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Libertyville Independent, 15 Feb 1917, p. 12

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TE liAS.CDNPAN Waukegan's Situation la Quite Similar ta That of Chiag« -Fight la the Same. UEMAND MORE HEAT UNITS. Waukegafl, Like Chicago, Has Provision ln Ordinanoe for Canidie Power Gas. * ukegan, ?eb. 14. Deapite the tact that ther6 lis no provision ln the ifty year franchise hb;bthe' gai ômpny lth regard te Xrntîhlng the city vith gSi vhiCh wiii mesaure up ta a standard of M0 Brtish Thermal tinits, thom *aan .msny who 'believe that the. cty etilI býîldî Uawi. uak eaprovision lthe t.odnaesputh a the vui 1.company ihall furnislz tb. city with twelty candi. pover gaz. As proof of tht. tact tliey point tte stumllarty of the. local stua. tim iwth that la Chcag, The CI- caoe ordinance provide tat tih. gai courpanythora Wihai uhlish 24 eu- dit Pover gai. The company nov t. .ee1lng to furnish gai of 66 B. T. Ui. Asan Inducement tbey are offerin tod snpply Il for 70 cents per thous- 'O5IIý la.of aumah are' oeurlcd ha&tUeYbld a very pewe;rfu club saisc.l»47%s head ln. thé Sprovision fer 24 iaflhie woMorgis. Thor arn of the boula that even with 70 cent is h gï bille ould ho higior vith 5U0 B.' T. V. gis than wvtt 24 candi' power The situation la Wankegaxq t. ai mont Identicai vlth tbe exception that ",$hognu company la not offerng tho taduceinent of lover Inte. They tas>ng ron vater gsi te heatnuit gu i vitthe l.fonnaiity ef aila the dve ipemision a vas don. la Ohleaeo. ,Qoeubnor Oiévs of Waukegn mlalns liat th. gai ompauy eau mtê arai e30caads power tu i vth anahicih meamrhs up te 'a W4WOtd et M 'B. T. 11.,the. grade là"v beiag souplaibhe uth morn bhopointse mg tht ltuga .*Oq*uc ul amstsuppiy 30candis »"Wi&Uas bigmer rate. Waukegan oMc" ud tuparons vini valch begefiaIt wulno 11111etta tSmgt boe.use resat vii have to de la gffltt actin that ma b. hisbere. FMNIHDEFEATS À ffRfNIiCII(i. FIVE Waukegan Lead Over Seward Park by but One Point at End of Fit Perod. PUlYKENMOSIAEXT WEC. jfki*gc.Stmri T n GainwILut M~fit, Gettmg~3 eet -and OuneeuGomi. Waukegan. Pcb. 14. Wik a vhlrlin* Mais" orlato vorac the Y. M. C. A. toaxias avay Ite fhlBoard Park quintett lait loca laflaor.ske banm onated loal'floIn hek malm@erou b. vii tte visitoea. maïilxgthe fni basket. The firt haf ended Ivelve ta tirteeu la Sovarn Parla favor. In the second bal Sevmrd Park [oad jor a wyUl kthe dis" t bah e lead and but' Il hi a fev pointeoun- III the Uehue va an u> ven tliey atarted t10roll ui. Il.score. %.ut Tuemdar the ftt enoshal Iark M. I.L esuz vil cou. down ta baIlle the, "Y" te". on tue local fleor. Thla lia. t. as strong ast th. tee.. vbhigive tie""'toa suMa i bardEmmilait veek. Wkoma:-Jmble. ledc. Miel or, BermerA. Broymansd Jones. Beward Par:-Watseni. Plainer>'. Rozan. Triskaus. Peisson. ltadtn. Maekey 2-, àones 1; Ilnaerwy 1; Bxi. zen 1. Trinlaut 1:'Wella I. Foui goal-Trinlani 4; Bled 4. Mac x0î 2: Jakublc iL Us!eree ilton. Icoreagamie' :Propos Car.e!ofRuhbori *fliè1itb Wi00l not be-driet boe il ttu s2i, uer Ftouldtheytbe le 1.1 ýk&titwt% i nti anilirt. Whes! nul- bcoe fàdcnandamuI lngysolme ronesu linueby rubhIlig wilb If i11x la tane. it llchulA le a o emtt thf Weffeet *Ub*ld&ce.Aqmeik Pot-. aIls me a. oee- The. A"die. New York, Feb.,14.-Trhe Whiùte Star liner Âdriatic, sb~e3 uk 1tt'b ~ed son," arrrve4 asf.ly at L BY CITY ýEN<IE SAYS W. J. Le N Chief Engineer at Waterwoeks' Criicizes Some of Cty'En" gineering Problems. tdOTHER SEWER IS B$OGEST. Milen Defends Stand lHe Has Taken About -Rock-Straîner at Sub-Intake Mouth. Wa ukegixi. Feb.. 14. Taking the stand lIaI mlitikea ai reedy mde ti engineeriliapioems have cuit thiCity' vat ixn9utiof mceiqi and lIat mistakes uhiol probi ahi vwM be made in the ne.>' future wiii cool mani tliousantis mote. W. J.3 Allen today poln<od out certain prob- 'one vorked out hi Clt-ICageneer M. J. Doutbitt miii termred thein filun ders or a Most se,tous înature. Foliowing are a fev o! the problemas whlch are termed blund.ere: - 1-Tbe blother Sewer-The dty en gloscer, accordlng to Mr. Allen, msde one of the biggest errors iu laYilg ,ut thie moter sewer. H. conlendi lIat the toru vater dralnsufroin the surroundlng terrttory albould have rainedti mtho ravine lu fluait out the creek. inslead lhey veto all:v vid 10 empty to thebbig seovr. lbur. lng storni perodue ilow11ofa! ater and sewege through the mai ta lu' cmreà a sererai talA. ift. Ai salim tIbèmela no dotilt butt laI lIehetiié le not tur Altant *benu lie 'otyr v*0 Iaveto, bave a disposal plant for ls '%ewagc. He saldthetI city euld' not if ford Ioi.,bîild a plant Ils enough tn provide for al the igtorm wateri md sewage, during storms. He sys Ibib was ane o!f[outhitte sbiggesti blunderz. 1 2Sand Street Sewer-Membesit of the' Rlati' aF;àltaniiboard, accordlag ta %Ir. zlehv one nier the detaill of the Santi street sewer. anti bave anounr.ed that Il wa.s one of lihe big- ge4t engineering bund-rs cicr made lie points,.%Ir. Allen says; are flt tiglît. and nucb of tIe surface waIon hu idqIs way ino athceowef. ?-Tia Sub-ntake-Te clty engin-1 eer. acco"dlng tea Ir. Allen thought a 24incli sutb-lntai<c woud le ado- [qiate. Fe did not provîde fln run- oing thk; mnain direct ta lbhe Pumpi e'n tIaIt t1' îettlng wcicmuli be cleanuel. lie uegtctcd accordlng t0 Mr. Allen. la incorpoat certain very necessan>' rlnciplee inilit iInstallat- ,on TO Proteet Inlîke. Conehirrrbb' trouble hauï been exl perenecd because uhoals o! minnove, are sucked Imb thec sul-lulfiko anA ore sent into the cIl>' mains. - r Ai, i inkIte hiewould bu -avoldeti b, nartg nrock-atraixier oyer tlite n.uuuh (if the %ub'lqtàke. Hoe ayt4 Ibis would lie 'et ou uude o! the la r- bar and would liot interfere wttl navt- galions. 7%e Gazette Tuestiay night iougt la malm-ll appear al the gunerument sigt 0aject la sncba course.b0ecause il migît iaterfier4 iitu navigation Mr. Alen oUlte htl oig.ee Mii. John Baffent. Mus. JoliiLa;Qur Je th youîaulu ")"t if irof Wo. John E. E. Bal-. four e .0O, vo servoti through the. ACouth Atricin vr. Il vas tUie Z.eaned hie( D. S. 0. and retire&i liIh. enteredi the prosent vit ai iii. beginning. Mns. Balfour intheIi laughtsr of thi. Hon. J. A. Gerard. l)icconsosu, heir presumptive ta Lord gerae'd.v4o i.bar cousin. 5Sba a 'ie 'taughter. MiICIlcttop tla prove the stand lie lu &atao s tdais l Ieijielsecertain ens gineerin$ probiltus' vblhhlie hinlal %iave been eôived IMPerfectiy- Eclitor The Sun:- iDear SIr: laio;tced an article iln laxit eveningt Gazette of the rock stralir for tIi nioutb or the sub'ixitake. Tbere I ho objeetion 1a lIe éonciusioli Of thE trticle vhicli refoni t0 the re-arrange nient of the intake andi fliloraton. Btl 'onti Ibat le darethe :rock strainé, e ii not add anv more obstruction rc rii( location o ftbe mauth of the ln ahi.iban thorp ta at the pressa, tinte. It te not tv..the vai 0Of navlgs±t<O and If theO r.overnmeflt laihie grea obstacle why basi Il fot enteroti a prc l'ilt before. No. lIaitle lot thles son. The r'aI reaeon le ta cover up ai frginxicr'a bMonder, vbich la not thl ..nly one Mfade ln the constructiona thei ruh Intalke. Ani contrîption i 0)e wilUwtll ojnly at itihaard, rie] and pprhapse tnd la death for VuIDE one, a4 wn witnesseti at the ei.ctrt p.lant a fee' years ago vIeil the et ï1ne lrin away. The well ciionot ho cleaned nw ly âni' selected perioti vlan th ' 1ty'm consumiltion of wv'aterla col ?Ïd&rabli lems, or s»imo couceri pouM for 118 at.the lime of eleaning. 1Thie'" brancb put ln the - taA inl anotber blun4er, It vwu redue, r.a 24 tncbtn, wbeii lt iould be h.I Pâme iii. of the Intake.- The opel' iug engineer vas cogipelffl tu puti a practical device t0 operitoe t Ichi ntake valve.>Atdherhider- îlte pipea ci> ta10the 8astutti v"b e0 ta opralC "etail% Bot properly. iv teted, and'be bad ta study eut a Pi ite opea the Valve quiew 1la5m «Mw, lias pae "MW". hleflr a cTe aiystwuyde" sali tbutie -nA lootgo! di. .Wate .1liuuA. an e-cneait. te Ceat. John ZL Iqe in thé e $chIcais.en.eat FPred A. Be"v%.f«t brW»ye"M liateer Olsoab coafitial W chargeA vitttIc .b.aslmgat et of0. 00 tlb emuée's 11.MW wgnted for bivamy. baithem.up.« poeed WY the poic, tin bave MW thelb Moreico déclarait that Maolerea * ~ , and Piui abu, ves t. vamuvIe cart.A the. inte fre mthe dalry cou, pDanji office on Oct. st, the aflt IaI. ter Sonator Oleoiswvisbarted. il vas rMÀ,red.geerai tiMes to foind .mpty on the nort b bisci et U ia ,Mn~,ied onle AStta loa'v a. aiv te Uthe a"ty of tIc burgiars BULUDTA 012 FPRIS N3 fl &Iut efrre? iMriLumî,, -r' le.IIRI3I Lumie, Muivod' afteane t thle mur a wftlaoaveaut *t*a.Moresce. Who t. awatttng If 8911 BoQmes a Law Prison- trwa on a charge of burgtay. vowlu ~WIf Note Feont mmiOtak tthé laiOns. Mr. Lemley 9M WIR ot Be ed on he t.mlaid ,the m4ter before'Capt. Per 4Oiem Basis. m;L . v..in lathe b~pronoe or - Mis.m OIon and Oapt. Ryan. Moreec WOULD.. AFFECT LAKE CO. laidtho deuils of thé crime. - Mhkc Bernahdi anA 1'rnk eCala. Sheiiff GriOffin Would Not Be "a tolA me lut, ttUberO smii So ~ 'Teela Little ta n, 1 lam wblolu -::h M nteTask. vhlci vemd»kae.nusaBu iei- - ~ "" s t-dsp otold me tuai Waukegaa n lmruch lntorsed ln lhe tacidéa pion gaid ve vould bave tWblll'>r11 wu vsintroducted mb te vaw" &gov valu. as lIre veUli tii. IM to.1h. latter part or lait le a Ua moual ofmouey lu inte uval' ty W. J. Tters of Anrof a, fora. or iotates attorney ef Kane CountY A IoiS)& SU1 muLo td Q '%êblD t. an amendnent of the.JatiA i l.S imtlrmd p mt of 1874 vbh v ould niaeI, l f ?o al'aserlg ia mandatory on the part ot a shértiff llw,"il. it tào"ivorce the feoding of prisonsrs X Oclutta v. 'Wenite a barni from his regular business. i vould by the rtvec. 1%? sa e m ie wu. vstu eliminate the. per delu ' whtch has crnr.Otcke« futnbod e l xi f rc s [I a s r t y e over th é. fion . 9 adv sed ' E u t W One of the tlings ciainoti for lth e ara toif»btde Ibeuz hb peçpoietilaw lath-al Il vould removo iuh airy ou ld OIoab tte. s thé. poibility of a shériff naktng asu heytol me eySoe ady *2ev undue profit ont ofthtei. erving of hundred dollars lu currencyoit-Ot tfoodt 10the prisonere. the ist. 1 a he leater la Ciloag a The Mla t almed ai certain coufît- avenue. wui vas w tauilxg te tben le i. here itlle fait thal th e pr dlem -90rnaoi u uged Cabra sed pointeS la tdo h igh, or on the aller hand oa Ut aieyrusrp' ,*hee'ethe gshsffs ' os ai lttier -food ai posible in orider tlhàt tbey ~ ~ i S 1 » ina>' have a iargr profit. - " îJe n aazvila AOuslhm Il it aimait ded-e.11 . -y 1Ia1.l.- * sa t; bih vwould I 11*0or 5e»IC At Ibis, poth tkDM â.ve4 ,n Lake County for It"la15-a vofi Mazeso a ybetb etPO ves. 1. kngwu fiel thal thon t.a net Ia "40u w a th n.the il.*.mm tty Jail tn the itate.' vhere l*. prison "Y«" ro Mee , see, ýLà. ga rs1 rec e ve- more abundance of good,1 Browin.- ee ut o' ln on, rt o' a' 0 ln* 'le ri àe *d For years and years the per dieu w«i bu't fifty -cents a day. When ~the htgh cool qf living aide It lm- possible trfooed- prisoners for tht axqnt ±of mokeySherif Griff lumade an appeai ta the board et supervis. ors and the per'diu*as iled to eixty cents. Vven at Ibi Pile. therei in Uitie or no prof i fr 8hrff Grif: ftn foi he atnio t,>gilb. heptisnere the beit possible food. 90 ho. vIi flot féel badly if'the iav la Putito P ollowing the lad ta'coe' bY Sher- tff Gtfin, iflerf ,John Ohaugerd of Stephenson county. bas Ïsked the countî board thèe.to grankt hlm a remboable increase. H. ov wrecelv a per diem o!f lfty cents a day. Th. Tate vas Put [nqo affect tweuty-f iv, yom ago. The Arable Ci»loa The cluak tue Arsb vearsinaeut %quere. itla18hilsunivefti iandAla- 4eparable coveriuig. It is bis oat ,ýb day and i bi blanlet by nlght. It vos tues closk tha n l 0<1Testamuent tIuii kiad tu blieret urned t i ght-fali If Il uiai boon taken Iu pietige turing lie diiy. (JîberwIsi the Ilesute wouid have lixtU no covcnlng wheu lesilept. Thfls gîluas. au tlsey are caleti. are becomsin popular lanltnglanti. upuu lv ni qt D l -U) N ,5q e*jfl JO piumAiG.l P 1 COsim auiLof ell sef iî< ufloa~ u l o o jall»uu3î%i 04etil qi s.tunau aDops QAeuaor JO lin> si qintog il :li ou. 01îRoue guet peàii 9qea' i.!peu -Liome i hulula Pie ei ampou 1 >oeiixl njllaq 5 qgnouqj, futpails.5Omi4 110 jo thoî. ver.ftros)n. 80 IaI lie citîe S, umpu.zi pu' sse@puxI.Iýu q "-Il.. valet stuppl>' vauîd ual le doiaî.d, 91elilisssuMP tgoL Ippi spo ina .aq vlan îthe pipes fr050 and 1th erat- U pOpeqne Ing engineçr ove? caine the difficulti. 1Wo have toi> a>' mon vho iîudy -ta ftind out obtructions, anti vho have mloeres Is'esy. not tb. constructive abîiti 10 moot lMost great conduclare bave a gond the demande and ovorcOifle diffcul- 183e01et teriel. butlt.eRInchter &ne&' ties.. do.ti"fIt ecurlouit h>' lta1and,. ave nos, Our iy bas mas>' engneerinig Prob miot e1 it doPents On 1bis ipperfec [eusta oercoe l tii sea fe nte lowiedge of tWE 9glimb langeage. ~eid i vtll eaI îl cil>' ai.omd Oe tslhIboit thing tld of lia It in ut he itYtbosabisle bi% remail di arebesisl ef up~'4~uhiieet iomi5, te osetib îdis ~ ."M~o aý irmania$omoem *0-001 MO E qM.W Styles that are "-NE W" in- 7.50 Silk &wool-Sit W. Have, Juat R*celv.d a 'Shlpmnt of 79c ChamçettG1oves The echamousete lor«« a e mard u to get aI an>' pnce. hw bewt is ricug n i (2o«ts, 12.00 Vals., atj 'Iwe bad so many te sel"FROM" as nw These dresses At 06.98 ire in nov styles iislhk gplilisand vool serpes witb saddle*ppokcls, etc. At4U te.me wo&<dresses te 1 in aety of .rer cn atioia witb cm - beK-«Y àrdeasZ'yoke and pleat- 0.50 ta"et dresses woith ~~~Ow1lh or efflleeves and g A t $95, M ud5isti4.50 we bave massertueut 4 *eet,îmd parly, dresses dtarouge in 4mso»i$22. . Tbey are new te-e'w anusd. embrace lhA latent style iq~ rt6e conig sean. -Womom'a $6c« .11k biné inia ui 5 soi. Ce au ceq tri -se an ab su r.. ea. 001

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