VOL. ZIXV.-NO. 7. PA? OLETYVHI, IL, TIU1TSDAYPEFBRIJARY 15, 1917. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVÀN'( 's is ai 's 1- a a 1 Il- r; i r. - B B 8 mi n j, - n ah vs p Il w PRUI1~ECNOIVTWENTYsTWO 1MORE IVING ORpA sui~IînmtIv REVOI4ÇTIONWHE g.G O N 0F INSIJL FARMS MGAN UY TODAY Andrew Effinger, One of Beut ~Wtnesses Came From Grays- Known SoUl Experts In Lake lake, Round Lake, Vole and CoUhty, te Leavé. Several Other Points. IS ALSO THE POSTMASTER. IT IS HARO Tp LOCATE MEN. Insuil, It Develops, Ha% U..S. Are' Elusive When They Find Postoffice-on His Farmi Deputies Are Endeavoring NearLibertyville. te Locate Them.* Andrew Effinger, one ef Lake Coun If woujd l4e difficuit thene days te ____ WfSasHDdNoEmezety's ltest known soteleePrtm, almo a fint a busier place thau the grand Wuea ot h a i postmaser, ba resiged hi oitio jury rmcm. Twenty-four witneasm WueaYotWhHdHi $1200or Hait That Sumn a Superintendent of the Samuel 'In- day anw twenty-two wltneàses atfr Aylm ne Tda -le No Longer Confined toe nu il farine near Llbertyyille. ,G rays 1Lake. Round ILake, Lake Villa, UsaAdmiraiSansuel IeGwuu. -C i~în t e ar iedW og Dr. Pa lMuer. Although Mr. Efflnger's resignation V j adother points ln that vcfl- G~CondSaitiMco o Eal- Jdg, Be-oW iI .~~ DrPeu]ni Ktter. the Swing mblutss amto tAke effect *minedlateiy bie ity were ubpoenaed to appear and -%anU. 8. N. ta one of the mai Who Ase Lost Nose, la5hM oute Now That Anderson ,0th, umw teu o n, 4at . . l li making bis home onl the mil- Igive their testlmony tOday. t Jus, recently ruised te tthe ruait of rois: HasMad God ar cfthe~Ytt ... fOOfll.0 ~ llonalre's estate. and wili continue , what program la mapped out, foyU Proident 1WDmo. Tua CmtalMyEtro et sfwitar Ite u lnea h#wui.tu do go unl he is relieved of the morrow la flot knewn. pfflo Cameto itla t i. 17MnW oI~hm Losu They Sustaied. iwlg tis broam a pte * si. ther very Important Vont whlch h k A aleti ttc boneu lu fcoul tfdtuinap teà'= foMvWho s tiono. RN*toinlà a sommai fdpda ci hQds--th*t et poatmnaater at the In- furnîshe<j to deputy meriff on the ai- )~owed the cut of livinu fer tIii SPECIAL Tio "911081M. ____________________ i deelpu tatSamelmeh as~: ternoon precoel gteda nwilg igin. POL. 14. (Sm p. ,n.>-O*4oU o r " h u n l o u a l s i h o l e d ' 1 8 .ffm m o" O ff 1,lueod Ce a hiLsa egaa e Let offiTe ma for the deputies to serve the write RAIt I~ui hhavl ss.Iti fF Inth ie mnt thklF O«ttimi-par FuIi'0T.CHA M.>CKE lnat aiLî>erytaloans- oapoa anl'gvetha rt ào frthe millilonaîre and hls famlly in~ the horteSt possible space Of timii.lutd u.uylmhsMOsy Chicago. Anderson and hua vite IIu'u Du au nd employees la received many Urne t ervlng the subpoenaes Io net au N fANIED LE sght. dlod toduy of blond pdgu.. takonuUp thoir reuideo, and it wua LI 'EJ J a day and tt ail pauses through the easy a tuait as one would think migbt IN KuAIILSD 14 thertthutClmencs . Hiku fundbandu cf Mr. Effinker who was &p- - be the case. The men selected s 1EJ.IIOP Y Eari Wodg. 0f Attoch, Who ai1. W& thtem lat e enudscn HlPij fçiliointed as postuaater ut mr. In$ulpa1 -3- witneuseuwould rather go any place 1AF'4adALhie oe i tteu, q. lusoo.a lu ms ___ar____n___ ug" e evr uggestion. Effinger'a appointaient as else thun to the grand jury rcn cmg emiena pW r e uhdn, .nyrlotmaster was made in much the abowag5.Ihe!ug. and If tbey can secure a thp that a Araan Charge atD d- àw àwo bmlp w wer.la tiina. Robrt Dow kuer Letter, Whioh Was Maied No- Saime manner as are other pOaflaf- Bernrd 3. ffaordag.,of tParodeputy ls seeduig them with a ïMs uis rs htDOra Masvooi lu ui. that re rould do the right thlns. w- vember I16, Passed T h Lg ors uPpointe. who reproaontodthé Asurican Cham. poena It mouId be much euater j, te Local ?roperty Was A1v. Tusôduy u~omoe niMd lu p hav srrndre or al o atn oe ,Mr. Effinger hum serred us super- 5r of COuMorco c«Paria et thse re-find them thon the proverbial needle en to Defraud Him. liciatummdlitty dli W* iot th esesi.!nt meeting eOftthe U. S. Cisambos __lni.thsfr i poer te s"va hlmiifo. tie thave srrend er d rai ho ae c teCnsrhi.ltenîpt et the lamuil tarins for many f Commereino a bihngton, be-in the haystuek. sustaed. and 1 rant Ie say that the TELLS ABOUT RELATIVES. the acqulatance cf many ot the leed flt ivoluiZi~. ita .cnomî a eb xrmlycrfli evn d taeounteact the soffet 0 tonese do net beil to total ahtii$12r - ig farmers and stock ruiseru cf the tterthe w ri . 0urges co-opeionthe wits. They, mumtile qulte ure Demnands Recelve and Sale of poson, but lnap fllo f the trsàuqt», 0>00. It ras not huit thut um eor uny One Nephew Kiied-T Oh idl eto fLk ounty. anglei otu ofh = t teir groMpd for they ussdrtund Ln oH aiSor h h almala soosdoilo He lu oinundecided as W misat effer ad com ilitJ-Mar. askiaithat If thoy go abeut laqsirlng t? A for urudtru l thlng litore .00,»mas Anidersons. ers Reoive IoflCi'#said bH I cot ltogi asliWt5wacrai a hti ii aips-unt of iudgment. "'ouss adu aosmlltd t tii This tact wmses eubitluhd Wednss- Other Mitary Horicîs. mvefl hadmoieme eeuhave ibeaufen M in ud antigmd oxtend-eail 3 iu uiii_______ dayeuiy .deaay nenijahr itcroditI- Ibis te locate bisa In aitact AtIflud la 4M" 1% à,ibillumsorl da - etrWdeMymrigtetoadoreai W hlits ince tbecume knowai that loverai mon aiut dfteat Wrd* St limerb m à - offîcera et Use ~. ~ C.T. Heydecker ha uisaI eiovYd known that hoehba réuignod his pos.tmnhvbontpeof dbuonutlsrarsentgZo- paay learneai that Adron___ alttrfombscousin ln IEUEfl I&tIMII Lkeptunader cover risile thse deputy 4« ila aaugcIiDca uhtagiaiat apsofot lvneoa.MO n - whia lou from -hi. la r _ __ n it 1rLIWId , N' 1U r as la tihe neigbborhood. - oba ILRe.dsiIk.Lidm &ehLIIb IJ$ it doeon bidgonse they diii ot kneo, pasuei through the ceiieerahfp- 'nIlFEAPS SUBMAINES AND _MThdptes Usal wjs -dui t, itacto ait la wMn IL~ 1 bt înquiry on t epat fThs Sun ulvîn un uccount of nom, t.cf sw EERTS NAVAL STATION. hr mi aokufr theyam ilese nrdros4tu011tafer»84&a quslngatstorn b d b a, odsn itae ateGerman emice lmà -% ho t the wr y ntbeoearsb. sçur &jqdi*M autt g i KlA E> g uniekreangei as)fe llore: i ng that hisfai fou tsubinarines prom men. iàgrm.dosoit e ac» i ty iton rosi dents the Sun a ornai that Deur Cousin: pIed hlm to disert Harper ThompSun6 tain men. cuthor Case Bingtu Trwtm à trac Clarenco E. Hicksha baimaia ggrit A fer days eue i recolved tron; 18 yemre ad.' rhouohome ll a a>State's Attorney Causes War- Menabera eoftihe grand jury are ef land mblda EndLercka ownduO neOhr ae la réW :. of Evanaton for Midsrion surir Wed. Aicipis Sturma la Reutiingen your lot, sas City. la belng hoid! hy the poice rant to Be Issued for. Arrest îery secretive about wrbu biaqnWaukogàa. Ho ent *0 frt toeobIer. but TretwdSare O nesar a7 ttrnoon.Thoy daim thut ter ot June ltis, requestlng me te here, chargei rlth'i,«euon. 1ne hai ofAlonzo Bain et Aiea. done up te tise preseat tinse. Thero. *Griffubut liat offcial i rtsrsao LoW Vtn theyaguvo HlcLm AndemW@nsCho ,,r anee . bien ausigned le Us. peut lakos nu.- le no intimation as te when tho- bla litl ulng Nlenderiohu liai no pr-o- aidrous.n o fr same. araiibe,1 e &'training tation &t iËe>tihimie. 90-HE LEFT THERE SATURDAY. poenlL opee.pr ia UEREOS Thu SUD. upon luqur. itouï!ai a ctra hm epsilId ________Linion charges atfo Ii p u, N1icha visn iti heAndernome t teïthis giaiiy, hoplng thut tUse.lias P SOeArs od, Heci a *v& ti entad a% Sifi A O Dov homo la Chicago late Wedneu. rU me..c yeu. Oe et rur lettn LAu 1. M. Barlow Is Arfl o.F r Hw IOLDING 4«bouee iadsthé ssi aia. Ln. vllet Thmel dzy nlahý and liaI iners hi loft eesous te have bolit108t. everofclemeî o r ado ep ort onsie- nPietWItty tedSo at- tbl'r er homes hioai procured Poo Wlth Lest regards, youm cousin,. BrKand He d i <~ THE ANNUAL AUTO eou.et'" a i. w. 'Dac- mew ntep e o y. session tb ail earthly gooda owned k. V. SI6NGER. uas gmm-en, uau utnimi to e aimauit Waueugn Pel. 14 nov aim.UsaIber sasasais mul eginning et thse rar thev KLUi1L IA J Ao. Bain, pool rmoinkeeper ai SHOWl M Cli 1,17 b cua I te.rtaert 4hoMteni lu ooaaoet e stàn. %b. 1 mo ai elemet nus ier amutabu are lns the ili: _&m,. rnysterieusly diappeurei freinaî,~oNoti oa#aias turing Company', ai tha t Iite ii i h tosn i i> .Mre h, ~ ieiplace of Saturtlait attie - 1. Th twosous of y liter,14 rWHUba Of on Cty, slUP lt *o ofleers rho vint tu À,> -Epidemia atth Naval Station *o411111. l 1Q'1 w9 ha me ta *a Teraegen: ltudclph Ter tienlutHU1a1 .o iat ervieTud>erunbo * MkeItIpsbet se ut 'O usr. ru 11qa u enssres e alogii e.bmae> ta »&â p- soant cf mseres; Arthsur Torqhsban, as APpréh4 0Obt ryi.ITea er id u er ilet s n au-pir u1* Anderson tsle h. .el, up -a rt lieutenanit,fell on May l, 1916. of Wahngto. a vusrrat laaging WoguI 'mia et the $19g DliHall. lathe". ogaros-sasM4uthis 4, 5 - arossisi agails. Ue'is ot &sujour 2. The tIre on-l-aw et My rotb liqao. mblch hud bien Dr--* vl._040è,sL 1 go",4 uu ..04 dieasaehail ben tatid. andi ad-Mt or, Otto Wuicis: Kacrai HsIm <.aptain HE IS A MOI)EL PRISONER. tise tâte,. attorney. MUST SECURE LOCATION. ferteu oilvis-i litbe jdgak e. 9d. l ,Utwq - vas wuotrii butt ville t"laibtai",at - m ing te reports rhich the Sua e. cf reserves uni communiant-e ot-fi.I asab undto e a uoit.t bi.i iom hi esMWQ. â& colye teday, Anderson le ier nearcistalion; Herman Stober, captain adBi. ul ad und h e «nit" l -torelitruoa I ng for empoyaient ln Chicago. commandant of hattallon. 1Both have Govçrnor ef Washington Offers thie losk on the pool rocinlent tu. This WiII Be Ditf jouli, as Arm- laie asaotIsa the isai b.e set àMatilnose Dr. U Us& ab qaa AndersondiIsappearei trom Eans- tise Iron Cross et tise uIr andisecond Hlm Oppertunity te Work dey niglit. andiince tlia iet lie ohaory Proved Toe SmalI for the that mclver lbe appolnted and tbsat GCowe a g ofl apb#ialslu ton Paturday, Punday cm Mondas-. t cloes and tise Bavarlan milltaryr docor in Hie Mansion. mot benu een la Lake ceuâtvir Show Last Year. Use master In chances, dir e Ualu titi san tmtmoat g a p@~11 ÏNaiselig tundI mposible te leurai defi- ation et menit. a"je of the pr0pert s 10 iaIhhaou but Gaiermie boua e ligtjsrn aitely. Not antil Tuemias- dii Robert 3. Tise son ot Loonis Hesdecer. .CharteslRasmnusseun. inorn threug l ia si that hea g 'eSnt- WaukeganFb «d0UY s moa f s ua.net arghie Me ai ti eta c eN Doy boum cf Andersn'$ ileappiar- 0Ottolleydecker. lieutenant ot reaeres. out Use West as thee "preaciser hum. Te_____________nrrngadh__DOrbtthrelà anc. frein Evanton. Whou ho learsi- . lar vile. basbien absent frein thei tay. mente for thse Waukegen Autoio-. untedte uteasUtie hubua hM10101 eti that Anderson hai lot t the clty stâte for elguteen s-oare, ba benu Horever. 1..ML Buarlow cfthie-mm, bile Shor. maie a eport 10 tise oflaral e4 ni** ** * t to wtmtin lie lnstmutsi the constable teo u usANhADAs NLISnTSIN relurne t o the Minols irnitentlamy village mas a&rted on a imilar ai Directora yesterday recomnendng ~iod Tusos, Iibobets ceei tg serve tua marrant esr .MIUftULU.g. t JoUet for violation of pargbo. charge und la bain& hisola onseudates of rlarcis 14-11-16 and 7 a.* Waukegan I>cals *"Mut rua M"ai 5"a'Prini&'My- ing embiamioment mhlchlise lid Pro- UNITED STATES NAVY. . Rasmannu dimilia for miaters Of $1,500 by Justice or thq e LeTu:clusive, tise purpese beiaig tisaIWeil. surtuto.wlie. ad nmsvow eo» " cured vison the'- embemlement vas »11m so ehave pabmpUImteimorois Fariner. .ntesday the 141hho le evoted ta the ex. riti Il frointithe vemy tintrutls s»s. AMOU the avon youn lien Whothe homer oriall4MtneinMotorpuTrurlo cunimatise bd l. t of Moto Trucks adathelaal lmilaeesesuof vamv a M VOU tireI dlscovereti. leatisvnscn inmo~hIi#e é i ubet a Dlo am o nt taliseun Anderson boipleaieti vlth Dov te arrivai la Wangan u t 9:12 tJjj hOSi lu Wotirn atea. White ho him reaidonce laiAres antil Saturdaysu ac.etfthe neek le automobiles. Th. caseeof Mr. Bnd Mme. Mami Gra- tiort!th"tsail ktisa = ia sq aèu b.e given a chance te make goci tise morai"a e-verhie Nor& lWestfsnfl Ri* u Iservin; a teSnla Jonet. wbanan t lieh.did net visît nUs Bain Ovlng te ver conditions vhlcb «- w hum s Mr.u n m.John leelairorlt is osj"L D. bffco toseatise Dow cempan> bai susaulis- roatiV« a u" caCanaduinVh. b@a sFou«n bas.ils vite vont to Zion mues lai 19. minutes befoesthe po« bot tie use cf the Great Lakes Naval court Ioday. Tise Gràhamg ccneniei lie «17addv sa iaoftoai th km e..Ho even vont nse tir as to e iei nlftda tuhie 1U. . N-vay t-MlnneaCits- anti homeoa disciple et Aax- ous prepiriler lef t for Chicago. %,:Training Station Drill Hall la pro- that XmreGraham habaitaken cars ofet c oue m !e, t a Icm#alt ever ho Robert Dow a boulé and lot poils, Mien, Theine-eme.,"danlli Dme le omarlaud1ridrsh aIncn- ttshbtvblanucmntvii ofns lieorti adsufeingied bifrsvaaoeEhu eigIwt in-antnonwie i hdpei4er Dmaie lai toiwe naezedferur .elares ho Iber ocabyoBaie made ttthe naxbiew foym*l oie- omlubt'to la ~ ~ ~ e vateonvchhisiplahMinneaopoli « Monadas-anti enopâ aie .edisapponotiMini,. char*,e.f te$1. Tise lndrorths, teGraisames about $800. He asuc gave ths Dor tomai Use stationgie ut G9at la els nbava hemnie victimeanti ha 1h la elipeched. bowevor tihisthédecîsion ofthtie COmmttes mls r.easserîed. pali but $1 aid refusai tutehan Ivo roheanwm a #* e'00% cempaiiy a blIIof sale fer bsSthl t T'O u osan.bu ua rbissal Uetr homos frein lieatoerneys eoffice vil maun gard ta soute otier sultablo location puy more. Klinirertisfiled! a set-oft os- a -su es- pDart«etiae " helil funiture and for oîhem articles Mar-tcme. sali tihes-ounag Caoaa- AliSiliS40 hi Puçfie.. alternat te procure an Indîctqpeat ne tor tise serew8.2 - sauq u oramoisa ie niet hlm es ,O t@ hfvau olepossesseti, EenMra . Altg bae o asiie aeJnstlcpsFarmer entere a nverdict of dereen pleigeai Roert Don that llse . II hg roSOlist iOla t» rWaing. saranaiprocureai Tiio5dyr wre -enr nv iy h onsito f 4adcoî a avr roetGraham. ueosiutiittM W.OsA a vouli de ailtîishin lber power ho sa- - tOa. H vs rmai u t BIpkehasanti aignti las-tise stes altos-nes-," whlcisT. J. Staisi la ciaiman. &anti 'Georgoe(culd et Paumer lplace rn- Or. B wLra . .byliu& q tint lber huabuni o maie Sgood tise andilhock monos- te rhich ho vas nol soItt prionfor tour sleu g o mua Vers pr'd frons JusticaetofUse definîte announcemeail et daim ,,goelved vomi thîs moralng of tise death a sy m asm b et hiS.of bsalitir, Alfred (oulai, wriehc. n" ~s inin i .va a g i t osnes wviîcistise Wà&ukOgan O oeM 1ldn eillei aeid au thsa mamrentea i n- P«I uce - proheisîy ise ecelvet i vth sem Wcurreai bai enVier, Ill.. ah midn ulgW$iMAt - » t bad sustained hocmsmet lmbis ihn- Audarmon ras ai e Iqiciuiofl*_a a ui *5i»Obi nteoalnd Il hommeiisnomai Iodas- tiat tle rout. t ant nlght. Alfredi (euh vas bons tbp ts-o*iat le plslh~aa eaty. rien tihe shortage In-hle aosi$t* ut 'oroMI,&H e . ýa'model gppcer grand lasers are makingait et s-mia. ltcSrwdie.aindoverisre t en niOt.e9, 836, sUE-- k.sotiauJ b Robert Dcoli huci ltho warrantl the Dw 1s*nt Usî &er~x a~ ua" te W o ff« isur n ia>s n e fforst t. omplehe tieïr laruntina. Auelcrl se.rwdrvr.la aidt n 168lm oingae elis n lted Ebtatfornal a.l. abarging omhaaoiuint. He unniptsi sli ha embomled =12000. Asstioraoeihipithieo@ s~bi a* nu-tic t i -d ers bY MdunI 'VObl9 Ae agettie-serdniere ali bclai180 8 carsptiedg la Cîcu bt G for -e Us. termensof the allegeai ombuler hua siffer-s i mils uberaol" ltap.gIM4 W-,IjI1e*.h i y 4t.fr ss hp 0 .a151 bdrhu t~ îa"uosllng bis sons lI thoir floral aid malaSelq~ sadhzpaalidho bis incthor and &W onal-al "aid wriaho vas it - _g ti. auum W" <BàibM Uoe-ilie Sais- 4 rpt hh CiSQ0 OIsbu se aen upai rtvtse roins. i t m armlSe a fié Plngl W.4 54 yean u ae.H godces...émet i eù o Anti1reoî oicauuc& netreeottcti1h 1 ho tola taken utisn -riviulandeegatiIn th. Ma.riea lnainvlan0064 mars Np.eHe cood ottute tors thatlieî dii not ranI ¶0 pydauiutie ofpnoie bis è hm ~pIo«s-- toi oae uuu1tdome110ci- .ma2so oRs.T.cntutone ieblafriction lia-vos a vite. sax sons. tI dauitars, of thetac ttt ieuu tabcofl tnyclulc itila esprlng relettne la proviti-, $8gmmidOisldr"o nd n , i-mgeu s- to..mlù ps-pve a hitstul ggolo4- b. r. ' Uî 01ami- i sic.atà% ïýj b, id. no tisaI ben lise pret.ln r.- *rndehllds-da. - Mi. Gosldiwtas qWto 4 os la - Mr. eu tediW i usDtr- Wi . tebý. 140 «'UAg