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Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 11

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$917,. - fsgs'TM _____________________a iOub the. dam. SWho adU ~ts4TU*d cers are eo-ffenatlng ta make thse pub ~Ow0f the. pathetie foatunes of ibis dnnpan bas basatihe large ==mber M I ý eý e MUMredi W u hes ae bmadl Wauke.a a dleke caumiy are r 0 *aterMted tu tisa plan ansauso. rÀ tedas wher*y tise state board of t lm1 te te. isa119chai&e u evqautse le o dissemulaie ihfofmaica W" 00 1 m avm au""pr otbsa Mise 1uaUI.l Il éime ,di W e ther ma, hm*a haefttuir daptarble., IL Io oeil a ftwee eMMa gthal h vW" 04 nmceri he tie kathboard ,ninas tise meiools of the ety and de- .ne a - geymtise en tisetens a&t ambces. lh. plan et the state board of isaath te belld cliaies he varions parts 0f a itate » Otisai pisicians my be mvm boy to combat th ise sis.. Thhi ïk. eoumt3'physlins are ta attend a ve.day clinie vhieh ope" suiaiCh[- ga MarcS StM. Piysicias fraai ceak qmii. outide of Chiam.,trau Vu-I WOcouiti ad a pant of WIl!!cois- aI. ili attendthe ilscliie. Tiser eaU ee u 8 aes of tue chili plagia a tu'sitony hich inludes tise ho' zWoeed o1mtes. ad tais is 4ior Pla" wu* 1-hta Il ruet in adlssessiuin tIse muels- Ipniaglt, Ill., Pcb. 1.-Probablyc M Ummt Important servise, ever rn- W" by tise hUmaois saseboard of t tiepgurpome Ofeorcowiag th* mr-t- soolmequenca af tihe prevalanco 0f Mati»a paralysie during theput yeard Minlaprevenilng an epidemic of this Sma. ~ bmar remsonally b. an1 biatie n Mais, adunljsg1917. 1 Degliobg et Awood the»e Conter- aoe. Mad meetings villilsh led In 28 opola-cfttlee antovna vitis an 1il- any go arrauageataiever? commun-e y la wich the dseaso prevaitai lait1 @" wl'be reached.t Vunla 1914 tisera vueetaitoast 1000( tapecf nfatil pesirs-a linotsi SMbohind tbella IMdreda of chii-0 wbo viittsuffe *éniaLmmt para,-1 taost Wguat«dforfti un-1 4w s'ametitftares o .1 . ~t*Sah as bas beronade- IWIýtb.te puti f*w îeM- ,»Ch treatient, thorl. sraon ~Ipate tist the vasi majoit of Z«W boUmta viii h.retareti ta UcIsiig tise urgent ei for thiii fel~t, e mban fIjetsmi- M ofllqer bf an fslb a asLtg studY ~*s~ode binÎ employai la over- ~aa edamage q a lI .4koc o .YorI ndIÏpc et linfantile og~ ffa* ueie. da Pro- ifts ga8a - tu .t W»ssPe-J inl0fl »i-1M*.b. 4t.i-ta 1 frncUon ofltipl - --.- . I.;.-- - of bsestis trotu DaM»a.'Wb*are clp 'iW or paralyzed from Infantile pa- falyme gagfee" La u 4Pasi.Tism nit~ohtqfreil they too May aval hepiives of tIse.clwnl t afu eo. andii 'hUe tieir ghances of re- aiveri are Bot as Witght as la tise tous feoet sapes. fi ta belleved Utia ,0 wenh teaiLt*y u t ve vstism ot 4%g 8stading. viii mot h. vittsout Frsh EN~SAm, ow DcÎjnging They Were 60 Cents. The song of the aigbitale. charm imo:th a 0e0ole nte hs aen thawu Cetainsenatie cackle vhichwvasborne ta WaUkegaa n mortbvoot vinda on "geonsare laying again!"vas tise mcvi that vent up and dova tise "e« Coast" of, S&*th 'Water stret.Ci. cage. And for the Isousevife thse aevs 1s Of nme tisa> sceetiflc iptereat. Cispen £o 1 the .y Choaper et"a are on tise vai,' ad vl tir v e eh iser . ii ha Do- Ueabie eut la tise price or' strletb' fres: boa rsgfewia ile vitiht.. 30 days a drao f tram 10ta 12 eaie a dosen vifi h. reglteed. Tne rtaIt ie fdn sg l as Cicago 1'uesiai aged train 44 ta 48 Cents a doaes. Tise drop la tise price of emsIin basa noticed ta Waukegaa up toesa tisse.- excevou - as te atrictir frésis eWg. TIses..- for a urne have basa baiagng 80 Cents a dasen, but aow they a&M "davis" ta "oaty" I6 cents. iordlmary eggs, as they ras, have bsen bçigg4S cepia la Waukeua for sevormadams.À fertilesdrap la ex- Peted vwa #ýq or ivo% accorDg te iceai daaler. 4, 1Op1item a .theam oae -cf*itt are dictema vesturoid by Soutii Waer , treet Mme. . Ii as ifkttise etau 1% 44atm ansd vreucht, a maoc dpel rte., knoek tls. ulula. train siaer lise higisQMo ciai f ing. Whsllae, «Pare tappiaI 9dovU 10 te 12 cmpts, bt*ter 5 Iiti h. cheape hiredctiolsi cf 5 end Scentso on thegfollai. It 1Wdectared. ~Potato . s. oua .111e etelhband. bave umpe" agip. Seats.lve cents rpek l hen;askid ila m o. a 1 trs a p~n u~s~dh.do am%~e Tbou the etrorts 0f Mr. Pamne, ~~ Jpeloteo f the. Preebytesian cburch, Il~ miN iiitL IW U~1 v the priviilege of Norths Chicago i yernle ta ejait mm evt ZKI>S NATI3READI cinn Mr. Rillig of Chcag wa The. lve mile dry-sone bill about thse1 oos n vynnie a delight ta the appreclation audience 'Naval Training iStation bas made t~7gtsr4 r Ulsi jrsarked progresi la the. Illinois son- t-nd Jhr4 r PUgl aie. Just hv i wfl be reeived lanorsne frr Wiradl o the house la Dot known yet. A Spring- stati3 dolas coacert vOrn through- dld diatCh of Jamuary $let laya: out the atate and eisevhere aad coin- 1 'The saisie sdvaneed\the obi manda a large .alary. The selections wïd. prohiba»% abill ti. , lait evening ver. @à t sSord lincharý readîuile.Wtt ps'ft#theig ta. and touchOi U» hearts of the maee iquer witU OIv..iim*4e of auditors. Mr. !thfliag ad Mn.Payne *thse PIet-ed Staha Wvu* Ttatuleg sang tva duetsamn hidh vere ve ry Statien nt La»s MU1*andfillmed beauttiat. Mr. Paffl plasisses as te kaêp W î ffgn and MesojiÇItl' fine a basa votes in Mr. Illilag's ten- r «0 Panma"Uety Udi.y." 55l'- or. Uri. Ritfa piYad 4h. acoomPen- portai fav"qbty fmithe sellste lIments tua athoroughiy Mapetent man- eieiiiliee on oe.mn§ity welfage. er. lMr. PR ayse aasScdthat inI Sématol'R04»« 'B.. 5vift Of Lske addition tO tise spOlal Voiby thel County la chairman of the communlty choir nemi Sunday evaalng there viii v elters ommlttee. ho a solo by iséa Elit iWhichIilaa NEW' EItCS LAW. ti'05t te look forvard to.i Mr% 4RoyUwûh1ri% ~>p til tei lot bui ilmaake Un asne«rce t- Lake'Couit'y Geuer.R hspItai lateý 4MMarvnlatise hoUasIt bas soopre. atuldSiteo h. lerat$d upes for ap- I, ared by the IEncens u camtion Se. peadicitia. >clety of Chicagao of vhich Dr. Anna Mn. Albert Sciieunemna W ho bas' Binat la presani. ad vill h. Intro. boen fil, ia reportsd bettqstAnna 8duc.d hi Reprementatîve Thon. acheunemana Je atmliOa the slck liai.1 r Tise bitl provîdes that prier ta the ' Oauance of a rmrnlake tîcenso bots 'parties muet fle &alats tisat theî ______________ are flot affliceai itis a am~ncabie Fvemerma dIuse. Euh safftda1vt inust Il.b accompanted by thse oeatilicate of a 1physiclan Who bas miade a». examina- 1ien vithin 15 dars 0ftIthe application f or a marrisie IRosas. Wbea a dispute anses as te .1 the ilita et a physicien, provision ie ltmai. fer laboratori testsaunder tise direction of thse state board ou Is.alth. Ais aPPeal tg ithe Counýy Court mai h. - takea tram itie verdi4ot f tise board. itevy Penaltiob 1iF - sià A fine of trom $MO00ta $1,000 or ha- priseumuent la the clant? Jlu for net more tisaisoae year are povided as penaltie for violations of the aet. Tise ,-bill.equines hoti partiez te make agidlautsas to Mse. Roprementatlve, DaIlbrg lntroduced 0a bill ehang the date- of the soù" and couati primaries tram Sepiemher totel Tise preabiterlap church la plan' alng te make extensive lmpOVemutS on the latenlai' Of heu uile ofhi on State cireet. Tise nid fuaac t. lasi îal'runai the vals and callng kai nov tisaitheY bavePut la a mev fWlrisa.tuey tees t hla Ume to bruis- ton up thI nterlor. Work vilt beginu ai once. Tise ioung ladies' auxillary have on- ganisei a contest aMoag their mein- bers.t »11 ittickets for thM ein tia' lainaient at tise auditium inatala eb Litie John Gatiey bs e necvend &3A RA IN lLabe C4uàir. Farm 80 ac. 11 m W. OtPrairile ev.; 3i m. N. & W Of Chicago;gtod, iovel," gravei road to cty; icis black 4anti gylaam agIt; sltigltly rolling; apmt pli; balance eauily iraiaed. The boit nf'ahfm Ia. R. F. D., tet., echoot 1 m. Semstramne bouse. lana4f1 60. Outhuildiage ample. % se. orch. Other fruit. 3 or 4 ac. naUive timber grave on_ S. 40; prion $140 poac. J4- 000 dovn, baance 5% on tenais. à ia qip-to-date termiprlced ight. LOEB HAMMELI RIILTY Co. (Not lac.) 140 go. Doarisora.9t., koorn 343-4 larquette Bldg., Chicago. 1IL, "uemifo h-pi t bisi mweuh.!' of te meoeaTpro1hSM r rm" 0iai ebltise réhifleP 161eà laftfe ne t ra iiistadù slib i t io-- I rig t, b ave .be e&i piqêesi h e a bc ~~UUII0ftIs poale v Omo tisat lUttais .06 neo ak FOR. WOOLE STÂTIE, fOES TO SENÂTE State-Wide Prohibtion Test Vote to Corne Up Next Week -Other Dry -Measures. Springfield, Ill., Jan. 30.-The state- wide prohibition billvau reported la- trorably this afterfloon by an 8 to 3 ,vote of the Sonate cormlttee on il-; cense. Thia means the Sonate vili b. f.ored te, a test ro.11ca11 o. the proposition. vith the chances alto. gether favorable to Its pasge. Whlle the Sonate JE acting, the Houie "drys" vit mark lime. The Anti-Saloon League leaders are not at icertain they are ready for a show- down ln the. Rouie. and despite the vishea of the state administration and the Hous. organisation managers. the proi"ects are that there vit! bo con- siderable delay ln action by the Houae. The bill viii ho reported tomorrow mornlng and the record roi! cal! prob- ably wiii corne, more t 'Ime next vee. Other Antl-RUM 'Messures. The county option bil! and the resi- dence district option bhi» made their appearançe ln each bouse, offëed by fiASte a T opokesmcn for the anti-saloon Inter- JJfj OTLK Y Full Suffrage bill Prhsented. Springfield, Ill., Jan. 31.-The Sen- ate committee on constitutions! waukegan motrts tonlr a deep amendments voted 4 to 3 today to re- bresl'h today wlien a prominent Wau- port favorably Senator !iarbour's res0nt<egHn garage man said, "Gazoline vit! lution, 10 amend the constitution to' probably go up fa 4e cents a gallon grant full suffrage to women. i vithin a month, that ls for high test Vers Libre. 1 a. "Vers libre" (free verse) is an cnled j1 The Present retail price la 23 and 24 beeuse of Its freedorn f rom the for- cents a gallon. l.ow test gazolinuele mal lnws governing potie nhyttiin. It being sold by the Standard 011 Ce=- i8 iiy no e nus "newv." AVat W~htman pany for 19 cents a gallon. Lait year wroteanot entirety In *'free" ci,, The auto and motorcycle enthuerasto dences. and Milton, to quote one clan- le exemple. nard wiint we woulcuit viio heard the garage rnan'g atatent. *vers libre" in (lie chôrusen of Sain- bcaine quit. a bit relieved viien a plete metricai freodon" stands oui, hoivever. au the most obvicus elemeni la "tIse aew poetry." , To Remave Warta or Corn& An excellent preparation la made as lollows: Bjlyellt acid, 20) grains; ai- cobol. one-eigiitt ounce; flexZibe collo- dIlion, ne tasce. MLIxtogetheý and. apply wilia come's-iiair bruuii over bard surface of wart on corn for tire. nlgtt Souk la bot water, wtsen a layer of skin will corne off. TheDnre- peat as befone untit vant or cornsla reinoved. husiness declared he believed it iiad reached Iti higli mark. Kerosene, which sold for 8 cents lait yoar, romains at that price and no lacrease la looked for. YAK LTOVOR SHOES ne e poadeelehe shakuàloto bssbOss.u d sie 1o b* t ILh i res patn>siwwbhe al "" fort Cs h tmwhcm euyd àct>b,«a et Lsvy sock- In-u Allnas Foot-Su a sa ftnais relief for s.wisiu canionstrdaha ii o4 oltsvqi.m. ii.Aa iet e=ueM a T 91- lPZ Ot r' t -t'- Men t*'Io are. buying clothes t the présent anzd t4fWure are u sing good., busieness j-udgimept Xený who go a step further and safeguard their buy by demnanding Kuppèis oir Clothes, exercise the soundest judgment withii their power. These âÏrs the clothes you wnt; they mean something to vour reputation. We iiavemzén cooming iii every day who demnand g suit like the other suit we sold theiu' They are buying Kuppenheirner Clothes but have not sufficently safle-iuaided their purchase until they have used the soundest judgrnent of soei ng thp ýuppenheimer label. That's sati sfying and mneans satisfaction. CWar'ance C A S'&S ISCleairance -You can get th&,swagger forrn- fittixig W!beo gïrmmnfwith dahing yp bj in every uine; " ýYolimLJav te4e V t-pappearance of theu.i-fttolor reg~a eut; yon can em- m~S phuiz rsevean dniy if you prefer it. *W Sorei OirD-Iliar 4ae th* Juality tisa~ ~ ~~d 71edtge htuthat q- hvyouth Oe, but utrvyuÉÊ And here in this sýiIendid \stoek - -the largest selection of iften s clothes in Lake County - - you eau find just the particular weave and coloring desired. Doesn't matter about your proportions; we'l fit you. YOU 'Il Waut'Good shoes when you buy that zîext pair. We are prepared ta give yon thse bout ihoc vailnsyWH' find anywhcre. SpIcaKhd new spriag styles now rcacly. nle* x-

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