Plain colored talfttB, su moires -SUail the ,dealred simds; 910-falecy sth'Pad ad plaid rifibùns,-Wiiiê ldtWhs ri hirboW, e, 36d qualitl, Yard" 26é. liftaJ ~ con pîensb*ev -vcvwut * tS 'Nklu i"hpeq4 stylas ahd ce orliigs tvo large Mt*.opeIO4 aiK,50 SOad 7&p, per box, 1e j id b~sau- I j pI~xion, ~ Pow~r Moiiya; I h stat'd Attornaey IR- J. iady d probablY viii enOre theaâ. çê7 onnty te &id lu the prcos- or WilliamH.rpt bgd - !ï04 - g»CbIoSlluseIS Ilady lu the procacuor- lieritsai Isa'Lameragi* out atterto e eke ty Dute tu. th rget oilat ne'è et aur tUthle 4s11ghtc?, *6 lamihuts wrôte, J4An cul wq it va wow uia-ldW engag 1 W=arte vitIs $te# At pad ln dluana tQu d«Ugh «Y ad ciaratO. u bomt*4tedthc e 1kaU5.e Isa e VM 00O im- mmaqwmd tut states m- a fe Uo rr voeu, a dm tid.te *olaa xtse1o là -t"*M« Uciate. 'lemu0 xwl ML1 td. -la pui a14à Wla thse proffaiiIi so Our Bý the quuber r fflam et 0i be e selsar ole of awRIbk" dpar[av bus svludled laie cOUnIt ldim that tuis Mau bi lustaces ta coll enti fda e"d oelsali Pau a4st ~ Ucgis la =tisektchetis iisebant tbay cdaim. palOIl- i$ tg reclve 1,500 ot the Mma ogid 1t have collected nases et t.or ur gracers lu Wanke- are m Mpbera Wovia ctiM ~ eéao e4I ta ike tIse meni et i Mgbud Park h&-ve bw 4the policetai tIsa et le iý elaim tIsAitiey il lb.aile a*ohm es se agalasith *0 amrsiia ite on Hlghiand trc«r had complmjad t tIse MILK WAR 18 ON. la»na# lfr>is ee oe r iai bothar te drIve te Qur- r -te botheç »ta ie Up tbeir eau MD1 ta Chicgo. payag the et thereforl $bah likea acaaaoftrying ta pp. Ui Waukegan deaers sad 1 mie opposa ILT. lhe- censDumer th* prIce 4 the and for likaly retait prica vould ha ralsed and *le abboltîtne rean for such ~oMsm ne ore' ta praduce WM04 N.~ tf¶Pr etar hadiapi om, te Waukgai of ti. I G. urue ta >the ratiroad, 1 r lave ta tad tie fcigt Xe& oC 18 cocaie an a' why shauld 0«t te aut tam ~i tu. tiael ,- Scaiaroprasenasd lu the k* .* e#Wg s a dam r ýAMm ka141.2 beae footËéàr are vgpreseted ini the styles comprisig Our extensive assortment8. - iligh top boots in lace and buttôn; serviceable leathers, confortablé in fit.- Thece aére e0me of the Colora: - Peari Grey -Bisquie -3,f 't -Field Mouse -Nigre Brown -SiyIlc -ÂmGrey -Whitecul 1é Oupe of fashiQni's neW-es.t and snîart- est sylee. Designed of excellent qujallty white kdpa oiidu vamp;Lis leather epvered heel; al sime, $5.50. Twoetn M enting f asinslts tls awi the season'5 bcst ?a*TI 811kprooka. -O'o leteor Prockâ i;tyicea ofboUl sIMPle aMd elibOl'te desitft; siiirred, gathareadand platad et- -=cin uy with cleevas of GeorgattO cp.aIeffilar ofai eu; ab-e have ttcheofs isver and gold embroiderY. LA Colme are navy, copanhagan. Joffre bine, -pdrose, grey, green aidblack; spactal- 17 pricad I 10.00 and $16-60. -Other, roaiskable vaus bsIkfuockasSud g0WUa t Smà& M.00ý$27.5 anup . il w Scores of women in hike Countty are\ý going to choose thei r spring suit ronkthese two Splendid aasort- àinf of 1iigh-gradegarinents. Ànd every wuoinan wIlll be delighted with ber' purchase,m because of the hand- monic style àhù Iv~ seeure and the price saving she In thie Âssortments You W) Find, -Suit& et Qabardme e -Tftw 81 ults -sisof Pif*~~w -Che* ftai Eaeh onlu wf t>,ie e iits 18 e mtodel et the veyy lat- est and nocst distinctive-design-noteworthy for- ts hué hppcaraice, excelltnt quality and supelior work- tËanebip?. Evoî'y.e and populiar colormng is.repro- 'îented. ,!ýd. - $peciaV.,at $4.95, Special $7.50 jModish sai . rs of fine ,.Lisere and, Milan Mila h.p; ~Is smrthats, chic and Fren- Ii~siin gm odeip eyi eig;lre edyimandsig; age disinti e n both ad aa hat$s mtvin>h trinim»ig;pes with genuinè shape andminni hair - braid cdging; ornawited with 'at- 7chaýniingly cînhel- traetve~owrS, f llihed with goura, ribon -ad ixls;wifgs, birds, and dany fower;cuc flon't 1ortiet the. New Soriïng ost A. P, inDlo? ied tiicorse- life riwho' are experte ln the ittitigetcarea.No eXtra charge la made for thîs service. SNew taffetfa silk ,pctticoatg of fasioîabl deigufull hi sweep and have plaiteq. flotunees; plain coIorý a,îîd .changeable effeets; No wdll dressed womnan 'will tliink, of wcaring lier ne-w tpting sui1t or frock wthoutJm.xig 5properly coi.%ted, - orý fashio)nable figure lino e o! firstt u- portanice. i iCorm-t figure Ues eau only be oh-:-, taincd by'..we4rung e scientMlicallyde-t The àmerîcan JLady Cure~ ýwilgivm outhose on , gralefuAl Unes'1whieh_, faghiîî bas ordulea ascorroetItWifl- gimf. ouasiothstraightbck a sien- dcr hp çcffct and uight Curve At tu e. waist. It. will givé you coreL tylf Tic A=eOl IMI Corsot le e leAZWYta e bec.augc t l l or sd i snb , s ldIY felaisa "d s %Ô gitnfnish. * , A Puices ................ Iitted pe tteiw \erous fiare; rude o! sBatéeeh in white aud 1> ,mith. eolored dots 8 adull $2OO vlues; Stunning spefig coats of attractive plaid chixichillas; convertible and .chin-chin I éoni-rs; fa' i fare and 'oýlvet I $14¶~5 Nobby coats for dise and spart ear -, desiçiad of f=ePO II' !hr dn s aadZ , golf m t =rla U. 111 colora .... ... .... AtGO3 aee d ppi inv»yited aad duble - ý eg cape A eectEt. eei'emodela etYltw i5 viôsshapes anduses; exeelloqtvalues at .95C. A daiuty blouse of eitlier silk, or cotton, eau ho, purehased, at this special sale ai a diecided, savxug. The .3Ulogos. .ut .9 ElBegant uew styleeheretofore soid for $250 and $3.00: Orme de chines, pussy- wwlow'silks, tuuBL ansd dalty lin- 511k blonsds f the mot chrmlng dealgu; Garet- ta crpea. crepa de blâs,, tub .1k..etc . mt- Th. o1 anvea Os....4 The qWf 'Yçj'than tee '~tI1' gars MaIl, lIse? art mi muE 10-., stop' I aid 81.10 5~.. M w- WaÏ nue tta à.qualtýy .11k bbe-tbe -WelS t- Phoenix- aad Ohyx a; Oebapedtia fit tIse sog~.-il rOiiiie- O~VES idyto Jo:. -I~r. s ;h~tud Anew asorwept of banud i ag for spe- cial selling.Attratvecaeso insa Icather-,,s M liied aa4 -lltted, Wilu tirjror an lcodu plîre;spia,$.0 - --4 , tl 77- ËWOW ý Uvqu. 1 q-ý' j.9 3,11