<w g*)Cfts it ok~s4wîi f« O9Itýr àIlos,*bc i The SvjtS- I style tfosge" in- mè, lkl4;, son, Uimdoealtitofdis- týnctive Ityle; wool Jp au olg;vauesto Th [ ,Irek- Beautiful modela e#- ke sergea tafetas, cepe de ehines and veletagm4 gatin eom- lbiatzoni; oh popular elm;s; DW -4t -*14. mo4~ueso*Uads; ide va- A i 4ihpries lave SBotents, due t# the 69C quaJltye, "«Wtpr 1h.I wlt alibi oeclig;au l a s iq'val- or i. "m *.Ow - vaim ............... Gdamt,4w~ c'a Union Butt-nsavy toel perfeet fitttiag exspuoauny ri eed for this saleatpe nt .............i.-é of Comfoor t, qi Uionsui Ail of ~Idm xwleto 4s st'm for- t pairs heavy cott( blanketsr*sîze 54x76 j .eom nggrey,.tanwý atrcte okrbM ready seller at 2',- wd* an ll i -k j -. 1~ nmed yvalues tý u~* --~ = includ.d Ai -~ iuiioxu&mpa- ýrd u Ie.l hlm., ot exqw4o FOttY~SIIO~~ efedaatffd to *t$1..f$1 a M $3'e Prims495 I. r ~ 4.4 * r 4' 4 .11 l u tafuk .plaMid. n4d ýlieeked blanket., of wool and 40iton mnced; Iaevyquality. with soit- nap, 6UM 0inebeui- attractivq colonnç, ar 3T5 O ~ w oo1 sd $ pair....... Isue a ~1o~ ami a . -4- 00 vets bd ea od; P-r pu Deum W,; ......... FLWS-W u l vu