderftîi - --~ range of styies, of course, îs represeflte(l in the newest ereatioîîs. - Each suit an exclutsiNve niodel from the unaker j of our highiest grade j garments. TU.-afQtm ri, oreàad th a( fin t-i -Attractive [aster Selec- tions of Children 's Wear Tlil., lui hie store for the klddles. We hiavé wonu lir eur eis. for they wéll know ttuat olîr stocks are as caréfuily selectoit as t hose for the grownuOpa. rIew Coats, 2.98 to 8.00 A big selectlon jut unpacked. The newevt sliÉde.i sud checks. tniqube pmodeis, al izes. Lawn Dresses 98c to $6 ýspecially clever white dresses lu a Extra ..Just Arrived:-*- Chic Neckwear for Ea 6* 6 Jack lar" At 50c-beautifuil lace and organdie vses ~ D essH r litries. At 59-the kiiid of collars thait seli t a-cus niddy dcc s aril hs itore only. Sec the new modela lu plain immiliv. -(&leoigette w-ith Venise lacte triUiu4. Fiat tir~ roif styles. At $1.50 to $2.50 hà t-efn i)ruideretl georgette anid net vestees, iii aI varu et 0' niew lnovel styles. E-aster Ribbons A t 16c --a 'verî- 'speîî.i prîce for ail sZlk 11(V - vItv ribhbonîs iii îew strîpe and floral d msigis. At 25c-the hi st qualit5 of taffeta ribhon we cver offe I ((l ut tisiîi ) ce. h neh. Ail eolo s. New Dresses at 47 that are actually wprth up to,$20 arc offered for Mue Week-end aWol fab r Ica - A low-pri.cttgroup tif ex- eh newest cobrs qiusitt' silk frockin5 - his attr-active tuffernîg îîuisses and women. reaiiy thte îîîost imi- Taffetas in changeable, fan- ortant selling of stîits cy and plain colors; crepe,. e liave iia(l this sprîng îîîeteor, georgette and corn- fl is esi)evially so i)t- bination effeets. The lcadiîig tI1se it coulles at the shades in each. Ile îîîîîst wvoîîîeîî en- Styles fashioned after lîigh. ýavol- to hart' their vost models and tt be seen î,i'lîg sîîits. Select lîcre t)nly. tri ', ytiî Thîîrsday .ît lîtivtrs, and get tht,--he Newest Novelties 'îieit of the fuit range in Easter Footwear fot-e the crow'ds coinC. At $4 and $5 wç are showing ow buys the best the most beautifîîl ini the ults ever offcred light color shoes, including at the price chaflpaign, îvoi.y, raze and white kii Button or lace. Special for Week-End:.-- ISPORT COATS, 5.00, ln be.utlful smnart mod- el o'of new fabrlcs (lolfinv anti all-wool serges inî the pptilat eolors; also tiîecks inî nord ddesignîs. ('uats hought at ailn c')ihl ally ltw' prive fî-tîn a New 'York ikr -o inîakes the stuaî'ttst hile O11 the umarket. $5for coats act- $5 Ual y wort0 up 0111- gencèalfine of' spîort coats is the larg- est 'and Most varied ti) he seen anyw'here here- abouts. Exclusive styleà froin the hest Eastern manufactureî's. Style cî'iticî prediet great fa- ror for the sport coat. n et & w u dès Eh ef oi Prices rangé,èf rom 3.98 Up to $201j c-ý

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