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Libertyville Independent, 15 Feb 1917, p. 2

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Lt ~ o comfmt.yar mon*s r~.wm~ oi~,:74Zu @$W l 5j m o< bo ma&W .muof..h Os. ..sT r" m M D paTuiAlai PGO beos. voL - imftvOB -~~ ot"s boem la 1peta» men lnsrtlon 4. . ...SAL..E . A FUR sam" - oad cot. eblP f01,__ umeb uf têk.êai Oum. C. J. mmon. ___> Pri bVw. Phon. 26&&l. 7TOi C FORSAL-GOd ~limnybor..bli EL T- au sd waon. sOMO sid ronf lera and 1l104, lwb bmvff. WinII maaf. W. W. Mi â%mou & Bora Co. Phono 29., s »d FOR AIZ-sry ellow dont am ood' .tbsSee Crl Oua4a toi. ti!td*~Pria 18SOpwbu.ebsisé Cid grdu. ai ormapl..AmaN V"i 1 0 mo*-go- aiwr 0 ol m .kp H.A Wius ~ p me taB te 0& t i rot. Deglul. IL D., IIL pbon .SIk. lront + + U 8ÂE + ab umOS *ALA--saw mm oubpel. LIb. ;:!ý= èqc4 p " cmb FOII OAIE-185 meçmr Aroakissue 1» tB.aêop im. U t EMJÉ eboe dlo w u o Md VSfi.Si .RVWif'$lihm I B~OUS~6 aiiasd ibb Atmo bo M ubm e& m'Wdf ai M4aipee.. s s- * U~~fU.E Fw SAI T AOAW-I lbvtua.-lit 1406ln ium las as Mashdagfpa ser Ire Wasbaiesaoppue Omaond Md Orcliard treets IA8EEMtTLLE. . ILUI 018 Ààà lé aMamdfiai M iesb. *km bS~M~uoemm *~ - 4la r Ur N. . 1dd, pbose 4, la ruer, largomuot bamqu>,t. APPhIF #5sueuq. m- I t $ OreST.Smi Polk' amT +à Iton RENT-6-uofl oum o ona$& v&y. Phoa 1*.L NMi»SK. A.0" 701i WANTED-Toug uarh copl ta vmou ç tir. Cal0apte D mWÇrowll "a. téo oeab mrtb of Gemmer SIahloSIon aumpifoSimiv uet QI Laid D". Tpl1 WA*TIDUs.foi - mahofoi - dt batai ' er- ,Mda he bl Iu ILm U. Akoa IVP Co MmebL i -e-wrMdr«v -~ Do~ aà I. W. 1 J1.-Zj.GtllqaméS gsol W, , 5qp~W* tàluT. rmiam it, 0 mu lxa vau a 5 . W Ap om to!paSp. W ' ornasLA.Wobi aMé Vitefo t In Wlidobe aMi wlgs.lot't b* IééMce!ni'e t4rth atreot * subi- c, W862nkmmW. a. IL ai.e N. CaupWol to Pnicilla W. *ma, lot 2.1 ffico'a .bivsiofl. vWooi. W. Da 810., BnjainoLowaloovo ani vif. ta rCooper. lot 4. (brolyn aobdlvie , ihand Park. W. a, $1. [r LK A.eKsnEL0S.T. Cooper. lots ad 6. Oalcmont subdivision. 111gb- àPark. W. Ba PM L 3. 4S17.-MaKLoéb andé vifs LI. Canait lm 4. bock 1t Lyoa 0mavwlvn. Wauesi. W. .) micaso ¶11e amd, Trust Comaimi' to a. ILDoYI14.U I& VM *llenm omd Uvicain a l'mg3e. Dosé $lm. fit 8. LiliriaMimbd eta ta Paoii Momran, e. actas la itéme casor meétiofa b, Wamkaias ssiip. W. D. 15.500 i»e Paleeek, lot 31, Sbavm Lang kecewbdise5W. B. $m. U.. CL AfiwmU' *"ivifS té lMntli obmusn laiÉ ii 15muti l *ni me ~«arter ausos at ut« ut m l"vus tommp.W. eB.00,s lob» Gru wUiMWfôto . . l il lmsa ibbeu Iif " %MOrt *% àm*bvbdtà" 45 1W5 W. lx . bme to ef O ia. tumet.deummes wR. Noper mm"thua 4 am tOut àrie isaisa d~ té chu W*. , m.'NiaW t Wb ziw *,o iUS iAnU àt m l r. IL B. =t0116 tract et l kbrlot S Hallagievete Moai' M.s N. lditanMds bMa 1 infigS A. COUin et ai., 14 lots laIv sue cf Baunitos. -.C. 1 ErMdee L .CaBnomi dOtu*ta M i. oayé*r aMéWoié a ,s Toilas opa aMW vifa luFrani1 craver. Mu*5 32ifout 2 . hock l Iriaful Vaop& U.W. B.x1st robi. 5t. tJcia GriOlt«évi to EI . Z. mcuin. lot:1S Orm.IN i4110 la14knP0N ï. ùm S han, lob id, »85 tdé4& Rom eTerr 80iiiv*I514» 7>, umL W. B.in I1m1uu G sialtQ Is. il Ciim fSuget t ota iGi m« 1%l eo$«MtqouterVUn 21, visas hwmtp. W. B>. $10. J. A L MOM49M Md Ué vio a luef Lenclo.m* lot' 28. bock6. Hg Fuit. W. B. $10. EL . Z. omaaaai vifie ta H. C. Ch 1106 lot s3 <m# ogi veut0faut) 9. Tmncm UhéiviuianL«"k ormt., D. 410. Buatte of Augmeta ULYM 00(deoS ea) ýv L IL NS4 Ic75. %C W.. I Mai, ni IL L >, .Io 1. B. 0%.t.D 3 i ibs. mi7 te91, . W.@" ulfo~~ ~~ 04êm ~ ASi, 1 Wl. D. en. ribmun 7. 11B . . m 4 *1ei tilaé am, »W C» b D.n-, o__ iiD1.1 OallAmiWlau neHub. M$*4 & lm=sotivot a 110 FILED .mi ou. ie AGre Treot in eganda l* ~~s BOught $75,Y iLbâ mo * tO 00, t Is Reported. UiS~riuo Buainesa of the Recordera office lbfl t owuabas b"OS for the week endlng Febursry 10, $4b' anfl u atenIj .b 1917. ~ ~ ~ ~ atot b'AKBorasstt : for frsapemm i9ý7 by K.Bowes, ssisant ec-InSmnlce Mondai'of tii retary of the Security Titie and Trust maïm bas beau a gradm Cà. 1I1dali' mOnce lait MOui5Y0o Number af, Convoyancee. 102'1 ber of tirt Paptek-ta. Numbe cf oans,17. lirSeIt lomber of eur tIi Numer f Lans Mwero IsMu04up ta bom Total numiier of Instru~menlt& flei. nomub«betitastmn.Tic? 11. atoS tlt mor* viiibe Tqta4l 5pouM lat 01, 16, 650.00.1mfto:oou nS tmonivw. RuSine@@ bas been fairli' brick and;i' addrdtu U »uv"raver' interestIng de vewrm tF Ij;D*t Im la 14k. Formst: or monf David a. Jooesbougit the bame Par"ta 8. Hari»Mi' tate on DeerpStb av.ue g b a W M hmOt Ai" Gree BY road for $60.000. I u ..ei. James A. and Kate Bidorman. alzneimfw'~ftSu Ibousht about 19 acres on E6SdboCé b votad Sainas enn' iolés ' bein ,. pgut piartethe<i.Davami' liroIOt r05 luit e làdaste Harry A. Hubbard for nominal cou- 1OnUot Clirk W 0. If dIéWBmTIL t la ondmraéttat thbt tt UtS 1'tS MOu pnice vifS-u a roP4 i 85890 e ad o dra eSM Yor -a tota. et about #75M& 0. va t v. "Y aaaposta k- IAI giaeh"« Alnr lactoséS be r tl moy u, boatat the a boldi os imîne avenue ,bIv imiffl éheuir utim of b 4C- foot en outh ssue of assi e tou -r" » l ui ta r- " If-lMe-for notq 05mera- D re as. armn L-nth&vie oua ethé balletfil 34«aM'd3. Monaan bousit a lot Uv. la0é violds a povofi un~~~~~ ~ qsiiautsam -- oertbemutil th" 0va la Q**ý u &4lt"8314à_bos - t itop ta beamue AI i. lm Ur frq loin Gam"itfor sims.xmmvor utiati ot ma a>, bve taxes «et to kt n ua:Parai it Il e paul ~ SEp!e bortht mm o BM f 40 am dIwo'P a5m tao u h ie aboé Ook.sti SIél ?IOO e9,i q. bu» et M-s-u t.la I&ala UvicitWb% ma& MM2 t hait d*W Ou UIMM P ia, au Gl ,te dici Proat forn qeiuol om 0 i80!at1OllM1 . 0 j>blaie Fil. Eril b. Gise boot li.t»tcem Adkt 79 .à la etion 24.27 M4 uWaMi s. F roa«t. O.r.savArtbn la Gise bouegt 100 acreas i nut au* . Wauké, ean Em Th kO mofoutsection IL . trCh@0etel# Zos, Wbulagau. Imigi of Jacob Glu for 5e1 .aualér brmn' -limaiS. & aton. rti'll]. Germnani; I 11, Grombam iouSBains Co. se truftéo toci itiS te 49, SUelorthte Sut M. . Kepuimeu W t.àawon a kW footi. sc*ti 1 fl eu baM.O'JOi ý10. et ai for $"a S. *A Yrank E. u80 Segat,,tbo.àa* "a nt Euuges ta 'st bamnt A lm 214 fùr w W h4i Grant TMMS SKtfel fani 41'o et lis le = uae, 38oomw â0it t a àa fbu mbat o ouderstn ai cave bs.c3. Z. t« er$1.IIS. ». lu Promoat Tevupiop gw Wviliam WKl Mo agt 40 acre. l.tla, uit ma nts U tomarrf e irif Wbeaton for nomiatnaloieutIDL ýOa in Darinofts:l- . tio James limwi oro Mcm oti «IF ide ion M etB»I"@týCaptait in. for nominalàommdéoetkmn. hould __________and fax 090,13X W*-harder lasUR sIc fiends, nb~ mu av lw. tthé wm nombd rf t ai hedf Md Mud mu- ïw. 4am 1a le f. Mm it "»a% a la~ .Mpgaat S~ftmte P. T. C&.vle .u&vis.be>~ pMlo a Uitoci1 filaum Pai, W. tD. $10. C. W. lames, T. . aGrav. lot 4,a* ms uw11Wi osom W&'* Wa tmwbp,ff ovm MI3CULSTOMII ToffINAMI~K Of SIOI!S a ONC Waukegan Shoe Deators Are Warnsd by Manufaotrers What Thuy CaR Expeot. ulnte,"attvo or tun« Saye O*Ittl"atastouliefactorisa tro vilci tb u 'sisa.ls "tiim tf Pmai' s atlue io! <atti la qab atathmqiWt Ole l n..e i. u le ltISse. l Omo, a tbhi.lq«dammmicasarlats to "v Insllmêhi 0ebuis .etih smaeubtUrlu otabt*àndte toa s tomé- a meahin to vitban i patnaa o-t*e al usolavitié att tO 0 OMMbe Armdatee li ba umeant dan tWU Wb" se ubigs boo bouses d l n ip .t ISfetlate why t1kWmu » meta fnrafeb som luac«a ti.e1uniSt ts am le vat, lia tu a W 55oU lfflahot AD10 Ivwo hO M6"it it vOlbd'*baa qf a lie qiloat4» *"- 15a lm *~ ~ W fibumevbo u - Il nomuu. A'mu "M AWOIttONOIICE. imatri'0,0 PublI Xa WM le w b'.t.s sa me muf uowre. ErsefOs u.I*NBmTga Oem oti Courf 1.5ke Cou'r. asa sOmebeo uebid t I% court BoeuluinWbuea il. nsio I oe i l ÉM U . mMe aOnt Ubdai cf AI l Z m cb au . m atO 114. u b eu u@ W v a .. ail e nP o m me b obvn ur ZeeiM. - Lisa stud i«MUaracotImm- sud îeoPiilo Der-q ulm Lapremmnthe m te 1514 Cort foxr .00 Bîitu.rab. 1-6-16 an. ~ b r.rdk.mcO W ab"p laounybamla UoouH 1917. a leUlmv ooio.aMd' soit l fa etlm edlmg L.rnwiUO. BIIOCKWAY. Waukegeau. Illinois, Zsnuary 1511. A. D. 1917. Ley A. Henise. CoSplaiéant's e licitor. viii' Jan. 18425 1mb 4-8 ADJUDICATION NOTICL Publie NtollliuIi4uies nihe lie SObeclber, 4dugltltrator of eeta te of loba Sandbmu,d 0 iliattend tie CeunW' Coui re a: cou, it,à tom ntieNS t. is-idam et tie Couart Bouse la Wanisgn, tM musli camet. osthé &Xnit Nomd 9Avril, mt. 111, viem ves m : poacus bavbns daims e ai M r tate u t notflloi oui nq ooSAd tq gre- senat thé eam.te slé ourt- forlà - dtucnL. AdminIStr. WaukgaaBt..Ian.2,.19117. ADJUWICAION NOTICIE Publie NOUo ticelbeneb Olvs ni tic sauacller. EueciSf.r etthe.elà* Will an* Test.ament cf Aususl S 'mai' docasseS.Wiinattend tic 0c Cout 0 lsieonti'. ut a tsru oe- et t1 b h bo ttésha».Court UoM S A Wagkega, laum liCounti' n.tic am aitdu it .5> I.mctaI are - ý Court for dfhdica.tI A.?UumIiomat B eLqg OTO . .AUUUOS b ilS u di. nul ltàlt ailsaman* e Utes op op kss*olam 89*0 Jam" M lm7 ËM Odu* m » âm ub.* 1 As ta One,@ Naon" r aeyour ueilx ci.ba"ud mV nWatai er. and ibcsure tae tIg tiey are whlat yaz neei betorepu neei them. As to. Courage and D1. aýtion WýXhen the stormn cornes to overtake the great ship at sa-and tes roar and the grsh iip is tooseci about like a cork-does the. torder that the big vsbel i. to b. kept close to land-that sh. 1dcing for ptotectiwl. to the. shore? NQI She is pushed out fartiier xther into tihh oTmy acon! And the. ligher the waves roi.tiihe the. winds blowý i"i.fiercer the.gaie, the. fartiier out nto "te nt e Swe WHAT A TREMENDOUS tESSON FO R EACH 0F whhern di&ultiea cort tus, maB wè hùMl. domn b hpnwp and oand dodge the. main issues, of life, or Ské the sipat «4OMaMÉas lon wlat wa1dd appear ta b. a help antd mafegua4 suike out into nic and, th imader the. storrn h m, i . g arffet sud t &cultic, the. fatiier out w. must go, and aucosuawig cotà Tal£o t". avemgo rosit ih a.faily ta suupot-th. ucreas.d fliving and kMme.wStake a un ille producauih. lpnows it Win )ta e14crstp bis reuI duties, so hele v~lit iu* the task Of nugh hu lf. oad Tio Wisthe. main resson wbY f. in"»=ance nto 1>6 "thé lest thme~ JOHN HDUDistrict imBnaer Mioigm KuualLii Inurac ompSy -r i des" s Sue Mr. tgai peur. fiozel a" ed kiteb, vm 1 riinni of Sn ani 1 tii, t abott ,A, angla wusi fils v th c fii, 1 disii i b'ail1 g rai n ilg P in finl "Ti If 1 1 of toht lloit is file t .1- ni "ib !1- . 1. -1. 7Z

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