EFOTSl 6O VWW&V PAYS UP JDE IIIIF$KY 15 PRIESTS ÂNNOUNCE Whe Bbe etu AT UESDA TA wv1a. IN OI r~ INT F baitiŽver tuent on litilt SUSSNA M XS NOP à N FAMOUS. LIBEL DE*IgMUIT WIBLE LEN N RULES AT ilorflins Alle"ituhm r1 UM4ISAPIOL $10,00O DAMMiES ARE UNSUCCESSFUL. SUIT; CASE DRPIPLÂVINEi FOOTBALL MASSES ON SUNDAY tecr B~, V>~ - - I - - -You think rm pretty g>od <g C~Çfim Defliciency BiHs Are Charges Hlm, With Being Re- As a Resuit Surgeons at Elgi~n c nlîdFrmPieO.)-Wefl Known Young Man Was Order Is Given Out by Arch- 't moment.l Gnndta.o b a vouning in an They Have sponswuîu for Deatn of Hus- Aslu WilI Eneao to wl ietyut oi ayr Atteflding Nor Dame ,,uîn bishop GeCI. Wm. Mundr. 1ad If ltl> gou te le "uY Reached $300,000. band Short lime Ago. Shape Nose Cavity. Have nothing te do wlt ictfle upx-ý the Accident Occurred. lein of Chicago. can mist as Weil malle csy pis L MUST 'CM1B *EXPENSES. 'Wauskhaan, Feb. WEDGE M$ OUT 0F DANGER. ping thé pipi ofthelr bills zioaBROKE HIS LEG INI A FALI. At the reqilest of George William W Cost f Living Ils Explan. tre suit incrci court against !Parents SaÎd ta Plan Legal Ac- and in the, »aMu of the Mont Higli Leg Was Amputated but the ~Ceg. al C'ticago. priee:ofthe catho- tinI I sPssbeth ol l'ces chiaiche, of Wgakegau n ed by the Heads of State -An.las ea ruhsa ~~ j ~ ~ Qd Idf i.w~ otî rmti SprSd' of Gangrene Cul North Chicago announeed the, foUiow- k nSiUtOfS panfo $000 dmge. h dmother Patient Dies.- a mti bo>0 on tte tnes te he « Not Be Checked. Ino Lestes regulaions Lt masse$ heti The folwn comncain re-g eakdfrtedah0 e Efforts te sest back into place te fla Ihtt l .tbhs!00 odwarecelved ln Waukega - *c en io m elâtied by th ft toaflo aa P.ncocwb, ded of inJuries re- Dose of Berl Wedge. Antlo,.a young ed lionr Mad pIa tu execute thé s I%3b. 19 of the di>th ina b ouilli. Waesy .ray2.h u mii Rony Sli . celved wba Lovs run down by man who wu* attacked by a vlulent MuLter-, (»0"a) pista for the de* ta, tSuhBn. o. oe> susdna y ftprinr 21. , ia6y Muer Buaia' automobile lait ln5LtlCer trcto tor Sgm Inan ayuc ato-y, and Sun robderi ahoiild raid i etme Wedseaday morning, have proved un Lodeaky. a Weil ksown local yon» u ndsgD h th uoy » .~ ~ of ~.. t.The omit was filTdelsutt this after- "Letfu itu os de o ls IM - sLais down pl- man, wlao bd been hoverlng beiveen ail ti. matf bof bve atin M me couisoIltint, te tii.. tioaiswive »Où bc A4ttorney Ef. V. Orvis. have. &U i.n. tat e. U taity evur laoei the. etty.11 tf sand deLtb for the lait ».verniau th fmt h aeatie a' 5 Wankéifl1 toi.h 1usd.. 0f the The aciden bppened ia front of BShikeon ai the. aaylm nave agi ValUa ega" b0 & S m OILK f veau. weeks. Death ws.s due. te blond pot- thlI la't,gYe an &AmBt tic tt mtiites ede thotveneueeL etr. t Eni en k r hgo wtar osiaother operation wheraiav they will sud il lia wiiitt i c on and gangi-ene wihc reffult.d tram ,~ U"otMi o u imnd thst the7 connut b. hi tet eoc.wowis~eii aîyof the r-ose t make Henry' couati cileuit, court the fnM Jan accident wblib the youalg mms suf- s paisou nesd tomtes st th a,, draymian, bald drives bis borse tu It asp=cta"bte ai possP"e. Wedge triai tirka gise ai th5 MaLy terme, fered witle playtng football on the el law et the 'efl'eh aerc W. u.aiq t -a ys(bu, Mi. eaide o! the tirent asd thoen làbelted to bc ont of danger au Jag idg T1LOJDaeclge.emlt fait. e tu tac ul mae wwa obevea WoI stO hlèb *0ldso b tkiyé @M«01 rabI lel. , MTI. B taà drvnhsnio t el hi «»aa bave boon staccessifut. fille &MountOf dsUég1WAOfed bY M£Otie The. deceaied wus a non or Mr. an eO iou m!t oliiemtt C ~ ~ h Waf. nfldsaOatidULd Seoen. 1lvt psdarents, Mr. Àplud Jin. George %Voldge 1111 vau 810. The. Jui brogt Mn.t. Ansel Lodasky of Wau'ean. The uoo a .611500 or theOiB , 1 oe. sort bellid bis auto unifer beest called, tien. ien they lesmned fo Paro b platrr t e mlnts the tlns lhe bis ep elan Imedt.t~ *)P Mom.y that lère ruilu tu on t» trl Penc rdbf ocf the attack miade en hi by fo pa 00-0 _h iatf dtdnasmcbfti reus isC9 culs 11w & i urne - aopralbioms eocanttee thue days iotoPnokaperdt rn tient »Mod bal!»y hutf thus 111111 Md tic court enter- dition bad growa critteal. The. molli- ut u0 th st,~ fafl id ha et Inte 44> r redes of hi; -machine g0 saaddenly thst thera A a rouait of the. desti of G eurge ed judgemm, fo lt111W'l. or Vii at ber son's bedoide vies the, oùf!.. or chocolat. vitu a piec or ïNÇ ligt merl assebly, thc 491h. wu no tUe to, stop. 'One of the Johnsont. the. Woukegmn youth. vho Thiitm &M.f tilm begun ut tie end carne. fl apcoghte 14.00fr r-et . eadlligbus bit Pennock In the affifal succombât! W blood poison atter bis j of the bock and crumpied hlm u> u- noie, hai been blittes off Il .sveeney ~>B~11. A vritV. JeLdayviavr iebe Tcueo I< uRsdfll lief be» It taite. a couraitm ua C thé Igter la bol"g gnarded by a bi-ougit' IR 'Wb"O g1ave hIÉO&-Mf yousg f .1ev. Hie hUd lived la WLa. forbj50es ai 11ba meal eyos aU te.mès aujtisan o! lIe Mmd 1- de1 h havy vatch. day and nait. Tbhe damiages't t usocnt af $1400M. kega practicaily aIl, hie lit, an d aîtaudys in Lent. 0 Ibis Ouma wiU b. appropite trbis lie hsial vsTun i h;w Or isi cmléeledai mfnetsc éaIEdlup a4eny Te aics#tte 4#1u died. admitteil yesterdsy that la cas. Il l a verdict Of $1.0.He vais developlag lato a splendid "Ail Who have net attalaed their tlait a" Ls osting ta ru un outîil Duriog hie long Illness he was z- vi ii be takes aUainât the heads of vedc u rt afrnt".d Ti wbe n g a pe'ae mbdtersrit;tesik h th*e tirâtal HIr parnts unie ths leai<ts tate veric unoriin attitude for, $4.00 Toiitai Hia darents at lactc ganie. race hl-sxi u u tii fni 0 Jul ulei icteisa- ~ ~ atitde~>ane ooeking tnto ail detalu or the Thi verdict Isar VAS net amide adThe ball bail becs 'klck.d off" and éi7 O P Ofl uat Voues and liée lune givas Tt to thein. Tbelr officens'ie aien dil by Ban who feît case. th ie fitth trial vu. net te camte up LedeBky recelved It. He stai-ted Lt ulsaig infants; tht.~ obatrlg o 41o andi triat.., put upt the moii elpquent deeply gnieved over sillt be ctaimed Friends of Johnson say they casiîn NMcHenry COeay tue veek. Tii. Ionce Wa cai-ry It hack tnto tbe tei- r d ast anIsd la genew ai ah o am" fiful talon o! buildings pLntWaly vas As unavoldabie accident. The net uoderstand bow he bappened 10ta lmn o! i. e.utocantoro!heopigtam Befle cnniatVi tdeti-irnitesllIS fluaaed of hcattng plants th]i nuicrnr uy hch erdtev tat at the time he vas cammitted maares tii saseceaiary. ta notice a sharp depreesion la the thitr bealth, are ebempted tram fait- mi ivth CaIiti bat, bila. ebut, of cou] shanage and when dence In the case exonerated Dante hau vas of as extremely gentle dis- Thus endetit the famous Nien ground. and one o! bis feet droppe ing. MOu pWitbn silI-VoIlva cas. lioto ut. Hie tuaubled to the ground "Tiose wbo have any readontable quota figunes and demand money ta Mrs. Ppnnock froan the tirât, main- Tt wa5 leanned ioday that another heavily. There vas a sharp "osap" doubt ai te lhiu abiiity ta fait th sd ýu buy il. I mens tousandi wre nt n surrs tofa eu ida the tantum1TPatienday. Ho HE.SETTLED FOR Ch,000? and frtends who rushed Dp found the shauld seek the advces o! their "e& leu-e tisîuIn thehe uyard Bantaay HEd fnîendu $4,00 litre ~i5t LT M cit ! hc *Wsae, on.tdoutirns buiber or nin l eent upie oa w leapeditt a hathtub o! bot waîer In connectica i vth the eetbîemanot youog player sultea-tng much pain, al- teneur. tuu ar n olrabte rtva. (>5e they ,learnpd the suit bad adieoftlXe borne received. oad h Wl 1h hc tried ta ike llbht f; kt Pensons xmtdro thobI tetof tue mont claquent of the defictency 'eiarted. Zo Ciy Wibur tone hltp u a reIese toiv af taougta wce eal Ofa gntâ on ee pte rmi theBelait gratuit challenged lbhe approprition MyB atd.A recommendation fbat the teeth Zo CIy vt Atoae Phlta H-sren oved tahaptal vomeoun gai o ! Ofmâtetilg Moe oenited ib ys, oomlte Mafn igohe i i ton y Renls Wel[ed fi'sio James Sveeaa"y. Who three dla yâ Motiierslll vberelL four suite bave a1 ugo on btacmoo u fila ialiei i u a,5a' * aecunts that bâtd flot gont, Up frOma said lie hâti beard that avertures, for ago bit off the noues o! titr Lake disntrict, It 1 vato tsin ibis acturhe o!rg teie bofe ad bel e savlhUtO ueiD.-utdbyd e, ~~~~~ive to sîxty per cent. There vas à setîlemoot out o! court had .-en coaanty felIo.' patients at the Elgin dinci Uu>iui ant bt Telreatre.o h e alIelaIs tohé,al bePte asmd y ersans cOnneCt# viii the case de- been severed. The tnjury refusad tu "By su Induit of the Hly Sen, amIe !$~.0>frpsa,' sIjae a"', clare ibat thia 11 suit c6tVlvbela> rutad g ngre , de- gnanted Augaaît 3, 1887. sud subs- minded ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~r thttocn tml H ad oudrtn iutaury wbIcb yesterdaey ln the oeighluorbccd o! $25,000. Par- veloped. Tt was founil necessarY ta equently i-eseved, abstinence tram us ~ ~ ~ the a eminde tas Tesfot ypa.p oesi oudrto lotd n Inquest over the body of ver Ih sinepr~e as yer. overtures o! settement bave been li ieu conneqlte4 vw" tue final settie- amputale the 11mb ta save the youth's flash ment Implied 'I> the preeWp of as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1Gog Johnono ment 18, the suite .geealei d ie h~ubeeybn possible vas fasthnz ln itis diocegé ta du*paiied Juat wbat ie the remoedy for Ibis miade tin the $10,0W< suit agaiasi J. age mel. thf thWutaneuke na.litatýog vey raialg behhnd of ail the state ho- W. Barwell fo b etho ru ua g manS vbo vas. one :)f forenthe vistims ofd vran diin o! ltting whàt thu sefflement flnallydone beforA titis. action *ias put toto vltb on fuadagu vithaot reuinletian sîlittiofis and aIlt h- slat#' deî'arl- .Jur*Xovac. lie said Wf lm possible th ee y' bldp is m as d h re tfied bit vas bet%ÇFèn 'Votive, and, Motborsill.1.effect. zàuthPrniamelonM . tohee itoo poso aesre abu Woad't The arheie beeietpeu.i ay. edy brdysadRt mente mlly passlhly b>, r'ontined ýn ',uit niay nlot go ta tinal. 'Will the law ]et bis ieetb ho pull- uneei erpre bu od Teatre eete i u i.daTeds hudasndRt the dcisin ofthe upree Cort e," qstock that the settlement vas close flot tieal. The deadly gefignea soon uras, exceat tIre Saturdav of, Lm- ththe isoo flac Veruem elu UrI - cd.l quesîiaoed one o! the iaaiymen ta $4.000, whic vas the lait verdict imade it necessary ta amputate the ber-wek, and the Satundey o! Holy beriinl hoo boue. Our ol Mcanna <i IWON sIT hu gested Gbre fi Thmpo gie intefu trial la Mellenry lirait a little bigher. The blond ptban -ek beroftheboge P. 8 Muro o i utestd herfcommendatios. county The cost of the case -an. wepi througb the victimes entire sys- . BY vu-bue of su induit o! the Holy MghaM arklatheMonhphnd "I don't know vbether the law vill Hl-À'--- ParkE Bff theE pa behtnds orAN $.I0S andti neýtm twsncsayt promSe rCu a.116 i tie suit and shouîd the cour- sary ~ pel-mt It, but it, cansot at p Our re uad !80.adi l ne.tm a eusayt efn egane su-i.19.mi __n dly tand that Voliva agrees ta tlle cane loverai opei-attons. Each apenation subsequeqtly renev.d, vartblsm, Uta a departinemt on institution cam Omme5ndii LU t' declaned honipson of tbese court caste. Ieft hlm a littie veaker. Fon a long togethér w1ti thoir astine, iio.ebid mûtIatulys~ndmoeyad cresto Àoc!ul andR IbeES enin liy a Volîvâas fiiâ airn lin, bia fa- lime bie relatives have realised that an. ullOved tbe Ue O! flash mmeaai delta beyud ta. aianeY hs sht then _______ ITIen. vais doubt ons thé part of mous litigatiOn was the Pis$eUt -Ben- doatti vas a matten o! veeks.IepicplmsIo i atia> bqgl tiora vbo be a e vpendcomm oe hili Pln, Expressman at snime as ta vhether or sot the atb- aton J. Hamilton Levin. nl le slaiedan yseabtu --udh éoea then. le no tîcÎiIg ticular case. Then atout -ý.ui At- Wednesday sud Batunday of Ho»y becat fbban o 081,nov0Co9me te o el etaltnn.T Il ilBuilding Lt Lake Fanait yesten law Tt la ld weeney's ieetu can appeai-ed once as an Otitewney for tmeebr 0 abuehl b ~u egp e se liiaftunon, Pbilip Poland, an tex- Die pailled uieés$ it' bw1 o ni1 I ý- - 1- gmt pdigmeytanu-prinan. foll la a svon ta the fheur suffening o! r'yorniiaa. *ho ziPeared an his attornej ai the ___e__Y sud belon. a physîcian reacbéd bis Ifarl Wedge o! nicteohrUeta tteal p4ftueo akga uiesmnshs ,mna i h eio h bv desatigthal iiey are cmtpower- side ho bll cloaitd his eyu lids ln mninddy nwihteIdi ta1 î:pend ooly vliLt la allotedijdeath. hi tu teurs ubat he haret a vict"n o! thie nose-biten laell 'if VaIlva ta pay Judgmeot .9iven by a dastiles ai-e meuaced by the frets-bt metoo aaaAvihtcIdI the~ bload vesâi ln lifting the ino. idanger, bat bis face WITT b. diafis-- liaiy and court, bait tue ovemee.? hlockado en the eastenu touti are fsec granta the Use o! MOat. Tici. Memo- A atcl bai I waa seti p'e u ieadurgeons found lu placed la Jail. Judge Banîîey got -hlmà tne lieaele ms t Ica strike0 Tnt bers a! tue bousetold, howuvet-, vho iEp e culeu the appropril- Aoet o t1he Larsent & lan Am-1 impdorbl t1e- mld are tDo-atte exempts- stall laitliato Fonas foi- lis Larsene mor Holîsn 50;- balassib, but maked the sevared nse out tbnougb court action ad he seven sommer, so fn eau avai tuemaobus-ailr Itos 'on ii e-penes moe thn 50hulaco, bt Poand icd ithi bree hInc plt An Oeaio vas returned ta jai after tiat. Lest ,,eek tbe .(morecan 1-eel&o!aeigcs viltnslv o * per cent. 1 ts-Iked about theme ex- minutes after bic cati e«s- be m- ow.Wecman plssutdnfor ibis dtsepansetios only ai the prI- pessve uin yc-pIpceived Ai Waukegas. w»va performed ta shape the caviy 1 ttorney Motbeneill for aeveral Wie opnpltabtdwf &Mi ibey have "e 'eut ta the quick. j Dn. J. L Taylor. o! LibertyviUe, Ibut tibis wiii ho, unsatisfactory .It years bas houa lu Denver, Colo., s-nd tfbnte fo d a etdys , sua,00m nd ielout paltmes-t eee n iu -There le graambllns- o! course and Tt1lrmded ai the inUS he itsbs.I audrto httefnlnt possible that anotbur ehut down wii la ardb iek te eplaoe U0paloa ail loc Ieb is modrnîng jtlemunt hutveeu Voliva and Mather- came bocause o! tbe car congestion Father, tisai Yeu vili es-ort parn~ . derstasd Ibat thoy- muei vorli ta and a verdict eboving ibai Paland selbietwîcar spit2Ln.vhchIaco! e lias saîary *fe eotand elgn butd is front beart fallure, vas te- IINF NTRLZDUIP9 U D ciiv- ptersily dntue te n the i te akes th solblesr hc r prt ta imosbePO Loaenter *seniousone o tbîe tuey reaor hod apke tetion. lntadZ -e ndta eWh r terll ' id te mornng and sanie turned by thé jury. fu1'ua RO % fF O continuons expense o! travelling back b noedta i pteWuksaoln sd9ssenn ta .d b have becs siisg far otaiens, aven Fo syyasPln a okdIYEAIJ anU sd fantb beiveen Lake County and The congestion in the easî lis spresiaxede ri u a !tsis ausu an.xpnessman at Lake Forest, Dever, eve hu:li lh vn n etadanunserlecntwlpatI otete tofm- fions-b the nuniber a! employees la and la that lme ho workud Dip a large Chriie~ nto.'- emsh vs s w.vn.lduli e iefc.u pifiat ce acm oas t Lbo t fo mar- lome hana ose third whs-t hit Vas la business, He operaied s- small auto Ul.IU E > maituaily get another l~zo.Tii. beavy es at osuce mssy factories ln the h-ifcta nba btiigfanls tiidit iusinandIlon ispper nuc.Re la marrled, but leaves no i 5sL court costi vbicb Votîva ba bail t3 cas-O district may bave to close ho- toxIcs-ting lquorn.Ldvodypes Fr but it viul corne intimne tiLt thes» cbhhdren ta moun bis domine. Hia ea bes uriied lia 'bis arma te pay efich time. îogcther wîth the en-_ cause a! inahility la move tbeir pro- unes, and devoté tbemsie te thre-mW i _______________________sbietd laie cheeka tram the Icy blaita, armons attorney tees duTho ebag s performance o! pions vonka," fcwv mates, or fors mia MW! e who draw, pay muâit varu or get oui, - teceneary te Th virtuel ebroon furthun ahi Ltfl CmdI Tis esao vlIcu at 80.00 a>1 no nev buildings - ith the pris- a tbreu-yuar-old cbild was faunil engage the bis- attarneys who he lia mente for ex-part. vbicb vas decided Siscenely yours la Christ, . cto w=a eot lits-b prices o! ail kiwds of mas- ssleep ai 4be baie o! a teîes-raph polo laebdi bs enss rb-uo eiadyh emenaie George Wllhiam linde-lein, easy-riding routte otge50e.t , vîlu s-et ailons- as Weil as masy o! us 1 -lay o!d lnairod thes --rige prb opebnbo fort.da Roaiy reev, ta stLIs-thoetentaI but cnt ta vbst thue expoa-ta sean Twenty-second streiet a 2:30 ably Iafluenced Valiva ta effect al of30rlloai Washing-ton ca-oas-rnhlco. ot Roy ew 1. tover blits le but a mca-e bas-a- jcati the quick yet 1 tsar, the aiment tis moernîns by William .Tenlins, a settemuni s-s etos as possible and t mAt ins taaeus bre. E.u F.roali'rdont]trc smnytl * telle ta visai la hlas-n dumanded for 'Inevitable lncneaae iliLi muet bu fac- Siotoiioai tu tfie employ o! tbe Chi- Auudrto oh osdMte t Iblisngi cars ai. Pandu a-s-ma Chancelier. deft the entlI-e st.ete. 1 bave hes going 1 ed, There are buildings partially cas-o, North Shore & Milwaukee Elec- 8111 vere gladi la bave the matiet cars cantain grain, !oodstuffis and amu-.- u45U~~ tbraugb the state budget sud findt that tiihi -i ufnn roiteoetl alod drap ftnalhy berase atten drasgins- j munition for the allies. The freis-bI Net Quita Parfaci ,i.âtat eaeéia i totals aven $60,000,000 for the bien 1 munis, eqiaIpment fon nov' buildings Threi nIuetinbutilt)islng5 mnyZar t tudsun i aleda coe a 100.00ad a hs îthanîou hee1500ttga, vonoeu4 s nu.I talked ab'oqt tb. irumendous williaut whicb tbey can't bu used and litefeîiow vouid bave frozen ta aloiIpoll'i auti 'cadetectives bave heen sent ta Rond- littie boy \% lit) goai wel brous-bt GanAo.N s expenue o! ibe Iast{ sncb an endlesi vaniety o! pua-poseshave thetilels out ta s-lard the shipments. The marme cuadliibri eiab shi] oe exes ftelsbienninnu whicb suha dls alt fproe eath but for tbe apparance o.the cleanly understood i)y lurymen Who condition prevails ai Ilplan vhere c a crali>' vtsr i> c-g- 5ma~s1ios3ciuia- wss 4,0000 adno 3 ercntithat monoy yull go l11e water vbat ecenu a! the inotomman. Zni-th ehd tii aedt the Nantlcwestern railroad la ho]dn bo«.Çccîocîî i-aletctil. Ttum aesv O ue.A 5 33prcn ith alda hsTt ae a uanii claieji' la abl cas ratce laseU*> c iablpétxs e ibethntis le asked for the cm- eve buhl edesire le hod ilverythuîc nh hitnflawvstka aie Atre ila ar !Zou nited Staies miliiary authonities o! nuylicng tua s.cy it now ivo laimier- 2 o is- tvo yearý. You May ho inter- down ta the lovesi point.1 car berne north o! Tventy-seconl City vas also ane of the ptalniffci in are malcing no effort ta canceal their stnoci rroîin il reilcliiie c.aurce rtiut lien ch.tca , . va esOdinknvig -eo saab o! ibis ,The wet and dry ftgbt bas vage'> street wbore ho vas detaîned unil the case ortginaliy but bu floally ,ancieiy aven th, situation. hi lga d- c'f'~ sthinice thuci his parente are RAUo»à" increase tici-obanitios vent $17,000,-! diuins- the veek and eloquencu', has lut vas ascerlainel ts-t bu vas net vilbdrev ln ord. r te, lirmit Mollie -ite 9bt<au h aininIoiici/>h us~vî>eftr ~fa aecagcsucin 000-h whicb hlm 40 pier cent a-aise. eit- boeoni tap. The final vote on tii sufferas- tram frazen limbs. s-ndl 811 ta contincue is a singlil plaintif!. iplicaccei lon %ar the trois-bt ranges hiîc'.c, ici. teeili str-îits-tened---Oi North Shore iamîied "ais et hie readucîu l its ndy sumpu te bo A at e ovll Ceal 1er& voli nen cies w mataions asks for $19,00I0,000 vhcb reain on the bill tor a referendcî!n then bu va. placeil on s-o ehectrlc hI le reported. howpe r. thai undu'r ,it o trolîots andy supplie ate îtate ageîuant frai trtK atue. cada ore x"I. hope you dott.1ltevt