T Lakq Co.n~ We.hI~ Cmi, Oibmi *WAUKEGAýN WIMCYSUN g 4-- i. * - -- r *-rr'~' ~ ~V-NO. 14. £H DOESW KNO0W IT. Ib b 15mtmetL ss f ou lIeut Wtukaga lu th* tom I ta adqulteavueieaum- SrIkparlora vbo bave beau 3~aime t-be salouos vent k « cte lya irylu ta dter- ir baer of tammi ami ibat1tl ,te mithe maltr baaheUi riotme m ày.flet ruiu Bacs* AbsA-e 116#-l PART ~WO UP, neu a0f9tU Impoult iqevpfý *nt cf lt.heni ibave t" oa w te ob itt eralot i. oth» aeu' but evrkiec mparmt to the viUlage boy maida&gir!arrivai st the à borne fMr. mdmmiL C B.o eut fit, cf ibe 1asom S hot s fi »Y~ velois soyas uPouniasud the <ind CAPT. IIUMMDNBECOKE& A Spala van harmand a lala s m- parafa aivocate, viii bacom a rfot demtor Minosob. lHabas Isesci 1 douce ln Evanston. asd v=a tr. lv-1 fuig thora ahortly mlter tUiraletof Uic ycar. Capt. Hoboon'a family buas hai v. lig st Tuiado Park N. Y, at i@rai "de o cfmmr. iobe.'a Parais. Capt.. ilobsos iota%&s la b. sau th batie f rot of *bat ha o ldems to be-tl. monti mportant pro»mbf tic dot1 tg Am«els.lie.coaldati Chi- cagethécMant c01 "1h Omar- Taid before of le v. C. of ceorai uif-koU 1l h dies mette re ae hé mBMy A F lb*t la ate m m tIat u tahe bona elthe HbuC 0f I. hua v-iMotw gopaud mi oues ahde bt. wéther gay Ot cr =amet. e kU etemts b *e t.~~~~~io bumm eou ftc rpUcpiet I domeurl p Tm is ad tharni aiu.the icpnba awueabasbos7%. Veiçb~ ~~~~~~b viil1*0'o a-ic 0ltsabsli butil p~t 'buiéoe a IcSut Iar l ltelh ma' bdge,-eapolàl .i Mater 1h AcI «Icpa .t PWo vbnrI1assmi dOm î1b. that i veurou te tq êêt or mr ablihy *il rlaecu ir Johinson, Anresed Mon- ay, Mas Mot hon Sein Smo Tusday Night. ,No""ay sbt lait Victor John- ewc, Ulmi.la oo f the KWIl se mlo trait, vum rro*k ybimÉssTyreU las a botloggen. .tg lot eovnent tor tha l"n qmcae .caio on Tuamday e»Il g*t qer until Ws.eal mers- ~Jeohs vue arMitta Te v. 'the arma 0f hiemfamlly vit>p wCamh bond. isonrhi podshimaîfla a police chiot, tbe police m*gla uni.th UieorporaUtIo oumeal&ai et baud tS9 #éoIk tUih mor- *o proiecuta Uicecas. Jobnoo ot put ilauanapperance. anal4'. SThôrnasTyrrail- mmlOMMce ,MalWtulathecJobseoshomte on 0011 airet. lave mot sean Vicorondatne 7 * laDt h vhss ha ift hose to-a movte sbov. Ha dii sot b-a aLi afgt" calIdlirm oùe *11 et hlm If tIlah lut- lIlag 1 eerdo. Yonu ablt-lai lho »a arremeai Ifha evar stps tuti 4ikepa. 1 suppose ha coiii b. Itu Kiciha. but I dosnt propoie thonsoMcSérch tor hlm. Ha *c that- haovas voring at the W7, but ou Innemlgalica 1I Spd >ê.b hn ol vorkei thera la over joeke" sai lir. Tyrreli. à «seé viii ha causalfor trial ij oluos haplaccinddr an-1 1yrraiiclamrat-c bava lat- aons etf vhisrey trou basn le arrled ai.manal oblat smys ihat Johnson ptete1 the home 01 a mas whoh allihave tood la- hoe va lcarrcstei um.. 7mIllai t-boat-holenaste X&a ýérimace for trlands. ey et berglmrlau anal othcr 0 bave 1M& prussaut Laka ddol te orgmalms a cWi- Itlà pffladaithat-th imap*caid et aâm»mdi-lcs uinlut-la bom a el cnt a aboumal grica vitia Uceici a -daim. The PreilcuM luaI pug9184 vii @mi ter u»v«n oantsa pouai S-bruary *rat. Milseu Marion Neluon and Lenalu Dameoca vere unabla 10 a" thd blgh scoaol Wedaéuiay on aoou of llinam. 'Tbe oMdig i It-be viré milîlear urgl'.. t-r forelgs belp to attesi the nght acbool uther i la mg or North Chcago. They fee iial; t vill ha 0f <reamI service to tham 1 thaln vont. Ii u chool viii me ts evanng ln ragaa cssicu. LAitle marculIaSchumninaahontI ulot lit. 1JL C. Huit bas boausuuffarlig vIl sa, att-m ofnt c utite.- TbIe Tatea gt-y «W*c haut -mai out lis Christmia cheots S-liaî. & « 16,00 vas thos dislbiuWta thi 0cjx f North ChiC&W.o.lait j thé, momay itlalureportai vent- te Il youne People of theoCty. G. W. Uvans tather oflira. UL1 Jollar vio bas becs vlatllugber.* t-be put fcv vaeks lotI for bis hom la KaruMSrdai. iey. Payse wlllupeni lihe bolidap la KaousCity, Mo. Ha viii hoal ent- hem Inte local ohuncb a vw« front- iiundy. liasrocumate aetil liooralut eaalnar i vîibane obam of tbe servics on t ay . lir. I14. M. Boiner vho h"baste eorlug ton Mr. liohmar's uotler De Ceveland, Ohio, lua epéctéa hou soue tima IbIs vaut, ýl&c luareaseof vage lalle Non Ohîcp acfmtorisa yUl have mtUgb do vil tée Inereaseof the Chntatis silrIl this yeur. nei aov North mccl bai a go testet c Ils bat-i Plant londa.T temparat-ure vas near mrg mZidi ouI u&al but- vms sear perfectta fae taons The cv mbool AtI igivo viii adopt the cama usytm.Thé agi amy thealer la Waukegai aluoja Uic emme ytci. WOODMEN BMOT Thb. mambars of Tainareotcamp M,. W. A. blid lIair R anueflm Bhis veet aidiaci il.hefouild ofctrs for Uiceoomlug yami: Consgul--H. O. Thmosgo. Ainsr-H. Di. Urhal. -Baaka--Obarlci (latiY. Clerk-Wlâolm -Water. Esacort--oarnoe sBaker. Watobuaut-im Dfoma.L Bcsli-Tom in =84 Mamage-li. f. Urita., As uyeter supper va.seeryoci EL n.-ýUrb«a allie IeWatkm ý-ï a LTBR~FVILEILL.,'TKERSDAYIDEEMBER 21, 1916. Churoh Has D'on Laborne Un- der lndeblednos fr h Paît Twenty Year. ASSISTED IN THE TASK. Chrah Brothhood AgrWto IPay Half ofDNMtIf ctiuroh Raised q1wHall. logIe (l in trou 4lb.omt81 bls saraespirit than l avar bai beas hy the ongetation of'tlb. Vint Christ- ha cbureh sit Bunday mornlng. for Il davalops that the churcbh nov chr of debt. Fror 30 yaarm a pimtér bus iccorted Uic Christian church. -1mtb hqeni branca vias put on the building whmn Il vas bulit. and *year by yaar the mortaga bas been pal& off. Escant- Ir th& mortgage vas iaid 99 Iluis estlraty and on the day that the chercha@ et the unlveruccalabrate the blrth of Christ, the Oriaia chu'cb ocgaalnshouli b. tha happiaut A part of tUic«mn sadea te Dar ouf tbe motpag Vas a glft trom a lmip ~ Ila nGrnie. By thim ie et 7âi:hroI rperty ln Anioch à a ga tbs- morifflg m wvusrealime. mdtbe balance snod uai u scerlh eti bY hauban, 01the local congréga- tIon. The Gurnea Crstian churcb con- Igation hlaIkevime frac of dabt à". Tb'debt by Ibeme chnrch Pao- ic of Gurnaecarmain. vba paruon- Me vwu adid t thelb.cureb pro' The wpng out of thei mortgaga on the loa church vas accomPliha -Ince C. W. iiacfougull vau licha as, pator. ,This. habut ona of lb- Muar accomplismmnasiof BeY. Usé- jou ac. and Iic ee" mare mcm bog vlth the praime of thoga vio vor' blp de~r Ida sppembIlon .. * bathamort9aft 'M beha uraci 49ovCh ertan imcm- Of itbe, , b.xhlamt bis. =b ubia~i aior d là th tchurel vii uy or bullda otraoâaê fer.unlis evputor..1 POUR PÂGES E'«1Sce c Sa ta!" où n. RI3CtUIS TXEN DOUS NOT WANT CAffiVE J WOODS jTO STEP FOOT0 ATPO Â OFAUN FM NC I Plioe oaW dFroffilrs.Edward Ma4o<e Plan, ARMED WITH A St4OTGUN.1WIL1- WORK1ý_N£CES8ÀR) W ruANI fAi Y ToId of Robbnq Freljoht* Depot WIII he Mmnts Before She K 0f ÀAgLL. EN Forest Gets Rteward. Left Estate oF'$1,OOO. ST R IN N TÂ Y Jesse James Suit-had William Z. ,alident os thé i «rag ST R Q-I fA YHawkis,.who escpii trou t-hi brig o erv brothers anal ialaru lire. olai t-thé Griat Lakés Naysl St-a- Edvard Madoa bas leftlthe hoo#tti l ca federai Examiner Is Shown a lion, vire capturcal yeit-rday l h etaeIsieanwatrdet a "fLa fl v»«b u -k oode near Sacréal Heart CnvnST 0bedbe f thamaas of bar love nt ing for Natjitaiztin Chier 0f PoilicéWalter McGuiné. Lae a vble - b u sne telcauca 0frfbuc, Foélunems anad i ancal vca'loc -c~~~~Us lir a loaepiDnt Mna lb CA'TDD ~ ~The "Jacte" wve l n lb. brig for ijudir thé sainrooft 't y a ble 11 AI RN THEM HERE. dicipline. Ncarly a montb âge Haw-,ber baby and brhounctéldum kIns spd lBernard Hîbhbanf ied trou Sbe vent te Uhar -ylounthéotè a ~ It eiete H od thé e vtl andist-oic a borné la cmarnsd a -great réception saac4 fî âewsetheMono H Snà Waultegan. but- the ou-sur, Pat-ik:et ci er vbîn mliisteppa ito cthé et ta Them Nover Reaches ts 1H.ll chaseal hem la:atai and caugtit rocu vbere hou chIudres vare et DetinatinHt SaY8. cd. Smith vas Punleheal for 8=0 i 1- Mrs. Madol' hushisi mai. an ab- -o non infractioal of thbe pue. tack on bar lie.,than rai the hqui. A tear.tMualae tter trou a 1Ovepovea tagd anlu vh c lited ae -hifS l -0isp t id boy lving la Sunr îtaly wvasr- Havkins'ai Sit ltb t ai<awna ilucai-geaedei hl ut h . ta >-hIbit-Si la Circuit- Court y tIeria overppvired Ibaîr gugri and- sd WUsbody.Hé laita oi.bo i ha e '11ev uolvéd thé proleOCu . subehst- Ivsbogtoun-by lorr. whn cfuraI lExamlinr A. C. Weber once by breaktng m ic eNor*h wast- lira, Madéle dois net- atteluSI»e mo atdaI talien applcant- for nat-urpl- cram treight office e adreatuForest-UP w 0f br chliren. AIe do isat-bs papars vhy he haint- brought vIt-re t-bey oblalseal cannéal gooJp. vanut Utile JObnnélepaffrai bis vifeansd echifren teo the land t-at blatats, a raincoat and a éhot-gun ber. True cjot-hér love han fillgaiq, ihi souglil t- o ea o of. anda amunitîon. 'Théstl\cy fiai tto eart until itlaluneail thc burt ce TuarbI-e 1111thé ou mas'seoye. t-heoods.point, aud ber ovn brother. a#ic "BrIag them. Would (loi that 1 couli' Commandant- W.*-A. Moit tmbtin- tir tegl that Il vouli hadisaitroume te jrq moaneal thé man on thé vthiis aIformnation thé boyu vere hîdlng -Ppotae ber from he bal' blras. &b chair. ne"scaz k atForest- and notifiai police By ber huubani'm death lMm la 4k TheéItlien maie no fart-ber stata- Oblat McGulre. Thé latter faied -d dola uay corné Itoe$i,00. J.t veut1 ho ment but- reaohlng lala bis louer Poo-final them untîl Ycst-irday, uwhen je tare narly .very tout of t-at «* kt ha pullai outiaa ar andatu t-in - gola 0ew théy vre camping lu thete bpsy Up the alibI e tt hy bar bua, ad latter. -Thea- 1011cr vas of rccos*î vocal. band but It- ln sai no cradtors *S Os dte.The oMmrlc u Ialy.Theattemkt t-o maté a collection fi tl, a dt-c Th polmrk as tai. Té 1 Chier SeiliePuir face orf vhat han bappencdinist-be Me. Mr laîlir carriai thé mrk of tha tenur. dole tambîr. US Yettheiclit-t-arcariai ssv laforuatto.a Tha chier camé upoýn tbem altt-lng TeMdlsbdth aeo .for thé People of a land cf plîsty teo about- their -camp fine. HavkinusRThre Maru ole ot-il M arcboBrt. Loî rim Iblat about at- Chrstmsa.leapai op andl at-lupted to <rab t-bheoet sort nti aI bou e, . eeos tO t-iî st oa.0flb.bulîtni- hotgun. MeGire lîveleal a révolv- the lacéet- bic hm,îbal rt en1 BP1 ian couat-resjbut- trou tha boys lit- ou t hlm. terit'»eam tat hevoueand lthe Thé-captivés toli bow tbéy bad oh- the bQpes that- ibé vîli noear be cIl aen taly are tI erig mt-inai tu-o fre Mals. ai te agatn stop fo;othe xb. lnd chilirof food.The 4areaif"ld g trou We toid a bard luc'i tale atilirs. vih lcae ner e dleag U d 1% ha19 vut of to esechhie c -atar teod oS.cot-t Duruda'Crab Troc Paru and vsennhé0'onhs hfo ra iu Mi 57IIerhsaha iettî 0 5 0 ou dinnîr Mondai." t-bey simd wlhot s.aoi fi~~ÙTI msy TleMorntng ve vent t-o lZ P.viii b.oabl3 to voul, but sha isolavq "Scuil monîy. Tbat's my boy'&ea m u-its bhorné. Wa t-cIia miif s ee yl wor 10 ralitebar chiures but hae set tade imeand imeIf Itl imnécéssmTy. gabut tbaéhe n fnoyerlim a cbulmasIc vould ive us dur- breakfast vii agaln butlb. onersivb reahea Il- ome rabbts for ber. She telil_________ them." sai lb. applîcant for natural- for ta." luation Dpera. At algt tha boys véra bock In thc Managera of t-be Marshalal I laceu , of The îouag l'alt*lsgTltes t-bat t-ebori nl saler heavi guand alMoGuIre . 0 h 0e-n la net éaougb fiurôn band t-o make wa the rteiint of a chact for $50 Plant at Zi n City av au t tmI reami, uni that lb. vouas ana li- caul hip bliithécooauadant. formai atatemént-conlradlollu the nr& de irsof Italy are lovly tarvng qtQ - PatiotHalli o Milwvaukee road 1e. port that- t-bulacé, plant MB5 t-o e v. deati. -d&Y wva m iong hielmotte bpoauem ovia trou ZMon Oit-y, te Virla. the Itlan lu Wautslaa- toc,£ tha bo allainsolrecclve thea ryi.-litcre elr httecmm a> prcllmlnary-axumlnéloiotarday, vwamte mas vho capuraAthe *U« lhydclr«-btle opuyl a but t yUl hleirci. 191?. hatore » tci ,horsahlev6s in thaefinal pime..Ho Ma llasncv ewmaclaaeny la tUic 2io eplpara hoe labecma cilm.a,>fsai hatooJthé4 boye 10 hi -tatlinplant anal t-bat- Il la lIa Itectitof'a ils t"MiliUtte. b aOU a avni %' dlta 1*1 hllc lia oralfr -fCtbac cm pasojraty - uceae ie ed bb ieP"pe be 'igii muthe govem>*à' 4 ff muI b Isu ine. b, ntpt Ohrtheaoisr l p b*-l-1 *b utt»itlà"I 01"1- t "W« oOQ t $1.50 PIMM STttu npetr aISN ot IyPls>aseqdWfthThem." 18 OWITE AN HONOR.1 10, yuAltasto ueror Soool1 SehoolTonight. r"ak huuty ln to bave the bono« etIvlga lamai ivo Superlor aLbol. a.6areuit t the tour et l>. plUsTusmiy of l11 . J. ofum.. pW npector of rural andl villae !lgoInlai amgaay iti T. A. Mpg ud ato lmctha naw 'achucol aÇ Qq¶, Lskç and the retmodllia oa 40Zi. neYasor eltbt yaars mgo the eniaatabishai tha -pla" cf iuul- a AS lanl sc* boole »bsoIn f rural ,phoolm la aaCh eow> a ra aumber of tUoe Mm t bavlng etupar :tho Satandard obooL lW * bhool t o @plâcad la ibm té. uchool cime.t ,munt be - v Ab'IlLaM.Possible tumake l ara but lausnhosgil I& ý tacg IlIlmobLa ba eviirepartthe ia ite' t»Wt * .t~~chefle lie rà. ~pilgcocutuion.Ib- tlêmbo rounds aMitbm la f ras caithcy *viii ar la i?~to raturh herclIta iorburat mich lime b« Vilev The os morn ra om hol U wlli:bc.a a ma" id beauty. The awbth bu ael 4b. sppla oilie là af gr nomenfme boci mobool"*ç"lrt ~ca Standard mbool *à -a re tf bp report ihat !*tuihobubith r. i lofma. Tha latter. aore taiploaeuci vth the lake cu* . 4. impion<oas t-o -waufflda te.I ý4lkvhavc hahh la s Pait aI*. ne Mcv 30,00 IgI ecool th"ce la uabar fronmil-parts-ocf tha auw mn atdt us pPlt I lsd lionahasbas disovimai that9 ~syIt he moni of thc mlii ~eNnhatoothe lad F r leiau h umberpulet ~4a4for minths bas vokci Hu ra l. 3fuada much liguor amithon vn 7b.a vite dam tasta.igtp --br a hlou atihep l an l naIneIftc W -.l t itir lavalqlU i blis hami Nd ie votleub*< wilaie od Mt a 4P W~eoth e able. lsvibas maiél a h viiai pev rS.poied bot b iM"4ii Te omea mi pull ibm bai W* ni it v pr e leslm& ' bombu.ms *le aaur 'ifo bsaa mW fe t Uic ay. mi vIesK1<M -i *uc bal bis vite la mlceflg hem i hume mam ôcf icerse Au, butIp lolretnutimshf 0104111o4amea lierai bhertotjl bu - bgrt*Macracnei s m~ou «Parawm ft ib- -- - -er wm& .~~- AT mur~ REALTYU Luns ~r A*u~ e.' Nu5mbqr o< lm~i 'total aumber q ~~.Oqpiet - boqite sel lamas a ONU.. 'litO - - 4muh~ Il Wa 1"14 N li . - tmi' t el(uha qi