W« u lttaté l taV 3m. Î ta rmdai -r rite, obi.f and, 12 wlo 'me noa4 lW w0l, ie ba'e«Pea m Tho "I1 t Ir. gmiprteat put up by .veam and tii at? aiof ba.pottlflt1-flta m t4 ii beach Ubàb I "os to a bmb Imm,'w~ > App m-fl iwttbthe amanl t iii. Gom reier«k farm Wpointa, ver. domtterniby A ig theé r>d tcotînwhlcb w tk -~lediurng te 4u> molu, arouni tiie. tarm0f s w. vaes W4 'de x 7y whip of tbu20oOr =«ee ajWfflo bed hein starMi Is str agin~ , »M lun iavlflg-the -iwefllau tii plaue, but tva it OR k * stsnk #m the. burulag t, 15* thn f a the treea. a wned by 'md ent:, bit -"W lï1h4loft i W veauOU ~ h* b ta ,w 0 asacad t" i. bf. m. ertI¶ki t1. am mata 0 vu- rume. j &avla.d ot buob9 la IWObfttd rLion ta r«. g et. aite lot 8,.ý ;ttan ta kDi w!fe ÉýI ci 3 .Ai fdlm wathc Stb. au A. . OM -ale cf SOboil Uo.da 8M.00 TOW #ttmlIP PUNO . im 9Pt*iers' , nlaera-. w p . h efit e a n d bbo mr w d , m on - B alance . . . . . toàal .......... ..452S7.50 > na 0 a~~atDm T ~ or~ Ord»élancébu, Tot8i........ tiSon f Twif pi Pplilu 81.80 Mto~ flIa0t. oe. 10. 1 Ibereby Cortit! 4 h,% ai.W&tr. 1~t. ec.106.82 etatemDmntta true. le taBanç14Wa491.82boat of my iinowpdB ai, b6I Dubeeh, eda1, vantlê. a iwOto~ * 109.9 bba29tb dey oai sut. MU- aait nd BuliIlu,1900 ~....... 341.14 M YV* ~trt itodu *110.00 Ntl Bogeo . ......da 134000 Dive 4~3C Groen Stwp. au admi i; exlcellent ,nd 25c. 'faney taffeta rtb- , averztgug .5 inebe*i pýjfnlt lifle of color- i.per yard Dec. 'k .ee~l1 el frQm our large and wefla*t ;ê mot OlY styli1& au~ S g4eononmy becau8e N $ ,~ a. t~ ti 4. 'i .4-. -a' Three ir ,aréwes. Aiýü. 'aieof good- serv'. ec orfelk"cet-t;Bplend Uy ' 'sh -the e ippearaflee nt EinnÔUfleel aýe Ab 4t-iI ~sfor somo- Candidate f ir Nomliuatl@U éà Frem l th t. the otative of the - mot aUthentic moêes ýen with thé9e ladiscr'minatingàdré this tre 'S garments..., f13, 1916 -~ I. .,.,~ .,', r'- a9 1: amniUtrao 0- Bws it at iTwm= .- a s ta Onat, pair, ..