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Libertyville Independent, 14 Sep 1916, p. 5

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LO MIFYVLLE JDiEP ENDUNT, THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 144916. TO BJY- flw1$ IN -cimle to flmy It! EVERYTHING IN 1( Ws of Mill Work Better Fix Your Coal Bim! W. $al COke, CoulWood and Kindfijai o Red Cxrnai'-otiîry Fee!' D.vu by * Ot MPh.Sm B... 20 YMas Phone 47L A. Bishop> Mgr. m 0 l m l à 0 a u.m------ de-------------------f' Now, la The -Tiime To have your heating Plant installed Wmntez will moon b. bere! Prices wifl b. higher this winter. We tll "d instai Jlmerkcam Radiators and JIrco Bolîîrs STEAM OR HOT WATER RICHARDSON AND BOYNTON HOT AIR FURNACES CAN Dm ucwmlaiZDIOU) OR NEW HOWES ESTIMSCHEERFULLY .FURNIHED He Be EGER 1 A TELEPHONE caUl paves the way for tablishes your idenfity in advance, which is an advantage. It enables you to arrange for a deinite appointrncnt, thus avoiding thie possibility of a long waitin the outçr office. The practioe of making appointments i ad. vance by Local or Long Distance telephoüe keeps your achedule ofbualem ah smoothly at ail urnes. ~% Chicago Telephone Compaay A. R. Andmws, Manag IWiitoîtAutomobileFire Fme ukuwt g. Ubertyville. IIi. mv ' - i poht .fel iw. "'I am proud 10 uat. reimarkad lhe ___ arty iviticth nuabaiusrel alr,"liaI 1 vas baver Intozicatod ta My s. T"ilt sriasm%, 'sb." raj»t"4 tatb.?r am ebo Mhan i« . If You Have News of Local1 Interest Call Phone No. 1 C. l0. ChinnaifAuttocs, W&%as a nsitor ber. unuduy. DIr. Jamiéon ai Miliburn transa-ted bustinesi boe.Monday. Mise Myrtie Field 0i Chiago, ipent Bnnday boe witb friende. Mirs. Oven Bachard of .8t. Paul, i. vieitiug at the. home 0f W m, Wells. Mise Von Suesemilcis lof1t s vsek for s tw.> veeke s'ii srelatives lu Wisconsijs. Forest Smith dWfl W-ejd a lfor ljrbana, viies'ho vilEattend'tise.State Universit.. Mr@. L.' W. tiaber bas retnrued from Chicago, viere @ie "net a a-o.k vlth ber parents. Mir, sud trs..F. Il. TrIpp spent Satur- b&y sud $uaday at Davuer'. Grave viti relatives. Win. 1. Colline sud ismily bave moved 1.10 their novrbhome recentiy completed ou Coak avenue. Rogers Molleft and Jams. Fuller oi Wancancla. violted théir graudmother; lire. C. Md. Fuller Saturday. lIer. E. J. M . Nutter of Chicago. vaes tise guet of Rev. Edvard S. White and vle several deys Ibis veek. Seit Snnday viii be Rally Day lu St. Làwrence'. cburnh cco<il. Tiie ervice viii sturt piroMI)t!y at 9:45. Earry Taylor, a regiotered pbarma'--iot of Atloch, hma a. -epted a position lu F. B. LcveiliC'.; drug store. Mise Dorotby Doane oi Syeamore, le visltlng vwith ber ister, tMre,. I. Colline und famliy tbis weeek. Fred Mdordiioret and famsnud Walter Lytie and fumiiy ver. laton uat Autiach and tiie Lake regbo an st Sunday. tir. Miller and Mr. Wells are lu Spring- fieid and per.onally enjiervicîng the vork oi getting the.exhibts lu shape. tira. B. M. Taylor aud three cblidrn loft Tnesday ailernoon for an exteuded visit viti ber narental u Dnuviiio,licbh. lils Ma"y Jenkles. clerk in tihe posI- office, was colued ta ber home on accoant 0f sickneoss eeveral days Ibis week. The. Oas office ia cloied bie aiternoon on account ai the picuic abItlavia î.ark for tbe em cioyee of the North Sbore G"s Co. înday. lis,. T, E. Beans vas cafledtg G euoa, lDpKab Ce., FLU., lasI weeki.'rlday ta onaduet the funersi service of a former Miss Mams Meyer@, vho lt. lu train- ing at the W.eteide houp"ta, Cbicaga,1 wua ague st tahelhumnt A. A. Grsndy lai Thuruday. Bey. Carl A. Montanus vas là Chicago au Monday att.ndlng the. lu gieting of Chicago Presbytsry at tb.Soecond Pros. byterian choreb. tirs. Cara Lewis le11 Suuday for'h.t home ln Phladlphinltersf1.,spdiag s week wiii ber brotiers, James sud William Laycack. Mc.e. Howard WIILco o nuea>ois, arrived ber. lust veel for au sziseded viil viti ber otbe, lMr@. Ailes Prie. sud other relatives. Pastmaster Alleman and famlly enter- laneS tMr, sud tirs. Rmer Rogers sud @on Herbrt oi Madison, Wis., séveral days lait veek. tirs. Rager bosasigles' of Mc. Aliesuan. Miss.Tieres ansd Hazel (JouiS ef t Bnnday for twa veeka vscb.iou 10 Nev Liebon, Waussu, ElsuS sud Brilion, Wi., vising relatives before returuiug to vork at the Foulde Miiiug Co. Tise Lîb.rtjvile LodgeA. F. & A. M. enterlsinsd as umnber of lhe Waukegsn sud Beusenvilie ladgss at their meeting lent Saturday eveaing. Alter tb. meet- ing a nice.lunis vas serveS. 'th.ePàubyioctaa Ladie'Aid will-ioid an Sil day meeting aIt te cisurci Thuya. ds", Sept. 21. Picule lunch ai non. Al ineeter.sud friends ai. isquessed la attend*as tiers vill b. wock for ail. Th.e'A. V. Smith rsliî b.ld ait lie Auditorium an Mondui evsuieg vas lie bet osteuded meeting of the kind heid bore. The candidat'. r.msrks sduboo of lie oh., peaker. var. rspeatedly The. Nies.. Ene Buttorseid sud Fb,. staple. lait Monday noos for a, tvo v«eatsrip 10 Wasbngon, Baltimsore, Nosrfolk; W. Vigilanda .4otes' lle.. WbU a t Nofoik hbeyexpéeci o be ab#a tu vWtltb.bsttlseilpatns.ltb*co Limt Thuradai tirs. E.W. CoIby sud tou Johsnt ala Mniïboei »b' for .lboVqesbel$b. Johsbb4b@Wstmoubls Xithhbe&,tet 0fhay voi eUS vs There wero a large iltmFr .of Liberty.. ville People Who have gon'- t' Palatine tii weektutaattend tith'ook comnir fair. Auother large ziib' went t0 Mlwaukee ta attend tic t%% conlu ti tte fMir thla wPek. Mir. aud tire John rg.tu<'nrd New Hlampshire, one visitîng witii J. Ell Trigge snd famiy tIsla eel, Im .Sur- gent vas once a neident ai Laite County sas ii ty years ago ber parente owned tbe linm nov ovned by J. Medill Patterpon. Mir end MrP. W. 1. Colline entertained 3rer Sunday A C. floane. of 8ycamore. Il.. Whio i.a brother of M rs Coline..H@ wae acconspanled by tWo miemijers aofithe 11cm ot Singer eud Nelsn, contracture. visa came to gel particulurs about the. townobip 16gbOechool tri.-b 18te t'O erocted coon. The. MissesWiteilnu and Mr'.i Engelbrecbt entettained about tveury ut tbelrfrieudsaltheir home Tuesday night. Tise afair vas a faroeeli arty given lu honor oi tise yonng taen wh, are gaîug toa the tlnivermity of illirol tihe latter part of oi tii. montb. The .'veing vas euloye.d by.ail. Vr. Chas. N. StOehu. a ho hba t aa special training lu lis tr.'utuîent or the eye, ear, noue aud siroat in Chicago for the, last few mouIlle, bas ierformed suceesilifove operatiors'. ber. .durin)g1 lb. paut vesk. Theoperutions ber. er. for eye, 00oslsud tbroat trouble. Ho perforn'.ed operations un thei, itlowing: Eldeat pou of A. Liqcrotb, a daugbter of C. Cichy, two chldren of Le.' A rues and Oren IMulkiile The. local 0. A. R. memiuerm who went ta Wankegau 'i!useday te attend tiie fuueral oi the. late N. R. Hall]trere: John Ballard, Dan MeCormlck, tlenry Hurvev, Peter Ilowers, Berniarj ' Wii.eler, Jotshua Lathrop sud T. A. Reynuqlde. Tva oid aoldiers from (irailuke and ivo from Lauke Villa vere ai'.o pieseut. Thse total num ber ai Grand Arruy ruetu- bers attendiug tisefunersi l e. tCft.-two. Tiere, wilii hi a pienu- and card of banness races at the, fair grouinds, Luertyvilie, Sunday, September 1IîL. A number of tie best horss tramn Llenosha aud Lake cotinty bave been I'ntered and the. affale promises a serle. of races equal ta any seF n hereabouts. About 20 brs. hadje [been entered. Races begin prompt- ly e t 1:30 oclock. PrlwtlcÀaliy tb. members ai the. local W. C. T. U. vili go ta Wauke-gan next Tiiuraday t') attend lhe animal Lake Co. W. C. T. U convontion ta b.. beid lu the Temperance Temuple &il day. At teu o'ciacrk ln the *eruinc thiexpecutivo meeting wilI b. b.ld. At noon tiare viii ho a box luncheon sud thï convention vili foliov. lu tioevening thse masron s Ooid IModal Contentsi iii hoconunted, at vhieb Mca Carmen. thse National Snpeintendut ai content Ivorkvilii preside. Thse North Shore Suuday Sehool In- atitute, an organisation ui tb. buuday ec'isoi teachers oiti the pécopal cburch on the North Sisore, are tu ment in Luertyvfilie next Thursday. Thora le ta ho, s short servie ai St. Lawmasce s eburci at 5:80 a'clack a-fIs s«addrms by the Rlevereud Charles H. Tonna uf Christ cburch, Chicago. At 7:15 ther. are ta ho several coisale*um ne.s'instrulc- tion eyseems snd &ai8:1à lu the. ciurch tiiere ln ta ha a business meeting, 1ollov- ed by theelsing addrese bylisoe evareud E. J. Baudali of St. Barnahas' purci, Chiiico. The ladies i of S Lavronce's cbnrc-h viii serve s snpper lu tie viitars ln the Auditorium iodge-h11anisd tihe coulersuce viii ho held ln lb. largo hall. The teachers wiii leave hi special electrie caraet 930 o'ciock. MOTRNI YSURIPRIS IN TIE LOCAL PIEAI Tis mrprliieeoaiWedueeilay'o pwlmary lu Luhertyvflle ver. 1ev as it vas gaall3' canceded that 0. B. qleps' vonld recelve a very large vote lu ils home bov.. R. il. Svift was aleo asnrod au sloaot-soild vote bers and b. gol a very b.avy vote. For ttites Attorney A. V. Smth ontdisianced bolS bis oppouents hy a nie. margin. The grest surprise vas lb. vay lb. vomon, or ratier two vamen votsd, as lu h liet sIprecinci the clerks vers foroed ta open a lully book for one lu» vote, sud lu tise second preinct ,thé. clrke vers forced ta do ezsctly the mme thhlg. Thie mens liaticet.1ivo voMMilaithe entir. tovnship cmet a vote «ud caueed thse cierite nonidersils vos'k. An tie vomen conld votes'fée ouiy ivo offices the. vote polied brsake 'oveu viti the untaer ai Offiesvotad Ooe soiallst ballot W&@ ceut sud lhe dssoozatlu vote vas verj lb4igiltlagl Lihptyviiflie man, Joseph Mok*, a dtafur reprseentatlieeshouid o9isi lovas pol'sauch iseger vote tissu didi LIbertvil, ies home ta e n . .i "» etotal returus ofai aloffiSc.vol*d' ce taths Llbertyville sud oh., prénincos hiI.etunfAd district appeard 'ou the 51.1t page of part t vo. - Vo tod qualtyPOTATOE8 it irmouabls priee, Pb"@'ne R, P. W. Church Jerzicet :Vber, tqville Presbyterian. Chair practice Friday 7:15 p. m. Ail memiier ai tie chair are lnvited ta be Pressai. unuday Servie-d-tunday Sboai 10 Mlornlng Worebip Il a. na. Christian, Endeavor meeting at 6.45. Eveing e.r+ice 7:45p. m. The pastor wiii pr.ac bhott mocning and evening. The C. E. Mission Study tirre, will ineet witb Mdiss Beosie Bond on tlonday evenIng. Midwesk lrayer Meeting ani Teacher Traiiun clu.. 7:30 p. m. W@dÙfesday. Please note tise change lu tinie. Everyhady en.dii,.îy telcome ta ail aur sertice.. Cuti A. intunum, pustar. St. Lawrence Episcopal. lIev. E. S. Wite, Pr'ept isî-iiarge, Hoiy Communion except tiret Sn lu mantii 7:45 a. mi. Hors Communion, lot and :led Sua. day. 11:00 s. M. tlarniug ProyerotberSuudayo Il a . Churcb SScboal 9:45 a. m. Chair prectite on. Saturdsy Cveniflg st 7:30. NEW BOOKS AT TRE PUBLIC IBItRY The foliaviug te the liât; ai uev boak@ vici lb.Alpha Cluibasu recely added ta tb. Librar. -Patron. of the Lubrery viii and It conveni.ult 10 pre.erve lb. lista *iich are pablisbed for refereure: When s mansa a an-H-aroud Bon Wrighti. Book of layons Chldre-James Whll Bilai. rise Wied belore tihe Dawu-Delluner, Tise Border Leion-Zane Grey.1 The. gon of Tarzeu-Edgar Rico Burrougs. Wlflrs-Zane Grey. The Btter Man-Cyrus Tovnseudi Brady. SirsîgbtdownaCrooked Lane-Bersha Runhle. Mary Ware lu Texass--Ane T. Jobn. eton. Mary Ware Promi@ed Land-Annle T. Joiton. Goid ni tbe Godo-Artisur B. Reeve. Bobbi,, Oeueral Manager-Oive Hig. glns Pronty. Boy Bancher. or Puget Sound- Bind- Harding tdi Alenvood-Bindioss. Emma McCbeeney atCo, -Edna Terrer. Starved Bock-Batou G. Ogmn. Eat sud (irov Thin-Vauce Taslspson. Tii. JuaZ1.Bock-B. Kipling, Tii. Second Jungle Book-B. Kipling. The Seed of tii. Iighteone-Jullet Wiihur Totaphins. Thé Door of Dread-Artinr Striager. The desire of thei. th-Eugene M. Riodes. W. CI F arm Machine You will soon need DEERE AND> JANESVILLE SULKY, GANG AND> ENGINE PLOWS, NEW IDEA AND DEERE SPREADERS DEERING, McCORMICK AND JOHNSON CORN HARVESTERS INTERNATIONAL AND> HOCKING VALLEY ENSILAGE CUTTERS GASOLINE ENGINES See the new 8-16 Mogul Tractor Schanck Hardware Co. LIDERTYVIL, - - - uLo SAVAGE Auto Tires 4,500 MILE GUARANTEE Ail Si'zes carriecli Stoclk Plain. and Grip Tread MAJIER MFG. CO, 2md sad Omelsad .9&«"l LIBERTYVILLE, n - ILLINOIS )L-L &- SON$. Store Plions29 Pa... 1l#v~ - ..~.. ~e H BUILD YOUR HOUE FRONt OURnLMS WAIeul=yjn free a coar t eof ple.racéWny beautfulmodem ous AI1 emterlas to bulidiou m. an sublhd by in et ko.yste ioE with *ërr boeu Iv n --'l'l;1& Our system savon roc ail Shenuue vorrisa vhs boui«. No âsias sBor dlsppolotu.ut.s b aiua vl#h us. Ebypae. lmie. on baud ms ue asb.e smimd asd h elsoe. lv h Amk us for f rsê plams of Ub eutiful boums. of whIch vs have hua&Iis j Cail, write or phone: W. F. FRANZENs JR. Plan" iurnisbed Ns-aSe.nbetorbb ju'*-Qality saierlne oui e. Ph... 50 - - tA.m mu o FÂIRH-ÔLM UARDIENS H-. C. BURRIDOGE & »ON Greeninoe, Dyus.sd Rd. LIDERTYVIALE Pb@" e. Florists and -Nursiprym 1eù, Let um"Orou gur UrempsOmo" iFOR,-YOURAMVM DR ESS SKJRTS LADIES SILK. PErti Fait stiles and colors--Meu4s,.t* dy ul. SWEAT#IS t: j' r- Good Styles Asrieti.Cl, Ul. ALL THE G0 H a1~ <f~~4 Tho ba4 veadmmi..t.e.rsmszdd ste KluCsUntIe-I udteos' s uim -@s ate uwhite, oesn u ea ýedgs Ur OUR SPECIALTY-FB CurtluGeéo<iiwiuimu ace .MDipuh.ý 1 pà" *fýà ý, p Meuhodist-Episcoal. i'reaching eervies next Sunday viii be b. idBt the usuai time: Sunlay sehooi ut 10 o'ciock, classee@ for ail ages. Morning preaching ut 11 o'clock w hen Rter. T. E. Ream vwiii preach on the subject: "The. True Bread of Ma." In tihe evening ab 7:80 the. subject oi the sermon viii he; *"The. mperfee!t Made Perfect' Tiere viii hoe peciai ruusil' ut lbheeveaing oer.v!ee. Al are cordialiulvted. "Epwortii League Study Coureus"vilii b. the subject of the. Epworh Leagise mu.eting for Sanday evening et 6:45. leader, Harold B aggerty. Alare cordi- ally invited ta attend. Choir rebeareai will be heid on Friday es'euiug St 8 d'ciock. IEvery member of thse choir is urgpd to attend. The Woman's Home %isiossaryoecety viii bho ieid unit week Tiiureday &fiter- n)Oan, ept. ýjst ai the home of Mlo. Ida Whbe@ler on Milwaukee Ave. Mdise Wbeler sud Mrs. J. P. Dan.. vwil oulertain. Urs. T. E. Ream viii fond the meeting.,,

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