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Libertyville Independent, 15 Feb 1917, p. 1

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un IaIoêuw1hmiWekloeWCoatPCmNmu *WAUUCMANWEEKY &SUN - TWEVR PAES LBE7RTYVZMLLIAKE COUNTY, tLUýCqgZ TRURSDAY, FEBRtJARY 15, 1917. ONU TO EIGHT ' $1.50 PER YEAR I& ÂDm L t IW ITREATMENT SUWXESSFIJL 1IM Treatment Used Successfully en Soldiers Burned on Bat- tlefield Is tised Here. FIESULT- IS MARVELOIJS. Ciuntls;-uwI $urgeons From ChioagoVist Here to Watch - Progress of Treatment. f) f.) -c -i(.) 0. C) > -5 w 1- @ AN INVITATION. e A amet cordial InvitationO î) in exteude te pitysiolans andO *nurse eo the county, te factor>. Qbade where burescoecur end R mulee.. fret-eid trestenine QF lveut, and te &H ethers who 0 e uintereuesdilu eeelu th. ru-Q ( sit eétp oftis wnderul French 4> au -- le discoer>., tiis luvfta.w t i.. le extended te vilthbIe 41Lake Couty Ceouals hosptal 0 0, un> momilu Ibis wook t 10 0 Q Veclsck snd se thse resailtai,. lb @ la hop"d mauy vili »Vil tem. Q 9) slesof ethbe oppes'buuty thie Qwukfor the reonthlIf theQ 1 geI 1 pregrusues me sh eohoQ " seUl bu dlecitegd the latter O " part of thi wuek. *ê Laku Couitynt>Gural Nuptel.Q onD. A. IE. BROWN, supt Q USINSON LECT ~SENATE PASSES TeLibesnivle and Area Business SWIFT'S 5 M1LE men , ne i .s t àrdy mt;iandt. d DRY ZONE MEASURE tifty b.îîîg a lbe dinrîr andthe businrs nemalol tioe.'The directorsi ::l'.tp Wý,e L..& urrie, Arr.a: R. W. Measure Introduced by Senator Blnki.,>. E A ti-h p. R . S. Trgg.WM'.1 Swift ls Carried by Senate WValrond,.Jame. H. $%,an sud E W -Goes to House Now. Jumt. W ail nLbe.rtyvil s T.... neý rc rizaitoî Propose 1<l WETS DID NOT FIQHT t. enae&socretar>., wb., ail! have ai uelîiy tu îaiuLt&1i au office. amer #lOO0<fl Case Measure Passes the per rnot hhefilpfu g d tu paythe House Waukeaan. WiII Be i.. elr' alary. Tho rembers, were addrbfd h li. femntta rprfentà-Forever 'Dry.' tâve 0' the Ciefio Telephone Co. _______________ iSpringfield, Feb. 8. (Spcl)-The Illnois seat. todey paseed the bill 2ND BLUEJ ny& CfKoETeryilewic e 9113S 0F SPINAL DIS: ttýa« fvom"dry"zoe ut EASE; FI ARE SICKSwit dectared the blD e celved 34 votes. Bantz Galvin Haymes of Lohr- !Tis la lt. bUI hihlcWEIiMlt villa, la, Diod Friday Night Wankeusn forever "dry."lit lh becomes at Naval Station, a, [av" Oniel ilaeffective votera wtt! ________bave no OPPorlunit>. of votlug 10 bave Benli (alvin Harasu. ume 21 yeurs t ho pIvltugeof selling liquor restored of Lobryti!.. la.. 41.4 of spinal men. lu Waukegan. iniglt he b Great Lakee Naval iThe bun nov viii go ta lte bouse Tnahilug Station itospital siiortl>. a!ýfor concurrnce, viii the senate sud ter ulîiit on Mrde>..Reo wae tek the 'drys" declare they feel confident on slck on Sonds>. but sfte Iys a Ithe . ouse viii also approve the mess b>. opinal mealgtte vititin the putI Twe.are tive ponouael ces. et opiuml muadl tw t the Grua" Lekue tire. If il does noilion. lnt a cac lu (tie vortd that (lie gpvernr ii ref.se 1taOniguil The "velu' dIdre lier. lsn't enough support late .ouse ta bave BYRON PROSSER WFTBNlEI<IJL i BLAZE Fie enlnr. Feb th. thet I)arwc>I SDIMSE ON 1%i. W.ItmIletr <uld Chepter or-the DSR Y d.4..sted the Noth Chlcago's lu the M E. I ' tu 1y~Pre@bYter" as hrohmet wilh Mr@.A.C Gymu b>. the score of 86 ito 14. Tmel IWIIDERY I LR<II Btlers uey venleg. The program CIC Liuertyville rmonar sebool oeanti re"South Aine4eeauea Uission FksId"' we deieated by Lae Bluff 40 tu 1 M, but a arldout and provoked a lvel'dste Lake, Bluff wefgbed 30 Ibo. îer ý 2z1LibUtsyVIaî Printer Disoharged eumon. DemIn two courue refnslhmeui-t. lWaUkegan Frem than the Gratumar @e(" hË wa From Custodyf on Motion of wereS rved b>. the bootse ss sloted b>. to Cati for HeIp andi dlimgra- iu te dellet. Th. (irasmari District Attorney. lirs. L. C.Koebhtu. lu thodecratious rpet aueia UU'- @s-h,,u boys dlaim the chtarspiinsiip of 1 sud the ,efreehmente the spirit ot 8t. rptyVlea aMO tihe Pomit>. and, are willing v. .-.t anulj BATES STILL BEIfdG HELD. Val.utine's daj was carrled out. -Waukega Fumishes r*- teaine lu LbIo cimes. Nest Frida. îh.,re The Gfb.flU la planning for a MI.ionary mon and Wae-sg aei ie bc wo damnes withlteani- f rom u eIDPMiot Attorney Says Bates pfflant ta boeiren Bunda>., IMaeeh11th Families'Roueci Swedish Methodit tburu,i f Waukegap. e aHv t the eveuing service. Sain Bujcct Lirie Up: ' IJIJUW- o HaeMuliIy Flhe election of officers for the euming SFatin ue Thees North Cbietago (14Y LbertyvilI.. (86) KnoyAedge of Crime. .Febar>. 2î1ta lc ýtenx etn untr hee itakon ............. B F ........Dasber FBrarLLETIN.m . ndCa Long . ...........bL F........ orris Waîî.s Bats vaus elo given h4e * N -WIi Rebulld Faotoey. .RUn........... C...........oyd e froorn fa" Ma cas we aii morg&0 ANTED FORpr t vl e Neo ...............BG .........Proyd as cfrp "hi* seTIwussyî mdor Lung ..............L 0 . ...Dethora irW*. The. court iiformed.. Bates IfIfi7.IIN RA oyl evoeantf w enewu fta. e BiakeuteL0)SObft 10, Prutiue 5,. Morris tit, the". was ne evic.ncue aînst o5<I85~KW ut lot zero weâther. ana *%si 1, Delthorit 1. NuIse. 4, itaton 8; fre im a that the charge «as dis- ILDIRO TT wuru tirovu meouf' w throwe, Màorkie. Mmad uilFO4,fÀ' gitt wI,.uthe. mpuiiuc umes caou - et ths e o@m e 4wlw JOliNIE, Beneu .i soubees., a rCha. Anderson, Former Book- . T4Id.,. ..la ~ -l ~ ~ keeper of Dow Mfg. Co. of :-*d T m >. theI( Ttm ot . ig . S f u111ala.h Waukegan, Is Fugitive. Btor t.e ie!, arivai o the o5t5.1 X cm " ? noebl cm th- M o C h ae nue der on h u m y eterlously M ona u t ba t e R eta in, is a FA IS TUTE I3 c tDirct&ted ondyurMpeln lubdnp«e rm u oeI vn & at o utafl à*'- oru. Ir. Proue. bal hem a 1.4.la bond ton, and Roerot Dow, aus vlcu.prUlds tlt pro« e%.at kq:en Hnua e ff f dbes Of~OI T100fruruday" hIltffO the W- H- DOW Mbuuftctbr4 ng - s10,M o oulu bave bue. derld Annualou M fMebr18 for znuit Tbursdaymora&but Pauy of Waukegeu, houaprouff nd ~the. Mcow Sat Mal ftu'W"qW leda ~ Tw a a, ,ug for hm rie se e tis- warrant for hi@ est n e uut'n - >.wul bv iuue t be -Lare-Attedanse. &«utt Mydla lurl tat th. 1,1.1zîsmt charge. t 15 lea peeehbUuli. thet à %*I BURNEY M .SECREA nua M vIi habebea dtlover.did Anderson flot up from whab weg tlehIRil feiql Laloreterr OM BURNTT I $EC~ETAY. fot varrant hi e lu old 11for aeosthought yvould ho hie dathidte ho»lave i r.a of.i rusa. PrOVe 1 te& aelo fan I*urtlta. vie vU 24heure for effceur e la h a v e a. & . àoà g~ i > QQ Q 44' QNaval Training ai this 111r. us ou the 1bill xuaode. Ter a wokig UnusmatSumessul. 1ao Ai st 69 se .Umne leat«M tak" Up hme ralliMd tMey lmmvuin. suspected e«se devetopeicico day- bard on the. Bruce UMt viicb vatld bl tttecui> li.FediW -urctoet ole e IeeebIr A cure ftê* lutalittie short of mar- btuSk. preveut te saie et iquais containt Oue iu ;mrersand otiers lattorne>' botdsflit hvii.lie o ay uuesry. veine snbelug effected aitlthe 1-a The. situation ut the. lecal trainiag more titan 10 per cent alcohol ilu IiD ttendel Iqof ttue .rmeasolnt b dir o. eseed v the i. Descriptions af Anderson, aho in lute~ station et thitihom laem*const e noie. Tis 1ev, tiiuydelere 19 euh- In@tute t FlTuraday ansu ttelo"itd robb..,., ai l. auui8127 uII.ged to bave embesaled MU w lt ConnU loueri buulial lawin. mai campur eser eu- den lu bie va> 0f rutnlcmugn&e saldtitmpoeur aor-kervldM. oaientJ la tshe be buoofvuimi etonce a aihetataoieme o Wilia-m OiiOUkie, aeel60. a pin>. ofeo" b eys ve s eexpoeeosinte ofTiquor and ltai e la ts>. <uliais» l S.e6"ke r él"rogeatde uoaW ied t b. liaS noth stuamuiif Comeaniuse,and a moura-of1 j duel-el Dea'Ued. vIe eultered levue ilicous.bave beau pisoul under limr the. Swift bilIt lke 1.1> .Paus um 6"1 PieOb% pto do vih the aBsaSormo«u. over>. eleamsblp nill b. maie et lhe in a. 0» ra arn us1h.~i1a. hou"5. docks. befare thi eS e lemrSfe ena ebengeecs b. ooe Tul 1 0anae.Of 'lhé dresdel However the esse vitb wviici theli e F esoln pyv iu up -.apot 41m» hbti utsue vhiti.dsuela Waukegam. A boy. ef »ve« ueasune paasedte sente us à resit ua t en M aKd ci.ffienr s e whaOBeR ESCAPNé»S. felp. ys*oTefl Su yer-eou tof a Chie! petI ty ocer et! of ne coucertel opposition eing ted sit tethlie ti ervn osl itllt uuaNv oeaIdy ~ i.Bi> arqeAlensces b> a Frenchtsrgeon the. Grat I.kee Station le slck ai against îîi ndcates that, vitiiontto- al Untl> ufeeuleSithettnv aso!l.laest deflo"ýW: oerred an exclusive star>. telllng aoW vIe le called ous ta 1treat soldiers o i.gtt poiio u1.hue laer before ban equaeleltbat show-aiCharles Voght. porcitsulag sgnl Anderson bad embesclod $12,0040 vile bwnd I batié TtIn ne f te e- oinai menlwgtlts i te borne o i 1beopsiinI hebueaI 10tis year. frteStain opnadawy okn uýkee o h .H iiwed u bth. Illu ne f h exparents et 9"6 Northt Avenue. tua>.paso thnouqdtbnne wua svtiequal ,John E. Barraittof Prairie '.1ev o b Smoscote>, uatue oku a ,,Ce. o ti . tn.mely few Cases lu the United States __ nition le regardeaInuse l esse.vito iian doue so anichate 1h. in-a 'ood Samalran" entertained a Day Ig-sauin1g Comny. At the, i e otnuated lu Iis maniien. me . titusa vas ne-eleted prosldeuluni hold-up man unavares at bis home at request of Robent Dow. The. Sua r.- O»miewazbune ina irewhcheule itiaaughont sctTil. fRe han Once ibis lav in euucted Wankegaa ihe furmure ver0 glad (lieS hoe as the crner of Sheridan rond and Elits- tns.ned trem publlsbug au>y o!flthe laeske as uredlus fnewhebbeen sick o tliedisease ftn etytownship emains 'dry" and thei. viae viliug & gain ta assume 'nu r-capon- betb street ou ]est Sunda>. nigitl sud "Iside faets' 'lu canecîlon viththle aitackged a barn ai Deerfleld. H. vas deys eud during ait tsa tfirm e b an notit shr. vi!lieu be probiiSe sibiliblea of the. office ., I onevstvtttt oe u.dticlobte islm i breuglilttte Lake Counl>. Genoral bshu' ii lhterbe a eauain u tti ie h u Wlah a tupor for itaurs et a lime: terrihory..FT.e officers eieeled: tesptal hy Superviser George Rocke- Wble iet nIcaeaof spinal mou- _________Prenident, Jobla E Barrait ,Prairie bc the cause of lie dlseharge of Byron, lea ale ta show ltaIAndeona, t>.lag bath. Hia borne ver.eofthlie third do- ,Vie-w. Pressern, thé Uàbentyie printer, vita on vitlva tiougit wvald eev bis grue aure, recoglzed b>. physiciens lafftis e eloe ite ùrizos"Vice President-Benon-L. Fer l' (Continu"l on Page tiuru.> deatit led, ramel thlit lad vauld sus- hi ws is albceWesitai.i.e.er. JLYEL U Il'h,____ris.__tain bis lil!. no hat lie eould put hie as the mot senions. Thtesi vsptla enl»dr tunaine.'the>. ver. LI>Newprt-Henry Âmes. burmeiloff te vclm's baek fon an bel laluqusvbtins for tan dam-.8 m on IflUU Ulfr Antioci-Levls White. îhsMe Aiptu ande ta> bonne os ok ad ttonlibulble aU«aet 1i6 ta 18 biches square, iiing ~~~ ~.~ I1jU j fIp~ Waikegn-L.P. Baceat. Jj1RM qJjOFFlmta nopa>. a paft of lie loue lie Boys Wpenrtn-CivC. Âmes. tr sustaiued because of bis Slehoneetar. oopltlydatlid.teu rive caeuebave developel ad ffgfJ ~£ AvonL--M Herrs. j>lf~ A~Mns. W. H. Dw and iter'sonvoie fquerakie vus givei thlb. adinary ati1Maebour meur of the boae: .LVrake VA3.,eesk111114 ..e.. Inlînel teho l lelut vth Audermeet lsatment for sovene barons About In quarltine aain____. Derfeld-Denald Butter. ThFie> belleved lie vould do th. rIaIt tiadet fthe bDr tA. 4..Brav uenInn- tiel >a i a OCmd - Infthe liavon:Freezing 0of'High Prnur Fwremct-LA. Hcks. I(13N? 1 ESCAPES lbig ad vouid attempt ta meke igooS tondnt a lit boItîlIt i~4 ueS i let agît ulleol u li Nus ouWaufe«ad-Wm. Gilingu. ___h__btsshontage. Ande#.on gave iime WoaS' Wrkoftir mrvlos esi*l. lli . ofJia-îest than a monît Main Frequently Causes Venun-il. . Roekeubecit. tdee ta a boune and lot lan atea ataledhya erat srgonluli og. He bbea ueu eaitthestation lasa Loss of Pressure.la-Heur>. Pppers. Officer C. E. HcsAras (Contnuel on Pemutares.) 9 Inrench airn>. Who ;Vas treaiing soi- <Couîîuued on-ae hee)Cub-Fred Kirchner.Pal, -.o mn ar diers bunel lu bttie. Ris treaiment _______________ tetnthie only citY wviicit S ýGore . RurzaIt, ar talovd u> scb turvlatsne- ~ i manly/& ls havlug trouble aver tega elflg Treasurer-Leslle Bonnsr Atioci eyChrei Ciao cts iaiatbtno itIi ee i< JrAfE(jn upleob. twNn( in gscm Domestic Science Oupeubineut.' Inthe, arresi of PauI Piack o! Cil lu bis bospltai. Prenlden-Mrs. Ira Hardisg& Area. cage, Sheniff Elvin J. GrifîIn bu-fleves M NA IE F I Afunt ime DrmBrown, madeup 3IN IIIIOOLS IEEK pan>. as il vas iear'fld ioda>. th ut Secrtary-Miss Bonse MBride Of 1w tolde "he bramea" of lie gang uoES0fTV Mutfvoal mPesd md PSc E orne of tht cIlles ta the Poutit1 of Are«. vire thieves wbo bave sfrlpped thon-OS FT O biommdualaIhb~Sns otiotially UU45 IWanlegan bave an even more grîev- Vice Presidents- nandis of dollars wortb ut copper vine va idtata b-rftOPrud gelajs -m la m taie. Waukea a Ara-Mrs. Satu Welcb. frama rallroad and telegrapb pulsIn MluTE lof n! ome aiflbhemaras i1. He set people comptain of a poor qualîl>. Of Atilocht-Mrs. L. B. Orles. menthe. eu1tt ta find wvither onr u It wvan gai aI imes-lb. people of Highland Gra>sake-Mns. L .Y. SykeS. tack vaB arresteci am lie mal dovu (Specile, leThe Sun.) >îî orGov. Lowden Proclaims Week Park and some 0f tbe oahiers cilles Waukeguu-Mns. A. C. Ilatitrni-. ho supper vlthbhie famllyti>. bic Cihi- Elgin. ni., Fer. 13. (3 p. m.).-James le possible tamoecurs an>. lit hscu-o erayfrSnigo ot brcmin haLevr l Iàertyvlle--Mrs. L. H. Scitaum. cage borne Tbnrsday nîglit. Carence Sveeney, aged 5, a patient lun(tie r.and final)>. succeeded lu getîug o Fbuayfo inia f sîli do u t ber camplaingazsvai au ae-n m.Glig. S.IlIieo alea.acting asa sUme uithle Albotî îaboratoriesetai National Songs. iit b> ola eueu> a tGurnee-Mra, Ruhen Comme.s, deput>. aberif and Contable, pnsed ~violent yard of tlieatae hitalaf on Uaymewmoad, Chicago-.ail.lake Vila-Mns. E. Wald. bis. vay inmbthe Placi borne and ithe Insane boe, It e uelgit!dlhi e- It vas on Juuuary 3lsi thal Dr. (3ov. Frank . L<twden Ioda>. selt Ttc. eason ton titis lu sald ta le plaeed haudculfs annuud the man's struint as a reauit of maklng attacka Bonsecure a enppîy of thce pepara- thte veek of iiei. 19-23 us a veel for l in t act tiat te gas company wrNLLvnsts uttant eh.. ad tlImef, orealize, on tvo akue caonh patients. lHe bit tien. Up lau litai hme Ier bal beau lie clugin>. of natioanaongs Intn ~b nal t ep h bg le ickse telil a warrant for a second off lhe nases of bath hli% victie. 'rheir no huprovementIn lu erclle's Candi- publie and private chools of 1-i srmania npicli ue iy a ~ ~ Cagoun bt dli nt erv"e h u le ums re sorti of Waulegsn wiih gas in suocERGiONONtgd 8 Une ansd fit ooked as thanghtitilwould nas.EXPgOSEa Ofud iefolo acodiio tti ltega pesur ve!* ati off oelhn as 'per o ff"jth e ORGsient o NSOeg. e18. o-A le nocesan>. ho do au enOrmOU ou e.Th I Irorissedthefolda oniton htte a rsur 4elte vakeoffon nyoie littet tn ProclamaAtion:ebthe Laistanunard.ofhecernvisite resitdtheula asyumegantle.vsaom amounit o! ekn «rafting. It vas la lg b1mho:b n asadr.Tc cniui Y IL A U is lhome. Ptack livAs near lb. Shef. nte att clmts ue "One ofthe gret unlflng, naion- Iuweathe keeps he maieldoavenue BpoliceLEfstationnuluplCcecsttionAi Chic.g WEDL S WE ugelag 28-Sononoo brveparathion a ti -l ted.alxnnenncslelesiu.glug ot* a lange part ot te lime und lIjis heu aud il vus 10 1clocit t nigit betorp Geonge Wedge ot AnioFi. H. vas preparation ws combeiihed. 1lilieguiyfunncls 1918. TO ramltvsapil e ur national sangs. Notbing sa, lie etfect of net oui>. decreaslug the iMe 1ev. James DameRl former lte deputy sherif airrlved In Watlie- ortedtteaslmi19. S)a>.'.bave passed since tlis vas done, anonses and fixes a sailnd and pati- pressure but of asinlt loff cour"Kenositu mlntalere carnluetiase . ura hegan viti ofils piaon e arl'.h Bt Jlnoý'n Wde eeI and the itim's back ls att iealed aile sentiment as*lie leacitug of pteutety t Urnes. tnvouig h huat e rt as been carrlpd en for six melnhs the violent wand viii ilveene>. iase lits. ang taourehIdne a Thl e Fecomplaînt of lie norli store ton Mnende cbanging h.. bas ual been bas bt-ou brotighit toan end, for Steilt home la lu Chicago. ln a mad fnenzy aver and covered init ikin-not scar teesnst u hlde n h aoe eaueh hetn' o.Monda> nigit Sateie>. canglhn-1 tieuebu roI ki. 'iae.l tile slnglug 0f titese sangsny or dut- I eideuts le that man>. limes vtnDsoe ecue. beensexas ICriffin bplevee'hrnov holdse John timmý, ut -alsix Incites idre. te>. need lie gas the momt, mach %M ire 01 graft lu Leavenwortfi Paulten- rnigader of the gang vilch cultcp- ' edu ron fbsam.H patil bthii hree b b i nce hchi Uo i eomnaino i ntbetoro a meal ie - auppi>.fall it an>.. -nwinear t(rtu thtlectanlîro th sons heud inerInetti oitoarma. le bao n t ,roceivcd iLs uew grovlh 0f o h eomnaino h ut1pote ertbr> Iesd rmtehl h iîtul bspsto ni skil iii utat the rat e the tkln bas been j sup prîntendent of public Instruction thtem comptletely and they are obtiged 1 Bannell fears tue witt be itetd untîl ,wesern Tnon Treograph ComPanys he bal ilen off bis nase ctose ta hie grr t.~o io otoo !Iejsu eas Ideu1hepcai> p dlaglaog u etway th ieil term ends, lu May. 1918. Hé vas i poles In aalsections of the caunny. fae Il> bir ~îi iecoerd c~-prrand eat se leni eisuges i , cd a lgbleltantetctPelinue. j the attrteyi mitt a - vyoUfigmtl e oto4o hI - ---- .. !.. eiil t aoe attebr olruî anetltoe o!t 1h. ire a Eveene> vas put lu anotiier yard pllt>î wi! 1inide of lic next lie veek of Foi. 19-23 b set sinde1 Guicompany ocas arpear ttnDnti setst.ir 0pl. hlm fils candt-4 îrepared te go hefore wibh a spectal attendant. RanI>. IbIs au tya sweek for. the stnging of national dolng ah Ibeat tem- enu but lhe con klll ils ltter a mot ugo and, the grand jury ttite vpectanul asantitiorning bu rnched past Ibis attendant itrest laye. I te Pund before i.. couil lue restrained, bud Dr.lirown dois not cdaim Original- sangsenlie public and tinvato dition lu one tai baffles the ont cant bis motben ber reusan. Indirt meut .-h-rgtng Pieck wtth grand Ity n uingthi tretmet-h sIPlYscitoo f Illinois. Tt lu desred that lof tetilmo as h lainot an ecy man- I "Whoeu - relased t stal give the tarccny..- -bte f. eg oe flilovl l lb foteepso! litr., pecti t ime benet lde on sac>i jnon ta keOoth ie mains thawe4 ont ail! vonld a'te picnre of tite pestutouse Mahal R. Brown cf Lhbss' U ot Johnson and Welge ver"re Oblt eid onth ogleot igi 1Of teai la>. for lie hInging of te talovlngl0ftiei0trme. of ilqity ansu ahi itei bais upasiefor a divorce tramiter itnsbatld. uoved a ho ie aayîum iospitai hume- bita tbe mater vien lb vas braugit sangs sud lhymne. "Aierica," Stanrtis prIoon;" wniee tbe "ryIUnaEnest H. Brao, Iu a billfilet! tu diatel>. undsurgeonas ewel o (M ei te hc eteutan.Spengted Banner, Hall Coumbia, Bat Jaspit M. Culau> las Saldldd Speo" crutcutFeu .Fayveem oeWbte nnl8ieaeai "The. resut; la îmPW Msreo un fa tu4l ubuý»àt6 *yI to , * MR.telDr, riVit ~~ned Januar>. 28, 1910. Demen lalW ITT lue a isoue.Di netoliw. lotf FaeIDjloi" LIII. K itIP e SSU iýO. Toriare a'aep 0ýe " cliargod. Mrs..Brow-n sas forlte Surgeone are .en-imd Bwee> alinct unboUoeveble unfleymou ve . ________ - butlr ineS mre a Intt st n i dmOMUOUYin uod.o is' n cidsu ls udus.-dcieteetpa iste - Oaulluqody f our- an eh7>, ad eIz andear ecMato ofMact. -o 15* iue n ae ) h fp- -& oM rettm te vl m the darslwmon>.. as a procaullon"mr>.m *tr.. te etrem@Utentiivst OeM« e tram, Part of bte Repulu Fn"ý4 Gaepat vbicb la em -eata withha rive mtw*iq *MW atter bal been sutiWoutaA rolunteer fine deguitfflei« but It dueIoui tba t lâae malt prosent te guide let WItte was eutodet cuveretat IWtiiso asa nu tirforcemintes tethé efar Tb e Ortewa fotatmegsb*,, 'I traek toii fete t. y. wheo the fit miensehe k af TClai e 'atrMofehm W tff x Ito thebia.. anthm M i» d - Nofof t Ntl, Clicg. e S th chit engiseeâtr 1.AUs uingas t*atint oeta*#l*l_ ahol oulut gidst orteCtg'~ Wiiu th e vldn h l~u ordeed i t larsur .~ M tu. ta 10 . 0 1ud.Bevsc seune et le nflugatlW. . tAUMa -à bt " w«t 40» i. tim m d * 1W ve7 bItte larai brickbulnmm, Mr. ad Mns. . gNeu--tvogii dren George ad Ceci!. Mrs .loeepbeon-widow, tbruu Oât- dren Chester,. va and Georws Umlun Aadoeu.bourdaIvtId . Joephson, le cerpeu3ter b>. tatd Mr. and Mis. Hsrry Ruod. 1*0 ObW dren, Fuwald land b itved eM bd floor. Mr. and Mrs. b. Rehmer, lIveS4M second floor. Mr. Rebter lea a M teacher. Fred Lungford. boarded vlh IUT. Rehmer. Mr. and Mra. H-arvey. Hydi en4"ia0 ghter. Audrey., llved on third floor. Mr. and Mrs. George k=Wanufliv U ed on second floc r. OFParrell followed bis imente roof of the big brick structure, a. tendlng ta eut holes ln the roof4, Capt. Munson osf Comnpany No,. 1scou dlscovered that the saide 0f'lte i Mi building bas lnunue as a storegwPO= sud was full of tire Xante baenbUx erg. The firemen vere unableto t theïr vay tbrough the. roof and MOi lte tlIrd star>. 0ft thebuildtat . Until lte brick vaits hegan te 084 aud Untli the Wood 0f the d IIIto seoMd Itory Mfootahad fafleu Ù4 119 C11< OTarrel kept hie eto ae, M atea. et Si VOL. XXV.-NO. 7.

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