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Libertyville Independent, 18 Jan 1917, p. 7

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61 F.J. on orUobor Pe. ,tilng ratae$ onaplcation~ t banks, vlle infildor eut.blniaahaîb W Mes.sion wasa lr. linn stne a W.fautrsnc. eolab11 gOtfaat JohnWalr le hi rther T.le (lal satitein et cardeI 6 the b.ll onai w vAlen lng Mm.. rAth a. MdAdaavn tcluob. ltIe ment Whildtrsact eur Ruth,.l Maj Gar it of Waigan. onier 01as t" s ok tl. .J hvl.mome.bWlto ».sud FO.rd se itonatieksn cl vwno Mfrme r,@ ajerdîof boy o.nondar>', i anstb. c.id Lolt. at rad i îak Walvers Cio esengl, er an i"Cali tblI. vîi rthat Pardi -OrsDig o.Mna veig M vit lag11ppk iomachetrt riz n Mm. Jon lo daonutertconsotlatior pari ,'adnanmw.ved bsies.l Misy. ab Batof aballol aakegaa. As. yo aertat wla t hetrBas oJ. lSud Fusowaso a Mn LNo. boe Ut.l psud of urar o de sing a oeflnMnay. Jn. Weir5ho er.AU&Wsn aad and Mlii.enacltet a 4s vla Chicago pTugestis>'. l piiicodtbesn id ihacue tada tr mi»rit Co.igtat dlaat hi fr& WlerOl de" hmabietlIlh81g wisb mdgsts dafuihetter ILWucnd gracJhook Inta coe ofthe tard 2y a WaaksaeBain.Colead Ul glsh attlmadleoftankeao Apoin 0te ftluitinggaies. T;Omo teolmèjen ow aotarthganis . U<>iafumédToskLOaN. W. oiclthala. eaIpim qoof sr ipmovei L.akeCoan aI E&i4istaVrimentonal Bnk gi bt eoulaI ve y aIthe L N.m &04arliltd5dterme teyn. sive1 0.nan»[areisatm. Mte patede lIe .4 poe té a tena Uterd50, for hl n eb vi wisb tnk je ibmm of98 istien Te raalioen et b annue ilen ote înslg à**. )Mde>meaa ho edthen acscarîni ,b flgstattedance tbronm.oTbte ye Oit LUCKY BMEI 0 F TilEEYaÀ 1911 aprlnoild. 1$11., Jan. li-The state board of health la golnr to put a pre mluLm on Mifnute hableo. Every ln- fant boru lu IllInois durlng the Year 1911f wiiirecelve a beutifnllY engrav- ad bi" c erti5catea nd Itu parente ~u.h.b given the iatest edition on thie ha'.baby bock. '-Our Babie." BUY NOW! While you can get a 2 quart "F1o.fasat fountain syrrnge for $1.25 Guaranteed for one year TuE; RE XALL STORE' ork S&W ThatSaiVesYom o m »o DRUCE DRUO CO. Uts H.PotariloiadIfri IPatter and' faily la Wakagw lat#4y. Ur. *ad. Mr.. C'bd omtuw have a ne- Mne. John Nadr's barns tookllht let Tqe&wq b*ij W&O.4rvlng haone fropa l1ýke Villa009trv ont Mn X*4roaid Mrse, Teuiswho friteMa qreirional>' lInure& a ofi~ ade t carda as thir -sbv*.ornluat eek tu Mr. andi ùr.W ak.r t Cedar Crot Farin, tinei Fiih, dmi jounger son of Mr. Mid M ri. John Flob, vau kicksd b a tov lest wek and haisIn egbroken, bat ia dolict iel>' Mnr. Cati Miler salirtaineti bar sister of Brfington lait wosk several deys.. They ilestiAtiocb frientis Prida>'. Chenies Stearne, son of Mfr. Stearne vha vam foreman of theiceinbonus bers belone It vw ota udown, bt nowv-t Loon Lake, tell trom the top of theiceIr boas.lut F.4diy ltiithelargi lms ple No bonsi vers broken, but as lait reporte.balias fDot ahi .easpeet. M"s. Parker, mother 01 iFrak Parker, Weil knova bsn sformer rmident, vas breught hane for latarxnent la Tharn. Mnr. Chas. Keller la coiiinedla he boi.e hiiliuf. Min Little of ras Lsae. le 4iplulber. Tb# Niats SwBiftotCilcgo. spent Sun. der with thaoir cousin, MIsa Rth Van Patton. Tb* Wald familly bd an e guist les" week Frlday a nepbsw froin Brilagton. The Woodmen ha. ruade plans for a MOV4n$pictun .oveulng's entertaiamenî la ba ivea la Barnteble hall the even. ingof Jan. 25th. Vhs>'will show pIcturea of the M. W. A. tuberculoues .nitarlu. la Colorado and other viewe. This mel alan Inluis a lecture and is ail fre to the public :brongb the courtes>' of tbe Ndodera Woodnisn. You are lnvited. MONEY TO LOAN. We solittbe ln. qairy of thonsi dsailg to borrow money un Farmorotherlmprored Lake(.ýonty Re-ai Mottes Fir"t National Bak, Lbertyrliie, Illinois. 3c1 Mn Yen Hmptead eatertainadthe Fîve Bundriti Club Toude> aftirnoon. Th R. NW A. andi M. W. A. wil halà a joint Instalation ta the. Community Bans. Wsdnesday evening Janaesy 24. Mise Eleenor Meyer vas tha gussiof Mdin trisWacadi of Chîcago Monde, and Tussay. Mine Anna Whalen enerletiaainu- bar affi nde at carde Sarday svinlng. Mesure Ber$ Enston, Georgi Pittis, &. M. Vent and d. Jobngon atteaded Dr. Wilionailouerai et Palatine. Friday. Mdin Editb Petis entertainet la honor of ber brthday Thuroday eveaing. Mis. Merle Boader of Ciilcago vas the week-end g"slof Missliebal Horn- berger. R. M. Vaut visiteti relatives la Waake- gan Mondai. Ifani Smith of Obeago vas the veek endi gaet a% the hom of W. A. W biting The Bai Scoute bad a uemorlal s.rvicç for Kenneth Jan.b anti Ward Blehat, Sanntay eltamnoon la the Pnesbylsnian charshà. Roi. Enlckson of V. enkege and Rév. elir ,of Wbee.lnggrve neii Mimi Bla Peddler of Ubsryvila, la qmsdinga lber deys with Min Laurs Mjor. A reception wea haia for fier. and Mr@ CartM a te .Fdrated cburcb parlora les Uanrdy esnl.A short proirami vaseners Iolq~qdby a a lle ma. M. B gtpng, ba bas basa an luvalid for theu.tthrsei jers lavery filI et ber bomene hr@. Dý là. Brasilla.la en*ad to hie hoei 1"5 wauk vith au atteck of llepuppa. Pauil Hieke of Gary, lad , pmnt I§udal ad Monda>' es the boms ai bis pantis br. Lest Tueday sveuion idssMes, Mamaseterteigied a enmuber of friende etai au ujier sîpper lu honur oi bar brother gotMens'.blbiqe. Anambarof Wauondapeople ettsndad the fanerai oi Dr. C. J. Wilson at Pâle, tine, test Frtdey iufternuon. Th» Hcqgr> Ton" viii 4cve a dance et the. Oakland bal ext Fida>' evelug. Tb@. Parmoe' Inâtituts hsld bers lest week. vea Ia rand succe an d the exhibita of pontry. grain, vegeables, patryand I ley work vers exception- ailly îood. Toulowiag ls a ist of prise vinis. Apple pie-lut, lire. IM. 8. Clark; 2ad, Mi. Wni. Dillon. minepis-laI, M@. b. . Clark; 2nd, M.. V. D. Klrnbàll; Srd Mr@. B. (Gran. tham, 3r. 1Pompkiu pe-Isi, M*. V. D. Kmbail; gnd, lire. John Gasseli; Bet, Mrs. M. 8. Clark. Donghnuts-lst, Mre. R. 0. Cook; 2nd, Mrs. Wi, Clark; Brd. Mr@. Y. D. Kmbai. Chocolats cake-lsI, Mns. Ade FuMer. Angel Food-lst, Missda.i BroagbtoD; 2nd, Mia. Ar&a ubtuse. Devils Yoa-lst, Mn e dith Peck; 2ad, Mr*. M 8. Clark. Poltry-Barred Plymouth Rock- lst, Mari Dava; 2nd, Wm. Dillon; Srd, C. Bf. Wheslock. Rhode Island lied- lot, Id. Beuwel4 2nd. Abet Hasier; 8rd, F'rank Bamnnond. White Wyandotte- lut, 2ed and 8rd, Lýes iuson. Ot-leslaad 2ad, C. E Wbeelock; llrd, 9. R& Moore. Re-labt, Ueo Jepson. Tiaotby.Sed-lat, E B. Mdoore; 2ud, Wn,. Brooks. Cl9.rried-lit, M. R Moore; 2nd. Wn. Brooks, rd, C. E Whad<iek.. Cor-1@i.,W m.Dllon; 2ad, Jos. Kirk, 3rd. Artbnr Petenson. Wbet-let andi 2nd, Wm. Brooks; Srd, Win. Clark. Onulon-lat, L«e. uo. Appi.-Iat. Rai Bey mont. pQttoo-let, C. E W belock. Bwely-let. lmie uson; 2nti, Joa. Ktrk; Siti, Lee emon mian4d&' ovenlng of lest vs.k thea B1gh achool etateata gave an Informel rets-p- lion lD honor ut the nov Intmctors, Umss Htton anti Mr. MeCÇory Mis. Batisa takes the. places of Mis. Grimes, vho eigneti tua eept a position et Franklin Park, anti Mr NcCoy takes tha plae if Mr. Youanw, vo bas amcpteti a position la Kenoua Our atternoon train dît not arrie antil evenina Monda>'. Oolng dovnaet 1 'clock whean ear Pelae the>' rau Inb auen p .vtb anti It took severel boums vork tla geS the encino back ou the track. Lackili>no one vas huft andi no serins damiage. MONE Y TO LO AN. Wesoalîcit tha la. quit>' of those dsstrlng ta hornov mn>' onsPrmar othar liprovet LakiCoant>' llaai'Mataie..Flint NatonaI Bank, M4eEh.Cnlo i m igoLbertyvills, Illinois.so sang "B.aatifnl lise ai Botaewbere," aenti- - "lmsDe> We'll Uateirtant." l'he GAMS LAIE" 3 Rseléiarnumly preuntodthIe scouts vitIsL - - -- a largs Ac»nsicagag ln amemoriam 0f1 Tpbre bas bain no ichool .or tise pas Ibir aonaand brother Ward, anti Mr. vies becaus. a1the lias.,0o!tiiheacber. q Jarvla presotet tbem witb a "Fini Ad Mi".Gelliag, vbo bas been havlng tho Kit" Ianmenmoriams of ber son Keaneii. grippe.. TheParnt eaeer ssoiaton ieda . E. Mrsh vas cahot ta Evaaetoa VhsePrngnthTe scnlAsociationHall aMontaYa>ibt becense of the seions meing a ib Doandcbol anedinl>talo lilums ofaibis fathen. re'eien o o t pleat o' ro. seàver>' Dire lime vas bat b>' aIl preprat Dgeivh dne a egme aa ts> thie Ladie' Aidat lins . Wlddiconma algbt.lest Tbrstay Miss Elele Caleou vae; the week-end Mis Berthe Faulkner it opending a gtueit af lire Maren Janvis fea days vîtis ber parents, lin and lMns. Mise aMry, Sneddon oi Evprett vas the Elaser Faulkner. week-end gaeît of Mise Donotis> Ieichelt. Mr. Lawreunce le on the. ick Mlot et NImmesMebel eutl Elda Elrenisenger presait writiug. ertorteined the ewing Club on Mande>' Ths G. L. P. C. met laest Thunote>' eveuluig.. aIgu th ebMis. M £die. TVhs n.ct lins. W, A.Whltlng entortaînedtetdia- meeting vii lieoheit eP. tasW. Beak nom Tbuay> eveDhin nhuon of ber borne on Thaneda>. .Jan& 25tb. blrtbdte>. GEORGE WELLS JACKSON W m. BcbG.is aqits Ilwith the grppe. tae realfr nmeetng ofI inglemie l'am p M. end Mr@. Nswmeyen have movot 8Si9 l otenn Woodmaa ai Amp.rica et int tbe John Hugh's bungalow on u ux l.,bfalwiîPreaashleand on aierman A ve. Bseidutlos one vrsaaoualy atiapiot. At tb. movîrs Fi"nda>' la the. ScIooi Ar- Wbreas,wvite It bas pleesed the àembl>, Marguerites Clark la "The Prince Divins Providntouta tes roa aur andthlb Paper" yull ho tbe pceure. Miii b>' deth George Weil@ Jackson, Mis iMlîred Bioulestedti aa the gueil anti , oi hem glter UlmIi. abeli Bienertedt ofi %Vberes, t osean..jil ted igt thât Highlnd Prk let wek.eàfitting trIbut. e opitothi. lissai>' Bighlent Park lat veok.façJN e py virsumu eqol tsi. men ready> MONE TO LOAN. Weesaicit tise lu- baud ta a#slt wvirh ktndky dessastid quir>' of thomesi oing 10 barrnovmoue>'0, Ia;Ivîn 09e, etheslri ho 15 an Prnis oratherlnsprovet LaeoConuat>' eanîveti, Tiat l in te tb ofoun Rleal Rtate. iril National Bantk. atteem M4,Nt-lpibbor George V4 rlls.4ack'.i n Llbatyvlle.,Ililinois. 8.1 tb. amp lamneté anti expruts to tuIth horoaveti relativea our beeàrtfelt e>a. 1). A. ]Cdmanda of Waukegaan tbontnhi fnte secon d nt ibspullet prise«; Km' Msalveti 'Tàthe tb,.o reolsrloreu ble 4 ba» anti TriEga of libsstyvill o vn iret 1a- be recarde of ti. Camnp, i& sel0005d cokeril andifourthbisen B and p>yt'nls t tu the Uke'auna t>'papri second cockqnsi, irst anti second ben for pub cation., e copi ho "let to> il, eM.I't 4."b cackerei et tisa ,51,v reltilvos antieibattur Charter 16 ire ~is n Racine <hIe hitra luamotrub.àr foi >6tIt tes.. tee Bisbie Libgtyvie Mari Rn.r'e i, mas at esbroi isdaIiaut"I RadHa. Bavar o,1 4TOF TflE ýTTE FUNDS C wt~~,jgason is Dis- ohosof County. Thse City »&s a ofsaWauksgan are to receive MUS3.44 f rom the etate this yimr for oducational Purposes. Couaty Snperatendont Of Schools T. A. Bimpsan la angaged ln malingt out cheeks ta ilOMUirseof the different ochsaI district.. Ths dstrbutable mati thIS Year.aaanutE to $3439511, whlch la mli>' ne-fonrth tao ne-third largir tita lest san and mekes it Possible ta aPportiOn more to each district. The mati 9hould bave. been diatrl- butedt est Aieni but vas held up be- cause the müfi la e had nat been vaasedl on b>' <lie Huprerne Court and the oaunt>' saprintandent Protecteti Lmmelpa b>' bMdinthe money in- tact. B>' the. s*hoocensus of 191 5 tIsere <tira 23s"IPersns under the age of,21 la Làkocauenty. The rate of dotrlbÏutbé krefbni wai $1.49. Thse ioneY "iAPPOMtOBed on thet Pasle, Mea ias.t" recelvIng amounts accordlag te "talenmber of pensons unater the oga 4f 21. The follovlng'repart thowe the case on bais.A#Arll 1. 1915, the s'te warrante, thse ntereat, etc.,which a1l ume uP thse total ainount for distri- bation: Cash on band, April lt. 191E .................$ 252.06! State Warmutst, April 13, DRIISELUEN 0f CliICMIO ASKED TO OPERATE ON IIOUSII David Housh, Alleged Moron, Has Consented ta Have an OpérationPertormed. Davîi Housh. 'allegeti aoron. who le under indictInent on a charge of baving madie an asscuit on two young girls at North Chicago.' bas consent- ed ta have an oleratla0 performeti whlch w-Il ake it sçafs for hlm to ho Rt large la the. community. As soon as thle operation bas been pertcrmed he wlli ba given hîs freedom and the rcriinlal charge againsl hlm wiil ho dusmistd. Rloush bas been in the county lait fr the lest few month.s avaiting trial. The offer of his freedoas vas asede ta, him b>' Jatge'Edwartie ver>' sboqtly gattr blg aj rreet, but &t thAt tims the defentient decideti akainht h#vlng the operation pprformed, dle- spîte the fact that bie parentsurgeti hlm tu take the step outllned b> thse court. It appears that Haousb bas cepaeti bis mind for ha bas Informeti bath thse states attarney' anti the court tisat be le viling ta go on the operat- ljtg table an tbgt ho cen tain bis tree- dam. Hie case ws. at for trial tih*s mornîag but hie attorney appeared la court anti movati for e contInuance Ths case vas continueti to the March terin of court. in tbe meantîme th-! operatian prohahly viii taire place. providiîng Housh does nat change bis minnt. Sanie ilfIlculty lias bean encounter- 11.. .................33692.961 etlaecrgs akensrgn Interest, Secssnty Savinge v ho Ia vtlling to perforas the opera- Bank .... ..............160.61 tion, feering the legal coasequences Interest, LàMe Coanty Na-s in case the prianner abould dis as a tional Bank .. .......... 102.82 resait Of the operatlon. There la no Interest. Wankegan National 1ev In 1Illinois vhich provides for Bank .. ..............186.66 sterililzatlon and it leasîi that there 1 wcuid be na protection tran legel cc- Total amoant .......... $34395.11 tion for a surgeon In case the pa. The faiiavlng statement shows the tient should itie, despite the fact that amount gitaneaech district andtyi >he sigbt have consented ta the opl- throughout thse coast>'. etic, Persona Arount - I.'h sttes'«aatorney'ha.. th Enemraeti iacb Tovr.matter bafore Dr. Marri' Haiselden Tovi, flenton ...2449 $3,624.52 nf Chicago, lt la saiti. and bas asketi Town Newport . ... 5Et 673.40 bisa ta corne hens and perforai tbe East Antiacis 7.5*. î 1.16180 'o"ertion. A repi>' le expecteti ver>' Weit Antloch... 164 242 72 soty Town Wankeg.n 2025 299700 Dr. Haiseldan recelveti wlde.spread Town Warren . .. 466 689.68l notariet>' a few monthe cga as a re- Town Avon . . 8u6 1,228sait of the "Baby Bolnger" case la Town Grant . m 569.80 vhlih he rafuiedt t perform an aper- Towvn Sheldis ... .1320 1,963.60 ation that probably voalti have saveti Town lbertyvilie 1159 1715.32. the Ilie of the BollingeÉ baby be- Town Premont .... 447 661.56 ceuse ha nid thse chIld vouid have Tovn Wcnconda .. 447 661.66 been a tiefective If il isad liveti. Dr. Toc" Deerfielti . .. 2938 4,348.24 Haiseiden vas pralset b>' man>' and Town Vernon .. 437 646.76 candemned by others for hie Suartan Town Ela......88 870.24 action. Tova Cuba . 5..r07 760.36 City' Waukegen . .. 6678 9.883 44 J S JI IA N City' Lake Forest .1127 1,66796 JO EHvAZW N Cash on hond ...... 3987 F M L N TII Total . ...... 34,395.1 Iie a n ...E - - - Martin Uhea for ninl of haro, nov a wAÀY TO EUIROPE Jaiepis Heas e usioeaithe pece N. m8.0GAHA You don't have ta couz the children to cat plenty of N. B. C. Graham Crackera. Thea. are mot onlyrich ta. the nourishmentthat bteida boas aend muscle, but thelrtemptigtastemaks@ the littie appetites hungry for mort. N. B. C. Grahama Crackiers asidesi an individuality and nut-like Ravar that other graham crackers Iacked. This makes thcm an almost univer- saalypopular anicle of .r:,--yday clizt. NATION4AL JCJ?.. îmd lot Johni. etPrssm.a A. W. 1Usd., V. Pris. F. C. Wmbbo, CatiSs Bank of koumdLu&ik Round Lk,.hos Statement at Close ofBsns Ja.nuary 16,1917. RESOURCES I8LTE Loans and Discounts. .$ 74,414,68 Capital Stock.....$ 5,0OMw Stocks and Bonds...... 9,750.00 Surplus, and other Building Account ...13,365.655 taIIiIIgs......... 1*M Fumniture and Fixtures. 3,054.85 Individual AccounIts Expense.............. 14.72 Savings....... ...... 3%(5W National City Bank of Certificates of Deposit ..4,«f Chicago.......... 22,806.33 Drover's National Bank of Chicago ........3,2W.31 Cash Items........... 155.06 Cash................. %23&57 Total....$135,090.17 Total. L. C. WEB5ER zélow PUBLIC AUCTIî. The undersigned vill seli et publie &notioni on the W. V. I.L . better known as the Ira Ilarris farta, 4 railes noeth of Libertyvileudl mile west of Milwakee avenue on thea Plaatk road, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 2,1~ aommencing at 1 p. m. the followiag dasouibed projl" "'r'.mlUi'" ..eo, ,isi er lm campe.t m c , a., twaehe, - k i ireHeadi Hors« nerrow, 7su. pngvqxim eau bugt veek andaçlotiaetuel Fox l.e and son Pail, are on their va>' ta i eu4*.Pisttakee Bey. M. Ubon enjoj-s France viere tusey are to vsit vith Black mae in foal, ô yre. aid. Qû Piuletr, aew, Deoe belga&round vlîb tbe boys andt rylng Irelatives. Tiseir principal mission le Black horse, 7 yrs. old.be a, bis band et the teeke thet uatie b bis, ta brlng heck vlth thora Mr. Haas' Gray horne. olivator, 2 hortu. ooWçIýe, Ho reportei tbet hiovas fortunetse daughter, Yvonnse, visoi ho bas not Sorii > rse borss cltîvator, 3 bur. ýa enoagh te meet inan>' of bis oIt co- seen in maYea>' ysa- Baydriving boit», 3 vre . t slave, 60 gal. oUiaetk. aou vonkers. The HMacs femi>voire ta isave for >' g anka s ae e.In Mr@s. L. J. Buelimors braaght bone1Europe several veeks ega bat mach Mare colt, 1 yr. 8 mo. 2 eîgnlabena s <bubuok . the priste front th" Vedaey aftenan Ddiffcuity wvu.experienced la gettîng15Ha Ctieo, ilwgn uaa lit cat penny let et. thse passports. The>' vere eppiieti for 1 eds roontik.wgn r--ot 6 lira James HaYek wae la Chcago lent Ulir n l Coanty Court. Word came 7 miloh aows. buggy, carl, hay raok, w p .- weelz viuitinw ai tiie home of fiends and back front Washingtonftlat thse map 2 heiferr, ipringers. gravel 1>o14 StOVereni.,p~' relative@.. Bernenire. Jewel Lyman, v-ho jplýatIon bers muet be made la Clt- 6 yearling beifens. jack, iight bob runnera,, baudet: bas been te 'ving her,. vîti ber, remaitied cuit Court. This vas done but It ai> 3 caves 2 vater tanks, 50 t. f i. L .pfpe,, witb lire. Mary Mo'-ormick during thes set thea plans of tise Macs famiiy ta Wi bme. wnii i, niaveo leave etthbat lime. . Machinery, Etc. viseal barrov,- bob sieigb, 10 9-W week. Thonjam Hall. anîd Waî ttratn The peesport e ves ecuret inl due 10 tons choies timotby ha>', 50be, ha'sngbyrpIïk vers theoii,th,, o1und.lin. Sntie anti a evtiays ago the familu.i .5aligpo, iigad uly,3 hvl,8 ir q tia e4tape.d qui t, -1, b,îut lil e. fea;eti left for Nev Yank vhere the>' toa lha. hr ect vling plow.Aille ag 5J5hpuleyî.and shels, 8 oehe,, that Mn, Holt.b r,i-v,.d soins internai passage an an ocean lner. Aller Pur, lv ba eto arv cn akhaeadoh, rils ihum,-.; however ils-y ar e b uth àtîcking chasIng their tickets they rLnq'nIred s to thonî jibs. visai tisastise boat vouiti sai anti TERMS-Ali camiunader $10 oeeh, &Il saine over tisai amouali , ý lins Frauk Laaîb-r, lire. eo Jackeoa vers somevhat isurpnset vbeaîIn- It.însa-il bu givan -)n pgo d bankabli notes bsaring ô per asstit laéoLst anti Mné. 1iadý L.umb,.r eijoyet a formeti that the tine of eenling voniti No good to b. remaved nutil settled for. shopping trip ta Chicutoiondta,. not lha given ouita othe paseengens F ~John WiLteAUIM M Atten ,peudiig a 1,r-l.ngmt Chylumas until about hait an bour or an hour M. F. UUSKe, r p. riL , Ue.sWIs/ vocation et the buje ut lier grandlther, boar before tise ctual time ai de- Alroed Breu i 1Aa',et. Merle Newton le peture. Thie plan vas atiapteti io beek it lber home,.-r.-. that subasarlnaselatent upon attecit- -" TIi. cboollwill tut lie as.iou et Ing shipe of this cices night not be Tlmuns tay aud Fridal for on t bolés de> apniseti several tsYs ahsnd vben the Thiodons HI Durai, Psîde.nl. W, . O, mltl Vice preideut. aut alan Saturdeiy th-)teachens of teb1p u In a.toleave no tise> coutil p.-F. W. Churchill, 1Secretary and Manager *caD11n Vifil m-et t e t luiegen, to eu>'mtol the probable courses.TEL.EPHONW 81 lbe mid.yepar Inîsiîtîîe whieb banshein Ts csfnl'vr l otk Walte Jahson its uaspetsd T hevo aash ifariny eti vissa ts o at I Lk RIS errangeti by Sausî T A. Simupsot. rome st a nearby hatol andi tha>' Ç RI Y -IT E & TR S - lathbllg (if the.P. L8iglsia h ons. ant a is nadyti' a ai. Surs enougis the U R SOFT E TM $ nov enlrgget et Ialiebous., wrvar m esttsuta thurr>' on boartdT0 IL ILE .u .aI~ 1 Mn. Auguoit Bah' bas pgtia gla it stsessnsih ast ae îeCapital $1115XO.0 ep ,@esoplon ai the burmes vicb trayet of ans, boar. Up to thatUnie meins- VVAUKEGAN --IL ew.y ani lme g.art las ee hetibers of the faili> dîId not tiare ta i - ual stucs N y Y.ar'a de>' J. i. Leols epoe'i o bamp miteî ll~e tehotel for lear- a ts> fruJ. a. Lvne l rth l t b hpo bas migist heoui vhin tisa message va. rbas" conilueti the ire: 1part1 ~te veek. recelveti anti the>' thon vouit b. lett Ve1terinariaRetu=s Frm Texas hsiqorDealer'. Aweoeýil, @tir ner- beini.flavlng opl-teti as>' irvl" fur 155 tatueet theirmebe .$acesrti rt Tt lathse Iteintlinof tise Heau tamn- g-ôiet o b odrIbv s pràînk Lasse epi,ta - hévwig Se a eTise>' vli o b>' va>'of inglanti. calté givenpromspt attention. liawll. o ic1i asimoDo.r. K. J. Slcborg, Lupe Znricb., ni, d..j les vemk. -intiepnceux rnatter? BE 014E, Phois 1l-M.Wse . 1 lý'. - av 1

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