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Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1917, p. 3

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r, FIJ.BRIJARY .8, 1917. L',ertyville Independnt Co owindeqàli det - Waub*ganW'eeky Sun Ofile Tlepon.Number 1. Libertyville Escasge isaboed n as oto.tLlbertyvllie. 111., amScnd CamMail Natter Qfc'O' PublIcation for The Village of l.~lO 0004lalPub Ioetlo for Lake County bard i.8 Superv uVProceednsg Iaeged Svery Thurpdov .dvertwilml. "Us .#do&.d-u..i 0"plîaln soUsCRIpTION PRICE, 01.60 1VLEAN *TIOTLY IN ADVANCÉ W. 4. SMITH .............................. ................................ Editor F. O. SMITH ..................................... .............. .................. M&nge Wý Jl WESER- ..................................-Reaident Manager, Phone, loi- DO YOU REALIZE WK*T WAX WKEAN8? DR@ de. fam "'IIX MES TO OPER- -4TE ON D. IIOUSIt Chicago Sargeon Who Gained, World-Wide Notority Will- ing to Use the Koife. STATE'S ATTY. HESITATES. ls Advaed by Semeai Local Physicians That Another P u am .wio. a ft o VIewiver oesgoés. oiboss t tbie orne and thaktone 1 LsewUoumUDGtLGUie,. uj.g they wU lhthiscomttZ Woudoto vewu t e- D.Hr> aslé.té hcg r4ft7. You cam engh . tha ' o i th er- 1ayPhysiclan vbo gainéd worid-wldeno a.. ou wil har g' <ar l tPryét>'throug4 thé "Baby Bolinger When l *ey' tiw pe V "r YiUL mgx ut it dowu that case' asco. ted ta perlorm an Uu$.y cannot iMptlltàMnd, they do a* rguilze uat WU. operation on Davei Houah o! North9 mSu. AUl they have to do ta p gealt Conception of Chicago, alleged moron vho is under l ndictmenit on a charge of havlng at- WU$ f ar aettiaiy Means ta th* ePI" StWS* 18 ta «Stop îacked two young girls a fév montha ami Sonsider the situation today i Germany. Herei the ago. lé reply ta an inquir> b>' Stat's Ua*Bs Status the people ane feeding on the fat of the land,1Attorney James (1. Welch. Dr. Haisel- .w«yOne ln prosperoUs, everone S v4ag &a go<4time, sden conserated ~per! orESthe pea 4l a Cm's'Ir o.f $100. lMr. *« M ebas enough:to &w"> ~ to'ieWUT ami nd'»ëouh Welch bas thé matter under considér-A- tdon. But how la it in Geriuay and the. other nations engag- Théec.un,>' prosecutor, It Is saisI,1 f. ar t *ay How would you 1k. it, Mr. American bas thkén thé mattér up vith several1 DoMr. Aerican Man, ta bave thus tovermnent tell you Waukegan physiclans and as a rénît -Ilo iàeliyou oul bae t ut oxOROW MEof their adylcé ma>' takén anoîhér lîne im>wmuc youcoud bae t eat. ~..R0 , 'HEof action In thé Housh case. NE2T DAY, AND THE NZXT DAY? In thé majorlty of cases, 5an opéra- Uow Would you like ta have them tell you that you have , ion such as It la proposed to perforn.a no Ë*gt whatever, even though you can pay for it, ta have; onI, lioh renders a moron a practical- moithan 01one iidso ettoslc fo hnly sale *person ta bave at large In thé YMoint 'aofetura n et a etfrmwe1communlty. Thére séema ta hésom yçug Int a rstauantdoutO. hoever. vhether or flot thé bW would YOIJ like ta be told that you Cat burn only' operation would hée completel>' successa le Mch fuel within a given perlod? fui In thé HouLh case. Several local 1ev would yu lUke ta be told you -musat extinguish êthe phyiiana havé expreased thé bllef MIM i your h ~e at a Certain t"e, that the lightS in thetat thé conurunît>', espectally wémen itorsM, restaurats and other places muast be eLtlngulsh-adlong asirosh eer woyd b sley .1 a a pecfledbou? -regardiesa o! thé fact that an opéra- I MOU a w8 bat var meiDfs tion migbt have béen performnéd. Thé>' Veti mcii a condition confrornin, u-,it la no Wonder bavé urged thé states attorney> to la- b* Prusdnt 'WU= M ad others vÏo resily knov vhat tituté thé necessar>' proceediagi assIMM have been do"""noMu h o ld a pssbl whicb, would reault In having Housh1 «ýý wth » of0te favigp ounties commlttéd to thé as>'bum for tisé crha- eat lth uy o theforognCoitri. . al insane at Chéptr. l behooveV« « Y Aznei= CMM c tiO a paseand tblnk Mr. Weîcb inla ipireaaéd aibthée 00* dire WnfflUMcW thttMoM from vWU. 0f courue advIcé gîven hlm b>' local physlcis * arO aUti ugh j* ta re&Ulsethat if Our country Ï and miuts <thatbIs course of action zosmed ve ail vi buckle ta and do ailve cam to p mn>' hé ietakén. go thinks <hère lé not a" - f ,..Ld off a*0 pAuIyIDmnch probablit>' that Honah might hé sssas wa~ W*my.paroled after héolaitboom aI seuhlian loveve, ve muat go ta the confict without fully rea- Institution for a tiMe as h. sa"s itj 1Ii~b t lia ultnatesituation i t1de country yjfl 1. la quite conumon in léop the moredan- là6termnld about var la certaily very truiegérons in thé asylum for 11fte. 9 Housb han menaced the safét>' of aMd *0 people of t"i country apparently do flot compre- Waukegan anda North Chicago young lamd tii. situation as it reaily exista today ln Europe, elue w.omen for th last f ev yéars. on Ms veud not hear no manYof tblm anxious ta have this ses-eral occasIons héebas been talcen eoull*y go ta a showdown with Gsrrnany if it possible can nto custod>' on chaLrge o! attaéling be avolded. girls, but op to thé present timo bas Juct nov, above ail Urnes, tbe one thought vhlch *ogl<I be uppormostin thesthoughts of llilà: "At aulevents, ve are ail Amerlcamil" Iltever the citisons of this country have needed ta stand bia, loyanad true,it isright n6v We are allvwith our arsM ntsd bis advlsors in anycue they may adopt. Ou outry MlT and ALL ETIE We muât not forget that our f1agà my flag and it la tVi 14 and, comparing it with all aga of- all nations of ver id, isn't it tue prettiest, lan't it tue grandest, ion 't il lie most attractive of ail? You bot it il àtrang, isn 't it, how, lu itlmes ot abslute- peafe, we al. asume the feeling: "Oh, war be hanged-I'd rathor flot1 tbink of such a thing.'" BUT, vhen the crisis cones, when 7_ t actuaily begins to look threateni.ng, thon one's feelings1 Ï_ change. Patrlotismn is stirred, and tue luke-warrn feeling of a few days before changes to the spirit u:' 'If my coun- try zeeds.me, yuu bet I 'm roadyl e~o foreign tue shal menace our great land if by rny blp I can prevent it!"' And we ail mean it! The atmosphere, une 's whole being ',changes as the crisis confronta us.ý That's true American- lmn; that is the kînd ot spirit that wil enable thia great laid, once it is riled to action, to ris.i its niigbt and show the vorld huw an unprepared, poacetul nation CAN pro- pare in whilewind ordor ta protect its interests. Barry Flood ot Gurnee, nov preuident ot the Lako Couty Milk Producers' Association, i talking witu a representativeofu this paper ater tue meeting, at whlch he vas elected said it vas bis uluore hope that tue, Lake eounty association will go along vitu tue reat outhte asso- ciation that comprises tue district and work harmoniaus- lu inevery respect wit1- tue beada ut -the otuer counties. H4]ovever," ho said, "vo intei4d'to koep our oyes open, but it la ta be our policy i tue future not ta go aloug vitu a cbip on our shoulders looking for trouble. We are go- mng to consider everybody honest nutil ve find gomeone that makes ug conclude otuerwise. Our atm vil b. to do everythlng possble to increase the barmonious feeling betveen tho milk producers ot Lake couaty and utrengtu- en tue district organisation as far as posible. W. realize tuat Lake couty bas bee 'i bad' to oonslderable extent ýwMktbe ocher counties in the diÎtrict forgimre tiîne iutl aid i tue general feeling the armer dlth that vs should ondi. Uavoiba.', ar maters as muich as ossMIbA. thatl farMers aMemerely viatlo - d té gàh.ai Z M tb be succeeded ln gévuing 09oith un ust sentences. The suggestion vas made after bis last arest that If an opération ver, performed Itnightli Be t i91gVO hlm bis liberty. Hé vas InforMed <bat If hé would consent ta the operatift the crimînal procéediig &gainât lita would ho dropped. Hé refused et firt. but later le saisI to bavé acceptéd the préposition. Waukegan phyicani vho wére approached decliléd ta lpar. fornu the operation because Of «s probable éutecome. It vas then <bat an inquir>' vas made o! Dr. Halselden, and hé consented. SERKS ACCOUNTINÛi IN THE ESTATE Outii LATE JNO. POWELL Mrs. Bertha Annie Powell Brown Seeks to Have Fa- ther's Wili Construed. Mrs. ertha Annie Powell Brown nanhés ber mother, Mrs. Elizabeth I. Powell. together vith otber relatives, as defendants ln a bill for accountlng fil-I bn Circuit Court toda>'. brs. Brouwn asks te, bavé thé- vîlI o! ber father, thé at, John A. Powell, con- strued to read thé va>' she says hé intendéd il abould read. John. A. Powell diesI May' 25, 190-5. In bis will be provIded <bat ail o! bis estate, vbich vas qulte extensive, sbould go to bIs vile, Mrs. Elizabeth Powell, te bolsI durtng ber ilé LIme. Provision vas made as ta vbat should hé dons vitb 1< after Mrs. Powell diésI. It la vitb regard teta <isclause. se- cording to Mrs. Brown, that tbsré la semée question. Sbésasys thé language of ber lathpr ln thé vilI vas sllgbtly ambîgusous. but she makes thé assert- ion <bat hé Intended that ail ef thé preperty should go to ber ut thé déath of ber mother, andI <bat In casé abe should net survive ber mother, <bat thé preperty vas ta hé dîvided among othet relatives. Mme. Brown ails <bat ber mother, together vith othér relatives, hosain- moned Into court to render an acount- lug andaise h avé the vibI oqasrnod ao <bat thoro hé na doubt about vbat be #b ffoT"~st. T"ie Por'bl t%"YI, la ane af the béat Inovia' DLta tyI sa" for <bat reisosthé national eudt Occasions nue ncilterest. TOTAL $579507; IN. STRUMENTS, 12 7 Twedty-Fiy.e j.as Were Ne- gotfated m Lae County for Week Endlng Feb. 3. Business of the ecorder's office for thé veek endlug PVêb. 3, 1917: B>' A. I. Boy.., ausistant secretas" of thé Security' TtI. and Trust Com- Number of cosve>ances, 102. Numberoa loussa, 25. Total number of Instruments files, 127. Total amount of loans, $L7,607.58. Business bau boom quiet and buans about thé average. The flolntae thé, more import- ant déals of thé veel: Iln Waukegan: Charles Jarobm pur- chased. theé lee>property at tlÊ. soutbwest corner of Jullan and Ceunty strééts for a nominal consIdération. Samuel WiddiScansd vife bought thA ThliasinA. Webb boilso on thé south aide of Tnrth street, e ~t ofl North avenue, for a nominal conldéra- f Ioný Patrick MeGrain bougbt thé Henry .M. Smith 30 acres lu the goutheast qluarter of section 8, Waukegan téw- ship, for *6,500. n Lake Forest.. Thé (if y or Lakél Forep.î hougbt three lots, on the west aidp of Forest avenue, north ef thél rity hall. from thé Preabyterian cburch of' lake Forest for a nomnl consld- eratIon. n Libertyviiie: John A . ami Emma lixen bought thé Williami H. L ker pmprty ou thé nérti ide Biroadway, lut east o! Second atr, for $2150 Md IWlliama H. Lenuleri vwifé bought the. lt adlelning fi C. W. Wli o Cm$41W~l in Higbhland Prk» Shernman T. per bougU t 4 ta Caralyn snbdi Ion an SherIdma ro"i fronuBénis iowenmoyeya toboléinakm on Dean avubue anMary A. B for a naintIua comslâértlon. n BirringI"% VieSJ. Saudmani chaaéd f rom tMe aisater lé chanc o! thé SupérirrCou f fCool COU thé Muden te pr»ertY OnWaash ton atréet east ot Bavîle>' treét gtiuer wvttb d0Oél'catpraperby) Un Wauconda pasl:Arthur Martin bongbt t4 Hugb EL Martin teréat in thé Mrtn farna of 140 a9 lé sections 11, 13 tjeU 14 for a nos considération. 7 ln Fremant Tàuenalp: Ernest Meyer bought40 aorp la South' quarter of section 29 tÙ *en the Cha Stempél b cira for ;Ijêo. Un Grant Townslip: U H. Pa trustées ef thé Americua 'rades Savings bank o! Racine, Vas.,t titbe te thé Charles IR. Carpentér fi on Woostér LaIte tn section. 23., b Wallace Ingalla fer a nomoinal1 sideration. in Warren Tawnship: Thomna and Jesalé M. Wells bOUght t»é S= Widdicombe larmao! 80 antM la ni veit section 21 for a noinUal sideration. 61ME PAID TUE PicE'; WELCII FEASTSK.0 Successful Candidate in P( tics Furnishes Fine Banqui to Knights FridaY Eve. ém- Sof -ot. and :om 1 DEAL S13VERELY WITII NAVAL LADS WHIO ARE "6TIPSY"9 Develops That Every Man Re- turnin t Sation Is Search- ed at the Oates. DRUNK PENALTY DRASTIC. Capt. Moffett Exj$ins How Such CasesAM ie ated- soitary Coninmet. "«Wé want thé public lu co-operate wlth unansd help tg '<cep the navy as clean as possible. lbt la oni>' by the public reportlng certainl things <bat thé>' ma>' see men from thé station dotng tbat ve ahal b, ablé lu help kéép thînga going in a way vhlcb we vould Ilke have them." This state- ment vas made hy, Capt. Moaffett 0f thé Great Làeéastation -- Thé remark came from Capt. Mof- ftt as a résunt of a member or thé Delly' Suna staff asklng the com- mandant boy cases are treated vhéreln men f rom thé station go back tà thé station alter bavlng car- ouaed ln Chicago and belng under the Influence of lquor. the patîcular tbing w1llch call 'd it to thé vrlter'a attention was that on the mîdnight trai 'rlsfay two sallora,, apparently mémbers of thé 8111P C"e, wére vefy badl>' lntoiticated In thé smoking car. One of thém car- ried two botties of boas. in his pocket and thé other one carried one Bioth of them were decIdedî>' drunk and attracted considérable InterneatIn thé car. Thé matter vai called lu Capt. MXoffett'a attention asd ho va s aked boy such cases ver. treated, hé re- plIes: 0Wheaever a man bas had thé grocerg of North Chicago aMd 000- loee f absence andI returne to thé Waukegan for tbir provisions, but lie- station, ho la stopped b>' the guaud an Capt. Moffett's Order ta thé sentrie Mian hoentera th. ei. In cas e ho abv la ta place an armed guard on évery' wtany. s l u indigato hé bas bees grocer>' or deivéry waonasenterlfl CaneO drinkine h. la Immnediatel>' seurched thé grounds. and poeffling an>' liqueinl founde on A 200 boot dead iné'bas been ed- pulr- bis oa o r thé 0114r bn charge tabliahed about thirole., s tation. Der>', cO=og e in luthe laet bit intoxi- Thé vireless equlpuent at Great mnty cted. b. la lockesI up and <bru hé 1,&k« sla regard. as meo et the muet iiug- has tu lace thé coM . ao$al. Wbs.t important plaes 0< W qugméqt in «0o- lathépea.ity hi be<ag tÏid in <bis the govmoqr,pt's amaas if la for coa4itio» won, b lm IMM gét an>'- tiirangh ths biaisa= that ail messages Wh- 1>4MouatIre.mthW puy or 30 frqpn ée.ab t. oas~are traamted. ir V. da>'s solltar confinoment. or bot<bY ît la one of t" lalb povhred stion n in' *'PYery foralng ut 11*30 we bold t thé vorld, uni aaua"es relayod ke court et the station. It la cas"e O! through the Great Lakes station aré pina tbis hinsI <bat are brought bof ore me réceivéd b>' thé captai»s on tho tests ad t<b..chances are <baï;t <be <vo ut ses.1 aI mml qet te-w o reer, No order bas been reetved tÛm latver. detbed b>'the goar des thé>' en- Washington aIIIng on the. command- rlés tereel the'grois Ilet bt Thé men, sut ta ielive au>' trained or untrain- as tIc>' cousé buol <o th* station, are éd men at thé seabourds, rker, lvays examined very careful' ansId and if <bey are fouad to b, dlrty or filI<y As a procautIonar>' méauré, Capt. <o or have an u>' Quo their posaeid- Wm. Igoffétt, commsaodaut ut the 'ais alOnthe oliCerla charge talés LIÉ- Great LaIes Naval Training Station, from médiate actio b>' placing thénu la ar- bas throvn a doublé guard around con- réat. We are ver>' désirons of hav- thé station. Ing <bme things reportçd <o us and This action vos akea labo Saler- lb la ual> b>' thé ca-opération Of thé day atterncon ator thé commandant néel commusit>' et large <bat vo &halhé had rerileid névipaper itateieb Oruabbé bu improve the standard of thé <bat diPbomatic relations beveen tbff coii- boys ut thé station andI accompllsb UnitedI States andI Germais>'hai been the results vé are alLer, severed b>' order of Président Wison. *'Wa nov havé 1,600 men ut the "I ucted on nu>'ov n Itiative." mid Great Lalés station ansI vhen I vas the captain, Thé order la merél>' a ai Nevport station in théeaset thé precautlonar>' one. I cannat tel vbéu éther day théy onb>' had 900 men.." thé ordér vIii hé IlitésI. .1 Ill net Why thé naval lads 'Il talésncb permit vistais vîthin -the stat 'Ica PChances vheé <bey go <o Chicago, b>'1 until dtplomatîc relations hétvééui PO gettlng drunk and trying té anéak 1Cermany )and thé UiJuted Statesaère bacc boozé tbrougb the gate.,la bard ' réppcned,'" o-to understani, Sométîmuea thé>' hile! Great vas thé aniiet>' among thé let Waukégao's l-jIgIutn 1ýPytiauaFrîday 1 evening vere gur.,t, et Stat;s At terne>' James G. Wehch, vbo "paîti thé pricé'" for havlng éntéred polI- <ici-ansI von. Thée'"penalt>'" va ta furnlsh a banquet for thé mésai- bers of Wuukegun Iethe»da ladge. AndI hémuade good. Somé Ime aga a rué vuas adopted ln lué-that un>' K. P. wvba shauld enter polîtîca andI win un office, must 'feésI" thé other meéthéri. Mr. Wélcb vas thé irat ene ta f511 Into thé nev ule ansI <erefore vhén IL vas put up ta hlm ta maIe gond hé glasIl>'diA Sa. One hundred mien mat dova <o thé tva long tables set ln the badge roonu and a dune food vas servéd b>' Nolau brothérs. Following thé dînner a pro- grainu vus endered. alka bébng <iven and thé éveuIng provéd a ver>' de- llgbtfnl onc. Ray' Fowler a master of cérenuanles andI thé foîboving ar-n gave short als' '1fr, Welcb, Major A. V. Smith, Wm. Deune, Praf. Sa;- ers, Mayor Tollé>' o! Nerth Chicago. State's Attorney' John Wébch, Luter lé thé evéulég four 'candi- "atee ver. gîven thé second ranI. Pittsburgh, Fa.,,Jan.' 11.-The an- sual report o! thé United States Steel andI Carnegie pension mai shows $711,130.388vas dsltributed m,1B6 Th *e r s pan vas SIl« Ip«p Mnatb,, thé minimum $12 andI tii maux- battu $100. Total distribution since thé botiles autaldé thé yard ln hopes of gettîng IL latér when thé>' are ouf C leave o! absence. ts Iakin.ga bg chance, howéver. to face <broo mçtnths' puy and 30 days lu solîtar>' confinement-just <o tank up on biual Chicago bonze. RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL. August Jaske, a Laborer, Gets Hand Caughtin Machine August Jaske, uged 28, a laborer ut thé Wilder tanner>'. had bis left hand amprîtatéd aboyé thé wmst today as a regulf o! havlng lb crushed lé a ma- chine. Jasko was one of a large number of mien wbo vere Iniported b>' thé tan- ner>' cémpan>' recentl>'. Hie vif, ansI thmée children réside in Canada. Hé had lnténdéd <o brîng Ihénu boe,, but tb, lnability inteaccoré a suitable house bad causéd liim te dcla> thé action. Thé accident <001< pincé <bUs noré- hég ai 9:25 o'cbeck. Jnst boy IL bap- pcned la net known. Jaske vus rush- ed tn the Jane McAlister hospital vltb ail possible spced. Surgeons vho vére calles int attend thé victinu found thé Injured band vas crushéd Into mlb- bons. Thé>' décddd at Immédiate amputation vas nécéssary. Although hé bud héén lé Waulégan but a short tmme, JasI huad maie sévérs.l Iiénda vha vére. shocléd ta lea r fthé accident. 1< vas one of thé extrémel>' fév accidents Lbat have takén place at thé tannex7. FIRST UN kAKI COUNTY-Tho vbves o! naval oflicers ut the posL over Sunda>'. Thé>' realizé <bai eveli af tis heur orders arc on théevu>' for theîr bushands te report for Sea duf y on thé éast or et coat. Thé ordér bas gone ont for thé dréadnaughts ansI the supem-dméad- naughis ta strip for action. This meanuu <bat ever>' otticér ut thé train- ing station vîli hé callesI othe<bcoamt for service on s. IL abîl mean pro- motion ln thé ranks. It ma>' mean that Capt. Motfftt vlll béavé thé Great Lakes sation vithIn 48 hours. His abilît>' lé directiég var moves on sea la tCa veli Imové for Unclé Ram la permît hlm ta rémulu on baud whlle <ber, la vomI La hé dons at ses. Il vas Capi. Mofett-'eur" Capt Méfféit, If yen pieuse. vbo andésI thé finsi marinelu Mexico but a fév years ago. Thé mariées vere landérl under thé gun firé o! thé fléet ovAr hcb hé bud charge. Capt. Mofféit la Youug ln yéurs for one of bia station. ansI ln youth ibère la strength, so wîthout a danht hé yl léavé the local station ln thé évent o! var. Altbfeugb no visItera are aloval4 at thé station, thé chief oandIthb, peu>' efficers are pehmttted the same lîhérties that they vore Sivés la ttmé of pence. - CLOSE NAVAL STA. TION TO VISITRS; GUARDSDOUBLED Captain Moffett Declares His Action Is Merely a Measure of Precaution.. MANY TO LEAVE STATION.1 Fear la Expressed That Ce,,-1 mandant WMl Be One of the ' Firet Caled to Sm. ln order t. deibat amy attsmpt mai. ta blow up thawlr.Isau statll., ar=es arrn.d wlh higé-pouge rifle. vec pltecedeonsouard about theIculm towersaut thé Great Lakce*WMs1 Traîlng Station toda>' b> order oft Commandant W. A. Réftatt The urds have oidore té shoot, and shoot to kilt anyon. who atémpte to rush the towers. ln order thet the1 men mu>' b, aUssit t an>' situation1 whlch arises, Capt. Moffett has crder.1 ed that thé>' b. e t* ee>'Io1 hours. Thé guards are beavil>' armed snd1 pient>' of ammunltlon bas beén placedi witbln thelr reach. Thé guard about thé station bas not been donblfid or tripled, as at lirat, ré-1 ported. 1< vas ineréased 20 ld. 1 Thé grounds have, been closéd to1 vialtors and not even thé aecretary of thé navy coid now gain entrance to9 thé grounds vithout firat reoélving a ipecial pasa sued by thé command- ant in persan or by thé offlceércf thé day. Thé civillan employés andI mem- bers o! the afficera' familles have beén glven pesoes but are flot admittéd, un- tiI thé>' havéeéstabUisbéd thel.r Iden- tit>'. Thé officers at. the station are de- pendent té a conslderable sltént anon ' The Kind mother Uses" WýI. IV "ci,tirné mother get, out Calu-, mei1 i iowv there'a going to be goo& thinga to caarr atur hous. Oeuicous., tender, tenpting düughnutt, biscoib cakes and pics!I'%>e nexer aén at&ke-, day failure with Calumet. *Oxie says it's the on&L Bakîng Povd* tut w.sures unit arma rétalt. R.o.ed Hiè..s-Am. I 1 sAujuL Cloud et Wltn.e. «But hov amn 1 tu knov Ilt jo really lové rnpr sigheçltb ligg ipg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n à, v-p,".I. brt* us PARTois~ Sale of Former State Looted, Perhap 6f N of Thousands, She Say& LUMLEY fiINVESTISAIS Former Trustad Employ* b As- cused of Taking Stro e«S While Senator Lay D*IW Mrs. Albert J. Oison, wdov l M late atate seator and dakt * chargea that a large sm peared from thée etate Ieft byla band. Sheba» brought tihéU to the attention ef State's AttorMW V. S. Lunley of McHenry county. When Sehator Oison Ofl-l.k 1h home ln Woodst t v as befhvul bIs ë4tate was worth fully 8UMW but an audit made at theé Inafma of Mrs. Oison la sald to e duc ttie'fat that ait that l lait ft ,e--- ;75,000 I&rm in McHenry oouaty' aMd Mr. Olson's Interests In the A. 110l. son. Dalry Company. Safé Conifeeaftd, la Aemrtien. Tt ln alleged that on thé day 09t he Oison funeral the office sale V«"M away and confiscated. It la m"ifou have contalned many thbiuasudet &t lare worth dà negoitable 8ecutt& e: Oison was thought to have ownced blocki; of stock in the Le al Blackstonf, hotél companle.L Aise It la aileged thouea* C#édôIté- lars ln checks slgned "A. Y. Olmiat, »W -'-vers found la the &V«aet. hie trusted emploce'a dent. TM eâ- ployé bhm dluim esrd. Tt la polnted ont that Ttlgutbav&s been eazy lbr thé eaPOceu ds~ to have caphed élaýcku ad use" tà a»pear. b>' dl"mof a~the "% eta they had béso nt>' ih0*4ês. *T saIne -ma s us~ect bb0 l* uS M' "klthae. Wban lra. OIan.«V a~ nlgbt boy much 91"e = ,~haa lent threugh thé.Ofpipt.me "I have no méaestcilu@wf M vas a laff Mn. It M" e>' h - thousanda andI Tt ma>' ha dbu@" thousande.' The man vIe là aouglt éd at the Chicago 0"e edthab* pan>', 227 WaClm se Mr. Oison dieono Oct*harlà. Jsdge lvwarda trdg oyr l th*i S9 ers compan>'. It vue the MM averdict of 08.000 &vM buT death of an eight Ym UsraiWS Chlcazo. Attoamyu r " appsith fl oute

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