18 'PR EtSt1b>L. SECflET.' Court He Ot mn n e 'lit*sa Clmet 1N4. aed e Sun reporter Iosay evauluaaft iaviat cahot!Ur, LOuIs Kng ait t Mmner.bil s ire b«ini te amt t toue. w«h htie bolet *hi>hau becn char4U, la ths.Ae aouty cIrcut s*avTft *klà m -i - tet M P1 4ob=.gU. 9Î"' hadPari Mt& tmantii eièt tdw lm* lut , W Ixtno be wvies h mlltelaves m155 iscame. - '7i. vwhat do yu vent," nid Uic -â Ar ou lie douer Wtho bucharge et É%si1 GOlîberacf gi ami Park?" "VIMt inth le millerth h? la -Wiy do yoti lu abOt Ies? He la fy patient .-end 1 Ca«'t-tiSOUD 'là i ho ule isepital?' "Visai haptai?*vu s ei. 'T maat discueMr my mpl'ai. feis*faoh . l wve*ie i*t ," wab4 bekta poua.t g bteil è~ée. à.t to Mo ie 'v..tise. m 7" cjt « al.u on «I omY"u caa't t emu hà~u 1' o ou'I .a1 ilgouso -bis to p u t*AdSPt %hic mulate It la Iu ci Umnt onu aWwtftaevise g ge!vuee thsa wq«o, batthle tat S a heco a l. te Pem au««cr tIai b maitienmatois b i-UO bIèhovE"sth"aiho jý lOt ubumwlae tc affl t 1' 'Tel Myi1mcM bvas UN met ê. ' t,» Wtn-aoe astihe nai- teý6diIts Sé .aqI 1. "but. Ioder,, vhy 4ese eva"e? I bu im e »U4 thfland siX.j7« ~orNtêWeest,'l plsa dao WIeet Rê, se iel4w cet bai itisuyts te h4 'I ot *le 'nfl lie4' Wdôbg. W th tesa ie aM ~i~ t th. nmatter. - tise reporter, adllug: "«Can't iss, it. Taurre *II,'t. hoarvisaI thse c0n$udl t ,*5e.Imlsc, S4I deoi" s. eyan »tai aat m hserasi e ing np lie rocelver. $WISONý . ey Bas I e pu* .dom.i as ihm %vemo ,-i-nsagu- iê i tsye Washngton. A[A 1 iII UneAFSTEVIRTO INSPECT cÀTSN wtio ps bine aARCft Zbut 96 ft smrs Whne at n-Jks but W1S1 ned ft aqueL 1 . .. ... +,Dsaua Ue QUIII. P.iIIih.euve ms.- SHORT TALKS,_AREGVN sage From Army Officer in Wauigaa Mati SChargeof Tranllng. somoedy .uleutalaed tise bond o suprtses it naneta lu ln-PLAN CONTESTFOR PUPILS. np7 his nohall. fn dn ier l the "aenhaedll. ~Publie Inspection to Be Held in nWM tAel lie bc l u osmt a-. the Gymnasiu mf Local lests. iiM i tebut andep vir e t - High Sohool. e ta the hall asud dne. Thon afler çÇaan Edgar Z. SteeVet, Uulted bheY iead a flue diuuner anld lie Blutes Amy. hem informel Superlu- VSit.q akssaers triel to thank their tendent Wn. C., Kuaelk of tise ,lty I ,à9MWJ Und o..4 15 ut wvisa ansd iigis scIsoôýs.tbat la cong i ttothelistiaa. It. Waukegau on Wodes' Match 1,-vDe i vasa "lankoe51 21; te inspeet tise nllitary cadet àlaiet, St vas a aumptmuque .d corps aof lie local institution. thse liu'.! o ý4edlly Jotg.About I fpI. Kuqeli recelved vord o! bah ~ ~ n mo a aus~~oaUoB- api. Steover's Intended visil lits urs. paYai, . X4la une 1,th 1%0 moal=hsgndst! ho medlately complet- tables. veto, nicely deoietbd vlth .1 liim for tise holding of on àh~ Devers, etlc tontnainent amon the cadets au t!barnsa Klu preilqoana hle nigist et March 21. w8k er.e lW Judge f4wagda.  A U scallug contea ii . Blataa Attruiy oi~is (b*g,4 ~by thé cadets. Eaci team a- lia u' t nBushuoli. G*U * ieitér*dis'itbis :cntest yul ho' apan- ~îesLsotel -by one young lady af thé higi acscit L Ud il vill became ber duty "er Of tlis tate blgisvay «CBami.- ascissr an tIse men '!etishe squad 'Mrt.,, enehanaundi ia vard a! viiicli she rePresout.It la paisible Mowsgiè*ment and flsetisai incet- laI a medal vIl b. avarded tise 6ï5e5 fiissort vil atri eppia- Ii utam tie ii amere. i eelrisdiiii Ps thiseuîiatwtv montis a Cît4ln li OOUily ta b. bah eter a bond gagaal. isovet bas bal charge ai nili- imu a t. arriel. 1He toit t tisO ud tary iraininkInlutiseachoals af the QaUtià l tlenl 81k &thalle tim-mid ilti 9 i I a Cpa. te Uic. 'll hbave lie bond lsue sud InWlë W I wa.,.. ..Steve w..,, 'wUtx.u w.,... co ,, ,unminz tisé goOti roadL Mrt. Ilneban extaudel suninvtatlon lii the guists proseul and tisir vives l4 t'iegueuleataIAvon P"tk ile. Round Laie. oenlise lait day of the Jue sesslai. Tise board accepteti ai. Tiese uporvigosns h8f ternoon val- e1 ta 9uri5s acei*d'rid ocali fat r vanlu Lae couuty. The tue. ceas aiftisefinal luitlfloi lie pur- Clisse oI a eeoopxd auttit. I WISFIIITThie supervisons this narin; val-t O N I'BOYLE. e.410 811 e l. icilisîer boaptai tise $62 1111 viicibat! beon 'ars W&,"eg". MrcIL agaluattheolemcnty by -tise M4ugler ison of Wats'cegmis a mcm- baspital lai- taklng cane qf oe Zhp- a departmeul ot ýWU4i mVeriman. visa, wviie ho ada tflei uc of te 1ms&pIl met m woueî vison h tirmeut te bola- aigil su~e juy tt.ptal aler su acci dent on the electic tuni 3II4sei (Umb»Ula ralt'eil, latet, bécane a éoty2 ~ieau~we >ti~J~pibAgg1. kt lie coatyidaul ualse-1 *~,la tisefet@a cepl bimsi etthé coubty haspitat Thse1 mssnsk ~ ~. ~ g~ beaud.! lu ilacase rini4ê au exoep. ______ s el- t ion but so peut instýninto t 1h t'~~ ~oacMeI,, "mdi. ldhuter boapitglal l n the future »mkh it ti ' ~a etisaI t ithe rd 4w4l tiowevn'ôbille for Ui s t!csum o avr. t ibe'ey --the Dplan" of nii traininalg. asud It i. expectol that tise ainy captalim ii taie *teps visile visiting lu Waioe- gan thls rnonth 10 teach the youug ladies of theb. xgh school the "var step." l la a part of thse mllltary training Plan ta orga:nise tIhe youug ladies of the high s choal sund .10 give ,then eflrst aid" Instructions and instruC- tions ln preparing banlages for Unse et lji. field haspitals. Ise ybutiaUd- les vwW b. given tIse »Mintslntng that Waukegan's "vwar aurseu. are nov recelving under-thé caabl $-. structian ot Doctor Barier. i4mppmln uAdept@hlnly. lie ln happy visome droutnem suit hie temper; but be la more exel- lent wilO cabs suit hi$ temper tauaMy Naet been offered ta the enounty bas- Mr. Bushnoli. district »xperl*tead- eont of the state higbway comwaielgn covering Laiescounty, vas ln wax- kegan taday>cOnfeforiiîg vts 'members dfthe 4op* t rnuveriims suâ Pft. of Hlgbvaya Ruuseli. Judg Edwp~sg rants He a DvorgetCustody of the: sChw. CASE 1-S SENSATIONAL ONE. Had8eTried in Two Stttes I-PrrrtYIs Dlvded by Ruling. 1,n0ov 7 r ten this .mormlag lu menstioal a1îy troubles liut bave existeti yeea solveen Peaul sud Ut!- yWard Berry vison Julge Elvarle cM> terel a decree gtanting Mn.. Eary abesînte divorce fron ber tuabeut! via faorsons lime pamirst bu e.urua- niaga tesand cbiffos store IA go. noa. ra. Berry vas tornearly Miss Pearl Pitchol. daugisteofOSMs- ansd Mmts l"enont Pitchet. , onu- ford RoaI, Waukogan. Tiese pecif le charge an vhici tise docteswvasguanted vas icmtion butl Ila le oaled liaI nMaursOfm- thouaI featues came duo1nt lnflO- tien vitIs lIe casevison lits.DBu,' slartel Il a cqulle of yea am g. Thes .case bas dragged aang lu 1*1. qad Kenasha couutlos framslime W tj5i aud repertsaof stllemeÙt*«m<'bav nsi mae but nat untili oday vas ils cms fipljaly tisposed of. lMre. BelrY a gIrOn cstady aiber eh s ud ltIol umderstod i tal a proper setuemen t bas been nude lu conuoctian 'Flh the ptoîserty t>vnet! by Berry. Juat visai this, setîlement vas uobedy cadasclef vili lie case vauld explaiL. It Io tecallrdi tat Mtl. BertyIvu subJected ta ny crueltiis vbtleiliv iug vils ber husbland flu Wi*ffl, accordlng ta fise stany she 'l* *wirn elle tf1101ber domse. 41nong otiset tinstg, ber isuabsul oflen tait! leé, accarding ta hon stateiaiits ai tisa tino, tbat ihehsd btter'gel ml tisat ho vas broog i vIlsborndsudalet ber ba waee w'ls"ngaroiuh for, Mrs. BetrytixnailpWen~eIt taoe fallier sud Berri, movel t Kaceli Latet h5 Induc er outa go 1 KO nsobUansd for a tinoie lle evoe ta live tier. but Iter matie lbE daims tIsatho 14'flot suppeI 'bol asu d seal. ta cone bains ta bel tlir. vIser.ehhe asIce U!Ot! Par saile 'yoars Berry, vili hi fatter, canttiitted a silSl i Ôéetr store ou Buts-iek treet, Iiisl jaillis* Grand avenue, Waukege T.Tofe= Ily vas velI iovulnW5'fS tise udonprecipltatiOii Of arrt troubles bevesu hila and hie vif crea asensatîàu hère b.lcaeao l f531117 vas vidilY inavu lu 1hq nortiwsét partftheI lCty. e kt d r. le Le WIoe IF&ri- Aisarner, being 5 i te pont i et ili. L osho is onsIs tei e M inhe à ' a a ai-cetiuolI ori' 'lsyud Tise 800116 0 isvcs-in, -S ap 'blem. An Exceptional Offerng of New boting eotlâd be mu>resggtief Springtime than these band- soxe nw slie w-ar no sowigl. ITheir soft, shinunering lovelines9s, and the splenidçr of their exquisitc colorings, make them the objeet of interestto kwomen in quest oft an eufl in Silk arsfo the approaé ing season. t~çnbiuFarefo At ' 'UThree Sp-c lValues-. -~uh b~f(r Tff -tas $150 - 0*: edChineJ I These three silks have fashion's strongest endorsement for spring. They are an excellent $1.75 quality; beauifully radiant in finish, and represented in the following color assortmeiit: W - -Maize -Reseda Green -Nile Green -ink -Light Blue -Rose -Light Green -Qyster White -N'avy Blue -Russian Green -Brown -Frenchi Biue -Copenhagen -Se Green 9 Il 'I ta FOR 1SUPI tovisoK.J D U~ If 106*Ud ftédÀI1tBg anCharlesWoraèk... '481 278 78 I<srtIn avets. auno-mIaoson epet t5 &PiUIT C MhArgs Lin ÜIMtow's majorlty, 1,041. < <iCl~d i on uii este * n :uog:rtv MnWnuTtLo h -th eîg(""èndng Tif mn gveBairstow a aritY goontsothê 91,ecasa rt e 04ut retMrod Ugin.t hi. by aaofl04t. tX, »Iuleiser grand jury lu circuit TIM MMUMO?" TWINB, TIse vomen accorded Bartov a MA- St.bat4*ts a" udtiOmaw mee- CAML iTmbtli. jal-lty of 100.- MIS X&»i C. C. ]daards, in ange ho VDio<1u(« i U atm>FOR ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR. ou*eStc IftafO u 9QIUaI M o.*#RD, .,Men.Women.TataL 4u emvlotiom mus, Moh PAixLImT2imNG. . D. A. Hutton ...978 1205 118t thi MOOKrty of peepie f aflCScouutY Be1N" 1031W.Charles Ouspo. 960 t218 1178 twdt 9clh d ad wlubithat sote iletailntut1cUni liquealn l àiI. .UaIn . 60 12 77 Us.W4Os >an iihh -Wiukogau vil bho dkinised by Jet IKrkpatfIok..ý. 77l 9 7 tre Weie O.dUlY 13tae's Attorney Jamet d. Wcloi. The thlt.'eiomilatd-Huttofl, CraPO àyet tb* lois of the Iudietcet lms. lavine ét hsud Kitkpatrk. f ettle posied Dy the qtt" at- %top tram demire. but le vi b. lutton'a mtierily aver Crapa. 15. êucîruôtors. lh Jurytwu'S Itt.fie forcd tedteist he ogle forthe Crapos majarty over lirkpatrick, j fos'cd todisates tse dus fr thmi»un",ê-tiése"fusance' coi5ts, go Armstrong brothers are the Maten107. th@ twifad of ai vte fuI, on rive aoftIY wlinu> In- theb tiquer cases ltkpatrick's maarity over 1rkinsem*outs làesicomeniidabie iicty for ich 1(aîPi J. Dady bequeethed tevw Ilaiet, 189. »gt' Attorneiy James G. Welch. James Gi Welch vison ho rehîred et FOR JUSTICE 0F THIE PLACE. 'tIh. jury retirei te nolto oui llé vas e4peUled Iran tisaoffice ai Jullus P. Bain ..................8 ylié t, adt7b? ines 0 foet liarry Hayt..................87$i to»»4iitepoi'ted tisai tise Jury had Itobert Pearmal.............. 88 5raiiid edit ~ih~ AID*ron brthe, vto u~ i'rme............ .18 tinediately atter tie tédirt vws hé AMétonsbroion w'se l- 1Xwe Fuer ....... ......719rosi Pett eorgenmon. attorney for dicted by the match grand jury onl Roy Meoan............ ... 709 $vête, aaked that a nov trial b. gîT. Perjîsry chiarges. It inta uled that j Iay Favier .... ...........696 en hWm client. ànd <nmuch as Mrt. tb#Y ffllited tkibslves te aend le*.1,B.ofrd.,. ..........24 "engoun bad arnged ta attenditet Otto Wiflin ta jaol foi gseing intoxi. George Neely................ etb mcas atter. ln Chicabo On cint 010 li " eig- amramjoiyoe Thvreday, Jug. Edwards denied ta llqors Thy a~sr taha, Faner. mjorty ve,#-sn- . h euhis motion et 10 oclocls Friday ilg Purcbased a "Buck" boer in hie -Magons majortty over Favier, Who morulug. Place of business on july thé firat, lent, 14. Martin Svete la thé ex-saloon keep- and! It hss hefn proven te tiese atis- Pawler tan ahead af Bolaford ,> et ho l ianad te have said yhia- faction or thé 4juimen atotokorots.X«tu Jim, Brevanos, alloeelmur- (4 71 derin FProm tise vItuesa stand ekre. Wislin IIi dt ha"e one drap ai ibis The rive namlnated voesBi*5JiiOvv*aon told aofIaving purcisasel a béerer a or beur In isplace cfri14 office). Hayt (a nev aspirnt), ousti ef vhlskey tran Bvete thé busbiegss unlil tise ttisday ar July, lesall(a nov aspltitt). tiermomofaithé day on vhlch heoblhat Yet these mon cdaim tea ve pur.(noW lu office), Masan <now f% Naorth1Chdcago. 0 cutymnl chasedl iltemWallin on JURy I lice).Thune frive meh wlfl le nofor Noli ega. eidth sét Otto Wallln sufered thse diograce electianln. tisai ho drunk near béer ln Uveiesa of bingson tejailforsevralFOR CONSTABLE.,:, IMeof business. "No, 1 drink whia- b et eln ot a lau for iera y i A. C.Bery.................9,Cia-whiskey aud it made ne Juy On sldeicd sl-îIr b teiDavid Adansa............... $e nuI6,saId tise alleedmutifeter, tva Investigatorà. The mewa g-William Casismare .............8i52 conUtt, lute testiiy lu the boIsait ai Pfted e te aPelat cort nd heC. E. Hcks .................. 794 tiese tate. g ansJonNt peeet l tseapelat cur sd héD. A. Woale .................787 ThOeg»pouding as Judges of that court reveraed tise P. oogns .................. 746 counmiss called fat triai todaY. finding, san& Ctto Wallln vas restored Goggins lait thé nomination by 21Dif o. ta l~ ~citan i tust ud sig Taée.Hicks tan 17 valsaaboandeof al-pity la the mont elusive sud de- standing vhlch lie bad long enjoyed Wuele visaova dts iân. eivfonas.dhsahlegls iu thta cammunity. TOTAL VOTE AT PRIMIARY. tise Ment seule minI wblch yielda ta Il, Ottp ýWAl1u vas fartunato, but net Men's total ................. 1948 anIdlsiintlégratem thse clearest ioda- lucky. He vas innocent, yt hai Womon's total ...............660 ment If Il betomes a bsnbt.-Humllton been proven gullty te the afseA- .- W. liable. tiens Pt ivelve mon. Toal vote .................. 2408 _____________ Otto Wallin dîl flt volunteer ta igo But three or fout defodtivO ballot. beforo the grand jury lu an atempt wve torw noui. lta abtalu an ludictmout allaient thé Tise cdons tslly chse shovol one Armstrong brothers'. Otto WallIn mata vaman'a name than théro voe vas callel ln u asa vituaby mmm- ballats, no it in prsunol ans vaman 1 liera 9i tIse grand Jury. In tact, î aIetblo sai ibbr develops liat theonaie aud only re- son tiat, the grand Jury dîl nat make cue Thiflg îln repart an Tueaday niaht wvasbu- Namsb>-"What vauld iou tlls caus 010 WaIlu va lu C Icg if yen gsoàletter contang the mocl caue ttoW-lln w i Chesréabject" pruinsof Iyoursoit sud vhieh - f sud could *nat'ho callsd as a vitu e sIsI ithout usklng sny sort oIfta- isefore 5 oclock. vorT' Waggsb)Y-"I sholI think 1 Thomnas licCazn. George Cessat. va, asleep and drsaniug.1-PàM IÀMUe Jeu Poanlsansd Michael McGuire voee ouvlcted by innées lu circuit BSnas a Barosueere court ou levidence giveis by the in- Keepng vointae ti yeu If il la vestigatana emplayod by the Gaad ging taenILf Sual are excellent Govcrmnat «m Thefr cse baronetere. If there la rai. lu lie air 1)I DA S vote appuedte t he appifla. court inalu it. viieek dseJr untier louves, R laAV tise huri af aS trueor au" otker Isudy sud rensnded for retrial. It doveops place. E L trial outil the ee oftIse People aofI' t Oss ens, Wsdstei am tIse Biais versos Edward sud Fred 1coutld net afaord ta use lioe.meo as an"yl te id A. U. Armstrong bas beon dispased of. vituensses iie they vere unIes - l- O E V N G Stato's Attoruey James G. Welch dlQeet- P NIE.