mye 10e4et lais- ' ou Snu showI yAu I.,mLb abl ou b* > Wh 4 i "n 151! 7001let1ter -Arat g o. a.$dh jett #tiku ,we s àmdWin~.l Ot' Mwd? - iýto t 9 Maiihwb I&ê 45 giQ-Wefl vos 'a lu£t ter.yo A.-(40t h*'l4VI'yI? . -lodotih . .têir4Bilai~-~fl4If h to u *O ibr'? ~ Votihfttldi~ e4lnk ..ot ti cmW u» % --udE btU oben? , dL., O.-41a vos he 4 s *t'wh ao ýgai; * iVlugg 1, k1p.yo fiecalit tak -voy e..-t -- fl-1*tyrIetoto 'a' ~1t~4 ~ ~ 7em étuditi lAne? A.? .. IbaToahh .bit h Q.-What other c ouhay*?1 -EA ilt gaibçore »" «ý tien ~u4 wt's ff44oaê foundegom Q£ lesàon, sudlçw te aàlcm t.wé cimed bethre 1 ýis question. wheu dd A-DUrint ro Say, "1ve bý id yen rece*« ýr, of the 2ffl# ion the 8un~ the hall 814 ewounid b1 at the Lmbert 'm sli ,. lIg th4t*fa1l November !8tO ber and a$ , ý ÇM, O * 'a.*1 V Usa Bau twe W Ce Stith e X. AMan Hafinéi an4 Othergs fhtol ýr With, a f1ew of Six Young- Baôhoe1or Mgmhlw. ~5* SI> bout qlpped o7w fl n W&y. A'n et' "bt t thm a"etwç 1fo' oonnectad a50- tV yab $a* tAQW ~ ~ u ~t , 14b q . Bu$ 1 a t ue Iu.OWia WUY -àt ha lo Wi*eëga" ll t» c tDgý opleof auI~epiirn~ ~I t~ day t1~e ootrnty' ~ 2xS 1 rxse sold bs* 4uIklo Ou, bV iW A.WUtd a Qt bb ut (sa1 liml -i 1. M r.CO cfý ï . I.Î - i