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Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1917, p. 5

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-JJBrTviglLE :DWEPJMDNT, THURSDÂY, JÀNUARY 18, 1917. a: B :,-:Sr~ :I~2S - Now Is The TiM.el WVI& yeu are aMot ery busy oto LOOK up yur wants on the faim Md boy Your ï' PossGates, and Fencing. Seedas, Feeds Plenty of Good Clean, Screened COAL on hande D"m by theOu Desc. nema <L2 eu..3 s Phone 47 E. . Bialap. Mgr. We SeIl Kitchen Ware Xverytbing for the kitchen in the way of utensils may be f«ed ini tiis hard ware store. Housewiven vii b. plessed with tke greât numnher of things they eau buy bore t very cheap prices, ttings thst perhaps they bave gone withont for a long tàme. Rpletsssh your kitchea vare nt your iret opportunity hm our stock. SI.ighing l great and piénme to con- iUe for a long time-aud we saiiibave a few dandy sieds for your boy or girl SpecwalPMUceto lose iLmn out Hm B. EGER Hardwa, Pubn n etm. Phone 17. libertyvmle. ýGood Hard Coal May Be Scarce- ýbut iff you leave your ordor wtth tu before you an ail out We Can F111 Your Order and keep you supplied with good liard coal ,xxrrrx~rrr~ if You Rave ige' of Local Intereot CU hono No. i Fiorence Cos *Wetod ber parents over1 Sonday. Victor Uavme Of Chicago. spent SUD- day witb friendé bers. W. 1. Collin@eIo in Peoria attending the ijArbiesudna granite dealers convention. Chase. 1). Proctor entertained a number of ii friends st hie home atnrday ntgbt Tii- WV C T. . wilI meet wibh Mms Marthe, Whitney on Tuseda.v afternoou ~jausarx. 28- Mr. Kellogg of-the Baivin Piano Ca, was bei, Monday iookingaftr the inter- est of the company., George B. Manounsecured hie releae frons duty on, the Faderal Grand Jury in ChIcego let Priai. Mr*. W. H. Washbarn of Wankegau. @p@S Sot oday hoem vth ber brother, A. C. aMrrafand vifs. lie. John Welch in entertalnlng ber mie. Nm e dith Partrialge of Noth. port, L. I., for eonse Ulne. The Woman's Oiid viil mt ab tise reuldeace o! Mrs. Clybooro on Thnrday ifternoon Jenuarj 25th. Janse Tripp o!f leington. Kenra, visiteai over Sonday st the borne oi bis brother, Frencis R.Trlpp. Mr. sud Urs. Wm. King oi Atigo. Wt.. &pot Tesday bers with tise ltter'@ brother, EKaldew andl fsmiiy. N. &. Ladai and Ban Lovelanal vere lu Palatine last Frîdai visere they'attend- ed the funerai oi Dr. J. W. Wilson. Mr*. W. J. Mundee retorneai Saturday frons Ceveland,. 0, wvberasse vascalsai on account oi the desth oi ber mother. The Mik Prodocern Assoceition hav* ut the date of Februar>n lut for tisi Olal lime dance vblch vili ho beld ln tise tovil hanl. 1Mr. andakirs. G. A. Wrghtlfrt Mondai for Hereford. Tes, &Analrons vhore tley viii go to Los Angeies, Ca., for an ex tendeda te.. Dr. sudaâtMm. E. H. Smiths sîpsdt td imvoe non Sodai moranog forsa Ivo vusho trip to CIndloLati. 0h10 and We, eev, Kentucky. J. Elil Trime. R Kennedy John Un. berri anal W m. Barott lej.Tueed&Y an - -'p STeins vhre tiseî iii penal about tva ves-- Mr.nal es. GporRe A Fiton aod grnduo Geor esBeon, latWeduas- da, 'or 1o îgis issts> rerainouil biit e> brtw w KiiebialikTrIggs vonprises on secoD cockerel anal foortis heu, first andi second heu andl tiird analdBis oere t t IN shov helalin Racine lest week. Miss Flore Tripp returaîrd to Dovoer, Grave laest vek on aeccont of an accl d&nt ta ber hrotise-nin.ie, E E.-SastoG visatoit and frectoreal ie kue cap. Th isectY .nov Plove vereont brigt and eruy let Prlday nsoring Th heaviet fali s@,ov thie violer Cem lent Tbosadai anal during lise igit Thedae .given bi tise 1 0 0 i Coage iasi Friday night et the Anal larin vam vçnv langel, attenalea. Tb _1lfecos Clorea icîcietra fuiniebeai ti music. Mondai uounlng Coroner J . ,Taylor vas ied <tg Aottlo h lid an inquct lDot tedetb o!ChancePuilen. Partien. lare of Mr. Poflmns endalen deatis appear ls a»Othe? centame. '1IV: memisere of the finance consmite of tbse 85.Lawrence Episcopai churcis vl.lted St. Bach e iurc inluChcago lasit Fnlelo oks et the brick and thse voodvork asésinb tise nntroction of that chonr-i. John Bouese,fornerl o! t rea, andl vho la now staylng wyuL bis daugister. Mrs. Alilesuast, aSWukegen, in rsported Tory fil vîti pueenOInoll. As Mr.Bous le I bi Le89t1à jear, his relatives andl friende amre onslderably worrIed over bis loses. Boehb iseock for about ton days. sngaged ln cettlng Ice. thse Company bavlog reoslvd rany large orders for lS,. One of tse larget Contracte taken by tise comfaay vas for 600 ton@ for thse Ar"ady Farmnssnr Lake Foreut The Ie la flteec ltachesthieciau'nd o! the fi neet quaiity. Win. H. 4lpéle 5ise te ist knovu ùH-m " slnt.dical at hie home hemreuldrW.aed aY Moming. Detail ofihir. AppIe'sedsath vilbic founalon page o»' of part tva. Liberty ville Loalgo A. IP. & A. M.1-viii have charge 0f the fonerai vbkbh vii bhe sil ram the home Doit Suai., alternoon at 2:30. Tisrsdey afteraoon of last wssk Franks A. Sniydarn bai the misiortnne ta have ons of hie Ungis masheal qulte badiy andl ope otissi baillibruiWeawviile ho vas at vois on a plomising laît th e Insuil reeldeno. The s@âme aitetnon and at arnos the mare minute à lelov vorisme, Bert Mtin. isad a linger eut ba a planer. M. W. À. AND R. N. À. IJOLI)JOINT INSTALLTION Thse Lîhrtyville Campe ai the Modern~ Woodmen anal Bayai Neigisiore hela joint iii.taliatiou oi their ofiiesis on WedàWeaysvenlng ab tise Auditorium George Sturmu act!ng s lntaililg Cau- soi. and J. A. Treptov, as linateiing Es. cort. aesistaI isy Foreeter Drill Teain. the *aodmen. Mrs. 0. B. Eger, acting ne instailing Officer, Mi@e Jennie Kern. a@ Ceremonial Muwisal. and ICrs P. J. Bor-kemans Mersisai, susted hy four of tise iracee, dilla thse *rk. Tho înitaiiing offilcers ad Urace were eacis presentea i wtisa Sos hoquet, anal Mr» H. B.Eger, pre. anted tise Past Orascle Sr Mc aDonad, witis a beautiui PRet oracles& pin. After tise Wo,'dmen Inetalled. thse DrillTeau pot on L4ome faney drillo, andl Mr@. Ger. brnde Clark rendereal serai excelent. readings iftit.fbie RoyJ"Ndsgboasdid their lnstalling. Aflter ail the vori vas doue the Wood- msen serveai a cafeteria lunch In tise loalge bailon thse tisi-a lioor,over Ivo hundreai being serveal. Ater anocli ail ejoyed liheinelves la a lttle social dance. The Woodman oBfflcrs Instaurai are: Veneraisis Consl-J. B. Meck. Fast Conul-ohn Cols Wortbv Alvsor-Rcts'Keliner. Excellent Baoker-Barry Glsason. Clrk-Walter Lytle. Waîcisman-Cbase, 9Manson. iSentry-J. H. Hag..rty. Manager-B W. Smth and John Cois. Tiseeanal esqurad dane t ho R- hn.o creinmaîc c é-ueitj gTe b. tie onteraPie datnet NalThbonsae: ntle Ytelo viii ho held s ise Auditorium on Frida>. Oracle-Crs. Anna .'uydam ovenlng, Jan. gobb. Tisefiremen alvays Faut Oracle-Mrs Carrne Mclonaid. bave alarge à4tsiendace at their dancee' Vice Orace-M sa&[thoda Fendicis. aud tise patrousialwayis bave a mont Chanceiior-Mr@. Alice Cole eijoyabls tins.. Thoe tickets for the liecorder-Mrs CarIe Gromaiitt. daneseli at$i par couple andl specma. Recivr-Mrs Eruly Lusis. to'. tickets oost 50 cents. Marea-Mrs%. Augusta Boeism un Tise exhiits for thie Caris Show ta lv louer Seatne-Crsa. Nellie Meais. hcid ln the Ubeflyvlle iuditoniin Feh.Outer t3ntinei-Mrs. Celais Barrlngtoo. 28 ta 26 are assi>. corning lu, soinsof Manegers-e. L. Flagg, MresElisa- thom arrlvlng attise locri express office beths Gleason. Cers Carnie CrOonalal. on WedWady. Ifr. Barrett, ln epek. Phîsitian--Chas. N. Stephens. log of tise oomlng corn showv etateai tisa esbibt@ f ram eVerycorner o! thse rounti wudho Iere lu pleuty o!ftMnue to beye SPIiCIÀL NEETNIS TO BE tisem arrangsd sous ta have thom S hov AT PKESBYTERIAN CRUREI 08f te the bost adveatage. AI] exhiits are piaced in trecys msonon satiss arrive A apeciai cailsdl meeting o! the Conlgre. bere.. gallon o! tise Freebytprian cborcbvilii tg Lest Tuesday vas thse day and the beld unei Vedqe*day evenlng. .Jan 24th Mthodi@e chnrch. r the place for 6:80 a upper e ii ho cerveai iree b> ti'e tise joint meting&cftise bM. and Pr. .Indie oi tise chnrch ta ail memberi thoir byterian aime Aid., Mrs Paul MeGuf. famille& andl friends and supporter@ 01 the *fin tise president, aistaiu berselfinl ber cisurcis. Tisa speclal order of busiones vb ords o! grpeting. atter vhlch a short vili h..: J prograin vas given constng o! piano 1- The adoption oi tise Bndget plan solos by Miss Triggs and I Mm. Morris, a for tise churcis finances. & ang hi Crs Barman »di a short but 2--Che ngiîîg tise cisurcis year no au ta ver-y ciever readinig bhiCMm. Paul Ray isegia Apriilet, 1ev. W. S. Marquis, a An excelent lunch. vas@ servei anal ail chureb is lance expe.rt ci Chilcago, yl ho vent saa feeling thanis!utolte friendw thse main speaker a! tise sveîîlng. dresponeibie fur a happy aftsrnoon. Mr . 9. ri. 0trcht, an eider e! tise ,d TisePresby terianchnorcb choir in tainir P ebyterIln curci, Wauikegen. viii oa n Dc e &aînd aain promisses 0 o eaiZkYon.erTboe GeneraiChurcis Budg. t coins very activein tise neit few montha. 1frous& a Cayanne Point oa i Vlw A SînBice lad Saturday nigit tise choir has gînersil discussion viii foliow. bail a oser director la the persan o! ~Josephs Waugh, vso cornes bore froi thse If tisera is any Substituts for War tbat Moody Bible 1intltnte, Cisiago, ta direct vould ho acceptable to ail Nations it Is tise local cho-ir. Mr. Waugh bau s bal url vortis knawing about. t coufsldsraisie ex perience în irectit.g cisolm At tise Maies Meeting ta ho belal at tise o a id the recuit f hie first etternpt at.tise Prcshbvterlaii ciurcisHoliday aitprnoon ce aic practice hers laut Saturday nîgbit et 2:30. Dr. Chas.EL Brait, an autisority vas nianilepstin tise inging ut tiseSon o oariai onditi-ins vilii peak ou " F-. day services. Be viii ho bore eves Moral Suhtitute for War" l.- 8 éturda>. evcuiîg for the regisiar choir A fine musical' prograin bas bren lie preectice andai yl direct the siaglng ai pri.pard. Missa darne isard anal Mr. lie tise dunday serviceso. Mr. Wausgh sang a J,.. Wauaah a! Chicaigo, viiilig.No tenuor solo a.rtise Sanda>.mornîuitg eppeal for funde vwiii tic made or calice. 1-- va-.k- l, ,,J3 iiie t e spCrirai reiscrale weekiv are beng sewrvice.tc W .P iNZ N r beid for ibis FroIice (i 1917' wbîch viii L.a@t Son)day .vening thse ermoiiiat it I TEEP ONE50 IBERTY VILLE 1e pri.Feanl at us,. Audîltcriiiin M E. ciureh is tadelivra.rI hiR..v 1, EFào l rio_________________________________ Werinosday anal Ttiureday îights, Fol). G(oii. (et)il ii ' atoii, voso ispatur of 14 ani 15.tIi.. tlaiceA Lak, ME chureS h wv. ____________ Thi.>uriliîe cnion ibi..WoodnePn <iG-Ro am Kteacîata emrIoe iaîbirtl. a on liii.lite ai lio.laie A't)tocnv C N Par v i.. 1)y Bec 1, E R.m, visa .iaa auii lasli e ~î, eadaîiiI lork V ailter aiSi. sila bh lru, uciial trotil.le bfo v i tý aiss-n il... ai.. ia t ik finnran. cé r ,Ioi l a , Mite of a i hic tii ta,t týi.a Diranid trouble ,' itii,wa dolivered ai tii,' ern.. F it 1F o r . A KI< in i! tri,.iaid M-P' B. %11W er on Sui:: aymtait moulu acbut bis isearofere - .-----"-*taîned a r,îiltwi.rf icienîd.aitIlinnper ast izedivtuat l;tva. , itis greaifdiff-iît3 tiat 'fýir.d.v výitl.g ntthoboni inhour hobopke v i,'eac4onis etpd> iîg for 0f course itCs no fun beirig a kinig nowadays, but ofthbeirce'i.iitvcîiih emidilrlntiuivermary. t i iiisîery anci t home Wvisaitard toilei cion't worry. You can be juat a plain citizen and atili Tise evoîiiug cas mpeili ii iîn ie. de for ise epieîiiia ruboti ana th bile wear one of our L.apt Suniiaiv a siwi.;aii car on tbshs. la.tetiiaay liielit wole greatly plmasea thi vi-jniý o (twgo hob toy t- ii rde totàjýndthes ,ervite. BeY Supebly Tailred Suit ortends.d tissA lied fitatar Ths- tuectets ta Reoin isaong ow ailiusoteeireiy recovereal Overcoat- thae basane acere !nniisbed hi Samnuel Ir. fron iii i trtukul,ad illi be ablie ta taise suit. fl charge ofiheservice, hi ucît SUDn. that will fit you as though you were a king. We Mr anal Mroe. P. Moypes@pont a fev daby. day@ taint veek vsitlionirthe formier'#& pis- i. muical concert attisa M. E churcis guarantee beat values at mnoderate prices. ter, gro irs lon IJavatnui. lit iiZantîîn. iast Priday i.veniiig vas veil ettcnded Mrs. i'avaniaîîgh la Iota slthellbs-11ti.r and! tiose preit vers very mach is.5 Ths. ma ppiese t.ur vfauitises repiring- W mîotho in Flonîda on aetuwit aifiber' esai vtistise pn)roari dereal. Tise pro. alveys redy ai thse im» e v'or Promus.4 i<bealts. !grain consisteai o! piano anal orgn se. Tise Eva.r B.adv Sundaiy j.aobinotha Icloieî, roadingg, vot-al scilectiolîs anal F'red Croker, The liailor o! the M. E. asrhrr gave agurprise party ectis4tic pooitiîgoTiiose takimng part ln on Ut,% lobn Mitchelst aitbr îneas lst thaeprograinevers: Crs. Anna Rig USERTYVILLE Satoralav tabit, llie rvoning va.sponit Ciaugilig, Planao IPclier vltistise Chfiego in gainsandaiverne s,..linàa lieicgitiul Miuicail Colege, Wb.,gave Perrrai fias timei. Fisn er..asm.e,,sacre senveai. -lactian>; grecElla Ring laiigrahain sed - - ________________ Cr. Paul Heriiîan. visa picasea the WW. Caral & Sons Vuai, wvisaare Speciai MeeifiÉ A. F & A. M. Tb@ Syret Volt Dsirý wil dliver acidîies viwti solos anad docte; Mr@. baaldn* thelr atonnîai whsite gaaads sale' reas. vWh.ppiiîg crean.ied ainbuter to C ara Colby. vo i aderrhotiîe pîselgý tisolulsailtie nanî a! Ji.iar. re %notlmeîsiafit .lbsrt3viliieLoalge tbo,.e vh<o alis it in l.tie-.tYvlile Mrs,1. vti Mrs Flore iluranLi prcsiitgaitthe Iaengçnsa ts bsce bt onde Na 492 A. P s .li.i Cn&y a-R liaoî. siî a 1.. an anl aon MryJîla iia reeadug. seeWoistluhey have ever Lad. iidgiiig u.sry 21, ail p ns . sharp nt Mesonle va ilîe ai tise iinost plasisli pstietoiaf: ft»» à .ppubieiiivieili g tiseir Bail, for tii.p porpfvm of i ateîding the 'sIONET TO i OA.N VAs .alctthse in. tevntg5eiiraisiMr#,. i.ue amrib s toré liel.Jut renad théir fiîtroislBrother 1aut B. Appla...Ail o,, r t et thoew ditni.g aîveui bineyaîiiî ckét upangeai aL.al rpn ei.#»i. saiwttléeeasonsd unotée oblat tisey have nîrMsisar euutyrq eee i reer ois. lt n atiidola ' anacle pie rtis la i aplaîasoliq î4o&V lavuiat. simmdeai ece £bÈeiama.a. i o o iess CisA,. P. Enalil, Jr ,c .Libtertyvile. Ilino s81reigo. 611c adaiccs-. NOTICE. Tii. me le Woio, t ,Ili hold a basket morial iin Ii r Ilral "i 'lîday V rvîiîg, V -. 1 1--- M~ u i rie, i iTne w8ý -have . IN TUE j Éq is to join Our Corne min, ak about it. Deposît 5 or 10 cents the first wek and Jncrose you r deposit 5 or 10 cents each week and ln 50 wookee you wIIl have $63.75 or $127.50. Help your CHILDREN to join; lt wlll teach them, ,to SAVE and SUCCEED. Join YOURSELF. W. also have a -cent club which pays $12.75 anid a 2-cent club whlch pays.5*5.50. You con put in $1.00 or $2.00 or $5*.00 och wek and ln 50 eeks. have $50 or $100 or $250. W. add 3 per cent lnterest. Corne in and get a "Christmaos Bonklng Club" Book FREE. You dan stort TODAY--STARTri Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 BARGAINS IN' Handled Axes..................80 Double Bit Axes................ SU: Splittiog Mania ................ 00 80 gai. Caidron Kettie ......3.. American Washing Machine. $3,00$ Large Enterprise Food Choppers. $1, Asbestos Sad Iron Set .......... $150 (:flass Jar (Joffee mille ........... . m Copper Fount Cold Blîtt Ltern.$1.0 Copper Fouut No. 1 Lanteru......M Hand Corn Shellers ............. 45c, Spear Point Bay Knives........ . n SCHANCK HARDWÀU COMPANY U.BEýRTY VILLE, ILLIY4OIS, PHONE 39 Independent Cfassified Ads Pag. Ask any user O ur AnnualI White Goods Sali Continues Throughout The Entire Month of Janure for tlhe past Iew months we have been maklng preparations for this sale aoid WC -sure you will fis good values at reasona',e prices.. Later we wili sdd tome 11cms, which wll b. et lnterttn tis hte eo"dalips. A kew oSf dus things, look themt ove, and note your n"d.. Shaker Flannel, -6, 8, 10 and 12ots Wool Flannel, -25, 35 and SOcte LAWN 15 snd iBots PLÂXON-plain and striped. EMBROIDERY-all-over, bandinMu .insertions, flounolflg. I.ÂCES-Bedgingm, all.'over, d rss fbounclng and waistingm. Emt Woolriannel, - g INFANU KUBIN and I&MN NÂIN800K and CAj ý, ONALL BATT& 17 AM 8»M LARGE COOwIM BoE$m ww.CARROLL & sONS I^, Noth Store PheZ9 1- 1 1

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