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Libertyville Independent, 8 Feb 1917, p. 9

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A4 n '- 4,-.. . qk.i - z4u1# C4o04"'t Big Week*y 1~ WAUKEGAN WEEKLYSU ivOL. XXV.-No. 6. FAir TWO LIBRTYILL, ILTHRPiO&Y. FEBRIJARY 8,1917. Fout PAGES $1.O*P~RIN ADVJ FOR ÂRcÎiIImw Pack Ydur Ti COURT ARBU One Panel gonpI on Fifih of Marohth. wCorne ln on.Waoh 101h. GRAND JURY I$ DRAWN.e Onfly.* dre. Waukffln MMnvo dravn on the Msrc grand jury vb« convenes ber Mardi 1ah. Tvo pmaa of Petit Jurors for the. Marditera alfto have been drawn. o» V»9. cornes ln aMardi i, eMd th other o March UhL .It la nau k»" t tliq vremunt lime ipot ho, Wu&h wor tbee illi h. for tt» v.pauel, mtb report et the tvo lgra juil. ul dtermise outte ab a ln t.t Jet mow reou" s u le levées. latlUng eodltleea tbongbeut tb eounty, vti rosai te tii. 51Iom n, lea! sale of lquor. Ctrw te thé ~ smeelly aceepted bllet. tii ISum do not reoelve remunerao. ter Urne put t l oueo e Uc aujury room _t la fécred that thoviii bu mms'.ri lme moatI ionvti the tvo plau uw les ahmtlUng reportas maimoe te- gether. oloivng i lIa mf th joron, M the. different p&"e&: The rand Jury. Dontoa,-J. D. Thoum. J. 0. Nchol. C54,U sont' Qerman ambassador to the. Uult "d Newprt-Eugee Reev.e. perte by the. Unit.dMaBlutevrmuwen Antled-George Webb,. HCIDOV Grmany. Tus e ta tation, disel Plerce. Q*nt-4ý,ohn StxttlOth# U itu Bflues .lifl te -wlwth Là" VIN-Johs trsu& a iv*Wd Mafer tyos oetrloe sal' Vea Aion-ODlîverIBook. wârmn-LÎee Pii. t:rn. h titbs 1 Ïreal pew Waukffln-pveM -4. Oslo amI.w rour. Dolittls. 0e0«» Touloumai Or. Slslld-TbasnssSiéese, Warrent Lbsrtyville--Thouaa Mefflde. IF u eh d B otemot-Jeepb Hotie. F u M eh d .y Wuond--C. LU Pratt. Cubet»o ImIr.Could A- £#CaLuisKMlleg. Vrn.n-N Mort im. wee ofrNd !tm .-lme Washington; 1D. C., Feb. 5. Brand. United States and Geramy PttJury...JrM Panel.U take? Wil there be an act' Rm y. Henry', e*lok m, Thomaq armed forces of the two nat mcem u. A. J. Paul. Raiphl Phi. wholly tln itne Akven-A.B. combe, ft M s. atlog dstace Cliniock Assuning that Englandi Warrpn-B. P. D00157. there are four ways in whicl Wmecgn--MsZBaude, Chis cou- ro, M . T.Ornten. Vaimutne joe% United States in addition1 Robfit Moluw. A. C. ORmoIOk A. IL hrough the use ofsubmarine stripe. Matin ets. Walter White. hog h H. 'H. raer«. 1. Trul h use of st 1. h id- anC O e C-S, hihmight. penetrate into1 Bon"a Raa.. delphia or Bostôn harbrs , sea»à-atp 'Los u e age to shipping bèfore being4 bar&& Je', ]M J. uit, Eriset arae 2. Through the IlômentM wast Dorlsd-Jaflaa omor«. cite the MjeiaÏm to dèeed o oftrodid-À. C. Bosch. chartes UTrug onee Boyd. through the British North s Petit Jury--Second Panlel. in ghippn aog he Atlantic sonton-Edgar Brok, . J. Craie ppglo C. U. Hendrlcks, A. A. Wright, Gro1e« 4. Through a separate,1 Win..pniih e nue oa HOIty - . m mams. Jaéthe Pacifie side -or seize the1 A. wiliam.United States fleet ià i the2 orant-John Ros. Lake vIUa-H3omao Culver. what the. United1 Avn-rd Barrn. Wlarrn-nerel Book, LU J. meClurS. wsuauanpf-.Lail Armes.,Bd Ahi In general there are twon stz.John c- R S t", -; States could use its pow&~ aga George Dowe, PeW r oodhotCh-r 1. By the actual use of les Jacba. John 1BImilocu, mari____*Unied States, to be joined w." Shisd-Eruali, AMpleOI. 3-T. Ji Brovu. Thema. N'IJY. alies in bringing Gerxnany to Prement-4UR%«- HK 2. By the use ,of the eM Murray. Stdates to aid the allie$ in brin cuba-John mm",ler. 'ene Wle iol.t of the war. verno-AI Rauopp Wegt Do.rekld-Bd Capper. Wik_______________ iiamTimR M. Parke.- IE M TO A reul estate transetio cftertm. À est t0 socîety people ta thait iii T AEIi A _vas reported Thuimdsy, hili Dr. Frank Blllng5 viii he=oe the. ovuer- of property lnu Lae Froto« fmer1Ly lâe Gemeva, eh. 6--Tii. e ior ovued by Eruset M. BoWiL M Tb* Whlch flaahed acmésu nortiern 1M. land Includes 28 a-r-aof hautf lis.nd southein Wisconsin Mcéday country' on the Green Bey roadsho a mile nords of Lake TOrest. Dr. UMW. ioan sd &truck the oarth Mida ln"a makes is home ii sla report whildi11-97e rift tosétories et a law and daugter, u Ma'. sud or(O p raite ouSoiob, 1>5 dsokèc E. bs N icoJr., et 2432Ot W as t ray ou tb é noiten ne place. Cicago. .làabO eo runk andi Gît' l t&iÎà whc wàs' handes hi. efla pt and teld te ho '"on hà. 'va>'" bock te toa dennaiys"a«ouiutinmtum, hrlg Qernanytes'sal m na w.,boms ro«« diplomatio relatia,e«iq _Po* Wh ichGer many ttackUs- 5.In case of war betweencthe ýwhat forin will behe oeifet tual physical nmeetings of .the ations or will the confliet'be retains controla of the seas, eh Gerxnany could attack the to sin>ing Amrican ships les. Those inethoda are: sibmarincs of the U3-53 type, the inner New York, PMia- ti ight end Cause unteld dam- cIebased away ot sunk. xof plots in Mexieo against me use of Geir m n* god to in- e folence aliing thehozmder. raiders, which umight break sea cordon and create havoc ic seaboard. - 11 ,peace with Japan by Which xttack the United States from Philippine Islands while the Atlantic. - States Would Du. methods by whieh the UJnited ainst Gerxnany. These are: &the armny and nayy of the with theniilitary forces of the to her knees.- conomic forces of the United Lgg about a speedy termina- LIBERTY VILLE MAI IS IJNDER- CARE 0F DOCTOR. Freis Sciliecier. Lhertyvile mer- ,chant viso disappeaffl tram bis m veeis ago. arrlved lu bis home aI LIhertyville.at 2:0» en Wed., sftesr- uce.' -1 returned trotasUt.l. Ltei vils 'red Ivo isyâ a", butl.1 ospt Y0R11J5E is SCENE * À m Whotesulo PdceGoes 10 Ton Cent. a-Poiin-Expeut Re- ta i rIte Go Up Tee. LITTLE SPMLATION NOW. C a o High for ThMo$6 Spoculate. 'ly!.cu.a pound for ordinar>' Tiiat's tie meW record' establised In Wau-kegsu anis the onions are nothing te býo@àt about, belng of a rsanty ni.turc j1P«tprobabiy ovoulis bave hw.s'. 4469ffl under normal eondxlen. .ve Atuthle new rewps prie* eiwzîàiweu men lu the City predict tba Ms mer go tilighen Betty tu 11.4 w*r dry' enona ef thi.eqg- rety si for flve Centspr 11= 1 E lie prce co"tu- ed 10 riMe aSgOdlY util It roucheis ten Contasa POUd. Waukegan neyer bai h .oak io$s brlnglng sucis aun outragoou, prie. and sous, pro- dlcted tic, prie. vould drop. They am. doomei Je diaappolntznent ho,. oes'r for thé Peice took anotiser two cent rise toýIs. louis Poncher, a 10 cal comme% merchunt apaeted Tuesisay Mn tisat the commis- $100 n maUare*syng ten cents a lby for olon. alti i. thinka tiie short. âge viii for4eq lieprIcestili hflgiie. . le aays tiè are iut!. orno 5900- ultion la oOtcn. or potutoes for thse Prices nov hy% se bigla t.C ommis-. Moan mses woii pot dure lu bombae a large sùél jutis esxpocttle libaI 1hq,, pMjýW't go i h.~i la Do %wamn !i a it VIII hep. peu next. Ue"t oema hs tii'ut g t0 rise a tfu'or ticbe couSmzçi- thon men pureiaaid 'large supsples but reaoid lhm-.vlo-IUemais a fir Inrgin on their Jhiq#mrent. Then ,Wiien tise>'vishel t I o ltaa a asup- pli fer themigelvoa -thoN *ere oblîl. ed, tobuy bck thecg" osthey hai od. puying four or ElvCe mo mre thun the.>' ad maie ous liU original Inveslment. Onbatis and poaoe. long ugo vele piuced iu tise iuxurY.Nt a&bd man>' Peogle are teasptd tu serve tisom for dosert. IIJST LIVE lm; CMY TO ATtNXD Tn 60 CentflWh ogseales tise demai for seuls lu 1 facesuile cisoole of Wauiegun * iBmahoard t0feretitoUnta ait paaaed a. resottisu vilc pro- ta out 0f Ctly remSi heM eMd ing tiseir boys or girla tte i. boola bers %bleua tley pay tlRon focs A tee of from 35.tlu40 cet. a veci ta te, b. ciurged hy tli c&of e Education for everY sou-resdent ai. tendlng the. public sohoola cr Waugo- uIn theii.future. 'Il in no more tisn aitit t hp people living outiîde et tic city aiould psy tiseir sbare tevani tise maintenance. cf the echool eystem." sai oeamomber of lhe. boerd. Saverul uon-residqns r aandlng thelr cbuIsdren 10 tiesa soools of Wau- .kcogun nov. and are psylng as btillon toc, but recently, tise Ilogd reeai a comsnnlatlcn f ac-Mresion vI s oaf tise opinion 1i1 s il a perfect rlgiit to euis ber chiilren to lie public acisoq) bomes.ber moUdk' ovned prop'lî la Wauie- "We buopfe os 0pls, tain vitis one a"d aIL, W. viii Ci>ý'*,à, ltion fotste l alho attend vie arc nt reaidcntt," muid oua flambas' ot tho hmn At My sisenhome la bl Il vA.t tise reqUae «,0e super lailubiet lu th*.-Ornaten14%t Wl for-* 4to ais.,lie va. -miser a ds* teudent 0frahoole msiti. e m- isrry At he ic mvas-il>'. hésfn lI. 1c' aa e e- wmiii I 1i -Win lOsi of th1e board ofet OOÇ#Ùlootek "h!I ae twveks for :'we4 ,foma actin 0Gro 4-Ao heCie& V tetâts' l. !herbot frwer l a prfrsaga s IîTs aap dilteho liq set-UImsÇipb. eês5sv4 ai~e ssaIbera..Tbs -w EspecWIaY CoMdSpeakers Am", Iloard at Fa'nur' Institute Tiie Narmer'. Idhtttute beld at Yof' iosue», northveal of Wsukegan Tueoiay. proved in ha oua of the mont lsterestlng meeting. ef ail tkoo yel heui la the count>'. Tii. attend-. &nece va. very satlsfactory, hetveeu 76 and 100 persona belul prescnt7 A yor7 intetuting tal vau houd a the MSisngnîfrous Prof, Serst who eiplolted the. use phosphate on dol lin order ta get the. moal .tfic- loncy. Tii. uvyesor shoved boy land tsled vils pisoophte bnnga tan botter rmoite tiau entreat" ML$d and hé ha.s tutttitle te heW* opa bi.sasertion. A veryIiterestng talk n lli1 en rop produetios vmabo svll"p b>' U D.. Sestf, et ceutierub iiêl. la the sftornogn ho aise la"ea TeUT lnteraetlng 1.1k on "Live.Stock". Premident.4John Barrett of thse Li*e County fN'amer'. Instituto cave q mtinterestlnt address on the asuis boct "Boir 1the institute ha. Heipe041 me." He shoved bey tiqru»i the suggstiofls and adylce tffl hé hs4 tcceived at the varinlos' suttg aincehébeas aUtended Nrases 'Ti Otut. hç ha. been ahi. ta o gt fer more efflcieney from hi& tart ear Prairie View. IMrs. N'red Hatçh et Sprint GroveY o pre a very lntereetinu talk on tise *Canangaof XMea utise amalul end In .the. eveug mSe spoke ou s their conditions fsoeral>' by w Bile, ètaremulplaus tu tOW iibe IW te> Icouls essuielité More enloyable b>' à oing, certain thiint. rThe audien4fes vée.ver>' epproc* iutlve at every meeting and Président liarrett vau most happy 1.0 hesn thé > xpreson. of satisfaction ai thc pro 1 ram a. a viiole. ElA meeting 0f thse FrMea ntltutf ,lva. held oda>' at tiie North PrWlIe ciiurch. SENATOR. I Former Auditor for Oison Company -lu 10w Saîd t Rave Tht..Wlves. Détectives seaerchhng for N'rd Browu. ailseM emheszWrand bW# amiat t» y a.' oupo1anreet 111 socn. Brown vas booiioeper fox, thé A. J. oison Dalry Comnpany or Chicago. About $50.000 of the. cous- pany's mon.y. dîsappeures mYsterices 1v. Mrs. Bernic arîson Brown, vihe sais shin15the tugitive's second Wvif svore out the.va'rant ciiarglng 4slg. amy. He vent vitii "vIte No. S" VMo vas Betty Peterson. the isserta. >LÀ4QY ELIiNIJR0: Y, DIES IN TfIRWST lEdvard W. Spencer( tiret atudont g Hfe saver at Northvesteru unîveniîl> e-at E'vanston. anis "thc haro 0f the aLady Elan" dl.d toissy et Burb4ni, 4Cal., siter a llnzerlng Ulnens. Hie vus Si year olis., ilHMa deatii recalis a bit of aimait forgotten .Clalcago history. lai 18* the aide-vice! steamer lAdy M184, * olided vils thse scbooner Augusta off Wlnnetka vile boni for >1 hua * oe and sunk. vii- tiche.u f tise n iv«osf 295 poaaengers. Spemes >feat of resoulugsmeventeen pqrol v a. commeusoratedby the clau.- t4 1898. wbharete albrnze matàe.1 -'n Wa~segaFo1oryi id~ tii. avet f vr vIwu =7llU ae i nllt au nvla ptase t s ueOO fleraar'.et War Daulets ý psgt seuie t»cous~ ce» et Wbà% Tam Imm, '010l, l . . . a.i.l. . .a. . . . . là ef.hI 'tesa ladelad t*u~pt Tvt wu 4»le à aê~ t vthe oed c~'ta MM t té s berId~sri.u Producers of -Disrit in Semion on T esa ( ~iTE RE-ýELECTED Sîey-. ic ansuai meetnJý of -ie o«I prdcra of thlis. the. Chicago ibtgt vs lu Chicà go ut thO e A 8" bolet ?uesalal day. IbUe dslasers proest Irons the ~ ~ ~~~s coaimoiamnI. ook: I. H.C. Moeen Cantral dia- trkt-vW. R. Woodia. P$. Isex&a " e InOs ,county muon P. H. Hlt electd preeldent 0f lic. aaoi lie. vfl t axo Ceont>' amta vis- pq'qsient. J.. J. Murphy çt rive OO&a*t lolo eicted thîrd vice vm»sLdet -T. hOu 0f ëtPlesastPrMri, ~ tep qisT.H. Iteeée ofBuudac,, *$MW ice,10.wcslnt'.-Abbot of UfHe!ry ounty. 1 . ; ¶'b* Vice ProWndent-J. J. Mpy *r roclvcd il voes for tre.eurer. villie Race. erd 27. Nbta 11a155 va.doun thos l ii prife besua. tiat matien la lofite tho> board ot direct o.'.avi esa. i4isýeisto meet Tuesisa>' f n*xt vse',r OW fig thVic ae.forA the, Mort. sMt 'ompm a.Tii. meating a. à viole dà4 nol avea Imm uais ifeature but flaP it enttlirl vth tise directors.- x«0 A' wurdcama ont about t tropopcd m'nketlua aisoclatien ' w th ler. u"0 been oseuch tat. %*9 meeting vas theresnt,, thc l-» buha. ves' hod, fMr y1,00 ilatu Isla u tteulao. W'w~se -cnp e- e tlhitb* ofS viii efue e iafl tý u im p tl 4ioWbau sin thse cousntry suniabout *t.î> for mlii delivereis te iistrihu. tom~ fq Cblose. - coemt ladsApili 1. whay vii4cusnd hae*ncv' si 4eep l heaivauces lu laI.LiThepreent ontreot .jftabhutors enplres uliM ledfê ý quat of ml I.i adav; éed ia QOb" afftmr tîatdata Ct i>'i *rOeet pf hsaecerding* te C. I.Potter, ohüAhuu f li'te miut *w r4 oioda mouci, on even>' quart mfuilk i iaI voseni to Ci., eage." s«M Mr. Patter. 9t la aboolu. tely aumtmi hlth etisvote',of the Pro4nce t laI vc e b given mr uinev for or miii."* "fiti!»imitnbutors ps>' usnvisa ,vo Vfl! damaditilviimess tisat CWsoago will pey 10 cent.s àquart ter Mok anis pcubly more *aIl aa 'qnpfr.Wiatber there vossidb. s facilue lu thc tliI cunot sMr, OitI oult-depeni 'os ticcropo. 1 beievi ovever, liat 10 cntmi, 'ina fllh_ýntihe publia" i 94n, mém 1'oInlsa tu t»~A êpaaer et Iot aie Wbsoe vsa'Ume dii Týh Esvwoità et*uei Pis hve Wauhffla m. sud ovia Ciicae - $Md tesali i "1IIlq Ye" sent lieu b>'ugB I lan.ste.sam i -u4 sud br le oelocieh maqo a el froua I*ïY185, l. mea ceun.i>' 't lit, Ir vau M4l4t, qoulsi v, ei hov ycmgot inslm 04il lu lieqmwunt la suds spoolv Amu ti iaq u 10thu efér - dsiaàet tim il ni Mi

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