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Libertyville Independent, 1 Feb 1917, p. 7

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LIBRTYIIJE yqDEENDNTTHU»RWDAy eFEBRUARY lI 1917. Kdltdby F.J.DRUCE Phone Il Ot4er8 Taken fonr.Job Work. dstslgratés on application. . .1. igbtman, Postitiaster, waa bWsiness oser ln Chcago Monda. 1is0 Wlnlteed tCoomba of Oak Park, vMisd nîlves cand finodber@ Satur- &W and Snnday. L.tShan1BIks, wbo han had a run o lyphoid lever la improving raplL. Wa. Moore lbp aevapttid the poslition bi the Condensinst lactury a4 chemin$ an id Water Mais lias been promoted to tsreman j' ra[nk enion who nian een M:le fîrr'inq will accept a position aW eu>erlntendont ut a 00W frctory which wil ha dpened Up ln the near future la sother City. p Liaii rold tableta wilI cure lihat cold. Wy & box aud heconineed. Druee rrg Bedsry Novoty trcac(ted buineasiin ~~~Ao àu li clfffan and air. (lnt Wsshbnra werm Chicgo viitons 1on. 4toayR. W. Churchill transacted bgkes.ln Chicago Moudai. SMoore transacted busessfl I fflga Tnesday. *b0o. Deminsion. wbo bas beeu emploi- sa es the Congdentuafactoryiihe pai ~oya.disd et.àa Chicago bospitai In5 wfek. Res boarded et the home o! utre. Stont of ibis City. Vletinsal Huy your sweotbeart a a Ulmie Dow lino wbieiî ws invite yon tu cena n d ses.Druce lrug Co. An« NeULechian entertatned atch ouns pati lest wsek. Joles Loagaugh and wlf!. aciom- peulidby Porter [bi.. motored to GiooSonday. Bom n 5S., L. Cariel4 ai,d W Ife a baby SMIt at Susay, Jan. 28th. à scober of our ctisons are attending Me 5atoblls show t l.wesk. Mr. and Unt. Chas. Lonnabengh spent Susd" wtb UMs..Suah Lonabaugb. ameu Cai. Longabaugh han r-centlY $m he !,m Cifflunnti, Ohmo, wberpt dis h lein viung ber moth.ir slncii âlla The"anand Wo. Buono.0o aud Lak, weaiers bits Mdondai. Or. ad MisPanmer vire Reselle 0 jilR..Coll»a dO vifs et Waneigan- un mms Dawlsnirtined ber moihor rom UAbivlyvill Mkondar. ft ~Valenino@day willtsion ho bore, dgai forget bi vives and asvsstbearts. BU ~lh., a box to on iway's or ligutt'a candi or e@csbook. loth F ale pleaing and appropriais gifts. Thb- Rmal tore, Drue@ Drug Co. B. T Dooiey o! rayaliku. shipppd a bae ocd of fine fat steerq front the ']rayb- talei ardslasi Sunday ight. Meuors. Crany, Wlite and Coveand wirs ChIcago viitons Suaday. MONEY TO L.OAN We toltit the. in- qlry ut thoeo déiring to borrow morwy on oearmsorotherlipnoved Lakeoloriy fiel Estale.iirt Naional a.t, [ Ubortyville.Ililinote < MMJUR . 7 Ed liodge retitrne o R , rilthetei, l is. tht. pat veci, also Mm rs. O. .Jemrr'îi ansd miss Alice Jamieson %H iStewart eppnt Sundey wibh ie ester, Mmrs.Aunie aHughes@ at Laie Villa. A K Bainitar! mvery tnerrov escap frmbix- kilied lw..e k .-r . n a ixK)LESDE Lait week Cari Hubn w»s the luckY hunter manhlng up tu hise redit a coon snd ebcks.hawk, both fnid li the "Tamaracs" Tht. coon vas traced from the careanseo! a desd borne and the hawk vas dl.coverod eatirng c rabbit. George Hucker. Who baisIeen st the Laue home iatkilîIle spending the week with bis daughter. Uts. Monreil at Autlocb. Ut. and Ht.e. Sorenson o! Lake Villa, were calieset tihe J. Skandn home Mondai atternoorr. Mr. and MU. J. E. Laue drovu tu lectures mcde tbutnesting î,î e o! thbe et lanthbeutri f a o!I&tUîucty'uaoy good litttd. Moniea and Harrion i.oonisr, who were eo perfect ln theit atteîîlatwei, loçr-. Chrietmas. rturuad to sehool Tuesday. They crseqiemt.ersof the ecuud and int grade@ rspectively. The Lowe fur tht. week was wrtten [)y the pupils of uppet r aacor langu- cge work Toudcy. TIi.y ai] promise to bu futurs reporlets. mm L2 THE ELECTRIC LrAkle Viti£ lea your automobile inrrured against Oire? if ot nss0. A. Mitchell, Laie Villa1 for raies. Theft ienls. -el9 A son wai borni tur. and Uts. Wm. Glden early ltiS eek.1 Raymaond E.ssy, son o! Ur. and UMs.k Rush iluesy. bas beu mits iii for nom@e tinte. Tbel wveoIla tu ity ith him1 ou@ day lest vesi. Tlh lat numtter of the Lyceuri course yl ho girin hy Frances endrX ai iths eliprdl on Saturdai evening of this weei. The LadWie' Ad soclety willlmet vitn Uns. Rimea athe personago nui t week Wedueda,. Feb. 7th. Al are cordiaily lnvlted. Thon la sswlng ta ho doue. f P. R. Aryr drove Into the city lestt Wednesdey irenlng wih business menc front the Lundîn place. Airs. Avery andM UM. Fred Hamlilu pent Tiiureday la tht. eity and retutned wtîh hisi Jack Grinshaw rfthtie 4). W. Lehmaci fart t. in Danvilir. thîs sweek i th éeume o! Utr. Lebmen's show eows.c About rulâightSunday night Hrman Ueyer'- barn burn.d to the- grouod be-1 fone unytbing inuth couId ho doue, alýbough the borne, autos, wagon and somns rot.s ve s sved. Hov h setarted1 no one kuows. onness front a store vhlch behad to bet is voriaop. Insurancet patsaly ecars the las0..1 UMm. . .hervood onjoyed e visiti fron ber silter, IUts. Frank Rall and hnshand of Chicago, lait Btnrday on MUtu. Sbervood's igbllsih birthday.' Mis. UsntMal beys o! SuvrtLake,i sqnt lesut Wedneedci viih b ist e t ichool bors. F. 8. Betvood @pent lat FrIday at the Farmer' Institut et Libhertyrilie. 1 Bep Dice wai caied - th thuelî1y lait watt by thee deaibo! ble mother. Un. Diceu vont la tb tho city noms time &go.1 P. Id. Hamlun ai IDthe ctfon bnui noms Tnesdai. Miess gada Amaso Lbertyrille. @peuti let vesi wih bon cousin, Uts. AI Boehm.. Harnold Hucher snd ies Lils Geler veto married et the home of the groom'@ parent.hors lest Tuesday ai noon by tbe fier. Eranso!fith Lake Villa M, E. chureli. Tbeî wil mithetbir brime on the. IDocker tarin W- extr-nd 'ongratu. lst io"ns 'h.- Royal Nigbbhors and Modern Woo)de.i el'l i..r oasi djoint in.- ebalirsiioir o! oilero et the Barntaah hall Tuewday evenlng. Tue Roal Neigh- bots gave a fancy drill and veleomed the Woodnten heartily la sona. Be! tes- menti vers served and ail bad emplendid Unme. The motion pletntes giron isy the Id. W. A lat weei vers splendid espeelli tboss o! tbi Sanisadiu ln Coorado. G, A. Mtebol riies aIl ilnds o! Oirs insurance la tbberse leble companies. @eW hlm for rates 5el MONEYTO LUAN. Wesoliittbein qui r tg buesdeostlng h, iîorrow maoir .,n Iatmnotber lmprov.-d lakeCounty lt-ci Breate. Frne Nationasl Bank, Lihrtyville. lîlinoim. :"(1 1. Antiocir Saturdy and hart sOme o1 their The joint tisalation Ot tri- MyW. A. friends ojoy the bob-eieigb ride *wItb and the . N. A. vas hld ln tireir hall ihem. Beuides th ire urnersof tbs-in usvnTtîeuday evening, Jan. 23. The !ollow- family. the. parti included àdrsý Kaping, iîsg officers vrs I notallvd: IL N. A. tins. Uel'ormlek and Marie Newton. ufficr:-Oracle. Mrn. H. E.u-is Vice mi@&s junevieve Muei and brother, otare, *'Emullî Batesl.,--irMrs. Frai-is, both o! Chic-go, epeut the. Turnunl; Recorder, Mirs. i',wir-, iast wvek--nd with their hume folie. Oracet, Mns. Sitr ouIner Sentiî,, tie. NIr and MUts Mue Seuly have beeri Brand; Onuer Sentinel, tirs l'ori Dofl-l; cotilned with gserneatteeke utl grippe.- Marshal. tirs. 9m.. Co-k M.W. 'A. Un. Scully la reponted btter anul e t tliens:-W. C.. (iforge lia4s.- W. A. hope a scoon recovers Jor is vile. Peter Meyet; Baelier, Joe. I urnhull; Mesdames tieo. Jackson and Ç. E. Crk.,A. 8. Povens; gentry.'A'V. VJoling; lYBoyle vers lu Chicago Thunsday and Ecort. F. W. Bangs; Wati-hiuan, H. T. Friday. . Cou; 1Mansge, Aug. Kuehk-r, Henry4 Quit a number- o! yonng folkie frÔm Winklet and F. L. Cent. Mise Josephine this rlcinity attended 'tire masquenado Sovens ployaid 5he mardi for tire RN. A. hall au the Round Lake Opera Bouse alter vhlch a pogfram conslttng of Sslurdav nght. readinie and muiavitvas rendered and Uts, Joa. ,Hiadare savlitlng In enjoyvd bht mi. Rfreshments veto Chie4o. served alter whIch &U enjoyed a @&li James Skarda vas a business iaveler time. ta Volo lait Monday. . Ur. and Uns. Frankt Harrison o! Wm. Ucypole was a caller et tbe Chicago, speDint3dcî aitble- home o! Thomas Hobi homo Mondai. Mn. and tins. T. Seymour. Utr. and Uu. Fil Lankiti and deugbter Mne@ Floyd Godfrey @petit several daye Lillien-made a business trip ho Chicago r,!lesat vesk itmithe home utfht-r parents. Maturday. Henni Beseley 09 Wooditoek, was The Consumer's Company- completed bhome over gnndu1. the filing of ibuit icu bouse et Long 'Alis Orne. Murphy @petit Sunday et Laie Mondai erening. They vert. en- bir home ber&. gaged lu the ork o r in hirtt-one dayti. Miss Marguerite Lamphere o! Elgin, The laborete frnrm Chicago vert. sent @etit lait wves i th Wenconda rtla- bci Tuesdcy mornhig. tiees. Tuesday ntorcing cahent of colts tan- Orn Wednedey morning, Jan. 24. wvay wlth a tload of hay which Mt. oci'urted the marriffle o!ftus Esther Aleander ad son iobert vent. gettinot Joies ro Mr. Roy Kjnk. Tihe.ceremony front theo lit fsileld to Iataetu the. troivilace at thse fBptisi prîrsunago lun Long Laie!les bouse The tesa wovre wauiegcn. Th@s ronng people vers soon corner.d and littho damage vas attended hi Jaes. Joues. brothen of the dons, bride and I nhi byAustin of that eiy. Uatty of tbe young people front hure The brids le thés dugbster of tir. and are makling prep$rtitone to attend the IdUte. j. A. Joass eione of the popular Flremen'a masqoerarbo bal at Fox Laie youcg ladies ut the village. The groom Pridai ntght. Io the son of Mr. nd Ur@. 'A m. Kirk, Thomas Hohhs bas been confined vho teeldbe onaa fai metiof tItis village sineslnait Frlday as tb. resut of Injuries and leauan ndustiaus young man. The tecslved et rire Consumer'& ici bouse et happy couple lets on e short trip to Fox Lais. At Doon vb.n teady tu Arore befons rtutniux to thin bous lebee bouse In vbich h vas van- bars. ing,mneerai raies came op the »bons, The toachor@ (rou Wauconda and C8,13811g9imt 10Io"ebis balace amnd lai] rlcioity attendsd ths Touchens' Instituts Mims 11,ee Knt and friend of Deerfit.Idlion. The oid prie bas heen 6 lIentei wert. Suidav enalier, ut the R. C'. Kent, each way. T~he naw tare, where home. ticket is houghit, le 6 cents, but ItJ Eari Harrison of Chicago, ie visitine costs 10 cents each way if the pas- hi.. mother, Mro tiirtha Harrigon sengen pays on thie car. In tact there Misses P~rm arnsworthasud iFronces are very few places on the noth shore- Kent returwed hoise tiunday caller speud- where Waukegan people cao go wilth- ing a few drive wîth f riýndm hi Deerbfid. out paylng lncreased tare. Mir». C L Pratt speut a liv days with The ..fnîlt,,g fige..s, op .ed ro.fsm RUISSELL unavay team tan ta obis auto in prise. Utm. Hayek the. second ai on . ber ta Laier.Nr.J . ol fthat iws, here ie, hth ae npurbee E - ----Wad.vsrtb. The po ois<f the wagon Halpisi the. consolation r oysteeulelatLatk e.nry i advanereascomere10 th. ct- A bg crovd attenderi the dauce in tle craoedr!into the vind oshld. tht. huresOrw-t n eete h cer navnea oprdt h e 6el letFrldci usgb. omîearing aparn triuat tht- enta mn jas. Ha.veki wes leChicago Most of trîvu team n a lu s eo! baskot hall rate vhich muet be.pait when tht.e Utsm. O Clby o! Monon, CalorarlO. ietwv-nentNo on. vashurt. lait veei altr'ndrng ta bousiness.. Saturday uvenrîg witb ab score oftr8psegrayontec; hert" ' foelerly oflibis place, @pet Frlday rgbt -Mr' and tirsA K. Bain ced Dorofhy M-Faday. lsinCiag o- o1 »d Bturday vtth Mr. nad Its. B. L. peut Friricy in Waukeoan.dy K. C Kent auj Ibm. Prise vers bu@,_ are cocnpatitd to tht. oid rates for ont-- et, Mlis and calleri on otber f rliede Au Anti-alcoon Lesgue speaker wyufl muSOHOOLi NOTES nesà caltere lu Chirego lant W.dn*day. way tripe, os compared Io tho picea, 'Ut. and Uts OtrliKoeetiof Whit Stre pulpit Bandai mortingfront Chicago. Our il! b grade geograpbY c&@& are li'tsd lanirs vas r Wnuiegan vster chargeri for round tripe undur the. old 4wjatWin., spent Sunday vitb tbsit Wtmns imeon Am,@ and bah, o! Hickory locatlnibohedepotiotrcrt.so! tht. Uniter! Satirdey echedule. To get the. round tritp prices1 moho.Mn Cnis Cretvisiter! !ieods lu ibis viclnlty State. eingaIx e s uppli- i vth %vair tire L E Hlughes and inon Morlnwer umneryte nobehe ral!taecofsrare Utm. George DeForris vas called houi-tht. pait veek. mape ve aboutir haie a rit-int. ides o! viritoirelu Chiicago a loy days lItsa-i ew. .il fordoube thtparae.o!fT-e -Aemo vsk go on accoubtoth ie erirue %Ir. and Mmts cilîl of Atantie, lova, wben aIl impçstart rilvieton of the Harny Stroupe returned to hie honte in cba-e o n-a asg.Tt llusm of ber moirer. ltire Kissg, wainsuriaî»d oncle of MmLr . S. Bonner; andleartb's surface t-îlot In rnlriY Bo ilis. S Dakota, altrr pendlng a fev tablei o!ftanes tollowa: dlsd on Idoniiy about il1a'r'toci.- Tin , ls'oraeStang, are*vlolitîg themt(bis Ont lUfth month ilsfechosi close@ Tirn- dais eit tht. home of tir. LauraeCook. NevCashOldRoufld fantly have the @y mpathy of their mrr3 dry. Fehruan.v Imi l'bis marks t-be MONEY TOI .tJN. We solicît the l.u- rh (hiagoOS.05 e.05 .10ip frians la heir ereavýnentTire Fareron' Istiture. wili h e hein.au passln'e of the tiret pari ut the yoar 1i.n qui-s of thoor ds-iring ta borroosmoney North Chiako.... 05.0 .05 .101 Dr and MUts. J. L Bddiug @Pont 81u1r-irithrusFrlday, Feti. 9 The Ladies sthe erount!rit fwrritu Ire rciompiishéd o0,turrsorotlerimpro)ver! LaIr.Couriry GeLairesuf----------0.10 .0.12- daey In Weukegan. 'ieorieiv -11i srre ditner aud vi- feedquitt-satr..ilert vuih chai vo i-.sjEsirte Fîst National Bat, tLise Blfort-st ... 10.10 .10 .2') Corrie Bnos. vere Kenomira viOit. MI%)NEY TO LOAN, W. solicit the in- have .June, bl>ieiitîg at their n re tt- ierivls.îi.SLaeFrs.....1415162, Satorday. Iqre r hs isnn ab-o ot., tttht-ccir for trnrrtirs iib. erts ____________jFont Sheridan ....20 .20 .15 .25 t. o, suFrntsooth.r linprnverl L kt.Csrutv tmore .advanlt5rgettiel.s ite-sIHlghwood ...........2-1 25 .16 .215 lndep.ndsqnt: Mors rama liu tR-at la te. Firet Nat onal Rani. The. !îrlowisru ls-ro <f tire Clinton C. Shoup. cgod 69, PaSst.d Highland Park...24 .25 .20 .3f) Lonyvsle ctbreIibery ile..Ilîlinis. 5.4ibareu bd r perI-n-cie.-in .-lin-1: cvcy au bis home, Eighteeuth and Vie-. Ravinia Park...29 .30 .20. 3(l tiame Iiar tiktl-t vls.s- eih terre, streets. North Chicago, thîsl'Glencors..............33 .35 .26 .40 Fre W Bute ed Toms mami- ern kart a -i8; Lilevii itlWalsh S; morning et 12:16 o'ciock. Decth fol-iWinnetka ...........38 .40 .300 - ttBtleWukgnBrev-~inuens Siarada 8 lowed an itiness of seven ntonths. Mr. 1Wîîmete........... 42 .45 .36 .60 2 Iifor tCircuiteTht.uuppen nase bave errn- Sboup vas 0ne of tht. most prominent'Evanston ..........4.5 0 .35 .610 113_______________ rg Compan ilOe] c blîlInruit he n'eogapt resîdeuts of Noth Chicago, baviug -Gît-n Fiera--------O .05 .06 .145 Court thîs aternoon vherehi tbey eaithat over r t-hlf so! he wviirl ba rmnn plial'mereneBah........ 0 1 0 f - st-eh (o forcose on a trust deed gir- ms.erny ia to be ohtiinesi from rire be rmnn otclîee ic ec.......9.0O 1 B IJ 'I~ 1~i 4'cxi by Walter Krause, e watt knavn Spairissb Pculnsula h ae( btC!Y1 it g. ZIon City........... 13 .15 .10.' fui-mer North Chicago ealooniooper. Tueudey mornnio hr efo ed u ithe go n.Iliu1 coniins. thropUe Bai-bar.. 17-.01 2 The bi frlatez (bat on Dec. 12, 1912, vr.onpîeihvfurlr sitt-tse-saidt ypodtee.al odiii SauLie.....9 .20 .16 .2, ,Krnueexecuted e promnisairy note Dcv psncile Il pare mms e-ps-ct 'he cas vaasuch (bat be could lnoS recuperato Holdrldge Crosaing. .07 .10 .05 .111 ~~ueyucngta2qatfr $4,000O for a debt be oved the o! tht. echrirl grme pt-sopt-e-t-mro have and developed tuberculoelis. Ho hld Rondout , ........... 15 .15 .15 .251 brt.vety. It Io cbarged ho 5.gTed tao litis rwaiieationif sthà. vainse sf aa.hsso hen £Tolg vea oire, et lia ib Aer. ..............27 .20 .206.31 moie payxenta on the principalbuIt e<ictioo f'hildrtiicannai rentre-.th fidcesdvsotetro, Are--------2 30.5 4 -"Flo-fagt" fouritarn syiinge fo lu ean up the Indebtodnes vtbhI- malien oîstleiiivl.but It le 0-.,lut came ta Nortbs Cheago 16 years fo 1.5tereet aS 6 per cent hi December, r-zpected ihat mou prernts j'rf ib ia, day 8. H. beld (heposition of POBC&- C. w. Pence vas enterta.ned BSu. for $ .251,16. Up ta nov, they eaî, ho bau and mga of enliàwttpinmnt vili finit vtn 1mon aS onetinte, vas applontait elief day hi John Wayne Richards, bt-ad Guaranteed for one year raid but $5006i-on the principal, anid excuse for ins'z tucahis aheitreeo!fblthae fine later, and a»se SUjei me master of Lke Farost AcidemY, und tlîty see in ta oSan order ta oeil the s.ildren, tbe canie tif vbose valfarele . treet eomnnlaelonet. . *bolthe DPct, hfour o! the masters. Prof. Ite North Chicago property on vhlch inti'usted Itb tbsir homes-* sitton cf police magistrate ' tour yee.ts mI eard that Mn. Pince 1h01boere Krause gave e trust deoil as ectitIti Tbrougls trisecanetul planinsg on the Dumlug te luit ev ismia h. lied patl& aldrecognlxe tise "me masone of bih ton the note. part of tirs county osup.mininsd.nlof litI "ltltnt pirn.Waemates at Rilsioro Collage. Tbey mo ehooi, about rive bu ... 1red of!i lie RosidSrs e lia ida-v ele haves the 1bal netot n bois 1v ar (bey have THE REXALL STORE A son ot f to-v lngor, foreman eounity5s temeere veur.t ra: l t sn1tofloviuig cildren: Roy I,0f Click 1 beau to eudh otier forhelt &9M 5 . fbgt SavesYMos ioey" ion tlilmi placsetaSLibertyville, pSlcslent sele o!Inines ~ . s ortu,"ua Ktho, -4pg;Mms. îeors. fie otber fo u aters elsf. droo hm ato lrog~ia lrgeplas lts ! lsi eeiUn ote<1s<s!Ohm Lara'eKlnney, Noth Obleego; Dean attenlol HhlIioro Collage aud vert- DRUCE DRUO CO.' grae ludow la the F. C. Normant ablY die"c1îssssdtihe*Mwîseator' spit of Chlicago , an d a**15'Chf-vwoU knovc te Uv.Peace. Prof. Rich i allk, I.grocosi 'i ubortyvine t ( m a~niginohool «ywrni Dr. fl.wrde ' f t e . l'le baves a rotig Alaito f &rds b>U sooia el msf. Ths reunlor. i.i~~~ ~~ k~& The entaoilded on tise les and the Checago UniereitY, a-v vt.ry £ettt'îi lcago-, Ms rzbtu- bOg.pafanmsnoaleo. rear oMd synituavoaI. reallagstprmiptimcnu ltue, s of *eogrupbiealÏ-4 )j». data Weoula utHglilad tbrpugli the wlituov. lI iater. Tisesand oet itsrttb*flPlta ib idpd",t léiaisail ovrment, on lb. boudir.1I avi . open.d'My OMMes t Ibe Zurbâ. i MU1e4l giro prompt al*sallof. Dr. E. J.Sirburg *. glffcb1M pinsail-m. 49 îsans cf homoneâ U RtL msent i, 104 Noem et.. ouil Wal)u flt m-s !ilt PUBLIC AU~T The. .ndt.reigned viii sieli at P>ublie Auction on the ,Joa. Tauov arro, thret. miles south of Grayelake. six miles vest of Lihertyvillo a8& suven miles east of Vola, on IHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 89 1917'1,;e- oommeucing at 10 o'clock slsarp, the following propurit 33 Head of Catti. Janesv iii. 14 dise pulvez«lser, 12 nev millierst; balance milliers 12 dise Pulv6riser; @lx foot D*tt>'- aid springers; ivo year old Hol- nover; KeyOtone side oleh5SYk iein bull. Prairie oit>' seodor; 71'i X 1 brovn mitr,10yesars old, wvi. e; eernt.co n nîr or4 m51re. grain bindor; land roler horm #à*- 5(10. o feed grindor; fanning miii; mie" Bi-wu horst-, 6 years, wt. 1375. stock tank; steel milk tank; ý b" Bnr- w' ho rsêt.,, t.yt.o, wvt.13 2,,. htatur; 3 sets work harnes.; 00igo Grs.y hotse, 5 years, vu. 1500. driviug harnems; ainle hani - ltwê Blauk horst., 3 years, wt. 1275. sadle; ivo 800 lb. "aer al4vW" Bic k msare, 12 yearéset. 1150. kettie; 60 gai. 0ou tank, gu4aakâk% li y mare, wiiih foal, 8 yeane, wt atone. boat; scoop scraper, 1<o 1200. bob Aeiguho; set buggy v iiiffl t» Bilack mare, 4 years, vt. 1300. seau-rt cutter; 20 milk eaà Bey birge, 1l >enror, wt. 1l200. utoî,sile; 50 grtin sacis; book «81115 Machinery, Hoge, Chiekens s1toves and other household *ft1*ioý 1iirtw F-ruler & Jobtib>on gamoline horst. fork, carier and $40 f«Aý e-lcrît., - horse. power; 1 ut-wpump ropo; foti lishovels; palisyt ud arik; lumi)rr wagon ansi box; 2 men v other artiola too nnwfle riek virons; mîlli wagon, nev; mention. irîh miik vacon; 2 Johns T>t,'rt 1 fat hog; 60 eh iceoni; 3Surkop; olîieaurn; sprtng tsih ulivator; 3 geetse, à duels. 2 "tic horst- OLlti'Jators; corn irai t- Fe '1; 80t ro Io vrnu; 2 Svo sec.Oon han. ee ri;tnp buggs ; two seastei trslp; 10 bu. moud corns; 460) us.aev*' Jatrinville b,svpiov; sulky pliv; ser!; 50 lb.. tlmothy seed; ffl0 qtî 2John Det evalking ploa; J. hioms ; 60 bu. ieed vhsal; 10ba -ru Iti iîrcir sud plw; fileldi planli; arle>'. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED AT NOOid TERM3 01F SALE-ltIIssnr, o! 01000and unrier, -Cash AU S0Ms0* irsruitacre-dittioh 6 mot-h.. îi ls, given ou bâanimbie actsuN =C9 r.).dm tir ner-nssvmdausi i settled for. Mms Richard Anderson, »rop Fred Grabh., Auctioneer. SECUR1TY'TITLEI& TUt ABSTRACTS 0F ,TINTLL TLE GUA.A4 Capitilal$125,OOO Oi WAUKEGAN - - usai 1 RAJLROADBOOSIS FARES FEB. 1ST Rate From Waukegan to Prac-E ticaily Every City on~ North Shore Is Now Higher. CASH FARE COSTS MORE. Railroad Officiais Seek to In- duce Patrons to Buy Tick- ets in Advance by Move. (Later dcveiopments sttuwsng the suspension of the new rates appear on page on of part twa.l Wâukmgan residents witt be catteri 1PUpo plutay considerably increarsl rates of fans- on the- Chicago, Noth Short. & Miwaukee Electise railîoni(l as tbe tesuit of a radical schedule wbich iii latedl to go loto effect pfb-i ruai-v lst. The. new sclredule ot tares lias ht-en received ai, the local ticket office sud the. agent expecta ta recelve officiai notice tod&y or tomorrow. Tht. sebedule arrived Mondai night. f In Bomle Instances the rate of taret undur tbe 0ev scbedule for onu-way passage la oearlî as much as fithas been tor a round trip. Uikewise, tlie company bas i.naugurated a double rate o! charge--one for tbe passenger wbb purchases a ticket befone boardlng9 a car, and- the- other for tht. Pagsnger1 who pays cash tare on the car. lnu soome Instances the. difference tli tare9 in so mnch that the- patron In inost cases yull avail himselt of the alterna- tive. Under tht. oew scîtedule, the pas-j Benger saves nothir'g by purchaslng a round-tnlp ticket, lie round-trip cost- tng Just double what the one-way tick- et dot.. The blggest Increase ln tare la bu- lween Waukt.gan and Evanston. The old fart. ves 36 cents ont. vay, or 60 cents ton the round trip. The nov fare. viiere a ticket la P urchased, le 48 cents ont. way. or 96 cents, round trp. t-vo cents addttonal lis chargea 191-Johmatlian . Turner. tiO l lach vay if tht. pazeenger dose net Ignator o! the Idea that led ta.tse purchase e ticket. tahllshmntutof agrictltural Collages Weukegan people vho ,have beon and experimontlng stations.. partons ot the. Ravinla Park programa 1913-laaac Fu'nk, a ploneer famier during tho summer season wili h.e a- and geed culturit. fecMe by the nov sebedule. The aid 1914-Philll D. Amour, tse 1edin rate vas' 20 cents, eaciî vay. or 301 spirit of bis time i developing tho cents round trip. Thie nev sciiedule central markets for Uvo stock. la 29 cents one vay, vhere a ticket 1916-Benjamin 9i. Marris, a ver! le purchaseil. or 80 cents vhere the succesaful tarmor and lîve stock breail- passenger pays cash on the car. Thua ir. tht. nev tare (o Ravinia Park le the 1917-William Parlln, a plonesrtnn sente as lu fonnerly cost for tho round etactuner of agrjcuIuurali mpl*e:otas trip. Tht. round-trip nov vilI coet and for hait a centuri a leader lu the eithen 68 or 60 cent., dependlng upon development of lahor-saving fatanme- whethen or nott a ticket la ptitchaied. chinery. Anothen marked change la effective- hetweeo Waukt.gan and the. Naval Ste-a .___ dovu onto tUn îtored ice mani tfui bilov, tho le@ fctlisrg auto hlm. BY1 fortune bie artm yent donDbewveen (ho cakes o! lue He Ianded on hie idi cutting c deep gash rnear is left temple1 asiebisleft atm easd baud vers badly1 sptaiued and di.locateil For meoy minutes it vas thoulcbb that Mn. Rubhs vas dead but time proved that lite satili t-xistetd. He re very muet)s musser!but le aile to welk arouîsdo-'re NichoilteBuer iras wonu- tir @pend tht. the rnefutth ir rr vir irissister at Kprrosîra. tirs Jas. Hayeketetraiewd hep nece, tins Elmer Nugl of Iiaoclwet.k. At thp meeting r!fthe. Social Huchre Club lest i5eingday ut tisheomne of st Wankegau. 1igblsnd Pari sud Lais Forest on Thutsday, 15rday and Sait- daSY 0f lait eMx. Henry tiaima vaseonfIned tu him h-smo thet. irt o! the vek i vth an attaci of grippe. Mie Ruthr Broncheon &peut Saturday and Surrday lu Waukegan. A E Kirwan cuddaughter, Mise Delta vtiit-d r4,lsres ru Chicaso Sonday. FRANK E. HALL TO INJIJRY TO lIEU APPEAR IN HALL 0f MANY YEARS AÀQO FAME AT URBANA;i CAUSES INSANITY Educator's Portrait to Be Ad-' Matthew LiIIey, Age 79,' of mitted to Uiniversity of Mii- Zion City, Adjudged Iisan nois Next Year. in County Court Thenane ndp,rtr,-lî or tihe lai,, IS MANIACAL AT TIMEtS. Prof. Prank IH.liall of Watikegani i i admnitte(l tn ihe Illinois Fani Indulgence in Liquor CaMsd ers' liall of Faine St flic tVniversityý Delirium Tremens-Fo»lW- of Ilinois atiL'rtanr.in te yrar1919.! ed Trade of Peddier. : Th-- llinoig Farr. hlall of Fuire atbw uIy.ge 79rel I.' ihe reoiît Io a nioverentIo urecord witb bis daughter. Ms.T.A.9 L Ief se-rs üci..anid meooaett ai 3115 Gilbo a avenue. Zion <'ltiWI comeylor'l" headjudged insane in Co. Court ?tlday lives -rthlimai.wbo have hee.n lFziderRnorriug hy a comimi.,sion consistlflg ln the laie iin leve-l"ypint .iof agrîctîl-of DnR. RIl. T. Nisbitt and Dr. J. Y. ttoemer. An injury- r"ceivs-d ln a nvr froiiî a primitive art tnftin îflai- ruîîiawav accide~nt about 25 years cga uraie icience upon which the. prosper- waS attrlbuted as tjte cause' ot tht. victims condition.11 i(y of ail ciasse,. uli ulllmaîely de- Acdording bo the. evidence adduce4 pi nd. ai the. hecring, Lilley vas drIitLng th abuggy over a score of îears *ag% Each candidate. when adnited, willi h&& a., borse tarted to "Mnî ava be represerrted hy an nil portrait, and Lilley - 'shurled framith sig eâ laieled on bis bond. He vas readesi, a fabiet recltlng in brie( bis contribu- ed unconaclous and the inurteata lion 10 the evolution of agriculture. bis bead for a Umeo thycateBeil tO Frank H. hiail le Uuited as teacher prove fatal. Hi. mmtsllty nevei lib" of agriculture, author, Inventar and been sood *fier thesonaccident. The evidence sliowed he *"a d- for many yeare superintendent of the dcted to the. nuSo f differeli klade )f, farmners' InstItute. I alcholic beveragea andl aS lmes bas M.r. Hall tormeriy vas superintendlsuffered of delirium tirméa. At ent of achools In Waukegan and bis 'times bis itonditiMon sowsm soms im- aritmete ws ued er yarsIn he rovsent but at otb@r times hM h. sribmtieva utedforyers n he omes maniacal and lies talie te- sch6olrî here. Ht. always vas promin- stralned. lis' condrtion alvffl ls ent In the work of tht. Lake County w0550 at nlWht and he le veryde- Farinrs' nstiute.structive of bis lothlng. Farera Intitte.For soute tIns Lifley lbail een en- Mr. Hall, vhile iruperintendent of gaged as a peddlor. la fact le follIse- the statp echool for the blind et Jacki- ed this business up te, the Utinstn sonville, perfectedtht. raieed type hî the. trequeflcy of th. mental attacelt wnlch blind persons were taugbt to made it Impossible for laita do no rt-ad. any longer. Thou. vo hve eenpîafrjî~ ht. It te baped tbat the treatment the Tboe wo hve ee plcedIn hepatient vIlI recaleivoat lie hsaglt hall of tante are: for the. Insane et Bila vii bava lie Dýate cflinstallation: effeet of lmprovilsuu mgoa euti s~i- 1909-Cyrue Hall Mecormiek, inven- t:tOngb Ithe aId laj= yte ils brlp tor, of tbe reaper. prohabîr neyer viii ho mproved OoM- pletely.Ulei lied mode bis liosela 1911-James N. Blrown, organiser Zioq City @sasMe Io and Onrt president of the Illinois atate falr. tu«pd. u aiie? EM ONÇ 1 1 1

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