Il --flP -U" MW lm ,'iseodlUT MIE, CIO . U VAN sSITLA1HAu . ..... ................ ... .ie, aaePooi wain iw he Mblatinifar ïtliut i klne via fr im our edaem th i a mmi -tuivum c ~tJUST !INCLOSD Oneo uthelbWegmst trasactions lu ' mon. ueal msIe ever ouluinateln lu Lt m uely bus matbeen blciel, judgini Igt*l by lb. dael whM iob lasut5basa re- ier eoled lua te court bousee a ae- SmJ ai Tie conalaeralio la net giron -lut K la veon over a quarter et a mil- lion dollar, Thte traser tamamde heveen Jo- 15 ix, M. abi"yald vite to'Blard 1i ,. D><rle- Tbe oselderatlon giron 1, Z~$100. but'1158,000fi ~cash vas gltvepq 1a-as part coametlou. In addition Dylefe abc a trust deel for $110,000, motln lte coualderation aI -loast 5168000. Thea trust deed la pay- Ir ho able in20 seml.eanual payumnts of fl~ 550emol. Thme lattain question lies@lalte À Uth ufthlb. aumuei Inanil traçt, part beiitg lu Vernon and part l lh .rly- BIlville tovusPItLp ion#, Thtetact Plat practieil ail of te li.Samuel meuU large holdings are lu lb. sbe N. of Ulvard J. Doyle,net- Wiilyaires ils. ta lbhe lloethal Doyle morely vam acting foi Issui -e lu .gigantleol mal ucloied. ln- Wim es"tieus vonl seante Poin1th lm maet taI Insul ihes. tb Ail1: i areaiy barge realty holdings Inla àel couaty. Th and jury, b C lu igo on pensaginveeigallun of violaties of lave'i le Llecounty ailoursil JMt beoe. ou oi oay and MDlsol reoupe vorit titis aflerneos. Otate'. Attorney James G. Welcit, ganma uychUrmas, W. E. bMiller. and several members of th. grand 1ury tee" e ,0board the 1216 Northt Western train, preaumahly for Chicago. It la »Ma ltaI State'. Attorney .. G Woeh ansd meahen 0of lbe grand jury vent, ta Chicago titis afleroos, to eàploy lnveutigatore, and te ast tbe eerrités ut ose or tvo gavera- meut secret service mes. lt la ciso mai tital litagrand Jury vil demou ut the. gorersulent ltatilbturisi teom vllba complotéeHUl torery Ma- of LA14 county vho hmsepro- cured a goveismentiquor leeà Titi ugot in tuovu. Btaws 5Ato,'. ney Woeb as leadiLg Ihe.gesul Jurone ln tb. direction o! the toleral bulldisg lu Obirago vhes lutI seen. 1ÉAREL Y TMBD C*roh Jroi 11,e Souday echoal at 10 o'ciack. Premion services miii Buudaw mors- bug vii bcbhlis menii lorasm er.a r1es ai Ilo'clock il«. T*R. Bse i ifl prsob on the subjact: ".Lie Contente Lialted." lnuNhe veung at lb. 7;W lime enheciof lime sermion viii b.: -In lit Eyec of Oie.' Thora viii h spic lklt.1h.e ventug by tam chair0 sud Uri. Bila Ring lngrabon, soloist. viii als o mit he avean sevi.. "St&rUVimrieaoae vili b. th.e sijet 0! lime Epwonîh Leagnebeson neitBonu- dey evening aI 6:45. Lader, Um Malas Taylor. A ordial Invtationle bszheled tea &l. Choir rehearea l b b heuos Fnhtaî e,nlg o1 tâtes vek at 7:80 Sharp. Ail momb.r rngcd oatend. The aonthilybusIDine m@@,tjxnai soalbe ai thée pvoih L*aime vili b. heud nin veek Friday evealng. Jan. 25! lu. the (iynasium.. Thérs Mamy buo aisigh rida lu connection with thie 'Preebyterlon. Remouhor choir praclics on falunlay avealeg ai 7.45. Joa. Waugh vili i ba *pupe o te lbadméetsaifmoule sou conduet lte chair procce. Ruilai .srbcS-Onnod*ychoal 10 oa. Moralng service 1il o. u.Dr. Chae. divan lgIrait o! Chiucog, vili spak ou ",Poislhfiliss o! UNe Chnem." A Uni e etWgvilil b. e u onBounday StTOU*1 2Il wIlb .d4ne byhiPr. Brat on "A Moral Suheituts lor iWr. j ChniaisonEndearietl6:45. Lmaer IMra. C. A. Mdonuanu aaeited hyinmee -0e.ujnieiI uAu The Wetinlster Giiil ofthlim Prssb- terilai u unil iimesiaet the home of Mie Cocsin Elm Court on Tusea avesing, Jan 28. The follovlng pro- çrm bascbuirrongsd aidail membare are nrged teb. preomti; Onpnre Esading-Mre. BStir. "Titi Mon of Latin Ameico"-Uro. A. C. Le. 1 . "Poisst ConditluneIn Muico sd Bont Amerl- %iisFllrnaitopies. "Womenmhooin lu nth Amerieo"-Mro.à 0. 9. go«g. *'A Wombauo! Brssll"-Vmu. G. Oeniaif.1 "Chlidhood o! South Amortuca"-Mre. B.9 Cuileti.1 ..Fihipe, The Ficher Boy"ý-MiséE Bina Obtapter. OFFICIAL COUNOII. PROCEDINGO VILLAGE OF LISERTYVILLE Ragulan meeting of village board buta Jan 1, 1917. Meetug caflid te, order by th. prenildot.. blenbers pMffl. Pneileqb J. B. Morse.. 'Irutees.of"M». Eger, Hart, Smala, Titus. absent Wright. 1 lb vas negubarly movii hy Ornais secondei by er ltaI 1h. meetinmg ad. jours ta Monday, Jan. 8. 1917. (larrlsi ilvoting oYe. J. A. Treptav, Village Clark. Adlournel meeting o! Village Board heid Jan. S. 1917. Mdeeting clisd ta celer hy the pneSldent. Mombonrenot Presidu J. 6. Mors, lTretes, Collin&. Viffer, Rnir, Slcs asent Titus, Wright. IMinutes of reglai meeting t.!bSc. 4,- 11916. aid Jan. 1,1917, ver. neei.1 i la a lu en th di vu ltb ci ai o1 tg tu FW1th p U 411- Evenng mricee7.3 :0. Dr. Bradt Nvib Iasscna yBnIa *IU RI ONi The I"movies" ai the Lberty Theatre *111 sprat on -.An luepiralional World mdéteabu approved s rend. Cmrdwu ]XýX*d W* b xèv sie0j"bý .Mond*i nlght wvesWellattemdad rs- uvey" 1Theofernngoft iabIscurchor ail votl.g &ye. weersldo forthlvembeor. T OhreetwsForeign Mimions vii b.ho te iteet héAdolpb Ooderberg appettnel before the «W ittdrintbooldwesbpr.Tbroboo mrtasa ad e»lo sevicl. oardsa.klng tbe board ta acespt plat of eh 5O~bi~tRI ~ T A IfilliSPEED bei:.alto h lN8~ vmn tjs ieproprty crarmer I1Telon et. and o 411 UlnuSeo ~ viloatlin laordir pt 3it o hiemhan V cently foel île houpe.of worebli> Il lire. Wangh, a choir leaider of tChicago, viiit] aieGrs oda ahdrdd 'b . té-. h O"imtri t 0ftrhlrleoth s f.The eshope vers ethe reoult o1 theSenle-.routierspécal moie.Mored by sosniesecondaid!by Colline l >y he h pa f r g&. garou.o ~.uàsbud wtt lilltt hêcausé kilaurled ouIntly Thursdey' nl atrolty of thb..mnager of th tra irtre, A Conur@alodâal meeting WINi bu Il d ivitio nSr' ebout 5:16 viten hb. lead ltrou m rn nda , fse b ~inext Wodneeday, .lan 24th. The ladiesdmeo uacpe n prvdb - - - U ni tl h i " on th e 0f.1% U e O h e o f th e Ibea tre fo r an e 'ig lai t, t u th e o f t h e b unch v iii 'er e nap p er b il JI t e i la e b o a rd a d tb . p r oide st a nd. * hcaoNottObr .1~Eplancal chureh people. Mr. Suidam nwnertheir famile and tride et clark ho authorn os igu and affix the 0110110repu icricaiorthwhoe anuetsret a pald ail incidentai bille vitb theeaxce.63.Dr. W. B. MarqiaSn expert on c- i tothe lat.Canilel a oi g m~aie. "or 11 SUI INO triChiago. ut T va«hston 1i, l ion or th e nting or the lilme for thaet Char-eh Fina ncse vW i"ean sddreae on Treasusir'report fpr Noveinher 1916 te B utkUW d Ny ornMêes.rou teharwafus.nt peoa cunh1ud aiyInCnrdaIanem . a orted. «d"lheurn1916 wver. A Ih il. scrstory inG a rcla i at . red. Mo ion by ge nesconded byl m eS. tfb.e e jdry vitere b. le oaployel vimen tlita enricbed ta the amoeni 0$2 25 rou Wankegan. viii epeat on "Tbh. GentrlIm;rpre uacptladplclo t WM1011.~teta>ppel ~thue eshows, titanebeng 81 ciildiemmd Chnoeh Budget, aLaa s Toint o f 51 Csng bills e ond; iiuy i.rtea The llmalted train bal sopa!or381 adulte tickett. co. BRer.Whte View." The speclal aider o u..,.Tw»DsiIN ololbiNe veir the with nu CMMMWÙth&Te juanommersethat lthe proctiede front the wiviiiebuthe adoption of the Budget plan lur n50 n t'it itt IlSOlebv o N luc1uac. h cag iJohneLeser, epécial police.......400) tt; U ilfor a local car mAl tartel ta gast1h. purcbaelfnfev equlprnmlfor *9.the chucb ye.r 10 bogin Api Ulsf. Dense Limber,Irit, oifTresser'@ 15 00 411114tlit en happemeltit ht ot onchoir. S.Lveie peoa. Doulemmi bhr>, lire cadi cnrch , 38 00 th*e wsoz«' ldle vitlr.thé vestibule -Thé ptures vers grefutly pPelted Re. we ça. Whîî., l>mDoui@ Llmberry. ireme. ealay 1900C W" CmIO$11. hb.the largs crowde wbch gtitnie e IT.Bme.WhtPimeeiJha1ge. 0. 1. Lucs, la g17 fi,. vter Abot tt e mme Ibualthetreli show&, iManagerOifiaim havlon hbaia Roly communion exept l&rat SunIay Main n inV* . .....2212 stastl 4Sl BIt bug n. l 414 epécal program aarrangeai for ts lmingim. la monîh 7:45 o. a. W. C. Brummu. &Mt crosing ... 88 IM ak hm lmeta M ntth- h Ba te esbe benm braorable Roly Communion, lit and 8ra iBon. J. T. Dai, dray................... 260 adi-~na liel U al». At Twaetimthenattendane vant havehbon mmch deye 11-00J am. PublicelierriceCo, sireet lighîlng 126 go0 eXd '"ter'à%*h treelt bo ieclaled ta takoa bis chanese greater. Mou mmlglnyerother8undays Il a. a. public Srvs lalaipover bouse 50!1 1*-ý*téIl mf.A ta it t.t Cbunch Ochool19:45 oa. .F. 0. Loveili Ca.. hppiks .......... 35 VUbmuDr r owm flin1 W»1- byuig. ÂI aflatlxIe o fl Thilsépedan fods ILJ. A. Treptov, tae. extension itUs dik M o g VU -wm ghg tmaodraehé' *WTh anEI I1 anCsd étampés..................... 625, am 1f - CUIIR IIWUL)Lberti ville Lumben .comi .... 5 46 bwwg uaMbad or imwfl. WWOsUO sî- cou Uty ud of Md ~wmichn l a antrest W. P.Frabeen . .c....i........... 86,80 weVMPon wiGUNb.- torn il over eoutry-witliout auch mmgfDr. ALUDTIJ $6>, W . .Fads aeW.... s-. RwoWu. YIisBrowum asroas o<>fi Itaotme boa i supervilors M0 National aW, rpîe 46 <~**i.g . abuffl ~g~. u b " nhlm a"u abis blity and therefore POT FERAltanear......60 àm f aoh bt ý %1 e IM843m"OW l'teie Z id u m* oalu .me policy ho lias lu aie8pat- _ _-a. Meyer, a ee..îoit...........890 tOiaw ii oql. thie poUeyi of wuaring the, rangle sud clater uhicli cornsWuao.Patea uC,éep M14b î, e"'lIl se*u1 te bé Of he fl*lJiO le' 'W o repo ly OLopoIed to hlmad ho Ir. W. Onyder, génerali inpeclor of- compouaid.....................250 , ll m'k"mon ravlug. b sée. hl to m 1ta hlubsendavqrs at the the Chicago. Mw&Ukee sud Bt. Paul. lB Egpr, material .............. 7 02 fo .~i? iroad, loday postel a revaxid af Moral by 8air eicondid by i bille bolspIIutAB.-the ipoetedeutot eOi d8ay,&p gave$300 ln Waukaga for Information' bu allovadavrruants lidravu on tàs oYP$3OOOO-xpoud r pe act monto talc. Up Ib hli oitl work.eadlng to lte arreel and conviction didentnilunde. Carried ail vo oyaie. ZÎbeemir pr i;has 85been my ple5u2!OI am wiII- out he tlmer.. vto robbed railroad Moved Il @mamis seconded by Colline mm orelghoctliebeaseIloebeOfkY Eeybd crof $4,000 Vort# of copper ?a. 1hs1 lb. villageboard ent lthe noom ttho n ï. Ii l mw ht r oualwffl eujoyed a lucrative ce sots.eI vlae altataEpsoa **be 1010 a com k " tat it R' -ut nto inc ho had Bpieaklngwllb lthe Sun, Inspectai cburch nitlihe rat* o! 050 per yean, tbary igo isltl 41110 . - no* TP" sOR!b"si, ma!ytatla be utit sush Bujior mil: 11aurniah the ligimI. Carried ail voting ~isor mlIa lmla a~aya av -teldevote go Mui rne ho thé Lakte cou.nty h sitl Oiit.1 "Our foséshave boss eomethlns iNnhSaala a D euR é" ti tao«tipiImt& 0111Yoly However, k should be ample recompense tot. l O B«eenormons.. Ata rougit esîlmale, 1erission oth Shreia s C dîîo, i *liBtaig la that Dot kiiu M. :the abulute confidenIce reposed lu hlm and Ia bisbllty by belteve aur louess whlmount. la over cýrtaiuu etreete luvillage wamerend twhkeh 01111 ad h a n dmthd ac t anaY'of the entire board of supervlsors, as Ehown at tke Meeting 8',00.:p omeol:ma ue.~ e.rdtati.s etuu I. 0 lie4ouure llbenéwspdape st, tmea cn-s Mr. - UnedunIng lime pastofew vee'ie, and oAi. Orli.n.ewae presenied hy Eg.o id OU people a e lln sdaW ùloug ho d r.OOl-1ndi' alltsfiedliaI lime Ihieves oper- liii rpétrI t ici ge dýthi..rate, on1wèît..r Mecol as lupervlsor and aàc-I clerk of Lakte For- It la goueralli' believed Shate's Attorney Welch wil] l u fScl ncrbnsi ac ,~~îendl m, 311v17 many years bas been inrrerochble, and loruyprSecute any residents of Waigkegan who VOCOiifly."' T. r c.,k.i h1 fr.piti vIg- 0110 Waukegau Gazette Or 83Y other newepaper, late the privilep» or provisions thie "Rocker club" lawi Inspecter Snyder vent 10 UAberty- rî.dr ueee uirat~o. cenbemirlibi clarchr l té ees0$ailthsepermits. l o0 r dr"cities "looker clubs" are uow'ville thie atternoo5 10 question iFt Y byu L swâi. l he -p a-o ca'fllad o- ukdealer vima wae arreeîed 'vIîba,,md 8tiC. Pt ith--prp-i,i t fthue! I O>~~u~oeuseeeiî ! a groal stock of étoles capper mOit f.... and iil.n iae e.i wit *0laW 1 ondTueeaday ntalji sfîun cet, pr lne. tanired aIl vtiîig PS peti'vel roedahthe Supervisors' Meeting stat mipon elr leortncé ho thie law In thils oornmuihy, -I do sol belleve liaI lte Junt& rtbMat aoetéd effort lbas been made t. wreck thie and 1accordingli' wlo are opei'ahlng the Clubs anddisaler ufller areithe b.lvmànWo hy ioileê a dor.edaiiue "ed amti cosl=Ito prevut poor peoplle . frorngïthose yho are m.rnberus holdnot becorne too brazenor $els te copper frrnm oui cars, bitl J A T' ume.Viia«gçlerk. *lima*Is ftl, ad, 19 fat, to "put Ilhinbadp" tbey91Mf" mdtine i in Serious troUble. Wauk*egal1 Sva laim $0oIfhevwWeu>sala______ mm5 a 1Ill*1i 16-s bTe a personal 4ifferece aud Lake coleuutcaotchange thé la'w ogvme iplyme vitb o complote' fliiot!ofime Mpérieuntw nof *bu i B~l ut, 1h as asMWtisrntterbub Sayteofiil a'nes of ltse tiieroes. I bellevo 1h51 W 1 vrocke&.theoffiiaiacaOUestbatthle laW ho purchaueil lm then property, and TotAF r LbI tbat k canot b.ecké , the bN Iio ,os ed. Mr dliproisét! b.ore-blp éection he vI» aholàhlor, proseeutii. but TO .T OCALIy A&% gor tilatho wold ýee 1tlia ielaws vere enforced aud 1hlaour i ant hin ta*an oterchage LÔST-Jmne. 9, a Couirer fon a gssng ~5t3adtba s~rs ataco, nsIuAion su il- frm bellef Qlat hlieMuoh permit the vlola#1ous of théeiai h5gd aCOUsutolon propo- beîveenrayglake and Milinîn. "Ueoui' do liot rais. spcions 0f su Mom- varions 1fea1turés Of tiRi au lilch governs or rna t ma be prefrril againmelfilm. t'ioder please pIl John A. Straug, M"IomHwve mn ed âtifIbthe la Nîunn3j Lo dfo ,,ftan th-,mo oe s lldy ithoi "ocker clubs." e dosouali ieiayfi Justas _______________omersof he ~*ipt!wliaaI hu n~li ud PoverIbIsbeidaut Iisticka aw as hil"ockerclub"Ptlaw i12Ie là 90d Oenir h onl sIdue te 1300 inWAN T ED-Ta buy a tria of larire gre. olilalln wlcl la dere e b.rvenueOf pliy- th.# if a houla int.le "dry," ià otld BU"d ansd ab- is ou ldéense."'Cold Spi I-g Farm. Liberty ville 259-W-1 i0 -091l Iti naterlally.,;Thie cer of the.poor ho- solitteli' "dry." SBo foras tâte oditor of Thie Ouiila cn-- i. Oyder beileros ltatmucit of - 14*. ooatY la about a bUndredth part .1 vbt kcenet ea ovoum iw lngy back ani' moeeult arted by te coppor toleu trou lte traines- b..?ba's Rieanaer o iucl o!théanlmus localpeoiple ubic l a.for 1h. objeot à reqinostto lu laite county hm.bebilon avsn**y unbuMtlabalai siippol tu pointe fart île. . 'FA IRtOLM tii. bo~~~~pItmL tii. W" léil tur obave thée "locherclub" lav repead dtanltfront thls ity. lHe heleves thal .c.BRI ~ WItssRig hbaconfdncé x~m.t! l hud mkeoporathlad ut!permanent tRie lau ubici r he lt ieves or. résidenssot Chlecao Hon 0-. C UReel ,Ir o 1rt offluoopimienpba ilty "dry'1 Vi the people o!fbtcii3iilyore amuko u tel f b denfi. oom oth l Maarallier tucongrou, * t faffairs opIni«ton iao f toir mumber bus o! avot ý uJ ai ts psidfenlOcelat or abot 14b. tZ f.Î ie; mli r u lbw . Cas jPl.." hl bilee b.çoaqeat Nadir? Rl»0« At the' eflw avMoe uia empt te, cososal he n gm? M àb thearuteorlthe widowU" vas aued whms ber hushani 1 - 0 1i» kber amd burs the COMM IWS auslng ta report ta ho 04iuu»u bat thora la ressSte. heere lot, [e by hie o0'" b" -i do tiot bouhere UlvUrd UoWO- as murdored. 1 do Dot thid~t hreina anr occasion for =M tO St ta bepreai a&bout-Ia» a #W L soon *4eUMi. Madol. la sM 1 Wf kilth lb.lquest, and 1 wiIl «M b« e a witaeos."MWi Dr. J. I& VWWi. etLibertyrville. vio la emommr et ebke county. P'rom lte ageutlesof 1s eC ory came of lMai01..'.domSk. vas netUmis.Madole wbo P» th Rrot report of ber hutb&W asimB to *e world, but aÎ'i3.y.avqM Uoogb- Sous peopie vonder vhy à aimt [attead of à an le.d 1. atffl te one lired Itta m Nie. b*aat but Ibis siepfasgo. ground. for the report thst 1gale. was uurdere4." Maltthé omn. Mrs. 'Mee scondition 10 taWQv- ng eoitday. a la18e«»o« tit @he will ho abi. to go before a soi- marts $mry tht, week or ment vWc and tell of the death striai. @» mail vith fir insane bbo.& ma of bla deatb lu the hurmis wboua. AUDIT ORIUM I L3E1TV1Z, 1D SA TURDAY MODERN AND' FANCY DANCING Under thé direction of Miffleil Kva and Floreince WaIIin. Clam ess »8 to 9 Social Dancing 9.12 CHILDREN'S CLASI SATURDAY 3 P. âL.i Electric Po wer is availableAisdan md nighî at every lump socket connected to our service and Electric Power is of intimate inter- est to th-. owhers of evçry piece cf ma- chinery ýn town b. cause cf its economy and its .ff'icmic and likevis. inevery hotasehold because il 4 wilI taRte over the heaviest labor. We cemrsdl domuat. tht. Public ServiceCo of Nostilh*mlsM GA RDENS IDGE & SON I Dym.asmitRed-Llbevm"i ftautii Boston iFerus legonias