noekizaix 5a~ft £dltadbvPr..D OUUCePhoff i *t pabWIi' o ât uê4 â clhg p*r« Mte r. and aMe.Cas ogIptia Book viitedbirendé UA Bn0.Planning ta attend l*e le bail Frlday av-ibn lng vor0 teib*eiom have been lised. A mev real oetate office bue bei. Opel ed la 11e Timeu buiding. 0Do4$9eand ubteioue are the partise nteeted. Vm UDgan, who bas be-nemPlOîed at ê»e condening factor, hm rO ignl M pontion bere ta loin thle n&Vy. Umesolive CleusO of Vinutha, W" & guesî of frieude boe over thé week-end. 1%»e Un Club etertained st Book$ haehMlaitVdusda evenngmud aiB «bc ailsmdsd *9e ary report a very fine t'vins 130" vlel"dhWe ouin, Ulm mm Demi aDetslb 1st -k AUM 1e. Tioeaivksitd roitives Law Ubrtevlle Tumdy. ia". M. Chas. Fnb. entraled Ia tai r. sMd mm .Frank lolo, ~~M lessomhve fr tisi MWv borne l-tomt a %is. vbe beas bs lc* 11 io@W Wvesas luerosabouptal 1the PIW*v Wwwke bas returud borne.1 piew"rteBook at.trded the Grand of sautera stan ast Chcago numl Thouson le ay on a six veeks biWdu. trip îbrongh Mimeui and Iowa. C. 0. tÀngabaugb of blego. sPet Suiiay vitb bie moMir, Mme. SrMi MOIS!C TO L1IN. Ws solicit dis la- ofaithome deelrirng W borrov 100 du4W rno otherluprovsd LeakCoutY SEel atse. i ret r4tlonaBank. LewyvIIle.fglei. 7c1 NOTI. TAX PAVEeS TOWN AVON late u md 1e pelaito tua cobelr Wfalrb7tb. IvilIbeSathslrsy@- lAuetemon Wed.udaqandSeatur- du " .evia adm etRon" Ah* on Tueedag of ach vsekutil 9w 1 . Clevland, Ta« Colector. 1. 0. Poutos. E <Jlver. A Qed.rnfld Maa. Vilton aftended thee ting toab uit aProdSut5'A.eot"Uou la, Uleorme M witclselSna u 8 L Wod rotnud F evei lut n issie bson of Mr. a Mrs. Clajton <kit bai bien vr7fiI l ib p»oronia W.élh btter. Dbr. Bllove of Wmsauf. n&apmp. femoi Ol lboeseset vsek. fte &. yul grde a upper for the tachera. pupile and parentale tbscbnreb bumul Fuldaî eveing, 5.11 23. Mme.C.Tabotiv a ltbe ctilbhi w" whàid ber oso'. fmilY . un JSUMe Atveill pet lat TusedY &M suWed*aaylufWaukeffaans tte-1 ddhjermai cilber delesbuebad, I.J. Petltijobn and son af Indiana, spoliawkvdffl reeend *11k bleter, »P jamesKer.1 MO"&Y TO LON. We effilct dis lW 110Rbf6liMie deslung tbouvmon--Y as Vrmeor otborlmrpravd L.keCOU Fsol mtaf e Fuet National Saa, F fbetyileliie. Toi TAX COLLEOTOR NOTICE Houi Buesebîna. coloctor for Ia1 twUablp *111 b. st theBtale SBaab.Lake Soib, lit., svenv Wsdaomalmisud Bains-- "ay frmu5mb. 17 tiltIMas-hmb. 611 DlIy Thught iffla-Meny do formuel-se wte uimleI inbe et dal 13UY NOW!. WhiIeyou can gel a 2 qubt'fountain yringe for $1.25 Guaranteed for one year TRIE REXÀLL ST#E $vayS *o, DRUCE DRUO CO. Graymlake, IIL on Sandqp lait et37,~o i lie Kqw lit1m wêe« = #O Ibue oiiéi. voe voasimte, 1ev~Sumtip * à* hq vre 19vnce tw M oye roperlî 1 byam olEhi ixslgoedprobe- #OMary eorlaet nertnd qMpgbero e a bhatom Club atmagose dienwet anAtr. cottae, Bonday. Amomg I bose pressas avers: bileus Thogna.aàud I»molu aud Meure. Dlck- am, Douglas, Klait. Nore and 114>11n. Alter the letâtt 1ey vent doua 1the cremud ivo of thons 'veul" b 1the botta. Thsy vere huma. leyclesi for a tIns. Wbu fhey returued se Chicago $bey vers attired lum&l sorte of vacation ectnnae, Pal uBanad sport shirts. lir,msd Mr@. Kaptng.entertalned the membere of the Fox Labe Lîquor Dealers Club at thir vemly parti ilt Tuesday cW atý'.10niesatma ,elevea lths parti eopigrd plsyDln u aviug'e pavlllion. 'The lnctîplaiers are aamned ln the or- der of ther rank-Ur, Rayait,lMre. P. Jobuient md Mr. Hummel. tir.Bs- bey aad Mr. Pahdeoup vire awvdod li. cmosoation prie. Mr. & o'D1.o f Eaglevood wv a lav fates-day Imbin ba oothe dvleabilt a1 buYlmg SI. store buildingrceutJîOce eupled b the M. Jenoesu cor. Word mcived trom Sarvey Hmttey lu Moblse, Alabama. sais ho la emllng new potakase rou ibe gardes. 'ibey ae mlllang for 0150 a bubel. We'd botter sat "Wvpotatose. lase Moniet, vho bas bec. peadlt tbe mmn tva mouttlaluNew York le ag&armoud vstug bie patrons. "ibik" bastvo %rbleitrougb this terdtrilar mnes ho vrab siteo Y@a,@ old isud carried Un1 go00s oajtI bak. Riesales bave beu vMer uSaou drasg ail of Ibastirne. Tlabe . EOrn. ,sat e ,ewmatative trou lie elbli entorlalditricI re. toraud go legilative dethm s mi ng. Bold Monday biglât alter a short vica- tion by wbcbourtals e ielalure reeog. nissd lb. mniv~rey of lie bis-lb of out ivil var procddenlt Mme.B-.P. L.Ov bubohm spoding tbe pOUe t yk'wfth 0fUs aisRaene. Bas. 1. 3 Lmit, péator. of t Mays <~IiSarc hVpieeIkggo m se* ohfrme4aUn -t tbie treaimen lal a Chicago bospital. Arntber prim s-airon Ciiagq bus bei UÎ4#t *w4"' Pan dete * Rgd. M.Larmbnwvaa bouie.callerlID Round Labe Smurday. 1lMeû. . arda and sonumeworm ia Cihago the fore part af %bu veek, i1go t bhe Tarneovietboune. MMre.Jas. Hiadarec le ezpeted ta re. tara the allerpas-loft iies eel roua vietin Chicasgo. Dacy trou Grant owuBbip atteadeai the dauca aIGrayolabo Fs-day ugt. Il was a rnasquerade bail given by the Vgatier bra depar-hmoal Thome .1mb bing machiamo lu ihe Brandsletter Gmfi sgarsnoable to fget 111cm out outil quIts mtin ltihb.moruiug. Amongîbose trou birs vers:lMers. Lauree Me- Neil. Mainl Btataa, RayuoDd Wash, Chs. Bkmaa d Crltau Buibuors. Tbe Joseph Cueker famly are qoara- llaed for scareslevlaer. Ths chilarsu vare dlscovsrsd poeliag. 808400L NOTES W. levard h o ta a"end aqityes cf vaiaue au d Wedn.eday siternoon ve ejoyed vaiesins box lu vmsloue waye. Thi ebldren neommendallo for lhe os-lgleiltydleplayeal luvarions dedanus shous. Bduward HiAbfer iabock lu sebool aller a tva vomis absene. Calai vesibes- lîngers vitb ne, but w. are fortue tea uough ta baep quita Coam- fortable. Heiece LenDe la *1111 ne nov. Mouâay 1the thîrd grade startrai vark Iu the 0ev readers They are bnding Ibsu van luntersstbng Maies-lai ie belut coilected for auother social mvulag h lee îougbîthal Ibis yl t» a basket social s popular vîli demande thal sus- b 1e lb.cas. W. tomues thal îb. entamrtaignie; vi alsud perbape SUs-pese aY 90 tar iprmeusd. Tb@ frîher dtaile vIl hae auut>aopcd. A book ia belug cîrculateai ta, bal eaougb motasi ta compkete lb. plano fundl. BS at iseffors of bbe clreulatonm ie bema muet vidb eerly co-opomallon. ls mbll,omexpiessaitu pou"i eta tlie plem afflb. lnastaI l Ima tor 5k. nelstprogs-r. Aia Bechool vs are flcigram1t@t lie my vh havi eisowp suWb b te hplteret la oui jeoo u ena>u d ta Ibm people uho bave talai Isncb sapableaemus of 11hsundertakipug .Wîk.peIietalaby lbeprvîlapsi ta ejqtlm ev posssson vitlm ie.l srly viii bolong t'OIeo mnlquity. W. bave i o-Staof ous- numbes- hj Ibe içltbdruývaI lamst veetof lb.Bernas-a 'Nastonlaillais. loue livingst Long 'tair e entposi Shah ty lsau douldeâ gaoxl ttrain, ta. vona4 lakq m d i.eIbor, hibe Plunsi>i cer v woe CsoI nus-slb h rade ee -lzà:é5*hbnbhrela te be secod y*e We hope t laps j -o 1 las- ibm - lidir **did ail vo couid en lutmr 0 lm X5 DAYS gLobstmi Verdict Showîng TIIIatMrâ. M. C. Thoma", coloredl, oi Zia CltY dîid0f tarvaion snd xpaure vas the verdict reached hi a coroceres Jui iR vs. leamed g1h51 rs. Thomas bad fated fer ai least Oive day- paealbly seven-and that ber stomach vasi empty of fond at the lime of ber deatb. Viive days go a maiman callea et the Thomas home vitb a ltter from a atater living lu St. Louis. The mail- man knacked et the door for name little time before the half tarved vaman auevered bis sommons. He iuqulred If obe vas uick. "*-Sud? ' Ini ore Iban sick" replle& .-1 bava ual suten a mouthinl elod ond lumlvdeys sud I don't lnend ta do ao untIl the gond Lord give me Mie pes-miesm He Ruvitei me lu my boqa and toN me te fuatan 1 baveu't matma à mouthfl mIne that dUne." The urnibuan tbauitt Mss. Thomias a religion» a ata and hat te w as uxakugup "a gaci elri" eo Ibat the neya or devotsou could ba spread amongtIbm bulie tof ber folioviag. Trhe ama nbecse iusplciousata lbe end of Oive dais aid Iitd hie »OUclons 10 (ldf A. OL.Walker alto, la company wntbRepoter Craft andl another police oMeier, vent ta tba, aolored vona shome at 2421 tiIead avenue. Crot snd the police- mouncravled tbraugh 'a aide vlndav ofi the home. Iu tbm parlos- tbey faund but one plece ai tnrntur-ma altr- tue shi nally vaa prYevld upon to al ve ber Consnut ak pfriomnce o ae k g th@ »aMMsof t1km blidren are: E81'RER WALTEII, ged 18. PAUL WALTDE, aMd Il. RUTE WAVIUN, aUniB- Trh@ noliSe. Um ai alIWalter, rs-- ides at M2 «b» &e venue, Zion CIts-. Information Oued wtb tb@ court Sanme lime ugo cumed a pattion to b. filaid. &gklng that tbm ebildrn be declarea dependent. Il *55 ebigeai that tbay were Ont jaelvIg the proper cas-e at home. Blun4esIba&tUneteeIbmildrea bave beau eai for t the bomea Oi Mis ia lmmirsetcb, parole offIcer of the Citi Court. ian RMMirrlcb. tagether vltb County physicla A. B. Brao. appear- ed befare Zudga Persons this MOru- ing and « esetae bmOpinion that lote ZIpIltoRefuses Con- Teatmnt. DR. BROWN TO OPERATE. Children Were Traken From the Mother and Are Being Cared for by Humane Officer. Three e$MAUil dren must aubsit ta operatiaus as the remuit of an or- dr eotered tIm mornlng by County Judge p. LU Persona. The mother of the cblîdren. a Zioflte who clings to týe teneta of the late Dr. John Alex- ander Dovle, eXPresaed a strong antI- pathy ta medicine aud doctors, buti SUCCSSRLDE#£ SEIVE WR? ÂMy zxr , <Cotiue Pom ag O.) Chicago Tdepehomi and West- lEverlet It it yor eueyes," Dr. Bron W Union Cos. Organizina Guidedlel tbrough s humaiar- 1o .S evie e r. y Inn desire, Dr. Browo n xlous that MEN PLEASED WITH PLAN. suflering bumanity should benelft, by - the wonderful treattuent He ,an- william Maither Lewis Issues Phis Four Pleco nucsthat physiciens froza ail over Cali for Women ta Do Flrst Aiioi ~ Lakte county, nurses and vho en in- Aid Work Now. tereeted, and aven la.ymen, ama cS- lWokNw dially Is-lIed ta appear at the. general The Chicago Telephone Company lhospîtal this wa'ek, see the resulta and the Western Union Telegrapb that have bei-n cecured. and learo lugt Companare orgSnhflng operators Veterissarian Return Fr how the treatment la applied, so tbey tcud linemen for war service. Haviog cooepl.tod my sesvt-UeIWý (an avait themselveR or lit when the The Ilnemen of bath campa nies goverument. on th1e border, 1 bave' occasion demande. vho are et vork ln Lake County apened my office et Lake Zurich. 'T wlch ta announce that 1 amn have been rcquested te, Join ln the 1ealie gis-en prompt attention. aenulnely anxionag that everY physi- movement, aud the vus-y minute thatDrE.J ib g Lk ue.1 clan lu Lake. county slîouîd accept my a call la umode for volunteers by thDe E. .one 11-M. urch invitation," Dr. Brao sald. 'lke- President of the United States. bath wice. 1 voulct 111e to imprece upoir coîmaies vill bave a message for Ltc superlataudent of ecrn tmtory every mployoe. tnit they cannot ard to pueuup Ibis jla th. event Ofai vI itleaexpected opportunity. Tbey chould alowthose Mat Ibe Western Union viii M a 1 wha ara lu charge of their biret-ald deteragumi atteîupt tu f11 il l fi i department ta rieit the general bospi- m'lb lady ctori, nIthsthe govern eÔeW0 YOM* f telau e>they viii know boy ta adt lu dient oau have the plit of lits mmn. et.. a_ sa. eme a vorkman should re celve a se,- 'LiUenMien iistand tb. goveMument va@bbm Uee O1O1 vers buma. This treatmeut abould bc lal baud, for they couid be umedinl in every faetory." jstritelng berbed vrelmi le ha -.m% Wl in *Ob-" sw~1 Dr. Brown thlaks that Guerskie viii cd vtk ciectrt. be we!l enough ta bu diacbai-ged by At the naval traniug statue mani ho tien- MW-* t he end of tis yack and t la beemose 108* efbabed vire bai beau stretcb ih f that fsct tljat bheurgeasail vho au cd %round the pover- plant snd lb. deira ta maku the visit ta theu o: vlrsieie station ad these ires are pitlai atonce. .chargei hi day ad hi ulght vlth 2,- The hum- on Guerkie's back le 300 Voltea o eleetzllti. Your Aue "~n dreeced every marning at 10 oelck. ilnugb electrlcity to bus ,-naL Ail who desire ta ceo it are reiluested indes- &DY min vho CaM"elu conaIt&.ICv mTtIsAWdM ta, bceat the hospital at theM ime. vith àt.'ý said ouee orlte chier otti-Ul One af the mont vonderful fMatures, cer s t1thebmts-alaug tatop. accordingto Dr. Brown, la that tbe WUiflînMaaiker Lavrill, maSacre- 6" s vhere l lateau ibmtheolored voman minor aperatiOna ehond tb Performed. pain stops lmmediately &fier lth-.ret- 1,M ei thm Nay Leegue, basclten" voui 1mai for bos-mat prayer. ta restos-ethon te beaath. Iluthbmeuemeut le spplled.lHe sais the ps-nma' a «eIl for vomen s-esaile for tint wu mVSi Moir lu a reir bedroamt Iey iauud Mns. of the boy the opemmlion vill b.cof a lion lineaay 10 apply and ea be leem- aid vork. Smretary ImL ewis le adm Thonase cold lu deat1. SIb" bsen different nature. Il la boped tbat t ed qulte resdlly by s Iynîa f aeFrml ui mmpmtila iead for severalis.I Bar body ps-o- viii correct mu aaI T tnecy~ t la. wax ikpreparalon s"dle a M vas.sudyaug mm c Jeetd ovs- bm mga f th bm maiyar Ps-bm.a»Plied &et 140 dmgrems FarilepI ami.heovu City U fl ond thiecan ber bead rseiadagahuit a kerome e 'ltftas-e 10have thweeoperallans The unutual flsature la Ibat déapite tbe for OaidtahIis dam. atove.Tt iellisievideai ouan liad perfos-med bas proved A $front handi- boat, il dom net cause pain vhen ap- attemptei ta ge o«nt aibei sMdthal cap tethe Ib m ii-usaidthe inue feit plimi toth b oe , ifa d lu be-h m akm«e condtion ber tbat action ebonl b. dlaYed Do long- ebould fe,, ilon muotbmr part of ImtAhe1 stregiI talli beandbou ise daofaier. eknit vould cause a 1111e buta.The tarvallon mnd egpoffs-n. Ber body The motber vw« bors-lOcai v the minte«t Tle mstopplug af pain. UT  vas patir S'oses vbea touai. Thore plan vme broe.obed to ber. Ibm tait The usaI affect la to clea up thae me The vndêt'n edn 1 émuai1 tPublic 4 « wae no asm la t14 Igl. 0 tbst guus"wq as aYnoumoum VtiUd cnn Ib amo lmjll.1 î go tsras , "levu but oanc nediclue a itil vaagalas str- I Oftaaiskia. aaS!28ltris suSWS1O relative. a sins- ,pMldIng tuSt, le"n.Bleus bellem. f flaligBave ber ne preparation viesuppliosal rm 'mil" Bot~h 01 eaaoey~ ,. T 0 The elelai bas busmivn t airs M. causant. The coust-could b"41, ta Ibthegeneral bospiil su 1hfta tri ' Thomie death by te15511înaud it je ordesi hebm *omU0I5rpefomicul b. madle. A numbes- 0f promin- T E D Y thego h m ie 11..le la flou City vithout tIlos obat of tbe ol eumt chemista ani physiciens 0f Chi-, ojeu1g I1:0s~.Us~ taaigt 10clmln lI resaine d1*lkad a taa snb molan~cage, hava made saeevns.ivisite ta Uc 6tha _______Dr._Brown via buatmouclmite put-fxmuLake cauaty hosital sad as-e= 26tcb-of Cae * 3 h ths opersatinse tn Ibangsters. 3051 ing vlth keen Iutes-a estIbwouderfiul ~ ~ ~ 35>-e. a-1o.-l k o -b' vat action vin bulietakseslaIes- itb recuitasIbat mae being sttsined. AIl 7CiI feh pigrs e" OY'odG yRÉ Rr. -yeLarnc u e r e ar ta dpedecc car el that tbe prepas-ation vlI revalu- aa1n kn.II4-year-.old XM. laic rie n f n t vaus astbu.enor-n thoun lonise Ibm trenment of hum». i 1Hoittain Bull. 1 a-ycar-old G.Ilng. ptwîa afreud am lclnt frDr. Brovn la entleal ta thegreat- 8, Hmifen-. 1 Olitter. 1 i1pair 110 0861 TIrewa agod t'IVceatra et commendation for Ibm prompluea1 DerungCorn Binden. 1 Pas-m Truck. Ladies' Aid lent Thursday wblch vas with wblch liu avalIsai himam oth IbuP Deerinit Grain Binden. i Ray Rack. 1 Wndêfl beid et Urs W. Danlapei. bout Iveuti-tA l V opportunity to:apply a rernedy which 1.Con Planter 1 Suedmi. 1 Boeu, 800 Ibm. 1I M10 tvo vers psaent. ikHrow 4l MisDorothy and Don)ald Rarsh1showeai prognessîvenens. for 1e dîd ua Dik Hr&YvOD.ou relurued 10 Es-sueton star havIng spet O 75 halimlOleîfdowa ID thc aId-ime 1IBat Drage. 2Do.le fas-ndu. »fverai deys vli lb.ehome folbs. F RO E 7 R E truament when 1e realized .IbsI par- 1 Hay Loader. Single Ba-e. R B. Thomas rsturned home Sudai bae Iereva anothen troattaent ilHay Raka. 1 Omdrota Pehe mlter a mucb doilasd triponu accouaI cf M vr hich vwulid ascure aveu greeter s-e. 1 Hay Fork, id« ete Ms aah Spni 0f 150e soti. jjin ope. 1 Br-ekiag Plov. enov.bloekbsae Miaumata. , gan Mkes ea & upsi s uit&. There leaut> iaubt but that Dr. 1 Cible sud Casrien. i Womdes-. Mms. J.. F.Darlingof Oak Park, "pnt of Chicago T o. Braonbas net the pace for bondrds 1ic rmeSvacep pover. 80 tans Tamothy Ray. luit Wduesday vllb ber brother, Pred ofa phyicluns al Oves- tbm Unitedi 1 Cirauler Sav. 1000 bu. Oatm. VauZandt ad fmmly. lin.Basah A. Sprlng oi NorS-ltlates. Tbere la ut> doubt but thât IE UO N5~~A Amont thosa who attddth eii.Genesce Sal, tWuke» asa, ol the cuctuas Ibat hia crawted bis et- 17jS" A-l soE o 100 sdLUNr, O»Baek Atlns vg lIon otrtaD ov sebool building Wýmr: oeeaitber lg prapertt la Chicago forts vili cause the trestmeut of Ibm credit of 12 nmontîi w 11 be gîvou on111h11aubNsimote 6t apu Ms-. T A. Simpeq4U, r. " mallr. Frmnb apince ir fprotirti vUli ît oîiîFrench susgn o 0 ecome immeuçaly goade it tlsd faor. otlsneleui Clark 01Wsuba"B. rmb f icko>rybrouilâerbte M ilh oey ni op lu inthiscoeuntry. T seeé-à* RL»AERT 2_ whiçbcarred wth TtcoMterabe pr babe at hundredso e s a ir Manua01Lîbertyvilla. blataIn btes-et. 0f lb. salae1the rictms yul hiesved by pro mpt urne HElMY Slm& uI~m The 0. L. P. C. musaI thi* yack OnB'Tribune Ioday mia, lof Ibmremedy. Tbursay evsing at tbe C. C. Ame. A transenaci ouiquasIntersct ini ________ homne. tbe purchaec of Bomec L.Bssudnd- Menn.theeChenus. A large nunnber trou bers altendeai tbe lIas- of IbmStaati-Zetu. trou m . ' Why mie uch etsenueffleffors masqurt hall uIt Grayelaks lent Fr1- Sah A. Sprnug aifvaubegan of Ibmmade ta entestain thc lis-ai hueali dày ulgbl. property et 1446-48 SolI Wabash mn?" avenue. lot 60x170 letsaot front. "Purely ad lmply for Ibemueo«m MEIB RPI '~ ith aId bs-cI mProvem«eî. Whal Ihene lluàln T" rglvas ta Ibm tranisaction tbis unumua '"'Mehn, you dont coneides- t a tt liem .W Slsa evllîgbrintereat ia the tactthébm pIes-t>' bu f ii hl t ., dmAugtr . . od ivNott>a, be ui bmimlis 1-le u No. altbougb musi cacmmid mab Il dauber, m. . L hmtn, lt. bee inthe amiles t Gle ard. s large number of cod-laoking eThe l'armer'a' lusîllle as beld bohem dvsrd Bpring about »it'anîy.îîve1 Young vomnuan emay w v ay 0fnsku IFrlday. T vas uo% so veil atlendeai « yeasîi adin le elaut lot bld hi Ibm a living vho might othervlse bave te i r formerîs- The speakerore odJ>. ismllu IbmtheGiles H. SBort*& Wabash work for Ibm lired bhom m nm M r. and Mis M Faulkner atewndeai ha avenue subdivision. mUt te a VMpart bouirle sud stemhOpb«s l'armais' IntItule Ps-iIthe tract 10.8 acrnes iuse!ba theIb V. L Brag attended the ankere', Sprfln 1841 for $1,0#03r5, hé 0 )R ( banquet la Chicaga Fridai evenalg, held rate çorlime lIma 100 an aerêI l vas aI Ibm Union L*angu club. ubivdi lu 1854. MIs UlceBod sen li vek-ud St. Lukes boipital. the CaBisouni. ME MICPENDENT < lm ies ondpet>î h week-dthe Cnts-Si anal Wmtéru Fus-llure .fi Lake coty'e gelet vW"l- leqaVinu lmwi neti h buildings, and mny otIes- las-gm biHi f9ly uevspapen. U n T e " o e J IR affF uildngs avel"_phoq d UO& ri S svoulng 9 t1he home ofail . $t S Se tetsvat.o lae Ilu@ut.IN CIRCULATION "0H N byn yieohuntW C~U MOS!TOLON Vnahi i l a i Iteretin, B*tate 1thora f@ IN PRESTIGE 0 tue ub u i bcxamînawt he f oè Tquis-y ofiShowe d@Msi-ttaborrov mauq havi bmeép sales aid Imes on Wab- f@ 11T9 BIA» b>' moreperious0me O heuw exmntino un ammueosorlmpvove4 i*kmopt7 slu d libbigan av«om nlu h15 f0 th-buii aler vomsltli s a< (RadI fMéte. FIs-t' Nat>a10 804maibiivtmas 11gb a u .0$ I -a c n uLake couti CO UD. <e The merchant is thusacod s i Llie-tvIlhlimli7c1 foot, or ovas- 561ô.bOa&Icre, su ln- I OUSoe- lmie deiver ox ofakn mdquU 'ycreasa ad oves- 5,700 Per imspliqetheIm cornar ai lake cm ahi D. f to the cultomr. w beroltlyhiq pg"tpoqer. Orne a-u-Tb* aoosim gtig u 15 eIta Mr.s-, emai>pontet!on Lýa» e countY <*Tacîfu leph emeBahlOIbiUWki .wt a li: ' -Wupiinhm tan. bt tbi BmnI ftact diacosmd l b h mue i. nye8 IyMU TRAVE Ibm a cane in i llnqtllP oirdesnd OtI 5 t0iI dch*I e "woril4o tadv SeLicoin et"g~bt, fie-fs bject tg su uiubrmneoe ifi@INDIPENDENT.' <e builds up a. profitable tclephoue-tw4 . .ý> ~ ~ ~ aca ka.~omsaNse. ?~ baI an or î~,M Fae ACc.,vir 11e bol-O WI DQT RVI 0 ~Each tclephone os-des-fitiéd te d itsacdtisi * a' ar léa4udsn-Thli ansi rouIhterg, j@fon circulation - csybalitme nraaacaf4n0an -eal pÎIr0~qe 0 eut aniaabOoý0d d 110rs'pet. Lot Wu a s siit nengotlatioa arepend,@i knewis, cVe-bII eaaoedea< .-«,, raietr a TIti ldu in." gfor Itmh.ostraction et auMO I that vW.stand -TUBE L.ADUE< h aj zihaeCep s sl~~~~~~eory canas-oIebulidia lra pm5ps- @.fiof 1LaCIe ctanIvekI 1p ~ ~ --- . - .M~ ,imPaiMWt' Morre&MUaUirs ttua i*v. tenant, theeutco f vbl i' essi - Td0IK I 1 OUIyVmeesuinmw i. maedaetabout 840.00. (DfÎ)i@f0 @ f(0O 0 0 0 0 0 0w '- \9b 1'14 -i p