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Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1917, p. 7

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1 --- --- - ---ý ý E W114der baffsr and vile are speuding twusvitarelatives et Waukegan. lues Lougabaagb and D. (J. Wite IM . LSser Shanko at the General bumai lIait Toesay. *M Jobn Longabaugh visited ber M1814 ies Valeria Boty et Dauce Lake Uiai Tom an ud wile ue r. ,hiago Mm I.out*e Th'omson vlsted ber sator et (Cieao the pait week-end. Bd Sarrau trausacted buines iu Oidaco Tuoday. Porter Duoli @pont several days la Oémgo la*t uesk. 0, 4. Mileranid vifs use. Chcago vI4t"ms8oday. »o* 1A Ij&aand Anuna tehblmu of 74 M£tty, ars ipsndlng merai days W* **st parenté. - Da't forgit tu alke home a box 01 muinfbs.4tb. Yon meuget Ibe e t 03 Prims a$ The RfÈIsal Store-Dre W.anm Bis d Wagner vers Cblcago PÏàNoom atnrday. btsl B ook traccacted businessIn ChoflTusoda. ..»F 00Mi$. Milton Ollugo @pont ondÎau vitb relatives et Wankegau. Roets eOwwrpod, wbo bai beenc m- iliysias loctriclauet the A rmour plant tb*efat tva montbo, leii Monday for NOU94 Michigan. Warren Grovener ofiFFint, Michigan, vidtad his parente bers th. veek. . J. Litus transaeted business lu oCihao Frtdaî. Ilera, ta Mr. and Isr Clifiord Sbdqoh ef Elalci.vilse, a baby boy, Sunday, Yëbi. 4th. ~gyouî vaientines et tbe Jelail 91Sta â» Oneasortmentmmny b. ionnd tisa, Dros Drug Ca. Uvuupbody ia going ta tbe Firemeun'w mae* bail Fnday aght aetiiheuOperat Umms ML 3 Boson~ of Round Lake. trania-ted busimosibers Tneday. M. Y Clveland trausactRd business et1 tUn ssuty osaITneeday.1 Umm.Joseph Turnen sdtertained the lit. As&'svs G.ld IlasWadusday. LAKEVILLA "bioutlai planning on a béasket su&We Priay *venta& g . ith. b l *Ad plalit baaha?.tss gagdto ,blo Iwlth tbs prograun. bWodes that pie- Pm" ib? the sebool. P. IL Avery transacted busines.inuthb situ flait Tbureday. 1 . J tiooper vas lu the ciby on uel Mmona day lait wesk. Tlhe enteralomeut giron at the cburcb le"stutrday etefng bî lFrancis esudry vas plendid. lb conited ai readinge. odlèespanoansd voe andvas god troutart te finish, ilr nd uirM. Chas. Lellsî and Miss M&isi pnt »verni days lait veet lu l1og. Denan, a former residet hu.. vs.brouit hers, for banal fait vàwmday. 139 had uudsîweut au opera- ti ll b.th#,abuemaunuboital and pas.moula est ln. :uslug doth l Rsaesltuawosons, Roy of Mlbua ansdr Lmea of Ibis place sud one dan«bter, Vmssblanche Mitchtel oi Ubortyville, te l vale vseextsnd aur sympabt>y. 3e IlIflmasW frisude unthis vlilty. bainsg amsmbsvothie local camp of Modernm Uc. L M. Douglas hmbai iu qut. 111 " wsek.1 &glu Mande Saydeî vas ont main .5Joaothe brtof the vssk. Seb« bas ltasthe ci., for nme Mothe i wîD mothor, wba lastaking treabmeute forL sisamatîsun.1 Ire KeePInlcwelle Cimes. Un Soiut aitould b. poured ont o« tec VICIone a veek aud the suifs vashed r laIlle ater.i ~BUY NOW! While yau can get a 2 quatc 5'FIo-fast7 fountain syringe for $1.25 Guaranteed for ane yeur t -REXALL STOIE' ~ tn« SamesYeq àMorn UBE~TYITLE IDE~NDET, THRSDÂY, FEBRUÂRY8,'1917.___________ ýqD1upz ____ _______Tu ______I M IUUR aRRmEf01 ST TIREE LAKE Mist»& 5'Whova o oto udali of i W E ANNLLEfr, 15 COINTY STUDENTS typhoil fsver le reportei better. Mr. anS Mis. D. Yonung sud 4. K. Bain wcu, SECOND TIME ARE IIONORED vure*Wautegau viitaài Mndai. us..0 ranoitoei usnd1lu GsyglakeCliffodBnetFre LkTheStetsaDKlbN- Messie, W. d bMaelud JS. In eu- odBretFre ae he tdns tDK o Bsturda'., Forest Porooman, Takes Oui mal Gahobl Have Articles in M ns. Luey WMarulis le conavalescent et, Marriage License. Official Publication. 0. .ceaut oi t6 e ailSanilstarn Son- day th ons asno cbuncb A speaker came fionuChicaga toopeak fan tbe Anti. saloon League but a veîy feu gieeted Mr@. Oea. Jamieson and Mise Alie Januieon retned front Racheater, Win., Monday. r Roy Ilennison and famliy attended the fanerai of bis father. (ieo.I)ennieon at Lakq Villa Thur.day. Ueo. R. White was ealied on the grand jury Wedneàdây. Mesue. A. E'Ja.lk, 0, lieibana and L, 8 Blonner attended tbemilk meeting beld tu Chicago Tuesday. 1 Mne. J. B. Bftecy 'ôf Wedswortb. 1traneacted business la MIlIburu the past week. The ?armers' Instituts will b. heid Prilay ln Ibie place. i Renry Steilland Arthur Bnigi went ObIcago Tuesday to attend a meeting (À the 1111k Deaiers Association. A. J. Crawford made a trip to thelty Sunday. Mn e.Phflip Younir, wbo bas tbeau stay- log witb ber son Edward, la Barringtoa the lant tbree nonthe,. returned tb ber bomae bers iluaday. Fred Enderlin of Fort Madison. lowa, wbile on bis way to Pbiiad,.lpbia, Penn , stopped 0,cr ta riait bis cousine, Emil and Oitto Frank bets for acouple of day. k1r and Mise. Louis Opary were Chuia-. go visitoiugSund"an d Moaday. Henry Bueebiug, oui tas collectai rscslved bie books froxa Waukegan Mon. day and wll b. rvady to ro.c.ive tait,* in skiant a week. ov.'r *2/00.00 la ta b", c uI.-e n Ela taunobipby tbecoillctor- Elu'à taxes lacludinir ,aiîoad and tele phone taxe@ in avoî J:4000 00. A un.ilr of our yoang menatatended the Woodmen dance at Palatine lant Friday evsuing. TAX COLLECTOR NOTICE Henry Bue"ebli, (olleetor for Ela township wilI bs at tbeSate Bankr, Lake Zurieh, 111., overy Weduesday aud Ratur. dal frein F.b. 17 tili Marcb 7tb. (IU RUSSELL Thte Ladie' Aid soclety a III meut uitb 1mis gattis Palmerton ou Tburedy Doon, Pcb. 15. Ail ie*enieted invited. The «round bog w-est back for mix ueuke, a.-crding tg, predictione. geveral iron bee attenled he Fainera Inatitate at Nortb Prairi,, Pol. 7tb. Seyeral inaun this v-.Inity atlendeil the auto show lu Chicago lait ve. COLDEST DAY 0F WINTER.I Waukeuan Poor Suffer Torture i as Resuit of Excessive 9 Drop in Temperature. Thhiten hlov at 4 1clock Ibis moming, smye Oiegovermoent. 'Nineteen belov." sald Assistant Po-1 lice Obla 'Pyrre.1 Wàabu seiimtn e osivseed througbout the ulght are vllliug toap£.( cept te report a! (hu assistant Policei chîci, for It a t lit If as nearu 40r degrees blow zes-o thon 13 or event 14 heow. 1 Weutegan sufféred film Oie cold lest uight as Il ba kntesuffersd lue mnany yeans. Even those Who bai a1 large suPPi> of coal lu Oie coal bine uer. fercod ta keep an all-nlght Ose@ ta keep Oie lemperature lI Oie livingc rooma above 70 degree.. Ilvan Oie coldest nlgbt of lb. year, and Oief ntch as vell as the pon ara veil avare1 ni Ibis tact.f Tt vas lte poor people, haover, who suifes-eS real torture ast night- saveralIinstances are reposted whers a vomen vas forcoil la ait by theo stove &Il nlgbt long and shave iu small places of uood. no coal bisong on baud. At 7 'loct this moranng uen Wautegan vent lb voikt(he titerxnom- eter regiotered 13 Segrees e boe me. Reporte i rom te county givo (her-t mometer readlutgsat 20 snd 21 degrees belov zero forte lgigt. Tl vas tbu cold ltortbvsset vli tatt brougbt adiud mlsry to tbe-ibvering rçoldeuts, Tbs vini brought tuai to the «« ofnStbosu ubo er. expud tb it axhik lile1(10 rapeor vater irose ou MIes a Wlite' fc Despite t eq4, . v a plieS for a lb ldu g1tpo lice station. 0 ps.na s S the 0" a ?=brbih Tbey loftt(he t~o iis6~sé 100k up (thii tbavur U. S. SE VERS bIP. LOMATJC RELATIONS IWITftGERMANY WV.shinigtos, 1). t", Feb.3 The (7)Tiited States appears ýto be on the brink of wari The name "ýSah"* evldentlyà holds IS A- MARK 0F ABILITY. with Gerrnany. nemorleis for COUafrd Leon Barnett. Ti feno t2odc a frmr plie ffieretLak Fr-The ArtWoea Are Three of the I>resident Wilson, address- est, but Who nov. daims Watikegan MsfProniinent Ones in This ing a joint session of Con- as bis place of residence. 1'1 Moth's Magazine. ges a ahntn n on November 9, 1915. Barnett caes.,s at W sigtn n le Waukcegan and taok out a marria.e Signal lecognitlon lias blie n gîven formed the senators andi rep- lirýenze ta wed Miss Sarah E. Sanchez tbree Lake .countY Young goPl-fI. ýWho rsnaie that lie had ai alvita, Txan wh itve erare attending the. DeKait, normal severed diplomatie relatio., age as 18. The maniage was pier- sho lsuhppsta hre *e of~ . formed b> justice Roy Manon. Twathie mail prominent articW, iii the wt Germany. w h i e Il weeks ago, opan petîtion ef Barnett carrent lIsse Of the "Nr'. rn Ili. ' means that Ambassador N'on the marriage "as sunolied becanse itnuisj," the officiai publication rr - hel Berustoif has been handed was shown Mins Sanchez was but 17 lieKalli normai Sebou], w r,. uritten 'bis passports and told.to re- years oid uben the zarriage vam bly Lake couxity studenta. turn homne and that the performed. Their naines s»d itb p n- nhich PeiethsodrdAn Toila>, February F, 1917.,.Barnett they wrote are as follous: rsdn ha odedAm aMn appeared ithfie countY ders MISS EDITH DÂItBY, rîIk bassador Gerard to tlemand office sud took out a marriage te "Vislting Roozs In Willison Hal" bis passports frorn the enî- wed Miss Sar-ah Caroline Brown of JOHN KALUI1. Hîctor>' 'Church In peror and to ilcave Berlin. Waukegm - a Dutcli Commnuilty." Addressing the two bouses Miss Banchez vas a Psetty littie VIOLET LAND)WER. Barrlngton -injnts so, r id t da.k-haired Spauil girl. oASordliug -'General Exoresl." hamgzn njitssin rsdn te tbe evideucetcae oeul vben "Northeru Illnois,' 'aaMgzn Wilson said, in substance: Baruett suedl for an aunulimeut. (bey published excluslvely bY the tudents That ho had sevord bai been ms.srled but ten ilsys wheu or the normal scbool. The tact that relations wit!i Germany abe leIt bhnm. Lettereste vas alleit- three Lake county students were ac- and that ho now would nil te have written tn "Tom" and corded the bonor of baving articles in aw tt mre overt act "Jack" iigured Iu the case. lu one this manth's Issue hla Anecogliti.nof ai a af the lettens svIt lId oi leevlug bepr their abillty, as tbey vene in cornpet:- which Germany rnight lnxsbaxi d exilecurng a position lu tion vitiu other students ai thp In.stu cmmZfit booi, taking a cabaret lu Chicago. Sbe salil shelitulon. tiirther stops, but that dàd net stay ubere lonig because ohe A bg portion ai the uta teachers ho coUld sot feel that "looteil good" te the moxiuba o n- luWaukegefl aud Lakte county, es;pe Grayw dcm i ilucted the establishment. "Yeu kx0i! rdally the home praduet, are graduateut what that means," she wrote. "I gat 1ai the DeKaIh s"te normai echoal 557 aut which could b1e disgusted and quit. Sue caîd her'afld Si l aveil nwntact th 5îU t otrniod boUgeront. Hou- huaband asked ber te returu ta hlm adetsfroxa Ibis opuuty alwaýs have evoer, ho sald, ho feit the and ile i h e ill temporartly. enviable records i tI listiution. United States must pro- One day ube disappeared. 'The neat rTa have Ibis. artciies by Lake coun- tutest peopleni and hu- ila> the busband reeiveil a post card ty students apepar lu oua issue la ne- sayiug: garde- ai au unuouai banor, as ît mamty and that this "Leeving ion Texas tanight. Wben woulil be an bonor vos-thy ai note if coutry 1388 h".1ne you secune divorce klndly let une only one of lte articl e e rit ten quarre! with GormanY, kuow. 1 hope NEVER te see yu by same Lakte copty'student. espectl ansd ho feit that thoerm- agn.n: Sai-ah. ly uhen it la cmoidereil that ta mauy lations in thoe"put had Tlhe evIdence sboved that Mies San- studeuts atteud Oie normal school and chez bail nat tolil ber liusband unit] lal compote for lte ionor oi beVing been. friendly -bxt'ween ales- mas-nage (bat *bc uns but 17 antices appea n l lte "Northeniîii- th* twe nations. years olil. nais." Hfowover, if Germany dome commit an ovoft [IAA FAMLI MY MS. EIZ5 ~ISTN , ho explained, ho BE DELAYI RESULI LEA VUS 1$ZObze h=E5 auite 0F UBOAT SCURE TATE TO 1IlSBAND tOce neBOssarndto pro Friends of Wauconda Family. Well Known Nerth, Chicago lS ofahtu.te Are cf Opihien They WiII Woman Leaves EntIreEj tate Accordinii to deductions Have to Stay in Europe. te Barnard Krigtan. made at Washington, the ffleuils ai Justice oi théb Pence The wyul of lte laIe Ms-s. Elizabeth Presidient's actions are verY oseph Haas sud iamily oi Waucoud a ist. ai of Nbth Chicago ubose detit degnified, showixig the fac- were pleased te bear (bat tey bail occnred a feu veeksaega, vas admit- iltv of being caini and yet eached France in safety but am- ted te piohate lu county court todav- de.éisive under the circuni- nuch concorned ta knov bauow hieî aboveal Ihat Mns. Knstan idSDos- wil mate the retuin trip 1tuÂmne sesseti of an estate valueil ai 20.750. stances. Diplornats also In visu of uev sestrlcled zone taI Of (is amount $20.000 la in riai sccyned to feel that the act- bas been laid iloun by Ormany. They estae andi $750 le lu Persoual Peonert* ion of the President puts off tour that the Han" famly xMay havre The estate le consilerahly larger titan ail furthcr acute situations ae remainIn Fiance ludefinltely. îrîeods oi Mrs. Krlstan supuosed siewt ernn o ome i Ten years ago. at the ileatit cd ber possesse<i. 1 ithGnayfrs et nother, Tvouue Haaa,,daugbter lu ,,Inben vîlI Mss. Krietan bqustb#tlo come-unleSs Gerxnany eph Haas, vent ta live utth ber everytiîg, personal and ruai estat. coimnits 'some act which the gs-suimother vbaee home vas nete~( ber bnsband, BernantiKristan. N.; Presidpnt believes consti- Paris. Several veets ago tho grantd- bequeâts vers lef t ta an> of the child- tutes 1"au overt set. uother diail aud Ms-. Han> deece". oe brtug biseilaugiter bacit te 1au- si@Wil Fleh. 'fAn "overt act," accord- edsd. AU te preparatlons for sa11 The petilion forth r b te et th ing to Webster's dictionary, Ing ver. made but a ilelair lu Oieex, vili oi the iate Charles I. DossIer is one actually done in execu- rival of. th &K r. ~-1 thnu. te tm e I i t c t to be poetponed s feu veets. Because oi the actlvitY a! anbmir- lues irienda oi the Hans iamlty fear- ed theY migbi have ilifficuity ln roscli lng France. Word recelved Mouday houever, shoveil the famlly arriveS at their dlstixietiou saee aud sound on Jexiuary 10. The Passports issued ta the Hans femil> vere fon six monlbs anS Mn. Hans toiugbt tbat time vas amp!e for- b. thougbt ho anS is iamlly vaulil romain lu Europe ual te oxcoad a feu veeks-tva or tbs-e montis at the longent. If Ges-many maintalus the poiicY ofai enýclg al shipa lu the nov restricteil on. (ho Hans faunli Probehly viii bave to remain tu Eur- ope indafliteii or else net msubmar. lues b> taklng passage ot nome boast uhicit Pl.nn o ruau tte looctade. Witb the attendant danger It la feltt he Has family viii decide to romain lu Franco Untl i, it te eta matete trip homo. cucul ,i ff uap 8 . wwai4 btnu.Osh wa avpt. bpr-%or dutter,, ubo stand Il - - ,; [y de wÏmu lýng tatow ni s»I e awwbiilO&b «I ekda-him si - mel iâ0 >Idbë 1 t»ý,6m W& mb tat vba passed awsue t bis home lla itek Forent, january 30, 1917, wv a d lu count> court toilay. The petiton sho thet Mn. Dexigler ilied pogiene- ailo ans estate of $200.000. aIl la per. aqual psoperty. Today vas probate day lu, county court snd many probete matters vos. Sispoaed of. Several estates vers eloseil sud othor action van tatou lu iifferent estates. The Indepeuident ole huuntye on. y 1-page wookly-that'n why evsny. DodY take& It STEE INDEPENDENT - 01 Lake countý's greatest veek- &1 8 1> neiapper. & I'rs BIG- O IN CIRCULATION IN 1PRESTIGE O l« I'IMAI b> mos-e persons t9 O taW iiother veetîliStieru @ In ht ké ceunI>COMBINE». & 0 IT COVERS overy noot and 0 00 kW ôo iste on Lake ret>'f * èiè rh W',to~MUSTHNA te 0 go WB, DON'r RAVE te bugst0 M; os crculIn - ovr»gdy * ib .w t*Iv ta« lTHEILADRO * tjo a -Maecsay eekly=ases mtion of a crininal intent.) ludep»ndE.t More reaiters tumaila comuty ws.kliles eon.blaed Masquerade Bail Given by EVERETT SOCIAL CLUB et Everett Hall February 16 D ENTREJE et 8:30 O'CLOCK Music by Phellis Four Piece Orchestra Admisasion 50c. Six Prises. Viteriuarian Returna From Texas Rlaving Cnmpl't.d My servie. for the igavernunint. on thé- borde-r, I bave ur- openêd my onEts nt Lake ZuricbAIli ealsglven prompt attention. D)r. K. J. Sieburg, L.ake Zurich, 111. Phase. 11-M K TM HOM OFR 1RCHBER D ,r O t" onet sêishnnil tour s"a- nte. Weddlne Rks..sud DI.. E nsans 51caese né ocNIku AUCTION SAL.El of Horses and Mulees Will be held at Ladd's Livery barn in the City 01 liber- tyville, located on the Chicago, Milwaukee.à, St. rani Ua- way and on the Iàbertyville branch of the Chicago, NI Shore & Mi1Waukee Electrie Line, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12* MAL' Gray GeIdintg, yri . 1.1, <.EEN &KING-ilairgrWlàdt~ wt. 1500. ('oltm, 2 earm 01(1. ai 0à TONI-Bay Gel.lîng, 7vr- * ,1 t i o o. wl, 1500. (c. &.1MIPi r extra goo r BiIO NIEIiron Gldun, ~rs. hý,rses, wt 3000. C~ORN El.L-13'Ia(-k Glinig, Jü, yrs. oid, uroke, wt 900. DiCd, wl i'0o. 1,013 & REX -Blauk]3, gond faimily TOMN Black, mâte ta Corneli, 9 horpes. yrs. aid, Wl :00. FOX-Bay, good familly hors.. iIELL--Roan, mare in foax!, 9 vrs. One Jpair black mare mules, eatrM aid, wt 1300. good work team, 8 and 9 years NUI, Bav, mare in foal, 9 vyrm. aid, wt 2900, .)Id, wt iioko. A1so twenty head of good yonng FRANK & DENTER-Pair Brown mules. hor8es, 5 and 7 vrs aid, wt. 3000. These arv ail good home horses, CO(L. & MAI)E-Pair Steel nat a sbipped-in, or city boisai or Grays, 3 and 4 yrs aid, wt. 2500. mule in the bunoeu. QITEEN-Dapplej Gray Mare, 6 yrs aid, wt. 1400. » SICVERAL SETS of g6.ud heavy C'AP.& KING-'arBrownllorses, teamn harbmesses, algo onm-ioe le bauds high, broke single or double sud single farta harnuutas. double, they are a nice teant for We reserve the right to bid on this auy kitid af work, wt. 2400. stock. TERMS- WVheu notes are de8ired, puruhaser je reqnested to larnbbs baukable paper, on which six months lime will be givon, interest be*rÎng at 6i per cent. No praperty ta bc removed until settUed for. Sale Starts Promptly at 1 ,O'clok Ladd & McCurdy, Proprietors FRED GLABE and L H. FREEhMN, Audkioe PETER, W. NEWHOUSF, CI".k ~rAUCTîON SALE The farta 1 am now reuîing hms been noid, sud h&*4 4004 .Iqe ifarnuing I will seli St Public Auction on the plam e iuow. omneroy farta, 21 miles north-eaaî of Barrngtoù aud 1In iles Î"10 LaeZurich, ou Thursdaày, Feb9 151 f AT 10 A. M. 18 TREAD 01P OÂTTL!EL 4 HOfflJ Thee mpIments ra» &Uas gccd asU w,»V' 317boniuS two mêacii and well houaed 25 tons pf Tlmothy Ray lu bsrn Stack Mulet. 4 staoks cf Comn 500 bu. 0f Osta. Some BarlOY. 1111k gbn& Pork8, Shovais and May othar \artl.h. toc numnero tomention. CARL TIWPro Aug. FroellcL, Acine.E iFekC~ Newcomers Need the. Retail Merdiant ONE of the first things a faniily movng , to a ncw neigbborhood needs is the services of tht Iocaj merchan-each newcooeer is a potential cui - tomer for the enterprising derner. Thcrc is no surcr way for the meichant t0 gel ihat Piutuelnf than t a cli up the newcomer on te telephone and utto tha advantnges of trading at bis stre-. The progreseive merchant does not watt fur the cuâtomoer ti;dis caver hinu.H. introduces himosifby lelophotodu muffl>' SeOsa triai orlon. Chicago Telephonc, Cornptai I.L Abdrew, Nuâiws buèt. lsOb ~ j -11 . 1 1 t a d d d k a cq a y ýF b z d

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