v-*se8owu iPq. - e ~h~wyoow-hgp. plasit histaJIod wIm .wsploebe b.!l édom wb pho e this wim.tr W. l md iksli e ~TEAM ofl r WATgR jr *-i i r~~~~~do W, k.omeleat" y= uyor -L Co s zs-m~ wstiba..%Wutys g. >~ 236* Butlr BIdg. * ' Il ~ ieorn~aaI I.., - ~ppk ai Vagmoada, s*~. r ~éb o1 Asilodli, et éppa amI eeou B amI Tiens.. Omis cmi. limbe ovar Un- eaobitr.. duêe huau... îbon- IIal tgt ou ossed.fl, b. -»M trldn to L.for fld oraDem Dta mager <er T li.wgg ff 4m I tut peahoer aU. S lier arel b~ ietis"b, Irr. Nain@ Kilo., voretuned Itom Ob two - *"ka eiî lu '1%. DIilTeas Ifl b. aI W. A. vilS ~c~*NOqnfae D11lua1h. Aemlorbmi liS. êh . " iiibo- furame bhi t h'aorclinsa. de B ro*u, vho adereetan ope a unthe illlter hoeptal. awe.bess, onullà* .g thie moudi, %Ms n4omrued bonze nid reumd -hie twudib.aI le b. cool. boul tbirl fteade galered astité boe *air. eri ieànomMul evesteMo amI gabr a arprios Parti'. 14»eevmnlm vu elan playSlUg cado "al lumcblU'se .erméelit il wook. Aul »,& y aue ci disrelatvoq 4 bu. .MM0 ie local bartmet Wb* ubswu 101 Oputma for pw*vlyb M W 0bie o u o u l a W,"am a *5 foui v%. , M.nybeg ##4 a is bluot. b9 rie» aWaWby ls oivie ad. ##, i. .Pae., Jr.. Md, t4,li il.. «M. moer n « io a*bc.An ob* W&A . !ot4PBp $uDI Srvlted. butuaNId. WlUMSi1 l Vrbo esatIi' iWU m5e &amur »MUI st à W afmmu Deiphos, 011e. wb"lbie * 1frtbe blier Om" tibtiat li4100YNla doa£ ma.M Mwmias U- Ur. fersel dueb *u"* b.un* aàaalla l5' ffmagfct Plan ist. ' OM&e. U Mgc, *wbu ont ou ie.male te &"e bu hi in 't u illai O tie herber Irais 09 bboiw' lgroute. oz 5eltoiOjtpm w b U*s la hiebalie -@hop bere Poorflb. paosibv Meu e *fonu-elolpi.S WouIl 4. « u ie Wmh "sudon lesui'lUdha1 tu bimpitut arn oporail o cebis e91W Ha fa.tiir The snnai meting ni t4I e 10coimu Boad sd Agricuture vUlllb. h.ld su Ubetyvilîlson lb. aiternoon oOt Wulue day, Decm (il. leereuani'J. 0. Mo1 malle h.notices for lb. meting Vlb b Iat of the veek. Tb@ meeting le hem for the purpoe o electlng the ofet à j" 5 aaoclatloui sud the transaction 0 ,Xneh alier hosime s smay camebeo lhe meeting. Wm. Wslroud bus lMPred lii inirerot BppBT5ilc o f hie $lors bbahvIIk noirshlvidg ul1leh extond to the.oeil Inn the Ifullenath cf lbe soti Val Inatall.n. Tieucesbelývingeormspouii vllh thoe pmtla llst Oriaper Siong th ukorl usll. Weroud'e in nov oc«<o the. besi r rrsugd grocery ud maris to lie foanulalu&DY lova tbe111ie. tir. end lits. W. 8. 11(eMaieu retifr»i p rday 1n foiBlouilo ustbey epee ro*0.da-W Dtezro * vemfrltzeeloieof tbe tripleo fveu *ou 0cf lie Grand uneupuent mad I bebskab AeeeublY 09 e 1jihincifsOd ýsfrom hneeda> te Thuoa redaet liaev ti. bliClalu vos a -deleglfroIMet iiel Odd Tellovilodgeaàd #ré. licOl s delegate for th. Rebebabin. Tb# cyster supper gysan Je11binsm bon of lb. lodora Woodmeis Camp 1 tbe DrUi Teain lu Ibolulge haillsix..I fliNational BÏmai boudingaet Thur vilhs ve4 Pr lamgly sileude mmbera léeeto a ver Iter. I« igeu eulvered by W. F. Gilroi Mpýe ~~qt Wrd.m os ai ston . à. 'T ait tMtcould b. domi n a l ad n7-e*os ie Ls'ooetyvfls 7 HGod ar.d Coal- M>Be Soe *but,-Uyou $!ofl your ordor vit) us beOtru Wo~~~~~aC OnZUYurO4rn4kep u.iuIr, Au eU e. a amioe,. bruet 'lestee yDee. Sdi. rty. nilal gla tA. NelieanMmd Î'il to Waoko- aet b (Wubb a e. àk. h" ha. Kooks We 'huroday Malé» àm Imm b.. n oe pua meting of lb. jogetebleCo. 411 Ibe Idiretom re oue»I cfi ee gSUyis ilue chape, idu, 5 Sh eIi1o* "egmt and loyalty ca Se oe~ ~sIdrectore uho veh divie oqi~10 ugote pull the nom Thes t . Iavmee Epiecopal churel viii lo pmgibaur sud chiche PMe uppo eth$be .aditorlum os.110M daJI Dao; 7tl4 &W asonuemeut of th basa i llrnklu4Un other ceintes c t11k pa»prý 8"41 halle ln the Pin Niowol Dae hbulding wi lu ue.nd. A the bassetrna»duedeof article. uilli b on ein la lie dilaent bootbe. Thet *111 lu s fasq bàà<e. a candy b>oalli,à etprobOJPoe.BU booth and aCII pond. Tii. s iilIbegin eerving tt chien pie espper ut live 'p'cloci laïpke'u ovulieeUe wilI furniah the Miii loi lb. dem.. vbleh vill hegfluast o dclk. The fouatb qlftb grade popblgai aVer' iu Ul ivette M ORn l"Y*aIafteruou la8 i Riglielic rom. The gIrls vore WUl sproms aik 'A-iumber of ah. bo3 vois wIiW g lMd nïfse ad the. lg old ialeemi lieU eb aw th. au" P, Ppa Va5woee.Six of tbew ho vouelSsa ame iprmmstrng t laIodl e'ék iis is tit sottboP,et the tine Tisai ***iq 'ut mid" Ta th 'i qiw"ýl,ckd. The paicri *WW bore by UoI i l vue14.1« pupbmprie, i lee.b** VM r0b4e das"UWea le » on 8" ilg*n theaodw of t "boi*la -w r foi.e mue«0, uM o v. emici tWMadyqshpeltoaboe tiImoulai 0 oins lir" e ots flbwt A 0 futureIt ucSW pa"rly.let r«ae ruTheamipri e tranorme bew i v uulagL lb.nd pUrheZegitdobleo a for th lAe Scli s!bguwela 04Serlu1 it jud lb.miocent oS di ig iW -14U 1ev vertie gle st t:52, ~V"*"v dirute t~e Unn Stbocl l*O 45514 ,y otepl> arfthse sudbave no"hurui I&carg e te bavle thue lain revy a bbasreand Ree advLlhu th'i * ptai gmweLîvo pyvMhI $o dog l Théepla tesoing or berip.o, 0 r4 #eo,0ud0iva0 pol ileeute.Bcar MI wpu lotbL rocklh WCho UndlO Ibc a g. res chnc ee eoe te ad' dret1ÇOLb.unuuiin Socbiebte rs .% ohgtoil ',e thr heepbd . an ne. sud foer oumv~r hoee, Wc 'le lutio. boo tlng frp lb. up.Cm il l00,QOO poe 11 etb..e cave 6, lin pace îhrogh Chiayeo su M et, lu» agrotchadn e e opof t en ge&,f sehe0 seueuhéity lu hl1PM U. ih. logan i. "llou At fotr ho=pe al n le t woramnm e bt a WM eerprateor i.the p bo #ld boxi W+ý Clo tigth R F Roeeo!Ay res.W 44 b lgo limeben traïrued oft u"n ýb9 ý5be , ffigtr nd terlty hvile beezi tta 'o vea te ftae stte aI eai Mdo ,u *1. bpde .rdlu el. toftrlug bg ofviy5 oon Mho pace nn hi«Ypee 55 :e 0eoeman et$othbo !ho lmorea terît *e oseaothIat r o*he l ,odcie w aIl berytro Til cwrrparfi oa lb. wlnv saab, n-rlui4rng frigilealsui' ilre .i Mt-t ià%cod uo tbsm nicf et [Ab P a Merobe iim mskla thi ai .u Naiber*y sud LIt y v ile toptu 1D~i tellte ta 0e ookot t fdorecaluÀ lb os l hra uezqend Fplane. sud IR prcipaia heiMla l que so., agt M da ow SeXe&.tOWC -ho* I* ?#$MM mâdectwooe., Kb Pr empbiej tbe d w .J. Lol NW. e» ,.hb gave Oermrgoodpla* omi# 0. Muab. Dr. M ers g wla. h 'seeBiose, ac' bl oeipaalidm oUtIi Fiabl d wo Cmloid by JoeiaO go vffl f "Woureaudit" ndu EI'MoSella. for J. L.eTaelor tcoSseu eun«e Dr. Tlor urn followedahi'w Mu. la tbag the aai a@ , s. prsa mont nra Ca r he DLiadbA Eofrne ol-19 b.ourebsd Iliêe beliltis 'b r' dtonmars fe vle" y Who vme mamtbi. s we aril hemordi.udpan*d e slrlu-Tgeto! "Wmdual. udem cakeg mdcoie. wl4i9I, fok.It Owedfe minute, aller 0 Ahtotw er th aviaîr M 011e.ol9- :chiciken Pie Dinner B 5 5Po'M. ig Aduitl Sc 50en 3 SDânce, 9 p.rn ve Il'apke's Orchesta' III .ntlmeii50c Ladies 2sî Tiwiksgkviq i Thaz4 ngbý to us thr eJSatime d.bt of gatitude duý, hiwiral ptironae ad$irs us "wEgoe .*Rm fUw of thtir 'Reward.- , ad Sur stw r A Ri la PHOIS 1314 I~bag. Mao Ha~iandk rhiel! an mua Perhs gptou àded w I M st *pW 10 ~ iý»o ,[ *5 S ft*ounw *#AMk sud w* ewl mbMu& BeM0S le iu r riceS 2' for.5Cto Speci, L adiles',10 wewè c ý»"q