fs AS a TAN 0. L CS lO çaOVER~ ho lmé Contlbxued Front, Pace One) 4oufltied Prom Page Unei ' doubti boie been orderel lu the, Otb vii.llb. hucît state-s attorney. NMr. 'ils innoInnoDd4Y bas abandcnod the liquor cae 7,W»,Ç * u" Alter lwIf and bis fallure tu promecute bas caue- whea the' emez 0"6,*4 or*Mtinbe put ovor for trial a ompped 0 t t b1$kl JMUtai t'MMi cr court. Dady 50e. ZOM Idé a et 4< .thee ont Moadcy lu De M br Md liiho m baoureto prose- 61-'thle tenua of court show. hie 0OW&ille b ab ils ands of Ibm wboie VW 1'b»llovm a a lilt of heb.watc * 0 ge u on 1e ital hare beu pfl n d. c 11l'i laus thce mamla tb hdeul bifMo $ta"%s attorey tic .mSM h~~~v leflo. , M DIBm ut.O . la "MMmé b *10>c144011010 Va.op et A fflM**n. the doce so i et.ý 00t; th~g Ti 9qw~ g l.eélection peopl #ýhlww. ca i. MéIss euil. .~ g~ à la food OMmIc _ oee cf jy 5g ~ f. 111. . Siau OVi000 Vw gtfi *êOL Vo ab&$ tea soem a bcalmuan cbmhoet had toi tà»ebll e« tOh i1es -g ~ @pt m hiàm "M atter.lne admithta uiho vail MSg .ti thé u»-g; ages Méj lk ho oulaWs4iass a se4" atter. fer W if' *0 111 = te49cm a potetd"YMW udfthât . vas IbouMg aftt eva Iu D"»«as toi çwbi eut Z s Ci li ordamail vu 1Ur. thc esmvouidd er be calmi for body. asulà« the stacatiat ,0 Watt'.arresgmmouts . triai. " aeM slea80 lmrcac do ne vroug, tumnel a 'Voit the%.Wb"atulathe sîtuatioa,. anesh m~g~ e.or f.the m 4W er nrto tb. pitfapiph.. i as amdbinhl. of heIbmpi*. kmhouilpaO* 'ne ërest vuatomai a tatime IHere la bis anever: thebmca«i. He renoed e l I»ls làime. b sIdes attonuey vas at- "t le MY lndgmentthbat the sens,- "yen afier h. bad bemu deféated. tlteng t maie sait grad stand tonal Comtmttee bad no right via'> At the opmnlng of the Ccunty Coufti JEIi; uap lu an effort to »cure enough lemver to select lie man Who mbculd terum pocutr1u.dl.U SMPOrt to seur, bis nomination îo 1go on tbheélection ballot ln placf o: uor case. 10 bc put ai Ibm foot Of the1 the afie of publie proecutor. Mir. Oison. F fa fct tbey hma no more, docjet lustead of t the bad iere OF gx Tis publie do«s sot accu. Dady - ight 10 do fi, than 70e or 1. If t he Ihey bad been. H. gave no expiana. 0f libemteilcklng cC ut à décrépit secrtarY of thc state bobldotat tlb*lion but those Who lea"cd eohetit.acttColon H0, ~àdrLeavesl ên man as a vlctm-th aeyviicou. Comfintes bisIa rlght to do ou, b icanie assured that i t vas them $35,OO-H hEpker1 0800 vint bo Dovwadut-tiat ho viii otify th counlY clrks of heti.&tep toward abaodoulug the promse Lees $à 1~Wîf e. MW* a blander. but visit tey do not lffret cottunî th nserl1Mr. Sift& cuions and "paming the bci" tuMr.Ie tuem ta bis statement that -f 1mcdo ame la place of 1Mr. Olms. (W.a Weckb einOt 0 à tamO"h. Mid htii. B. a.. vas net thon Thia bllef vas miov toi be o> The. laIe au" p olm Whvo 11.4 TMslm a." j u res rV té tnt"recetdYwe tWl re bt cOtbar A, lil et te s Mme. thm pruoceutot ahoIl hava: =medi ticcimui. abeau ..so ta. th.eat'&atorney bas net ii» audcIca *;, 0 accord. nadie as Investgation tufSud viiefi. strectol by lhe îecrotary or stase.> o uyt ecle e ae âeVl U b.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ codsW-ck- _ e' po mgt<oraJr > clinx eI îtabthe pétiuotion c eprobéte e01 Ir an aa ret ba-tu tgrek»* a oX ýP te10ethe JannaU tenu.mornng lite WION rîMAl.lée -ma o ide uror ha My o My r. Svihmsn. lu pace cf1Clma L b'.. cheving SV u t lan t ic Werner Coci..Thé limmils Trutm au X* avereshodbismrs At ln?*bdwbtbir orDot Itla 1I ter meneough ta vitbotand tbm tension oh Savlngs Bank wvs nainel aca r.c a M oltippie veld the costaln no court liat eau Intaffare vît the Ibm ui eoh vrar. if y01oi; w Ob- and the vldov vasunamd ms.culnl ap::'...iblé blinder ou tie pant bY Inunction action or Otbcrvlae. No mrve canefully you vill notice that According lu the pétition Ur. dookis rk Idepo»dsel mt tt lorney. court viii Interféré dh lcteion makthelb sticks are blug made tiner aud left reai eltaI. valued at about $M,~ :This case developed white tbe case 1r as Pertalning to Mh.ballot .MTen liaI the. chîcle Dayor ln abseut. GOOand t limnai property vil"lilaI et, old lenry Hornceml of l.berty- luaeei r. "Swift shoi hb. ecteijaoutthesam aoutt__m___k ville i laiiifreb lu tb. minai of h h tco le matghh of tbe cretary or. T*LIu IRI O abouts ti anite *Mamont.and valCccof publke Ilorabostel, a man lu bis Tth mIdI. orderlug bhie s m.Iunsetd tu; ,1 niÀIN o te stocke bold hy ier huèbai il 7M. cci obigel toi day iluJoai for lb. ballot, tic question vhoci vam iEh UDI uUnon e er vac*a because hoboitalsoid Ico glass- ralising noirthat the conudttu haRd MÂf)jDI u assmm 4j nuuout i gnébl er. bt h. ai ct wblskey. Honniostel probabiy uo ight hi desiguate Us. Swift or'lioftesckla a" em urtabe prtet a et ufoin urty yMeie.luc a ut the : K! LLNO0OrCATILE Va:u hf.Soki id 1<c lueasel. Ur. Cooke -né muef marti 0of LbertyvilUa resident». question. c»atn ie brougit u# ed 10 be vortb mvrl biaIsaI flou.7 ; rMrs. Sott Ourand Enlists the "liaI pour pia.n tien. inaM . saud dollars. S w f a e lb. ectd cu b i irtl a ttover?"of 4o k e S hmr kI s L o t $3 % Am&fer: tba lcti at i ide-. _____Ticvalue cf the estats etuhfI he Stfl#UTi! ~tand lice. viho ave r.lalp.d ase Mn.. Scott Dern t aeflulaeO M nol.f Eg 151 10DB" hs. prise uinalng brdoi 'iem bWo lioséel ac"Y Ocbej 3. Uf -S Dm r arne.s tated fhuner. that tie yc1 t cli vas sialn uit wt4qt'1> 0 ab 83000M& uor " Scoali clii of ilcHenr)V cona17 ha lie fot cud moutb ligs. capsg u il. cinfr &lrey raceiveg a cerutigtérrubas eniisted Simalor Hat oke h of fie vii vwilch i l ied4 M à ,$dmne3,000 Feet Long lb thi.e ccretaerycr état@. ta4mi tbm cernt. Georgla hi demend of- theic entty Court ibis morulng by tie o. -Used--Operato4 by Two hicte for tbm ballot show. lb, came ment a fuill vturegation. At ladino. Mn.. Maud lInakine. Thei. vlW",vu 0001. amerdy Ms.Durnd d e-a named oxeceutrx. The value ut tic Gasoline Engines. o saltcr Oison. therac (SI nounel m'd, r.rusasetate ocuel by Ur. u*W thbn. bovever, he.nc doubl bas ré. ou lb heCoiuty, tmI d cleterai la piaed t $19,000. Tiche mn. filsx Iundrel aunI tenty-niteo an>. celvel tbe officiai notification front oflelals for killliag ber caIlle, sud proîery je valued at tice ,wfeehug over 7.000 pcundc u.îe ta. tie scretary of tals changing te ietr bearing ber atory Seutcr BSmith Tiresof Mr. Ermilu's broia.~. ~~~4c ~ ~ ~ : f»n aeMnuiiaaieoaDMe Oison tb Swift.). :romlsed au Investigationm. iP.Robant J., and Fe .m ._Zru Un 15uran auopaganer $1 ~, oucruwc.cbbai beeu that au effort vili hé made hi block 0 damage cuit for the layluk eofber abtet, Mm .Emiy U .Yatcm, 1bit nil : Permt eine al l tac tbm lecton of M . S ift com . sa bet vs gnniy bU vd m cl p C o u l. sooh. lb. cor _ti.ratier imsalonai development fo, litretilt mall ad become roslgumd Ooou a. Ourauden, csf l Ime, - ý<ie n sel Wvasover 3,000 tect Lake couuty people vbo Icci l as &, ho ier ae andl voeu accept viat- ovnar f Ivo.reo mt, icu d I cm', ev mmii usoineengacemaler h cnnelia ti imecton eor compensation fiat might hé il,- O<i<uiimd October 19, lit Ian culai. am wo mal gsboineentue mate ofcouse ha th wetin o 1 .valucl aI $36»00, accondlug le 1swe i . co tn handllug If Mr. Swift -by Ihm commtittee voul cudl m er.Tiheurfhier atct litab*ii pt_#p fr lepthtc6 Tho, .aro ceiedi -.~00pouad. tie, malter sol liaI tb. Republitanlbewm 1ta netoci ber farim vith esk ehcWUaoSied Iu Cuti<me .,u4 ---i splace ln lu irp;,tanks ltir tolloven. of the autire ticket vculd, tie gave ilvaugliof ttii.balle. bis 'vite. Mis. Angeunalle cuWflnt toAtlantic Cty ports. "Tbm supportim snd Ibaltierefone be l v oul aPPeMr-9wv latilm.1109ov r. ~ ~samounit $300n'.la c13 01 sli f îby ac 1mI vuAI é le naI ~plag of tienatrla * t tmslm9P4b*ad 05.000 la pcgW Ltlo. mesci 11w maret, sald There la a OlvermlSi id.feeling lunKMn. DurSOd'a mInI. S e cano lgm t ix. ievo Immc r) lcr.. uho vît-elucd Ibé pcia. LAena ity as toithe génétal mfectel icImprlession t l f ber minI th1e - <pr iCs IIPro"tq oh the lai. on Bunlay. oa.ipim ts ,acuIcu vWin bave. Ur, Svift sud th» alaughtar cas vihdy ... aTe iio ioliEIfu "WI plei i obal. Oct. 30 190 ceflg ii pmnI..' wusis tollovei lust Uke locl,.0cIgUis an.d I thé Inl5s la i U~ctist kwu Madilted toi roéll t. but it vas lirown -hoc* flla ic the aMitle etU alome ent loointlae tmater ticrow* r80. Ur. BlokerI lAis intlrjle mants.teigo on tie ballot. Tiey a l mdiater lbth e etipgatioÀ ý 3*er of mmaller villaeo ughoul lthe e thoie st a m liala tihe bé fitat ha M vi aon- bIcs>. vicie tIlef 1 br iouetl ai lu Couuly Court011e tb.#,lake for ,ce"i viiiho 17 ho given th*>_* M ~rty c«f vots Mri. Dmrcd l I. vimd 1>1 ________,_ on, acdu n negtuaday tli anoveduber 7-fi. liaI o b. iii il lîï;la tobe ginaI17 eél a e >.vul$tart mtuaila 11 b iii4bsS.st u eet the lie j"m ation et fie lh"i5cd ti *ox Lakia Occom ««~~tI Who~si, op"»cekWt Ar-1 te maa c vry la ela tie ous- Whtrlse, ala eur ui.. lily .ay 1 I0t5keth limp freme ovet. lh ibe ptvqyig14 tihe bMtt>0 peiYOiruwl la nicralug befon. IcyhrmaW. ebbii aard ov tiré WmrOmaKera arretel san 1 'l M a C"aay 0s"ft TIWhàwter Bote Imtihas prombil t sipla ecsbeccs»aateea ama I~ê~e~~iplbiaer cMme. ,tisa dockabemore c, aieImalé>mf ~ 1le~l~ eee u tern.y ïhaiK, ver kW fllia lskm i»tromtui.he dase &b la W i chbefh ieg ia bie New Series Mcdii lB 1153 i i l~.5~I -~r~ ~ thé wottd's ~ ~r. f ~ Wfl1f9. '¾f~' d>.~Y, i ' Cf 7 re 'IT0J?.~ .~ 1b.W~s~4 Csa.mw. ?U*d~ Oh. i 'p31Lq.bDh HîouuohoM WUWF*Ye0 pouEPLI , PAO" t M M 50c Kid p il A2fo i 50e RidneRu c. v2 for &le Aery higli grade am.ortmont of boclaf... If $1 Kium7 Rm.dy2 for81. e op goor better th"n mai60e bpobm4(ha4 Vouet Duow oe 5.0e Plile retmen29 fr ySuIlve ai. cmeboc 5.0e »ti item I em.dy -or -l. .$1.........ut'a ur ite god" Min . ..o.....r... ut ful trng.d 50P Blood 'Tableo,, 2 for à ~lia..r........ . an0 Ulrysd Irois Pootelo ................2 for sifil ~ *O m ue0 dJee ue 98 rlgsto 70U Ibtcbnet dre o' w -fic Chaàrtoai Tabl#t.. 2 for bbrio b ',tii. oie.Gd. %. 15<. irouchiai Tableo o,1 robe. tii. voiletheMtteme ~. luiti»n.ud otber ohoioegogrer, aitetf w 54, cia 25q. Corn Suivent ReMedy Ucdîgtwî hd~diiSuusJale Talcm ..VnetDic. gile T b e t Pmw tifrePt derr 50e ...... ..... . . ... ... ... .2 Ti t 9-5e U3rlle ..11. 2 for 2< Rqutjsno SvPle aem 10e...... br i 2 for lie 15e Rend Bruhb.2 for M< fade froci the bighuet grade beeétOW ........-........tVau. '5 Lsther Bruifi. ..2 for 26 etabim la iloBêl propçrtionh.Aa& .....,.. 35o flarbrusb.... 2 for ,6c atrmugtbing beverage. Empedm*lg ù for oamhp< 77)e Bais ifrutb.... for 76c iek moiu. 1Cube to a OMP 0«M,Watsm Ma~.... 2-5x Wt,%d To r e nwr ................. ............ ....d...... osa ...--...........2 for 6< lmm e 10e lumloaoe Coiapeibie ROli coId OrssM .t 2 Orianoug up.2 for tic Abihxcn rsl iayg.aic.k j13 Np I 35t Gold Ed f P êiyin« wma 4 4dl*tf Jth fý 1* - Carde .............. 2 for 31 teml fdeapt tui ........ 20e Park. Scout Pi185101o1 ilgiee t re rM=u.4%MMami are.fr2k perfumd. 50o ... .... i STATIONERYHoe>yaiiO Tracie.... ........2 fo= ax1 15e Dos. Taàliy Cars. - iu.d'I',néaumod ii by ______ .2 Ioridc............. 25 rade :for dc .~~.....2 for 6c ingredimnte. f ipq.1d....- 5cm Wo~ur.2 fur 6tc ffecîusi 26e., e téf~1 10eb Pke. abrielileli. 10e Pk. XX9gb Envelopes..2 Orie j Aw4yind ............ ...... or lie Tb*ic1gqt Grade Eavelopee.1,..2 forlie [tenders Im. the lcaltlptctmlraldwd. Tc Taugara f#%brie one bol $Secolderea,. ea rv tWmt3dhPIgi . ... 2for 36e 85 . . .................. ..... Lod Blimr cWrminu O1dTUbot PaPerOu. PÊR.âù25eforZ26<ROi» CiTalt ___________ .eoil 4oÀ" e.1 <ouluosai l i lxave. d., 0.6S HOUSHOL ~ eo~mcluoltem ced*131break up a coid lta i. 250 Oitbiiitewic ehretpoeibl.ela. 25 ........2 boxai "C ,2Ue Uttie LIr Pli]@, 2 for Z6< .- 25e White Linamn..t. 2 for 26e lWIicPw. 15e Erach.. R.med! 2 for 26< :cS o r k i . - A fo r ; , ', ,<1 su Rat and bPaot, 2 forTh St - . .. e V e5 à oo Pdr2 for 260 ,. il Sut rm. ghDrop. 5. fk. __________ ....... .for 6c ~-.---. ga.s- - -s "u p.b thmc mm= men . lm. jý*, ."i